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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

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OSL E115

Analysis of Mission and

Vision Statement

Mohammad Ashfaqur Rahman

ID # 9180 4001
Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement


1. Caterpillar......................................................................................................................................2
2. Intel...............................................................................................................................................3
3. IBM...............................................................................................................................................4
4. General Electric.............................................................................................................................5
5. Audi...............................................................................................................................................6
6. Procter & Gamble Company..........................................................................................................7
7. Unilever.........................................................................................................................................8
8. PwC...............................................................................................................................................9
9. Grameenphone.............................................................................................................................10
10. Dutch Bangla Bank Limited....................................................................................................11

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

1. Caterpillar

Industry and Brand Ranking

Catpiller is a heavy equipment manufacturer and holding 87 th position in brand ranking according to

Our vision is a world in which all people’s basic needs – such as shelter, clean water, sanitation, food
and reliable power – are fulfilled in an environmentally sustainable way and a company that improves
the quality of the environment and the communities where we live and work.

Our mission is to enable economic growth through infrastructure and energy development, and to
provide solutions that support communities and protect the planet.

Observation on Vision Statement

As per the statement Caterpillar is highly focused on sustainability as well as they feel their
responsibilities on environment and communities. Unfortunately the statement do not describe about
the goal that they want to meet in the near or far future. But as a motivational tool to employees the
statement is well constructed.

Observation on Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Caterpillar focuses on the economic growth as well as the corporate
responsibility on community and planet protection. But the mission statement does not provide
sufficient guidance about how to keep the brand image high and what are the major factors of
motivation in decision making process. The idea of planet protection is closely related with CSR
things rather than core business.

Overall Observation
The mission statement of the Caterpillar focuses on the economic growth as well as the corporate
responsibilities and same has been reflected on the vision statement. Both of those are constructed
based on very broad view. The statements are very much corporate responsibility oriented rather than
profit seeking motive.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

2. Intel

Industry and Brand Ranking

Intel is a leading technology company which specially famous for microprocessor production and
semiconductor engineering & development. They are the 13 th valuable brand as per Forbes.

If it is smart and connected, it is best with Intel.

Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders by relentlessly delivering the platform and
technology advancements that become essential to the way we work and live.

Observation on Vision Statement

A very motivating vision statement is constructed by Intel, claiming that the smartness and
connectivity can be excelled by using Intel. The statement demonstrated the competitive approach of
the Intel that they want to win in the technology race. They didn’t mention the business segment
which has been targeted; they kept the range very wide.

Observation on Mission Statement

The mission statement is constructed in an aggressive manner as well as describing their interest on
customer, employees and shareholders. Being a technology mastering organization, they also covered
the necessity of technological development respect to necessity of entire customers segments. Intel is
not interested to produce end user product or utility for the customer, and same has been described by
using the word “platform”.

Overall Observation
Both the mission and vision statement kept the momentum of aggressiveness. Intel is always focusing
on technology development and both have been well mentioned in the mission and vision statement.
Also the end goal of the organization has been mentioned. As a profit seeking organization, it is
mentioned that they give importance to shareholder as well as to employees and customer.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

3. IBM

Industry and Brand Ranking

International Business Machines (IBM) is an technology firm focusing information technology
development and services. As per for Forbs, they are the 20 th in the most valuable brand ranking.

To be the world’s most successful and important information technology company. Successful in
helping out customers apply technology to solve their problems. Successful in introducing this
extraordinary technology to new customers. Important, because we will continue to be the basic
resource of much of what is invested in this industry.

To lead in the creation, development, and manufacture of the industry’s most advanced information
technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices, and
microelectronics. And our worldwide network of IBM solutions and services professionals translates
these advanced technologies into business value for our customers. We translate these advanced
technologies into value for our customers through our professional solutions, services and consulting
businesses worldwide.

Observation on Vision Statement

The usage of the word “Successful” in the vision statement signifies eagerness of success by IBM.
The end destination of the company has been mentioned in the statement. Also they described their
objective on existing customer as well as on the potential customer. The plan of continuity of
contributed efforts in the industry and loyalty to customers has been mentioned. The desire to be the
giant in information technology industry and corporate responsibility to community are also

Observation on Mission Statement

Innovation is one of the core strength of IBM and that has been mention in the statement. In the
mission IBM also describes target market and influencing segments. It includes the microelectronic
environment (like semiconductor chips) to entire computing environment (including mainframe, cloud
etc.). They are not only focusing on the development of software and hardware technologies, but also
they can help their customer to utilize those in business. This will align the customer values with the
values of IBM. This part of the statement provides the direction to the employee that, IBM should
take proper care of customer values.

Overall Observation

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

From the work experience of my in IBM Bangladesh, I already know that IBM is customer oriented
company and in a motive to ensure the best utilization of cognitive skill that IBM have learned as an
organization in last more than 100 years. IBM believes that, the participation in values creation
process in client environment reflects the values of IBM which makes IBM unique.

4. General Electric

Industry and Brand Ranking

General Electric is diversified technology organization which is having foot print on multiple areas
including mechanical, electrical, electronic, health and energy sectors. This is the 16 th valuable brand
as per the Forbs.

To become the world’s premier digital industrial company, transforming industry with software-
defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive.

To invent the next industrial era, to build, move, power and cure the world.

Observation on Vision Statement

Focusing on the new era of industrialization, GE incorporated the importance the digitalization in
industrial field. In the vision statement GE declared that they want to be the leader in digitalization in
industry by providing machines and integration, what they said as “solution”. In shot the vision
statement is highly focusing on the innovation strength and they want to transform the entire industry
under a software based control and production mechanism.

Observation on Mission Statement

As the vision statement is focusing on the innovation, same has been reflected in the mission
statement. Regardless of segmenting the customer base, GE focused on the empowerment of the
technology. From the statement construction view, mission statement of GE well described the
business GE does, and what is the goal of that business. But the mission statement do not described
how the goal will be reached.

Overall Observation
Though the mission statement does not describe pathway to reach the goal, the vision statement
widely describes method of digitalization in industrial technologies, which is also known as industry
4.0. Here mission statement makes conflicts partially with vision statement. As mission statement
wants to explore a new industrial era, vision statement already describes what would be the new
industrial era. But overall both the statements are somehow connected with each other by the means
of innovation.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

5. Audi

Industry and Brand Ranking

Audi is a leading company in automotive industry, where they are well known for the quality of
vehicles they make. Audi is presently the 41st most valuable brand as per Forbes.

Audi- the premium brand.

Consistently Audi.

Observation on Vision Statement

The very short vision statement described the aggressiveness of the organization for being the best by
using the word premium. Using of the word “brand” in the vision statement means that as an entire
company Audi wants be the most desirable one. They are not focusing to meet the utility needs of the
customer, but also wants to add values to customer.

Observation on Mission Statement

Quality of the product is always important to Audi, and that should be well maintained. By using the
word on “consistently” indicated that they want to maintain the quality of the product, efficiency of
the production and stability of the customer base.

Overall Observation
Both the mission and vision statement are very short, which gives space to the thinker to make own
understanding about the organization. But theoretically it is assumed that, there should be some ideas
about the company’s business, guidance to the employees about decision making process etc. Neither
mission statement nor the vision statement covers those things.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

6. Procter & Gamble Company

Industry and Brand Ranking

Leading consumer goods producer Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) is the 42 nd company in the list
of Fortune 500 according to their revenue. It is not having any rank in Forbes most valuable brand.

Be, and be recognized as, the best consumer products and services company in the world.

We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of
the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come. As a result, consumers will reward us with
leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders and the communities
in which we live and work to prosper.

Observation on Vision Statement

Two very important themes have been mentioned in the vision statement. One is the term
reorganization by the others, which includes not only the customer but also by the competitors. It
means that P&G will deliver the products in order to be recognized by others as best. The other thing
mentioned in the vision statement is about which product and services they will serve. To whom those
will be served or by how those will be served is not mentioned here.

Observation on Mission Statement

Whereas the vision statement do not incorporate the customer segments, vision statement clearly
mention that P&G is a customer focused company and keep focuses on existing consumer as well as
the potential and next generation consumer. It reflects that the product and services which will be
delivered is quality to maintain a long customer life cycle. Procter & Gamble’s mission statement is a
detailed account of strategic direction in the consumer goods market. The mission statement has given
emphasizes on customer as the recognizer to their products and services. They believe that by the
reorganization on the products, their employee and shareholders will be rewarded also.

Overall Observation
The mission statement and vision statement of P&G express their hunger for reorganization by the
consumer they serve. This consumer oriented company believes in the delivery of branded products
which should be impressive in quality. Based on the conditions of the consumer goods industry, the
Procter & Gamble Company’s vision statement is satisfactory in following conventions on writing
ideal vision statements.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

7. Unilever

Industry and Brand Ranking

House hold and person care product oriented consumer goods producer Unilever 70 th in the list of top
regarded company in Forbes.

To make sustainable living commonplace. We believe this is the best long-term way for our business
to grow.

To add vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene and personal care with brands
that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life.

Observation on Vision Statement

The vision statement gives high importance on the sustainability. The sustainable product could be the
tool to develop a sustainable (long-term according to them) relationship. It is not note that,
commonplace sustainability is driving the Vision statement as core component.

Observation on Mission Statement

From the mission statement we can get the understanding that how Uniliver will serve their customer.
The business strategy of the company has been described their business strategy. The second part of
the mission statement emphasizes on the on the product line and mix which will be produced by the
company. The end part describes how those products will add values to the consumer.

Overall Observation
In spite of mentioning the desired status of the organization, Unilever focuses on the sustainability,
value addition to customer and product quality. The vision statement might be improvised by adding
the desire of market leadership. Overall the mission and vision statement both are well constructed
and express that what business they will perform. Both the statements are more or less customer
oriented which is important for the consumer good producer.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

8. PwC

Industry and Brand Ranking

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) provide business services specially audit and advisory services all
over the globe. This is holding 68th position in the most valuable brand ranking as per the Forbes.

Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems.

To provide an unrivalled level of service and to contribute to the sustained growth of the economy
through the execution of vigorous, fair, and high-quality audits based on clear leadership and creative

Observation on Vision Statement

To any auditor “trust” is the most important context they experienced. PwC wants to build trust by
providing high quality service to clients. On the other hand as the advisory service provider they need
to solve the critical issues. The vision statement covers more or less the way of providing service that
PwC offer.

Observation on Mission Statement

Auditing the major service that been offered by PwC. PwC promises to conduct high quality audit to
ensure economical sustainability to the client. The major features of the PwC audit are mentioned in
the mission statement.

Overall Observation
Both the mission and vision statement are well constructed. Those statements describe what business
PwC will do and how those things will be done. Also the value which will be added by the audit by
PwC are mentioned. Overall the statements are well matched with each other.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

9. Grameenphone

Industry and Brand Ranking

Grameenphone (GP) is the mobile telecommunication operation in Bangladesh owned by Telenor
Group. They are operating with the biggest subscriber base of mobile user in Bangladesh and
maximum revenue generator among the telecommunication operators.

Empower societies: We provide the power of digital communication, enabling everyone to
improve their lives, build societies and secure a better future for all.

We are here to help our customers: We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of being
connected. Our success is measured by how passionately they promote us.

Observation on Vision Statement

The vision statement gives high importance on the empowerment of the society. The vision statement
describes that what product the Grameenphone will serve and how those things will add values to
their customers. It is well described that digital communication is the business of Grameenphone in
the first part of the vision statement, The second part of the vision statement promises to ensure a
better future for all.

Observation on Mission Statement

The mission statement is quite aggressive than the vision statement. GP declare that they are in a
position to help the customer. In the second part, they are looking for the reward from customer by the
understanding of promotion (driven by the subscribers).

Overall Observation
Both the statements (mission and vision) of GP do not express the desired the market position. It
seems that GP already believe that they are in a position from where they do not need to improve. On
the other hand they are seeking the reward from the customer to measure their success. It seems that
the mission statement and vision statements are not well synced. They have developed a product
oriented vision statement and customer oriented mission statement.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

10. Dutch Bangla Bank Limited

Industry and Brand Ranking

Dutch Bangla Bank Limited (DDBL) is one of the leading bank in Bangladesh who are operating
retail, corporate and mobile financial services. They are having 190 branches. As per Bangladesh
Bank, DBBL is the 5th bank in Bangladesh in the scale of operating profit in 2018.

Dutch-Bangla Bank engineers enterprise and creativity in business and industry with a commitment to
social responsibility. "Profits alone" do not hold a central focus in the Bank's operation; because "man
does not live by bread and butter alone".

Dutch-Bangla Bank dreams of better Bangladesh, where arts and letters, sports and athletics, music
and entertainment, science and education, health and hygiene, clean and pollution free environment
and above all a society based on morality and ethics make all our lives worth living. Dutch-Bangla
Bank 's essence and ethos rest on a cosmos of creativity and the marvel-magic of a charmed life that
abounds with spirit of life and adventures that contributes towards human development.

Observation on Vision Statement

Very straight forward statement of vision describes that DBBL is not only a profit seeking
organization but also very much social responsibility oriented organization. The bank also focuses on
the creativity in business.

Observation on Mission Statement

As the bank focuses on the social responsibilities, they extend their dream to the improvement and
sustainability of the nation. With the hallmark of creativity DBBL also believe that creative arts and
practices can help us to have a better environment. Overall human development has been highlighted
in the vision statement.

Overall Observation
Though DBBL is a profit seeking organization, all through the mission and vision statement DDBL
focuses in the creativity of own. From the statements it seems that DBBL is highly CSR focused
organization who desires to develop a better nation. Both the statements are well matched with each
other, but do not describe that to which position the company wants to reach. The vision statement
partially describes the way to excel the business but do not indicate that what value they will add to
their customer. As a company in financial service industry, the feature of the services may need to be
added in vision statement that is what kind of banking solution they are offering. Overall the
statements are not well matched with the business of the bank.

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Analysis of Mission and Vision Statement

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