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Naturopathic Medicine: How Are Complaints Filed?

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required examination(s), and have met ongoing

educational requirements that help them stay

current with professional practice. Please visit
the Committee’s Web site for additional informa­ What is Naturopathic Medicine?
tion at MEDICINE Naturopathic medicine is a distinct and compre­
hensive system of primary health care that uses
How Are Complaints Filed? natural methods and substances to support and
You can obtain a complaint form by calling stimulate the body’s self-healing process. It is
the Naturopathic Medicine Committee at A Consumer’s Guide to distinguished by the principles on which its prac­
Naturopathic Doctors in California (916) 928-4785, by using the on-line complaint tice is based. These principles include:
In order to be licensed as a naturopathic doctor form, or by downloading a complaint form on the
Web site at 1. The Healing Power of Nature: Naturopathic
in California, NDs must graduate from a school
complaint. doctors (NDs) trust in the body’s inherent
accredited by the Council of Naturopathic Medical
wisdom to heal itself.
Education that offers a graduate degree of Doctor
Other Resources 2. Identify and Treat the Cause: Look beyond
of Naturopathy or Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.
The California Naturopathic Doctors Association the symptoms to effectively address the
The education requirements consist of at least
(CNDA) is a professional association of natur­ underlying cause(s) of illness.
4,100 hours of training, of which not less than
opathic doctors in California. Contact information: 3. First Do No Harm: Seek to utilize the
2,500 hours are academic training and not less
most natural, least invasive, and least
than 1,200 hours are supervised clinical training. 1017 “L” Street, Suite 192 toxic therapies first.
ND license candidates must also pass a licensing Sacramento, CA 95814
exam that is administered by the North American 4. Doctor as Teacher: The primary role of an ND
is a teacher who educates and encourages
Board of Naturopathic Examiners.
600 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 308 people to take responsibility for their own
health and to take steps to achieve and
California Naturopathic Pasadena, CA 91106
maintain optimal health.
(626) 793-0140
Medicine Committee 5. Treat the Whole Person: Total health includes
The Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine was estab­ physical, emotional, mental, genetic, environ­
lished by the Legislature as part of the Department The American Association of Naturopathic mental, social, spiritual, and other factors.
of Consumer Affairs, and began licensing NDs in Physicians (AANP) is a national professional
6. Prevention: Encourage and emphasize
January 2005. The Bureau became the Naturo­ society representing licensed or licensable
disease prevention and focus on promoting
pathic Medicine Committee under the Osteopathic naturopathic physicians. Contact information:
health and wellness.
Medical Board of California in October 2009. The

4435 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 403
Committee is designed as a resource for California
Washington, DC 20016
consumers who choose naturopathic doctors for Toll free: 1-866-538-2267

their healthcare.
In addition to licensing, the Committee provides
license status, investigates consumer
complaints, and, if needed, pursues
disciplinary actions against licensed NDs.
Licensure ensures that naturopathic doctors have 09_217 (11/09)
the required educational training, have passed the
N aturopathic doctors are trained in a
wide variety of complementary and alternative
the health issues being addressed, therapies
being utilized, and other treatment goals.
If you have insurance that does
not cover naturopathic medical
therapies, including: care, use of a Health Savings
NDs have different styles and areas of
Account (HSA) or flexible spend­
• Herbal and Homeopathic Medicine emphasis in their practices. Some may act
ing account may cover this care.
• Clinical Nutrition and Diet as general practitioners—some may focus on
Check with your employer to deter­
• Vitamins, Amino Acids, Minerals, Enzymes, particular areas of health such as detoxification
mine if one of these options
and Nutraceuticals or immune support, and others may focus
is available to you.
on particular therapies such as homeopathy
• Physical Medicine such as Massage, Body­ specific health condition to those seeking to
work, Exercise Therapy, and Hydrotherapy or nutrition. Selecting a naturopathic doctor How Do I Find a
improve general health and wellness. NDs treat
who is right for you depends on the type of
• Counseling and Behavioral Therapies infants to senior citizens, men and women, Licensed Naturopathic
condition for which you are seeking help and
• Health and Lifestyle Counseling and those in all stages of health and disease.
the types of therapies that interest you.
Naturopathic medicine can benefit people who
You can access a list of licensed naturopathic
In addition, NDs may prescribe hormones. prefer a natural approach to their health care When working with a naturopathic doctor, plan doctors by selecting “Verify a License” on the
They may also order other prescription drugs in as well as those seeking integrated solutions to be actively involved in your treatment. Your Naturopathic Medicine Committee’s Web site
collaboration with a medical doctor. to their health needs. ND may work with you to change your diet or at
exercise habits, teach you ways to reduce
Why Visit a Naturopathic Doctor? What to Expect from a Visit stress, as well as use supplements, vitamins, Naturopathic Medical
If you are looking for any or all of the following: to a Naturopathic Doctor herbs, and other medicines and treatments Training and Education
• a primary health care Discussing your needs with a naturopathic to help you meet your goals. Ask questions
Naturopathic doctors attend four-year,
provider doctor will help to focus your care. about your treatment and inform your ND about
graduate-level, accredited naturopathic
• treatment for acute or A typical first visit with an ND lasts signs of improvement or stubborn symptoms.
medical schools. NDs are trained as primary
chronic conditions 60–90 minutes and includes taking Your ND may consider further diagnostic tests,
care practitioners. Training covers a wide
a relevant health history, conducting changes in your treatment plan, or referrals to
• a prevention-oriented holis­ range of therapies as well as science and
an appropriate examination, and other health care professionals.
tic approach to your health clinical courses. An important
making recommendations for
• someone to work in an aspect of naturopathic
treatment. It may include gathering Insurance Coverage for
integrated way with your medical training is learning
current medical doctor information such as laboratory test Naturopathic Care about other health
results, medical records, a diet diary, More and more insurance companies are care professions and
Naturopathic medical care can and other information. Follow-up covering naturopathic medical care. appropriate referral
benefit all Californians, from visits vary in length and frequency Ask your carrier about coverage patterns.
those looking for help with a depending on the individual nature of or reimbursement.

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