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Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet: A. General

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Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet 2-1

Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet

This section consists of provisions that are specific to each procurement and supplement the
information or requirements included in Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders.

A. General

ITB 1.1 The number of the Invitation for Bids (IFB) is: ICB/PMD/MCTLP/019/20-01

The Employer is: Nepal Electricity Authority

The name of the international competitive bidding (ICB) is: Design, Supply,
Installation and Commissioning of Udipur Substation and New Bharatpur
Substation. The identification number of the ICB is: ICB/PMD/MCTLP/019/20-01

The number and identification of lots (contracts) comprising this ICB is: Lot One

ITB 2.1 The Borrower is: Nepal

The name of the Project is: SASEC Power System Expansion Project

ITB 4.1 (a) & To be replaced by the following:

(a) Bids submitted by a Joint Venture (JV) of two or more firms as partners shall
comply with the following requirements:

(i) The bid, and, in case of successful bid, the specified Form of
Agreement/Letter of Intent (LOI) shall be signed as to be legally binding on all
partners. However, in case bid is submitted by a JV with the intent to enter into
such an agreement, it shall submit a letter of intent as per proforma given in
Section 4. Bidding Form, and in case of successful bid, the specified Form of
Agreement shall be signed as to be legally binding on all partners

(ii) One of the partners shall be nominated as Lead Partner, and this authorization
shall be evidenced by submitting a Power of Attorney signed by legally authorized
signatories of all the partners (Section 4. Bidding Forms).

(iii) The lead partner shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions
for and on behalf of any and all partners of the joint venture, and the entire
execution of the Contract shall be done with the lead partner and payment under
the Contract shall be received by the lead partner on behalf of the Joint Venture,
as per power conferred to him in the Power of Attorney. The payment under the
contract can also be received by other Partner (s) based on authorization of Lead

Bidding Document for ICB/PMD/MCTLP/019/20-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage,Two-Envelope

Marsyangdi Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line Project
2-2 Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet

ITB 4.1 (a) & (iv) All partners of the Joint Venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the
(b) execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a statement
to this effect shall be included in the authorization mentioned under (ii) above as
well as in the Letter of Bid (Bid Form) and in the Contract Form (in case of a
successful bid).

(v) Agreement (Section 4. Bidding Forms) entered into by the Joint Venture
partners shall be submitted with the bid. However, in case bid is submitted by a
JV with the intent to enter into such an agreement, it shall submit a letter of intent
as per proforma given in Section 4. Bidding Form.

(vi) The joint venture agreement should indicate precisely the responsibility of all
members of JV in respect of planning, design, manufacturing, supply, installation,
commissioning and training. All members of JV should have active participation in
execution during the currency of the Contract. This should not be varied/ modified
subsequently without prior approval of the Employer.

ITB 4.9 Add a new sub-clause 4.9 as under:

4.9 A bidder will not be eligible if:

 the bidder fails to submit a declaration of undertaking and Covenant of

Integrity as per pro-forma specified in Section-4, Bidding Forms with its
Techno-commercial bid (1st Envelope) or subsequent to clarification
sought by the employer pursuant to ITB 29.1.

 the bidder is legally barred from the procurement process in the country
of the Employer (Contracting agency) on the grounds of previous
violations of regulations on fraud and corruption. Exclusion decisions
have to be the result of actions taken by proper judicial or administrative
authorities and through an appropriate procedure in line with the EU
principles (non-discrimination, proportionality, mutual recognition,
fairness, etc.) providing the concerned firms or individuals had the right to
appeal and to be heard before the decision became final.

 the bidders or sub-contractors to be contracted for considerable portions

of the contract are enterprises economically intertwined with the
Employer (Contracting agency) in the host country and/or state controlled
enterprises that are not legally or financially independent.

B. Contents of Bidding Documents

ITB 7.1 For clarification purposes only, the Employer’s address is:

Attention: Project Manager,

Marsyangdi Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line Project
Project Management Directorate

Street address: Matatirtha, Chandragiri, Kathmandu

Floor/Room number: 1st Floor

City: Kathmandu

ZIP code: NA

Country: Nepal

Single-Stage, Two-Envelope Procurement of Plant Bidding Document for ICB/PMD/MCTLP/019/20-01

Marsyangdi Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line Project
Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet 2-3

Telephone: +977 5164103

E-mail address:;

ITB 7.4 A Pre-Bid meeting will take place.

If a Pre-Bid meeting will take place, date, time and place are as follows :
Date: 05 May, 2019
Time: 1200 Hours Local Time
Place: Project Management Directorate, Matatirtha
A site visit conducted by the Employer will not be organized.

C. Preparation of Bids

ITB 11.2 The Bidder shall submit with its Technical Bid the following additional documents:
1. Business registration certificate of the Bidder and of each joint-venture partners in the
case of a joint venture, issued by the government of the country where the bidder or
each joint venture partner is registered". If the Bidder fails to submit such registration
certificates together with its Bid, the Employer may at the first instance request the
Bidder to submit such registration certificates. Failure to submit such registration
certificates on Employer’s request may be the grounds of Bid rejection. In addition, the
bidder must notarized and submit the legal registration certificate of the Bidder or Joint
-Venture partners, End user certificates, Line of Credit and Audit reports without fail.

ITB 11.3 The Bidder shall submit with its Price Bid the following additional documents: None

ITB 12.1 The units and rates in figures entered into the Price Schedules should be typed or if
written by hand, must be in print form. Price Schedules not presented accordingly may be
considered as nonresponsive.

ITB 13.1 Alternative bids are Not Permitted.

ITB 13.2 Alternatives to the Time Schedule will not be permitted.

ITB 13.4 Alternative technical solutions shall be permitted for the following parts of the plant and
services: None

a. The period following completion of plant and services in accordance with

ITB 16.1 provisions of the contract shall be 540 days

ITB 18.1 Bidders shall quote for the entire plant and services on a single responsibility basis.

The following components or services will be provided under the responsibility of the
Employer: None

Bidding Document for ICB/PMD/MCTLP/019/20-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage,Two-Envelope

Marsyangdi Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line Project
2-4 Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet

The Incoterm for quoting plant to be supplied from abroad is: CIP-Project Site Lamjung-
Udipur and Chitwan, Aaptari, Bharatpur

ITB The Incoterm for quoting plant manufactured within the Employer's country is EXW

ITB 18.6 The prices quoted by the bidder shall be Fixed.

ITB 19.1 The currencies of the Bid shall be as follows:

(a) The prices shall be quoted either in the currency of the Bidder's home country, or in
any fully convertible currency of up to three foreign currencies.

(b) A Bidder expecting to incur a portion of its expenditures in the performance of the
Contract in more than one currency, and wishing to be paid accordingly, shall so
indicate in the Schedule of Prices and the Letter of Price Bid.

(c) If some of the contract expenditures related to Design, Installation and Other
Services are to be incurred in the Employer's country, such expenditures shall be
quoted in either foreign and/or local currency, depending upon the currency in
which the costs are to be incurred.

(d) Bidders may be required by the Employer to clarify their local and foreign currency
requirements, and to substantiate that the amounts included in the Price Schedules
are reasonable and responsive to ITB 18.1 in which case a detailed breakdown of
its foreign currency requirements shall be provided by the Bidder

(e) During the performance of the contract, the foreign currency portions of the
outstanding balance of the Contract Price may be adjusted by agreement between
the Employer and the Contractor to reflect any changes in foreign currency
requirements for the contract. Any such adjustment shall be effected by comparing
the amounts quoted in the bid with the amounts already used in the Facilities and
the Contractor's future needs for imported items.

ITB 20.1 The bid validity period shall be 150 days.

ITB 21.1 The Bidder shall furnish a bid security in the amount of: USD. 800,000.00 or an
equivalent amount in Nepalese Currency.
Bid security shall be issued by a bank using the form included in Section 4 (Bidding Form)

ITB 21.2 The ineligibility period will be: Not Applicable

ITB 21.4 Any bid not accompanied by an irrevocable and callable bid security shall be rejected by
the Employer as nonresponsive. However, if a bidder submits a bid security that deviates
in form, amount, and/or period of validity, the Employer shall request the Bidder to submit
a compliant bid security within 7 (Seven) days of receiving such a request. Failure to
provide a compliant bid security within the prescribed period of receiving such a request
shall cause the rejection of the Bid.

ITB 22.1 In addition to the original Bid, the number of copies is: Two

ITB 22.2 This authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as specified :

An organizational document, board resolution or its equivalent, or power of attorney

Single-Stage, Two-Envelope Procurement of Plant Bidding Document for ICB/PMD/MCTLP/019/20-01

Marsyangdi Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line Project
Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet 2-5

specifying the representative’s authority to sign the Bid on behalf of, and to legally bind,
the Bidder.
If the Bidder is an intended or an existing Joint Venture, the power of attorney should be
signed by all partners and specify the authority of the named representative of the Joint
Venture to sign on behalf of, and legally bind, the intended or existing Joint Venture.
If the Joint Venture has not yet been formed, also include evidence from all proposed
Joint Venture partners of their intent to enter into a Joint Venture in the event of a contract
award in accordance with ITB 11.2.

ITB 22.2 The Bidder shall submit an acceptable authorization within 7 (Seven) days of notification
by Employer.

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

ITB 23.1 Bidders will not have the option of submitting their bids electronically.

ITB 23.1 If Bidders shall have the option of submitting their bids electronically, the electronic
(b) bidding submission procedures shall be: Not Applicable

ITB 24.1 For bid submission purposes only, the Employer’s address is

Attention: Project Manager

Marsyangdi Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line Project,
Project Management Directorate
Street Address: Matatirtha-11, Kathmandu
Floor/Room number: 1st Floor, 1st Room
City: Kathmandu
ZIP Code: NA
Country: Nepal
The deadline for bid submission is
Date: 31st May 2019
Time: 12:00 Noon (Local Time)

ITB 27.1 The bid opening of Technical Bids shall take place at
Street Address: Matatirtha-11, Kathmandu
Floor/Room number: 1st Floor
City: Kathmandu
Country: Nepal
Date: 31st May 2019
Time: Immediate after the submission of bid (Local Time)

ITB 27.1 Electronic bid opening procedure shall be as follows: Not Applicable

ITB 27.5 The Letter of Technical Bid shall be initialed by 3 (Three) representatives of the Employer
attending Technical Bid opening.

Bidding Document for ICB/PMD/MCTLP/019/20-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage,Two-Envelope

Marsyangdi Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line Project
2-6 Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet

ITB The Letter of Price Bid and Price Schedules shall be initialed by 3 (Three) representatives
27.10 of the Employer attending the Price Bid opening.

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

ITB 37.1 The currency that shall be used for bid evaluation and comparison purposes to convert all
bid prices expressed in various currencies into a single currency is: Nepalese Rupees

The source of the selling exchange rate shall be Nepal Rastra Bank (Central Bank of

The date for the selling exchange rate shall be: The date for the exchange rate shall be:
28 days prior to the deadline for submission of bids.

ITB 38.1 A margin of preference shall not apply.

Single-Stage, Two-Envelope Procurement of Plant Bidding Document for ICB/PMD/MCTLP/019/20-01

Marsyangdi Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line Project

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