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Research Paper Engineering E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | Apr 2017

1 2 3 3 3 3
Dr. B. Paulchamy | Ms. T. Sivamani | M. Arun Kumar | V. Deepak Vignesh | G. Gowtham | M. Gowtham |
G. Diveendaran
Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-32.
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Hindusthan Institute of Technology,
UG Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-32.

This paper presents an smarttraffic control system to pass emergency vehicles smoothly. For implementing intelligent Traffic control for Congestion, Ambulance
Clearance, and stolen vehicle Detection. Each separate vehicle is arranged with special radio frequency identification (RFID) tag, which makes it impossible to
remove or destroy. Here we using RFID reader, and PIC16F877A system-on-chip to read the RFID tags attached to the vehicle. It counts number of vehicles that passes
on a particular path during a specified duration. It also determines the network congestion, and hence the green light period for that path. When an ambulance is
approaching the junction, it will connect to the traffic controller in the junction to turn ON the green light. This uses RF modules and PIC16F877 and a system-on-chip
for wireless communications between the ambulance and traffic controller. The prototype was tested under different combinations of inputs in our wireless
communication laboratory and experimental results were found as expected.

KEYWORDS: RF module, GSM, PIC16F877, Ambulance clearance and stolen vehicle, congestion control, Traffic junction.

1. INTRODUCTION traffic on the road. Also the condition of patient ismonitored and this information
The growth of Industrialization and population, there has been a tremendous is send to the respective doctor so that doctor can prep this paper, a novel idea is
growth in the traffic. With growth in traffic, there is occurrence of bundle of prob- proposed for providing a green path to the emergency vehicles. Most of the traf-
lems too, these problems include traffic jams, accidents and traffic rules violation fic signals are static in nature and requires modification to reduce the possibilities
at the heavy traffic signals. This in turn has an adverse effect on the economy of of traffic jams and provide clearance to emergency vehicles. The system shows
the country as well as the loss of lives. The expected increase of cars and SUVs promising results, since active RFID technology permits to detect the presence
from 2005 to 2035 is 13 times (35.8 million to 236.4 million vehicles), while two and identify the emergency vehicle in advance sufficiently in advance. It is
wheelers are expected to increase about 6.6 times(35.8 million to 236.4 million directly targeted for traffic management so that emergency vehicle on the road
vehicles). get clear. This system will definitely help to give a smooth flow to the emergency
vehicle when there is heavy traffic on the road and gives a powerful solution to
improve existing system with the new automated traffic light controller. It can be
In recent years, wireless networks are widely used in the road transport as they extended to provide to provide communication from one vehicle to other for a
provide more cost effective options. Technologies like RF, RFID and GSM can smooth flow of traffic.[4]
be used in traffic control to provide cost effective solutions. RFID is a wireless
technology that uses radio frequency electromagnetic energy to carry informa- In the next process before the patient reach to the hospital. The design and imple-
tion between the RFID reader. Some RFID systems will only work within the mentation of this technique is directly targeted for traffic management so that
range inches or centimeters, while others may work for AT A GSM modem is a emergency vehicle on road get clear way to reach there destination in less time
specialized type of modem, which accepts a SIM card and operates over a sub- and without any human interruption. The main feature of this operation is the abil-
scription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile phone commands are used to con- ity to communicate with purpose using GSM and GPS. It is very smart to find the
trol modems. location of emergency of VIP vehicle and get clear path to pass on.[3]

2. LITERATURE SURVEY With automatic traffic signal control based on the traffic density in the route, the
With automatic traffic signal control based on the traffic density in the route, the manual effort on the part of the traffic policeman is saved. As the entire system is
manual effort on the part of the traffic policeman is saved. As the entire system is automated, it requires very less human intervention. With stolen vehicle detec-
automated, it requires very less human intervention. With stolen vehicle detec- tion, the signal automatically turns to red, so that the police officer can take
tion, the signal automatically turns to red, so that the police officer can take appropriate action, if he/she is present at the junction, Also SMS will be sent so
appropriate action, if he/she is present at the junction. Also SMS will be sent so that they can prepare to catch the stolen vehicle at the next possible junctions,
that they can prepare to catch the stolen vehicle at the next possible junctions. Emergency vehicles like ambulance, fie truck, need to reach their destinations at
Emergency vehicles like ambulance, fire trucks, need to reach their destinations the earliest. If they spend a lot of time in traffic jams, precious lives of many peo-
at the earliest. If they spend a lot of time in traffic jams, precious lives of many ple may be in danger. With emergency vehicle clearance, the traffic signal turns
people may be in danger. With emergency vehicle clearance, the traffic signal to green as long as the emergency vehicle is waiting in the traffic junction.
turns to green as long as the emergency vehicle is waiting in the traffic junction.
The signal turns to red, only after the emergency vehicle passes through. Further The signal turns to red, only after the emergency vehicle passes through. Further
enhancements can be done to the prototype by testing it with longer range RFID enhancements can be done to the prototype by testing it with longer range. Also
readers. Also GPS can be placed into the stolen vehicle detection module, so that GPS can be placed into the stolen vehicle detection module, so that the exact loca-
the exact location of stolen vehicle is known. Currently, we have implemented tion of stolen vehicle is known. Currently, we have implementing system con-
system by considering one road of the traffic junction. It can be improved by sider one road of the traffic junction. It can be improved by extending to all the
extending to all the roads in a multi-road junction.[1] roads in a multi road junction.[5]

In this method the vehicle tracking and locking systems used to track the theft
The efficient techniques to control the traffic light sequence but these are not to vehicle by using GPS and GSM technology, it is evident that the proposed Micro-
provide the QoS to Special Vehicle. controller, GPS, GSM and RFID based smart system for the remote vehicle moni-
tor, control, security and fuel management purpose, has a Business Intelligence
It considers not only the priority of the vehicles but also the density of the vehi- (BI) capabilities. Hence, this smart system for vehicle monitoring, controlling
cles on the road and controls the traffic light sequence efficiently and more accu- and security will helps to the vehicle owner or operational Manager of transport
rately and the accuracy of the RFID is more than Camera's so it also improves the business to operate their vehicles with maximum security and efficiency by gain-
performance of traffic light Violation Detection System[2].This system will defi- ing the real time insights from remote vehicle to make the optimal and timely
nitely help to traffic police to give the way to the ambulance when there heavy decisions.[6]
Copyright© 2016, IERJ. This open-access article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License which permits Share (copy and redistribute the material in any
medium or format) and Adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) under the Attribution-NonCommercial terms.

International Education & Research Journal [IERJ] 1

Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | Apr 2017
In this existing system RFID is used. RFID reader will track how many vehicles Here, a GSM modem is connected with the microcontroller. This allows the com-
have passed through for a specific period of time and determines the congestion puter to use the GSM modem to communicate over the mobile network. These
volume. Accordingly, it sets the green light duration for that path. Second part is GSM modems are most frequently used to provide mobile Internet connectivity,
for the emergency vehicle clearance. Here, each emergency vehicle contains many of them can also be used for sending and receiving SMS and MMS mes-
ZigBee transmitter module and the ZigBee receiver will be implemented at the sages. GSM modem must support an ―extended AT command setǁ for send-
traffic junction. The buzzer will be switched ON when the vehicle is used for ing/receiving SMS messages. GSM modems are a cost effective solution for
emergency purpose. receiving SMS messages, because the sender is paying for the message delivery.
SIM 300 is designed for global market and it is a tri-band GSM engine. It works
4. PROPOSED METHOD on frequencies EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz and PCS 1900MHz. SIM300
In the proposed method we hadusing the following technologies to solve the cur- features GPRS multi-slot class 10/ class 8 (optional) and supports the GPRS cod-
rent problem section, it can be seen that, existing technologies are insufficient to ing schemes. This GSM modem is a highly flexible plug and play quad band
handle the problems of congestion control, emergency vehicle clearance, stolen GSM modem, interface to RS232, it supports features like voice, data, SMS,
vehicle detection, etc. To solve these problems, we propose to implement our GPRS and integrated TCP/IP stack. It is controlled via AT commands. It uses AC
Intelligent Traffic Control System.It mainly consists of three parts. First part con- – DC power adaptor with following ratings DC Voltage: 12V/1A
tains automatic signal control system. Here, each vehicle is equipped with an
RFID tag. When it comes in the range of RFID reader, it will send the signal to the v RFID READER
RFID reader. The RFID reader will track how many vehicles have passed Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an IT system that transmits signals
through for a specific period and determines the congestion volume. Accord- without the presence of physical gadgets in wireless communication. It is catego-
ingly, it sets the green light duration for that path. Second part is for the emer- rized under automatic identification technology, which is well established proto-
gency vehicle clearance. col. The working of an RFID system is very simple. The system utilizes tags that
are attached to various components to be tracked. The tags store data and infor-
BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TRANSMITTER mation concerning the details of the product of things to be traced. The reader
reads the radio frequency and identifies the tags. The antenna provides the means
for the integrated circuit to transmit its information to the reader. There are two
types of RFID categories, active and passive tags. The tags that do not utilize
power are referred to as passive and they are driven by an antenna that enables the
tag to receive electromagnetic waves from a reader. On the contrary, active tags
rely on power and they have inbuilt power sources that enable it to send and
receive signals from RFID reader.

RFID range depends on transmit power, receive sensitivity and efficiency,

antenna, frequency, tag orientations, surroundings. Typically, the RFID range is
from a few centimeters to over hundred meters. RFID reader uses frequency 125
KHz with a range of 10 cm.

Figure:1 Transmitter v Radio Frequency

A radio frequency (RF) signal refers to a wireless electromagnetic signal used as
Here, each emergency vehicle contains RF transmitter module and the RF a form of communication, if one is discussing wireless electronics. Radio waves
receiver will be implemented at the traffic junction. The buzzer will be switched are a form of electromagnetic radiation with identified radio frequencies that
ON when the vehicle is used for emergency purpose. range from 3Hz to 300 GHz. Frequency refers to the rate of oscillation (of the
radio waves.) RF propagation occurs at the speed of light and does not need a
BLOCK DIAGRAM OF RECEIVER medium like air in order to travel. RF waves occur naturally from sun flares,
lightning, and from stars in space that radiate RF waves as they age. Humankind
communicates with artificially created radio waves that oscillate at various cho-
sen. frequencies. RF communication is used in many industries including televi-
sion broadcasting, radar systems, computer and mobile platform networks,
remote control, remote metering/monitoring, and many more.


Figure :2 Receiver

This will send the signal through the RF transmitter to the RF receiver. It will
make the traffic light to change to green. Once the ambulance passes through, the
receiver no longer receives the RF signal and the traffic light is turned to red. The
third part is responsible for stolen vehicle detection. Here, when the RFID reader Figure :3Snapshot of our designed kit
reads the RFID tag, it compares it to the list of stolen RFIDs. If a match is found, it
sends SMS to the police control room and changes the traffic light to red, so that Automatic Signal Control System
the vehicle is made to stop in the traffic junction and local police can take appro- In this module, for experiment purpose, we have used passive RFID tags and
priate action. List of components used in the experiment are CC2500RF module, RFID reader with frequency 125 KHz. RFID tag, when vehicle comes in the
Microchip PIC16F877A, RFID Reader–125KHz–TTL and SIM300 GSM. range of the receiver will transmit the unique RFID to the reader. The
microcontroller Connected to the RFID reader will count the RFID tags read in 2
v Microcontroller (PIC16F877A) minute duration. For testing purpose, if the count is more than 10, the green light
Peripheral Interface Control (PIC) 16F series has a lot of advantages as compared duration is set to 30 seconds, if count is between 5 and 9, the green light duration
to other series. It executes each instruction in less than 200 nanoseconds. It has 40 is set to 20 seconds. If the count is less than 5, the green light duration is set to 10
pins and has 8K program memory and 368 byte data memory. It is easy to store seconds. The red light duration will be for 10 seconds and orange light duration
and send UINs. At the junction, it is easy to store large number of emergency vehi- will be for 2 seconds.
cles. Before switching to green, it should satisfy all the conditions. It is easy to
switch any time. It consumes less power and operates by vehicle battery itself Stolen Vehicle Detection System
without any extra hardware. In this module, for testing purpose, we compare the unique RFID tag read by the
RFID reader to the stolen RFIDs stored in the system. If a match is found, then the
traffic signal is immediately turned to red for a duration of 30 seconds. Also an
SMS is sent specifying the RFID number by using SIM300 GSM module. The

2 International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]

Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | Apr 2017
LCD display will indicate that stolen vehicle is present

Emergency Vehicle Clearance System

In this module, there are 2 parts, first part which is ZigBee transmitter is placed in
the emergency vehicle. Proposed model images transmitter and receiver. (a) Pole
status at different condition. (b) Transmitter (ZigBee). (c) LCD display at
receiver. (d) Detailed image of receiver.(e) When stolen vehicle is detected. (f)
Working model. Switch is pressed, it will transmit the signal. The signal contains
unique id and security code. The transmitter contains PIC16F877A
microcontroller and ZigBee

(e) module. The microcontroller sends the commands and data to the ZigBee via
serial communication. Second part is the receiver, which is placed at traffic pole.
It also contains PIC16F877Amicrocontroller and ZigBee module. The receiver
compares the security code received to the security code present in its database. If
it matches, then it will turn the green light on. For testing purpose, we used short
range RFID reader in our prototype. First, the receiver part is turned on. The red
and green signal will be on for 10 seconds duration and orange light will be on for
2 seconds duration one after the other. Secondly, we bring the RFID of stolen
vehicle into the range of RFID reader. Then we bring 12 RFIDs into the range of
RFID reader

With automatic traffic signal control based on the traffic density in the route, the
manual effort on the part of the traffic policeman is saved. As the entire system is
automated, it requires very less human intervention. With stolen vehicle detec-
tion, the signal automatically turns to red, so that the police officer can take
appropriate action, if he/she is present at the junction. Also SMS will be sent so
that they can prepare to catch the stolen vehicle at the next possible junctions.
Emergency vehicles like ambulance, fire trucks, need to reach their destinations
at the earliest. If they spend a lot of time in traffic jams, precious lives of many
people may be in danger. With emergency vehicle clearance, the traffic signal
turns to green as long as the emergency vehicle is waiting in the traffic junction.
The signal turns to red, only after the emergency vehicle passes through. Further
enhancements can be done to the prototype by testing it with longer range RFID
readers. Also GPS can be placed into the stolen vehicle detection module, so that
the exact location of stolen vehicle is known. Currently, we have implemented
system by considering one road of the traffic junction. It can be improved by
extending to all the roads in a multi-road junction.

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