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NOMBRE: TLF : Adapted From New Results 1, Burlington Books

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Conteste a TODAS las preguntas de tipo test (25 en total) ÚNICAMENTE en la hoja de
lectura óptica. No olvide consignar sus datos personales. Esta prueba escrita se califica
en total sobre 100 puntos: las preguntas con respuesta múltiple (“multiple choice
questions”) valen 50 y las redacciones (“composition”) valen 50. El mínimo para
aprobar este nivel se establece en 30 puntos para las preguntas con respuesta múltiple y
25 puntos en las redacciones. Es obligatorio aportar las dos redacciones. Hay que
superar los mínimos en ambas partes para poder aprobar el examen. Las respuestas
incorrectas no restan puntos.

NOMBRE: …………………………………TLF……………


A In a growing number of hospitals today, pet therapy is being used along with
conventional medicine. Research has shown that people often get better more quickly if
they have regular contact with a friendly animal. At one hospital, dogs are brought in –
together with their owners. The dogs are popular with the patients, who know their
names and look forward to seeing them. The hospital workers believe that these visits
are very effective and can help the patients’ depression. This is important, since being in
a good mood can actually help sick people recover more quickly. The dogs can also
participate in the patient’s exercise program. For example, if a patient is working on his
or her sense of balance, the exercise might consist of walking the dog down the hall.
Throwing a ball to the dog can also help. Dogs that take part in the program must be in
good health, have a friendly personality and not be easily scared. Size is not important.
Most programs accept all kinds of dogs.
Adapted from New Results 1, Burlington Books.

Choose the most suitable option.

1. According to the text, pet therapy ____________________.

a) can’t be used with conventional therapy.
b) used to be more popular in the past.
c) can be used together with conventional therapy.
d) depends on the dogs’ owners.

2. According to the text, more and more doctors and nurses _____.
a) don’t believe in pet therapy.
b) are not sure about the effectiveness of health therapy.
c) bring their own dogs to the hospital.
d) are accepting pet therapy.
3. According to the text, ____________________ .
a) there seems to be a connection between the mind and the body.
b) all kinds of therapies are being used in hospitals nowadays.
c) only patients who have an exercise program find pet therapy useful.
d) conventional medicine is no longer helpful.

4. “Being in a good mood” means _________________ .

a) recovering from a depression.
b) having a kind and generous disposition.
c) feeling like doing something.
d) feeling cheerful.

5. Which of the words below means the same as “actually”?

a) in ages b) in fact c) lately d) nowadays

6. In order to take part in the program, dogs must be ________ .

a) effective b) healthy c) midsize d) scary

B Recent studies show that television may be addictive. While researchers still disagree
on the exact definition of a television addict, people who admit being so tend to watch
almost twice as much television as the average person. Most of them claim that they
watch television because they feel unhappy or have problems in their lives. They feel
slightly better while watching TV, and most report feeling worse once they turn it off.
They are also aware that they watch too much television, but feel powerless to stop.
Studies concluded that people who watch TV excessively are less happy and less able to
concentrate than those who do other activities, such as sports, reading or gardening. One
theory which has been disproved is that television addicts have addictive personalities
which make them more likely to develop addictions in general, and not just to
television. It has been proved that these people don’t eat more junk food, or smoke or
drink more alcohol than other groups.
Adapted from Connections B1, Burlington Books.

Choose the most suitable option.

7.What have studies about TV addicts been unable to do?

a) reach an accepted definition about what a TV addict is.
b) decide what makes a person a TV addict.
c) find out why television is so important for certain people.
d) define the number of hours that most people watch TV.

8. What is the main reason for some people becoming addicted to TV?
a) the cheap prices of TV sets.
b) the variety of channels.
c) they feel sad or upset about something.
d) they are unaware that they are addicted.
9. According to the text, most TV addicts ________________ .
a) don’t know what to do to watch less TV.
b) can stop watching TV whenever they want.
c) don’t know that they are addicted.
d) are satisfied with their addiction.

10. Which of the following words in the text means the opposite of “claim”?
a) complain b) deny c) state d) withdraw

11. Why are other activities compared with watching TV in the text?
a) because they require more concentration.
b) because they require less concentration.
c) because people are less able to concentrate while doing those activities.
d) because people who do those activities can concentrate more easily.

12. What does the word “disproved” mean?

a) believed to be correct b) doubted by many people
c) believed to be unfair d) shown to be mistaken

13. According to the text, TV addicts ____________________ .

a) often smoke or drink.
b) are usually addicted only to television.
c) tend to practice certain sports.
d) tend to like junk food.

USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the right answer.

14. My sister is only twelve. She is not ____________________ to drive.

a) young enough b) old enough c) enough young d) enough old

15. _________________ to have a beard when he was younger?

a) Use he b) Is he used c) Did he uses d) Did he use

16. How long ______________________ here?

a) Ralph is working b) does Ralph work
c) Ralph has worked d) has Ralph been working

17. Helen agreed to go to the wedding ____________she didn’t really like the idea.
a) although b) in spite of c) moreover d) therefore

18. If you ________________ us, we _______________ you.

a) told / have helped b) had told / would help
c) had told / would have helped d) told / would have helped

19. The park keeper warned us _____________ on the grass.

a) not walk b) to not walk c) not to walk d) not walking
20. The ________________ has been seen by thousands of art lovers.
a) commission b) submission c) exhibition d) comprehension

21. We ________ a very interesting movie when suddenly the light ___ off.
a) are watching / went b) had watched / has gone
c) were watching / went d) have watched / had gone

22. The lady ________ diamond ring was stolen last night is my neighbor.
a) who b) that her c) whose d) which

23. I sent my cousin an invitation.

a) My cousin is sent an invitation
b) My cousin has been sent an invitation.
c) My cousin is being sent an invitation.
d) My cousin was sent an invitation.

24. I was so thirsty on my way home that I had to stop ______ some water.
a) to drink b) drinking c) to drinking d) for to drink

25. We ______________ all obey the law.

a) can b) may c) must d) should

1. Write two compositions about these topics following these guidelines
(approximately 100 words each):

1. Many young people today leave their own country to work abroad. Discuss the pros
and cons of working abroad.
● Present your argument for and against the issue in two clear paragraphs.
● Use connectors to show the connection between your ideas.
● Include your opinion in the closing paragraph.

2. Describe your worst Christmas holidays ever.

● Explain what happened, how you felt and why.
● Use connectors of sequence.

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