Q40. 'If Aurobindo Was The High Priest, Rabindranath, Was The Great Poet of The Swadeshi Movement' (1990, 10m) Answer
Q40. 'If Aurobindo Was The High Priest, Rabindranath, Was The Great Poet of The Swadeshi Movement' (1990, 10m) Answer
Q40. 'If Aurobindo Was The High Priest, Rabindranath, Was The Great Poet of The Swadeshi Movement' (1990, 10m) Answer
’If Aurobindo was the high priest, Rabindranath, was the great poet
of the Swadeshi Movement' [1990, 10m]
Tagore’s poems during the Swadeshi movement were infused with patriotism
and national consciousness. The ideas which inspired Bankim Chandra to
write Bande Mataram hymn was expressed through the charming poems
and songs by Rabindra Nath.
• He sang glories of ancient Indian culture and held vividly before the people
the portraits of Shivaji and Guru Gobind Singh as nation-builders.
• His great Baul songs describe the picturesque natural beauty of Bengal
and like the national hymns evoke national spirit.
Both Aurobindo and Tagore proved that ‘the pen is mightier than sword’.
Their work was ably supplemented by others to foster nationalism through
poems, essay, drama, history and novel during the Swadeshi movement.
#GS1 #History
Additional Information
1. Spiritual Nationalism –
With a spiritual basis and cosmopolitan outlook, Aurobindo’s nationalism is a
comprehensive and broad one. Unlike the western concept of nationalism
which merely implies a common political sentiment he treated nationalism as
a religion (divinity of the motherland) and a spiritual ‘Sadhana’.
#GS1 #History