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Plaintiff-Appellee Vs Vs Accused-Appellant The Solicitor General Public Attorney's Office

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[G.R. No. 113708. October 26, 1999.]


TABUSO y SISTER @ BULAG , accused-appellant.

The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.

Public Attorney's Office for accused-appellant.


The accused here was found guilty of murder in conspiracy with his companions.
According to witness Renato Datingginoo, on that fateful day, he saw the accused with his
companions in an alley. He heard the accused utter "nandyan na si Dagul (victim Roberto)";
then, he heard gunshots coming from the direction of the alley. Thereafter, accused and his
companions were seen hurriedly coming out from the alley. When Renato went to the place
where the incident happened, he saw the victim lying prostrate on the ground, stiffening.
Roberto was brought to the hospital where he later died.
For uttering the fact that the victim was coming, appellant allegedly acted as a
lookout. However, the same does not evince commonality in criminal intent as it was
barren of any factual bases. Renato merely relied on the inferences of what was happening
and did not really know what truly transpired. Accused's alibi and denial are weak defenses
but the burden of proof in criminal cases lies with the prosecution. Absent enough
evidence to establish conspiracy, acquittal of appellant is in order since his guilt has not
been established beyond reasonable doubt. The accused was acquitted.


1. CRIMINAL LAW; CONSPIRACY; WHEN PRESENT. — "Conspiracy exists when

two or more persons come to an agreement on the commission of a felony and decide to
commit it." ( People v. Manuzon, 277 SCRA 550) In a number of cases, this Court ruled that
"similar to the physical act constituting the crime itself, the elements of conspiracy must
be proven beyond reasonable doubt." ( People v. Andal, 279 SCRA 474, 476) "The mere
presence of a person at the scene of the crime does not make him a co-conspirator."
(People v. Ortiz, 266 SCRA 641, 643) "Assumed intimacy between two persons of itself
does not give that much signi cance to the existence of criminal conspiracy." ( People v.
Gomez, 270 SCRA 432) "Conspiracy certainly transcends companionship." ( supra) "Settled
is the rule that to establish conspiracy, evidence of actual cooperation rather than mere
cognizance or approval of an illegal act is required." (People v. Alas, 274 SCRA 310, 311)
2. ID.; ID.; NOT APPRECIATED IN CASE AT BAR. — The Court thoroughly
examined the transcript of stenographic notes and nothing can be deduced from the
testimony of Renato that accused conspired with Mendoza and some others in killing
Bugarin. The Court is not convinced that Tabuso acted as a lookout when he uttered
"Nandiyan na si Dagul," as mere utterance did not evince commonality in criminal intent.
There is a scant scintilla of proof of Tabuso's alleged role as a lookout; and it was never
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proven by the People. Obviously, that Tabuso acted as a lookout is just a conclusion
arrived at by Renato. It is barren of any factual or legal basis.
REASONABLE DOUBT, NOT ESTABLISHED. — Alibi and denial are weak defenses. But, the
burden of proof in criminal cases lies with the prosecution. Absent enough evidence to
establish conspiracy, acquittal of accused-appellant is in order since his guilt has not been
established beyond reasonable doubt.



Appeal interposed by accused Arquillos Tabuso from the Decision of Branch 14 of

the Regional Trial Court of Manila, nding him guilty of murder in Criminal Case No. 92-
108854. dctai

Filed on August 5, 1992 by Assistant City Prosecutor Orlando Ana-Siapno, the

Information indicting accused Arquillos Tabuso y Sister @ Bulag, alleges:
"That on or about July 29, 1992, in the City of Manila, Philippines, the said
accused, conspiring and confederating with three others whose true names,
identities and present whereabouts are still unknown, and helping one another,
did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with intent to kill and with
treachery and evident premeditation, attack, assault and use personal violence
upon one ROBERTO BUGARIN Y PIGAR by shooting the latter with a gun hitting
him on the right armpit and right shoulder, thereby in icting upon the latter mortal
gunshot wounds which were the direct and immediate cause of his death
thereafter." 1

With the accused entering a negative plea on October 22, 1992, upon arraignment
with the assistance of Atty. Bonifacio Macabaya, trial ensued with the prosecution
presenting Arturo Cortes, Renato Datingginoo, Rosalinda Datingginoo, Cesar Bugarin,
Marcial Cenido and Dr. Rowena Asuncion, as its witnesses.
For the defense, the accused took the witness stand as the lone witness on his
Testified on by its witnesses, the version of the prosecution runs as follows:
On July 29, 1992, at 8:40 o'clock in the evening, Renato Datingginoo passed by the
group of Arnold Mendoza, accused Arquillos Tabuso and some other companions in an
alley, on his way to Sevilla Street, Tondo, Manila, to buy food. He (Renato) heard Tabuso
utter "nandiyan na si Dagul" (TSN, December 10, 1992, p. 6). Referred to as Dagul was the
deceased Roberto Bugarin.
When he (Renato Datingginoo) was near the store, he heard two (2) gunshots
coming from the direction of the said alley. He went back to the alley and met one Banong
who uttered, "Utol, wala iyon, binanatan lang si Dagul" (TSN, December 9, 1992, p. 10).
Banong is Arnold Mendoza's brother. He heard another gunshot. Thereafter, he saw Arnold
Mendoza, Banong, Arquillos Tabuso and another person hurriedly coming out from the
alley, and proceeding to their house.
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Then, Renato went to the place where the incident happened, near his house, and he
saw Roberto Bugarin lying prostrate on the ground, stiffening (naninigas, nakatumba,
nangingisay) (TSN, December 9, 1992, p. 12). Thereafter, he brought him to the Mary
Johnston Hospital. At around 10:00 o'clock in the evening, he learned that Bugarin died.
Rosalina Datingginoo testi ed that she and her uncle Amado Bugarin, heard two
gunshots, on July 29, 1992, at 8:40 o'clock in the evening, while they were in the house of
Rebecca Ty, her sister. Her uncle closed the door so as not to get involved in the case.
Somebody knocked at the door and when her uncle opened it, it turned out that the person
knocking was Rolando Bugarin. She saw Arnold Mendoza shoot Bugarin twice and the
latter lay on the oor of her aunt's house. Mendoza, Tabuso and their two companions
hurriedly escaped from the scene of the crime. cdphil

Dr. Rowena Asuncion of Mary Johnston Hospital examined the victim and found him
with two gunshot wounds in the lungs, one on the right posterior axillary line with no point
of exit, and the other at the right midcalf of the thoracic line. Before declaring Bugarin
dead, at 8:55 o'clock in the evening of the same day, doctors inserted a tube in his throat
to force air into his lungs and to supply oxygen to the patient. They also inserted an
intravenous line to his extremities.
Cesar Bugarin, bereaved father of the deceased, claimed that he gave P5,000.00 to
his lawyer as downpayment for the P10,000.00 attorney's fees agreed upon. He also spent
P3,000.00 for the cemetery arrangements, P9,000.00 for the services of Don Bosco
Funeral Parlor, P2,562.00 for transportation expenses, P26.00 for coffee, P36.00 for sugar,
P104.00 for orange juice, P100.00 for biscuits and P100.00 for peanuts and green peas.
He experienced anxiety by reason of his son's death and suffered moral damages, as a
Accused put up the defense of alibi.
Accused theorized that he was taking care of his child in his house at No. 50
Sampaloc Street, Camarin, Caloocan, when the killing complained of happened. On July 31,
1992, WPD O cers invited him to the UN Detachment O ce and asked him about
Mendoza's whereabouts. To his surprise, one Renato Reyes and another woman identi ed
him, after which, they incarcerated him for being a relative of Arnold Mendoza.
On August 9, 1993, Judge Inocencio D. Maliaman of the Regional Trial Court a quo
found the evidence for the prosecution su cient to support a judgment of conviction and
disposed, thus:
"WHEREFORE, nding the accused Arquillos Tabuso Y Sister guilty of the
crime of murder as charged in the information, de ned and penalized under
Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, he is hereby sentenced to suffer
RECLUSION PERPETUA with all the accessory penalties provided by law. He is
further sentenced to indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the amount of
P50,000.00 for the death of the victim and P14,928.00 as consequential damages
and to pay the costs.
In the service of the sentence, the accused is entitled to the provision of
Article 29 2 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended." 3

Undaunted, the accused found his way to this Court via the ordinary appeal at bar.
To buttress his protestation of innocence and plea for acquittal, appellant theorized:
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The pivot of inquiry being factual and evidentiary, credibility of the witnesses
assumes extreme importance. Records on hand indicate that the sole basis of appellant's
conviction is his alleged conspiracy with Arnold Mendoza and some others. LLpr

"Conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an agreement on the

commission of a felony and decide to commit it." ( People v. Manuzon, 277 SCRA 550) In a
number of cases, this Court ruled that "similar to the physical act constituting the crime
itself, the elements of conspiracy must be proven beyond reasonable doubt." ( People v.
Andal, 279 SCRA 474, 476)
"The mere presence of a person at the scene of the crime does not make him a co-
conspirator." ( People v. Ortiz, 266 SCRA 641, 643) "Assumed intimacy between two
persons of itself does not give that much signi cance to the existence of criminal
conspiracy." (People v. Gomez, 270 SCRA 432)
"Conspiracy certainly transcends companionship." (supra) "Settled is the rule that to
establish conspiracy, evidence of actual cooperation rather than mere cognizance or
approval of an illegal act is required." (People v. Alas, 274 SCRA 310, 311)
A careful examination and appreciation of the attendant facts and circumstances
show that the witnesses were categorical in their narration that it was Arnold Mendoza
who killed Rolando Bugarin. The People placed heavy reliance on Renato Datingginoo's
testimony that Tabuso acted as a lookout, which conclusion must have been arrived at
when Tabuso uttered " Nandiyan na si Dagul" and from the fact that the assailants
(including Tabuso) fled.
The Court thoroughly examined the transcript of stenographic notes and nothing
can be deduced from the testimony of Renato Datingginoo that accused Arquillos Tabuso
conspired with Mendoza and some others in killing Bugarin. He (witness) testified:
Do you know what these people were doing when you pass by?

They were standing as if they were waiting for someone, Sir.

What happened when you pass by their group as if they were waiting for
somebody else?
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When I pass by their group, I heard Arquillos Tabuso saying 'nandiyan na si
Dagul', sir.

This Tabuso you are referring to is he the same person charged of homicide?

Yes, Sir, as far as I know, Arquillos Tabuso is merely a look out . . ." (TSN,
December 9, 1992, pp. 6-7)
I did not notice what happened, so I just pass (sic) by their group and
proceeded to Sevilla St. and while going to Sevilla St., I heard a gunshots,
(sic) sir.

How far are (sic) you from Tabuso when he utter (sic) the words "nandiyan
na si Dagul"
More or less 2 meters away, sir.

You said you proceeded to a place when you are (sic) going to buy foods
and you said you heard 2 gunshots, is that correct?

Yes, sir. . . ." (TSN, December 9, 1992, p. 8)

Do (sic) you know if said Arquillos Tabuso has (sic) any relation to Arnold

Before the incident, I do (sic) not know, Sir.


What about after the incident?


We object, she is incompetent to answer?

She is testifying.

Witness may answer.
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Yes, Sir, Arquillos Tabuso as a relation to Arnold Mendoza.

What relation does (sic) he have?

They were cousin, (sic) sir.

What about the three suspected men whom you saw hurriedly escape,(sic)
will you look around if they were here now?
They were not here, sir.

Were you able to know the two men aside from Arquillos Tabuso after the
shooting who hurriedly escape? (sic)

No, sir. . . ." (TSN, December 16, 1992, pp. 6-11)

Generally, ineffectualness to entirely narrate the trivialities of the incident by the

witness strengthens, as it negates rehearsed trial, however, in the case under scrutiny, the
lapses in the testimony of Renato Datingginoo were not caused by the natural fickleness of
his memory but rather the full account of what he witnessed. After a careful examination of
the evidence, the Court is not convinced that Tabuso acted as a lookout when he uttered
"Nandiyan na si Dagul". LLpr

Mere utterance of Tabuso of " nandiyan na si Dagul" did not evince commonality in
criminal intent. There is a scant scintilla of proof of Tabuso's alleged role as a lookout. It
was never proven by the People. Obviously, that Tabuso acted as a lookout is just a
conclusion arrived at by Renato Datingginoo. It is barren of any factual or legal basis.
So, also, when he passed by the group of Mendoza in order to buy food, Datingginoo
concluded that they were standing as if waiting for someone. He merely relied on
inferences and did not really know what truly transpired. He had no hand in the situation.
What is undisputed was that he only observed that all the culprits were standing near the
alley. When he proceeded to Sevilla Street to buy food, he heard a gunshot and while
buying food in the store, heard two (2) more gunshots.
To be sure, alibi and denial are weak defenses. But, the burden of proof in criminal
cases lies with the prosecution.
"Well-entrenched is the rule that in order to sustain the conviction of an
accused person, his guilt must be proven beyond reasonable doubt by the State
with the prosecution relying on the strength of its evidence and not on the
weakness of the defense." (People v. Almario, 275 SCRA 529)

What is more, when the accused testi ed on his behalf, he was consistent in his
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assertion that he did not know anything about the killing. According to him, he was invited
by the WPD o cers to the UN Detachment O ce on July 31, 1992 and was put in jail when
they failed to locate Mendoza who is his relative. Mendoza and appellant Tabuso are
cousins. However, sole relationship does not necessarily make them conspirators, absent
proof beyond reasonable doubt.
Finally, the prosecution further theorized that appellant acted as a lookout during the
commission of the felony. But such a theory is incredible because Tabuso is known in
Sevilla Street, Tondo, as " Bulag " or blind because of an eye defect. Considering his
deformity, which is undisputed, the Court entertains great doubts over his ability or
efficacy to perform the role of a supposed lookout.
Absent enough evidence to establish conspiracy, acquittal of accused-appellant is in
order since his guilt has not been established beyond reasonable doubt. Verily, as Alfonso
El Sabio was reputed to have said a long time ago and as cited by the late Justice Conrado
V. Sanchez in People v. Cunanan, 19 SCRA 769, 784; "Mas vale que queden sin castigar diez
reos presuntos, que se castigue uno inocente."
WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment of conviction is REVERSED; and on the ground
of reasonable doubt, accused-appellant Arquillos Tabuso y Sister @ Bulag is hereby
ACQUITTED of the crime charged. With costs de oficio.
Let the Director of Prisons, NBP, Muntinlupa City, cause the immediate release of
accused-appellant unless there be any other legal ground for his continued detention and
report to the Court within ten (10) days the action taken by virtue hereof.
Melo, Vitug, Panganiban and Gonzaga-Reyes, JJ., concur.


1. Records, p. 1.
2. Period of Preventive imprisonment deducted from term of imprisonment. — Offenders or
accused who have undergone preventive imprisonment shall be credited in the service of
their sentence consisting of deprivation of liberty, with the full time during which they
have undergone preventive imprisonment, if the detention prisoner agrees voluntarily in
writing to abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners . . . .
3. Decision, pp. 4-5, Rollo, pp. 16-17.
4. Brief for Accused-Appellant, p. 1, Rollo, p. 35. cdrep

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