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Submitted by:
Siddhika Naik

Under the Guidance of

Dr. (Mrs.)




This is to certify that Chetan ,Vinay, Siddhika Naik have satisfactorily completed the project on the
topic of “ ZIGBEE BASED DIGITAL NOTICE BOARD” in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the B.E. Degree in Electronics under the guidance of Dr.(Mrs) during the year
2016–17 as prescribed by Mumbai University.
Dr. (Mrs.)T Mrs. K
Project Guide Head of the Department

Dr. (Mrs.).J.M




Project Report Approval for B.E.

This project report entitled “ZIGBEE BASED DIGITAL NOTICE BOARD”

by Chetan, Vinay, Siddhika Naik is approved for the degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Electronics.

Examiner 1. ------------------------------

Examiner 2. ------------------------------


Place: VESIT, Chembur, Mumbai


We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and where
others ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited and referenced the
original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all principles of academic honesty
and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source
in my submission. We understand that any violation of the above will be cause for
disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which
have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when

Chetan (44)


Siddhika Naik(43)


Date: 16-04-2017


We express our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful
completion of this project. First and foremost we would like to express our deep sense of gratitude
towards our project guide, Dr. (Mrs.) T. whose priceless guidance and advice helped us to complete
this project. We sincerely thank her for her invaluable motivation during the course of the project.
Her constant probe into the finest details enabled us to understand the topic and thereby helped us to
complete the project in stipulated amount of time. Her foresightedness and organization skills have
really helped us in the completion of this project.

We thank our Head of the Department Mrs. k and our Principal Dr. (Mrs.) J. M. Nair for the
use of college and departmental facilities for our project. We would also like to thank the members
of Electronics Dept. for their direct and indirect help.

We take this opportunity to thank our friends and family for their moral support. Finally
we would like to thank everybody who was important to the successful realization of the thesis.


Notice Board is primary thing in any institution or public utility places like bus stations,
railway stations, colleges, malls, etc. But sticking various notices day to day is a difficult process.
A separate person is required to take care of this notices display. This project is about advanced
wireless notice board. The project is built around ARM controller raspberry-pi which is heart of
the system. Display is obtained on LCD Monitor. A ZigBee Module is used for Data transmission.

At any time we can add or re- move or alter the text according to our requirement. At
transmitter authorized PC is used for sending a notices. At receiving end ZigBee is connected to
raspberry pi. When an authorized user sends a notice from his system, it is received by receiver.
Wireless is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly
over a computer network, including high speed wireless connections. The data is received from
authenticated user. Then it sends to arm 11 that is raspberry pi. The ZigBee Technology is low
power Consumption Technology so it also helps in reducing the electricity wastage. The Existing
System can be made Specifically using Arm Controller interfaced with Display Module and
ZigBee which will further decrease the total cost of implementation.

The Display can be DVI or a HDMI supported monitor. The RCA TV can also be used as a
Display System. For interfacing with the VGA based monitor an extra HDMI to VGA convertor
has to be added to the circuit which further increasing the circuitry and power consumption.
HDMI and DVI devices are plug and playable.





List of Figures and Tables

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Aim of the project

Chapter 2: Literature Survey
2.1 History and development of ZIGBEE
2.2 History and development of Notice Board
2.3 Related work
2.4 Challenges associated with ZIGBEE
Chapter 3: Proposed Work
3.1 Problem definition and objectives
3.2 Goals and Objectives.
3.3 Statement of Scope.
3.4 Major Constraints
3.5 Methodologies of Problem Solving and Efficiency Issues.

Chapter 4: Project Design

4.1. Block Diagram

4.1.1. Transmitter Section

4.1.2. Receiver Section

4.2. Circuit Diagram

4.2. PCB layout

Chapter 5: Implementation and Tools used

5.1. Components used for implementation

5.1.1. MAX232

5.1.2. Typical Application

5.1.3. Raspberry Pi

5.1.4. DS1307

5.1.5 Typical application

5.1.6. Crystal 32.768 Khz

5.1.7. ZigBee Module

5.2. Tools used

5.2.1. Eagle

Chapter 6: Software Development

6.1. Flowchart

Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Scope

7.1. Conclusion

7.2. Future Scope



List of figures

Figure 1.1.

Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.2.

Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.5.

Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.4.
Figure 5.5.
Figure 5.6.
Figure 5.7.
Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.2.

Chapter 1


Today the world is undergoing a revolution. It is taking place in various forms such as
Economical revolution, technological revolution, and medical revolution in many ways and
types. As far as technological revolution is concerned, the technology is changing at a drastic
pace because Wireless networks. Wireless networking is an exciting area and it has completely
invaded our homes and environment during the last decade due to cheap equipment and easily
implementable standards. In 1965 the co-founder of Intel Gordon Moore said that the number of
transistors that could be fit onto an integrated circuit would double every second year. This has
later on been called the Moore’s law and since this statement there has been a doubling every
two years leading to today’s possible miniaturization of hardware. Wireless networks are an
upgrading technology due to its immense wide scale applications. It includes increased accuracy,
reduced time consumption and cost efficiency.

ZigBee is a type of wireless networks. ZigBee is an IEEE 802.15.4-based specification

for a suite of high-level communication protocols used to create personal area networks with
small, low-power digital radios. The technology defined by the ZigBee specification is intended
to be simpler and less expensive than other wireless personal area networks, such as Bluetooth or
Wi-Fi. Applications include wireless light switches, electrical meters with in-home-displays,
traffic management systems, and other consumer and industrial equipment that requires short-
range low-rate wireless data transfer. Its low power consumption limits transmission distances to
10–100 meters line-of-sight, depending on power output and environmental characteristics.
ZigBee devices can transmit data over long distances by passing data through a mesh network of
intermediate devices to reach more distant ones. ZigBee is typically used in low data rate
applications that require long battery life and secure networking (ZigBee networks are secured
by 128 bit symmetric encryption keys.) ZigBee has a defined rate of 250 Kbit/s, best suited for
intermittent data transmissions from a sensor or input device.

Notice boards play a vital role mostly in educational institutions. The events, occasions
or any news, which has to be passed to the students, will be written on the notice boards present
in every floor in the colleges or schools. The present system is like, a person will be told the
news and he has to update this news on all the notice boards present in the college or school.
This will be seen mostly during the examination seasons. The time table or the schedule of the
exams has to be given to the students. This will be done by writing the details on the notice

boards. But this process consumes a lot time to update the news on all the notice boards and
there may be chances that the person responsible may commit some mistakes or he may be
absent sometimes. So, this may create disturbances and the entire schedule may be disturbed. To
avoid all these, Wireless Notice Board have been designed which completely eliminates the
manual work.

Fig 1.1: Introduction to ZigBee Based Digital Notice Board

This thesis presents the prototype ZigBee Based Digital Notice Board implementation
and the specific design of applications. We present the architecture and environment for
development, detail the embedded software, and describe our application. The thesis is organized
as follows: Chapter 2 details related work in the area of ZigBee Based Network. Chapter 3
defines the overall system and component architecture. It begins with the problem definition
stage describing the hardware. It also includes the algorithms and software development. Chapter

4 describes the results and discussions. In Chapter 5 gives the conclusion of the project and also
state the future scope.

1.1Aim of the project

The aim of the project is to build a system for Notice Display Wirelessly without using a
sophisticated Hardware and Software. The system will consist of a transmitter and a receiver.
This project uses the wireless communication, ZigBee. The ZigBee transmitter will be present at
the Principal or the person related to the issues to be displayed on the notice board. PC is used as
the input device here in this project. Whenever the user wants to send the news updated to the
notice board, he types that particular message using keyboard or just upload the file in .txt format
or Docx format and the same data will be transmitted through ZigBee transmitter. At the
receiving end, the ZigBee receiver and the Controller (Raspberry Pi) will be fixed to the display
monitor. The receiver receives the data coming from the transmitter and the same data will be
received by the microcontroller at the receiver end. The microcontroller sends this data to the
display unit and thus the message given by the user at the transmitter end will be displayed. Our
system will be Compatible with all Pc which uses USB port or Serial port. A user will have a
single device performing all tasks, instead of a dedicated device for a particular task available in
the market. We want to design a low power system which will have a much lower cost than the
products available in the market.

Chapter 2

Literature Survey

2.1 History and Development of ZigBee:

ZigBee-style networks began to be conceived about 1998, when many installers realized that both
WiFi and Bluetooth were going to be unsuitable for many applications. In particular, many engineers
saw a need for self-organizing ad-hoc digital radio networks. In the summer of 2003, Philips
Semiconductors, a major mesh network supporter, ceased its investment. Philips Lighting has,
however, continued Philips' participation, and Philips remains a promoter member on the ZigBee
Alliance Board of Directors. The ZigBee Alliance announced in October 2004 that its membership
had more than doubled in the preceding year and had grown to more than 100 member companies, in
22 countries. By April 2005 membership had grown to more than 150 companies, and by December
2005 membership had passed 200 companies. The ZigBee specifications were ratified on 14
December 2004. The ZigBee Alliance announces public availability of Specification 1.0 on 13 June
2005, known as ZigBee 2004 Specification. The ZigBee Alliance announces the completion and
immediate member availability of its enhanced version of the ZigBee Standard in September 2006,
known as ZigBee 2006 Specification. During the last quarter of 2007, ZigBee PRO, the enhanced
ZigBee specification was finalized.

2.2 History and Development of Notice Board:

 1801: James Pillans, headmaster and geography teacher at the Old High School

in Edinburgh, Scotland, is credited with inventing the first modern blackboard.
 1924: George Brooks of Topeka, Kansas is issued a patent for the use of corkboard as a
bulletin board which you could stick tacks into. [2] The patent for George Brooks' invention,
which would become a mainstay in homes and offices around the world, expired in 1941, which
then allowed anyone to create and market their own versions of the product.
 1940: George E. Fox, received a patent for a foam rubber pinboard with cardboard backing
 1949: W.F. Lewis is issued a patent for a combined chalkboard and bulletin board.
 1976: The concept of the bulletin board entered the information age when software
developers Ward Christensen and Randy Suess launched the first public dialup Bulletin board
 2010: Digital signage displays started to replace bulletin boards as a means to reduce clutter
and provide real-time information.
 2010: Pinterest, a content and photo-sharing website meant to serve as online personal
bulletin boards, is founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp.

Figure 2.1. Notice Board History

2.3 Related work:

The most closely related projects to our work is ‘DIGITAL NOTICE BOARD USING
RASPBERRY PI’, Published in International Journal of Research in Computing and Communication
Technology, Volume 3, Issue 2, February- 2016 by Mr Jadhav Deepak., Dr. S. D. Sawarkar,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Gescoe College of Engineering,
Nashik, Maharashtra.

In this paper “ZigBee Based Digital Notice Board” data is transferred using ZigBee used as a
Connecting Medium. Transmitting Device is connected to a PC. It is a long process to put up notices
on the notice board. This wastes a lot of resources like paper, printer ink, man power and also loss of
time. In this paper we have proposed a system which will enable people to wirelessly transmit
notices on notice board using Wi-Fi. Here we have proposed a system by which only authenticated
person can handle the notice board. It require less time due to fast data transmission through Wi-Fi.
Less cost and save the resources like paper. Figure below summarizes.

Figure 2.2. Comparison of ZigBee vs. Bluetooth

2.3 Challenges associated with ZigBee Technology:

Problems with the use of this technology could include:

 Security: Security is a major concern in Wireless Personal Area Network. The security of the
Wireless Personal Area Network can be improved by system design.
 Interoperability: ZigBee Based WPANs systems would have to ensure seamless data
transfer across standards such as TCP/IP UDP protocols etc. to promote information exchange, plug
and play device interaction. Further, the systems would have to be scalable, ensure efficient
migration across networks and offer uninterrupted connectivity.
 System devices: The Controller used in Digital Notice Board would have to be low on
complexity, small in form factor, light in weight, power efficient, easy to use and reconfigurable
and should support upcoming interfacing Display Screens.

 Invasion of privacy: People might consider the technology as a potential threat, if the
applications go beyond "secure" usage. Social acceptance would be a key to this technology
finding a wider application.
 Sync validation: Pervasive Syncing devices are subject to inherent communication and
hardware constraints including unreliable wired/wireless network links, interference and limited
power reserves. This may result in erroneous datasets being transmitted back to the end user. It is
of the utmost importance especially within an Educational Institutes that the readings are
validated periodically. This helps to reduce false Notice generation and to identify possible
weaknesses within the hardware and software design.
 Interference: The wireless link used for ZigBee should reduce the interference and increase
the coexistence of node devices with other network devices available in the environment. This is
especially important for large scale implementation of WPAN systems.

 Data Management: As WPANs generate large volumes of data, the need to manage and
maintain these datasets is of utmost importance.
 Cost: Today's consumers expect low cost with high functionality. Digital Notice Board
implementations will need to be cost optimized.

 Constrained deployment: The Digital Notice Board needs to be Compatible, lightweight

and non-intrusive. It should not alter or encumber the user's daily activities. The technology
should ultimately be transparent to the user. The GUI Interface should be user friendly so that
even a user with no previous experience is able to configure out.

 Consistent performance: The performance of the Digital Notice Board should be consistent.
Data should be sent to accurate node and calibrated even when the Digital Notice Board is
switched off and switched on again. The wireless links should be robust and work under various
user environments.

Chapter 3

Proposed Work

3.1. Problem definition and objectives
Design and Implementation of Digital notice board by using ZigBee and Arm based
Controller. The application has been installed on PC, and a raspberry pi card to display text on
display device. The main objective of this system is to develop a wireless notice board that
display message sent from the user and to design a simple, easy to install, user friendly system,
which can receive and display notice in a particular manner with respect to date and time which
will help the user to easily keep the track of notice board every day and each time he uses the

3.2 Goals and Objectives

- The main goal is to provide Exciting new innovative way to send information to your Staff
visitors and Students.
- The main objective of this system is to develop a wireless notice board that display message
sent from the user and to design a simple, easy to install, user friendly system, which can receive
and display notice in a particular manner with respect to date and time which will help the user to
easily keep the track of notice board every day and each time he uses the system. ZigBee is the
wireless technology used.

The purpose of our project is to develop a system which can perform such tasks by using
the existing technology and without any further added complicated circuitry.

3.3 Statement of Scope

By using multiple screens for displaying the big size advertising purpose and the contents on the
screen is made up of several images files and broadcasting display information and also remotely
control it. The broadcasting information such as road highways ,subways, buses and bus station,
train and train station, shopping malls, city squires, hospital, conference hall, colleges and
schools for displaying notice for student information and displaying all institutional information

for visitors and this same application in industry for displaying notices or useful information
which has want to giving employees.

3.4 Major Constraints

- System Constraints
1. Authenticated User can post the message.
2. PC or Laptop is necessary.
3. Registration is necessary for new user.

3.5 Methodologies of Problem Solving and Efficiency Issues:

The system is about how a reliable and an authentic communication could easily be developed
to enable display of notices on a screen since getting the information on time is really important.
The result was a central ideology, and a manifesto to go along with it.
1. A working piece of software had more value than a document that indicated what the software
should do.
2. Regular collaboration with customers was valued more than extensive contracts that outlined
the intended usage of a product up front.
3. And most importantly, they valued responding to change over following a plan. As a
methodology, the same approach is applied to product development in spirit where project teams
is recognized into small teams that work closely works together on specific component of the

Chapter 4

Project Design

4.1. Block Diagram
4.1.1. Transmitter section

Figure 4.1. Transmitter Section

4.1.2. Receiver Section

Figure 4.2. Receiver Section

4.2. Circuit Diagram

 Schematic.


fig.4.4. RECEIVER

4.3. PCB Layout

Fig.4.5.PCB layout

Chapter 5

Implementation and Tools used

5.1. Components used for implementation

5.1.1. Max232
 The MAX232 is an integrated circuit first created in 1987 by Maxim Integrated Products
that converts signals from a TIA-232 (RS-232) serial port to signals suitable for use in TTL-
compatible digital logic circuits.
 The MAX232 is a dual transmitter / dual receiver that typically is used to convert the RX,
TX, CTS and RTS signals.
 The drivers provide TIA-232 voltage level outputs (about ±7.5 volts) from a single 5-volt
supply by on-chip charge pumps and external capacitors.
 This makes it useful for implementing TIA-232 in devices that otherwise do not need any
other voltages.
 The receivers reduce TIA-232 inputs, which may be as high as ±25 volts, to standard 5 volt
TTL levels.
 These receivers have a typical threshold of 1.3 volts and a typical hysteresis of 0.5 volts.
 The MAX232 replaced an older pair of chips MC1488 and MC1489 that performed similar
RS-232 translation.
 The MC1488 quad transmitter chip required 12 volt and -12 volt power, and MC1489 quad
receiver chip required 5 volt power.
 The main disadvantages of this older solution was the +/- 12 volt power requirement, only
supported 5 volt digital logic, and two chips instead of one.

It is helpful to understand what occurs to the voltage levels. When a MAX232 IC receives a
TTL level to convert, it changes a TTL logic 0 to between +3 and +15 V, and changes TTL logic
1 to between −3 and −15 V, and vice versa for converting from TIA-232 to TTL. This can be
confusing when you realize that the TIA-232 data transmission voltages at a certain logic state
are opposite from the TIA-232 control line voltages at the same logic state. To clarify the matter,
see the table below. For more information, see RS-232 voltage levels.

TIA-232 line type and logic level TTL voltage to/from MAX232

Data transmission (Rx/TX) logic 0 +3 V to +15 V 0 V

Data transmission (Rx/TX) logic 1 −3 V to −15 V 5 V

Control signals (RTS/CTS/DTR/DSR) logic

−3 V to −15 V 5 V

Control signals (RTS/CTS/DTR/DSR) logic

+3 V to +15 V 0 V

Figure 5.1. Pin Voltage

The MAX232 (A) has two receivers that convert from RS-232 to TTL voltage levels, and two
drivers that convert from TTL logic to RS-232 voltage levels. As a result, only two out of all RS-
232 signals can be converted in each direction. Typically, the first driver/receiver pair of the
MAX232 is used for TX and RX signals, and the second one for CTS and RTS signals.

There are not enough drivers/receivers in the MAX232 to also connect the DTR, DSR, and
DCD signals. Usually, these signals can be omitted when, for example, communicating with a
PC's serial interface. If the DTE really requires these signals, either a second MAX232 is needed,
or some other IC from the MAX232 family can be used. Also, it is possible to connect DTR
(DE-9 pin #4) directly to DSR (DE-9 pin #6) without going through any circuitry, which
provides an automatic (brain-dead) DSR acknowledgment of the incoming DTR signal.

Figure 5.2. Pin diagram of MAX232

 Pin Description

 VCC: Digital supply voltage.

 GND: Ground.
 T2IN, T1IN: Logic Data input (from UART).
 R2OUT, R1OUT: Logic Data output (to UART).
 R2IN, R1IN : RS232 Line data input (from remote RS232 system).
 T2OUT, T1OUT: RS232 Line data output (to remote RS232 system).
 Vs-: Negative Charge Pump Output for Storage Capacitor Only.
 C2-: Negative Lead of Storage Capacitor.
 C2+: Positive Lead of Storage Capacitor.
 C1-: Negative Lead of Storage Capacitor.
 Vs+: Positive Charge Pump Output for Storage Capacitor Only.
 C1+: Positive Lead of Storage Capacitor.


5.1.3. Rasberry pi 2

Fig.5.3.Rasberry pi 2

 A 900MHz quad-core ARM cortex-A7 CPU.

 4 USB ports
 Full HDMI port
 Ethernet port
 Combined 3.5mm audio jack and composite video.
 Camera interface(CSI)
 Micro SD card slot

5.1.4 DS1307

Fig.5.4. DS1307 IC

The DS1307 serial real-time clock (RTC) is a low power, full binary-coded decimal (BCD)
clock/calendar plus 56 bytes of NV SRAM. Address and data are transferred serially through an
I2 C, bidirectional bus. The clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month,
and year information. The end of the month date is automatically adjusted for months with fewer
than 31 days, including corrections for leap year. The clock operates in either the 24-hour or 12-
hour format with AM/PM indicator. The DS1307 has a built-in power-sense circuit that detects
power failures and automatically switches to the backup supply. Timekeeping operation
continues while the part operates from the backup supply.

5.1.5 Typical Operating Circuit:

5.1.6 Crystal 32.768 KHz


A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a

vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency.
This frequency is commonly used to keep track of time (as in quartz wristwatches), to provide a
stable clock signal for digital integrated circuits, and to stabilize frequencies for radio
transmitters and receivers. Standard frequency crystals - use these crystals to provide a clock input to
your DS1307 real time clock.. Low profile HC49/US package.

Fig.5.5. Crystal 32.768 Khz

5.1.4 ZigBee Module


ZigBee is an IEEE 802.15.4-based specification for a suite of high-level communication

protocols used to create personal area networks with small, low-power digital radios. The technology
defined by the ZigBee specification is intended to be simpler and less expensive than other wireless
personal area networks (WPANs), such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Applications include wireless light
switches, electrical meters with in-home-displays, traffic management systems, and other consumer
and industrial equipment that requires short-range low-rate wireless data transfer.

Its low power consumption limits transmission distances to 10–100 meters line-of-sight, depending
on power output and environmental characteristics. ZigBee devices can transmit data over long
distances by passing data through a mesh network of intermediate devices to reach more distant
ones. ZigBee is typically used in low data rate applications that require long battery life and secure
networking (ZigBee networks are secured by 128 bit symmetric encryption keys.) ZigBee has a
defined rate of 250 Kbit/s, best suited for intermittent data transmissions from a sensor or input

Fig.5.6. Zigbee Module

Fig.5.7. ZigBee Pin Diagram.

5.2. Tools used

5.2.1. Eagle

 The schematic window is where you create and edit the schematic (obviously).To start out,
try moving around. There's three different ways to move around in Eagle (If you have a mouse,

use 1, otherwise if you have a keyboard that has F# keys, use those, otherwise, if you're some
poor soul who doesn't have either, you may be stuck using the scroll bars):
1) Use a mouse with a middle-button
 -- Middle-click and drag to move around, scroll up and down to zoom in and out
2) Use the F# keys
 -- F3 is zoom in
 -- F4 is zoom out
 -- F5 centers the screen where the mouse is.
3) Drag the bars on the bottom and sides of the screen and zoom using the button of the top.

 On the left, just right of all of the buttons, you can see a sheets area.  With complex
schematics (and non-freeware versions of Eagle), you can create multi-paged schematics and
switch between them here.

   If you are only running the freeware version, you can just close that section and never think
of it again.

 After you look at the schematic for a while, you may realize that this schematic could be laid
out better (especially around the voltage regulator, highlighted above).

 If you click the show button, then click on the VCC net (a net is one of the green lines), you
will see that all of the VCC nets get highlighted, including the one connected to that regulator,
whose name couldn't be read clearly due to the name of the diode beneath it overlapping with the
name of the VCC trace.

 To get the schematic to look cleaner, we can turn off the display of the values of all of the
parts.  To do this, click the Display button, and un-check the Values layer (layer 96).

 One last way to see any idiosyncrasies that might be missed by the naked eye is the Electrical
Rules Check (ERC).  This takes what Eagle knows about the various parts (which isn't very
much), and checks to see if anything unusual is going on.  In the case of this board, there are
currently 7 warnings and no errors. 

 The warnings are thrown because D6 isn't connected to anything, JP1 and JP2 have no values
(since they're just through-hole places where I'll wire up the actual compass), GND overlaps
another pin since I was trying to get multiple connections to a single pin on one of the parts, but

Eagle didn't like that, and since I renamed the 3.3V to VCC, the supply symbols aren't happy. 
Most of this should be fixed, but, hey, it lets you see what an ERC with warnings looks like.

 Now click File>Switch to Board to switch to the board layout side of things.  If you didn't
have a .pcb file paired with this file, it will automatically create one and drop all of the parts
outside of the PCB area.

 You move around in the board window just like in the schematic window, so I won't go over
that again.  Likewise, the Show button is virtually identical.

 The Display button is functionally the same, but will have different layers in this view. 
Frequently, when looking at a board, you don't need to see all of it at once. 

 To isolate the top layer, click the Layers button, then click None, then select the following
tValues (optional, typically I leave this off)
tKeepout (optional, depends on the situation)
tDocu (optional, adds a lot more clutter)

 To isolate the bottom layer, click the Layers button, then click None, then select the
following layers:
bValues (optional, typically I leave this off)
bKeepout (optional, depends on the situation)
bDocu (optional, adds a lot more clutter)

 To view both layers, enable all of the above.

 This can be tedious when you are swapping rapidly between sides.  Let's set up some
keyboard commands to make this easier.
Go to Options>Assign, click New
Change Key to T, and check the Alt modifier box.

 In the Assigned Command box, enter the following:

Display Top  Pads Vias Unrouted  Dimension tPlace tOrigins tNames _tsilk

 Also create a command for Alt+B

Display Bottom Pads Vias Unrouted Dimension bPlace bOrigins bNames _bsilk
And Alt+N
Display None

 Now you can use Alt+T to show the top, Alt+B to show the bottom, and Alt+N to show

Chapter 6

Software Development

6.1. Flowchart

Figure 6.1. Flow chart Transmitter

Figure 6.2. Flow chart Receiver

6.2. Python
Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language.Its design
philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in
fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java.The language provides
constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.Python supports
multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and functional programming
or procedural styles. It features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and has
a large and comprehensive standard library. Python interpreters are available for installation on
many operating systems, allowing Python code execution on a wide variety of systems.


Python was conceived in the late 1980s, [31] and its implementation began in December
1989 by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands as a
successor to the ABC language (itself inspired by SETL)[33] capable of exception handling and
interfacing with the operating system Amoeba.[8] Van Rossum is Python's principal author, and his
continuing central role in deciding the direction of Python is reflected in the title given to him by the
Python community, benevolent dictator for life (BDFL). About the origin of Python, Van Rossum
wrote in 1996.

Over six years ago, in December 1989, I was looking for a "hobby" programming project that
would keep me occupied during the week around Christmas. My office ... would be closed, but I had
a home computer, and not much else on my hands. I decided to write an interpreter for the new
scripting language I had been thinking about lately: a descendant of ABC that would appeal
to Unix/C hackers. I chose Python as a working title for the project, being in a slightly irreverent
mood (and a big fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus).

Python 2.0 was released on 16 October 2000 and had many major new features, including a
cycle-detecting garbage collector and support for Unicode. With this release the development
process was changed and became more transparent and community-backed.

Python 3.0 (which early in its development was commonly referred to as Python 3000 or py3k),
a major, backwards-incompatible release, was released on 3 December 2008[36] after a long period of

testing. Many of its major features have been backported to the backwards-compatible Python
2.6.x and 2.7.x version series.

Chapter 7

Conclusion and Future Scope

7.2. Conclusion

We presented a Digital Notice Board based on ZigBee Technology. The use of ARM7
processor enabled interfacing with newly modern technologies like HDMI Monitor as well as
compatible with older Technologies has well. Thus raspberry-pi being a small yet powerful
device can work efficiently in digital notice board connected with software. Hence Notice
Board can provide user with real time actual data which can be used application. Schools and
Educational Institutes require large number of notices. ZigBee based digital notice board
proved to be a promising technique for such an application. An identification system that
uses Registration of user was developed and tested. The transmitter and the receiver are
isolated and communicate to each other only through the ZigBee module. The major
advantage of the proposed method is its simplicity of implementation. The proposed can be
easily implemented almost only in software of any ARM based microcontroller system
without the need of any other component, except a ZigBee Module for Communication.

7.2. Future Scope

 The designed circuit can be made battery operated so that it can be carried to the different
places. Currently it requires an external power supply.
 The device can be integrated into a smaller chip to make it Smaller in size.
 Android Based System can be developed.

Journal Paper

[1] J. S. Lee, Y. W. Su, and C. C. Shen, ”A Comparative Study of Wireless Protocols: Bluetooth, UWB, ZigBee,
and Wi-Fi”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), pp.
46-51, November 2007.

[2] E. Ferro and F. Potorti, ”Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless protocols: a survey and a comparison”, Wireless
Communications, IEEE, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.12-26, February 2005.

[3] J. S. Lee, ”Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks”, IEEE
Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 742-749 , August 2006.

[4]”XBee Series 2 OEM RF Modules Product Manual”, Digi International, Inc., June 2007.

[5] J. S. Lee and Y. C. Huang, ”ITRI ZBnode: A ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 Plat- form for Wireless Sensor Networks”,
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, Taiwan, vol. 2, pp.
1462- 1467, October 2006 .

[6] Safaric, S.; Malaric, K;Zigbee Wireless Standard , IEEE International conference on Multimedia Processing
and Communications, March 2006.



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