Thermanit P 24 is a low-alloyed stick electrode used for welding creep resistant steels. It has good welding characteristics, even for out-of-position welding. Typical applications include welding similar creep resistant materials used in boiler, tank, pipeline, and reactor construction. The electrode is suitable for welding steels like 1.7378 that require creep resistance at high temperatures.
Thermanit P 24 is a low-alloyed stick electrode used for welding creep resistant steels. It has good welding characteristics, even for out-of-position welding. Typical applications include welding similar creep resistant materials used in boiler, tank, pipeline, and reactor construction. The electrode is suitable for welding steels like 1.7378 that require creep resistance at high temperatures.
Thermanit P 24 is a low-alloyed stick electrode used for welding creep resistant steels. It has good welding characteristics, even for out-of-position welding. Typical applications include welding similar creep resistant materials used in boiler, tank, pipeline, and reactor construction. The electrode is suitable for welding steels like 1.7378 that require creep resistance at high temperatures.
Thermanit P 24 is a low-alloyed stick electrode used for welding creep resistant steels. It has good welding characteristics, even for out-of-position welding. Typical applications include welding similar creep resistant materials used in boiler, tank, pipeline, and reactor construction. The electrode is suitable for welding steels like 1.7378 that require creep resistance at high temperatures.
Classifications EN ISO 3580-A AWS A5.5 / SFA-5.5 E Z CrMo2VNb B 4 2 H5 E 9015-B24 Characteristics and typical fields of application Basic coated medium alloyed electrode for the welding of similar creep resistant materials. Good welding characteristics even in out-of- postion welding. Field of use is the welding of creep resistant steels in boiler, tank and pipeline construction and reactor fabrication.
Base materials 1.7378 – 7CrMoVTiB10-10; T/P24
Typical analysis of all-weld metal
C Si Mn Cr Mo V Nb Ti wt.-% 0.1 0.3 0.5 2.4 1.0 0.22 0.01 0.04 Mechanical properties of all-weld metal - typical values (min. values) Condition Yield strength Rp0.2 Tensile strength Rm Elongation A (L0=5d0) Impact values ISO-V KV J MPa MPa % 20°C 740 °C / 2 h 540 620 19 130 Operating data Polarity DC + Dimension mm Current A Electrode Thermanit P24 9015-B24 EZCrMo- 2.5 × 250 70 – 100 identification 2VNb B 3.2 × 350 100 – 145 4.0 × 350 140 – 190 Redrying 300-350°C/2h Preheating / Interpass temperature Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) Cooling down before PWHT 200 – 220 °C / 200 – 280 °C 740 °C / 2h RT