A Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Supercapacitor Battery Hybrid Energy Storage System
A Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Supercapacitor Battery Hybrid Energy Storage System
A Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Supercapacitor Battery Hybrid Energy Storage System
c 2008 IEEE
§ § q (Vs I s Rs ) · ·
Is I ph I D I ph I o ¨¨ e ¨ ¸ 1¸¸ (1)
© © mkT ¹ ¹
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) 1689
Cn ³i batt dW (5)
C (i avg ) ³
ibatt dW (6)
C. Supercapacitor Model
Fig. 9 shows the classical equivalent circuit model
for the supercapacitor [15]. The model consists of three
components, the capacitance, the equivalent series
resistance (ESR), and the equivalent parallel resistance
(EPR). The ESR is a loss term that models the internal
Figure 5. Battery model heating in the capacitor and is most important during
charging and discharging. The EPR models the current
leakage effect and will impact the long term energy
storage performance of the supercapacitor and C is the
capacitance. Equations (7)-(9) describe the ESR, EPR
and terminal voltage of the supercapacitor.
ESR (7)
(t 2 t1 )
EPR (8)
§V ·
ln¨¨ 2 ¸¸ C
© V1 ¹
³ (i
1 ec
vc ESR ic c ) dW Vc _ init (9)
1690 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008)
ǻ9 change in voltage at turn on of load B. Battery Management System (BMS)
ǻ, change in current at turn on of load The Battery Management System (BMS) controls the
Vc_init is the initial capacitor voltage flow of energy from the photovoltaic panel to the battery
ic is the capacitor current and load. The BMS is responsible for calculating the
battery SOC, varying the DC-DC converter duty cycle,
The function of the voltage-dependent capacitor C and implementing the charging algorithm. The BMS is
can be obtained with curve fitting from the based on SOC estimation. The battery charging/
charging/discharging measurements. The model is discharging is dependent on both the battery SOC and the
verified with Nesscap 2.7V/600F supercapacitor. Fig. 10 load requirements as described by Table II.
shows the 10A charging, rest and 5A discharging of the The DC-DC converter implements Maximum Power
model with an ESR of 1mȍ and an EPR of 258ȍ. Point Tracking (MPPT), charges the battery, and delivers
energy to the load. Sensors and measurement circuits are
III. BATTERY STORAGE SYSTEM responsible for measuring the voltages and currents of the
solar panel, battery, and load along with the solar panel
A. Photovoltic Battery Storage Model and battery temperature. This information is used by the
The most common setup for standalone photovoltaic control algorithm to enhance the performance of the
systems, shown in Fig. 1(a), consists of a photovoltaic system, making the best use of the available energy to
panel, converter, load, and battery storage. The energy maintain the battery at a high SOC but also ensuring that
produced from the photovoltaic panel is stored in the the load demand is met at all times.
rechargeable battery to supply the load requirements
when discrepancies arise between available and required
energy. Deep discharge batteries are designed to be
discharged down to as much as 80% depth of discharge A. Photovoltic Hybrid Storage Model
(DOD) repeatedly and have thicker plates then car The proposed Hybrid storage model consists of a
batteries making them the preferable choice for PV VRLA battery bank and a supercapacitor battery bank as
storage. Generally the battery is sized to enable it to shown in Fig. 1(b). The hybrid system adopts the
supply power to the load for a period of 2-3 days, advantages of both technologies, high power density from
resulting in a large battery pack that will need to be the supercapacitor and high energy density from the
replaced every few years. battery. The supercapacitor supplies the high peak power
requirements and the battery bank supplies the low power
requirements, resulting in a reduction in the battery pack
Condition Action
No PV Power
Shut down load
Figure 10. Supercapacitor charge/discharge characteristics Battery SOC Low
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) 1691
B. Proposed Energy Control Unit (ECU) 800
S olar R adiatio n P rofile
Solar radiation (W /m )
supplying power to the load according to the conditions
outlined in Table III.
The power available from the photovoltaic panel is 400
used to supply load power, with excess energy being used 300
for battery and supercapacitor charging. The ECU
implements MPPT capturing the maximum power 200
The battery management system (BMS) was
Current (A)
compared to the proposed hybrid energy control unit
(ECU) under different load profiles as outlined below.
The solar irradiation profile utilized for the simulations is 3
shown in Fig. 11. 2
A. Peak Power Load 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
Fig. 12 shows a peak current load application that T im e (H rs )
has been used to analyses the benefits of the
Figure 12. Peak current load profile
supercapacitor. Examples of peak load applications are
motor starting applications were the starting current
maybe 6-10 times the continuous operating current of the Battery Sup erc apac ito r S O C Peak C urrent Lo ad
motor. The profile of Fig. 12 has an initial current of 1.1
1692 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008)
Fig. 14 shows the profile of the pulsating current Battery Sup erc ap ac ito r S O C Co nstant C urrent Lo ad
load. The load operates for 200s out of 250s. The load has
a low continuous current of 0.42A and a high pulse 1
current of 2.08A with a duty cycle of 0.5 and a period of
20s, the load operating over 24 hrs. 0.9
Fig. 15 shows the battery SOC in BMS, battery SOC
in ECU and supercapacitor SOC with ECU. The Hybrid
system battery supplies a continuous current of 0.8A 0.7
(0.05C) with the remaining current being supplied by the
supercapacitor. The simulation results show that the 0.6
hybrid system allowed the battery to be maintained at a BMS b attery S O C
higher SOC. 0.5 ECU b attery S O C
ECU s uperc ap acito r S OC
0 5 10 15 20 25
C. Constant Power Load T ime (Hrs )
¾ The allowable dept of discharge for VRLA batteries
is 80%.
0 0.02 0.04 0.06
T ime (H rs )
0.08 0.1
¾ The days of Autonomy, which refers to the number of
days a battery system will provide a given load
Figure 14. Pulse current load profile without being recharged by the photovoltaic array or
other source is typically 3 to 5 days.
0.8 15
Power (W)
BMS b attery S O C 5
0.5 ECU b attery S O C
ECU s uperc ap acito r S O C
0.4 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
T ime (Hrs ) T im e (H rs )
Figure 15. Battery supercapacitor SOC for pulsating load Figure 17. BP350W June and December average power
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) 1693
Energy audits are performed to obtain information Dom es tic L oad Pro file Ap ril
about the load profile that needs to be supplied from the
PV system. Many appliances require higher starting power Mo nday
T ues d ay
compared to operating power as outlined in Table IV [20]. W ed nes day
The proposed ECU supplies this starting power from the T hursd ay
supercapacitor. Fig. 18 shows the domestic profile 2500
F rid ay
S aturday
Pow er (W)
obtained from a flat in Newcastle, England for a week in S und ay
April. The average power consumption was recorded over 2000
Solar Radiation (W /m )
The output current from the MPPT is shown in Fig. 21.
Fig. 22 shows the SOC of the Np18-12 Yuasa lead
acid battery and a 12V 1200F supercapacitor. The battery 250
1694 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008)
and the proposed ECU is responsible for calculating the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
battery and supercapacitor SOC. The ECU controls the
system based of the available power, battery/ This project was supported by Enterprise Ireland under
supercapacitor SOC and the required load power. From the Commercialisation Fund in Technology Development
the simulations performed the addition of a supercapacitor (CFTD).
bank will increase the battery SOC for peak and pulse
current loads. REFERENCES
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