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History Section 2 Notes

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(4 Marks)

Q. Describe Partition of Bengal (4)

Bengal was the largest province of India. The total population of Bengal was 84
million. 54 million were Hindus and 30 million were Muslims. Bengal was governed by
Hindu officials. In 1905 Bengal was divided in to two parts. East Bengal had 18
million Muslims and 12 million Hindus which eventually led Muslims to rule in East.
West Bengal had 34 million Hindus and 10 Million Muslims.

Q. Describe Simla deputation (4).

In 1906 a group of Muslim leaders met viceroy lord Minto at Simla. Sir Agha khan
behind the leader of Muslims presented following demands; Muslims should be given
the separate right election, weightage should to the Muslims in Hindu majority area
and Partition of Bengal should not be reversed.

Q. Describe Lucknow pact (4)

Lucknow pact was an agreement between congress and the Muslim league. This impact
was signed by Bal Gangadhar tilak from congress and Muhammad Ali Jinnah from
Muslim League in 1916. Lucknow pact led to much success as for the first time
Muslim and Hindus were united on something. According to this pact; Separate
electorate for Muslims and 1/3 Muslims seat in central Legislation. Mr. Jinnah was
called ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity.

Q. Describe the Council Act 1909/ Describe the Morley Minto Reforms (4)

Lord Minto and secretary of states John Morley worked together to draw a series of
reforms which were passed by the British Parliament in 1909 as the Council Act.
They did this because Indian demand for increased share in government were fully
justified. The reforms increased the number of members in imperial council to adding
60 more non-official members. Central executive council was increased by 60 new
members. Provincial council were also increased to 50 members in larger provinces and
30 in smaller. Muslim representatives to council were elected by separate electorate.

Q. Describe the Rowlatt act (4)

In 1917 Justice Sydney Rowlatt had suggested the sectary of state to control the
Indian revolutionary activities by the Rowlatt act. Many Hindus and Muslim leaders
were arrested. The few measures of committee were Arrest on doubt without
warrant, detention without bail and the rights of provincial government to order
people where to live, exile Indians to different provinces which resulted as protests
from Indians in large numbers country wide.

Q. Describe Montague Chelmsford reforms (4)

Montague-Chelmsford reforms were the constitutional proposals which was prepared
to viceroy and sectary Lord Montague. The proposal was sent in 1919 and it offered
following proposals including imperial legislative council was divided in 2 parts 1)
Legislative Assembly 2) Council of state. Separate electorate for Muslims and Sikhs.
The council of state to have 60 members 33 of whom would be elected. 3 Indian
members were added in executive council. More power given to viceroy and in
provinces a new system of ‘Diarchy’ was introduced under this system the power was
distributed into two lists. Reserved and Transferred.

Q. Describe Khilaafat movement (4)

Khilaafat movement was founded in 1919 by Religious Leaders it was founded to show
the unity of Muslims and to save ottoman empire. After World War I British
announced to designate the Ottoman empire into nationalist state to remove Khilaafat
from Turkey the Muslims of India formed Khilaafat movement in order to save
Khilaafat of Turkey. Muslims of India considered Ottoman empire as the Centre of

Q. Describe the importance of Khilaafat movement (4)

Although Khilaafat movement failed to achieve its declared objectives. It carried
political awakening to large masses of Muslims. It was during Khilaafat days that
representatives of Indian Muslims came into contact with other Muslim countries to
save unity of Islam i.e. Khilaafat. The Khilaafat was an asset for the struggle of
Pakistan. It made clear to the Indian Muslims to truth neither the British nor Hindus
but to look on your own strength.

Q. Describe Amritsar Massacre (4)

The Indians came up with strikes after the Rowlatt act. General Dyre of British
banned all public meetings to restore peace. In 1919 20,000 people arranged a
peaceful meeting as a public park Jallianwala Bagh. General Dyre stationed his troops
near the entrances and without warning fired on unarmed crowed which resulted in
400 casualties at the spot and 1200 injured.

Q. Describe Simon Commission (4)

Simon was a group of commission. A group of British politicians headed by Sir John
Simon. The objective of this commission was to present constitutional reforms for
India as the congress and Muslim league demanded to add one Indian member but
1927 the commission refused and instead it proved as insult for Indians as all
members were British because there were no members of Indian in Simon committee .
The congress and Mr. Jinnah boycotted commission. The commission left India in
1920 and published proposal in 1930.

Q. Describe Salt march (4)

After 1925 the British had imported salt laws for sale of Salt in India. Salt was a
very important for Indians and the British wanted their monopoly over the business of
salt. The British issued the license of selling salt in India. Gandhi started a 24-day
march from Ahmedabad a seaside village and walked 250 KM on foot on reaching
Dandi coast he took a hand full salt from coast to show Indians will produce salt
without license

Q. Describe Nehru Report

Nehru report was presented by Moti Lal Nehru in 1928. It was a constitutional plan
of congress leader. After boycott of Simon commission Pandit Moti Lal Nehru Called
an All Parties conference where he presented a draft of constitution which consist
following points; British must give domain status to Indians and they will only handle
defense and foreign affairs, No right of separate electorate, 1/4 central assembly
seats for Muslims, No state religion(Secular state) and Hindi to be official language.

Q. Describe 14 points of Jinnah (4)

The 14 points of Jinnah were the demands from Jinnah which he presented in 1929
before British government. This was very famous historical contribution of Mr. Jinnah
for the rights of Muslims and other minorities. Some of his points were Federal
government system, equal power to all provinces, separate electorate for Muslims and
government job for Muslims

Q. Who was Sir Ramsay Macdonald? (4)

Sir Ramsay Macdonald was the British Prime Minister who announced the Communal
award 1932. This was statement of British Government’s position on representation
for minorities. He gave separate electorates to Muslims but reduced their majority
representation in Punjab and Bengal.

Q. Describe Communal Award (4)

In August 1932, The British Prime Minister, Sir Ramsay Macdonald was the British
Prime Minister who announced the Communal award 1932. This was statement of
British Government’s position on representation for minorities. He gave separate
electorates to Muslims but reduced their majority representation in Punjab and
Bengal. Congress rejected, but as the Muslim league had called for the British to
make and award, they had to follow it.
Q. Describe Round Table Conference (4)
The Round table conference were held from 1930 till 1932 in London. The British
Prime minister Winston Churchill called the meeting for Indian Political parties,
including congress, Muslim league and other parties. The Conference continued from
1930-1931 and important political matters were discussed. Congress leader Moti Lal
Nehru and Muslim Leader Muhammad Ali Jauhar died during the conference

Q. Describe the White Paper Document (4)

Despite the failure of Round Table conference, in March 1933 the British government
announced its proposals for how India should be governed. These were published in a
“white paper” a discussion document issued before a bill presented to the British
parliament. It was finalized as the Government of India Act 1935.

Q. Describe the Government of India Act 1935 (4)

In August 1935 Government of India Act became law that how India to be governed,
it consists of India was to be a federation including British India and Princely states.
Diarchy was replaced by a degree of autonomy at provincial Level. NWFP was given
Provincial status but emergency powers with Viceroy. Three new provinces were added

Q. Describe the Importance of Government of India Act 1935 (4)

This Act was an important point towards independence as it clearly showed that
British is leaving India and Parliamentary system had been set up in which Indian
people were to gain increasing representation. It was also future of Indian governing
structure. This act was followed as constitution in India till 1950 and in Pakistan till

Q. Describe Sawadeshi Movement

it was started by extremist Hindus during partition of Bengal 1905-1911. It was
boycott of British goods. They used to have bonfires of British goods in the chowks.
This resulted in a threat to British economy as the lost most of the raw material for
their industries Many became bankrupt it made British the reverse partition of Bengal
Q. Describe the Wardha Scheme (4)
This was a basic education scheme based on Gandhi’s views teaching was to be in
Hindi. Spinning cotton cloth by hand was introduced in schools and there was no
religious education in schools. All students have to bow to picture of Gandhi. It was
also called basic education system. It created hatred for hindus by muslims

Q. Describe the song Band-e-Mataram (4)

it was written by a Bengali Bankim Chatterjee in his novel “anand math” in 1937. This
was the national song of Hindus in which they encouraged to expel muslims out of
Hindustan (India). This was a riot as it was made compulsory to sing before start of
official business every day in provincial assemblies according to Congress policy. This
worried and offended the muslims

Q. Describe Hijrat Movement (4)

During Khilaafat movement in 1920 Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and Maulana Abdul Bari
called india Dar-ul-Harb and the muslims should migrate to Afghanistan. 20.000
Muslims migrated to Afghanistan, only 1800 were accepted and others were rejected
and sent back by the Afghan Movement. The muslims returned to india but lost their
jobs, business, houses and lives.

Q. Describe Satyagarh (4)

it was a movement by Gandhi, and it means ‘True Path’. He wanted to be on the right
path and stressed British for self-rule (Sawaraji). It was started by him in 1919
during Rowlatt act period. Satyagarh was carried on and off during 20s,30s and 40s
to draw attention of people.

Q. Describe Hindu Mahasabah (4)

Hindu Mahasabah was formed in 1923 by Pandit Mohan Malaviya, a congressman it
contested in first elections 1926. The party made progress when V.D. Sawarkar
became president, in 1947 the party opposed the partition settlement as a national
disorder and believed that Gandhi’s religious tolerance was a threat to Hindu purity.
It was an extremist party like Arya Samaj

Q. Describe Non-cooperation movement (4)

The Non-cooperation movement was started by Gandhi. It began in 1921,1932 and
1932 also. British cloth was burnt in huge amounts and garments produced by Indians
were encouraged and promoted. Teachers and students left English colleges and
schools. Indian institutions were built up. Many lawyers gave up their practices as
part of boycott of this English system.
Q. Describe the Civil disobedience movement (4)
Civil disobedience was movement led by Gandhi started in 1930. Its mission was
divided in three phases at first moderates would dominate the politics second was to
promote extremist ideologies and third was india Nationalism.

Q. Describe Chaura Chauri incident (4)

in 1912 a violent incident took place in a village chaura chauri a mob fired the police
station in which 21 policemen were burnt Gandhi immediately call of the non-
cooperation movement as Gandhi was against violence and the government also became
strict towards this movement as this incident took place during khilaafat movement
Q. Describe the Mopilla rebellion (4)

Mopilla rebellion took place in 1921 it was the uprising of Moplahs the muslim
population of the Malabar district in madras. The rebellion beggar after British
colonial troops attacked a large gathering of believers in a mosque in the small town
of Tirurangadi on August 20. The rebels seized railroads, cut telegraph lines and
paralyzed the British administration the Mopilla rebellion was also directed against
local Hindu landowners who fled their estates. Hindu fought with Moplahs, but they
were crushed by British

Q. Describe Wavell Plan (4)

Lord Wavell flew to London in 1945 to consult with the British government about its
future policy in india. Wavell proposed that an executive council should be set up to
govern the country under the present constitution until a new constitution could be
agreed. The executive council would contain equal number of muslims and hindus.
Apart from viceroy and council of defence to discuss the proposals Wavell called a
conference in Simla in June 1945

Q. Who was Lord Wavell (4)

Lord Wavell was the viceroy of the subcontinent in 1944 he released Gandhi from jail
on medical grounds in 1944 Lord Wavell proposed Wavell plan which included setup up
an executive council to discuss the proposal, a conference was called in Simla 1945.
The Wavell plain failed because the hindus and muslims could not agree on who was to
be on the council

Q. Describe the cabinet mission plan/Cripps mission (4)

In 1946 Pethick Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps, Sir A.V Alexander were sent to india
to find the settlement which is acceptable to all. They met with muslim league,
congress, Sikh and Hindu Mahasabha they found little common ground between
congress and muslims. Cabinet mission planned to propose an interim government while
the British leave india. The government will an all india commission. The Congress and
Muslim league rejected and after modification congress again rejected.

Q. Describe Quit India Movement

Quit India movement was founded by Mr. Gandhi in 1942 The main purpose was to
force the British to leave India. The British controlled the protest and arrested Mr.
Gandhi in result the Movement failed to achieve its objective.

Q. What was Direct Action day? (4)

Muslim league called for Direct action day on 16 August 1946 and attempt was made
to stop congress from pressurizing the British on partition. Direct Action Day was
also done to show the strength of Muslims. Mr. Jinnah was asked to make peaceful
government. Mr. Jinnah Asked for peaceful protest but serious rioting caused 4,000
deaths in Calcutta therefore this is also call great Calcutta killing

Q. Describe August Offer (4)

By April 1940 France was defeated in World War II and England was fighting against
Axis powers. In August 1940 Viceroy Lord Linlithgow gave the offer. It included
expansion of executive council of governor general and representatives of political
parties. After the war, the Indian constitution would be made by consent of Indians.
It was rejected by both congress and muslim league.

History Section 2 comprehensive notes

(7 marks and 14 marks)

4 marks(done)

Q. Why was Bengal partition in 1905 (7)

1. There were several reasons of partition of Bengal, the first and very most was
Bengal was too large to govern. British were facing issues in administration as Bengal
was one of the largest province in India and it consists of population 84 million which
was ten times greater than Britain’s population and it was not easy to run as there
were several cases of robbery in Bengal so in 1905 Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in
order to run Bengal more efficiently.

2.Second reason of partition of Bengal was the east side of Bengal was not developed
compare to west of side of Bengal so British wanted to develop the east Bengal also
so they partitioned it as west Bengal was surviving on most of productivity of east
Bengal. British wanted to develop and make West Bengal independent and increase
their productivity.

3.Hindus were more common as officials compare to muslims so British decided to

break the monopoly of Hindus by dividing the Bengal as one part of Bengal that is
east is going to be govern by muslims because they are in majority which might
encourage muslims to become part of officials which will automatically led to break
dominance of Congress in Province of Bengal (Write any two points)

Q. Why was the Partition of Bengal was reversed in 1911(7)

1.There were several reasons why Partition of Bengal was reversed amongst them the
most important and influenced reason was Swadeshi Movement. extremist Hindus
started Swadeshi movement in which British suffered economically in large numbers.
Hindus boycotted British products they burnt and destroyed products of British which
resulted as threat to Britain’s economy as they lost material for their industries.

2.Another factor why Partition was reversed was Murder attempt on Newly appointed
viceroy Lord Minto. In order to pressurize British rule some extremist hindus tried to
kill the newly appointed viceroy which made British to worry more because their
officials were being threatened. When viceroy was threatened which led him to
became worried about his life and other officials also became worried.

After seeing all these violent protests and actions British decide to revert their
decision to please hindus and both provinces were once again reunited in 1911.

Q. The reasons for partitioning Bengal in 1905 were more important than those that
it caused its reversal in 1911. Do you agree? Explain your answer. (14)

1.There were several reasons of partition of Bengal, the first and very most was
Bengal was too large to govern. British were facing issues in administration as Bengal
was one of the largest province in India and it consists of population 84 million which
was ten times greater than Britain’s population and it was not easy to run as there
were several cases of robbery in Bengal so in 1905 Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in
order to run Bengal more efficiently.

2. Second reason of partition of Bengal was the east side of Bengal was not
developed compare to west of side of Bengal so British wanted to develop the east
Bengal also so they partitioned it as west Bengal was surviving on most of productivity
of east Bengal. British wanted to develop and make West Bengal independent and
increase their productivity.

3. Hindus were more common as officials compare to muslims so British decided to

break the monopoly of Hindus by dividing the Bengal as one part of Bengal that is
east is going to be govern by muslims because they are in majority which will
encourage muslims to become part of officials which automatically led to break
dominance of Congress in Province of Bengal
4. There were several reasons why Partition of Bengal was reversed amongst them
the most important reason was Swadeshi Movement extremist Hindus started
Swadeshi movement in which British suffered economically in large numbers. Hindus
boycotted British products they burnt and destroyed products of British which
resulted as threat to Britain’s economy as they lost material for their industries.

5. Another factor why Partition was reversed was Murder attempt on Newly
appointed viceroy Lord Minto. In order to pressurize British rule some extremist
hindus tried to kill the newly appointed viceroy which made British to worry more as
their officials were being threatened. When viceroy was threatened which led him to
became worried about his life and demanded to revert decision of Bengal.

6. In my opinion, Factors regarding partition of Bengal were more important compare

to Reversal of Bengal as it broke the monopoly of hindus over India and threatened
hindus that they can’t abuse their powers as muslims can be their political opponents
which might oppose them and also pressurize them for doing or taking wrong decisions

Muslim League
Q. Why all India Muslim League was founded? (7)

The all India muslim league was founded in 1906. There were many reasons behind

1. Indian national congress was only supporting Hindus they often support rights of
muslims. Muslims needed their own political party which would protect their rights as
in many provinces hindu extremist parties like Arya Samaj were trying to dominate
muslims by forcibly converting them.

2. The Congress was unhappy with the partition of Bengal. As Congress wanted to
reverse partition of Bengal whereas muslims wanted the partition so muslims once
again needed a political party which would represent their rights and opinions.

Q. The Setting up of the muslim league was an important step in muslim development?
Using your knowledge and the sources discuss whether you with this statement. (14)

In 1906 the influenced muslim leaders decided to set up their own political parties in
order to protect rights of muslims. I agree with the statement that this “was an
important step in muslim development” and I will explain why.

1.The Indian national congress was founded in 1885 and claimed that it will represent
the opinions and needs of all Indians including muslims but unfortunately it was
dominated by hindus and only protected and represented the rights of hindus. Some
of muslim leaders thought muslim and hindus can work together but many believed
they cannot work together in result there was no political party to represent rights
of muslim till 1906 1878 Sir Syed Ahmed khan presented the concept of ‘Two nation theory’ which
conveys the message that muslims and hindus both are different nations and they
cannot work together as they have separate faiths, culture and language. Sir Syed
Believed the needs of muslims are different and they have to be treated differently
in result Hindus will never ever protect or stand for the rights of muslims as they are
different nations so muslims should have their own political party to defend their

3. in 1905 when Bengal was partitioned, and Congress was protesting as they wanted
to revert the partition of Bengal at that time there was no one to represent opinion
and voice of muslims as the muslims of india wanted to protect the partition. To raise
voice muslims of india needed a political party

4. Around 1906 a liberal government was elected in Britain and they believed the
governments should be made by votes and each and every one should have the right
of vote and if they implemented the same thing in india it would be alarming for
muslims as in india muslims were 1/5 of population and as per votes hindus would have
formed the government so muslim league met viceroy at simla and demanded for
separate electorate which was approved.

Yes, the formation of Muslim league was indeed a development for muslims as through
muslim league they were able to get the right of separate electorate and saved from
other cruelties of congress and extremist hindus.

Simla Deputation
4 marks (done)

Q. What was the importance of 1906 Simla Deputation? (7)

1.When Lord Minto was appointed as viceroy in India 1905, he was met by some
muslim leaders who were headed by Sir Agha khan. in 1909 in his address he
identified Muslims as a separate nation, and it was failure for congress. The
acceptance of deputation proved to be a turning point in the history for the very
first time hindu muslim conflict was raised on constitutional platform.

2.The Simla Deputation was important for Muslim league as they achieved their first
goal that was to get the right of separate electorate. In the Indian council act of
1909 Muslims got the right of separate electorate now not only they had the right to
elect their representatives, but they had the right to vote in general constituencies
and they were also given the weightage in representation

Morley Minto Reforms

4 marks(done)

Q. Why did the Indians reject Morley Minto reforms? (7)

1. The congress and muslim leagues rejected this because the number of Indian
members were increased in councils, but the new members were not allowed to make
or reject any law. The new council member can only discuss the matter of budget and
finance. Congress also opposed as right of separate electorate was given to muslims

2. Muslims partially rejected this because muslims were happy with the separate
electorate but muslim league was also not happy with the fact that the new Indian
member added to council was powerless as he was not allowed to make or reject law.

Lucknow Pact
4 marks(done)

Q. What was the importance of Lucknow Pact (7)

Lucknow pack was important because of many reasons. was the first Hindu-Muslim unity agreement in the history. Muslims entered in
Indian politics the congress and muslim league came close for their interests which
reduced communal riots between each muslims and hindus.

2. The Lucknow Pact proved that congress had accepted power of muslim league and
therefore congress came in contact with muslim league to present joint demands to
the British. It also strengthened their bargaining power against British.

Q. Why was Lucknow pact signed? (7)

1.When Muslim league was founded their main goal was to improve relations with
British but the reversal of Bengal made muslim league to change its objective and
make it self-rule which was similar to congress and decided to join hands with
congress as they both wanted to oppose British which led them to sign Lucknow pact.

2. In 1913 a new group of muslim leaders entered muslim league including Muhammad
Ali Jinnah their aim was to improve relation between muslim league and Congress they
were successful as they held a joint session in Bombay 1915. The leader of both
parties met for the very first time in history and in 1916 they signed a Lucknow pact
in their annual session at Lucknow which stated the sign of Unity between them.

Rowlatt Act
4 marks(done)

Q. Why Did British government implement Rowlatt act? (7)

After the reversal of partition of Bengal, the violence started to become common as
well as communal riots so British introduced Rowlatt act and implemented it. 1912 an Indian soldier attacked lord Harding who was severely injured but
survived after medical treatment their attacked threatened British officials and
alarmed situation of violence as Lord Minto was also attacked by Extremist Hindus.

2.1915 a Bengali hindu leader Har Dayal founded ghaddar party. The objective of
this party was to start rebellion against British. They protested and opposed British
in violent way which alarmed British. Similarly, revolutionary parties were formed by
Indians who lived outside. Gandhi launched hartaal against British.

Khilaafat Movement
4 marks(done)

Q. Why was Khilaafat movement founded? (7)

khilaafat movement was founded in 1919 it was founded to show the unity of muslims
and to save Ottoman empire

1.The World War 1 had started in 1914 the British and its allies won the word war 1
against germens and turkey. The British announced to designate the ottoman empire
into nationalist states to eliminate khilaafat from turkey. The muslims of india
decided to form the khilaafat movement to save khilaafat in turkey.

2. The muslims of india considered the ottoman empire as the center of unity for all
muslims therefore why the British announced to punish turkey. The muslims of india
decided to show the unity and pressurize British to revert his demand of designating
khilaafat from turkey.

Q. How did the khilaafat movement affect the muslims of sub-continent? (7)
Q. What were the effects of Khilaafat Movement? (7)

1.Khilaafat movement effected Sub-continent in both ways positive and negative. The
positive effects were Khilaafat movement gathered muslims on one platform and
untied them for the sake of khilaafat which conveyed the message of unity to world
from muslims. British came to know about the strength of Muslims and Muslims
realized that hindus can never be theirs friends as Gandhi betrayed them.

2. However there were some negatives effects too such as the relation of muslims
were damaged with British, thousands of muslims lost their houses because of hijrat
movement as they were returned back and relations between muslims and hindus were
also damaged which led to communal riots between them.

If this question appears “Khilaafat movement achieved little/nothing”. How successful

was khilaafat movement? What were the consequences of khilaafat movement? (7)

Answer criteria: Reshuffle positive and negatives effects, first write negatives
effects and then positive effects, Add some length and more detail in your answer.

Q. Khilaafat movement was failed because Gandhi betrayed and called of the non-
cooperation movement. Do you agree? Explain your answer. (14)

Khilaafat movement was founded in 1919 to save the ottoman empire the movement
failed in 1924 and could not attain its required results there were many reasons of
its failure such as opposition of Mr. Jinnah, Hijrat movement, betrayal of Gandhi and
over throwing of khilaafat by a Turkish leader Mustafa Kamal.

1.Firstly the khilaafat movement was founded by religious community of Indian

muslims. Maulana Muhammad Ali and Shoukat Ali were the main leader. They invited
Mr. Jinnah to join khilaafat movement but Mr. Jinnah refused to support movement.
In result the movement failed to gain political support of muslim leaders of Muslim

2. A religious leader Maulvi Abdul Bari stated that india is Dar-ul-Harb and muslims
should migrate to Afghanistan 20,000 muslims migrated but only 1800 got accepted
and others were returned and sent back by afghan movement. The muslims returned
to india but lost their jobs, business, houses and lives 1912 a violent incident took place in a village chaura chauri a mob fired at the
police station in which 21 policemen were burnt Mr. Gandhi immediately called of non-
cooperation movement and supported himself as he was against violence and khilaafat
movement lost support of congress.
4.the people of Turkey themselves against the khilaafat system they were led by
Turkish leader Mustafa Kamal Pasha Ata Turk who were struggling to overthrow the
khilaafat and wanted a nationalist state.

Due to these factors khilaafat movement was unable to achieve its goal which was to
save khilaafat in Turkey.

Nehru Report
4 marks(done)

Q. Why did Indians/muslim league reject Nehru Report (7)

Nehru Report was presented by Congress leader Pandit Moti Lal Nehru in 1928. Mr.
Jinnah rejected Nehru report on major issues these were the proposals about muslims
of India.

1. Nehru rejected the right of separate electorate of muslims which were promised in
Lucknow pact which means Nehru report violated Lucknow pact which was signed
between Congress and Muslim league. also rejected the demand of 1/3 seat muslim seats in central assembly instead it
shortened muslims to 1/4 which means less representation in assembly. Nehru report
also demanded Hindi to be made official language instead of Urdu

3. The Nehru report clearly stated that the separate electorate will not be accepted
but there will be join electorates for all the communities in India which means the
muslims will lose representation in Assembly (Write any 2)

Q. Why Nehru report was considered as end of Hindu-Muslim Unity? (7)

1.Nehru Report went against the interests of muslims community and their many
rights were to be taken away by the congress as they rejected the right of separate
electorate which shows that Hindu wanted dominance over muslims.

2. Beside this when Jinnah proposed three amendments which were form federal
government, 1/3 seats for muslims and for ten years representation in Punjab and
Bengal. Jinnah will give up the right of separate electorate, but congress rejected it
which showed congress were not interested in keeping the Hindu-Muslim unity.
14 Points of Muhammad Ali Jinnah
4 marks(done)

Q. Write down any 4 points of 14 points of Jinnah (7).

Federal system in India, equal power to all provinces, separate electorate for
muslims, 1/3 muslim seats in central assembly, 1/3 muslim ministries in central
assembly, Sindh should be separated from Bombay, NWFP and Balochistan to be made
provinces, Any territorial redistribution that might at any time be necessary shall not
in any way affect the Muslim majority in the Punjab, Bengal and the NWFP,
Protection of muslims their culture and religion, Government job for muslims,
provincial government can make law without permission of central government, seat for
minorities in all types of local government and legislative assembly and no bill shall be
passed if 3/4 community rejects it. (write down any 4)

Q. What was importance of fourteen points of Jinnah? (7)

1.The fourteen points of Jinnah played important role in independence movement of

Pakistan. The fourteen points protected the rights and interests of muslims of the
sub-continent by demanding right of separate electorate, 1/3 representation of
muslims in central legislative councils and government job for muslims.

2. Another achievement of fourteen points of Jinnah which made it more important as

it united and gathered muslims on one platform in result when Jinnah presented his
points he eventually got the support from all muslims without any opposition including
khilaafat movement and Jamiat-Ulama-e-Hind. Jinnah’s points provided base for a
separate homeland for muslims.

Round Table Conference

4 marks(done)

Q. Why did the round table conference failed in 1930-1932? (7)

1.The first and very important reason why RTC failed was Gandhi’s absence in 1st
round table conference which resulted as the discussion and decisions were taken
without Gandhi’s opinion. However, Gandhi was present at 2nd RTC, but he showed
harsh attitude when Mr. Jinnah raised his voice for un-touchable hindus which made
Gandhi furious and resulted as harsh attitude from Gandhi.
2.The first RTC was somehow successful for muslims but for congress it was almost
failure as the British had accepted some of the following demands of muslim league;
Separate electorate for muslims, protection of minorities and federal government.

3.Third RTC was just a formality as congress did not attended RTC because they
were protesting, and Mr. Jinnah was not also present at third RTC but some muslim
league leaders attended which turned out to be a useless session (write any 2)

Q. How successful was the Round table conference from 1930-32? Explain your
answer. (14)

The RTC was held during 1930-32 in London. The main objective of RTC was not
achieved by the British but somehow the RTC was successful for the muslims and
other minorities.

1.The first RTC was held in 1930. Gandhi was not present in first RTC because he
was in jail the delegates of muslims were Sir Agha Khan, Muhammad Ali Jauhar and
Mr. Jinnah. During First RTC Jinnah presented his 14 points among them few were
accepted by British which shows that RTC was successful for Muslims. British
accepted following demands of Jinnah; Separate electorate for muslims, protection of
minorities and federal government.

2. Gandhi was released from jail for 2nd RTC which was success for congress as their
leader got released from jail by Lord Irwin The rights of Un-touchable were also
discussed by Mr. Jinnah which gave hope to minorities as there is someone who is
concerned about their rights as Congress failed to. British promised to separate
Bombay and Sindh. British to introduce reforms in NWFP They also issued communal
award which announced the distribution of Hindu-Muslim seats in 8 provinces.

3. However the RTC did not achieved its main objective as the first RTC was not a
complete conference as Gandhi one of the influenced leaders of Congress was absent
in First RTC and his opinions were ignored. British accepted some of the demands of
Jinnah without listening to the opinions of Gandhi as he was not present.

4. In 2nd RTC Gandhi showed Harsh attitude in conference when Jinnah exposed
congress that they claim to speak for all Indians, but they failed to speak for all
Indians. He rose voice for Un-touchable Hindus which made Gandhi furious and he
returned to India and started protest against British which effected the relation
between congress and British once again. Third RTC was just a formality as majority
of influenced leaders of India did not attended including Mr. Jinnah which resulted as
useless conference. Moti Lal Nehru and M. Ali Jauhar died during RTC.

Government of India Act 1935

4 marks(done)

Q. Why was the government of India act of 1935 so important to the future of sub-
continent? (7)

1.The Government of India act was important in many ways as for the first-time
provincial governments were allowed to plan and carry out its own programs and be
responsible for its own legislature. This shows provincial government is now self-
governing and they will be no longer controlled by British. Provisions for a federal
government were also established for the first time which means princely states could
decide to participate in political affairs and provincial elections will be held in 1936-

2. the number of provinces were increased to eleven by giving NWFP the status of
filly-fledged province. there were some drawbacks too as ministers in the provinces
could have control over all departments but if governor dislikes particular bill it will
not be passed, and he can dismiss the ministers which means the real power still lays
with governor. Key decisions relating to external relations and defence were still in
control of British which was also a drawback.

Government of India act is important for future of sub-continent as it was followed

by both countries after partition as India followed till 1950 and Pakistan till 1973
and elections were held according to it in 1937.

Q. Why did Indians reject Government of India Act 1935 (7)

Indians rejected Government of India act for many reasons.

1.The most important reason among them was the same old reason that still Indians
were not allowed to make or do some changes in law. They cannot even reject any law
made by British which means the Indian members will be powerless. British repressive
policy during civil disobedience movement led to arrest of some Indians leaders which
caused hatred between British and them. The part concerning central government was
never introduced as princes rejected the new arrangements.

2. Nehru called this bill “Charter of Slavery” and also said it has too many
safeguards that it was like “a machine with strong brakes but has no engine”. the
governor general was head of the federation and could exert special powers in the
reserved subjects and can dismiss ministers at any time this means the real powers
were still with Governor as any time he can veto or defect bill of ministers.

However, congress and Muslim league rejected government of india act, but they
participate in general elections which were held during 1936-37 according to
government of India Act 1935.

Provincial elections
Q. Describe the provincial elections of 1936-37 (4)

Neither congress nor the muslim league approved the government of india act but
both them could see an advantage in contesting the provincial elections. Provincial
elections were held in India during 1936-37 as per Government of India act 1935.
Congress got majority of votes in elections and formed their government whereas
muslim league got majority in few provinces whose majority were muslims and only got
109 of the 482 seats reserved for muslims.

Q. What were the results of 1937 Provincial elections?

The results of provincial elections of 1937 were not good for muslims and congress
successfully dominated the elections of 1937.

1.Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Bombay, central provinces, madras, Orissa and united
provinces were won by congress as they dominated eight provinces of india and got
majority votes they formed government. In Punjab unionist party won the elections
and in Sindh united party won the elections.

2. Muslim league was not successful in winning elections even they lost in muslim
majority areas such as Bengal, Punjab and Sindh and got only 109 seats of the 482
seats reserved for muslims. The rule of congress started as they were in Majority.

Q. Why did Muslim league failed in provincial elections of 1937? (7)

Muslim failed in provincial elections due to many reasons such as no support from
religious leaders of india.

1.muslim league did got the support from the religious leaders of india because Mr.
Jinnah did not support and boycotted the khilaafat movement in return religious
leaders of india did not supported muslim league in provincial elections and voted for
congress, therefore muslim league did not won seats.
2. Another factor why muslim league lost elections was poor campaign by muslim
league compare to congress leaders. There was communication gap between the muslim
league leaders and common people which led to reduction of voters for muslims league.

3. Most of Muslim league leaders were prince and wealthy people they were not aware
of much politics compare to congress. They lack experience in politics compare to
congress in result congress leaders were more successful in their relations with
Indians compare to leaders of muslim. (write any two)

Rule of Congress
Q. Why was the rule of congress 1937-39 hated by the muslims? (7)

1.The rule of congress was hated by muslims as the measures of congress leaders
threatened the culture, religion and practices of muslims. Among these measures were
introduction Band-e-Matram which was a song of Hindu nationalist which encourages
hatred for muslims and muslims should be expelled from India. this song became
national anthem and it was made compulsory to sing in provincial assembly.

2. An education scheme introduced by Gandhi known as ‘Wardha scheme’ which also an

attempt to convert muslim children into Hinduism as according to Wardha scheme the
religious studies were banned, Teaching to be done in Hindi and spinning cotton by
hand added in school activities. Wardha scheme also includes bowing to picture of
Gandhi in schools which was against beliefs of Muslims.

These extremist measures taken by congress leaders led to hatred by muslims in

their rule.

Q. The muslims hated congress rule from 1937-39 because of introduction Wardha
scheme? Do you agree? Explain your answer. (14)

The rule of congress was hated by muslims due to many reasons such as introduction
of Wardha scheme, Band e Matram, congress tyranny etc.

1.An education scheme introduced by Gandhi known as ‘Wardha scheme’ which also an
attempt to convert muslim children into Hinduism as according to Wardha scheme the
religious studies were banned, to promote hindi teaching to be done in Hindi and
spinning cotton by hand added in school activities. Wardha scheme also includes
bowing to picture of Gandhi in schools which was against beliefs of Muslims.

2. Congress tried their best to irritate muslims in each and every way they
introduced Band-e-Matram which was a song of Hindu nationalist which encourages
hatred for muslims and muslims should be expelled from India. this song became
national anthem and it was made compulsory to sing in provincial assembly. This
worried and offended muslims as hate was promoted against them

3. Congress policies turned out to be an extremist policy. Muslims soon realized their
main purpose is to erase muslim culture as if any muslim slaughters a cow or eats
beef he will be harshly punished, Azaan was banned and mosques were being
attacked, drums were beaten and music were played in high volume during prayers and
pigs were thrown in to mosques.

4. Muslim’s beliefs and culture were not only threatened but their property and lives
were too threatened as anti-muslim riots were carried out in which extremist attacks
on muslims and even set their property and houses on fire to make muslims suffer
financially. Hindi was made national language in order to discourage Urdu.

The period congress rule was recognized as “congress tyranny” by muslims as

extremism was on its peek as congress crossed the boundary of humanity.

Day of Deliverance
Q. Describe Day of Deliverance (4)

When Britain went to war with Germany in 1939 and announced that India is with
British on which Congress objected and resigned. The Day of deliverance was a day
which was declared by the leaders of muslim league on order of Mr. Jinnah on 22nd
December 1939. The day was celebrated as gesture of happiness when the congress
resigned from ministries and rallies were organized. Sweets were distributed and
Muslim league offered thankful prayer.

Q. Why was Day of Deliverance celebrated? (7)

The Day of Deliverance was celebrated because of many reasons.

1. the first and foremost reason was the relief of Congress tyranny. The congress
rule was nightmare for muslims as a national song band e matram was introduced
which promoted hate for muslims and muslims were forced to Bow to picture of
Gandhi these types of extremist policies offended muslims.

2. when congress resigned from the ministries in 1939 and there was no one to
support the hindu extremists after seeing their anti-muslim riots and their extremist
policies. When their resignation was accepted by British and their rule came to end
muslims celebrated this day as they got relief from such extremism and celebrated
by offering prayer of thanks-giving and distributed sweets on 22nd December 1939.
Pakistan Resolution
Q. What was Pakistan resolution (4)

Pakistan resolution was demand from muslim league for muslims. The resolution was
presented by the premier of Bengal A.K Fazlul Haq on 23rd March 1940 at Iqbal
Park Lahore. The resolution stated that geographically connected Muslim areas of
North west india should be constituted to make separate muslim state.

Q. Why was Pakistan resolution important for Muslim league? (7)

Pakistan resolution was important event in history of India as well as for muslim
league too.

1. The resolution clarified that the muslim league needs a separate muslim state it
also gave a straight direction to the members of muslim league. The resolution stated
the strength of muslims as well most muslims united on one goal which was to achieve
separate state.

2. Before 1940 the policy of muslim league was to work in the federal government
system but after congress rule Mr. Jinnah changed his direction. The muslim league
did not have clear direction but now they started working for the separate state
from 1940 to 1947 they worked hard to get independence.

Allahabad Address
Q. What is the importance of Allahabad address? (7)

Several muslim leaders and thinkers proposed the separate state for muslims in
Allahabad 1930 among them Allamah Iqbal gave clear explanation

1. Allamah Iqbal explained that Islam is the major formative factor in the life
history of Indian muslims. He supported Two-nation theory of Sir Syed. He also said
Islam is not only religion for muslim, but it is basic emotion for them they are loyal
to their religion which eliminates the concept of Hindu and muslims as one nation.

2. Allamah Iqbal also defined that there could be no possibility of peace in the
country unless hindu and muslims are recognized as two different nations. He believed
that muslims are not given same privilege that are given to hindus under federal
system. Allamah Iqbal recognized Punjab, North West frontier, Baluchistan and Sindh
as a separate muslim state.

Allamah Iqbal’s address at Allahabad made him Heart favorite of muslims and made
him one of the influenced muslim leaders.
Allamah Iqbal
Q. Who was Allamah Iqbal (4)

Allamah Iqbal was a philosopher who practiced law in England, He was knighted by the
British in 1922 in recognition of his poetry. He believed that muslim needs a separate
state. He also believed muslims and hindus are two different nations. In 1927 he was
appointed general security of muslim league. He delivered outstanding speech in 1930
he died in 1938 and was buried outside Badshahi mosque.

Chaudhary Rehmat Ali

Q. Who was Chaudhry Rehmat Ali? (4)

In 1930 he left india to study law at Cambridge, He attempted Round table

conference in London on Hindu Muslim relationship. He was also among the first ones
who believed in separate state for muslims and in 1933 he issued a pamphlet ‘now or
never’. He argued in favor of partition and was the first name who gave the name of
Pakistan. He became popular among most muslims during 1930s, but Mr. Jinnah
refused to meet him and considered him lest important them Allamah Iqbal.

Q. Which one of these contributed more to Pakistan Movement? (i) Allamah Iqbal (ii)
Chaudhary Rehmat Ali. Explain your answer with justification (14)

1.Allamah Iqbal was a philosopher who practiced law in England, He was knighted by
the British in 1922 in recognition of his poetry Qaid-e-Azam said about his poetry
“Emotional as it is it always inspire us”. He believed that muslim needs a separate
state. He also believed muslims and hindus are two different nations. In 1927 he was
appointed general security of muslim league. He delivered outstanding speech in 1930
he died in 1938 and was buried outside Badshahi mosque.

2.Allamah Iqbal claimed Islam as a major formative factor and he believed in Two-
nation theory in his Allahabad speech. He also said muslims could only prosper under
federal government if muslims have same muslim unites compare to hindus and should
be given same privilege as hindus receive. He claimed muslim faces a lot of
difficulties by hindus. Allamah Iqbal also said if muslims want permanent solution then
they have to struggle for a separate state. He also recognized NWFP, Punjab, Sindh
And Baluchistan as separate state for muslims.

3. In 1930 Chaudhary Rehmat Ali left india to study law at Cambridge, He attempted
Round table conference in London on Hindu Muslim relationship. He was also among the
first ones who believed in separate state for muslims and in 1933 he issued a
pamphlet ‘now or never’. He argued in favor of partition and was the first name who
gave the name of Pakistan

4. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali also found movement called “Pakistan movement” whose aim
was to promote and motivate Indian muslims for separate state. He also motivated
muslims by writing in his pamphlets. His golden words are still famous which he wrote
in pamphlet to motivate muslim which was “Are we to live or perish forever” which
means if muslim wants separate state they have to struggle for it now. He fought
cases of Muslim leaders as lawyer. He died in 1951 at Cambridge university.

In my opinion, Allamah Iqbal was more important compare to Chaudhry Rehmat as he

worked more hard compare to him. Iqbal motivated young muslims through his poetry
which was inspired from holy Quran and delivered outstanding speech at Allahabad.

Quit India Movement

4 marks (done)

Q. Why did Gandhi found Quit India Movement? (7)

Gandhi founded quit india movement in 1942 during the world war was going and
position British was weak.

1. The British were losing the World War II by 1942 and their position was very
weak therefore Mr. Gandhi tried to take advantage of British’s weak position and
funded a movement to force the British to leave india.

2. Japan had threatened to attack British colony so Mr. Gandhi believed that Hindus
and India will also be affected so it was better to force British to quit india to
prevent from being attacked by Japan.

Cripps mission
4 marks (done)

Q. Why did Indians reject Cripps mission? (7)

The Indians rejected the Cripps mission in 1942 due to many reasons

1.the Muslim league and congress rejected the proposals of mission because they are
going to be implemented after world war II and they cannot trust on British as they
failed to fulfil their proposals which were to be delivered after first World War.

2. The Muslim league rejected the plan immediately as it contained no proposal

regarding establishment of Pakistan as Jinnah wanted British to do partition first
then leave India however the proposals regarding minorities were included inspired
from Jinnah points this showed British realize the need to protect minority interests.

Gandhi-Jinnah talks
Q. Describe the Gandhi Jinnah talk. (4)

Gandhi was released from jail on medical grounds by Lord Wavell in May 1944. Gandhi
prosed to Jinnah that both should meet up and discuss about the future of India
after Departure of British. In September 1944 Gandhi met Jinnah at his home in
Bombay but the talk failed due to number of reasons.

Q. Why did Gandhi Jinnah talk failed? (7)

Q. Explain why Gandhi Jinnah talks did not reach agreement? (7)

Gandhi Jinnah talks failed due many reasons.

1.The first reason of failure was difference in opinion of Gandhi and Jinnah as
Gandhi wanted to achieve independence first and they will settle the issue of
partition, but Jinnah wanted vice versa. He wanted British to settle partition issue
first then leave India.

2.Gandhi wanted the central government to have control of key areas and key
departments such as defence and foreign policies whereas Mr. Jinnah wanted these
departments under control of Provincial governments not by central governments.

3.Gandhi claimed that his agenda is to achieve independence for all Indians as he
spoke for all Indians and could not accept muslims as being a separate nation on which
Mr. Jinnah accused him that he only speaks for Hindus otherwise he would have
accepted the idea of partition as well as two-nation theory. (write any two)

Q. Were the Gandhi Jinnah talks the most important factor during 1940s that led to
partition? Do you agree? Explain your answer. (14)

There were many reasons which led to partition such as Gandhi Jinnah talks, Lahore
resolution, result of general elections and cabinet mission.

1.Gandhi-Jinnah talks were the important factor because Gandhi wanted to negotiate
with the muslim league on face to face for the first time regarding the future of
India. Gandhi wanted to achieve independence first then settle the issue of partition,
but Jinnah wanted to settle the issue of partition before departure of British. Jinnah
knew his bargaining position would be weaker if he agrees with Gandhi’s Plan
2.Lahore resolution 1940 was drafted by 25 men in which all india muslim league
asked for greater muslim autonomy this was seen as demand for a separate state
from that time and onwards the aims of muslim were now clear which was to achieve
independence first and united most muslims to work on one goal.

3. In March 1946 members of the cabinet mission arrived in India with a plan for
achieving independence as federation. the muslim league and congress refused to
accept province grouping and stated that they would not be bound by any British in
result British formed an interim government headed by Nehru and joint by members
of Muslim league.

4. The General elections were held in 1945-46 in which Muslim league got all muslim
seats of central assembly and proves that muslim league is soul representation of
muslims of India. Muslim league got majority in provinces therefore it was clear that
the separate state should be given to muslims. Mr. Jinnah organized direct action day
after failure of cabinet mission in 1946 which resulted as Great Calcutta killing in
result British decided to settle partition first.

In my Opinion, the most important factor was Lahore resolution which led to partition
as it made muslim league to strive for one particular goal and united muslims.

Simla Conference 1945

4 marks(done)

Q. Why did Simla conference failed in 1945? (7)

1.Lord Wavell called simla conference in 1945. The British decided to form an
executive council Gandhi was asked to nominate 5 hindu members and Mr. Jinnah were
asked to nominate 5 Muslim members but congress argued and insisted to nominate
muslim members too as they claim to speak for all Indians this demand was refused
by Mr. Jinnah and there was no formation of executive council.

2. Another factor was The Sikhs and scheduled castes on the council were bound to
vote for hindus which means muslims would remain as permanent minority in the
executive council. Muslim league rejected simla conference due to this factor.

Cabinet mission plan

Q. Describe the result of 1945-46 of General elections. (4)

The elections were held in 1945-46 Muslim league won all seats reserved for muslims
in central assembly. It also got clear majority in Sindh and East Bengal. In Punjab
unionist party was won and in NWFP Khansar part was the majority party led by Khan
Abdul Ghaffar Khan. Muslim got upper hand in this election.

Q. The winning of labor party in 1945 in elections of Britain was the main reason why
British partitioned India? Do you agree? Explain your answer. (14).

British Partitioned India due to many reasons such as Winning of Labor party in
Britain’s election, Lahore resolution, Gandhi Jinnah talks and Cabinet mission.

1. The election in Britain were held in1945 in which labor party came into power and
the prime minister Clement announced independence plans for the sub-continent
therefore he advised PM of Britain to ask lord Wavell to organize a conference at
Shimla in 1945. The PM also sent Lord Mount to announce 3rd June plan.

2.Gandhi-Jinnah talks were the important factor because Gandhi wanted to negotiate
with the muslim league on face to face for the first time regarding the future of
India. Gandhi wanted to achieve independence first then settle the issue of partition,
but Jinnah wanted to settle the issue of partition before departure of British. Jinnah
knew his bargaining position would be weaker if he agrees with Gandhi’s Plan.

3.Lahore resolution 1940 was drafted by 25 men in which all india muslim league
asked for greater muslim autonomy this was seen as demand for a separate state
from that time and onwards the aims of muslim were now clear which was to achieve
independence first and united most muslims to work on one goal.

4. In March 1946 members of the cabinet mission arrived in India with a plan for
achieving independence as federation. the muslim league and congress refused to
accept province grouping and stated that they would not be bound by any British in
result British formed an interim government headed by Nehru and joint by members
of Muslim league.

In my opinion, the most important factor was Lahore resolution which led to partition
as it made muslim league to strive for one particular goal and united muslims.

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