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Final Year Mech QP May 2017

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SL - 1007

Seat Total No. of Pages : 3


B.E. (Mechanical) (Semester - VIII) Examination, April - 2017

Sub. Code : 68508
Day and Date : Tuesday, 25 - 04 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Answer to all questions must be written in one answer book.
3) Figure to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume any data if necessary and state it clearly.
5) Use of any type of calculator is not permitted.

Q1 ) Solve any two of the following.

a) Suggest a suitable sensor for sensing following quantities; also state the
transduction principle of sensor suggested by you. [8]
i) Force
ii) Temperature
iii) Displacement
iv) Sound

b) With the help of neat sketch and suitable example, explain tactile sensors.
c) What is signal conditioning? Explain Analog to Digital converters (ADC)[8]

Q2 ) Solve any two of the following.

a) What is protection? Explain following protection circuits. [8]
i) Zener diode protection circuit.
ii) Transistor opto - isolators
b) Explain polling and interrupts. [8]
c) What is Data Acquisition system? Discuss Multiplexers. [8]
SL- 1007
Q3 ) Solve any two of the following.
a) What are flip flop circuits? Explain master slave flip flop. [8]
b) Draw a labeled diagram of architecture of 8051 microcontroller. [8]
c) Write a note on Selection and Applications of Microcontroller. [8]

Q4 ) Solve any two of the following.

a) Explain input output updating w.r.t. programmmable logic controllers.[8]
b) Explain important functions of each of the following components of
PLC; [8]
i) Central processing unit ,
ii) I/O Modules
iii) Programming device,
iv) Power supply unit
c) Explain the following machine control terminology [8]
i) RUN ii) STOP
iii) JOG iv) Cycle

Q5 ) a) Draw and explain PLC ladder logic diagram for 'Two handed anti tie
down anti repeat operation'. [8]
b) Construct a PLC ladder diagram for the following objective. [12]
i) Fill the tank
ii) Heat and stir the liquid for 30 minutes
iii) Empty the tank and repeat step1

SL- 1007
Q6 ) Solve any two of the following.
a) For a PLC based traffic control light application explain. [8]
i) Internal relays
ii) Counters
iii) timers
b) With the help of suitable block diagram explain part loading and unloading
system. [8]
c) Write a note on fault finding and trouble shooting. [8]


SL - 1058
Seat Total No. of Pages : 3
B.E. (Mech.) (Part-IV) (Semester -VIII) (Revised)
Examination, April - 2017
Sub. Code : 68509
Day and Date :Thursday, 27 - 04 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indictes full marks.
3) Make suitable assumptions if required and state them clearly.

Q1) a) Attempt any two: [10]

i) Compare flat plate and evacuated tube solar collector on the basis
of .

a) Construction

b) Efficiency

c) Heat output per day

d) Expected life

e) Cost

ii) Outline the need of thermal energy storage and list the types.

iii) Draw a neat sketch of cylindrical parabolic concentrating collector

and analyse its use for different application.

b) Solve the following. [8]

Calculate the angle of incidence of beam radiation on a plane surface,

tilted by 45º from the horizontal plane and pointing 30º west of south
located at Mumbai at 1:30 PM (IST) on 15th November. The longitude
and latitude of Mumbai are 72º 49'E and 18º54'N respectively. The
standard latitude for IST is 81º 44'E.
SL - 1058
Q2) Attempt any two from the following: [16]

a) Analyse solar PV cell on the basis of type of active material

i) Single crystal Silicon Solar Cell

ii) Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cell

iii) Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell

iv) Organic Solar cell

b) What is the importance of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) in a

PV system? outline various strategies used for operation of an MPPT.

c) Describe the classification of fuel cells. Comment on relative performance

of various types of fuel cells.

Q3) Attempt any two: [16]

a) Illustrate wind energy conversion systems (WECS)
b) Discuss the working principle of closed cycle OTEC plant with neat
sketch.Write their advantages and disadvantages.
c) Explain the concept of hybrid wind-PV power plant. State their advantages

Q4) Attempt any two: [16]

a) Discuss the role of NTPC in power development and present status of
thermal power generation in India.
b) Explain the working of a compressed air storage power plant.
c) Explain in brief power grid, railway grid and international grid.

Q5) a) Attempt any two: [12]

i) Explain the measurement of CO2 by thermal conductivity method.
ii) Explain magnetic wind method for measurement of oxygen in flue
iii) Explain the measurement of smoke and dust by reflected dust

SL - 1058
b) Solve the following. [8]
A power station has to supply load as follows.
Time 0-6 6-10 10-18 18-21 21-22 22-24
Load 20 40 60 80 60 20
i) Draw laod curve.
ii) Draw load duration curve.
iii) Choose suitable generating units to supply the load.
iv) Calculate load factor.
v) Plant capacity factor.

Q6) Answer any two: [14]

a) Enlist the private companies in power sector and explain any one in

b) Explain the procedure for detailed energy audit.

c) Explain the supply chain in energy sector in India.


SL - 1006
Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E(Mech) (Part- IV) (Semester -VIII) Examination, April-2017
Sub. Code : 68510
Day and Date : Saturday, 29 -04 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.00 p.m to 05.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
3) Draw neat sketch wherever necessary.

Q1) a) Explain the causes and effects of vibration. [8]

b) Derive the equation of natural frequency of the system shown in figure.[8]

b) A mass of 1 kg is to be supported on a spring having stiffness of 9800
N/m. The damping coefficient is 4.9 N-s/m. Determine the natural
frequency of the system. Also find the logarithmic decrement and the
amplitude after 3 cycles if the initial displacement is 0.3 cm. [8]

Q2) a) Explain logarithmic decremert and derive the equation for the same. [8]
b) A 75 kg machine is mounted on springs of stiffness 11.76 × 105 N/m
with damping factor of 0.2. A 2 kg piston within the machine has a
reciprocating motion with stroke of 0.08 m and a speed of 3000 rpm.
Assuming the motion of piston to be harmonic, determine the amplitude
of vibration of the machine and the vibratory force transmitted to the
foundation. [8]

SL - 1006
Q3) a) Explain semi-definite system related to two degree of freedom motion[8]
Explain Torsional Vibration Absorber with neat sketch. [8]
b) Derive the equation of natural frequency and mode shapes for the system
of two masses fixed tightly on stretched string as shown in figure. [8]

Q4) a) Write a short note on Matrix Iteration method. [7]

Derive the equation used in Holzer’s method.
b) Determine the natural frequency of three rotor system shown in fig
Rayleigh’s method. Given: E=2.l*1011 N/m2, Diameter of shaft 20mm.[11]

Q5) a) Explain in brief the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of pump or
gears. [9]
b) Explain with neat sketch different type of exciters used in FFT analyzer.[7]

Q6) Attempt any TWO [16]

a) Explain the following terms in hearing consideration.
i) Threshold shift
ii) Temporary Threshold shift
iii) Permanent Threshold shift
iv) Daily dose of noise
b) Explain auditory effects of noise on people.
c) From noise measurements made in a particular community, it has been
determined that the day-time Leq is 79dB(A) and the night time Leq is
59dB(A). Using these data, determine the day-night A-weighted average
sound level.

Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mechanical) (Semester-VIII) (Revised)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 68520
Day and Date : Friday, 05-05-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Define ERP. Discuss how business integration is achieved by ERP system?
b) Discuss in brief the various causes to ERP failures in manufacturing
organizations. [8]
b) Discuss in brief the significance of data mining in context of ERP in
manufacturing organizations. [8]

Q2) a) What is supply chain? Discuss how SCM differs from logistics
management? [8]
b) What is BPR (Business Process Reengineering)? Discuss the advantages
and limitations of BPR. [8]
b) Discuss in brief the applicability of ERP in manufacturing sector. [8]

Q3) Write Short Notes on (ANY THREE). [18]

a) Evolution of ERP
d) Customer Relationship Management
e) Distribution Requirement Planning

Q4) Solve any two of the following. [18]
a) Enlist different ERP modules and explain Plant maintenance module in
b) What are the sub systems of material management module? Explain
Vendor evaluation in material management module.
c) Explain quality management module functions and also give brief note
on Computer Integrated Quality Management (CIQ).

Q5) Solve any two of the following. [16]

a) Enlist the different phases sequentially of the ERP implementation life

cycle and explain project planning phase and gap analysis phase.

b) Explain the following ERP implementation phases

i) Implementation team training

ii) Testing

c) Who are end users and why they are important?

Q6) Solve any two of the following. [16]

a) Discuss in brief the ERP package implementation case study for ORACLE
ERP package giving brief account of product & technology and system

b) Give a brief account on ERP market in India.

c) Name some of the ERP products and their manufacturers. Stating in

brief the product features.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mechanical) (Part - IV) (Semester - VIII)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 68521
Day and Date : Friday, 05 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) a) List the application of MEMS in industries. Explain any two in detail.[10]

b) Differentiate dry etching and wet etching. [8]

Q2) a) What are the types of optical sensors. Explain in detail. [8]

b) What are the pressure sensors. What are the working principles working
in it. [8]


b) Explain biomedical sensor in detail along with example. [8]

Q3) a) Explain in detail Lithography. [8]

b) Differentiate bulk micromachining and surface micromachining. [8]

Q4) a) A parallel capacitor is made of two square plates with dimensions

L=W=1000 μ m. Determine the normal electrostatic force if the gap
between these two plates is d = 2 μ m. The plates are separated by static
air. [8]
b) Explain torsion in MEMS. [8]

b) Calculate required voltage to pull moving electrode 10 μ m from
unstreched position of spring. The spring constant K = 0.05N/m. The
comb drive is operated in air. The gap “d” between the electrodes and
width “W” of electrodes are 2 μ m & 5 μ m respectively. [8]

Q5) a) Explain in detail electrostatic actuation using example. [8]

b) Write short notes on micromotors. [8]
b) Explain electrostatic principle for microconductor. [8]

Q6) Write short note on: [18]

a) Op-Ams and Op-Amp Circuits.
b) Testing and reliability of Microsystems.
c) Integration of microsystems and microelectronics.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Semeter - VIII)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 68522
Day and Date : Friday, 05 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Draw neat sketches whenever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary.

Q1) a) Explain with neat diagram multi evaporator system with multiple expansion
valves & show it on p-h chart. [8]

b) A heat pump is used to heat a building with a design load of 4 tons.

Water is available as heat source at 10ºC & the air is to be supplied to
building at 30ºC. A 5ºC differential is necessary between condensing
refrigerant & supply air & between evaporating refrigerant & heat source.
Determine the following: [8]

i) Ideal COP.

ii) Power required to run the machine if its relative COP is 70%.

iii) Heat supplied to room per kg of refrigerant.

Q2) a) Explain three fluid absorption system & its relevance. [8]

b) Explain actual Vapour Absorption Refrigeration system with neat sketch

& compare it with VCR cycle. [8]

Q3) a) Explain in detail ASHRAE classification method of Refrigerants & discuss
the need of alternative refrigerants listing out some of them. [9]
b) Explain why there is need of non conventional methods of refrigeration
& explain with neat sketch Vortex tube refrigeration with applications.[9]


b) Explain in detail steam jet refrigeration system with its advantages &
disadvantages. [9]

Q4) a) Explain different types of compressors used in refrigeration system.[8]
b) Explain constant speed & variable speed motors. [8]

Q5) a) Explain the selection method of various components for cold storage.[8]
b) Explain following in brief: [8]
i) Accumulators
ii) Oil separators
iii) Driers

Q6) a) Explain selection method of evaporators. [6]

b) Explain selection of expansion devices. [6]
c) Explain thermodynamic Analysis for evaporators. [6]


Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mechanical) (Part-II) (Semester-VIII) (Revised)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 68518
Day and Date : Friday, 05-05-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Make suitable assumption if necessary and mention them clearly.

Q1) a) With neat block diagram explain basic elements of an automated system.
b) Explain the features and applications of the following. [8]
i) Flexible automation
ii) Programmable automation
iii) Fixed automation
b) Explain three phases of typical automation strategy. [8]

Q2) a) Explain the following with respect to continuous control system: [8]
i) Regulatory control ii) Adaptive control
b) Explain analysis of transfer line without storage buffer. [8]

Q3) a) Explain the different types of part feeder mechanisms in automated

assembly. [8]
a) Explain the following parts in assembly automation. [8]
i) Hoppers ii) Orientation mechanisms.
b) Explain the four automated assembly system configurations. [10]

Q4) a) Explain the common robot configurations and their work volumes. [8]
a) Explain with a suitable sketch, the various parts of an industrial robot.[8]
b) Explain different joints and their degrees of freedom in robot system.[8]

Q5) a) Explain the factors to be considered in design and selection of gripper.


a) Explain in detail types of grippers. [8]
b) Explain the remote center compliance (RCC) device in robot assembly.[8]

Q6) a) Explain a robot program as a path in space. [8]

b) Explain WAIT, SIGNAL and DELAY commands in industrial robot.[10]

b) Elaborate in detail industrial robot applications. [10]


SL - 1004
Seat Total No. of Pages : 2

B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Semester - VIII)

Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 49546
Day and Date : Friday, 05 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Answer any three questions from each section.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw schematic diagrams wherever necessary.

Q1 ) a) Explain basic strategies for Automation & Production systems. [8]
b) Differentiate between process Industries & Discrete Manufacturing
Industries. [8]

Q2 ) a) What are the different system configurations of automated production

lines. [8]
b) Give common reasons for downtime on an automated production line &
explain each one briefly. [8]

Q3 ) a) Explain various vibratory & non- vibratory devices for feeding &
orientation in parts delivery at workstations. [8]
b) Explain the analysis of transfer lines without storage buffers. [8]

Q4 ) Write short notes (Any Three) [18]

a) Instantaneous control.
b) Economical & social aspects of automation.
c) Advanced automation functions.
d) Differentiate between Fixed & Flexible programmable automation.

SL- 1004
Q5 ) a) What are the common Robot Configurations? [8]
b) What are the dynamic properties of robot stability? [8]

Q6 ) a) How the selection of gripper is done & what are the design considerations
for gripper? [8]
b) Explain Lead through methods in detail. [8]

Q7 ) a) What are the common Robot configurations? [8]

b) What are the dynamic properties of robot stability? [8]

Q8 ) Write short notes (any three) [18]

b) Control resolution
c) Force & Torque sensors
d) Active & passive compliance
e) Robot applications.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mech.) (Part - II) (Semester - VIII) (Old)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 49426
Day and Date : Friday, 05 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Answer any three questions from each section.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Assume suitable data if necessary and state it clearly.

Q1) a) What are internal relays? Explain their working in PLC logics. [8]

b) There is a boiler for production system, with one level sensor to sense
the water level. When water is reached to certain level, the heater should
start. After heating the water when appropriate steam pressure generates,
relief valve should open. And when all system is in good condition a
System OK Indicator should glow. Design a ladder logic for above
operation and explain it clearly. [8]

Q2) a) Explain the working of ON delay and Off delay timers in PLC. [8]

b) In a foundry application, C.I. material is heated in furnace for 30 minutes.

When it melts, it is poured in the die for 5 minutes. Solidification time
given is 15 minutes. After this, the solidified casting is taken out of the
die. Prepare a ladder logic program for above application. [8]

Q3) a) Explain types of counters used in PLC with their working. [8]
b) There is a classroom of 60 students. If 30 students are entered, the light
should be ON. If 45 students are entered, light and fan should be ON.
And if 60 students are entered, light and AC should be ON while fan
Should be OFF. Draw a ladder logic diagram for above operation. [8]
Q4) Write short notes on any three of the following: [18]
a) Latching circuits.
b) Symbols used in PLC logic.
c) Advantages and disadvantages of PLC.
c) Hard-wired logic Vs. Soft-wired logic.

Q5) a) Explain a typical SCADA system with a neat diagram. [8]
b) Describe the terms PLC and DCS with SCADA system with neat
sketches. [8]

Q6) a) Enlist different industrial applications of SCADA and explain any one in
detial. [8]
b) With the help of block diagram, explain the working of Remote Terminal
Unit. [8]

Q7) a) Enlist different protocols used in SCADA system. Explain any one. [8]
b) Write a note on PLC and SCADA communication. [8]

Q8) Write short notes on any three of the following: [18]

a) RS-232.
b) Benefits and considerations of SCADA system.
c) The master station.
d) Ethernet.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 3
B.E. (Mech.) (Semester-VIII) (Old)
Examination, April - 2017
Sub. Code : 49418
Day and Date : Thursday, 27-04-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any three questions from each section.
2) Figures to the right indicates full marks.
3) Draw sketches wherever required.
4) Assume suitable data, if required and mention clearly the same.


Q1) a) What are responsibilities of Industrial Engineer. [6]

b) Define “plant capacity” and methods of enhancing the same. [6]
c) Co-relate production system, plant layout and material handling system.

Q2) a) How break-even analysis useful to select best location between alternatives
available. [6]
b) Sales of company of perticular product is given below. If smoothing
factor is 0.5 calculate expontially weighted moving forecast for month of
August. [10]
Month Jan Feb March April May June July
Sales 5563 5642 5912 5980 7537 10045 7500

Q3) a) What are objectives of plant layout. [6]

b) Company requires 12000 bottles per year. If ordering cost is Rs. 150/-
per order and carrying cost is 10%, if purchase price is Rs. 100, calculate
economic order quantity, optimum number of orders and total cost.[10]

Q4) a) Describe inventory classification based on ABC analysis and it’s
advantages. [6]
b) Following table shows project data for normal and crash cost. If indirect
cost is Rs. 50/- per day. Determine optimum project duration and cost.
Activity Normal Crash
Time Cost Time Cost
(days) (Rs.) (days) (Rs.)
1-2 2 60 1 80
2-3 4 80 2 200
2-4 3 130 1 230
2-5 4 200 2 300
4-7 3 120 3 120
5-8 4 80 2 120
3-6 3 100 1 280
7-9 5 80 2 200
8-9 3 60 2 90

Also draw proper network showing critical path. [10]


Q5) a) Which are various tools and techniques of improving productivity. [6]
b) Compare with sketches cronograph and cronocyclograph, explaining
their advantages. [6]
c) Explain method of drawing string diagram and it’s purpose. [6]

Q6) a) Define valve and various steps in valve Engineering. [6]

b) Element times are given below with respective rating. If personal
allowance is 10% and contigency allowances 3%, calculate standard
time and production output for 8 hour shift. [10]

Element Average Rating Remark
Time in
1 2 90
2 20 100 once in 5 jobs
3 3 100
4 5 80
5 10 90 once in 2 jobs
6 7 90
7 3 80

Q7) a) Why it is necessary to give allowances. Which are different types of

allowances. [6]
b) If work sampling conducted in shop with following details. [10]
i) Total number of observations 2500
ii) Total number of idle observations 500
iii) Average performance rating 80
iv) Number of pieces produced during study 120
v) Duration of study 60 Hrs.
vi) Ratio between manual and machine is 3:1 portion of activity
Find standard time.

Q8) a) Compare wages and salary. Explain characteristics of good wages

system. [6]

b) Calculate earning of three workers for following details. [10]

Piece rate given as
i) Upto83% of standard performance Basic ratio/ piece
basic rate
ii) 84 to 100% of performance 1.1×
basic rate
iii) Above 100% of performance 1.2×
Standard production rate is 100 pieces/HV. Labour rate Rs.20/Hr. Three
workers produced 700,800 & 900 pieces respectively.

Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mechanical) (Semeter - VIII) (Old)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 49424
Day and Date : Friday, 05 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Write any three questions from each section.

2) Figures to the RIGHT indicate FULL marks.

Q1) a) What are the different phases of BPR? [8]

b) Discuss the reasons of growth of ERP market. [8]

Q2) a) Discuss the important factors for ERP package evaluation. [8]

b) Explain the economic aspect of ERP implementation. What are hidden

costs? [8]

Q3) a) Discuss the future of ERP market in Indian scenario. [8]

b) Discuss the cross function approach of ERP systems. [8]

Q4) Write short notes (any THREE): [18]

a) Decision Support System (DSS).
b) Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP).
c) Material Requirement Planning (MRP).
e) Sales and Operations Planning (S & OP) in ERP.

Q5) a) How to improve the power of ERP using business intelligence. [8]
b) Compare the ERP packages ‘Baan’ and ‘SAP’ w.r.t. functionality and
performance. [8]

Q6) a) Explain BoM (Bill of Material) Module in ERP. [8]

b) Explain Item Control Module in ERP. [8]

Q7) a) What is Master Production Schedule module in ERP? [8]

b) What are the elements of implementation methodology for ERP. [8]

Q8) Write short notes (any THREE): [18]

a) ERP market in India.
b) People Soft as ERP package.
c) Case study of ERP in marketing.
d) Prerequisites of ERP.
e) Activity Based Costing in ERP.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mech.) (Semester-VIII) (Old)
Examination, April - 2017
Sub. Code : 49419
Day and Date : Saturday, 29-04-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any three questions from each section.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Assume suitable data if necessary.

Q1) a) Discuss in short NTPC, NHPC, NPCIL & IGEC. [8]
b) Give the Indian Electricity Grid Code in brief. [8]

Q2) a) Explain the general layout of I.C. Engine power plant by drawing a neat
sketch. [8]
b) A generating power plant supplies the following loads to various
consumers as listed below: [8]
Industrial = 750mw; commercial = 350mw
Domestic power = 10mw & Domestic light = 50mw
If the maximum demand on the station is 1000mw & energy generated is
50×105mwh per year, Determine (i) Diversity factor,(ii) Annual load factor.
Q3) a) Explain MHD- steam plant. [8]
b) Explain various Tariff methods. [8]

Q4) Write short note on (Any Three). [18]

a) Load curve & load duration curve
b) Thermoelectric steam plant
c) Peak load & base load plants
d) Gas Turbine power plants
Q5) a) Explain how the smoke density is measured. [8]
b) Explain with neat sketch the method for measurment of pH value of
water. [8]

Q6) a) Explain the Battery Technology in storage of energy. [8]

b) What do you mean by Ultracapacitors? Explain with the help of neat
sketch. [8]

Q7) a) What do you mean by thermal pollution? Explain the effects of thermal
pollution. [8]
b) What do you mean by ‘barticulate matter’? What are the effects of the
same on environment? Explain the methods to control it. [8]

Q8) Write short note on the following (Any Three). [18]

a) Nuclear Radiation detector.
b) Energy management techniques.
c) Energy marketing.
d) Cooling water system in power plants.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 3
B.E. (Mech.) (Part-I) (Semester-VII) (Old)
(Revised) Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 47979
Day and Date : Monday, 15-05-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any three questions from each section.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use same answer books for the two sections.
4) Neat diagrams/charts must be drawn wherever necessary.
5) Use of steam tables, refrigerants/psychrometric charts and tables are
6) Make suitable assumptions if required and state them clearly.

Q1) a) Suggest suitable refrigerant for following applications with reasons. [9]
i) Ice Manufacturing
ii) Theatre Air conditioning
iii) Household refrigerator.
b) What is meant by secondary refrigerants? When and where it is used?
Explain with suitable examples. [4]
c) What is Azetrope? Give their few examples with compositions and
applications. [3]
Q2) a) Explain the effect of subcooling and superheating of the refrigerant in a
vapour compression cycle with T-S and p-h diagrams. [7]
b) A refrigeration system operating on a vapour compression cycle with
refrigerant R 134 a as a working fluid has a cooling capacity of 10 kW.
The refrigerant enters the compressor as saturated vapour at 0.14 MPa
and is compressed isentropically to 1 MPa. The refrigerant leaves the
condenser as saturated liquid and expands through an expansion valve.
Determine the following.
i) The quality of the refrigerant at the end of throttling process
ii) The mass flow rate of refrigerants
iii) The discharge temp of ammonia after compression
iv) The power input to the compressor
v) COP of the system. [9]
Q3) a) Compare multistage compression refrigeration system with cascade
refrigeration system with the help of schematic and p-h diagram. [8]
b) Describe with a neat diagram practical aqua-ammonia vapour absorption
system using heat exchangers. Give comparison with Li-Br2 vapour
absorption system. [8]

Q4) a) Why the protection devices are provided for compressors? Explain the
operation of high and low pressure cutouts with suitable examples. [8]
b) With a neat sketch and T-S diagram explain the working of air liquefication
system working on a Linde cycle. [8]

Q5) Write notes on any three of the following. [18]

a) Dx and flooded type evaporators.
b) Insulation used in Refrigeration.
c) Pulse tube refrigeration system.
d) Need of search for alternative refrigerants.
e) Reverse brayton cycle.


Q6) a) Define Absolute humidity and show that it is given by 0.622 P -P . [5]

b) Define Relative humidity and show that it is given by Pν/Ps. [4]

c) Explain the terms (i) Cooling and humidification and (ii) Cooling and
dehumidification - with representation on psychrometric chart. [7]

Q7) a) What is effective and operative temperature? Discuss the factors that
govern the selection of effective temperature. [8]
b) What is comfort and vantilation? What are the factors affecting the same?
What are the limitations of comfort chart? [8]

Q8) a) What is the economics of an air transmission system? State the general
rules which should be followed in the designing of ducts. [6]
b) Define Aspect Ratio, Duct Class, Equivalent Diameter, Equivalent Length
in duct sizing. Give uses of different charts used in duct design. [10]

Q9) a) Discuss how energy conservation is done in air conditioning systems.[6]

b) The design conditions for a summer air conditioning system for a small
office building are as follows.
Outside design conditions → DBT = 34°C, WBT = 25°C
Inside design conditions → DBT = 25°C, RH = 55%
Room Sensible heat → 75 kW.
Sensible heat from outside air → 26 kW.
Room Latent heat → 26 kW.
Latent heat from outside air → 30 kW.
Outside air to meet ventilation air → 1.5 m3/sec.
A direct expansion F-22 coil with a bypass factor 0.12 to be used. Analyze
the problem on psychrometric chart and determine the following.
i) Sensible heat factor
ii) The room apparatus dew point.
iii) The temp of air leaving the coil.
iv) Total air quantity required in cubic metre per second.
v) Temperature of mixed air entering the coil.
vi) Coil apparatus dew point. [10]

Q10)Write notes on any three of the following. [18]

a) Thermal Exchange of human body and environment.
b) Air washer and its applications.
c) Duct systems for hospitals.
d) Differentiate between comfort and industrial air conditioning.
e) Duct materials.

Seat Total No. of Pages : 3
B.E. (Mechanical) (Part - I) (Semester - VII) (Old)
(Pre-revised) Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 47980
Day and Date : Tuesday, 16 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever required to support your answer.
4) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state them clearly.


Q1) a) A cone clutch with asbestos friction lining is used to transmit 35kW
power at 2000 rpm. The coefficient of friction between the contacting
surfaces is 0.15, while the permissible intensity of pressure is
0.3 N/mm2. The cone angle is 24º. The face width of the cone is not to
exceed on third of the mean radius. Assuming the uniform wear conditions
determine the dimensions of friction surface, axial force required to
engage the clutch and the axial force required to disengage the clutch.[10]
b) A vehicle weighing 13.5kN is moving on a level road at a speed of 95
km/hr. When brakes are applied, it is subjected to a uniform deceleration
of 6 m/s2. There are brakes on all four wheels. The tyre diameter is 750
mm. The kinetic energy of rotating parts is 10% of the kinetic energy of
moving vehicle. The mass of each brake drum assembly is 10 kg and the
specific heat capacity is 460j/Kg ºC. Calculate braking time, braking
distance, total energy absorbed by each brake, capacity of each brake
and temperature rise of brake drum assembly. [10]
c) Derive an expression for actuating force and braking torque capacity of
internal expanding shoe brake. [8]

Q2) a) Discuss design of thick cylinders base on maximum principal stress
theory (Lame’s Equation). [6]


b) Explain compounding of cylinders with suitable example. [6]

c) A cylindrical pressure vessel of 1250 mm inner diameter and 20 mm

thickness is provided with a nozzle of 200 mm inner diameter and 15 mm
thickness. The extension of the nozzle inside the vessel is 15mm. The
corrosion allowance is 2 mm, while the weld efficiency for shell and
nozzle is 85%. The design pressure is 3 MPa. The yield strength of
material for the shell and nozzle is 200 N/mm2. Determine whether or not
a reinforcing pad is required for the opening. If so, determine the
dimensions of the reinforcing pad made out of a plate of 14 mm
thickness. [10]

Q3) Solve any Two: [16]

a) Discuss the concept of modeling the masses and the elasticities in the
system approach to design.

b) Explain Rhythm, Balance, Proportion, emphasis related the aesthetic


c) How principles of anatomy, Physiology and psychology are applied in

the design of machine? Explain with suitable examples.


Q4) A multispeed gear box is to be designed for a small size general purpose
machine tool for spindle speeds varying between 100 rpm and 1000 rpm. If
the recommended geometric progression ratio is as per R5 series, draw
candidate structure diagrams for machine tool gear box and select optimum
structure diagram. Draw gear layout. [16]

Q5) a) Explain PDE, SDE and LE with reference to optimum design. [8]
b) Explain various group parameters involved in optimum design. [8]
c) A shaft is to be designed to transmit a torque of 1500 N-m. The required
stiffness of the shaft is 100 N-m/degree, while the factor of safety based
on yield strength in shear is 2.0. using maximum shear stress theory,
design the shaft with the objective of minimizing the weight, out of
following material. [10]
Material Weight Yield Mordulus of
density Strength Rigidity G,
(N/m3) Syt, N/mm2 N/mm2
Chromium Steel 77000 420 84000
Plain Carbon Steel 76500 230 84000
Titanium Alloy 44000 900 42000
Magnesium Alloy 17500 225 15000

Q6) Solve any Two: [16]

a) Write a note on mean and standard deviation of resultant population
when mean and standard deviation of two populations are given.
b) State advantages, limitations and applications of conveyors as a bulk
material handling system.
c) Explain with neat sketch various types of idlers used in conveyors.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 4
B.E. (Mechnical) (Semester-VII) (New) (Old)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 47983
Day and Date : Thursday, 18-05-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Answer three questions from each section.
2) Assume suitable data if necessary.
3) Draw neat sketches wherever required.
4) Numbers on right hand side indicate full marks.


Q1) a) Explain representation of vibratory motion by complex method. [8]

b) A horizontal spring mass system with coulomb damping has a mass of

5.0 kg atached to a spring of stiffness 980 N/m If the coefficient of
friction is 0.025, Calculate- [8]

i) The frequency of free oscillations.

ii) The number of cycles corresponding to 50% reduction in amplitude

if the initial amplitude is 5.0 cm, and

iii) The time taken to achieve this 50% reduction.

Q2) a) Discuss frequency response curve of a system vibrating due to unbalanced

rotary components. [8]

b) What will be the frequency ratio when the amplitude in forced vibration
is maximum? Determine the peak amplitude and the corresponding phase
angle. [8]

Q3) a) Describe the working principle of undamped dynamic vibration absorber
with sketch. [8]
b) Derive the expressions of natural frequencies and mode shapes for the
system of two masses fixed tightly on a streched string as shown in fig.3
(b). [8]

Q4) a) Derive the expression for steady state response of a single degree freedom
system subjected to support excitation y = Y sin ωt. [10]
b) Derive the equation of motion of the vibratory system shown in Fig 4(b).
Determine the natural frequencies for k1 = 98000 N/m, m1 = 196 kg,
K2 = 19600 N/m, m2 = 49 kg. [8]

Q5) a) For a simply supported beam of length ‘I’ and of uniform cross section
find the first natural frequency of transverse vibrations by Rayleigh’s
methods. [9]

b) A four cylinder engine whose shaft is coupled to a damper at one end
and a generator at the other end has a flywheel mounted on the shaft
between the engine and the generator. The schematic of the system is
shown Fig. 5(b) with the values of the rotor inertias and the sytiffness of
the shafts. Estimate the two lowest natural frequencies and find these out
by Holzer’s method. Show also the corresponding mode shapes. [8]

Q6) a) Explain the principle of working of Frahm’s Reed Tachometer. What is

its application and limitation? [9]
b) An Industrial machine of mass 455 kg is supported on a spring with a
static deflection of 0.5 cm. If the machine has a rotating imbalance of 2.5
Nm, determine the force transmitted at 1200 rpm and the dynamic
amplitude at that speed. [8]

Q7) a) Explain the following terms. [8]

i) One octave band analysis.
ii) One third octave band analysis.
Why do we need octave bands? What is the importance of octave band
b) At a distance of 4 m from as point source, the sound pressure level is 92
dB. Assuming a free progressive spherical wave and standard atmospheric
conditions, calculate the sound power level of the source. [8]

Q8) a) Explain the following terms used in hearing consideration. [8]
i) Threshold shift
ii) Temporary threshold shift
iii) Permanent threshold shift
iv) Daily dose of noise.
b) Write a note on “Noise siurces”. [8]


Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mech.) (Semester-VII) (Old)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 47984
Day and Date : Thursday, 18-05-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any three questions from each section.
2) Draw neat sketches whenever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Make suitable assumptions if necessary and state it clearly.
5) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.

Q1) a) Draw the layout of the automobile vehicle in general showing important
components and explain in detail their functions. [8]
b) Write the various requirements of automobile bodies and explain with
neat sketch any one automobile body. [8]

Q2) a) Write requirements of automobile power plants and give selection criteria
for the same. [8]
b) Total resistance to the motion of the vehicle on level track is
R T = 0.23M+0.11V 2 where RT is in N, M is mass in kg, V = vehicle
speed in km/hr. A typical vehicle with 2000 kg mass travels at a speed of
110 km/hr in top gear with transmission efficiency is 90%. Find out the
maximum power (kW) of the engine. Calculate acceleration of vehicle at
50 km/hr, assuming that torque at 50 km/hr is 20% greater than torque at
110 km/hr. What engine kW will be required if this vehicle climbs a
gradient of 1 in 6 at 50 km/hr with transmission efficiency is 85%. [8]

Q3) a) Explain in detail with neat diagram electromagnetic clutch. [8]

b) What are the different types of automobile final drives? Write their
advantages and disadvantages. [8]

Q4) Write short notes on any three of the following: [18]
a) Full floating rear axle
b) Synchromesh gearbox
c) Electric vehicles
d) Single plate clutch

Q5) a) Write the different types of steering gear boxes and explain any two of
them with neat diagrams. [8]
b) Draw the layout of steering system of a four wheel automobile and explain
its construction, principle and working. [8]

Q6) a) Explain with figure Disc brake. List advantages and disadvantages over
Drum brakes. [8]
b) Explain with a neat diagram the working of an independent rear suspension.

Q7) a) Draw and explain Two wheeler layout. [8]

b) Explain with a neat diagram principle and working of automobile lighting
system. [8]

Q8) Write short notes on any three of the following: [18]

a) Power steering
b) Automotive batteries
c) Understeer and oversteer.
d) Hotch-kiss drive

Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mechanical) (Semester - VII) (Old) (Pre-Revised)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 47986
Day and Date : Friday, 19 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Answer any three questions from each section.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state them clearly.

Q1) a) Define quality assurance? Explain elements of Q.A. systems with block
diagram. [8]
b) Discuss the significance of feedback and field complaint analysis in QA.[8]

Q2) a) What is the significance of process capabilities? How the process

capability indices used to express the capability? [8]
b) Explain quality of design and quality of conformance and quality of
performance. [8]

Q3) Explain the following (any three) [18]

a) Planning through trial lots.
b) Seven statistical tools.
c) Six sigma.
d) Internal customer approach.
e) Cost of quality.

Q4) a) Discuss in brief Taguchi’s Techniques for quality management. [8]
b) Explain product and system reliability and various reliability test. [8]

Q5) a) Define TQM and state its principles. [8]
b) Explain Deming’s approach and Juran’s triology towards TQM. [8]

Q6) a) Explain quality function deployment in details. [8]

b) Explain organizational structure for TQM and role of HR in brief. [8]

Q7) a) Discuss in brief TQM in service sector with example. [8]

b) Explain ISO 9000:2008 series of standards. [8]

Q8) Write notes on. (any three) [18]

a) Feigenbaum’s theory of TQC.
b) Quality circles.
c) SERVQUAL model.
d) 5-S.
e) Quality awards.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 3
B.E. (Mechanical) (Semester-VII) (Old)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 47985
Day and Date : Thursday, 18-05-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Make suitable assumptions, if necessary and state it clearly.
4) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
5) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.

Q1) Solve any one.
Design and draw neat dimensional sketch in three views with one sectional
view for drilling 8+0.1mm diameter hole shown in the fig.1a. Show clearly the
details of location, clamping. Assume this as a final operation. [26]

Design and draw a neat dimensional sketch of a milling fixture to mill
face of diameter 100 (marked ) in For fig.1b. Show clearly details of

location, clamping of work piece and cutter setting. Assume this as a
final operation. [26]

Q2) Explain with neat sketch various types of drill bushes. [8]

Q3) Explain principles of lathe and milling fixture design. [8]

Q4) Explain various types of locating and clamping devices. [8]

Q5) The symmetrical cup work piece shown in fig.5 is to be made from cold
rolled steel 0.8mm thick. Make the necessary calculations for designing the
drawing die for this part. [14]

Q6) With neat sketch write down different types of dies. [8]

Q7) Explain the principle of shear action in die and punch operation. Discuss the
effect of clearance. [8]

Q8) Write short notes on Any Four. [20]

a) Press tool operations Shaving and trimming.

b) Compound die.

c) Principle of metal cutting.

d) Elastic recovery or spring back.

e) Pilots.


Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
B.E. (Mechanical) (Part - IV) (Semester - VII) (Revised) (Old)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 47988
Day and Date : Friday, 19 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Answer any three questions from section I and any three questions
from section II.
2) Figure to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.
4) Answer to the two sections must be written in the same answer book.


Q1) a) Explain the following with respect to product design: [10]

i) Concept Generation.

ii) Concept Selection.

b) Explain the Design for Manufacturing (DFM) process. [6]

Q2) a) Explain the five step process for identifying customer needs. [8]

b) Explain the types of modularity in product architecture. [8]

Q3) a) Explain the challenges faced in product design. [6]

b) Explain the following with respect to product design: [10]

i) Final Specifications.

ii) Types of prototypes.

Q4) Write Short Notes (Any Three) [18]
a) Value Engineering.
b) Design for assembly (DFA).
c) Aesthetics in product design.
d) Market Research.
e) Robust design process.

Q5) a) Explain the design of controls and displays in automobiles. [8]
b) Explain the following factors in the design of a workstation [8]
i) Workstation layout.
ii) Seating design.

Q6) a) Explain the different personal protective equipment to be used as safety

devices. [8]
b) Explain the benefits and features of ISO 14000 Environment Management
System. [8]

Q7) a) Explain the ergonomics factors to be considered for manual material

handling. [8]
b) Explain industrial design and its importance in product development. [8]

Q8) Write short notes on any three [18]

a) Design of controls in machine tools.
b) Causes of occupational health hazards and safety.
c) Necessity of anthropometric data in Product design.
d) Safety in foundry.
e) Design of visual display terminals.

Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

B.E. (Mechanical) (Part- IV) (Semester - VII) (Old)

Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 47982
Day and Date : Thursday, 18 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Attempt any THREE questions from section I and any THREE
questions from section II.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams to supplement your answers wherever required.
4) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state them clearly.
5) Use of any type of calculator is allowed.

Q1) a) What is the role of strain gauge in photoelasticity? How are strain gauges
classified? [8]
b) Explain the term “bridge balancing”. Why is it done? Explain various
balancing methods stating the relative merits and demerits of each. [8]
b) Explain with sketch how strain gauges are used as transducer to measure
torque. [8]

Q2) a) Design a load cell for a maximum load capacity of 30 kN using a

rectangular bar of Aluminum (Yield strength 125 MPa, Modulus of
Elasticity E = 70 GPa, Poisson’s ratio 0.33) such that the width of the
bar is 1.6 times its thickness and the maximum stress induced in the load
cell during working does not exceed 75% of its tensile strength. Use four
strain gauges two mounted in the longitudinal direction and two along
transverse direction.Take gauge factor of each gauge as 2.4; assume
supply voltage 6 V. Calculate the output voltage from the Wheatstone
bridge. Sketch the arrangement. [10]

b) Explain the various configurations of Wheatstone bridge. Which
configuration is the most sensitive and why? [08]
b) Write note on Moire fringe method of stress analysis. [08]

Q3) The following readings were taken on a delta rosette attached to a Mild Steel
εA = 800 micro strain compressive
εB = 400 micro strain tensile
εC = 300 micro strain compressive
Determine the principal strains, principal stresses and their angle of orientation.
Take for Mild Steel modulus of elasticity E = 200 GPa and Poisson’s ratio
μ = 0.30. [16]

Q4) a) Derive an expression for the light component as it passes through the
analyzer of a plane polariscope. [08]
b) What is the meaning of compensation methods? What are they used
for? Explain how you will determine magnitude of fractional fringe using
color matching technique. [08]
b) Explain how stress analysis is done using a reflection polariscope.

Q5) a) What are Isochromatics? Explain in detail the role of isochromatic fringe
patterns in determining magnitude of difference of principal stresses.
Explain the term “isoclinic Parameter’’ [08]
b) Discuss the properties of an ideal photoelastic material.Name any four
photoelastic materials and state their properties. [08]
b) Explain how a photoelastic material is calibrated using a tensile specimen.

Q6) a) In a calibration experiment using a circular disc subjected to diametral
compression, the following observations were taken
i) Diameter of disc = 80 mm
ii) Thickness of disc = 6 mm
iii) Magnitude of compressive load P = 900 N
iv) Position of centre of circular disc between 2nd and 3 rd order
v) On rotation of the analyzer through 52° , second order fringe passes
through a point situated on the horizontal diameter and 6 mm to the
right of the center of the disc.
Determine material fringe value.If another model of the same material is
loaded and at a particular point the fringe order N is 3.12, what would be
the maximum shear stress at that point? Take thickness of the model as 6
mm. [10]
b) Explain how the principal stresses are separated using the oblique incidence
method when the directions of principal stresses are known? [08]
b) Write note on scaling model to prototype. [08]

« « «

Seat Total No. of Pages : 4
B.E. (Mechanical) (Semester - VII) (New Course)
Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code : 67502
Day and Date : Tuesday, 16 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary and state it clearly.
3) Draw neat labeled sketches wherever necessary.

Q1) a) What is aesthetics? Explain with suitable example the role of various
features in the aesthetic design considerations. [8]
b) Explain with neat sketches ergonomic design consideration in design of
ladies bicycle. [8]
Explain the design considerations in controls and displays. [8]

Q2) a) Derive Birnie’s equation to determine the thickness of thick pressure

vessel. [8]


Explain with neat sketches the supports used in pressure vessels. [8]

b) A high pressure cylinder consists of an inner cylinder of inner and outer

diameter of 200mm and 300mm respectively. It is jacketed by an outer
cylinder with an outside diameter of 400 mm. The difference between
the outer diameter of the inner cylinder and the inner diameter of the
jacket before assembly is 0.25mm (E = 207 kN/mm2). Calculate the
shrinkage pressure and the maximum tensile stress induced in any of the
cylinders. [10]

Q3) a) Derive the torque transmitting capacity of single plate clutch using uniform
pressure theory. [8]

b) A four wheeled automobile car has a total mass of 1000kg. The moment
of inertia of each wheel about a transverse axis through its center of
gravity is 0.5 kg-m2. The rolling radius of the wheel is 0.35m. The rotating
and reciprocating parts of the engine and the transmission system are
equivalent to a moment of inertia of 2.5 kg-m2, which rotates at five
times the road-wheel speed. The car is travelling at a speed of 100km/h
on a plane road. When the brakes are applied the car decelerates at 0.5g.
There are brakes on all four wheels. Calculate: [8]

i) The energy absorbed by each brake.

ii) The torque capacity of each brake.


A centrifugal clutch consists of four shoes, each having a mass of 1.5

kg. In the engaged position, the radius to the center of gravity of each
shoe is 110 mm, while the inner radius the drum is 140mm. The coefficient
of friction is 0.3. The pre-load in the spring is adjusted in such a way that
the spring force at the beginning of engagement is 700 N. The running
speed is 1440 rpm. [8]


i) The speed at which the engagement begins;

ii) The power transmitted by the clutch at 1440 rpm.

Q4) a) Difference between structural diagram and Speed diagram. [6]


Explain briefly need of speed deviation diagram in the design of multi

speed machine tool gear box. [6]

b) A multi speed gear box, determine the speed steps arranged in geometric
progression for the following conditions: nmin = 100 r.p.m, nmax = 1800
r.p.m. and z = 9. If the gear box is driven by 5kW, 1440 r.p.m. electric
motor: [12]

i) Draw the speed ray diagram.

ii) Draw the gearing diagram.

iii) Determine the number of teeth on gears.

Assume same module for all gears.

Q5) a) Explain design of studs for cylinder head. [8]

b) Determine the small and the big end bearings of the connecting rod for a
diesel engine with the following data: [8]

i) Cylinder Bore = 80mm

ii) Maximum gas pressure = 3Mpa

(l/d) ratio for piston pin bearings = 2

(l/d) ratio for crank pin bearing = 1.2

Allowable bearing pressure for piston pin bearing = 10 Mpa

Allowable bearing pressure for crank pin bearing = 06 MPa.


The following data is given for a connecting rod:

Engine speed = 1500 rpm

Length of connecting rod = 250 mm.

Length of stroke = 150 mm.

Density of material = 7800 kg/m3.

Thickness of web or flanges = 6 mm

Assume the cross-section of the connecting rod as shown in figure for
which Area of cross section, calculate the whipping stress in the
connecting rod.

⎛ 419 ⎞ 4 ⎛ 5t ⎞
(A) = 11t2, Ixx = ⎜ ⎟ t and y = ⎜ ⎟. [8]
⎝ 12 ⎠ ⎝2⎠

Q6) a) Explain Johnson method of optimum design. [8]

Explain briefly following terms,
i) Functional parameters group.
ii) Material parameters group.
iii) Geometrical parameters group.
in the design of mechanical elements. [8]
b) A shaft is to be used to transmit a torque of 1500 N-m. The required
torsional stiffness of the shaft is 100N-m/degree, while the factor of
safety based on yield strength in shear is 2.0. Using the maximum shear
stress theory, design the shaft with the objective of minimizing the weight,
out of the following materials.
Use following data for the materials [8]
Material Weight Yield Strength Modulus of rigidity
Density (w) (Syt), MPa (G), N/mm2
Chromium steel 77 × 103 420 84 × 103
Plain carbon steel 76.5 × 103 230 84 × 103
Titanium Alloy 44 × 103 900 42 × 103
Magnesium Alloy 17.5 × 103 225 15 × 103

SL - 1002
Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

B.E. (Mechanical) (Semester - VII) (Revised) Examination,

May - 2017
Sub. Code : 67503
Day and Date : Wednesday, 17 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Answer any three questions from each section.
2) Figures to right indicate full marks.
3) Assume if necessary suitable data and state them clearly.
4) Draw neat labelled sketch wherever necessary.
5) Use of non-programmable calculators is permissible.


Q1) Analyse the axially loaded stepped bar shown in figure below. Use the finite
element method (element and global matrix) to predict the nodal displacements
u2, u3 and u4 at the nodes 2, 3 and 4, and the support reaction R at the fixed
node 1 (u1= 0). The cross sectional areas are 50 mm2, 20mm2 and 10mm2, the
lengths of steps are 15mm each and the modulus of elasticity is 210GPa.[16]

Nodes : 1


Q2) a) Define bandwidth of a stiffness matrix. Explain with an example how

node numbering affects the bandwidth and hence computer memory,
computational efforts and time. [8]

SL - 1002
b) What are higher order (quadratic, cubic, etc.) elements? Sketch their shape
functions (interpolation polynomials). [8]

Q3) a) Explain general steps of FEM using a simple 1-D element for thermal
analysis of heat conduction through a composite wall. [8]
b) State different weighted residual methods used in FEA formulation. [8]

Q4) Write short notes on: (any three) : [18]

a) Higher order elements
b) Isoparametric elements
c) Galerkin’s Method
d) Mesh refinement and convergence
e) Axisymmetric elements


Q5) a) For the plane truss shown in figure below determine the unknown
displacements, reaction forces, strains and stresses in the members of
the truss. P = 1000kN (horizontal force at node 2), Modulus of elasticity
E= 210 GPa, length of the two members (element 1 and 2) is 1 m each
and cross-sectional area is 6×10–4 m2. The cross-sectional area of element
3 is 6 × 2 ×10–4 m2. [8]

SL - 1002
b) Explain the importance of element shape and distortion in relation to
quality of the finite element mesh. [8]

Q6) a) Explain plane stress and plane strain conditions with example and stress-
strain relationship matrix? [8]

b) Explain higher order 1D, 2D and 3D elements. [8]

Q7) a) Explain with suitable examples simplification of a model using symmetry.[8]

b) State the steps involved to model a mechanical element (e.g., a bracket),

perform a static analysis and view results using commercial FEA software.[8]

Q8) Write short notes on: (any three) : [8]

a) Triangular element

b) FE model of 2-D steady state heat conduction

c) Features of a commercial FEA package

d) What are natural coordinates? What are their benefits?

e) Numerical integration


Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

B.E. (Mechanical) (Part - IV) (Semester - VII)

Examination, May - 2017
Sub. Code :67506
Day and Date : Thursday, 18 - 05 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All Questions are compulsory.

2) Draw neat sketch wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Make suitable assumptions if necessary.
5) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.

Q1) a) Explain with diagram front engine front wheel drive layout. What are
advantages and disadvantages of it? [8]
b) Write a note on the following. [8]
i) Specifications of automobile.
ii) Constructional details of chassis.

Q2) a) What are the requirements of the clutch ? Draw the neat sketch of
centrifugal clutch . [8]
b) Explain with neat sketch Synchromesh gear box. What are the advantages
of it? [8]
c) What is a final drive function ? Which are the different types of final
drive gears commonly used?

Q3) a) List the various steering gear boxes and explain any one of them with a
neat sketch. [9]
Explain power steering with neat sketch. What are the advantages of it?
b) What is function of suspension system? Explain Mc pherson strut
independent suspension system with a neat sketch. [8]

Q4) a) Prepar a layout sketch of pneumatic brakes showing all components.

Explain working and advantages are other brakes. [8]
b) What is need of anti-lock braking system in vehicle. Explain with neat
sketch now this can be achived in ABS? [8]
c) What is mean by tyre rating and tyre specification? List tactors affecting
tyres seletion for vehicle. [8]

Q5) a) Explain with neat sketch Battery charging circuit, Starter moter circuit
and regulator in automobile electrical system. [9]
b) List and explain instruments and displays used in automobile for driver
information. Explain in detail working of malfunction switch. [8]
c) Explain with a block diagram working of a electronic controlled
management system used in automobile. [8]

Q6) a) Following are specifications of a automobile weight - 100.111 KN , Power

- 97 KW Effeiceincy in top gear - 90% , Effeiceincy in 3rd gear - 85%
Top gear ratio - 3.4:1, Third gear ratio - 8.4:1, Engine speed - 2400 opm,
vehicle speed in 3rd gear - 86.8 km/hr. Gradient - 1:14, froutal
axa = 5.575m2 calculate Kr and Ka and power required and how much
mox nut. can be added in to vehicle it vehicle runs at a speed of 48 km/hr
in top gear with 1:40 grade. [10]

b) Write a procedux to estimate following. [10]
i) Power required to propell vehicle.
ii) No. of gear ratio in transmission.
iii) Final drive reduction ratio.
iv) Air resistance .
v) Gradient resistance.
c) List and explain factors affecting air resistance and how to reduce it.[7]



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