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G. R. No. 5005, January 11, 1911: Supreme Court of The Philippines

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Supreme Court of the Philippines

18 Phil. 275

G. R. No. 5005, January 11, 1911




The judgment rendered in this case in first instance and which was appealed
by the defendant, is  of the following tenor:
"The plaintiffs ask  in this suit that the defendant  be restrained from
preventing the plaintiffs  from destroying the dam constructed by him on
their property, repairing the damage done to the property, and performing any
other act which may tend  to protect  the property from damage; the plaintiffs 
further  ask that the  writ  of  preliminary injunction issued by  this court be
made perpetual, and that the defendant be sentenced to  pay  more  than
"P250 for loss and damage, besides the amount of the damage which may be
caused to the said property, pending the action, by the construction of the
dam, together with the costs of this suit.

"From the evidence adduced, we hold the following facts to have been
proved:  (1)  That the plaintiffs herein  own the property described in the
complaint and which is crossed from  west to  east  by the Panipuan estero;
(2)  that  in August, 1906, the defendant constructed a dam  in the said
Panipuan estero within the plaintiffs' property and a canal or ditch to convey
the water  from the said estero to his fields; (3) that Gregorio Dizon, the
husband of the plaintiff Eulogia Dayrit, opposed the creation of this
servitude, and the defendant answered (Exhibits G and H) by stating that he, 
the defendant, had intercepted the water of an estero which belonged to
nobody, but formed the boundary line between the land of the said Gregorio 
Dizon and  that which he held under lease.  In this answer of the defendant no
right by prescription is alleged; however, the defendant's  principal defense is
that he has acquired a right to the servitude through a prescription of twenty

"The witness Felix Urquico  testified that  he was the owner of the land held
by the defendant; that he acquired the said land from one  Telesforo Pineda,
in  June,  1878; that since its acquisition, and  without  opposition, he
annually constructed  a dam in the  same place where the defendant built one
in 1906; that he conveyed the property to Juan de  los Santos, in 1905; that in
1904,  Saturnino Aguas,  a lessee of his of the said land, also constructed a
dam in the  same place, without opposition; that the land previously
belonging  to  him, and afterwards sold to the defendant, is bounded  on the
north by  the said Panipuan estero,  and  that  this  circumstance  was 
recorded in the private instrument  which was executed when he acquired the
said land from Telesforo  Pineda;  that  prior to his occupancy of this land, it
was occupied by his brother-in-law, Mariano Pamintuan, and that already, at
the time it was held by the  latter  and by Telesforo Pineda, the said dam was
constructed each year in order that they might utilize the water from
the estero.

"There exists a  private instrument, not shown  to  have been destroyed,
which would have been  the best proof of the date when  Felix Urquico,
according to his testimony, acquired the land in question, as well as the true
boundaries of the land now owned by the defendant.  Mariano Pamintuan and
Telesforo Pineda are cited.  These parties would have thrown much  light  on
this matter; but they did not testify and it is not known why these witnesses
were not summoned to give testimony.   With respect  to  Saturnino Aguas,  it
is  true that in  1904 he constructed a dam in the same place where the
defendant constructed his; but he was sued by Gregorio Dizon and the matter 
was settled by the defendant's agreement not to construct any more dams in
the same  place;  and, finally, according  to  the rough sketch, Exhibit A, the
area comprised between  the dam, marked with the numbers  10 and 11,  and
the boundary of the swamp  land, marked  5 and 6,  belongs to the plaintiffs.

"In the defendant's Exhibit No.  1 is shown a strip of land, letters A  and C,
which he  did not venture to state belonged to him.  It appears unquestionable
to us that this strip, planted with canas espinas, belongs to the plaintiffs,
inasmuch as, according to Exhibit B, the plaintiffs' land does not adjoin the
Panipuan estero on the south.  It is maintained by  the plaintiffs  that the 
construction of the  dam caused them some loss and damage.  In regard to
this, there is no proof other than that some  clumps of canas espinas, placed in
the middle of  the estero,  will now  probably  not grow on account of the
stagnant water.  There is no proof that the said clumps of  canas espinas were
destroyed, nor that  it  is now impossible for them  to be utilized by their

"In view of the  foregoing, it is ordered that  judgment be entered restraining

the defendant from preventing  the plaintiffs'  destroying the dam constructed 
by him  in  the Panipuan estero and referred to in the complaint, and from
repairing damages to the property and performing  any other act which  may
tend to preserve the property from any  injury.  Let it be entered  in the
judgment, furthermore, that the  writ of  preliminary injunction issued by this 
court  is made  perpetual.   The  costs shall be assessed against the defendant
and the plaintiffs shall be absolved from the counterclaim filed by  the  said
The writ of preliminary injunction, made final in the judgment just above
transcribed, was issued in the following terms:
"Whereas the plaintiffs, Celso Dayrit and Eulogia Dayrit, together with the
latter's husband, Gregorio Dizon,  in the above-cited case have presented  an
amended  complaint against the defendant, Juan de los Santos, wherein, as an
incidental remedy, it is  aslced that  a writ  of preliminary injunction  be
issued restraining the defendant, his agents and representatives from entering
upon the said  property, making excavations thereon,  opening ditches and
building dams to intercept the water of the Panipuan estero, the said plaintiffs
having furnished the bond of P500 required by this court;

"Therefore you (the defendant), your agents and representatives, are hereby
prohibited from repeating and again committing the acts above  specified,
during the trial of this case and until final judgment shall have been rendered
In the counterclaim, from which the plaintiffs were absolved, the defendant
asked  that they be sentenced to the payment of  P500,  the amount  of the 
damages caused to him by the issuance of the said writ of preliminary
injunction, on the  ground  that the said plaintiffs had no legal reason
whatever to  apply  for the same.

As grounds for his appeal, the appellant sets forth seven assignments  of error
in his brief, of which the second and third refer only to  questions of fact,  and
the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh  are mere conclusions  drawn from the
premises established  in the two former above mentioned. After  a careful
study of the evidence,  we decide that the findings of fact contained  in the
judgment appealed from are sufficiently supported by the evidence  and that
there is no preponderance of proof  against the  findings  such as might
oblige  us to modify the same,  wherefore they must be sustained.

In the first ground of the appeal, the appellant maintains that the lower court
incurred error in overruling the defendant's demurrer to the  plaintiffs'
The demurrer is based on two grounds:  (1) That the facts alleged  in the
complaint do not  constitute a cause of action; and (2) that the complaint is
ambiguous, unintelligible and vague.  This last ground was abandoned  in this
instance, and  only the first was maintained, in support of which it is stated in
the appellant's brief that;
"The plaintiffs do not allege that the defendant  is performing, or intends  to
perform,  or endeavors to perform or permits the performance of, any act
tending to prejudice any right of the plaintiffs in the land in question.  They
only allege that the defendant  did  perform  certain acts, and it is
unquestionable that a writ of injunction  can not be issued to prohibit an act
or acts already performed."
The appellant's assertion is inexact with respect to his averment  that, in the
complaint, only acts were  alleged which were already completely performed
by the defendant. It is set forth in the complaint that  the defendant  entered
upon the land belonging to  the plaintiffs, without  permission and against the
latter's will, made excavations thereon, opened a  ditch  and  built  dams  to 
intercept the  natural course of the water of the Panipuan estero which 
crosses the said land, to divert such water to adjoining land held by the
defendant under lease, thereby causing detriment to the plaintiffs' said
property.   The complaint further recites, textually, that "the defendant will
continue to perform the said acts on the  plaintiffs' property  *   *   *   unless
he, his agents and other representatives are prohibited  by the  court  *  *  * 
from  repeating  and  continuing  to commit the acts above specified."

From  this, it  is very clear that the complaint  alleges, not only acts already
effected, but also others  which the defendant endeavored to effect by
repeating or continuing those already executed  by  him on the  plaintiffs'
property. It being conceded that  acts  already consummated can not be the
subject of injunction, there is no doubt  whatever that those acts which the
defendant is about to perform or intends to  effect, whenever  they infringe
the  plaintiffs' rights and tend to render the judgment inefficacious, can be
enjoined.   It is, moreover, to be noted that  not only the commission or
execution of  such  acts, but also  their continuation can be prevented or
prohibited by the said  injunction, according to the express terms  of section
164 of the Code  of Procedure in Civil Actions.  As a consequence derived
from the preceding premises, the facts alleged in the complaint constitute a
right of action,  and  the demurrer set up by the defendant under contrary
grounds was, therefore, very properly overruled.

The judgment appealed from is affirmed,  with the costs of this instance
against the appellant.  So ordered.

Arellano, C. J., Carson and Moreland, JJ., concur.

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