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Three Phase Slurry Reacfors

This article reviews the major developments in the engineering and P. A. RAMACHANDRAN
design of three-phase slurry catalytic reactors. A general theoretical anal- Nationol Chemicol Loborotory
ysis for predicting the overall rate of reaction in a slurry reactor for various Poono 41 1 008 India
kinetics is presented, incorporating all the transport effects. Modeling of
semi-batch reactors is discussed and design procedures are indicated. Some
major correlations and methods for determining gas-liquid and liquid-solid
mass transfer coefficients and effective diffusivity in liquid filled pores are
reviewed. Slurry reactors are compared with other three-phase reactors,
such as trickle bed or packed bed reactors, and relative merits are pointed

Three-phase reactors have many diverse applications and polymerization reactions. A recent application of
in catalytic reaction engineering. There are two common slurry reactors is in the field of pollution control, where
modes of operation of the three phase reactor: (1) trickle a gas or liquid phase contaminant is oxidized in a slurry
bed or packed bed operation where the catalyst is sta- catalytic reactor. The potential application of slurry reac-
tionary and the liquid flows as a dispersed phase, the tors is likely to expand with new developments in the
gas being the continuous phase and (2) slurry reactors field of %eterogenized' homogeneous catalysts. These cata-
where the catalyst is suspended in the liquid medium by lysts are in the form of polymer bound transition metal
either mechanical or gas-induced agitation. The slurry complexes, and the reactions are normally carried out in
is now the continuous phase and the gas is well dispersed a slurry reactor. (For example, hydroformylation of ole-
in the reactor. Here the liquid medium could either be fins, carbonylation of methanol to acetic acid, and oxida-
a reactant or an inert medium for contacting the dissolved tion of ethylene to vinyl acetate). Slurry operations have
gases with the solids. Similarly the gaseous component many advantages over other modes of three-phase con-
could be either a reactant or an inert to pravide agita- tacting, e.g., in controlling the temperature and reducing
tion. The solid particles in most cases are catalysts or the extent of intraparticle diffusion. Since these reactors
adsorbents. A number of reviews are available on trickle operate at moderate conditions, higher selectivity can
bed reactors (Satterfield 1975, Goto et al. 1977) and packed also be envisaged.
bed three-phase reactors (Hofmann 1978), while there is I t is the purpose of this review to evaluate the major
no recent review on the slurry reactors. engineering developments and design procedures in this
Slurry reactors are commonly used in many industrial area, and to discuss methods of analyzing slurry reactor
systems. The scope of the review is restricted to the cases
processes. Some notable examples are hydrogenation of where the solid is either a catalyst or an adsorbent. The
unsaturated oils, Fischer-Tropsch reaction for hydrocarbon situation where the solid undergoes a reaction in the
synthesis, oxjdation of olefins, ethynylation of aldehydes, slurry is not considered.


Catalytic reactions in slurries involve processes such tant for various kinetic schemes. A concept of an overall
as gas-liquid mass transfer, liquid-to-particle mass transfer, effectiveness factor of a slurry reactor which leads to
intraparticle diffusion, adsorption, surface reaction and analytical equations for various non-linear kinetics is
desorption of products, making it a highly complicated introduced. The status of information on consecutive and
system. In analyzing data in slurry reactors, one must parallel reaction schemes is also discussed. Several useful
consider carefully all these resistances. In the case of criteria are also given, which allow the simplification of
complex reaction systems, additional effects due to non- complex models for certain situations.
linear kinetics may be involved. All of these steps can Many industrial slurry reactors are operated in a semi-
influence the performance of slurry reactors in practice. batch manner (with the liquid phase stationary and con-
In this review, a general theoretical analysis of slurry tinuous gas flow). In such cases, it is necessary to predict
reactors incorporates all the transport effects and com- the conversion of the liquid phase component as a func-
plex kinetics. Equations are presented for calculating the tion of time and in this work, such equations are pre-
overall rate of reaction, when transport effects are impor- sented. Further, the influence of some complexities such
as change in the solubility and product inhibition are
0 The American Institute of Chem-
also discussed. Suitable examples illustrate the utility of
ical Engineers, 1980. the theory in some practical situations.

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 177

The status of design information is discussed and some are summarized. We also present a summary of prediction
major correlations and methods of experimental deter- of minimum operating conditions for complete suspension
mination of gas-liquid and liquid-solid mass transfer of particles, Methods of analyzing experimental
coefficients are reviewed. Correlations from different litera-
ture SOUTCeS are with suitable examples, The reactor data with a view of evaluating the mass transfer
available data on effective diffusivity in liquid filled pores and kinetic parameters are discussed.

The sIuny reactors have a number of advantages over GENERAL THEORETICAL ANALYSIS
other three-phase reactors, such as tickle bed or packed A general three-phase slurry system can be represented
bubble bed reactors. These are: by the reaction scheme
1. As small particle size of the catalyst can be used
in a slurry reactor, the intraparticle diffusional resistance +
A VB Products (i)
is less in comparison to a trickle or packed bubble bed
reactor. The trickle bed reactors normally employ catalyst The species A is generally a reactant in the gas phase
particle sizes at which the intraparticle diffusion may be and B is a nonvolatile reactant in the liquid phase. The
significant. reaction of A and B is assumed to occur at the interior
2. The external mass transfer coefficients in shrry surface of the catalyst particles, which are suspended in
reactors are higher than in trickle or packed beds, which the liquid medium. A number of industrially important
leads to better utilization of the catalyst. reaction systems conform to this scheme. Examples are
3. SIurries have higher heat capacities and higher heat found in hydrogenation and oxidation reactions. In some
transfer coefficients. Due to this, temperature control of industrially important cases, both A and B may be present
exothermic reactions is better in slurry reactors, and the in the gas phase, Oxidation of SO2 over activated carbon
formation of hot spots can be avoided. Slurry reactors catalyst is an example which has applications in pollution
are relatively safer for reactions with temperature run- control. Methanation reaction and Fischer-Tropsch s p -
away. The large liquid volume is also an advantage in thesis are other well-known examples.
maintaining isothermal conditions. The heat recovery, The intrinsic rate of reaction over the active sites
too, in these reactors is better. of the catalyst per unit weight of catalyst may be repre-
4. In trickle bed reactors, partial wetting of catalyst sented by a power-law kinetic model
surface may exist for a certain range of liquid flow rates,
and in such cases the entire catalyst may not be utilized
n = kcm+n,AmBn (1)
in certain situations (see, for example, Ramachandran where, SL is the local rate of reaction at a point within
and Smith 1979). In slurry reactors, this problem is not the catalyst where the concentrations are A and B. The
encountered. analysis of the reaction rate in a slurry system is simplified
5. In view of the pelletizing difficulties and the high when one of the reactants ( B ) is in excess, The variation
cost involved in pelletizing, slurry reactors may prove to of B in the reactor is then not significant and concentra-
be more useful in some cases. tion of B is uniform throughout the catalyst, hence the
In spite of these several advantages of slurry reactors, kinetic model can be simplified as
they pose some practical problems. A major problem is
the ~djfficultyin separating the catalyst and handling of n = k,Am (2)
the slurry. Because of this, the application of slurry where, km is a pseudo mth order rate constant, equal to
reactors in continuous processes has been limited. k(m+,>Bln. A criterion for Equation ( 2 ) to be valid is
Two types of slurry reactor operations are normally discussed later.
encountered: mechanically agitated slurry reactors and An alternate and mechanistically more realistic way of
bubble column slurry reactors. The mechanically agitated representing the rate is in terms of the Langmuir-Hinshel-
reactors have the advantage of high heat and mass trans- wood (L-H) model, although the power law model has
fer efficiency, while they pose probIems like catalyst the advantage of mathematical simplicity. The reaction
attrition and complete backmixing of the liquid phase. In rate based on this model for single-site mechanism may
the bubble column reactors, catalyst is suspended by means be expressed as
of gas induced agitation. They have the advantage of low
power consumption. The backmixing can be slightly re- (3)
duced in this type of reactors. But they have a disadvan-
tage of nonuniform catalyst distribution and lower mass First the analysis of slurry reactors is made for the
and heat transfer efficiency. case when pseudo rnth order conditions are satisfied. The
This review considers two aspects of slurry reactors. effect of transport steps is analyzed in detail for reactions
The first is a mathematical development of the effect of of various orders and for L-H modeIs. A more general
mass transfer on several different intrinsic rate models case of (m, n)th order reaction is then analyzed.
in a slurry reactor. The second part is a literature review The analysis in this section is for differential conditions,
of correlations for predicting design parameters. The in- so that the conditions in the liquid phase are assumed to
formation presented here will be useful in selecting suit- change only slightly. This restriction is important because
able reactor type, and experimental evaluation of kinetic the pseudo-mth order rate constant, km, changes with
parameters and design. the concentration of liquid phase reactant B. Also, in

Page 178 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

1 - +-1 1
(KL~)A HA(~~Q)A(~LG)A

Equation (4) is based on the assumption that the

liquid phase is completely mixed. The integrated form
of Equation (4) is
Ag i


a The concentration of gas A leaving the reactor is


I ! I I i
I Ag,=Agiexp(-cd) + H A A I [-~ e x p ( - a ~ L ) ] (8)
The rate of gas absorbed per unit volume of slurry is
- r
Figure 1. Concentration profile for a slurry catalyzed reaction.

some cases, the solubility of the gas is strongly influenced

by changes in liquid concentrations. For example, in the The rate of mass transfer from the liquid to the surface
oxidation of SOz (Komiyama and Smith 1975) the HzS04 of the solid is
formed decreases the solubility of both Oz and SO2 in R A = (ksap)A(Al - As) (10)
the medium. A further complicating effect of product
inhibition is observed in some systems, These aspects will Combining Equations (9) and (lo),the overall rate of
be briefly discussed later. Thus the analysis is valid for transfer of A from the gas phase to the external surface
a semi-batch reactor only for a differential increment of of the catalyst can be expressed as
time. It is not valid for the entire period of operation.
Analysis of semi-batch reactors is attempted in a separate
A number of steps have to occur before a species can where
r 1
be converted to products over the active surface of the
catalyst in a slurry reactor. For component A present in
the gas phase, the steps are
1. Transport of A from the bulk gas phase to the gas-
liquid interface.
2. Transport from gas-liquid interface to the bulk
liquid. Equation (11) gives total rate of mass transfer from
3. Transport from bulk liquid to the catalyst surface. gas phase to the catalyst surface for the reactor. It in-
4. Intraparticle diffusion in the pores of the catalyst. corporates gas to liquid mass transfer, liquid to solid
5. Adsorption of A on the active sites of the catalyst. mass transfer and also the effects of varying gas
6. Surface reaction of A to yield products. phase concentration in the reactor. Note that, for spar-
In the case of reversible reactions, additional steps such ingly soluble gases, the term H A Q / V L [1 - exp ( - - ~ A L])
as desorption of products, transport of products from the reduces to ( k L a ) A ,indicating that the effects of varying
catalyst to bulk liquid and to bulk gas (for volatile prod- gas phase concentration are negligible. In this situation
ucts) may also become rate limiting. The concentration the overall rate of mass transfer of species A is given by
profile for an irreversibly reacting species in a slurry
system is schematically shown in Figure 1.
Overall Rate of Mass Transfer
The rate of mass transfer of species A from gas phase
to the surface of the catalyst, can be derived from the On the other hand, for highly soluble gases the term
relevant equations for steps 1 to 3. Steady state conditions HAQ/VL[~- exp( - a A L ) ] reduces to H A Q / V L ,indicat-
are assumed, and the mixing pattern of the gas phase in ing that the gas to liquid mass transfer resistance has no
the reactor is assumed to be plug flow. The implication significance.
of this assumption is examined later, where the effect of
gas backmixing will be discussed.
Rate of Chemical Reaction
The mass balance of gas A as a function of height
measured from the point of gas inlet is Equations (11) and (12) can be used to predict the
rate of mass transfer of A, but the external surface con-
centration A, is unknown and has to be determined con-
sidering the rate of chemical reaction. The local rate
of reaction within the catalyst can be expressed using
where ( K L U ) Ais the overall mass transfer coefficient for power law model
transfer of A from bulk gas to bulk liquid. H A is the
Henry's law solubility coefficient of the gas in the liquid a = k,Am (14)
medium. The overall mass transfer coefficient (KLa)A In this equation, steps of adsorption and surface reaction
is related to individual gas side and liquid side mass have not been considered separately. The rate constant k,
transfer coefficients by and the order rn are apparent constants, including the

AlChE Journol (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 179

effects of both. When m = 1, the value of km is a com-
bination of the rate of adsorption and surface reaction
steps and is given by -[1- exp(-a&)]

Equation (19) is similar to those normally used for

First, the analysis is given for a case of negligible intra- first order reaction of a single gas in a slurry reactor. See,
particle diffusion effects. for example, Satterfield (1970), Sherwood and Farkas
mth Order Reoction ( 1966), Hoberts (19i6). The diflerence between Equa-
For mtll order reaction, the rate of reaction of A per tion (19) and those presented in earlier works is that
unit volume of slurry in the absence oi signillcant iiitra- Equation (19) is for a reactor and hence is applicable
particle clff-usion gradients can be expressed as also when the concentration of A in the gas phase is
changing significantly along the height measured from
RA = wkmAsm ( 16) the point 01 gas inlet.
The intraparticle concentration gradients may be con- In a numoer of situations, adsorption plays an im-
sidered to be negligible when the following condition is portant role and the rate of chemical reaction is then
satisfied better represented by Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) type
models. It may be appropriate at this stage to discuss
brieHy whether the power-law model or L-H model is
more suitable for expressing the slurry reactor kinetics.
Combining Equations (11) and (16) gives the following The power-law model is more easy for fitting experimental
expression for the rate of mtI1 order reaction in a slurry data but it does not take into account the mechanistic
reactor aspects of adsorption and surface reaction. l'he apparent
order of reaction m or n is only an empirical constant
and can change with change in concenkations.
Another situation where the power-law kinetics may
Equation (18) is an implicit expression for RA and the fail is in reactions proceeding consecutively with the
rates can be obtained by a trial and error procedure. Also, formation of an intermediate. l'he reactant and inter-
for specific values of m, such as 1, I/z and 2, explicit mediate may be competitively adsorbed, and the reaction
relaiionslups could also be obtained. For m = 1, the order may change with the relative concentration of the
rate of reaction of A is given by reactant and the intermediate. The overall rate of reaction


Kinetic model, 9 Rate of reaction, Equation

Reaction type = mole/gm/sec RA, mole/cm3/sec number

1 1 -1
First-order T.1.1
Second-order T.1.2
Half-order T.1.3
Zero-order See text, Equations (35), (36) and (37)
[single site]
- [(l+&A"+- wkl )2 - 4wk;;A' a'] } T.1.4
[two components] See Equation (48) in text -
A e E T.1.5


- [ ( A" + -
2wkz )
- A'2 +A2 1" } T.1.6

Note: 11 M A is defined by Equation (12) in the text.

21 A' is defined as A ~ H A .

Page 180 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

when Langmuir-Hinshelwood model is applicable can be 10
derived in an analogous manner.
The rate of reaction in a catalytic slurry reactor in the
absence of significant intraparticle diffusion has been IT 0 5
summarized in Table 1 for various kinetic models. (m = a
+$, 1, 2, single site L-H model and reversible reactions). I-

More complex models considering the rate of adsorption

9 03

as an independent step have also been proposed (Zwicky ?I 02
and Gut 1978). W
Rote o f Reaction Incorporating Intraporticle Diffusion
Y 01
When the concentration of A is not uniform in the
catalyst particle, the above equations are not applicable. 2

It is convenient then to express the rate in terms of a W

catalytic effectiveness factor $ 05

RA = qcwkmA,"' (20) 03

The catalytic effectiveness factor T~ can be obtained as

0 02
an approximation as 0 2 03 05 I 2 3 5 20

[coth(34) - -1
1 1
?"=7 34 Figure 2. Overall effectiveness factor for a first-order reaction in a
slurry reactor.
where, 4 is the generalized Thiele modulus defined (Bis-
chaff 1965) as
as = AJA' (28)
Incorporating a, from Equation ( 2 6 ) and rearranging
For mth order reaction, 4, is given by ( 2 0 ) , the overall effectiveness factor, 7 for a mth order
reaction in a slurry reactor is given by

I 0

It is seen that the Thiele modulus 4 is a function of the

concentration A,, except when m = 1. A trial and error CO'
calculation is then necessary for calculating RA for a
general case. The calculations are simplified by defining Ec c-3
an overall effectiveness factor, as shown by Ramachandran w
and Chaudhari ( 1979a). g- 0 2

Overall Effectiveness Factor yw
An effectiveness factor for a first-order slurry reaction ;o t
incorporating external and internal mass transfer effects I
has been defined by Sylvester et al. (1975). The concept
0 05
of an overall effectiveness factor is useful in simplifying
the calculation of rate of chemical reaction in a slurry
reactor. Ramachandran and Chaudhari ( 1979a) defined OI 0 2 03 05 10 20
the overall effectiveness factor as actual rate of reaction
divided by the rate based on the inlet gas Concentration
and neglecting all the transport resistances Figure 3. Overall effectiveness factor for a half-order reaction in a
RA slurry reactor.
wa(AQ) 10

For mth order reaction is defined as

RA 5 0.3

v= wk, ( A* ) m
To obtain an analytical solution for 17 in terms of known
parameters, the surface concentration of A (A,) has to
be eliminated. This can be done by expressing the surface
concentration of A in terms of the overall effectiveness
factor itself. From Equation (11) we have u

as=l-- (26) 0 04

=A 01 0 2 0 3 03
I 0

=+ I*[ 20

30 5 0 10 20

UA = Figure 4. Overall effectiveness fnctor for L-H type kinetics (single
wa(A*) site mechanism).

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 181

predicting rate using Equation (24). Plots of as a
function of and parameter 0;l have been presented for
first-order, half-order and single-site L-H kinetics in Fig-
ures 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Such plots can be used to
read the rate of reaction in a slurry system directly with-
out resorting to detailed calculations. Such plots are also
useful in interpreting laboratory experimental data.
Zero-Order Reaction
Reactions that are intrinsically zero-order with respect
to A are common in many cases. For example, the hydro-
genation of dinitrotoluene on a Pd-charcoal catalyst
(Acres and Cooper 1972), oxidation of cyclohexene on
oxide catalysts (nileyer et al. 1965)) and ethynylation of
formaldehyde on a Cu-acetylide catalyst (Kale and Chaud-
hari 1978) show zero-order behavior. Zero-order reactions
have a certain unique feature, warranting a separate
theoretical analysis, '1his is because the rate of reaction
R A 0 is unaffected by a decrease in concentration, as long as
-r the concentration is finite. The rate of reaction would
Figure 5. Concentration profile for a zero-order slurry catalyzed
therefore be independent of concentration and mass trans-
reaction.- = diffusion effects unimportant. -- - - - - fer rates, provided conditions are such that the concen-
diffusion effects important. tration of the reactive species is a non-zero quantity
everywhere inside the catalyst. If this condition is not
satisfied, and the concentration of A drops to zero at
some point ill the catalyst, the rate of reaction would
depend on concentration and on mass transfer rates. Re-
The generalized Thiele modulus 4 is a function of a, cently Chaudhari and Ramachandran ( 1980) analyzed
and a, is a function of 7. Eliminating a, in Equation ( 2 3 ) this problem and derived conditions under which the
for 4, using Equation (26), we obtain rate will be iiidependent of concentration. The condition

( 1 - 5)m-1]1'=
for concentration of A to be finite inside the catalyst is
R ( m + 1)
3 2
given by
Agi > (4)
critical (33)
Equation (29) is an implicit expression for 7 and has
to be solved by a trial and error procedure, as 4 is also
a function of 7. Having obtained 7 from Equations (29) (34)
and (30), the overall rate for mth order kinetics can be
When condition (33) is satisfied, the rate of reaction is
predicted using Equation (24). Thus, the overall effec- given by
tiveness factor aids in obtaining the rate of reaction in
a slurry reactor that incorporates all transport resistances. RA = wko (35)
For a first order reaction, the Thiele modulus given #
If the conditions are such that Equation (33) is not
by Equation (30) reduces to satisfied, and the concentration of A drops to zero at
R PPkl
some point 1, as shown in Figure 5, then the rate of
reaction can be calculated by a trial and error procedure
from the following set of equations
which is independent of a,. Hence the rate of reaction RA = wko[l - ( A / R ) 3 ] (36)
can be expressed as and
Aoi f 1 1

Equations (36) and ( 3 7 ) can be solved simultaneously to

obtain A/R and RA. The above theory is applicable to
sparingly soluble gases such as hydrogen. The overall
For higher values of + ( > 5 ) , the hyperbolic term in effectiveness factor 7 (see Table 2, Equation T.2.2) as a
Equation ( 3 2 ) can be approximated as unity leading to a function of U A and $, for a zero-order slurry reaction is
simplified equation. shown in Figure 6. The rate of reaction can be read from
For half-order, second-order and other complex kin- this graph without resorting to simultaneous solution of
etics, such as Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics with single Equations (36) and ( 3 7 ) .
site and dual site mechanisms, the equations for the There are some implications of this theory for the mode
overall effectiveness factor 7 and the modified Thiele of operation of slurry reactor catalyzing a zero-order
modulus 4 are summarized in Table 2. Using appropriate reaction. For example, if the concentration of A in the
equations, the overall effectiveness factor 7 can be cal- gas phase is greater than the value given by Equation
culated by solving non-linear algebraic equations and then ( 3 4 ) , then any further increase in concentration will not

Page 182 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

=< modela, Equation
mole/gm/sec Overall effectiveness factor, q Generalized Thiele modulus definition, 0 number

kdm Ilc T.2.1

See Equation (32) in text for RA

ko T.2.2




Note: 11v c is given as 1/0 [coth 30 - 1/3P)1.

8 21 Parameters # A is defined as MAA*/wQ(A*).
31 Rate of reaction can be calculated as nwQ(Aa).
41 Equation (T.2.5)is applicable when A is the limiting reactant.
2A+ B = 2E (iii)

where the kinetics is

As a simplification we assume
n = kz (A2 - A,') (43)
where k2 = k3B1 and Ae2 = E I 2 / B I K R . The rate of
r e a c t h per unit volume of slurry is then
RA AdA + 2wk,
= MA [ H MA - { ($ + z
- (-$)2 + A e 2 } "] (44)

Equations (41) and (44) are not applicable when intra-

particle diffusion is significant. In such cases, the overall
effectiveness factor can be used. Equations for this case
Figure 6. Effectiveness factor for a zero-order reaction in a slurry
(reaction scheme ii) are summarized in Table 2.
General [m,nlth Order Reaction
correspondingly improve the reactor performance. If
A,{ < (Ag)critical,then increasing the mass transfer rate The pseudo-mth order approximation ceases to be valid
(for instance, by improving agitation) may improve when Ihe value of B1 becomes comparable to A". This
reactor performance. On the olher hand, if A,i is greater may happen in oxidation of organic pollutants in a
than no further increase in agitation is nec- slurry reactor where the pollutant concentration B1 would
essary. be very small and comparable to A'. This can also occur
when two gases of comparable solubility are reacting in
Reversible Reactions the presence of a suspended catalyst. Some examples
In some cases, the gaseous species react reversibly falling in this category are: synthesis of hydrocarbons
in a slurry reactor, for example, hydrogenation of fatty by reaction of CO and Hz in a slurry phase (Kolbel
acid esters to fatty alcohols (Muttzall and van den Berg and Ackermann 1951, Schlesinger et al. 1951), oxidation
1968). This system is commercially important in the of CO in a slurry reactor (Id0 et al. 1976), hydrogenation
manufacture of fatty alcohols. A simplified case of re- of olefins, (Calderbank et al. 1963), oxidation of ethylene
versible reaction is examined here, which assumes the to ethylene oxide (Shingu 1961), and oxidation of formic
following reaction scheme acid (Baldi et al. 1974) and pollutant gases such as
SO2 (Komiyama and Smith, 1975) or HZS in a slurry
A+B = E+F (ii) reactor.
kalKa The concentration profile of two gases A and B which
The rate of reaction of A can be expressed as react among themselves in a slurry reactor is shown
schematically in Figure 7. When the chemical reaction is
= k2(AB - E F / K R ) (38)
If we assume that the concentrations of the liquid phase
species B, E and F are in excess (which would generally
be the case), the rate is simplified as

O = kl(A -Ae) (39)
where A, is the equilibrium concentration defined as
E l F i / B [ K R and kl the pseudo first-order rate constant
= k2B1. (It has been assumed here that the order of B" I
reaction with respect to A, B, E and I; is unily). The
rate of reaction per unit volume of slurry in the absence of I
significant intraparticle gradients (that is, wlieii the con-
dition given by Equation 17 is satisfied with m = 1) is I I
I a!
RA = klw ( A , - A,) (40)
Eliminating A, using Equation (11) we get an expression
for overall rate of reaction

R 0
In hydrogenation of fatty acid esters to fatty alcohols
(Muttzall and van den Berg 19682, the reaction is second- -r
order with respect to hydrogen and alcohol, and first-order Figure 7. Concentration profile for a general (m,n)th order slurry
with respect to ester. The reaction scheme for this case is reaction.

Page 184 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

first-order with respect to A and B, the rate of reaction centration of B drops to zero at some point A within
per unit volume ot slurry, in the absence of intraparticle the catalyst, then the rate would depend vn h e concen-
diffusion effects, can be expressed as tration of B as well, The reaction between A and B would
then occur only in the region A to R, even though the
Ra = WkzASB, (45) concentration of A may be finite in the region 0 to A.
The overall rate of mass transfer from gas phase to the Ramachandran and Chaudhari ( 1 9 7 9 ~ )derived condi-
surface of catalyst for A is given by Equation (11). tions under which the concentration of B would be finite
Similarly the overall rate of mass transfer of Lr is given as at all points within the catalyst. They also developed
equations for calculating the rate of reaction when
pseudo first-order conditions are not applicable.
where Special Cases: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reactions
In some situations, the reaction of A can occur homo-
geneously in the liquid phase (non-catalytic) and also
on the solid catalyst. Some examples are: hydration of
propylene oxide to monopropylene glycol ( Polyanskii and
Yoyanskaya 19'iO), ethylene oxide to monoethylene
and aB is defined as (KLu/u,H)B. Substituting for As glycol using ion exchange catalyst; oxidation reactions
and B, using Equations (11) and (46) in (45), the over- proceeding through the free radical mechanisms (Sadana
all rate can be expressed as and Katzer 1974, Meyer et al. 1965); and chlorination of
M ~ M ~ A O ~ 1
O 1 toluene using FeC13 catalyst (Tan and Ratcliffe 1974).
RA = In such cases, the contribution of homogeneous liquid
2 [M,A" + + wk2AoB*
phase reaction must also be considered to predict the
overall rate of reaction. 'I'he rate of reaction of A per
unit volume of the slurry is then given by

- 4v
} "1 (48)

The conditions for equation (48) to be valid are: +

= k ~ A i k s g ( A i - As) (52)
k s g ( A i - As) = wk1Asqc (53)
when Bo > A o (49) where kH is the rate constant for the homogeneous reaction.
and both reactions are assumed to be first-order in A. Elimi-
nating Al and A,, the following express the overall rate
of reaction when both homogeneous and heterogeneous
reactions are involved
when A' > BQ (50)
These conditions apply when h e solubility coefficients
of the two gases H A and Ifn are of comparable magnitude.
They do not apply for two gases having widely different
solubilities. -1
For the case when these conditions are not satisfied,
Ramachandran and Chaudhari ( 1979n) analyzed the
+ (54)
problem in detail and obtained analytical solutions in-
corporating intraparticle diffusional resistances. Equations
for the overall effectiveness factor 7 and the generalized Here T~ is the catalytic effectiveness factor given by
Thiele modulus 4 for this case are summarized in Table 2. Equation ( 2 1 ) , with 4 defined by Equation ( 3 1 ) .
Equation (48) discussed in this section and Equation The above theory is valid when there is no appreciable
T.2.5 in Table 2 can a170 be used when B is a liquid reaction of A in the gas-liquid film. The conhtion for
phase reactant in small concentrations comparable to A*. this to be valid is
Here, the parameters M s and B J H n in Equation (46)
are modified as (ksup). and B 1 as the step of gas to liquid
mass transfer is not involved for species B. This case is
important in industrial reactions where complete conver-
sion is desirable or in oxidation of liquid pollutants. Reactions with Very Small Particles
A situation in which the reaction is first-order with Very small catalyst particles of the order of 5p are
respect to A and zero-order with respect to B has some often used in slurry reactors. For particles less than 40p,
special features, An example of such a reaclion is in the reaction may occur predominantly on the outer sur-
oxidizing SOz in a slurry of activated carbon, where the face (Gorokhovatskii 1972). This is because of the pro-
reaction is first-order with respect to oxygen and zero- portionately larger extesnal area of the smaller particles,
order with respect to SO2, as shown by Komiyama and with the internal area. Recently, Varghese et al. (1978)
Smith (1975). The rate of reaction is independent of analyzed the effectiveness factor of the catalyst qc as a
the concentration of B, as long as the concentration of B is function of the external area of the catalyst (as a fraction
finite at all points within the catalyst. Equation (19), of total area). This analysis should be incorporated in
derived for a pseudo first-order reaction, will then apply. predicting the rate of reaction for small particles having
But, if the operating conditions are such that the con- low porosity and low internal surface area.

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 185

Effect of Particle Size Distribution In these schemes, A is the gaseous component while
In a normal slurry operation, a range of particle size B and C are present in the liquid phase. Some examples of
will exist in the reactor. This will influence the rate of slurry reactions of Type I are: hydration of propylene
reaction, as the mass transfer resistances change with oxide to mono and dipropylene glycol, hydrogenation of
particle diameter. Hsu and Ruether (1978) analyzed the chlorobenzene ( KawaKami and Kusunoki 1975), hydro-
influence of particle size distribution on the effectiveness genation of phenylacetylene (Bizhanov et al. 1976, Kawa-
factor in a slurry reactor and proposed equations to kami and Kusunoki 1976) and butyne-diol (Fukuda and
incorporate these effects. Kusama 1958), hydrogenation of phenolic compounds
(Zwicky and Gut 1978).
Effect of Gas Phase Mixing An example of Type I1 reaction is found in the
In the theoretical analysis of the earlier sections, we ethynylation of formaldehyde to butyne-diol (Kale and
assume that the gas phase moves in plug flow. This Chaudhari 1978). Hydrogenation of unsaturated oils
may be satisfactory for a bubble column slurry reactor. follow Type 111 reaction scheme (Coenen 1976, Cordova
However, in case of a mechanically agitated reactor, the and Harriot 1975, Tsuto et al. 1978, Marangozis et al.
mixing pattern of the gas phase is uncertain. Hence it 1977).
is necessary to analyze the influence of gas phase mixing, Kusonoki et al. (1975) analyzed mathematically con-
and some work has been done on this aspect. Niiyama and secutive reactions Type I in a slurry reactor. Effects of
Smith (1976) analyzed the transient response of a three mass transfer resistances, order of reactions, and initial
phase slurry adsorber, and found that the mixing pattern of concentrations of reactants on selectivity were studied,
the gas is unimportant for sparingly soluble and tor highly using numerical methods.
soluble gases. Similar effects are predicted by Goto and In simplified analysis of these reactions, we can assume
Smith (1978). Thus the influence of gas phase mixing is that the concentrations o f B and C are in excess, compared
likely to be important only for gases in the intermediate to the concentration of A. 'lhis will be generally true
solubility range. except in the initial stages of reaction in a semi-batch
When the gas phase is completely backmixed, the mass reactor, starting with no c'. The rate of chemical reaction
balance equation ior the gas A is of A in the absence of intraparticle diffusion can be ex-
pressed implicitly as
Q(Aot - Aoo) = KLaVL [-- A l l (56)

Hence the concentration of the gas leaving the reactor is:

Comparing Equations (57) and ( 8 ) , the only difference
between the plug flow model and the complete mixing where the reaction orders are (ml, nl) and (mz, nz)
model is that the term [exp ( - ( Y A L ) ] is replaced by + +
for A B and A C reactions respectively.
1/(1 aAL). All the equations described earlier thus apply The selectivity defined as the ratio of the net rate of
formation ot C to the net rate of formation of E is then
also when the gas phase is completely backmixed, pro-
vided the above substitution is made. Comparing the given by
terms containing (YALin parameter M A for the two ex-
treme cases of plug flow and complete mixing. [1 -
exp( - - c u A L ) ] and 1 - 1/(1 +
( Y A L ) , respectively, both
the terms tend to ( Y A L when (YAL+ 0 (sparingly soluble
gas), and 1 when ( Y A L -+ 00 (highly soluble gay). Thus
the influence of gas phase mixing is negligible for these
extreme cases of gas soluliilities and may be important The influence of the external mass transfer parameter M A
only when ( Y A L is in the range of 0.5 to 10 and when on selectivity can be computed using Equation (59),
gas-liquid mass transfer is important. Similar considera- with RA calculated from Equation (58). When the order
tions would apply to other gaseous species, when two of reactions are different, a drop in the concentration
gases are reacting in the slurry reactor, of A due to mass transfer limitations will favor the reac-
tion of lower order, Thus if ml > m2 lower mass transfer
CONSECUTIVE A N D PARALLEL REACTIONS rates will decrease the selectivity while if ml < m2, re-
duced mass transfer rates will improve the selectivity.
Complex reactions with consecutive or parallel steps If m, = m2, the selectivity is independent of external
are commonly encountered in slurry catalyzed reactors. mass transfer parameter M A . These effects have also been
The types of reactions can be generally classified as experimentally verified by Kawakami and Kusunoki ( 1975)
for the hydrogenation of chlorobenzene according to the
Type I: A + B 4 C (iv) scheme:
H2 f C&CI+ CtjHs HC1 + (ix)
Type 11: 3Hz f CaHs --j CsHiz (4
The reaction orders with respect to hydrogen in a slurry
reactor with 0.5% Pt-carbon catalyst are 0.2 to 0.5
+A +A for the first reaction and 0.6 for the second reaction.
Type 111: B+C+E (viii) As in this case ml < m2, selectivity would decrease as
1 +2A T the stirring speed is increased, also as confirmed by

Page 186 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

The effects of intraparticle diffusion on the rate and ''- - HVDROGENATiON OF & - M E T H Y L STYRENE,
selectivity could be incorporated into the mathematical SHERWOOD AND FARKAS 11966)
analysis by solving the relevant differential eqiiotions. 12 - _.___
When m, = m2 = 1, analytical solutions are possible,
following an approach similar to gas-solid catalytic reac- E
y 10-

tions ( Wei 1962). The general influence of mass transfer

and reaction orders would be simi!ar to that in the ab- I 8 -

sence of intraparticle diffusional gradients, except when

B or C is in comparable concentration to A, or when
there are significant intraparticle gradients of B or C
within the catalyst. Such a case (latter) can arise, for
instance, iii the hydrogenation of unsaturated oils where
D e B / D e or~ Dec/DeA values are of the order of 0.01. The 2 I 1
0 00 40 I S 20
selectivity of the intermediate is improved when there ;I
- $03 , c m 3 / p

are significant intraparticle gradients of B and C. This

is because C is formed within lie catalyst, and sufficient Figure 8. ~ / R Av5 l/w plots for first-order reactions in a slurry
A may not be available to react with C in the interior
of the catalyst. Thus, in hydrogenation of phenyl acet-
ylene Kawakami and Kusunoki (1976) observed that First Order Reaction
intraparticle diffusion gradients cause an increase of sty- The hydrogenation of amethyl styrene on Pd-alumina
rene and a decrease of phenyl acetylene in the pellet's has been studied by Salterfield et al. (l9G8). The reac-
interior. This favors the reaction of U in preference to C, tion was pseudo lirst-order, with respect to hydrogen.
and hence improves the selectivity. The analysis used shplibed equations for first order case
Reactions of Type I11 can occur in [lie hydrogenation (Equation 32), Other reactions where first-order kinetics
of unsaturated oils containing two or more double bonds has been observed are : hydrogenation of ally1 alcohol
(B) . Formation of saturated compounds ( E ) can occur (Ruether and Puri 1973), of crotonaldehyde (Kenney
through the intermediate species C, which c o n t a i i ~one and Sedricks 1972) and of 2-methyl-2 butene (Davis et al.
double bond, or in parallel directly from D to E . A com- 1932).
mon simplification in the analysis of this reaction is to Using the following relation for solid-liquid mass
ignore this step (13 + E ) . Type I11 mechanism then re- transfer area
duces to Type I. 6w
Because of the low dsusivity of the oils and products, PPdP
intraparticle diffusion of the liquid phase reactants can be
significant even for particles as small as 3 . 8 ~(van der Equation (32) can be rearranged as
Planck et al. 1974, Coenen 1976). Tsuto .et al. 1978 A* 1
observed in the hydrogenation of methyl linoleote that -=
until methyl linoleate ( B ) has almost disappeared, only
a small amount of stearate ( E ) formed. The format'ion
[l - exp( -a&)]

of E increased several-fold when U has almost completely

reacted. A possible explanation postulated was that methyl
linoleate ( B ) was strongly adsorbed as compared to
methyl oleate (C). An order of magnittide value of From Equation (61) it is seen that a plot of A"/RA vs
K B / K c of 10 to 20 appeared to fit the experimental data, l / w has an intercept of
An important general conclusion which can be drawn
from this work is that the adsorption equilil~riumcon-
stants play an important role in selectivity of consecutive
[l - exp(--'aAL)]
I -l
slurry reactions. Due to this effect, Langmuir-Hinshelwood
type models will be more realistic than power-law models For sparingly soluble gases, the intercept would corres-
for these systems. In the work of Tsuto et al. (1978) the pon,d to ( kLu)- 1 . This method of analyzing slurry reactor
selectivity to oleate (C) increased with catalyst loading, data has been conventionally used for obtaining the mass
presumably due to increased mass transfer resistance. transfer and kinetic parameters. A typical plot of ~ / R A
Parallel reactions are also encountered in industrial vs l / w for a few systems of first order kinetics is shown
slurry systems, for example, in hydrogenation of mixed in Figure 8.
olefins such as ethylene and propylene. Kawakami et a]. Half Order Reaction: Hydrogenation of Acetone Over Raney
( 1 9 7 6 ~ )studied this reaction in a slurry reactor with Nickel Catalyst
0.5% Pt-carbon catalyst. When hydrogen was in excess Lemcoff (1977) studied hydrogenation of acetone using
as compared to olefins, the reaction was controlled by Raney nickel catalyst in iso-propanol medium. The reac-
mass transfer of the olefins, and the selectivity was tion was half-order with respect to hydrogen, and the
determined by the mass transfer rates of ethylene and rate constant value obtained at 14°C was 2.35 x
propylene. In the region of excess olefins, selectivity was (cm3, mole)?'a/g sec. Based on this rate constant and
affected by both external as well as intraparticle diffusion the following values of other parameters; pp = 4.5 g/cm3;
of hydrogen. d p = 0.001 cm; k, = 0.08 cm/sec; kLa = 0.02 and 0.05
sec-'; H A = 15.45 cm3 (liquid)/cm3 (gas), at 1 atm.;
ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES the rates of reaction at different catalyst loadings can
be predicted using Equation (T.1.3) in Table 1 for
In this section, we illustrate the theory discussed. half-order kinetics. The results are shown as a plot of
Reactions following various kinetic orders are presented 1/Ra vs l / w in Figure 9. Effect of kLa on the rate was
for completeness. computed. It is important to note that the plot of 1/R*

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 187

4-0 I I I 1 I I I 1
the value of [ (As)critical/HA]obtained using Equation
(34) was 2.36 x 10-5 mole/cm3. Below this concentra-
tion of H2, the rate would depend on hydrogen concentra-
tion. Experimentally, Acres and Cooper ( 1972) observed
that the rate depended on hydrogen concentration below
a value of A* = (A,i/Ha) = 1.12 x loF5 mole/cm3,
which i s in reasonable agreement with the theoretical
The rates of hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene, predicted
from theory presented in the section on zero-order reac-
tions and the data of Acres and Cooper are shown in
Figure 10 as RA vs hydrogen partial pressure plot.
The parameters used for this calculation were: tem-
perature = 110°C; pressure = 2-13 atm.; p,, = 0.8 g/cm3;
D e= ~ 1.0 x 10-6 cmZ/sec; H A = 22.74 cm3 (liquid)/
cm3 (gas) at 1 atm (101.32 kPa); kLa = 0.107 sec-l;
w =4 X g/cm3; k,u, = 0.18 sec-l.
I I I I I I I Ethynylation of Formaldehyde
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
,cn?/g The reaction of acetylene with formaldehyde over
Cu-acetylide catalyst to give butynediol is an important
Figure 9. A plot of ~ / R Avs l/w for hydrogmation of acetone over
industrial reaction. Detailed investigation of this reaction
Raney nickel catalyst (an example of half-order kinetics).
has been made by Kale and Chaudhari (1978). The
reaction was zero-order with respect to acetylene, above
vs l/w is not a straight line for non-linear kinetics, and a concentration of 8.5 x mole/cm3. Below this
evaluating kI,u from a linear extrapolation of such graphs value, the rate depended on the concentration of acetylene.
can lead to significant errors. The rate constants estimated from the experimental data
Zero Order Reactions: Hydrogenation of Dinitrotoluene were 6.75 x mole/g sec at 3M formaldehyde con-
Acres and Cooper (1972) studied hydrogenation of centration and 9.25 x mole/g sec at 4M formalde-
dinitrotoluene over Pd-charcoal catalyst. The rate of reac- hyde concentration.
tion was independent of hydrogen pressure above 8 atm Rate of reaction for this case can be calculated as a
(810 kPa), (indicating a zero-order kinetics) and was a function of the acetylene concentration in the feed gas,
function of hydrogen partial pressure below 8 atm. The using the theory for zero order reactions. Figure 11 shows
rate may depend on Hz concentration below this pressure the predicted and experimental results, as a plot of R A
because the conditions are such that A,i < (AO)critical vs partial pressure of acetylene. The theoretical predic-
and concentration of Hz may be reaching zero at some
point, A, in the interior of the catalyst. Chaudhari and 7 I I I I
Ramachandran ( 1979) have demonstrated this, using the
theory discussed earlier for zero-order reactions. At 383"K,

5 a t 4 M C H 2 0 concentration -
::4 t 4 m
n -0

E M C H g concentration
-0 0

E 0 3

0 9

4 2 2

t I

5 10 15 20 O, 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 4 *o
Figure 10. A plot of RA vs partial pressure of hydrogen Car hydro- Figure 11. A plot of RA vs partial pressure of acetylene for ethynyla-
genation of DNT (zero-order reaction).
= th-oretical; 0 tion of formaldehyde over Cu-acetylide catalyst (zero-order reaction).
experimental data of Acres and Cooper, (1972). 0, =
0 experimental data of Kale and Chaudhari (1978).

Page 188 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

tions are in good agreement with the experimental results,
with a maximum deviation of 23%. The parameter values
used for the theoretical predictions were: temperature
= 70°C; pressure = 0.2 - 0.6 atm.; p p = 4.0 g/cm3; D e ~ 10
= 7.28 x 10-8 cm2/sec; H A = 2.53 om3 (liquid)/cm3 L

(gas) at 1 atm. (101.32 kPa) ; kLa = 0.107 sec-l; w =
5.71 x g/cm3; ksap = 0.186 sec-'. .

Reaction of Two Cases: Oxidation of CO Using COOCotalyst *U


Reaction of CO and Oz was studied by Id0 et al. -


(1976) in a slurry reactor, using a COO catalyst in sili-

cone oil as a medium, This is an example of reaction of
two gases in a slurry reactor. Conditions of the experi-
ments were such that the concentration of oxygen was 2

always in excess. A Langmuir-Hinshelwood type model,

based on dual site mechanism (see Equation T.2.4 in 0
Table 2) has been proposed for this reaction. For Ido's pP '1/kH
data, the overall effectiveness factor 7 can be calculated
using Equation (T.2.4) from Table 2. Figure 12. Effect of hnmownpous rpoction on the hydration rates of
propylene oxide in a slurry reactor.
Oxidation o f SO2 Over Activated-C Cotalyst
Oxidation of SOz in a slurry of activated carbon was and continuous gas flow). In such cases, it is often nec-
studied by Komiyama and Smith (1975). In the range essary to predict the conversion of liquid phase compo-
of concentrations studied (SO,% > 2.3), the reaction nent ( B ) as a function of time. Modeling of semi-batch
was first-order with respect to O2 and zero-order with slurry reactors is discussed below for the reaction scheme:
respect to SOz. This illustrates ( 1 , 0) order kinetics.
Ramachandran and Chaudhari ( 1979) demonstrated that A(g) + vB(1) 4 vpC(1) (xi)
below a critical SO2 concentration, the rate would depend It is assumed that B is in excess, so that the pseudo-mth
on SOz Concentration, even though the intrinsic kinetics order condition can be assumed throughout the reaction
is zero-order with respect to SOz. This is because SOz period. This will generally be the case when a sparingly
is totally depleted in certain portions of the catalyst. This soluble gas is a reactant.
critical concentration is a function of various parameters
and is in the range of 0.2%. Such a region may be of Reoctions First Order with Respect to A and 6
practical importance in air pollution problems since it The rate of reaction for this case can be expressed as
may be required to remove SOz to very low concentration
levels. = kzABl (62)
Homogeneous ond Heterogeneous Reaction: Hydration of
The rates of reaction of A and B are related by the
Propylene Oxide
following stoichiometric equation
The hydration of propylene oxide catalyzed by an RB = VRA (63)
ion-exchange resin catalyst is an example of a slurry sys- The rate of reaction of B, per unit volume of slurry in
tem where Species A (propylene oxide) can react non- the absence of significant intraparticle concentration gra-
catalytically in the liquid phase as well as catalytically dients, is given by
on the surface of the ion-exchange resins, The rate con-
stant for the noncatalytic homogeneous reaction krf is dBi 1
1.74 X sec-1 at 90°C. The rate of reaction for a --=RRg=-
slurry system for this case can be predicted using Equa-
tion (54).
The influence of the ratio of the two rate constants
ppkl/kH on the rate of reaction is shown in Figure 12.
We see that the homogeneous reaction contributes sig-
nificantly to the overall rate of reaction for the range
of values assumed in the calculations. Since the catalyst Integration of Equation (M), assuming that the soh-
loadings in the slurry are expected to be small, the bility coefficient HA is not changing significantly, gives
heterogeneous reaction would predominate only at high an analytical solution for B1 as a function of time in a
values of ppkl/kH. For a particular case of w = 0.02 semi-batch slurry reactor
g/cm3, a ratio of 10 or more is required for the hetero-
geneous reaction to contribute to the overall rate, The
parameters used for Figure 12 are: d p = 0.1 cm; p p =
1.2 g/cm3; D e = ~ cm2/sec; w = 2 x g/cm3; Equation (65) applies only when intraparticle diffusion
kH = 1.74 x 10-4 sec-1; kLa = 0.1 sec-1; k,ap = 2 effects are not significant ( T +
~ 1 ) . The following criteria
x 10-3sec-1. must be satisfied for the applicability of Equation (65)


The general theoretical analysis presented earlier applies
to differential operation of a slurry reactor, that is, when When the condition given by Equation (66) is not
the condition of the liquid phase in the reactor changes satisfied, the intraparticle gradients would be important.
only slightly. Many industrial slurry reactors are operated Equation (64) would then have to be modified to account
in a semi-batch manner (with the liquid phase stationary for the catalytic effectiveness factor as

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 189

-1 Effect of Solubility Chonges
1 6
[ coth(34) - -1341 wk2Bt
The solubility of the gas phase reactant can be in-
fluenced by changes in the concentrations of liquid phase
reactants and products. This affects the rate of conversion
67 1 of B with time in a semi-batch reactor, and the equations
where given earlier will not apply. The quantity A g i / H ~would
R ppkzB1 'h be a function of B and concentration of other products
a=,[-] DeA 681
formed. Lemcoff (1977) points out that in the hydro-
genation of acetone in a slurry reactor, the solubility
The integrated form of Equation (67) is changes appreciably with changes in acetone and product
Blo - Blf concentration. Komiyama and Smith (1975) in their
study of SOz oxidation over activated carbon slurry, report
MA that the solubility of Oz reduces with increase in H2S04
dBi (product of reaction) concentration.
In a similar context, Satterfield et al. (1968) mea-
sured solubility of hydrogen in pure alpha-methyl sty-
rene, pure cumene (the reaction product of hydrogena-
tion) and in a 60:40 volume mixture of the two. They
found that solubility changes only slightly with concen-
tration. The following two types of correlations are con-
A method to estimate the batch time is presented by venient to quantitatively account for the solubility of A
Ramachandran and Chaudhari ( 1980), where the integral as a function of reactant and/or product concentrations
term in Equation (69) is presented graphically.
First-Order with Respect t o A and Zero-Order for B A' = 2 +
% = ( r l r2Bl 73C1)pg*
+ (74)
In a number of situations, the rate is independent of
the liquid phase reactant concentration ( B ) For example, Or, a power-law type of correlation may be used
hydrogenation of nitrobenzene on Pd based catalysts
(Acres and Cooper 1972, and Tong et al. 1978), of
styrene-on 0.5% Pt-AlZO, catalyst (Kawakami et al.
A' = -Agi

= + B;Q +(Ti p
clrs) g ~ (75)
1976b) follow zero-order kinetics with respect to B. In
this case the rate is given by where p g A is the partial pressure of A in the inlet gas
stream, 71, r2, 73 are empirical constants, and Bl and 'C1
= klA (70) are, respectively, the concentrations of reactant and prod-
uct, g mole/cm3.
The rate of reaction of B will then be given by Concentration of the product C1 can be related to the
concentration of reactant Bt by a stoichiometric mass
dBz vAgi 1
= vRA =-
HA [
$!!L [1- exP(--crAl)]
cc = C b +-VP
(Bl, - B1) (76)
+- 1 + A(71)
] lowing
Substituting Equation (76) in (74), we obtain the fol-
correlation for solubility in terms of B1
ksa, llcwk1

Solving Equation (71) gives an expression for B as a

function of t

The effectiveness factor T c in Equation (72) is given by When reaction is first-order with respect to A and B,
Equation (21), with the term 4 defined by Equation the rate of change of BE with time (incorporating the
(31). I n some cases, it has been observed that the rate is changes in solubility values of A as a function of Bl and
independent of concentration of B at higher concentra- ignoring intraparticle diffusion effects) is
tions but shows first-order dependence when B is less
than a critical concentration Btc, To model the reactor
performance for such systems, Equation (72) has to be
used for Blo to Blc, and then Equation (69) must be
used for Bt, to Blf.
Cm,nlth Order Reaction
The rate of reaction of B per unit volume of slurry Integrating Equation (78), we get an expression for B
is now given by as a function of time, incorporating the effects of solu-
bility changes

The effectiveness factor 7 is a function of Bl, and hence

numerical solution will be necessary to obtain B1 vs t
relationship. The equation for calculating 7 at any given
time can be obtained from Table 2.

Page 190 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

rl + r3[GO+ ( v p / ~ > B t 0 1+ - %(vp/v)l
h 0 [ ~ 2 to be (1, 0) order. An illustration to SO2 oxidation has
+ r3Cclo + (vp/v)Btol + ByCr2 - r3(vp/v)I also been presented.
(80) Continuous Slurry Reocton
Similarly, equations for other types of kinetics could be Some industrial processes use continuous slurry reactors,
derived. The above equation is valid only when intra- where liquid and gas phases are continuously flowing in
particle diffusion effects are negligible ( T ~+ 1). When the reactor. Here the conversion of the liquid phase
qe < 1, more complex equations can be derived to obtain component B is often the quantity of design interest.
an equation similar to (69), incorporating solubility To predict this, a knowledge of flow pattern of the slurry
changes. and gas phase is required, 'The usual assumption of com-
plete backmixing of the liquid phase is likely to be valid
Effects of Product Inhibition for mechanically agitated reactors and in bubble columns
In many slurry reaction systems, the product can with low L/dT (<lo). This is indicated from the pub-
inhibit the rate of chemical reaction of A. This effect lished axial dispersion coefficient data in gas-liquid reac-
should be incorporated in modeling semi-batch reactors. tors, reviewed by Shah et al. in 1978.
Product inhibition can be due to any of the following Analytical equations for conversion of 23 are possible
mechanisms: the solubility of gas phase reactant (A) for various kinetic schemes when the intraparticle diffu-
decreases with increase in product concentration; product sional resistances are negiigible ( Hamachandran and
of the reaction is more strongly adsorbed than the reac- Chaudhari 1979b). Complex situations are encountered
tants; and the product deactivates the catalyst, either in bubble columns with large L / d y ratios, due to change
chemicalIy or physically. in the total gas flow rate arid non-uniform distribution
The first mechanism is discussed in our section on of the catalyst particles etc. More theoretical and experi-
effects of solubility changes, where some efforts to quan- mental work is required in this area.
tify the effects are presented, The case of product adsorb-
ing more strongly than the reactants is also a common SUSPENSION OF SOLID PARTICLES
phenomenon. Recently, Kale and Chaudhari (1978) re-
ported such an effect in ethynylation of formaldehyde to The entire solid mass must be suspended for maximum
butynediol, using Cu-acetylide catalyst. They show that utilization of the catalyst. The theoretical analysis pre-
the solubility effects are negligible, and the inhibition is sented earlier assumes that all solids are in complete
due to strong adsorption capacity of the product butyne- suspension and there is no settling of particles. A certain
diol. They propose an empirical rate equation, incor- minimum degree of agitation is required to achieve this,
porating the effect of product concentration. and calculating the minimum agitation is required to
In some systems, product inhibition could be due to both ensure complete suspension. Zweitering ( 1958) completed
solubility changes and adsorption effects. In the oxid a t'ion an extensive examination of the conditions for complete
of SO2 in activated carbon catalyst Komiyama and Smith suspension. According to him, a suspension can be con-
(1975) found the retardation of rates was primarily due sidered complete if no particle remains at the bottom of
to reduced solubility in the presence of sulfuric acid. the reactor tor longer than 1 or 2 sec. He proposed the
The effect of adsorption of H2S04 was found to be following correlation
unimportant, as the adsorption isotherm was nearly flat.
However, the effect of increase in viscosity would affect
external and internal mass transfer rates. For example,
at 4NHzS04 concentration, the rate decreased by a
factor of 0.55, while the oxygen solubility decreased by where N , is the minimum stirrer speed required for com-
only a factor of 0.67, compared to a system with neg- plete suspension and (Bz is a constant. He presented the
ligible H2S04 concentration, constant (B2 as a graph of & vs dy/dr for various agitator
An example of the product deactivating the catalyst arrangements. Nienow (1968, 1975) showed that an
is in oxidation of H2S in slurries of activated carbon, where approximate value of (B2 for disc turbines is given by
the product sulfur blocks the pores of the catalyst and
retards rates. Systematic experimental investigation of
this problem does not appear to have been published.
Effect of Temperature 12, I 1 I 1 1 I I 1
In slurry reactors, the temperature gradients between
gas phase and catalyst are generally negligible, due to high I1 -
heat transfer coefficients. Similarly, the intraparticle tem- P

perature gradients can be considered negligible. The intra- $10-

particle thermicity parameter, defined as A* ( - A H ) D e A /

XJT,, even for highly exothermic reactions (100 kcal/ .' 9 -
mole) would be less than 0.01. b l
/ I
Although temperature gradients may be absent, the 88-
temperature of the bulk liquid itself may increase due VI

to reaction and go through a maximum as a function of f

time. This wiII affect the rate of reaction, due to changes B
in the kinetic rate constant and the solubility, Simultaneous
solution of the transient heat and mass balance would
be necessary.
Reaction of Two Gases 4 /OlOl 0'02 0103 010. o b
w. g m n '
d.07 0:- 0109 o!,

Goto and Smith (1978) modeled a slurry reactor in Figure 13. Minimum agitation required for complete suspension for
which two gases react catalytically, assuming the reaction various catolyst loadings.

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 191

Baldi et at. (1978) proposed a correlation for N , which
is similar to that of Zwietering.
The minimum speed of agitation for various values
of catalyst loadings is shown in Figure 13 for a specific
case. The parameters used for the calculation were
dT = 10 cm, dI = 5 cm, p L = 8 x gm/cm/sec,
I = 1g/cm3, p = 2 g/cm3.
For the bubble column slurry operation, two suspension
states may exist: namely, complete suspension in which -
all particles are in suspension, and liomogeneous suspen- -

sion, in which the particle concentration is uniform

throughout the reactor. Roy et al. (1964) derived cor-
relations on the basis of dimensional analysis for critical
solid hold-up, defined as the maximum amount of solid
that can be kept in complete suspension for a given I 1 /
0 0 02 0 04 0 06 0 08 01

operating condition. This correlation is

where utPis the Stoke’s terminal settling- velocity of the

particles given as
When the value of the above quantity is greater than
gdP2(PP - PL) 20,WO, the interracial area is given as
Utp =
18 P L
cp is a viscosity correction factor
C, = 2.32 X lo-’ - 1.788 X lo-’ IOg p . ~

+ 1.026 X 10-’(logrL)2 (85) (89)

where p L is expressed in poise (gm/cm/sec) and y’ is the where a, is the value of ‘a’calculated from Equation (87).
“wetability” factor, which can be taken as unity for most “The above equations require a knowledge of the bubble
of the catalysts. diameter and the terminal gas-bubble velocity in free
To illustrate this correlation, the minimum gas velocity rise. The latter can be approximated as 26 cm/sec. (Perry
required to suspend the particles for a given loading is and Chilton 1!3/3). ‘lhe average bubble diameter is
shown in Figure 14 for the following parameters: dT = given by
10 cm, pL = 8 x g/cm/sec, ps = 1.8 x dg = 4.15
+ 0.09 (90)
g/cm/sec, ST = 72 dyne/cm, p~ = 1 g/cm3, p , = 3 g/cm3, p 0.4
p g = 1.2 x g/cm3 (c, is calculated from Equation PLo.2
101, discussed later).
Kato et al. (1972) proposed that a solid distribution where eg is the gas hold-up given as
exists in a bubble column with height. They measured the
concentration distribution of solid particles and found
an exponential variation with height. This effect may be
significant in columns with large L/clT. Farkas and Eg ][,
UgCg %
+ 0.0216 ST0.6
Leblond (1969) discussed the effect of solid distribution
on the rate of reaction in a bubble column, (91)
GAS LIQUID MASS TRANSFER COEFFICIENT The power consumption per unit volume can be obtained
Here, we summarize some correlations for predicting from the power number N , defined as
kLa and some experimental techniques for determination
of kLa.
where $ is a correction factor for the presence of gas
Calderbank and Moo-Young (1961) suggest the follow- bubbles. The value of N p has been correlated as a func-
ing correlation for the liquid side mass transrer coefficient tion of [Nd12pL/pL]by Bates et al. (1963).
Prasher and Wills (1973) give the following equation
for calculation of P / V L for gas-liquid systems
This equation applies to bubble swarms of average diam- P - 8N3dI5+
e=- (93)
eter greater than about 2.5 mm, such as produced when PLVL dT2L
pure liquids are aerated in mixing vessels.
The gas-liquid interfacial area was correlated by Calder- where the correction factor $ is given as
bank (1958) as
/ P \0.4 n 2 , for -Q < 3.5 X

Page 192 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

61 I I I I

In 0
0 2 6 8 10

Figure 16. A plot of kL a vs ug from Kawagoe e t 01. correlation (1975)

for a bubble column.

The gas-liquid interfacial area is given by

a=-- 6% (99)
5 10 20 30 A knowledge of gas hold-up and bubble diameter is
SPEED OF A G I T A T I O N , N r p r necessary to estimate ( / < L a ) in bubble columns. These
were correlated by Akita and Yoshida as
Figure 15. Comparison of correlations for k~ a in an agitated reactor.
---- = Yogi and Yoshida (1975); -= Calderbank and
Moo-Young (1961).
gdT2pL -0.5 gdT3pL2 -0.12
[-I PL2
>3.5 x 10-2

' - o.20 [ gdT2PL 1"' [ gdT3pL2 ]'"" [
( 1 - %I4 ST PL2 dFdF
Nagata (1975) indicates that the power consumption
in slurries should be taken as P p , / p L 1 where p s is the
density of the slurry. This correction factor may not be The correlation of Kawagoe et al. is illustrated in Figure
significant for low catalyst loadings and for catalysts with 16, where kI.n is plotted as a function of the gas velocity
low densities. ug. The conditions used for this plot were: r l T = 10 cm,
Yagi and Yoshida (1975) proposed a correlation for P L = 1 g/cm3, pL = 8 x 10-3 gm/cm/sec, S T = 72
kLa in an agitated contactor dyne/cm, D = 2 x l o p 5cm/sec.
[ ~ ] d 1 2 = 0 . 0 ( 3 0[T]"5
d1"PL "" ] " [gl 'o] , [ dIN2 Experimental M e t h o d s
Liquid-side mass transfer coefficient, k L a can be deter-
mined by measuring the physical absorption rates or bulk
concentration of the dissolved gas as a function of time
in a batch reactor. For determining the true overall
liquid-side mass transfer coefficient, a system with neg-
The above equation does not require a knowledge of the ligible gas-side mass transfer resistance shoiild be wed.
power consumption rate and represents the data on COZ This can be done by selecting a sparingly soliil)le gas
absorption in glycerol-water at 30°C satisfactorily. (such as C O P ) for aqueous systems. Alternately a pure
The above two correlations are compared in Figure 15 gas can be used.
as a plot of kLa vs AT. The parameter values used were The concentration time data can lie analvzed I y well-
d T = 10 cm, d, = 5 cm, L = 10 cm, p L = 1 g/cm3,
known methods, to obtain 1cr.a. Techniques based on using
PL = 8 x 10-3 g/cm/sec, ST = 72 dyne/cm, ug = 0.2 a gas which undergoes a slow chemical reaction in the
cm/sec, D = 2 x l W 5 cmP/sec, p g = 1.2 x g/cm3. liquid can also he used, The details of this method are
In a bubble column reactor, the mass transfer coef- discussed by Danckwerts ( 1970). A1)sorption with reac-
ficient k L can be estimated using a relationship suggested tion of COP in sodium carbonate-liicarbonate Iniffer solu-
by Akita and Yoshida (1974)
k ~ -d o.5
~ yL [
]"'[ ~ ~

B ['"I
~ P &n2pL
L ~ ]3'8

tion is controlled by mass transfer iinder certain condi-
tions, and this system could be used to evaluate kLa.
Mehta and Sharma (1971) used this technique to deter-
mine kl,a in agitated contactors.
(97) This value could also he o1,tained from the observed
Kawagoe et al. (1975) developed the following correla- rate of reaction in a slurry system, provided the rate of
tion for k L in a bubble column reaction is controlled by gas-liquid mass transfer. Aiany
hvdrogenation reactions on supported Pt catalysts are
fairly rapid, so that the rate is controlled by gas-liqiiid
mass transfer. For a first-order slurry reaction, a plot of

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 193

l/Ra vs l / w is linear, The intercept of such a plot would
represent HA/kLaAgi for a sparingly soluble gas such as Hz
or when pure gas is used. Hence, experimental rate data
from diflerent catalyst loadings can also be used to ob-
tain kLa. Sherwood and Farkas (1966) used this technique
for experiments on hydrogenation of a-methyl styrene. It
has also been employed by Davis et al. (1932), Lemcoff
and Jameson (1975), Komiyama and Smith (1975), and
Bern et al. (1976).
A transient method for determining lcLa and other rate
parameters using an adsorbable gas as a tracer has been
proposed by Niiyama and Smith (1976, 1977) and
Niiyama et al. (1978). Ramachandran and Smith (1978b)
discuss the parameter estimation method, using moment AGITATION SPEED, N . W .
analysis of dynamic data.
Figure 17. Comparison of correlations for liquid-solid mass transfer
Influence of Solids on kLo coefficient in on agitated reactor. - = Levins and Glaston-
Most of the correlations for lcLa are based on experi- bury (1972); ---- = Sano et of. (1974); -*-.- = Boon-long
mental data in the absence of solids, that is, on data et a/. (1978).
obtained for gas-liquid systems. In a slurry system,
a solid phase is invariably present, and the extent cover four sizes of agitated vessels with diameters ranging
of influence of the solids on kLa is uncertain. For example, from 9.5 cm to 40 cm, including fully baffled and non-
Slesser et al. (1968) indicate that the mass transfer co- baffled conditions and two sizes of bubble columns of
efficient is affected by the presence of solids for certain CLlameLer l u and 80 cm. Particle size ranges from 60 to
range of catalyst loading. Tamhankar and Chaudhari 1 1 0 0 including
~ both spherical beads (ion exchange resins)
(1979) determined kLa in a magnetically stirred vessel by and granules (benzoic acid, KMn04 and @-naphthol),The
absorbing acetylene in water containing suspended solid data were correlated by the following equation
particles. They found that IcI,u values were unaffected by
the presence of solids. In a recent paper, Joosten et al.
(1977) also reported that lcLa values are not significantly
affected by solid particles. where F , is the shape factor of the particles. The inter-
esting observation of the authors was that the correlation
SOLID-LIQUID MASS TRANSiER COEFFICIENT is valid irrespective of the geometry of the equipment
Correlations and the method of energy input, and hence applies both
Harriot (1962) and Brian el al. (1969) used Kolmo- to a mechanically agitated vessel and a bubble column.
goroff's theory as a basis for correlating solid-liquid mass The energy supplied to liquid, e, has to be known to use
transfer. Based on this theory, the solid-liquid mass trans- this correlation as well as that of Levins and Glastonbury
fer coeficient is a fuiiction of the Rcynolds number (1972). This can be calculated from Equation (93) or
defined as from the data of Bates et al. (1963).
Recently, Boon-long et al. (1978) proposed the fol-
lowing correlation
-= 0.046 [
k d p 2dp~LdT.rr2N

I [ T I 0.283 pL2gdp3 0.173


where I , is the eddy size, which is a function of only

wvL I-0~~11 [-10,019 [- pL 10.461
the energy dissipation rate per unit mass of slurry and the
kinematic viscosity The above three correlations for solid-liquid mass transfer
coefficient are compared in Figure 17, where k, is shown

Furusawa and Smith (1973a, 1973b) obtained the

values of k, for benzene-activated carbon system and con-
firmed that the above correlation procedure is valid by
plotting k,cZ,,/D as a function of ( R Q ) ~Their
. results
agree with Harriot (1962) and Brian et al. (1969).
Levins and Glastonbury (1972) improved the correla-
tion by including the ratio of impeller to vessel diameter
as a correlating term and obtained the following
0 0 3 t I t t t t t l
(105) 0 01 I I I 1 I I l l 1
1 2 3 S 10

The correlation is valid when the density difference be- SUPERFICIAL GAS V E L O C I T Y , U p , Cm/..C
tween the liquid and solid is not large. Figure 18. Comparison o f correlations for k, in a bubble column.
Sano et al. (1974) measured solid-liquid mass transfer
coefficients in agitated vessels and bubble columns. They
- = Sano et a/. (1974); ----
( 1965).
= Kobayashi and Soito

Page 794 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

as a function of stirrer speed for three particle sizes. The low order of magnitude of the liquid phase diffusivities. In
reactor data used for the calculations of k, are the same the absence of complex phenomena such as surface difh-
as reported in the section on gas-liquid mass transfer. sioii and restricted dihsion, the problem of predicting
For estimating k, in bubble columns, Sano et al. (1974) effective diffusivity can be reduced to predicting the
proposed that the correlation given by Equation (106) tortuosity factor, deEined by
be used with the energy supplied to the liquid, calculated D%
as 0, = - ( 110)
e = usg ( 108)
where D is the molecular diffusivity of the solute in the
Kobayashi and Saito (1965) proposed the following cor- liquid medium.
relation for estimating k , for bubble columns The porosity of the catalyst q, can be determined
experimentally, while the molecular diffusivity D can be
calculated from well-known estimation methods such as
the Wilke-Chang ( 1955) equation or Reddy-Doraiswamy's
(109) (1967) correlation. The value of T varies somewhat, and
is generally in the range of 2 to 3. Experimentally deter-
The two correlations are compared in Figure 18, where mined values of 7 for liquid-filled catalysts for a number
k, is plotted as a function of ug for various values of dp. of systems are summarized in Table 3.
Nienow (1975) critically compared the correlations for k,, Surface diffusion effects may be important for solutes
based on the Kolmogoroff theory and the slip velocity which are strongly adsorbed on the catalyst surfaces, for
theory. instance, SOz and H2S on activated carbon. The apparent
Experimental Methods values of tortuosity factors as calculated from Equation
The solid-liquid mass transfer coefficient k, can be (110) using experimentally measured D , data would be
experimentally determined by the following four major very low, when surface diffusion effects are significant.
The effective diffusivity in such system results from a
combination of two effects: ( a ) pore volume diffusion
1. Dissolution of a sparingly soluble solid in a liquid with an effective diffusivity predicted by Equation (110)
medium and ( b ) the contribution of surface diffusion. When the
2. Dissolution accompanied by chemical reaction adsorption follows a linear isotherm, the effective diffusiv-
3. From slurry reactor data obtained under conditions ity can be expressed as
such that the major controlling resistance is the solid-
Dep ppK'Ds
liquid mass transfer
4. From dynamic methods
D, = -+7 7
In using Method 1, the time of experiments should be where D, is the true surface diffusion coefficient.
very short, as the particle size is changing .continuously One method that can be used to isolate the value
because of dissolution. This is a simple method, used of D, from measured D , data is to obtain the value of T
by many investigators. Systems such as dissolution of from independent experimental D, measurements, using
@naphthol or benzoic acid, naphthalene or other sparingly a solute with very low adsorption capacity (K' + 0).
soluble solids can be used to determine k, by this method With this value of T and the measured De values, D, can
(Satterfield et al. 1868, Harriot 1962, Sano et al. 1974, be calculated using Equation ( 111). Another technique
Nienow 1969). Solid dissolution accompanied by reaction developed by Komiyama and Smith (1974b) consists
has also been used by many investigators (see Nagata, of experimenting with different solvent media. This will
1975). effect a change in the value of K' which can be obtained
Method 3 involves obtaining data on slurry reactors from independent experiments and also D which can be
under conditions such that the solid-liquid mass transfer is estimated. The true surface diffusivity can then be cal-
the controlling mechanism. In many cases, this can be culated from
done by using a highly active catalyst, such as palladirim
or platinum impregnated on carbon. A catalyst coated on
the external surface of a non-porous support is also good.
D, =
1 - (Del/Dez)( D d D 1 )
(Del/Dez) - (KI'IKz') 1
For first-order reactions, a plot of A"/RA vs l / w gives a (112)
straight line with a slope of where the subscripts 1 and 2 denote the values obtained
for two different solvents.
[$>+&I As an example, Komiyama and Smith (1974b) found
that the adsorption equilibrium constant K' for benzalde-
hyde on Amberlite particles was negligible when methanol
If the reaction rate constant and D, are known, the value
of k, can be obtained. Alternately, experiments with dif- was a solvent, but was significant when water was n sol-
ferent particle sizes can be designed to yield the value vent. Using the experimental values of D, for these two
of k,. The transient response of a slurry catalyzed reactor systems, the surface diffusivity of benzaldehyde on Am-
can also be used to estimate lc, although it has not been berlite particles was obtained cmZ/sec. The effective
used experimentally so far. surface diffusivity data for a number of volatile organic
Method 4 involves the transient response of a slurry compounds on activated carbon were determined by
adsorber (determining the response to a pulse or step of Suzuki and Kawazoe ( 1975).
an adsorbable gas), Satterfield et al. (1973) show that when the dimen-
sions of the solute molecule were comparable to the
EFFECTIVE INTRAPARTICLE DlFFUSlVlTY average pore dinmeter, the diffusion rate was considerably
restricted. They obtained experimental data on diffrision
The effects of intraparticle diffusion are more important in silica-alumina catalysts of very fine pore diameter of
in slurry reactors which involve liquid filled pores as the order of 3.2 x 10-3p for a number of solrites, such
compared to gas-solid reactions. This is because of the that the ratio of the critical molecular diameter of the

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 195


Tempera- Pressure
Diffusing species Solvent/medium Catalyst ture “C (am.1

1. Oxygen Water CuO.Zn0 212 to 240 40

2. Hydrogen a-methyl styrene Pd-alumina 70 to 115 1
3. Hydrogen Crotonaldehyde Pd-7-alumina 30 to 70 1
4. Oxygen Water Activated carbon 6,25 1
5. NO Water Activated carbon 25 1
6. H2S Water Activated carbon 25 1

7. Hydrogen S tyrene/ethanol 0.5% Pt-Al203 -5 to 20 0.1 to 1

8. Dodecyl-benzene Water Activated-carbon 30
9. Hydrogen Isopropanol Raney-nickel 7 to 21 1
10. Benzaldehyde Methanol and water XAD4 Amberlite 25 1
XAD7 Amberlite 25 1
11. Oxygen Water Activated-carbon 25 1
12. Sulfur dioxide Water Activated-carbon 25 1
13. Sulfuric acid Water Activated-carbon 25 1
14. NaC1,KCI Water Activated-carbon 25 1
15. Naphthalene, styrene, n-heptane Cobalt-molybdenum 20 1
p-xylene and
ethyl benzene
16. Hydrogen a-methyl styrene 1% Pd on alumina 50 1

Metric conversion: 1 atm = 101.321 kPa.

solute to pore diameter varied from 0.088 to 0.506. The (1977) is based on the principle of the well known
experimeutal data was correlated by Wicke-Kallenbach method. Other dynamic methods for
estimation of D , are reviewed by Hamachandran and
Smith ( 1978b) (see also Furusawa and Suzuki 1975).


where d, is the solute critical diameter, defined as the
diameter of. the smallest cylinder through which a solute The kinetic parameters-reaction orders, rate constant
molecule can pass without distortion, and d, is the pore and adsorption equilibrium constants-must be estimated
diameter. from experimental data only. To obtain the intrinsic
The common experimental methods for measuring ef- kinetics, it is necessary to account for the effects ot trans-
fective intraparticle diffusivity are ( a ) from experimental port resistances or plan experiments under conditions
rate data obtained at various particle siLes, and (11) the such that mass transker resistances are absent. The latter
dynamic Wicke-Kallenbach method and dynamic tracer can sometimes be achieved, for instance, by working with
experiments, using an adsorbable or nonadsorbable solute sufficiently small particles and at high speeds of agitation.
as a tracer. When experimental rate data are obtained It is also possible to check the contribution of external
at different particle sizes, the use of qc - (b relations gives mass transfer resistances by calculating the surface con-
both the intrinsic rate constant and the intraparticle dif- centration of the reactive species A,. This can be calculated
fusivity. The external mass transfer resistances (gas-liquid provided the external mass transfer coefficients, l c ~ aand
and liquid to solid) have to be accounted for in this k,aP in the reactor type used are determined by inde-
method, or expeniments have to be planned such that pendent experiments or calculated from suitable correla-
these resistances are not significant. tion. The value of As can then be calculated as
Satterfield et al. (1968) measured D, from experi-
mental studies on hydrogenation of a-methyl styrene on
Pd-alumina catalyst. Kenney and Sedricks ( 1972) used
this method for hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde on Experimental rate data must be obtained at different
Pd-alumina catalyst. Komiyama and Smith ( 1975) studied concentrations of the reacting species, keeping other con-
the oxidation of SOz in slurries of activated carllon and ditions constant. This can be done using an inert diluent or
determined D,. It is worth noting in this context that changing the total pressure of the reactor. The kinetic
the effective diffusivity D, or the tortuosity factor r do parameters are then calculated using the experimental
not depend on the type of reactor. They are function R, vs A, data, provided the effects of intraparticle diffu-
of only the catalyst pore structure. Hence, such data for sion are accounted for. A knowledge of the effective dif-
other three phase reactors such as trickle bed, packed bed fusivity in the catalyst D, is necessary f o r ,this purpose.
etc. also apply to slurry reactors. The intraparticle diffu- The effects of intraparticle diffusion for a mth order reac-
sion effects may be more important in trickle bed.; or tion can be considered negligible, provided the following
packed beds hecause of the larger particle sizes. Data criteria in terms of known parameters is satisfied
may be obtained more easily in these reactors.
A dynamic method for measuring effective diff risivity
for liquid-filled pores developed by Shibuya and Uraguchi

Page 196 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

PARTICLES diffusion effects are significant, By studying the exponent
dependency of the slope on d,, it is possible to conclude
Tortuosity Porosity whether solid-liquid mass transfer or chemical reaction
factor, T eP Reference is the controlling step, The effect of d, on the slope of
- A*/& vs l / w plot for a first-order reaction is illustrated
1.03 0.56-0.67 Baldi et al. (1974) in Figure 19 for different values of the first order rate
0.59 Satterfield et al. ( 1968) constant kl, As can be seen, the dependency of the slope
Kenney and Sedricks ( 1972) on d, changes significantly with the change in the con-
1.60 0.54 trolling regime.
0.83 0.64 Niiyama and Smith ( 1977) 3. The dependency of the slope on the temperature
0.90 0.64 Niiyama and Smith ( 1976) of reaction can be examined. If solid-liquid mass transfer
0.72 0.64 Ramachandran and Smith is important, the process would have a low activation
(1978~) energy (1 to 3 kcal/mole). If reaction were controlling,
2.5to 3.2 0.56 Kawakami et a1 ( 197'3) and there are no intraparticle gradients, then the activa-
1.7to 16 0.65-0.72 Suzuki and Kawazoe ( 1974) tion energy would be in the higher range.
Proper account of the intraparticle diffusion effects
3.5 to 4.5 0.51 Lemcoff and Jameson ( 1975) must be taken when the data at various temperatures
2.72 0.51 Komiyama and Smith ( 1974~) are analyzed. The intraparticle diffusion limitations may
1.54 0.55 be absent for experiments at lower temperatures, but
3.1 0.64 Komiyama and Smith (1975) may become important as temperature is increased. A
1.6 0.64 Komiyama and Smith ( 1975) second limitation is that the adsorption characteristics
3.2 0.64 Komiyama and Smith ( 1975) of the second component ( B ) may change with tempera-
3.3 0.61 Shibuya and Uraguchi ( 1977) ture, indirectly influencing the rate constant. Detailed
2.81,2.81 - Midoux and Charpentier experimentation, varying both the concentration of A
and B for each temperature under investigation, is nec-
3.01,3.35 (1973)
essary for a rational analysis of slurry reactor data.
7.5 0.5 Satterfield et al. (1969) When the reaction order is nonlinear with respect to
A, the plots of Agi/HARa vs l / w are no longer linear
as shown in the section on illustrative examples. Care is
A rate model has to be assumed to fit a kinetic model needed in extrapolating such data to obtain the intercept.
to RA vs A, data, If the criteria given by Equation (115) For example, hlarangozis et al. (1977) show that the
are not satisfied, the effect of intraparticle diffusion has data of Bailey et a]. (1942) on hydrogenation of cotton-
to be accounted for, This requires data to be obtained at seed oil do not follow the linear pattern when plotted as
two or more particle sizes, For the assumed rate model, the Agi 1
value of the generalized Thiele modulus 4 is obtained -vs-
from equations such as given in Table 2. The value of qc HARA w
can be then calculated, and diffusion-free intrinsic kinetics If a large number of experimental data are obtained
obtained. for various operating conditions, search techniques can
Experimental data from various particle sizes can be
be used to obtain the kinetic and mass transfer data. An
analyzed to obtain simultaneously both D, and the kinetic objective function of the type
parameters, To determine the kinetics of the reaction
with respect to B, we need the experimental rate data at
various concentrations of B. For example, in the hydro-
2[ R A exp - R A theory
RA exp 1
genation of glucose to sorbitol over Raney Nickel catalyst, 1
Brahme and Doraiswamy (1976) obtained experimental rate can be defined and minimized with respect to the param-
data at four values of glucose concentrations. Using these eter values. Here N T is the total number of experiments
data, they successfully distinguished between five postu- conducted. A number of parameters such as particle size,
lated kinetic rate models. 50
For reactions which are first-order with respect to the
gaseous component, simple varying of the catalyst loading n
will yield the rate parameters. For such systems, a plot
of A g i / R ~ H Avs l / w should be linear, as indicated by .

Equation (61). The inherent assumption for the basis of 5
linearity of these plots is that k ~ ais independent of w .
The intercept of this line would correspond to VL/HAQ I0
[l - exp(--a~L)]-l or to l / k L a for sparingly soluble t
The slope of this line gives [apdp/6ks + l / n c k l ] . To
.& 5
evaluate k, and k, separately, three approaches are pos- u
sible: w
w 3
1. The solid-liquid. mass transfer coefficient can be 0
estimated from suitable correlations. The value of ]c, can I2
be found from the slope by subtracting the contribution
of k,.
2. Experimental value of the slope can be got at I
different particle sizes. The term ppdp/6k, would change 0 001 0003 0005 001 002 003 005

as dp1.7t02.0, while l / ~ , k , would be independent of dp, PARTICLE SIZE, dp

provided intraparticle diffusion effects are absent. The Figure 19. Effect of d, on the slope of A*/RA vs l/w plot, for a
term l/& would change as dpl.Owhen the intraparticle first-order reaction.

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, NO.2) March, 1980 Page 197

catalyst loading, speed of agitation (or gas velocity for external area of particles per unit volume of
bubble columns) and gas phase concentration can be slurry, cm2/cm3
varied, and RA ex,, data can be taken. The theoretical dimensionless concentration of A at the external
rate of reaction would depend on the postulated mecha- surface of the catalyst, As/A*
nism, and the necessary equations for various cases have concentration of species A at the conditions in-
been summarized in Tables 1 and 2. A knowledge of dicated in the subscript, mole/cm3
how the mass transfer parameters change with operating concentration of A in the liquid in equilibrium
conditions is necessary in using this method. It is reason- with the gas = A,~/HA,mole/cm3
able to assume that kLa does not depend on d,, or w chemical reaction equilibrium concentration of A
and varies as W . 8 5 and as uyO,* for a bubble column. based on the concentrations of the various reac-
Similarly, the value of k , would vary as d p - 0 , 7 to tants prevailing in the liquid phase, mole/cm3
and as N 0 . 2 t 0 0 . 7 5 in an agitated contactor and as ~ c ~ ~ concentration
. ~ ~ ratio defined as B*/A*
in a bubble column. A multidimensional search is neces- concentration of species B at the conditions in-
sary to obtain all the parameters. The search is simplified dicated in the subscript, mole/cm3
if some of the parameters are obtained from independent concentration of B in the liquid in equilibrium
experiments. An order of magnitude value of the adsorp- with gas B , i / H B , mole/cm3
tion equilibrium constant can be obtained from indepen- concentration of C in the bulk liquid, mole/cm3
dent experiments under non-reacting conditions. viscosity correction factor defined by Equation
DYNAMICS OF SLURRY REACTORS average diameter of the gas bubbles in the reac-
tor, cm
Knowing the dynamic behavior of slurry reactors is average pore diameter of the catalyst, cm
useful in predicting the effect of disturbances in input diameter of the impeller, cm
variables on the reactor performance. Laboratory experi- average diameter of the catalyst particles, cm
mental dynamic data may also help in evaluating the critical diameter of the diffusing solute, cm
various transport and rate parameters, and in elucidating diameter of the slurry reactor, cm
the reaction mechanism. Ramachandran and Smith (1977) diffusion coefficient of the diffusing species in
present equations in the Laplace domain for the dynamic the liquid, cni2/sec
behavior of three phase slurry reactor to a step or pulse effective diffusion coefficient in the pores of the
input for a first-order chemical reaction. A particularly catalyst (diffusing species indicated in the sub-
interesting aspect is that the dynamic data offer the script), cm2/sec
possibility of separate evaluation of adsorption and sur- intrinsic surface dilfusivity, cmZ/sec
face reaction rate constants, which is not possible from energy siipplied to the liquid per unit mass,
steady state measurements. cm2/sec3
Govindarao (1975) modeled the dynamic behavior of concentration of species E and F in the bulk
bubble column slurry reactors. The concentration dis- liquid, mole/cm3
tribution of the catalyst was also considered, and the shape factor of the catalyst
transient equations are solved by numerical methods. acceleration due to gravity cm/sec2
Experiments on the dynamic behavior of slurry reactors solubility coefficient of gas A, defined as A,/AI,
have been limited. The analytical device used for such cm3 liquid/cm3 gas
study must be capable of continuously sensing the con- solubility coefficient of gas B, em3 liquid/cin3 gas
centration of a single component in a multicomponent adsorption rate constant, cm3/gm/sec
reaction mixture. Komiyama and Smith ( 1975) reported gas film mass transfer coefficient, cm/sec
data on oxidation of SO2 in a slurry of activated carbon. rate constant for homogeneous reaction of A in
The concentration of SOz in the outlet gas stream was the liquid phase, sec-1
measured as a function of time with a seven-way sampling liquid film mass transfer coefficient, cm/sec
valve and a gas chromatograph. The reaction scheme pseudo-mt" order rate constant, cm3/gm (cm3/
here involves two gases, and theoretical analysis of the sec-1 (for example, k l = pseudo first
dynamic experimental data for such systems has not been order rate constant, cm3/gm/sec, etc.)
published. rate constant for a (m, n ) th order reaction,
Komiyama and Smith (1975) also report some dynamic cm3/gm ( cm3/mole) * + n - - l sec-1
experimental data on a catalyst which was pretreated with surface reaction rate constant, sec-1
pure oxygen for various intervals of time, These are liquid to catalyst particle mass transfer coefficient,
useful in determining the controlling step of the reaction. cm/sec
adsorption equilibrium constant for a linear re-
Dynamic behavior of a bubble column slurry reactor
versible adsorption = KS,, cm3/gm "
catalyzing the methanation reaction of CO was studied
K A , K B , & = adsorptioLn equilibrium constant of the
by Aposporidis and Hammer (1975). Step change of
feed gas composition and the gas rate were the input species indicated in the subscript for the Lang-
muir-Hinshelwood model, cm3/mole
disturbances. If the range of the disturbance is small,
simplified linearized models are likely to apply. It is K L = overall gas to liquid mass transfer coefficient,
possible to use such simple models in conjunction with cm/sec
the experimental data to find the transport and kinetic KR = equilibrium constant for chemical reaction
parameters and to ascertain the mechanism of the reaction,
I, = eddy size, cm
L = total height of slurry above the entrance of gas
bubbles, cm
m, ml, m2 = order of reaction with respect to species A
a = effective gas-liquid interfacial area per unit vol- M A , M B = parameters defined by Equations (12) and
ume of slurry, cm2/cm3 (47) respectively, sec-1
a, = dimensionless concentration defined as A,/A* n, nL = order of reaction with respect to B

Page 198 March, 1980 AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2)

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N = speed of agitation of slurry, sec-1 If = liquid at time t = t
N , = minimum agitation required, sec-1 s = external surface of the catalyst
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Slesser, C. G. M., W. T. Allen, A. R. Cumming, U. Pawlowshy, Dr. R. V. Chaudhari obtained his PhD in chemistry from
and J. Shields, “Study of Non-Catalytic Aspects of Catalyst Bombay University. After spending a couple of years in Uni-
Particle Influence in Slurried Bed Reactors,” Chem. Renc- versity of Edinburgh, Scotland as a post-doctoral fellow, he
tion Eng.-Proc. Fourth European Sympos., Brussels, 41 joined the Chemical Engineering Division of National Chem-
(1968). ical Laboratory, Poona, India as a scientist. Current areas of
Suzuki, M., and K. Kawazoe, “Batch Measurement of Adsorp- interest are gas-liquid reactions, three phase catalytic reactors
tion Rate in an Agitated Tank-Pore Diffusion Kinetics with and homogeneous catalysis. He has published over 20 papers
Irreversible Isotherm,” J . Chem. Eng. Japan, 7 , 346 ( 1974). in these areas.
Suzuki, M. and K. Kawazoe, “Effective Surface Diffusion Co- Dr. P. A. Ramachandran has a PhD in chemical engineering
efficients of Volatile Organics in Activated Carbon During from University of Bombay and has held teaching and post-
Adsorption,” J. Chem. Eng., Japan, 8, 379 (1975). doctoral positions in University of Bombay, India, University
Sylvester, N. D., A. A. Kulkami, and J. J. Carberry, “Slurry of Salford, UK, and University of California, Davis. His cur-
and Trickle Bed Reactor Effectiveness Factor,” Can. J. rent position is as a scientist in the National Chemical Labora-
Chem. Eng., 53,313 (1975). tory, Poona. He has published more than 50 papers in the
Tamhankar, S. S.. and R. V. Chaudhari, “Absorption and Re- areas of reaction engineering and mathematical modeling. Dr.
action of Acetylene in Aqueous Cuproiis Chloride Slurries,” Ramachandran is recipient of the “Moulton” medal (1971)
Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 18,406 (1979). from the Institution of Chemical Engineers, London.
Tan, P. N., and J. S. Ratcliffe, “Catalytic Chlorination of To-
luene in a Slurry Reactor,” Mech. Chem. Eng. Trans., MC Manuscript received February 26, 1979; revision received October 26,
10, 35 (1974). and accepted Nouember 2, 1979.

Intraparticle Mass Transfer in Coal Pyrolysis

Intraparticle mass transfer in coal pyrolysis is described by ternary dif-
fusion and viscous flow, in conjunction with a simple pore model to predict KARL A. WlLKS
concentration profiles for gases and tar. At low pressures, product yields Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
depend on particle size only, while at high pressures they depend on pres- California Institute of Technology
sure and particle size. Limited experimental data from a subbituminous coal Pasadena, California 91 125
confirm these trends. Data from a bituminous coal show different trends, as
expected from the drastic changes the pore structure undergoes during py-
This study of intraparticle mass transfer in coal pyrol- size on the product yield. Three ingredients are required
ysis concentrates on the effect of pressure and particle for a theoretical description of intraparticle transport: the
chemistry of pyrolysis, a pore model of coal, and suitable
Wilks is now with Stauffer Chemical. Richmond. Calif. flux relationshim. The Drobabilitv that a volatile moduct
molecule recombines with the coal matrix before escaping
0001-1541-80-3236401.35.0 The American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, 1980. the particle depends on the number of free radical sites

AlChE Journal (Vol. 26, No. 2) March, 1980 Page 201

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