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Modeling and Control of A Car Suspension System Using P, PI, PID, GA-PID and Auto-Tuned PID Controller in Matlab/Simulink

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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)

ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2017

Modeling and Control of a Car Suspension

System Using P, PI, PID, GA-PID and Auto-
Tuned PID Controller in Matlab/Simulink
Michael Akpakpavi
Mechanical Engineering Department
Accra Technical University
Accra, Ghana

Abstract— This paper presents the application of Nowadays, different types of controllers are
P, PI, PID, GA-PID and Auto-tuned PID controllers being used to control the car suspension system such
to control the vibration of the 1/4 car suspension as adaptive control, Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG)
system. An open loop response of the car control, H-infinity, Proportional (P) controller,
suspension system is developed using equations Proportional Integral (PI) controller, and Proportional
of the 1/4 car suspension system, state space Integral Derivative (PID) controller [6-8]. In this paper,
model and transfer function model built in the ¼ car suspension system is modeled using
Matlab/Simulink. The results of the open loop Simulink blocks. Also, P, PI, PID, Genetic-Algorithm
response reveal that the system is under-damped (GA) PID and Automatic-tuned PID controllers are
for a disturbance unit step input W. Also, the car designed to control the vibration of the car suspension
takes unacceptably long time for it to reach the system using Matlab/Simulink.
steady state, that is, about 50 seconds way
beyond the design requirements of 5 seconds.
However, full implementation of PID controller to
the suspension system causes the design
requirements to be met. Also, GA-PID controller is
found to produce better results of suspension SYSTEM
control than PID, and Auto-tuned PID controllers.
The car suspension system is one of the
Keywords—PID; GA-PID; Auto-tuned PID; impressive challenging problems in terms of
State-Space; Transfer function; Matlab/Simulink; controlling the system. When designing the car
I. INTRODUCTION suspension system, a ¼ car model (one of the four
wheels) is used to simplify the problem to a one
Suspension systems are the most important dimensional spring-damper system [9]. The schematic
part of the vehicle affecting the ride comfort of representation of the quarter car suspension model is
passengers and road holding capacity of the car, as pictured in figure (1). Table1 depicts the model
which is crucial for the safety of the ride. Moreover, parameters. Moreover, in developing the
increasing progress in automobile industry demands mathematical model of the quarter car, only the mass
that highly developed vehicle models with better riding movements on the vertical axis is considered ignoring
capabilities to enhance passenger comfort be the rotational movement of the vehicle.
developed. The aim of the advanced vehicle
suspension system is to provide smooth ride and
maintain the control of the car over cracks and on
uneven pavement of roads. Suspension system
modeling has an important role for realistic control of
vehicle suspension [1-3].
Designing a good suspension system with
optimum vibration performance under different road
conditions is an important task. Over the years, both
passive and active suspension systems have been
proposed to optimize the vehicle quality. Passive
suspension uses conventional dampers to absorb
vibration energy and do not require extra power [4].
Whereas active suspension systems capable of
producing an improved ride quality use additional
power to provide a response-dependent damper [5].
Fig.1.Quarter car Suspension Model
JMESSP13420306 1506
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2017

TABLE1. PARAMETERS FOR QUARTER CAR SUSPENSION analyze the behavior of the suspension system. In this
MODEL work, the road disturbance (W) will be simulated by a
Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter step input and this step could represent a car coming
Description Symbol Value Unit out of pothole [10]. A feedback controller has to be
designed so that the output (x1-x2) has an overshoot
1. Mass of less than 5% and settling time shorter than 5 seconds.
sprung mass m1 2500 kg For example, when the car runs onto a 0.1 m high
step, the car body will oscillate within a range of ±
2. Mass of 0.005 m and return to a smooth ride within 5 seconds.
Un-sprung m2 320 Kg
3. Stiffness SUSPENSION
coefficient of k1 80,000 N/m To derive the dynamic governing equations of the
the ¼ car suspension system, Newton’s second law is
suspension used for each of the two masses in motion and
Newton’s third law for the interaction of the masses.
4. Vertical The dynamic equations are as shown:
stiffness of k2 500,000 N/m
the tire m1𝑥̈ 1 = −c1(𝑥̇ 1−𝑥̇ 2) −k1(x1−x2) + U (1)
5. Damping
coefficient of c1 350 Ns/m
m2𝑥̈ 2 = c1(𝑥̇ 1−𝑥̇ 2) +k1(x1−x2) + c2 (Ẇ − 𝑥̇ 2) +
the k2(W−x2) –U (2)

6. Damping
coefficient of c2 15,020 Ns/m where all the values of the constant parameters, m1,
the tire m2, k1, k2, c1and c2 in both equations are given in
7. Vertical A.
displacement x1 - Equations 1 and 2 are second order differential
of the sprung equations of the active suspension system of the car.
mass Solving this system of equations poses a lot of
difficulties, so therefore, the system is solved and
8. Vertical verified using Matlab Simulink software based on the
displacement x2 - following approaches.
of the  Building the car suspension system
unsprung equations in Matlab/simulink;
 Using the ‘state-space’ model and
9. Controller C.
output (force) U -  Using the ‘transfer function’ approach.
which is to be

10. Road D.
W - A. Modeling/Building the system equations using
Matlab Simulink blocks
Equations 1 and 2 are built together using Matlab
A. Design requirements Simulink blocks to represent an implementation of the
A good car suspension system should have car suspension system in simulink. This is shown in
satisfactory road holding ability, while still providing figure (2).
comfort when riding over bumps and holes in the
road. When the car is experiencing any road
disturbance (that is, pot holes, cracks, and uneven
pavement), it is expected that the car body dissipates
its oscillatory motion quickly. Now, since the distances
x1-W is very difficult to measure, and the deformation
of the tire (x2-W) is negligible, the distance x1-x2
instead of x1-w is used as an estimated output to
JMESSP13420306 1507
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2017

B. Modeling of Car suspension system using Transfer

Function Equation

The quarter car suspension system can be

modeled using transfer function equation. Now,
assume that all of the initial conditions are zero, so
these equations represent the situation when the car’s
wheel goes up a bump. The dynamic equations 1 and
2 above can be expressed in the form of transfer
functions by taking Laplace Transform of the
equations. The derivation, from equations 1 and 2 of
the transfer functions G1(s) and G2(s) of output, x1-
x2, and two inputs, U and W, are as follows:

(m1s2 + c1s + k1) x1(s) − (c1s + k1) x2(s) = U(s)


(c1s + k1)x1(s) + (m2s2 + (c1 + c2)s + (k1 + k2))x2(s)

= (c2s + k2)W(s) − U(s)
Fig.2. simulation model of uncontrolled ¼ Car suspension
system (4)

In this paper, uneven pavement and cracks are

considered as disturbances that create vibration in the 
 m1 s  c1 s  k 1
  c1 s  k 1 
vehicle. The aim of this work is to reduce the vibration
in the car for the comfort of the passenger. When

  c1 s  k 1  
m2 s  c1  c2s  k1  k 2 

considering the control input U(s) only, set W(s) = 0.  x1 ( s )   U ( s) 
 = 
 x2 ( s ) c2 s  k 2 W ( s)  U ( s)
Thus, observe an Open-Loop response of the step 
actuated force. The sprung mass displacement is
shown in figure (3), and the unsprung mass (5)
displacement is shown in figure (4).

A = m1 s  c1 s  k 1  c1 s  k 1 

  c1 s  k 1 m s2

 c1  c2 s  k 1  k 2  

Fig.3. Open loop step response, body sprung mass
displacement ∆ = det
 m1 s
 c1 s  k 1   c s  k  
  c1 s  k 1
 m s  c  c s  k  k 
   
1 1
2 1 2 1 2



∆= (m1s2 + c1s + k1) ∙ (m2s2 + (c1 + c2)s + (k1 +

k2)) − (c1s + k1) ∙ (c1s + k1)
Fig.4. Open loop step response for suspension (unsprung)
mass displacement
JMESSP13420306 1508
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2017

Find the inverse of matrix A and then multiply with G2(s) = num1/den1=
inputs U(s) and W(s) on the right hand side as the −3.755𝑒007𝑠^3 − 1.25𝑒009𝑠^2
following: 800000𝑠^4 + 3.854𝑒007𝑠^3 + 1.481𝑒009𝑠^2 + 1.377𝑒009 + 4𝑒010

 x1 ( s )  = 𝟏 (14)
  ∆
 x2 ( s)

 m2 s
 c1  c2 s  k 1  k 2   c s  k   Now, the process transfer function represented by
c1 s  k 1 m s  c s  k  equation (13) can be simulated as an open-loop
1 1
 1 1 1 system (without any feedback control) to control input
U. The simulink model is shown in figure (2), and
 U ( s) 
 s     figure (5) below shows the open-loop response of the
 2 k 2
W ( s ) U ( s )  process transfer function, which is obtained by
considering only the disturbance input W(s) = 0.1 m,
(9) and U(s) = 0.

 x1 ( s )  𝟏
 =∆
 x2 ( s)

 2
 s
 m2 s c 2 2 k 2
  c c s  c k  c k s  k k 

m c s  m k  c c s 
 c1 k 2  c2 k 1s  k 1 k 2 
1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2

 m1 s
2 2
 1 2 1 2 1 2

U ( s ) 
W ( s ) 
 

(10) Fig.5. Open loop response for process transfer function to

0.1 m disturbance input

When inputs U(s) only is considered, W(s) is set to 0.

Thus the transfer function G1(s) is obtained as follows: As shown in figure (5), the system is under-
damped for a disturbance step input of W(s) = 0.1 m.
𝑥1 (𝑠)−𝑥2 (𝑠) (𝑚1 +𝑚2 )𝑠 2 +𝑐2 𝑠+𝑘2 Hence, people sitting in the car would feel very small
G1(s) = = amount of oscillations for a very long time, that is,
𝑈(𝑠) ∆
about 50 seconds, which is way beyond the desired
(11) time of 5 seconds. This also applies to the open loop
step response for the body sprung mass displacement
shown in figure (3). The solution to this problem is to
When input W(s) only is considered, U(s) is set to 0. add a feedback controller into the system’s block
Thus the transfer function G2(s) is obtained as: diagram.

𝑥1 (𝑠)−𝑥2 (𝑠) −𝑚1 𝑐2 𝑠 3 −𝑚1 𝑘2 +𝑠2

G2(s) = = C. Modeling of Car suspension system using the
𝑊(𝑠) ∆
‘State Space’ approach
Another method of modeling suspension with
Now, using the parameters of the bus suspension matlab software is by using the general form of the
system as given in table1 and the function tf2s, the state space approach [11]. Now, to transform the
transfer functions of G1(s) and G2(s) for a step input motion equations of the quarter-car model into a state-
are obtained as follows: space model, the equation (20), which includes
variable vector, input vector and the disturbance
G1(s) = nump/denp = vector, is formed after some algebraic operations.
𝑥̇ = Ax + BW State equation (15)
y = Cx + DW Output equation (16)

𝑥̇ = [A][x] + [B]W (17)
JMESSP13420306 1509
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2017

a control loop [12]. Currently, the usage of control

𝑥1 systems has increased due to the increment in
𝑥̇ 1 complexity of systems under control. The block
y = 0 0 1 0 [𝑦 ] +[0 0] [ W ]
diagram of closed-loop car Suspension System is
shown in figure (7).

y =[C][x] + [D]W (19)

𝑥̇ 1 0 1 0 0

[ 1 ]=  cc1 2
 c  c  c  c   c 
1 1 1 2 1
 c 1
𝑦̇1 mm 1 2  m  m m m  m 
1 1 2 2 1 m 1
Fig.7: Closed loop of car suspension system

𝑦̈1 c 2
0 
c  c  c 
1 1 2

m 2 m m m 
1 2 2
 
k 2
0  k  k  k 
1 1 2

[ m 1 m m m 
1 2 2 ] A. PID controller
𝑥1 A proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID
 0 0 
𝑥̇ 1  1 cc  controller) is a generic control loop feedback
 1 2  U
[𝑦 ] +   [ ] mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial
1  m 1 mm
1 2
 W
control systems [13]. A PID controller attempts to
𝑦̇1 
 0 
c 2 
 correct the error between a measured process

m 2 
 variable and a desired set point by calculating and

 1

1  
k 2 
then outputting a corrective action that can adjust the
  

 m 1 m 2 m 2  process accordingly, to keep the error minimal [14]. A
(20) block diagram of the PID controller is as depicted in
figure (8).

Hence, the matrices of equations (20) and (18) are

entered into the simulink state-space block as
parameter A, B, C and D respectively as illustrated in
figure (2), and simulated. Here, a disturbance input of
0.1 m is used, where U(s) = 0 and W= 0.1 m. The
result of the simulation is as shown in figure (6).

Fig.8: Block diagram of PID controller

Generally, the equation of the PID controller for the

figure (8) can be written as [15].

C(s) = kpR(s) + ki∫ 𝑅(𝑠)𝑑𝑡 + kd (21)

Fig.6: Process state-space response to 0.1 m disturbance

input where Kp, Ki and Kd are the controller gains, C(s) is
output signal, R(s) is the difference between the
desired output and input obtained. By principle of its
operation, the PID controller takes the error signal and
IV. CONTROLLER computes both its derivative and its integral. The
A controller is a comparative device which may signal which is sent to the actuator is equal to the
be in a form of circuit, chip or computer that receives proportional gain (KP) times the magnitude of the error
an input signal from a measured process variable, plus the integral gain (KI) times the integral of the error
compares this value with that of a predetermined plus the derivative gain (KD) times the derivative of the
control value (set point), and determines the
appropriate amount of output signal required by the
final control element to provide corrective action within
JMESSP13420306 1510
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2017

error. Hence, from equation (21), the PID controller for for the GA-PID and Automatic Tuned PID simulation
the car suspension system can be given as: model as illustrated in figure (12a and b).


U(t) = MV (t) = Kpe(t) + Ki∫0 𝑒(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 + Kd (t)

A. P Controller with Car Suspension System
P controller is mostly used in first order
Thus, the general response of the proportional,
processes with simple energy storage to stabilize the
integral and derivative controller is as shown in table2.
unstable process. The main usage of the P controller
is to decrease the steady state error of the system. As
TABLE2. RESPONSE OF PROPORTIONAL, INTEGRAL AND the proportional gain factor K increases, the steady
DERIVATIVE CONTROLLER state error of the system decreases. The simulink
model of the P controller with the car suspension
Closed Rise time Overshoot Settling Steady system is as pictured in figure (9a). The main purpose
loop time state error
response of this implementation is to obtain the desired
Kp Decrease Increase No Decrease response of the system. The value of the Kp used for
change the simulation is 1664200. The result of the
simulation is shown in figure (9b).
Ki Decrease Increase Increase Eliminate

Kd No change Decrease Decrease No change

B. PID Controller tuning

By tuning the three constants in the PID
controller algorithm, the controller can provide control
Fig.9a. P controller simulink model
action designed for specific process requirements.
However, the use of the PID algorithm for control does
not guarantee optimal control of the system or system
stability. Some applications may require using only
one or two modes to provide the appropriate system
control. This is achieved by setting the gain(s) of the
undesired control outputs to zero. A PID controller will
be called a PI, PD, P or I controller in the absence of
the respective control actions [12, 16]. Moreover,
some of the prime methods for the PID tuning are:
Mathematical criteria, Cohen-Coon Method, Trial and Fig.9b. P controller output response to 0.1 m input
Error Method, Ziegler-Nicholas Method, Fuzzy Logic,
Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization,
Neuro-Fuzzy, Simulated Annealing, Artificial Neural As per the system design requirements, ± 0.005 m
Networks and currently soft-Computing techniques. overshoot is required for a unit high step input of 0.1m
In this work the classical PID, the Genetic Algorithms and a settling time less than 5 seconds is required.
and Automatic tuned (Auto-tuned) PID are From Figure (9b), however, the overshoot is about
implemented concurrently and simultaneously and the 0.025 m for the unit step inputs and about 3.7
results are analyzed and essentially compared. With seconds for the settling time. This therefore suggests
regard to the classical PID tuning, in this work, the that the P-controller could not adequately meet the
values of the PID gains are determined by the “root design system requirements in terms of the overshoot.
curve seat method” which is explained in reference
[17]. Taking the values for m1, m2, k1, k2, c1, and c2 B. PI Controller
as stated in table1 into consideration, the root curve
The main purpose of the implementation of the PI
seat method gives, for a good controller, 1664200,
controller is to obtain the desired response of the
1248150 and 416050 values for Kp, Ki and Kd gains,
system. The simulink model of the Car Suspension
respectively [18]. These gained values are therefore
system using PI Controller is pictured in figure (10a),
used in the control simulation of the P, PI, and PID
and the simulation result is as shown in figure (10b).
model and also as initial values to obtain new values
Notice that the values of Kp and Ki used for the
simulation are 1664200 and 1248150 respectively.
JMESSP13420306 1511
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2017

From figure (11b), the PID simulation results show an

overshoot of 0.0038 m for unit step input of 0.1 m and
a settling time of about 1.5 seconds, suggesting that
the PID controller meet the design requirements. The
figure (11b) also depicts that people sitting in the Car
feels very small amount of oscillations for a very short
Fig.10a: PI controller simulink model time. Hence, by the use of PID Controller, the
performance characteristics of the suspension system
are considerably improved. Also, the design
requirements as stated in section 1.2 of this paper are
adequately satisfied.

D. Comparison of car suspension system with PID,

GA-PID and Auto-tuned PID controllers

Fig.10b: PI controller output response to 0.1 m input The analysis of the Car Suspension System is
further investigated by comparing the simulation of the
PID, GA-PID and the Auto-tuned PID controllers.
From figure (10b), the PI simulation results show Figure (12a) below shows the combined simulink
an overshoot of 0.026 m for a unit step input of 0.1 m model for PID, GA-PID and the Auto-Tuned PID. For
and a settling time of about 3.6 seconds, suggesting the combined simulation, put the value of Kp, Ki and
that the PI controller could not meet the design Kd, and also put the value of gains found by GA-PID
requirements adequately. Also, it must be noted that and the auto-tuned PID controller block as mentioned
without derivative action, a PI-controlled system is earlier in the text. The simulation result is as pictured
less responsive to real and relatively fast alterations in in figure (12b).
state and so the system will be slower to reach set-
point and slower to respond to perturbations than a
well-tuned PID system.

C. PID Controller
The PID controller calculation involves three
separate parameters, and is accordingly sometimes
called three-term control. The main purpose of the PID
controller performance for the car suspension system
is to get the desired response of the system within
expected times. The Simulink model of the Car
Suspension system using PID Controller is as depicted
in figure (11a) and the results of the simulation are as
shown in figure (11b). The values of Kp, Ki and Kd
used are 1664200, 1248150 and 416050 respectively.
Fig.12a: PID, TUNNED PID, GA-PID Controllers Simulink

Fig.11a. PID controller simulink model

Fig.12b: Combined PID, TUNNED PID, GA-PID

Controllers Output Response to 0.1 m

It is observed from the comparison of the PID, GA-PID

Fig.11b: PID controller Closed loop output response to and Auto-tune PID combined simulation results that
0.1 m input
JMESSP13420306 1512
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2017

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