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Exocrine Glands-Endocrine Glands

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Types of glands

Human body has two types of glands based on the presence of ducts-

Exocrine glands-  Endocrine glands- 

These are glands with ducts These are glands without ducts
Release their secretions through Release their secretions directly
these ducts, like salivary gland and into blood vessels, like thyroid and
sweat gland.   adrenal. 
Present near site of action. Present far away form site of action
Secretions are normally enzymes. Secretions are hormones.

Endocrine glands release hormones in the blood stream, that travels

throughout the body and reach the target cell.

 chemical messengers secreted by the endocrine glands.

 they are released directly into the blood stream.

 they act at a site away from where they are secreted.

 they act on specific target tissue or organ.

 they modify and regulate the activity of target tissue/organ.
 they are secreted in small quantities.
 deficiency of hormone can lead to disorders.
list of endocrine glands-

1. Hypothalmus 

2. Pituitary Gland

3. Pineal Gland 

4. Thymus

5. Thyroid

6. Parathyroid 

7. Adrenal Glands

8. Pancreas

9. Testes

10. Ovaries
Pituitary gland

Location- in the brain

attached to
Pear shaped 
Divided into three lobes

 Anterior
pituitary –pars

 Intermediate
lobe or pars

 Posterior
s or pars

Pituitary is connected to
the hypothalamus by a
stalk called
It is connected by the
hypophysial portal
system and axons of
hypothalamic neurons.

Anterior pituitary Tropic hormones- These are

hormones that activate other
endocrine glands to release
their hormones or act on target

1. Thyroid stimulating
Hormone (TSH) or

2. Adrenocorticotropic
Hormone (ACTH) 

3. Follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) 

4. Lutenizing hormone
(LH) –In Females, 

5. Interstitial Cell
Stimulating Hormone
(ICSH)- In Males.

6. Somatotrophic
Hormone or
Somatotrophin or
Growth Hormone  

Non tropic hormone-

1. Prolactin or Lactogenic
or Luteotropic

Posterior pituitary
Posterior pituitary is an extension of the hypothalamus connected by
nerve fibers.
It does not secrete any hormone, it stores and releases the hormones
secreted by the hypothalamus.
The hormones released by posterior pituitary are-
1. Anti-diuretic hormone or vasopressin. 
It stimulates re-absorption of water from the kidneys and increases
blood pressure by acting as a vasoconstrictor.
2. Oxytocin or pitocin. 
It stimulates contraction of uterine muscles during child birth and milk
ejection from mammary glands.
How are the hormone levels regulated?

Feedback mechanism
The endocrine hormones are regulated by feedback mechanism.
The hormones released by the target gland regulates its further
production. This effect may be positive or negative.
In positive feedback the endproduct stimulates the secretion of the
releasing factor.
In negative feedback the endproduct inhibits the secretion of the
releasing factors.
The feedback mechanism can be-
By hormones- when the increase or decrease in the target gland
hormone acts as inhibitor or stimulator respectively.
By metabolites- the blood metabolite level control the hormone
By nervous control- Adrenal medulla hormones are controlled by the
sympathetic nervous sytem.

Somatotrophic hormone or Somatotrophin or growth hormone 

It is secreted by the anterior pituitary.

 Stimulates body growth by stimulating mitosis.

 Stimulates retention of proteins and calcium in the body.

 Helps in growth of long bones.

Hyposecretion of STH (hGH)  Hypersecretion of STH (hGH)

Decrease in secretion during childhood. Oversecretion from childhood
Causes dwarfism- stunted growth of bones and other body organs. Causes gigantism  - abnormal elongation of all bones, produces giant
size persons called pituitary giants. 
Over secretion of GH after adolescence, causes acromegaly. They are
called disproportionate giants, elongation of certain body parts like
hands, feet and jaws.

Vassopressin or Antidiuretic hormone

It acts on the kidney and stimulates reabsorption of water, thereby reducing the loss of water through urine.
It also causes narrowing of arteries acting as a vasoconstrictor.Hyposecretion causes  Diabetes insipidus.
Large amounts of urine excreted, dehydration and thirst.

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