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CHCCCS015 Provide Individual Support

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The key takeaways from the document are the importance of following proper documentation procedures, maintaining privacy and confidentiality of client information, and reporting any additional needs or incidents to the appropriate parties.

Risk management considerations include identifying potential risks to clients' health and safety and having plans in place to respond to those risks. This could include monitoring clients for changes in condition, ensuring a safe physical environment, and having emergency procedures.

It is important to refer and report additional needs or changes in a client's condition so they can receive proper care and support. This helps meet the client's needs and maintain their wellbeing.

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

Student Name: samanpreet kaur

Student ID No: icac200836

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CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

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☒Student ☒Case Study/ ☐ Observations ☐Oral ☐Other

Type of
Questions scenarios questions
assessment [Tick]


Nature of Assessment

☐Summative Assessment or ☐Formative Assessment

☐Evidence gathering method


☐I acknowledge that I have submitted all assessments in this unit of competency and they are my
own work.
☐I have not copied any of my answers from others. I have read ALACC plagiarism policy and
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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia

Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072

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ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872

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CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

Assessment ☒ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4
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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia

Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072

t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:

ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872

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CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support



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course; and have conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment

☐And Rules of Evidence gathering,


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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia

Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072

t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:

ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872

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CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions


☐a) Try to implement the aspect of the plan

regardless of your skills and knowledge

What would you do (as your duty of care) if part of ✓ b) Seek appropriate support from another source
a person’s individualised plan requires support with to help with the implementation of that aspect of the
a task that is outside the scope of your own plan
knowledge, skills or job role?
☐c) Do nothing, let the person implement the part of
the plan alone

☐d) All of the above

✓ a) Report the review requirements to a supervisor

What would you do (as a part of duty of care) if ☐b) Implement changes without consulting a
there are aspects of a person’s plan that need to be supervisor
reviewed and maybe changed?
☐c) Do nothing

☐d) All of the above

☐a) Gather feedback from the person

☐b) Gather feedback from family and carers

What action would you take to monitor support
activities? ☐c) Make observations

✓ d) All of the above

☐a) Progress reports

☐b) Case notes

Written reports you give to a supervisor come in the
☐c) Care plans
form of:
✓ d) All of the above
☐e) None of the above

☐a) Comply with the organisation’s reporting


☐b) Complete documentation according to

organisation policy and protocols
When completing documentation and reporting you
☐c) Maintain documentation in a way that is
need to ensure that you:
consistent with reporting requirements

☐d) File documentation in accordance with

policy and protocols

✓ e) All of the above

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions

✓ a) Client's strengths, interests, health and

emotional wellbeing and self determination

Individualised planning is based upon: ☐b) Doctor’s visiting requirements

☐c) Facilities available within the organisation

☐d) All the above

☐a) Supports skill development and/or


☐b) Promotes a sense of freedom

Adult education as a part of an individualised plan:

☐c) Helps to overcome segregation

✓ d) All of the above

☐a) Feedback from person, family, carers and other

interested people

☐b) Observations
Monitoring of support activities may include:

☐c) Requests

✓ d) All of the above

☐a) To determine the level of client participation

☐b) To determine which aspects of the client need to

be reviewed
Support activities that are being implemented as
part of a person’s individualised plan should be ☐c) To determine changes in client’s blood pressure

monitored to: and weight

✓ d) Both a) and b)
☐e) Both a) and c)

☐a) Supervisor

From whom should you seek assistance when it is ☐b) Manager

not possible to provide appropriate support to the ☐c) Co-workers
aged person? ☐d) Family

✓ e) All of the above

Some report writing points that you need to keep in ☐a) Concise and complete information
mind when completing progress notes are: ☐b) Ensure it is signed (Signature, print name and
☐c) Complete all details Date, time
☐d) Any errors should be indicated with a strike
through the error and initialled
☐e) Both a) and b)

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions
✓ f) All of the above
☐a) Report to the supervisor
When you are providing assistance to a person to
☐b) Take action under own level of responsibility
help maintain a safe and healthy environment, what
☐c) Ignore the risk
would you do if you identify situations of risk or
potential risk: ✓ d) Both a) and b)
☐e) All of the above

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions


List three (3) tasks that you are required to do as part of your role.

help in shopping

Give two (2) examples of practices that support skills maintenance and development.

Collaborate and network with relevant people in order to achieve learning and skills development and maintenance
objectives. This enables the person to maximise their potential in the areas identified by their individual goals.

It is important that you ensure your clients are aware of their rights. Give four (4) examples of what
rights a client may have.

make a complain
receive appropriate care relevant to their needs
be treated with respect
make own decisions
withdraw from service at any time

Outline a complaints procedure that may be in place within an organisation.

It could be made in person, in written, over the telephone or by email.

a) Give three (3) examples of the actions and activities that can support a client’s
individualised plan.
b) Why is important to promote a client’s independence and their right to make their own decisions?

employment support
cleaning services
accommodation services support
personal care
transport services support

It will help them to maintain their pride and dignity. It can also help in improve their quality of life. We have to ask
and encourage them to what to wear, who to talk to, in what activities they want to participate in. It will improve
their quality of life.

Why should you arrange support in line with organisation specifications?

Arrange support in line with organisation specifications to address the needs of the client. It also matter
about client preferences such as what they want .

Why should all exchanges with clients be respectful and develop trust?

Trust allows for open communication. With respect and trust we both feel safe, secure and loved. The bond is very
strong when we give respect and show trust. Trust is essential because it provides a sense of safety.

Why is it important to respect and include a client’s family and/or carer as part of the support team?

They have the knowledge about person’s likes/dislikes and their life. We always need to listen to them and include
them in design and delivery of client’s individualised plan. It is better outcome for the person.

Why should you contribute to a safe and healthy environment? Give three (3) reasons.

Low risk of cross - contamination

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions
Low risk of infection
Low risk to health from microorganisms

List four (4) different ways in which you can maintain a clean and comfortable environment
for your clients.

Keeping up-to-date with the relevant training

Maintaining good personal hygiene
wearing the correct PPE
cleaning equipment and tools according to instructions and guidelines
Practicing good hand hygiene

How can you monitor your own work to ensure the required standard of support is maintained?

Keep a File.
Find out the Supervisor's Expectations.
Get Feedback From Others. ...
Be a Team Player.
Plan Ahead.
Be Reflective.

Why should you involve clients in discussions about how your support services are meeting their needs?

If the client is happy, it means services are better for them. A person can tell us better about his likes/dislikes. We
have to ask the person how they like the services, if they want to change any service , then we have to.

Why could it be beneficial to discuss reviews and changes of the individualised plan with both the client
and the supervisor?

An individualised plan for a person with support needs must be reviewed regularly to ensure it reflects their current
circumstances and needs. If their health or abilities improve, the person may no longer require the services they
are receiving or some support activities may no longer meet their needs.Even we have to discuss about changes
with supervisor so that She can update the services and will know about person’s plan.

Briefly describe the following rationale and processes underpinning individualised support planning:

Principles of person-centred practice

• Treat people with dignity, compassion, and respect.
• Provide coordinated care, support, and treatment.
• Offer personalised care, support, and treatment.
• Enable service users to recognise and develop their strengths and abilities, so they can live an independent and
fulfilling life.

Strengths based practice

Strengths-based practice is a collaborative process between the person supported by services and those
supporting them, allowing them to work together to determine an outcome that draws on the person's strengths
and assets.
Strengths-based practice is goal oriented. The central and most crucial element of any approach is the extent to
which people themselves set goals they would like to achieve in their lives.

Active support
Active Support is one of a number of person centred approaches that include person centred planning, person
centred thinking and positive behaviour support.  Active Support is a way of providing just the right amount of
assistance, to enable a person with intellectual disability to successfully take part in meaningful activities and social
relationships. Active Support is not something that you schedule for set times, or with particular people. It is a way
of working that you can apply at all times, with all people.    

Give two (2) examples of the roles and responsibilities of the following different people and the
communication between them:

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions
Carers and family
Role and responsibilities of carer:
•Practical tasks such as, tidying the house, doing washing, ironing, paying the bills, cooking meals, shopping.
•Personal care including, dressing, washing, lifting, giving medication or collecting prescriptions, attending
doctors' appointments.
Role and responsibilities of Family:
family support is a key source of assistance, care, and advocacy, resulting in better care for nursing home
residents. Family provides care to elderly people. They assist and help in variety of physical task such as bathing,
dressing, giving medication and feeding them

Person being supported

Roles and responsibilities: The main role of a support person is to help their loved one heal through support,
encouragement and communication during their stay at Strong Memorial Hospital. Because of the importance of a
support person's role, we believe they are critical members of a patient's health care team.

Heath professionals
They provide essential services that promote health, prevent diseases and deliver health care services to
individuals, families and communities based on the primary health care approach. Health professionals play a
central and critical role in improving access and quality health care for the population.

Individual workers
Take all reasonable precautions to protect the health and safety of workers; Ensure that equipment, materials and
protective equipment are maintained in good condition; Provide information, instruction and supervision to protect
worker health and safety.

Managing and supporting workers so they can perform their roles safely and to the best of their ability.
supporting your manager to run your workplace according to standards and legislation.

Give four (4) examples of service delivery models relevant to the ageing and community services sector.

• information services
• assessment services
• aged care services
• related support services
The Medical Model looks at symptoms, illness and sickness.
The Human Service Model Looks at the client and their environment
The Public Health Model. Looks at how illness affects population. Focus is on education, prevention and nutrition

Briefly describe your understanding of the following legal and ethical requirements and their application
in an organisation:

Confidentiality and disclosure

Confidentiality refers to the duty of anyone entrusted with health information to keep that information private.
privacy is the right of an individual to have some control over how his or her personal information (or personal
health information) is collected, used, and/or disclosed.

The Aged care reforms and human rights approach

Reforms to the aged care system in Australia are improving quality of care. They are also making it easier for older
people to access government-funded aged care services and support. The reforms create a better aged care
system to give older people more choice and control and easier access to a range of aged care services.
A human rights based approach is about empowering people to know and claim their rights and increasing the
ability and accountability of individuals and institutions who are responsible for respecting, protecting and fulfilling
rights. This means giving people greater opportunities to participate in shaping the decisions that impact on their
human rights. It also means increasing the ability of those with responsibility for fulfilling rights to recognise and

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions
know how to respect those rights, and make sure they can be held to account.

Under discrimination law, it is unlawful to treat a person less favourably on the basis of particular protected
attributes such as a person's sex, race, disability or age. Treating a person less favourably can include harassing or
bullying a person.

Mandatory reporting
Mandatory reporting is the legal requirement for certain professional groups to report a reasonable belief of child
physical or sexual abuse to child protection authorities.

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions
Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Signature:Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap to enter a date.

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :

Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

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Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Did you:
☐ get support to complete this unit
☐ the information provided in the classroom helpful
☐ the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Signature: Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap to enter a date.

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 1: Student questions

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios


An elderly client is adamant that they want to continue to make their own meals rather than have a
worker come in to do it. They have an unsteady hand and have previously burnt and cut themselves.
You know that it is unsafe for them to continue making their own meals but need to respect their

a) What is duty of care?

a) What is dignity of risk?

a) Duty of care is the moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety of others. This means always acting with in
your levels of competence, not doing anything (or neglecting to do something) that may harm an individual and
always acting in the best interests of the individuals you care for.
b) Dignity of risk requires that clients be encouraged to make informed life-choice decisions involving actions or
inactions. It is the idea which depends on self-determination and the right to take reasonable risks for the patient.

In the scenario outlined above, What would you do? How would you balance the duty of care requirements

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios
with the dignity of risk requirements?

Firstly, we will convince her to hire a worker and he will help you in cooking as you want. We will try to make
them comfortable as they want and also help her in additional work. We will maintain their dignity by not sharing
things with others to keep their privacy. We will respect her.

Why is it important to find a balance between duty of care and dignity or risk when providing support to a

Because this is our duty of care. We will discuss with client about her preferences if we will not hear her then it will
effect on mental ability. She can get frustrated.

Mr. Mesic is a 70-year old Croatian man who has arrived at your facility for admission. Mr. Mesic is accompanied by
his son as Mr. Mesic’s English is limited. His son tells you that Mr. Mesic often complains of a sore hip but you are
to ignore it as it is an old injury.
When you are helping Mr Mesic to unpack, you discover several bottles of pills. You ask Mr Mesic about them he
tells you they are ‘vitamins’.
(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

a) List three (3) examples of aspects within the individualised care plan that may need reviewing.
b) Why is it important to review these aspects of the individualised care plan regularly? PC 3.3

a) To ensure that it reflects their current circumstances and needs.

If their health or abilities improve, the person may no longer require the services they are receiving or some
support activities may no longer meet their needs.
It is important that services are clear about the purpose of undertaking monitoring and reviews of individual plans.

b) it is important to evaluate plans regularly and assess them against the quality, currency and relevance of the
information and guidance they provide (but also reflect on the information that underpinned determining the
selected and priority options in the first place

Identify a potential or actual risk in this scenario.

Misuse of medicine

Pain deteriorating in future

language barrier

What are the risk management considerations and ways to respond to risks identified?

will use body or sign language to understand him

For pain, will use heat pack or warm shower so he can relieve from pain

For medicine, it is the duty of nurses to take care of his medicines

Identify additional care/support needs that Mr. Mesic may have due to limited ability to speak and understand
English. How will you respond to these needs?
CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios

Active listening

Body language

use gestures, graphics

use technology to transfer his language to english


Why is it important to refer and report signs of additional and unmet needs?

Because it will cause inconvenience due to lack of understanding between carer and person. It is very important to
met the additional needs of the patient so that proper care will be provided to the patient to the patient by the

It is your first day at work. Your buddy asks you to make a resident’s bed. You found the resident on the floor in
his bathroom. He has a head injury and complains of severe pain.

List your organisation’s formal and informal reporting requirements for this incident.

Informal report is a document shared within organisation. informal reports are:

Memos, emails, papers, notes

The formal report's will include the problem and the purpose of the report, before presenting the research. for
example: inspection report, safety report, annual report, situation report

Why should you ensure you comply with your organisation’s reporting requirements? Give two (2) reasons.

It is necessary so that the appropriate response can be undertaken to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of
It is evidence of care and treatment provided to a person, to identify residents status in order to document the
need for care planning, implement and evaluation of care.

What could happen if no standard sign of format was applied to your workplace documentation?

We cant find any file without format. An effective quality management system ensures that documentation is up-
to-date and being used effectively by staff members. However, the failure to maintain documents in an appropriate
way can have serious consequences for an organisation, from work inefficiencies and miscommunication through to
systemic problems that can lead to sanctions, fines or loss of accreditation

Who is responsible for filing documentation in your workplace?

An effective quality management system ensures that documentation is up-to-date and being used effectively by
staff members.
Staff members are responsible for filling documentation in workplace.

How will you maintain confidentiality and privacy of the person in all dealings within the organisation policy
and protocols?

we have to store all the information in secure system.

Individual files are locked and secured
Information about clients is not told to people who do not need to know
clients’ medical details are not discussed without their consent
Use passwords to access restricted computer files.
CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios

Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Signature:Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap to enter a date.

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :

Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

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Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

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Did you:
☐ get support to complete this unit
☐ the information provided in the classroom helpful
☐ the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?

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Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios

Signature: Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap to enter a date.

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