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Unified First-Principles Ship Structural Design Based On The Maestro Methodology

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Dr. Robert S. Dow

DRA Dunfirmline, South Arm Site, HM Naval Base, Rosyth, Dunfirmline, KY11 Fife,

Professor Owen F. Hughes

Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Dept. of Aerospace & Ocean Engineering, Randolph Hall,
Room 224C, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA

Tobin R. McNatt
Proteus Engineering, 345 Pier One Road, Stevensville, MD 21666, USA

The demands of the shipping industry for more efficient, higher speed, lighter weight, and
lower cost ships are strongly linked to the issue of ship structural design. The economic
success and safety of shipping rely heavily on intelligent structural design that optimizes
the use of new materials, improved fabrication procedures, and efficient life-cycle
maintenance to address the current and future trade requirements. Environmental issues
have never been more distinctly involved in the criteria for successful and safe ship
operation. All of these demands place increasing emphasis on the structural design
process. This paper summarizes the value of unifying ship structural design through
combining rapid structural modeling, global as well as local finite element analysis,
comprehensive failure and limit state analysis, and the use of mathematical optimization to
meet these increasing demands. The unification and continued development and extension
of this methodology based on the MAESTRO computer program is presented:
implementation of improved structural limit state evaluations; automation of detailed finite
element meshing and analysis; implementation of composite structural modeling, analysis,
and failure evaluation; improved support for fatigue design; connectivity to preliminary
design tools for hull form and other naval architectural design tools, such as GODDESS;
integration with 3D CAD-based ship product models; and, integration with cost estimating
and production planning resources. These developments represent significant progress
toward unifying first-principles structural design with the total ship design and
construction planning process. Plans are presented for implementing Multidisciplinary
Design Optimization (MDO) within these integrated ship design technologies. For
structurally intensive ships, such as heavy cargo vessels, high-speed ferries, and naval
combatants, these developments offer improved designs, and lower construction and life-
cycle maintenance costs. Examples of designs and applications are presented to illustrate
all of these developments.
McNatt 2


MAESTRO is a computer program for rationally based optimum design of large, complex
thin-walled structures. In essence, MAESTRO is a synthesis of finite element analysis,
failure (or limit state) analysis and mathematical optimization, all of which is smoothly
integrated under a user-friendly graphical interface. MAESTRO accommodates non-linear
failure modes and large complex structural geometries. It can therefore be used for
virtually all large structures including cargo ships (tankers, bulk carriers, and
containerships), high speed multi-hull and monohull vessels, surface combatants, aircraft
carriers, submarines, and floating offshore facilities. The theoretical basis for MAESTRO
is provided in Ship Structural Design (Hughes [1]). The MAESTRO system incorporates
interfaces with hull and arrangements surface models and CAD models in formats
routinely used in concept and preliminary design. For this reason, MAESTRO provides a
structural design facility that can be applied as early as concept design and used to support
decisions regarding light ship weight objectives and overall naval architecture impacts of
the structural design.

Basic Capabilities
The basic capabilities of the MAESTRO structural design system are summarized below.
These capabilities and the software system are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.

6 Basic Aspects of Rationally Based Design

•All 6 are necessary
•All 6 must be balanced
and integrated

γ 1γ 2γ 3Q ≤ Q L


Partial Safety Other STOP

Factors γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 Constraints

Figure 1. Rationally Based Ship Structural Design

McNatt 3

Software Modules

Global FE Model Coarse mesh solver; FE-solution Structural

Translated to NASTRAN and failure evaluations Optimization

Natural frequency calculations Detailed Stress Analysis Underwater shock analysis via
in-air and in-water interface to UNDEX code

Top down analysis using

Individual linear/non-linear
course mesh displacements and
Natural frequency/forced analysis of either a refined mesh or
loads on a refined FE-mesh.
vibration analysis a mesh created independent from
Use linear/non-linear materials
and FE-elements.

Figure 2. MAESTRO Software System

Rapid Structural Modeling - The MAESTRO Modeler is an interactive graphics tool that
enables the rapid creation (typically in days, rather than weeks or months) of a full ship
finite element model. The same model is used in failure analysis, evaluation of structural
adequacy, and structural optimization. Figure 3 presents a representative full ship
MAESTRO structural model of a high speed ferry.

Finite Element Analysis - MAESTRO’s FEA, normally completed for the entire structure,
determines the stresses (symbolized by Q - “Load Effects” in Figure 1) in all structural
members and for all load cases. MAESTRO offers flexible, ship-oriented and highly
automated specification of loads.

Failure Analysis - MAESTRO’s failure analysis begins with the calculation of stresses (QL
in Step 3 of Figure 1 that would cause failure of each member, for all possible failure
modes (yielding, buckling, plastic hinge, etc.) and other design limits (e.g., deflections).
Table 1 lists the 25 failure modes treated at the individual structural member level.
Additional failure modes or limit states are computed at the overall structural level,
typically using the full hull cross section.

Evaluation of Structural Adequacy - This is done automatically by MAESTRO. It

applies safety factors (symbolized in Figure 1 by γ1, γ 2, γ 3) and then, for every member
(stiffened panels, girder and frame segments), for each failure mode (all 25 modes, see
Table 1) and every load case, it checks the requirement that the factored stresses (γ 1, γ 2, γ
3Q) must not exceed the failure values, QL. Expressed mathematically, the requirement is γ
McNatt 4

1, γ 2, γ 3 Q < QL. MAESTRO uses a non-dimensional “adequacy parameter” to quantify the

degree of adequacy or inadequacy of each member. The adequacy parameters are
normalized in the range of -1.0 to +1.0, where “0” signifies that the structural member just
satisfies the strength required to prevent failure, including safety factors. Structural
Optimization-Based on a designer-specified optimization objective of either least weight,
or least cost, or any weighted combination of these, MAESTRO interactively revises the
structural design to achieve the optimum solution. Using the structural adequacy
evaluations as constraints, the optimized design provides the required safety margins
against all structural failure modes and also satisfies any number of other user-specified
constraints (e.g., minimum/maximum sizes, standard sizes, fabrication requirements, etc.).

Detailed Stress Analysis - MAESTRO’s Detailed Stress Analysis (DSA) capability

consists of fine mesh modeling and stress analysis of any portion of structure using a
library of 24 finite element types. This allows the modeling of complex details such as
corrugated plating, openings, and brackets. The fine mesh model can remain within the
global model as a true (statically condensed) superelement. This avoids the laborious and
error-prone process of transferring data and boundary conditions from the global model to
the fine mesh model. Detailed meshes are easily generated using MAESTRO’s powerful
interactive graphics tools. An example of a MAESTRO DSA model is shown in Figure 4.

Translation to Other Analysis Formats - Other types of analysis are possible because the
MAESTRO Modeler can automatically create files for other programs, such as NASTRAN,
VAST, and/or dynamics programs as noted in Figure 2.
McNatt 5


Figure 3. Fast Ferry Full Ship MAESTRO Model

Figure 4. MAESTRO Detailed Stress Analysis (DSA)

Model - SWATH Structure
McNatt 6

Table 1. MAESTRO Structural Member Limit States


Collapse Collapse
stiffener flexure torsional buckling
combined buckling plastic buckling, flange
membrane yield plastic buckling, plate
stiffener buckling Yield
Stiffener yield compression, plate & flange
compression, plate & flange tension, plate & flange
tension, plate & flange
Plate unserviceability FRAME
yield Collapse, plastic hinge
transverse bending Yield
longitudinal bending compression, plate & flange
local buckling tension, plate & flange
allowable permanent set
pressure loads
concentrated loads


The MAESTRO approach to rationally based structural design includes a comprehensive
treatment of structural failure evaluations. This treatment is based on the technical
approach that displacements and stresses generated by finite element analysis should not
only be used for assessing stress conditions in materials, but should also be used to
quantitatively evaluate the structure’s condition relative to all of its principal modes of
failure. MAESTRO’s treatment of this “limit state evaluation” includes 25 failure modes at
the structural level of the individual stiffened panel and its adjoining girder and frame
beam elements. For each such stiffened panel and its adjoining beam elements in the entire
structure, MAESTRO conducts a quantified evaluation of the 25 failure modes listed in
Table 1. As discussed above, MAESTRO computes the critical stress value for each failure
mode for each element of the structure, and then compares these critical values to the
working values obtained from each load case analysis to quantify and normalize these
evaluations, again, for the entire structure, all of the limit states and for every load case.
These calculations are conducted as a routine part of a MAESTRO analysis run. The results
of these evaluations are immediately available to the user in a highly accessible graphical
format. The MAESTRO limit states also include a user-specified factor of safety, which
can be indexed to the requirements of specific safety authorities such as national naval
organizations and ship classification societies. Such an indexing has been implemented in
MAESTRO for the DNV Rules for Ships, and for High Speed Light Craft (HSLC) for both
steel and aluminum.
McNatt 7


Structural design is an essential consideration in the overall ship design process from the
earliest stages. Traditionally, early stage design emphasizes hullform, arrangements,
stability calculations, resistance and powering, and operational issues such as cargo
capacity, operational performance, and life cycle costs. With the increasing emphasis on
higher performance structural designs, initiation of actual scantlings has migrated to
progressively earlier stages of design. For this reason, a structural design capability is
needed which interfaces with the design tools used to support the other elements of early
stage design, and which will furthermore support the transition of the design into
preliminary and contract levels. An example of this methodology is the system in use and
being further developed by the British Navy described in the next two sections.

UK MOD Concept Design Phase

Initial ship design studies frequently give rise to more than one concept that may satisfy
requirements. These concepts are normally subjected to naval architecture and engineering
analysis (with relatively few details). This concept phase is normally completed using
CONDES, the UK MOD concept design suite. The CONDES suite of programs allows
the user to translate a set of payload demands and mission requirements into a balanced
concept ship design. While CONDES is primarily intended to develop new concept
designs, the programs can also be used to assess the balance of concepts developed by
industry in response to design and build contracts. CONDES has a dedicated database
which contains information on: type ships, default demands and algorithms, ship
descriptions, library models, scaling laws, towed body and engine data. The CONDES
system is limited to use on monohull surface vessels in a displacements range of
approximately 500 to 20,000 tons. A limited capacity exists for vessels outside this
displacement range and for multi-hulled vessels such as SWATH and trimaran, but the
accuracy is restricted because of the limited databases.

UK MOD Feasibility Design Phase

Once the concepts have been reduced to a manageable number, the feasibility stage of
design begins. Here the UK MOD employs the GODDESS ship design system developed
for the design of surface warships and submarines. GODDESS consists of an
integrated/interactive suite of computer programs supported by an extensive database of
geometrical and numerical information. GODDESS enables feasibility studies of surface
warships to be carried out quickly and economically. A feasibility study establishes that a
concept is technically viable and can be built without any costly major modifications.
GODDESS can also be used to carry out preliminary design studies to validate the stability
and performance of the ship.

SHIPSTRUCT, a software package developed by the UK Ministry of Defence,

complements the GODDESS software suite, utilizing a ship structural synthesis process.
SHIPSTRUCT enables early evaluation of important structural options without the
advance assembly of substantial amounts of data. It also enables rapid evaluation of
existing structures to be carried out. SHIPSTRUCT provides naval architects with a means
of rapidly developing a preliminary structural design and weight distribution starting with
McNatt 8

little more than a basic requirement. The SHIPSTRUCT philosophy and its relationship
with GODDESS is shown within the box outline in Figure 5. Feasibility design involves
trying to optimize the ship design by subjecting the possible variants to the following
calculations and assessments:

• Hull Design • Stability Assessment

• Layout Requirements • Structural Design/Strength
• Weight Estimates (structure, Assessments
equipment etc.) • Seakeeping Assessments
• Weight/Space Balance of • Resistance/Fuel/Propulsion
Design Requirements.

It is during this feasibility design stage and the subsequent detailed design stage that the
MAESTRO suite of programs can be utilized as a powerful tool in the design of both
commercial and military ships. To this end, the UK’s Defence Evaluation and Research
Agency (DERA) has been incorporating the MAESTRO system into an integrated structural
design package, shown in Figure 6, for the structural design of ships. To fully integrate the
MAESTRO suite of programs into the UK MOD’s ship design suite of programs,
considerable work has been carried out to develop the linkages between
GODDESS/SHIPSTRUCT and the MAESTRO Modeler code, to enable geometric and
structural data to be transferred.
McNatt 9

Figure 5. Functional Breakdown of Proposed Ship Structures Design Software Suite

McNatt 10

CAD Systems

Structural Load
SHIPSTRUCT Prediction Finite Element

Ultimate Strength MAESTRO

Evaluation (Design Synthesis and
FABSTRAN/NS94 Optimization)



NASTRAN Structural
Analysis Codes


McNatt 11

Further work has been carried out on the MAESTRO Analysis code to implement the UK
Warship Design Limit States, detailed in NES 154/SSCP23 (Dow [2,3]), covering
buckling, yielding and failure of structural components. This work essentially provides an
alternative set of limit state evaluations to the 25 failure modes used by MAESTRO to
assess the individual structural members. Making use of these failure modes, structural
optimization can be carried out using MAESTRO to develop a ship structural design based
on the MOD’s warship design criteria. A major application of this software in the UK has
been to investigate the effect of degradation of material properties on the adequacy of large
composite ship hulls. To enable this type of analysis to be carried out efficiently, a set of
failure criteria for composite structural components are being developed by DERA. These
will be implemented in MAESTRO as another alternative set of limit states. Some work in
modifying existing failure criteria has already been carried out, which enabled hull life
assessment of existing composite warships to be accomplished.

Further development work has been carried out on the MAESTRO code to incorporate the
DERA Ultimate Strength Procedure (Smith and Dow [4]) into the MAESTRO software as
an additional Adequacy Parameter to be considered when developing the ship structural
design. These developments represent a significant step towards the integration of the
MAESTRO software package into the MOD design procedure for UK warships.


Applying global, realistic loads to the full ship structural model is key to establishing
accurate boundary conditions for conducting local structural analysis. Local analysis,
using detailed fine mesh finite element models is an essential element of the structural
design process. Fine mesh modeling and analysis supports design of local structures,
structural details, fatigue analysis, and other specialized structural requirements. Having
an efficient modeling and boundary condition application approach is essential to the
accuracy and efficiency of conducting fine mesh, local structural analysis.

The MAESTRO system, refer to Figure 2, includes a Detailed Stress Analysis (DSA)
module which facilitates fine meshing local portions of the global structural model. The
DSA Modeler also supports adding structural details and/or modification of global
structure to reflect local details. Boundary conditions are automatically applied using
either a top down or a superelement approach. The top down approach applies
displacements from the global analysis as boundary conditions for the local finite element
analysis. The superelement approach condenses the fine mesh finite element model to the
master nodes of the global model, and conducts the global analysis incorporating the
structural stiffness of the local fine mesh model. An example of a DSA model is provided
in Figure 4, presented previously.


Current trends in ship design and construction require the capability to model, analyze, and
design large-scale ship structures in composite materials, as well as in steel and aluminum.
The objective of the composite modeling and analysis capability is to utilize an identical
modeling approach for the large scale global ship structural model in which the structural
materials can be specified as composite structures instead of, or as alternatives to, the metal
structures. The MAESTRO system is being extended to incorporate such a capability
McNatt 12

(Hughes[5]). This composite modeling resource enables an existing MAESTRO model or a

new model to reflect composite structures either in a monolithic multi-ply or in a sandwich
composite configuration. The analysis of composite structures is conducted with all of the
same load application resources as the traditional MAESTRO finite element analysis for
metal structures, and the composite elements are post-processed to compute stresses in
each ply of the composite structures. This data is made available to the user through the
MAESTRO graphics post-processing system.

Composite structures pose unique requirements with respect to failure or limit state
evaluation. MAESTRO uses the Tsai-Wu interaction formula for first ply failure and last
ply failure of orthotropic panels, as in paragraph 1B202 of Part 3, Chapter 4 of the HSLC
Rules. The formula uses the strength values Xt, Xc, Yt, Yc, and S which are part of the
input data. These must always be verified by material testing. In the finite element
analysis, the stresses are calculated in every ply of every panel. A check is then made of
each ply for first ply failure and last ply failure by substituting the stresses into the Tsai-
Wu formula and using the factors of safety R given in the Rules. Core shear stresses and
maximum deflections are checked against the maximum permissible values given in the
Rules. The program also checks for panel buckling. For sandwich panels, this includes
local buckling of the skins. These failure capabilities are currently under development.


MAESTRO offers a unique Unit Load Analysis Method, which is an efficient method for
calculating the local (hot spot) unit wave stresses that are needed for a first principles
lifetime fatigue analysis of ship structural details. This method significantly reduces the
size of the analysis process while preserving accuracy. For example, for a typical bulk
carrier the number of load cases is reduced from about 9000 to about 1200, with no loss of
accuracy. This new capability fits very well into overall fatigue analysis methods and
provides major benefits in speed, unification, and ease of use.

Fatigue analysis typically requires using a ship motions and loads program (usually strip
theory) to calculate the wave-induced pressures on the ship, the displacements and
rotations at the C.G. of the ship, and the vertical and horizontal bending moments at
selected positions along the ship length. The analysis then uses a large (usually three cargo
hold) finite element model, and involves all three types of cyclic loads:
• external pressures due to waves and ship motions
• internal pressures due to the accelerations of cargo and ballast
• vertical and horizontal bending moments at the ends of the model
The number of load cases is very large, even with a linear, spectral-based unit wave
approach. The number of load combinations is roughly:
• 18 ship-to-wave headings
• 25 wave frequencies
• 5 ship speeds
• 2 or 4 loading conditions (2 for a tanker; 4 for a bulk carrier)
This gives a total of either 4500 or 9000 load cases. Three principal features of MAESTRO
provide major benefits in making this fatigue analysis process more efficient.
McNatt 13

Rapid Global Structural Modeling - The MAESTRO Modeler allows the construction of
a three hold finite element model in from five to seven days, depending on the geometry
(e.g. corrugated bulkheads take longer because of the intersections at the upper and lower
stools). It is the same Global Modeler that is used to build whole ship finite element
models for strength and vibration analysis. Thus in many cases the global fatigue model
will already be available (a MAESTRO model is inherently modular, such that a three cargo
hold model can be extracted from a larger model in a few minutes).

Rapid Local Structural Modeling and Analysis - The MAESTRO Detailed Stress
Analysis (DSA) Modeler performs fine mesh modeling and stress analysis of any portion
of structure, using a library of 24 element types and powerful interactive graphics meshing
tools. Templates allow the rapid modeling of complex details such as corrugated plating,
cutouts and brackets. The DSA Modeler has a smooth interface with the Global Modeler.
It automatically begins with and uses all relevant information from the Global Modeler
(geometry, master nodes, etc.). Likewise it automatically uses the boundary node
displacements from all the unit loads (wave pressures, cargo/ballast pressures and bending
moments) and, if relevant, any cyclic pressures that act directly on the local model. This
smooth interface avoids the laborious and error-prone process of transferring data from a
global model to a separate local model, and it thus improves both the modeling speed and
the integrity of the local model. In a MAESTRO fatigue analysis, the stresses from the
local model are actually Stress Influence Coefficients, and the next point explains how they
allow a much more rapid and efficient fatigue analysis than would otherwise be possible.

Automated Unit Load Analysis Method - This method dramatically reduces the number
of load cases, with no loss of accuracy. For example, for a bulk carrier the number of load
cases is reduced from 9000 to about 1200. The result is that MAESTRO's global analysis
takes only five hours on a standard 133 MHz PC (one time only, regardless of the number
of structural details to be analyzed) and the local analysis takes about eight hours per
structural detail, assuming about 30,000 degrees of freedom per detail. The results from
these MAESTRO analyses (the Stress Influence Coefficients) are the unit wave stresses,
which are needed in a first principles fatigue analysis. The MAESTRO Stress Influence
Coefficients are used to obtain these stresses. At this point, ship motions analyses, such as
strip theory results, must be interfaced with the MAESTRO results. This requires that the
pressures from the strip theory analysis must be allocated or mapped to the MAESTRO
patches. Based on this mapping, the actual stress responses at the structural details can be
generated and used to complete the fatigue analysis.


At every stage of ship design, including early design, it is necessary to generate accurate
cost estimates that reflect the current stage of the design. The MAESTRO structural model
defines the principal structural members of the ship, and provides an excellent data source
for accurate estimates of structural weight, centers and cost. An automated interface has
been developed between MAESTRO and the ship cost-estimating program ESTI-MATE,
developed by SPAR Associates, Inc. This interface collects the quantities of structural
plates and shapes from a MAESTRO structural module and transfers this data as input to
ESTI-MATE, where costing can be developed using the shipyard’s cost estimating
McNatt 14

relationships for the particular structures and their associated fabrication processes.
Structural data in ESTI-MATE can be further transferred to the production planning
modules of the PERCEPTION integrated shipbuilding production management system.
PERCEPTION provides build strategy and work package planning and scheduling,
materials purchasing and inventory management, and labor planning, as well as real-time
feedback against schedules and budgets during the construction process.


The MAESTRO structural design system integrates optimization of the structure using a
user specified mix of objectives that include least weight, lowest cost and lowest vertical
center of gravity. As further progress is made in developing interfaces between MAESTRO
and other software based elements of the design and production planning process, a
significant technology opportunity exists: to use the coupled information systems within a
multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) environment to realize full coupling between
the design and ship construction processes. MDO is an R&D technology that has been
under development at Virginia Tech for many years. These efforts are concentrating on
applying optimization mathematics to design and production processes associated with
aerospace vehicles and ships. MDO offers the opportunity to automate the interaction of
the diverse components of an integrated ship design and production planning system, using
the design and process-specific software components as the discipline-specific engines of
the MDO process. Just as MAESTRO already implements such a “first principles”
optimization methodology, addressing thousands of structural performance constraints
simultaneously in developing an optimum combination of practical structural scantlings
that realize the user-specified objectives of lowest cost and least weight, an integrated
design system equipped with MDO will automate the interaction of basic ship design
analyses with manufacturing processes, such as steel fabrication alternatives, to achieve
optimums of total ship cost, shortest construction time, improved use of existing
inventories and available fabrication facilities, etc.

Currently, the UK Ministry of Defence is carrying out design studies on a novel, advanced
trimaran hull for use as a frigate. This design has a long slender main hull fitted with
smaller outriggers to provide stability for the platform. The principal motivator for a
slender hull form for a large warship is reduced resistance, other advantages of the
trimaran hull form are increased deck area and internal volume provided by the wide cross-
deck structure. The three hulled design introduces a range of unknowns for the structural
designer. The main areas of structural risk are:

• Quantification of structural loads, both longitudinal and transverse;

• Structural Adequacy; is the design strong enough to cope with the loads?;
• Structural Weight Fraction, although the resistance for a given displacement is lower,
the large cross-section adds to the structural weight fraction without contributing to the

A concept design of a trimaran warship was produced using CONDES and GODDESS. A
preliminary structural design was then produced using SHIPSTRUCT, and a MAESTRO
McNatt 15

model, shown in Figure 7, was developed. MAESTRO was then used to assess the
adequacy of the preliminary structural design and to develop improved structural
capability. The MAESTRO model of a bulkhead showing the course mesh modeling using
additional beams and panels is shown in Figure 8. Subsequent to the MAESTRO model
being created, analysis was carried out on deck, shell and bulkhead structures to investigate
structural effectiveness, load paths and fatigue stresses using the MAESTRO DSA Solver in
conjunction with NASTRAN. Figure 9 shows a fine mesh model of the bulkhead created
using MAESTRO DSA. This approach enabled fairly detailed design studies to be carried
out at a very early stage in the design/assessment process.

Figure 7. Trimaran MAESTRO Model

Figure 8. Trimaran Transverse Bulkhead: MAESTRO Coarse Mesh Model

McNatt 16

Figure 9. Trimaran Transverse Bulkhead: MAESTRO DSA Mesh

This paper summarizes the increasing role that ship structural design is playing in the
overall ship design process, with particular emphasis on defining structure earlier in the
process than has been traditional. Structural design is also incorporating the use of limit
states or failure modes in a more comprehensive way by automating these calculations,
which in the past have required time consuming manual modeling and calculations. The
MAESTRO structural design methodology employs this first-principles approach to unify
rapid structural modeling, finite element analysis at both global and local levels, limit state
evaluation, and structural optimization. Specific aspects of structural design continue to
receive development attention, including structural fatigue analysis and composite
structure design. The unified approach offered by the MAESTRO system is shown to be an
effective design tool with which to implement design criteria for a specific class of ships or
for a specific safety or regulatory/design approval authority’s requirements. In general, the
unified approach to ship structural design improves the quality and efficiency of the design
and the integration of structural design with the overall ship design process.
McNatt 17

1• Hughes, O. F., “Ship Structural Design,” Society of Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers, 1988.
2• Dow, R., NES 154, “Design Standards for Surface Ship Structures,” Issue 1,
December 1989.
3• Dow, R., SSCP23, “Design of Surface Ship Structures,” Volumes 1 & 2, December
4• Smith, C. S. and R.S. Dow, “Ultimate Strength of a Ship’s Hull Under Biaxial
Bending,” ARE Report, AMTE(S) TR86204, December 1986.
5• Hughes, O. F., “Two First Principles Structural Designs of a Fast Ferry - All-
Aluminum and All-Composite,” Proceedings of FAST 97 Conference, Sydney,
Australia, June 1997.

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