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Are Consumers Attentive To Local Energy Costs? Evidence From The Appliance Market

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Research Briefs


October 9, 2019 | Number 184

Are Consumers Attentive to Local

Energy Costs?
Evidence from the Appliance Market

By Sébastien Houde, Centre for Energy Policy and Economics; and Erica Myers,

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

olicymakers are increasingly relying on behav- investigating consumer responses to energy operating costs
ioral insights to design programs to alter con- in the U.S. appliance sector provides an important case
sumer choices in ways that could improve market study for the design of regulations and nudges in complex-
efficiency. Consumers make systematic mistakes choice environments. The popular wisdom is that energy
in their choices for a wide range of products, such costs are a “shrouded” attribute of appliances, although
as healthcare plans, mutual funds, schools, and what foods to some relevant information is readily available in this deci-
consume, among many others. Whether and how we should sion context because of the presence of two energy labels:
regulate markets when consumers are prone to mistakes has the mandatory EnergyGuide label and the voluntary Energy
become an important and sometimes controversial topic. Star label. These labels are examples of imperfectly target-
In the energy context, policymakers have long argued ed nudges designed to help consumers that may have unin-
that consumers undervalue energy operating costs, which tended consequences. Previous research highlights that the
has been the primary rationale for the energy-efficiency EnergyGuide label provides estimates of energy operating
standards and energy-labeling programs adopted in the costs that rely on national averages, but substantial varia-
1980s in the United States and elsewhere. A long-held view tion exists at the local level, which may induce consumers
is that markets for energy-intensive durables, such as cars to under- or overinvest in energy efficiency. And the Energy
and appliances, may not operate efficiently if consumers Star label, which only provides a binary signal about the
purchase products that are “too energy intensive.” There- most energy-efficient products in the marketplace, is a very
fore, limiting choices through government standards and coarse piece of energy information that may crowd out
empowering consumers with information labels may have efforts to compute more-accurate energy operating costs.
the potential to improve welfare by steering consumers to Both types of labels exemplify the difficulties of design-
make better choices and thereby reducing externalities. ing information-based policies: simple and salient pieces
We ask how responsive U.S. consumers are to energy of information may still mislead consumers, whereas de-
operating costs when purchasing household appliances. tailed and complex information might be simply ignored.
Apart from being a critical input for energy-policy design, Similar issues arise in contexts such as consumer financial

Editor, Jeffrey Miron, Harvard University and Cato Institute


protection, health insurance, and nutrition, to name a few, among appliance models that comes from electricity price
where policy­makers require information disclosure to ad- differences among utilities and over time. We show that these
dress potential consumer mistakes. electricity price differences are largely driven by exogenous
An important element of our analysis is that we focus variation in the fuel costs. The finely grained nature of our
on estimating consumer responsiveness to local energy op- data allows us to control for specific county-by-time move-
erating costs. In particular, our empirical strategy provides ments in appliance demand, which allows us to disentangle
evidence that consumers can overcome imperfectly targeted the effect of energy operating costs on product choice from
information in the U.S. appliance market and rely on local confounding market conditions that affect the probability of
average electricity prices to form estimates of appliances’ buying an appliance at all.
energy operating costs when making a purchase decision. Contrary to the popular wisdom that local energy costs are
However, it is not straightforward for consumers to incor- a shrouded attribute of appliances, our findings strongly re-
porate local electricity prices into appliance decisions, since ject that consumers are unresponsive to appliance operating
monthly electricity bills are often complex and provide only costs. Our estimates suggest that consumers are indifferent
aggregated usage information, making it difficult to map par- between $1.00 in discounted future energy costs and $0.82 in
ticular end uses to costs. purchase price (i.e., consumers are willing to pay $0.82 more
We use a unique administrative data set from a large na- immediately in exchange for a more energy-efficient appli-
tional appliance retailer with individual transaction data on ance that will save them $1.00 in the future). These results
the timing and price paid for each appliance model sold. are consistent with recent studies in car and housing mar-
Since we know the location of each branch of the retailer, kets, where it is generally considered much easier to map fuel
we can match county-specific annual electricity prices to consumption to its cost than it is for household appliances.
each transaction. We focus on refrigerators, which offer two People tend to know how much it would cost to drive from
advantages. First, since refrigerators are plugged in continu- one place to another in a car, given that many households
ously over their lifetimes, it is straightforward to model op- purchase gasoline one or more times a week and that gasoline
erating costs and abstract away from households’ utilization prices are prominently posted at gas stations. Heating costs
decisions. Second, refrigerators consume a large amount of appear seasonally and constitute a bigger jump in natural gas
energy, and there is rich variation in prices and expected en- bills than baseload water heating or cooking consumption,
ergy consumption among models, which allows us to identify making most people aware of how much it costs to heat their
households’ behavioral responses. homes. Recent estimates of implied discount rates for auto-
We employ a widely used test of consumer mispercep- mobile and house purchases range between 3 and 15 percent,
tion to compare the demand response caused by potentially which is in line with our valuation ratio. Overall, our findings
misperceived costs (e.g., sales tax, shipping and handling suggest that consumers are attentive to local energy operat-
fees, highway tolls, or energy operating costs) with salient, ing costs and do not simply rely on information about nation-
correctly perceived purchase costs. Unlike many demand- al averages, which is readily available in this context.
estimation exercises, the pricing scheme of the appliance
retailer results in variation in purchase prices that is plausi-
bly exogenous to local market conditions. The retailer has a NOTE:
national pricing algorithm that induces model-specific idio- This research brief is based on Sébastien Houde and Erica Myers,
syncratic price variation that we are able to exploit. “Are Consumers Attentive to Local Energy Costs? Evidence from
We estimate demand responsiveness to local energy the Appliance Market,” NBER Working Paper no. 25591, Febru-
operating costs using variation in relative operating costs ary 2019,

The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and should not be attributed to the Cato Institute, its
trustees, its Sponsors, or any other person or organization. Nothing in this paper should be construed as an attempt to
aid or hinder the passage of any bill before Congress. Copyright © 2019 Cato Institute. This work by Cato Institute is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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