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Advancing Science,
and Innovation
Chapter 14 Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation | 213
Chapter 14

Vigorously Advancing Science,

Technology, and Innovation
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) plays an important role in economic
and social progress. It is a key driver of the long-term growth of an economy.

Technology adoption allows the country’s firms and people to benefit from
innovations created in other countries, and allows it to keep up and even leap
frog obsolete technologies. This can lead to significant improvements in the
productivity of firms in agriculture, industry, and services.

On the other hand, long-term investments in building the local capacity for
technology generation can lead to innovations that will give firms a competitive
advantage. This can result in the creation of new firms and even entirely new
industries that can provide high-quality jobs. Due to the long gestation period for
developing this capacity, it is important to start planting the seeds early.

Just as important, STI can lead to the creation of new public goods and services
(or new methods of delivering public goods and services) that will help address
the needs of society, especially of the disadvantaged, including in the areas of
health, education, energy, disaster resiliency, and climate change adaptation,
among others.

This chapter discusses the priority strategies and outcomes needed to increase
the country’s potential growth though innovation, which will build the foundation
for a globally competitive knowledge economy.

Assessment and Challenges

There is a low level of innovation in the improvement from the score of 31.1, ranking
country brought about by weaknesses 83rd out of 141 economies in 2015.
in STI human capital, low research and
development (R&D) expenditures and The country also ranked 5th out of the seven
weak linkages in the STI ecosystem. In the members of the Association of Southeast
Global Innovation Index1 (GII) Report of Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the survey,
2016, the Philippines ranked 74th among ahead of Cambodia (95th) and Indonesia
128 economies in innovation2, garnering (88th), but behind Singapore (6th), Malaysia
a score of 31.8 out of 100. This is a slight (35th), Thailand (52nd), and Vietnam (59th).
The Global Innovation Index captures the multi-dimensional facets of innovation in 128 economies. The index is composed
on seven pillars namely: institutions, human capital & research, infrastructure, market sophistication, business sophistication,
knowledge & technology outputs and creative outputs. It is co-published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
The overall GII is the simple average of the input and output sub-index scores.

Chapter 14 Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation | 215

The factors behind the weak performance of global average of 2.04 percent. It is also low
the STI sector are as follows: compared to other ASEAN countries, such
as Vietnam (0.19 %), Thailand (0.36%),
Weak STI culture. There is a lack of Malaysia (1.09%), and Singapore (2.0%)3.
public awareness and interest in STI.
Many sectors do not recognize, appreciate, The country’s relatively low ranking in the
and understand the use of technology GII Report was pulled down by weaknesses
and science-based information in their in human capital and R&D, with a score of
daily activities. Weaknesses in social and 22.7 out of 100, ranking 95th. This is due to
professional cultures (i.e., research culture the low public and private expenditure on
in universities, commercialization of results education and R&D, as well as low tertiary
from public research, and awareness of inbound mobility4.
intellectual property rights) in the research
community and the general public persist. The bulk of R&D spending (60%) comes
from the public sector. This was used for
Despite their availability, there are reports agricultural and industrial production and
that the technologies are not widely technology, protection and improvement
used among micro, small, and medium of human health, control and care of the
enterprises (MSMEs) and sectors like environment. Most of the R&D activities in
agriculture and fisheries. This can be the country are concentrated in the National
attributed to the lack of awareness on the Capital Region (NCR), Region IV-A
available technology outputs (technologies, (CALABARZON), and Region III (Central
processes, or services) derived from public Luzon).
R&D activities, and the various government
incentives to support innovation and Inadequate S&T human resources engaged
further spur its growth. Other reasons are in STI R&D. Another indicator measuring
weak links between technology generators the capacity for technology generation is the
and users, capacity constraints of users, and number of S&T human resources engaged
inadequate local government unit support. in R&D. As of 2013, the country has a total
of 36,517 R&D personnel, of which 26,495
Low government spending on STI. are key researchers (scientific, technological,
Investments in R&D are central to enhancing and engineering personnel), and the rest are
the country’s innovation ecosystem. STI technicians and support personnel. This
monitoring and evaluation of expenditures means that there are only 270 researchers
on R&D and innovation activities, as well as for every one million Filipinos, which
support for human resources development in falls short of the UNESCO norm of 380
the various fields of science and technology per million population and the 1,020
(S&T) indicates low government spending. researchers per million population average
across developing economies of East Asia
While nominal R&D expenditures increased and the Pacific.
by 80 percent to P15.92 billion in 2013,
the proportion of R&D spending to Gross Of the total researchers in the country
Domestic Product (GDP) stood at only 0.14 from the government, higher educational
percent. This is substantially below the 1 institutions (HEIs) and private non-profit
percent benchmark recommended by the sectors, 14 percent have PhDs, 38 percent
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and have Master’s degrees, and 34 percent have
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees up to post-
UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Retrieved from
Tertiary inbound mobility refers to the number of students from abroad studying in a given country, as a percentage of the
total tertiary enrolment in that country.

216 | Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

BS degrees. The low number of researchers technology generators face persisting issues
in the country reflects the propensity of the in technology ownership, while researchers
educational system to produce graduates are constrained by the “publish or perish”
outside of Science, Technology, Engineering, phenomenon. This situation results in a
and Mathematics (STEM) programs, which weak technology transfer system in the
are the disciplines where R&D flourishes. country.
Nevertheless, the latest GII Report indicates
that in terms of graduates in science and From 2005 to 2015, there was an annual
engineering, the country garnered a score of average of 209 patents, 599 utility models
25.5 out of 100, ranking 26th. and 598 industrial design applications.
In the same period, an annual average of
Difficulty in increasing employment 54 patents, 446 utility models, and 502
opportunities and retaining S&T human industrial designs were granted. In 2016,
capital. An assessment of the country’s the World Economic Forum (WEF) ranked
innovation system conducted by the the Philippines 86th out of 128 economies
United States Agency for International in the number of patents filed under Patent
Development-Science, Technology, Cooperation Treaty per million population.
Research and Innovation for Development Invention patents granted to local inventors
(USAID-STRIDE) Program revealed that represent the smallest share in the number
the supply of STEM graduates exceeds of intellectual properties granted from 2001
local demand. As a result, there is an out- to 2013. Industrial design and utility models
migration and underemployment of many consistently comprise the majority of the
skilled, locally-trained scientists and intellectual properties granted.
engineers. The report also cited a shortage
in training in fields that are critical to The country also needs to catch up in
innovation, particularly in information research publications since the number of
technology. This situation makes it difficult scientific publications in peer-reviewed
for firms to find workers with the required journals per million population stands at 55,
skills. substantially below that of ASEAN member
states Singapore (10,368), Malaysia (1,484),
Brain drain contributes to the problem Thailand (478), and Vietnam (105).
as researchers, scientists, and engineers,
who are the key actors for the innovation Weak linkages among players in the STI
ecosystem to flourish, prefer to seek ecosystem. The 2009 Survey of Innovation
employment overseas where there are better Activities and the 2014 USAID-STRIDE
economic opportunities and potential Assessment of the Philippine Innovation
for advancement. Since knowledge and Ecosystem show that innovation actors
technology are mostly embodied in human have weak cooperation, partnerships, and
resources, the problem stresses the urgency trust among them. Most HEIs perceive
to accelerate the development of R&D collaboration with companies as outside
human resource. their core missions and as potential
exploitation of their product or ideas. Firms
Absence of a vibrant intellectual property report that convincing HEIs to collaborate
culture. The output of R&D is commonly with them is difficult because of resentment,
measured in terms of patents applied and suspicion, and distrust. Hence, firms end
granted to Filipino residents. However, up with little technical assistance from the
reports show that many universities do not government and research institutions.
have the expertise to market their patent
portfolios for commercial use. Furthermore,

Chapter 14 Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation | 217

Restrictive regulations that hamper activities. This practice is rarely seen outside
the implementation of R&D programs the Philippines.
and projects. The tedious government
procurement process hampers the Inadequate STI infrastructure. The country
immediate acquisition of equipment does not have enough STI infrastructure
and other materials for research, which such as laboratory facilities, testing facilities,
in turn delays the implementation of and R&D centers. Those that exist need
R&D programs and projects. This was upgrading. The situation contributes to
confirmed by the USAID-STRIDE study, the lack of absorptive capacity in research
which shows that restrictive regulations institutions. The USAID-STRIDE report
make the procurement of equipment and notes that public institutions failed to
consumables for research extremely slow provide young researchers, particularly
and unnecessarily complex. They decrease those returning from PhD studies abroad
research productivity, publication potential, with more advanced research agenda, with
and speed to market innovations. In addition, the necessary equipment. The Philippines’
the report says that government research leading research institutions also remain
grants do not compensate universities for concentrated in Luzon.
the salary of faculty members’ research

The government continuously engages in technology-intensive research and capacity building projects to
improve the quality of its service to the people.

Some successful examples are the following:

Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH)

• Project NOAH was initiated in June 2012 to help manage the risks associated with natural hazards and
disasters. The project developed hydromet sensors and high-resolution geo-hazard maps, which were
generated by light detection and ranging technology for flood modelling. It provides timely warning
with a lead time of at least six hours during floods.

• In April 2016, the country launched into space its first micro-satellite called Diwata-1. It was designed,
developed and assembled by Filipino researchers and engineers, with support from Japanese
experts. Diwata provides real-time, high-resolution and multi-color infrared images. They are used
in meteorological imaging, crop and ocean productivity measurements, and high-resolution imaging
of natural and man-made features. It enables a more precise estimate of the country’s agricultural
production, provides images of watersheds and floodplains for a better view of water available for
irrigation, power, and domestic consumption, as well as information on any disturbance and degradation
of forest and upland areas.

Intelligent Operations Center Platform

• The Intelligent Operations Center Platform was established through a collaboration between the local
government of Davao City and IBM Philippines. The Center resulted in the creation of a dashboard that
allows authorized government agencies (i.e., police, fire, and anti-terrorism task force) to use analytics
software for monitoring events and operations in real-time.

Establishment of state-of-the-art R&D and testing facilities

The DOST in cooperation with HEIs and research institutions established state-of-the-art facilities that
seek to spur R&D activities and provide MSMEs access to testing services needed to increase their
productivity and competitive advantage. These include the following:

- Advanced Device and Materials Testing Laboratories – equipped with advanced equipment for failure
analysis and materials characterization to address advanced analytical needs for quality control,
materials identification, and R&D

218 | Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

- Electronics Products Development Center – used to design, develop and test hardware and software
for electronic products
- High Performance Computing Facilities – perform tests and run computation-intensive applications
for numerical weather prediction, climate modelling, analytics and data modeling, and archiving
- Philippine Genome Center – a core facility that combines basic and applied research for the
development of health diagnostics, therapeutics, DNA forensics and preventive products, and improved
crop varieties
- Drug Discovery Facilities – address the requirements for producing high quality and globally acceptable
- Nanotechnology Centers – provides technical services and enabling environment for interdisciplinary
and collaborative R&D in various nanotechnology applications
- Radiation Processing Facilities – used to degrade, graft, or crosslink polymers, monomers, or
chemical compounds for industrial, agricultural, environmental, and medical applications
- Die and Mold Solutions Center - enhances the competitiveness of the local tool and die sector
through the localization of currently imported dies and molds

Strategic Framework
STI will contribute in the achievement services sectors as well as investments in
of the overall PDP goal of establishing technology-based start-ups, enterprises and
the foundation for inclusive growth, a spin-offs will result to the promotion and
high-trust and resilient society and a acceleration of technology adoption. On the
globally competitive knowledge economy other hand, enhancing the creative capacity
by increasing the country’s potential for knowledge and technology generation,
growth. This will be done by promoting acquisition and adoption, and strengthening
and accelerating technology adoption open collaboration among actors in the STI
and stimulating innovation. Increasing ecosystem will stimulate innovation (see
STI in the agriculture, industry, and Figure 14.1).

Chapter 14 Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation | 219

Over the next six years, the government will aim to achieve the targets indicated in the
following table.

Table 14.1 Plan Targets to Leverage Science, Technology, and Innovation, 2017-2022

Proportion of high-tech agriculture, industry and services value
No data tbd
added in sectoral value added_/1
Share of agriculture forestry and fisheries, and industry &
No data tbd
services R&D to sectoral Gross Value Added
Total number of Filipino patent registered 2016 31 42
Total number of Filipino utility model registered 2016 555 833
Total number of Filipino
industrial design registered 2016 516 691
Percent of Technology Business Incubations locators that
No data tbd tbd
R&D expenditure as a proportion of GDP_/2 2013 0.14 0.50
Researchers (in full time equivalent) per million population_/3 2013 270 300
WEF-Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) Innovation Ranking
2016 5/7 Improved
among ASEAN member countries
WED-GCR Technological Readiness Ranking among ASEAN
2016 4/7 Improved
member countries
WEF University-Industry Collaboration Index among ASEAN
2016 5/7 Improved
member countries
Number of Technology Transfer Agreements No data tbd
Number of scientific articles published by Filipino authors 2013 tbd

220 | Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

To achieve the sectoral outcomes, the strategies as indicated in Figure 14.1 will be pursued.

Figure 14.1 Strategic Framework to Leverage Science, Technology, and Innovation 2017-

Chapter 14 Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation | 221

Subsector Outcome 1: STI utilization in Subsector Outcome 2: Investments in
the agriculture, industry, and services STI-based start-ups, enterprises and
sectors increased spin-offs increased

Promote commercialization and Encourage more innovative financing

utilization of technologies from publicly- mechanisms and private sector investments.
funded R&D. The government will promote The government will create an investment
and accelerate the dissemination, transfer, environment that encourages more private
commercialization, and utilization of sector participation, including angel
knowledge, technologies, information and investments, venture capital, and crowd
processes derived from publicly-funded S&T fund-sourcing for STI-based startups,
activities without prejudice to intellectual enterprises, and spin-offs. The investment
property rights. Those technologies with provided may be a one-time investment to
high commercial potential shall be given help the businesses launch or a continuing
priority assistance. The application of these injection of support fund to help incubate
knowledge, technology, information, and startups during the early stages of their
processes to the agriculture, industry, and development (see Chapters 8 and 9 on
services sectors will be given priority to incentives for prospective investors). The
improve productivity. This is expected to government will strengthen programs
translate to an increase in incomes and that provide financing to commercially-
jobs, especially in the countryside. The viable innovation projects to bridge the gap
government will also foster the development between R&D and commercialization.
of networks and markets, and undertake
effective marketing strategies through Provide support mechanisms for start-
the extensive use of quad-media and the ups and MSMEs in the regions. The
organization of fora, fairs, and exhibits. government will strengthen the policy and
regulatory environment, and introduce new
Develop a vibrant Intellectual Property mechanisms to support technopreneurs,
Rights (IPR) culture. The initiative to start-ups, spin-off companies, and MSMEs.
improve patent applications performance It will provide platforms for technology
through the Patent Incentive Package will commercialization such as the establishment
be strengthened. Likewise, the provision of of new technology business incubators in the
the Philippine Technology Transfer Act of regions in partnership with the private sector
2009 particularly on ownership and revenue and HEIs; promote available technologies;
sharing will be institutionalized. Aggressive and extend consultancy and other services
and sustained advocacy to increase the for productivity improvement. These
appreciation and understanding of IPR initiatives are intended to encourage uptake
shall be undertaken in order to leverage of innovation-based entrepreneurship.
intellectual property protection as an
essential component of the innovation The Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading
ecosystem. The government will also Program will be expanded to enable more
conduct information campaigns on the MSMEs to access government assistance
importance of intellectual property rights for the provision of innovative and cost-
to strengthen public awareness and create effective facilities, provision of technical
an intellectual property culture among support for compliance with product and
Filipinos. quality standards, packaging and labeling,

222 | Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

as well as training and consultancy services. STI initiatives for the creative industries,
tourism, and other services industries will
Additionally, the Startup Ecosystem also be undertaken. Public investments will
Development Program will be pursued to be channeled to cybersecurity and other
usher in a new breed of businesses that will technology-related ventures. Furthermore,
thrive in an innovation economy. Under investments will be made in support of the
the program, support for start-ups will be goal of Self-Reliant Defense Posture, which
bolstered through government services, develops a local defense industry to sustain
capital, and resources. In addition, a start- the material and non-material requirements
up economic zone will be established of the defense forces. Innovation activities
and assistance in connecting start-ups on the sectors covered by industry roadmaps
with industries, including multinational will be supported. These roadmaps shall
corporations and potential markets, will be consider the utilization of results of
provided. researches and their R&D requirements,
which will be made part of the HNRDA.

Subsector Outcome 3: Creative To keep up with the rapid global

capacity for knowledge and technological trends and developments,
technology generation, acquisition and the Philippines will engage in more
adoption enhanced collaborative R&D activities and invest
in infrastructure buildup to develop its
Support research and development agenda. capabilities and maximize the use of the
The government will invest in building an following core and emerging technologies:
efficient system of knowledge creation and (a) information and communications
technology generation. Among others, technology; (b) biotechnology for industry,
this will include basic research that needs agriculture, health, and environment; (c)
revitalization, promotion and development nanotechnology; (d) genomics; (e) nuclear
through a more rational share in the STI science for energy, health, agriculture,
ecosystem budget and infrastructure. and industry; (f) artificial intelligence;
As suggested in the Organisation for (g) space technology; and (h) disaster risk
Economic Cooperation and Development reduction and climate change adaptation,
Innovation Strategy 2015, long-term and mitigation.
funding for curiosity-driven research must
be preserved, as this has been the source of Increase funding for human resource
many significant innovations in the past and development. Increasing the number
has high social returns. and quality of researchers, scientists, and
engineers is an essential strategy for the
Funding support will be provided for establishment of a vibrant STI ecosystem.
the implementation of the Harmonized The target is to achieve and even surpass
National R&D Agenda (HNRDA), which the UNESCO norm of 380 researchers,
defines the country’s priorities and guides scientists and engineers per million
public investment in R&D. The agenda will population by 2025 from its current level
consolidate and promote basic and applied of 270. This can be achieved by providing
research in agriculture, aquatic resources, continuous support and funding to ongoing
natural resources, health and nutrition, S&T scholarships such as the following: (a)
drug discovery and development, industry, Expanded Specialized Science Secondary
energy, defense and security, and emerging Education Scholarship; (b) Expanded
technologies. Undergraduate S&T Scholarships for

Chapter 14 Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation | 223

Inclusive Development; and (c) Expanded facilities, and climate and disaster risk
S&T Graduate (Masters/PhD) Scholarships. reduction facilities.
Strengthening these S&T-based scholarship
programs and providing specialized Improvement of internet connectivity by
training and incentives will accelerate the putting in place a robust ICT infrastructure,
development of the S&T human resources particularly the national broadband
infrastructure, will be given priority to
that will be tapped to contribute to nation- boost productivity in research and other STI
building. A competitive work environment activities. The government is preparing for
will be created and research as a career will the rollout of its fiber optic cable network
be promoted to help motivate competent under the “Convergence Program” to link
human resources to stay in the country. national government agencies in a fiber-
optic network and shared resources.
Tap the expertise of foreigners and
overseas Filipinos (OFs). Mechanisms Establish and promote innovation hubs and
will be established to encourage overseas- other similar mechanisms. Innovation hubs
will be established in strategic locations in
based experts to share their knowledge the country to include food innovation
and specializations with the academe centers and shared service facilities. The
and industry through information and country will position itself to become the
communication technology (ICT), such global hub for Disaster Risk Reduction and
as videoconferencing. The Balik Scientist Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
Program and other related initiatives The hub will provide a platform for sharing
will be strengthened. The potential role technologies, lessons and best practices in
of OFs in developing the country’s STI responding and recovering from natural
disasters such as typhoons, floods, and
capability will be recognized and pursued
volcanic eruptions.
by providing opportunities for them. The
hiring of foreign scientists and experts will In addition, an innovation center will be
be explored in areas where expertise is not established to promote not only innovation,
available locally to leapfrog products and but also design and creativity, and to provide
process development and build capacity in support for the creation of incubation centers
the field. Institutional linkages through OFs, for MSMEs and start-ups. The Department
especially in ASEAN, will also be fostered of Trade and Industry will coordinate with
to encourage more R&D collaboration and the Department of Science and Technology
(DOST) and other government agencies,
capacity building activities.
the academe, the private sector, and people’s
organizations on the necessary investments
Strengthen STI infrastructure. STI in scientific and technological research,
infrastructure development will be as well as government support for science
undertaken across the country in order to and technology parks and local R&D and
address region-specific concerns. Niche training.5
centers for R&D will be established to equip
regional academic institutions and improve Moreover, existing services that will be
industry competitiveness. Moreover, continued and bolstered, such as the
following: (a) One Lab (Harmonized
modernization of existing R&D facilities
Laboratory Testing Services); (b) One
and other STI infrastructures, both in the Expert; and (c) One Store.
public and private HEIs, will be pursued to
enable them to carry out higher-level R&D Foster an STI culture. The culture of
activities. The government will also invest in inventiveness and creativity (see also
the establishment of product development Chapter 7 on advancing “pagkamalikhain” or
centers, materials and product testing creative excellence) will be promoted in all
Banatao, D. (2016). Creating an Innovative Mindset and Ecosystem. Manufacturing Summit 2016.

224 | Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

sectors and as early as possible. Programs and administrative procedures, particularly
to boost the interest of young students to in public higher education and research
pursue STEM courses and the creative arts institutions. The government will also
as viable career options will be pursued. leverage public R&D grants, tax, and other
Communicating STI through various incentives to increase productivity.
media and in partnership with different
stakeholders will be carried out to increase Intensify international cooperation in
public awareness and interest on the STI. International cooperation will be
importance of STI in daily life. pursued more aggressively to enhance the
flow and benefit of a wide range of existing
An STI culture that fosters more effective knowledge and technologies from other
decision making will be promoted among countries. Existing fora such as the ASEAN,
policy makers and government officials Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and
and employees. Being major users and other similar platforms for dialogue and
consumers of products and services, collaboration will be utilized.
government offices will also serve as
showcase and promoter of innovative and Public and private STI institutions will be
STI-based solutions. The government will encouraged to participate and collaborate
also support LGU-led innovation activities. with international partners in research
platforms that seek solutions to common
regional concerns such as food security,
Sub-sector Outcome 4: Open climate change, disaster risk reduction,
collaboration among actors in the STI resiliency and preparedness, and
ecosystem strengthened conservation of resources and biodiversity.
These research platforms necessitate specific
Strengthen tri-partite collaboration. and strong support for policies that can:
Collaboration in R&D based on the triple (a) facilitate the mobility of S&T experts,
helix model, which involves the coordination researchers, academics and students and
and cooperation of university, industry, and other highly skilled human capital; and (b)
government, will be strengthened. It will advance cross-border education and inter-
be facilitated through the elimination of university collaboration in order to foster
institutional bottlenecks for joint research innovations in solving common regional
activities, such as burdensome processes concerns.

Chapter 14 Vigorously Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation | 225

Legislative Agenda
To strengthen the effectiveness of the strategies, legislative action is needed on the following:

Table 14.2 Legislative Agenda to Leverage Science, Technology, and Innovation,



Sector Outcome 1: Promoted and accelerated technology adoption
An Act Establishing the Science for Change Aims to achieve a higher standard of S&T, by prescribing the basic
Program policy requirements for the promotion of S&T and comprehensively and
systematically promoting policies for the progress of S&T.
An Act Strengthening the National Aims to establish a National Metrology Institute under the DOST; provide
Measurement Infrastructure System capacity building programs through competency training to strengthen the
amending RA 9236, also known as the local metrology authorities at the local level; and set up a Metrology Training
National Metrology Act of 2003 and for Other Program to undertake proficiency testing, advocacy education and training
Purposes on metrology.
Subsector Outcome 2: Stimulated Innovation
An Act Adopting Innovation as a Vital Intends to generate and scale up action in all levels and areas of education,
Component of the Country’s Development training, research and development towards promoting innovation and
Policies to Drive Inclusive Development, internationalization activities of MSMEs as a driver of sustainable and
Promote the Growth and National inclusive growth.
Competitiveness of MSMEs, and for other
An Act Strengthening the Balik Scientist Seeks to strengthen the scientific and technological human resources of
Program and Appropriating Funds Thereof the academe, public institutions, and domestic corporations, through the
promotion of knowledge sharing and accelerate the flow of new technologies
into the country.
An Act Creating the Philippine Space Agency Seeks to legislate a Philippine Space Development and Utilization Policy
and create a Philippine Space Agency that would be tasked with providing
the country’s space technology-related need from weather imaging to
The bill seeks to legislate an independent regulatory framework that will decide
on issues affecting public health and safety, protection of the environment
An Act Providing for a Comprehensive
and nuclear security and safeguards, beyond the reach of entities with self-
Nuclear Regulation, Creating for the
motivated interests. The resolution of issues within an autonomous regulatory
Purpose the Philippine Nuclear Regulatory
structure will generate a higher level of trust and confidence in the application
Commission (PNRC), and Appropriating
of nuclear technologies. The PNRC shall exercise authority over all aspects of
Funds Therefor
safety, security involving nuclear materials and other radioactive materials,
facilities and radiation generating equipment.

226 | Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

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