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Maglakas v. National Housing Authority, G.R. No. 138823

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In a letter, dated August 6, 1985, the NHA sent a

Notice of Lot Assignment to plaintiff recognizing the
[G.R. NO. 138823, September 17, 2008] latter as a Censused Owner of a structure with TAG No.
0063-04 which was identified for relocation.
CARIDAD MAGKALAS, Petitioner, v. NATIONAL In the same Notice, the NHA informed plaintiff that per
HOUSING AUTHORITY, Respondent. Development Program of Bagong Barrio, she was being
assigned to Lot 77, Block 2, Barangay 132.
On August 23, 1985, plaintiff filed a Complaint for
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: Damages with prayer for the issuance of a restraining
order and writ of Preliminary Injunction against the
NHA with the Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City. This
In this petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of was docketed as Civil Case No. C-12102. The civil case
the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, petitioner seeks to was filed after the NHA, through Henry Camayo, sent a
set aside and annul the Decision1 dated March 10, 1999 letter to the plaintiff earlier in the month of August,
as well as the Order2 dated May 14, 1999 rendered by 1985 directing said plaintiff to vacate the premises and
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Caloocan City, Branch dismantle her structure. In an Order, dated July 23,
124, in Civil Case No. C-16464. 1981, this civil case docketed as C-12102 was dismissed
with the instruction that the parties exhaust the
The RTC decision dismissed the complaint for damages administrative remedies available to the plaintiff.
with prayer for temporary restraining order/writ of
preliminary injunction filed by herein petitioner against Sometime in March, 1994, plaintiff received a letter,
the National Housing Authority (NHA). The RTC also dated March 8, 1994 from Ines Gonzales, the Office-in-
ordered the NHA to proceed with the demolition of charge of District II-NCR. In said letter, plaintiff was
petitioner's structure. advised that her previous request to stay put in her
house which is located within the area designated as
The undisputed facts, as found by the RTC, are quoted Area Center, was previously denied per resolution of
hereunder: the NHA which was signed as early as February 21,
x x x plaintiff and her predecessors-in-interest have 1990 by the former manager of the NHA, Monico Jacob.
been occupying a lot designated as TAG-77-0063, Block The plaintiff was told to remove the structure she
1, Barangay 132, located at the corner of 109 Gen. erected on the area within 30 days and to transfer her
Concepcion and Adelfa Streets, Bagong Barrio, Caloocan residence to Lot 77, Block 2. It was stressed in said
City, for the past 39 years. letter that no Judicial Order was required to remove the
plaintiff's structure pursuant to P.D. No. 1472.
On March 26, 1978, P.D. No. 1315 was issued
expropriating certain lots at Bagong Barrio, Caloocan Plaintiff prays that, aside from the issuance of a
City. In the same Decree, the National Housing temporary restraining order/writ of preliminary
Authority (NHA) was named Administrator of the injunction, defendants be enjoined from transferring
Bagong Barrio Uban Bliss Project with the former to plaintiff's residential house from its present location to
take possession, contol (sic) and disposition of the another lot and/or demolishing the same without
expropriated properties with the power of demolition. judicial order; payment of moral damages, in the
During the Census survey of the area, the structure built amount of P50,000.00, for the malicious and illegal acts
by the plaintiff was assigned TAG No. 0063. After of defendants; and payment of P50,000.00 as attorney's
conducting studies of the area, the NHA determined that fees.
the area where plaintiff's structure is located should be
classified as an area center (open space). The Area At this juncture, it may not be remiss to state that the
Center was determined in compliance with the two other homeowners, Mr. & Mrs. Josefino Valenton,
requirement to reserve 30% open space in all types of and Mr. & Mrs. Rey Pangilinan had already transferred
residential development. to their allocated lots at Lot 2, Block 1, and Lot 78, Block
2, respectively.
Plaintiff, together with Mr. & Mrs. Josefino Valenton and
Mr. & Mrs. Rey Pangilinan, through counsel, filed an On March 25, 1994, the Court issued a Temporary
appeal from the decision to designate the area where Restraining Order (TRO) against defendants. After
the plaintiff and the two other spouses have erected hearing and submission of memoranda, plaintiff's
structures, as an Area Center. On January 25, 1985, the prayer for issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction
NHA, through its General Manager, sent a letter to the was denied in an Order dated April 14, 1994.
counsel of the plaintiff and the two other previously
named spouses explaining why the area where their The Order denying plaintiff's prayer for issuance of a
structures were erected was designated as the area writ of preliminary injunction was appealed, by way of
center (open space). The said appeal was denied by the Petition for Certiorari, to the Court of Appeals (docketed
therein as CA-G.R. No. 33833). On May 31, 1994, the Petitioner's contentions must necessarily fail. The
Court of Appeals, Seventeenth Division, promulgated a NHA's authority to order the relocation of petitioner
Decision denying the Petition. Plaintiff's (petitioner and the demolition of her property is mandated by
herein) motion for reconsideration having been denied Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1315.5 Under this Decree,
in a Resolution dated July 29, 1994, she appealed to the the entire Bagong Barrio in Caloocan City was identified
Supreme Court by way of Petition for Review on as a blighted area and was thereby declared
Certiorari. The Supreme Court, through the First expropriated. The properties covered under P.D. No.
Division, issued a Resolution dated October 5, 1994, 1315 included petitioner's property. The NHA, as the
denying the Petition. An Entry of Judgment on the decree's designated administrator for the national
aforesaid Resolution was made on December 22, 1994. government, was empowered to take possession,
control and disposition of the expropriated properties
Thereafter, pre-trial conference was scheduled on with the power of demolition of their
January 9, January 23, February 16, March 22 and improvements.6 Section 2 of P.D. No. 1315 further
finally on April 25, all in 1996 (an Order dated May 16, states:
1996 was issued declaring the pre-trial terminated). Section 2. The comprehensive development plan shall
During the pre-trial, counsel for plaintiff proposed that consider the upgrading of existing dwelling units, the
the case be decided based on the memoranda to be relocation of qualified squatter families to a
submitted by the parties, to which counsel for resettlement area nearby; and the re-blocking, re-
defendants agreed. Hence, a Motion for Leave of Court arrangement and re-alignment of existing dwelling and
to allow parties to submit memoranda in lieu of trial other structures to allow for the introduction of basic
was filed by the defendants. Plaintiff filed her comment facilities and services, all in accordance with the
thereto. After submission of NHA's Reply and plaintiff's provision of national SIR [Slum Improvement
rejoinder, reiterating their respective stands, the Court Resettlement] and Metro Manila ZIP [Zonal
resolved to grant the Motion for Leave. In the same Improvement Program] Programs. The Authority [NHA]
Order, the parties were directed to submit their shall maximize the land use of the area and shall
respective memoranda within thirty (30) days from provide for a controlled, orderly and structured growth
receipt, on the sole issue of whether or not the NHA can of dwellings in an environment provided with adequate
lawfully relocate the plaintiff and demolish plaintiff's sanitary and other physical facilities. (Words in bracket
structure.3 ours)
On March 10, 1999, the trial court promulgated its Pursuant to Section 2 of P.D. No. 1315, the NHA
assailed decision dismissing petitioner's complaint. identified Area 1 where petitioner's property was
Petitioner's subsequent motion for reconsideration was located as part of the Area Center reserved for open
likewise denied by the trial court in its Order dated May space, after studies have shown that the development of
14, 1999. Hence, this petition for review of the said the area will affect only three (3) structures compared
decision and order of the RTC. to six (6) or more structures in the other areas. A stage
and recreation center was expected to be constructed at
In the instant petition for review, petitioner raises the the Area Center. As a result, petitioner was informed by
following issues: the NHA that she would be relocated to Lot 77, Block 2,
Barangay 132. However, petitioner adamantly refused
A. WHETHER OR NOT THE to vacate the property claiming she had acquired a
DEMOLITION OR RELOCATION OF vested right over the same. Her refusal to vacate and
THE PETITIONER'S STRUCTURE relocate to her assigned lot had hampered the
WILL VIOLATE THE VESTED RIGHTS development of the entire area. It should be noted that
OF THE PETITIONER OVER THE to date, only petitioner had refused to comply with the
ACQUIRED PROPERTY UNDER THE NHA directive as the other occupants in Area 1 had
SOCIAL JUSTICE CLAUSE OF THE already vacated the premises.
To stress, P.D. No. 1315 explicitly vests the NHA the
power to immediately take possession, control and
B. WHETHER OR NOT R.A. 7279 disposition of the expropriated properties with the
IMPLIEDLY REPEALED P.D. 1472 power of demolition. Clearly, the NHA, by force of law,
AND P.D. 1315.4 has the authority to order the relocation of petitioner,
and the demolition of her structure in case of her
As to the first issue, petitioner maintains that she had refusal as this is the only way through which the NHA
acquired a vested right over the property subject of this can effectively carry out the implementation of P.D. No.
case on the ground that she had been in possession of it 1315.
for forty (40) years already. Thus, to order her
relocation and the demolition of her house will infringe The NHA's authority to demolish squatters and illegal
the social justice clause guaranteed under the occupants was further reinforced by P.D. No.
Constitution. 14727 which specifically provides as follows:
SEC. 2. The National Housing Authority shall have occupancy of the said property could not be
the power to summarily eject, without the necessity characterized as fixed and absolute. As such, petitioner
of judicial order, any and all squatters' colonies on cannot claim that she was deprived of her vested right
government resettlement projects, as well as any illegal when the NHA ordered her relocation to another area.
occupants in any homelot, apartment or dwelling unit
owned or administered by it. In the exercise of such Petitioner invokes the Social Justice Clause of the
power, the National Housing Authority shall have the Constitution, asserting that a poor and unlettered urban
right and authority to request the help of the Barangay dweller like her has a right to her property and to a
Chairman and any peace officer in the locality. xxx. decent living. Thus, her relocation and the demolition of
(Emphasis ours) her house would be violative of her right embodied
Inasmuch as petitioner's property was located in the under Article XIII of the Constitution, to wit:
area identified as an open space by the NHA, her Sec. 9. The State shall, by law, and for the common good,
continued refusal to vacate has rendered illegal her undertake, in cooperation with the private sector, a
occupancy thereat. Thus, in accordance with P.D. No. continuing program of urban land reform and housing
1472, petitioner could lawfully be ejected even without which will make available at affordable cost decent
a judicial order. housing and basic services to underprivileged and
homeless citizens in urban centers and resettlement
Neither can it be successfully argued that petitioner had areas. It shall also promote adequate employment
already acquired a vested right over the subject opportunities to such citizens. In the implementation of
property when the NHA recognized her as the censused such program the State shall respect the rights of small
owner by assigning to her a tag number (TAG No. 77- property owners. (Underscoring supplied)
0063). We quote with approval the trial court's
pertinent findings on the matter: Sec. 10. Urban or rural poor dwellers shall not be
Plaintiff's structure was one of those found existing evicted nor their dwellings demolished, except in
during the census/survey of the area, and her structure accordance with law and in a just and humane manner.
was assigned TAG No. 77-0063. While it is true that (Underscoring supplied)
NHA recognizes plaintiff as the censused owner of the
structure built on the lot, the issuance of the tag number No resettlement of urban or rural dwellers shall be
is not a guarantee for lot allocation. Plaintiff had undertaken without adequate consultation with them
petitioned the NHA for the award to her of the lot she is and the communities where they are to be relocated.
occupying. However, the census, tagging, and plaintiff's Petitioner cannot find solace in the aforequoted
petition, did not vest upon her a legal title to the lot she Constitutional provisions. Social Justice, as the term
was occupying, but a mere expectancy that the lot will suggests, should be used only to correct an injustice. As
be awarded to her. The expectancy did not ripen into a the eminent Justice Jose P. Laurel observed, social
legal title when the NHA, through Ms. Ines Gonzales, justice must be founded on the recognition of the
sent a letter dated March 8, 1994 informing her that her necessity of interdependence among diverse units of a
petition for the award of the lot was denied. Moreover, society and of the protection that should be equally and
the NHA, after the conduct of studies and consultation evenly extended to all groups as a combined force in our
with residents, had designated Area 1, where the lot social and economic life, consistent with the
petitioned by plaintiff is located, as an Area Center.8 fundamental and paramount objective of the State of
A vested right is one that is absolute, complete and promoting the health, comfort, and quiet of all persons,
unconditional and no obstacle exists to its exercise. It is and of bringing about "the greatest good to the greatest
immediate and perfect in itself and not dependent upon number"10
any contingency. To be vested, a right must have
become a title -- legal or equitable -- to the present or Moreover, jurisprudence stresses the need to dispense
future enjoyment of property.9 justice with an even hand in every case:
This Court has stressed more than once that social
Contrary to petitioner's position, the issuance of a tag justice - or any justice for that matter - is for the
number in her favor did not grant her irrefutable rights deserving, whether he be a millionaire in his mansion or
to the subject property. The "tagging of structures" in a pauper in his hovel. It is true that, in case of
the Bagong Barrio area was conducted merely to reasonable doubt, we are called upon to tilt the balance
determine the qualified beneficiaries and bona in favor of the poor to whom the Constitution fittingly
fide residents within the area. It did not necessarily extends its sympathy and compassion. But never is it
signify an assurance that the tagged structure would be justified to give preference to the poor simply because
awarded to its occupant as there were locational and they are poor, or to reject the rich simply because they
physical considerations that must be taken into account, are rich, for justice must always be served for poor and
as in fact, the area where petitioner's property was rich alike, according to the mandate of the
located had been classified as Area Center (open space). law.11 (Underscoring supplied)
The assignment of a tag number was a mere expectant Hence, there is a need to weigh and balance the rights
or contingent right and could not have ripened into a and welfare of both contending parties in every case in
vested right in favor of petitioner. Her possession and accordance with the applicable law, regardless of their
situation in life. 1315 and Section 2 of P.D. No. 1472, which state as
In the instant case, the relocation of petitioner and the Sec. 1 (P.D. No. 1315) - xxx. The National Housing
demolition of her structure were in accordance with the Authority hereinafter referred to as the "Authority" is
mandate of P.D. No. 1315 which was enacted primarily designated administrator for the national government
to address the housing problems of the country and to and is authorized to immediately take possession,
adopt an effective strategy for dealing with slums, control and disposition of the expropriated properties
squatter areas and other blighted communities in urban with the power of demolition of their improvements.
areas. Significantly, the "whereas clause" of P.D. No. xxx.
1315 states:
WHEREAS, the Constitution of the Philippines mandates Sec. 2 (P.D. No. 1472) - The National Housing Authority
that the "State shall establish, maintain and ensure shall have the power to summarily eject, without the
adequate social services in the field of housing, to necessity of judicial order, any and all squatters'
guarantee the enjoyment of the people of a decent colonies on government resettlement projects, as well
standard of living" and directs that "The State shall as any illegal occupants in any homelot, apartment or
promote social justice to ensure the dignity, welfare and dwelling unit owned or administered by it. xxx.
security of all the people" xxx. From a careful reading of the foregoing provisions, we
For sure, the NHA's order of relocating petitioner to her hold that R.A. No. 7279 does not necessarily repeal P.D.
assigned lot and demolishing her property on account No. 1315 and P.D. No. 1472 as it does not contain any
of her refusal to vacate was consistent with the law's provision which categorically and expressly repeals the
fundamental objective of promoting social justice in the provisions of P.D. No. 1315 and P.D. No. 1472. Neither
manner the will inure to the common good. The could there be an implied repeal. It is a well-settled rule
petitioner cannot disregard the lawful action of the NHA of statutory construction that repeals by implication are
which was merely implementing P.D. No. 1315. It is also not favored. The rationale behind the rule is explained
worth noting that petitioner's continued refusal to leave as follows:
the subject property has hindered the development of Repeal of laws should be made clear and expressed.
the entire area. Indeed, petitioner cannot invoke the Repeals by implication are not favored as laws are
social justice clause at the expense of the common presumed to be passed with deliberation and full
welfare. knowledge of all laws existing on the subject. Such
repeals are not favored for a law cannot be deemed
Anent the second issue, petitioner avers that P.D. No. repealed unless it is clearly manifest that the legislature
1315 and P.D. No. 1472 were impliedly repealed by R.A. so intended it. The failure to add a specific repealing
No. 7279, otherwise known as the Urban Development clause indicates that the intent was not to repeal any
and Housing Act of 1992.12 She contends that while P.D. existing law, unless an irreconcilable inconsistency and
No. 1315 and P.D. No. 1472 authorized the NHA to eject repugnancy exist in the terms of the new and old laws.13
without the necessity of a judicial order all squatter Likewise, in another case, it was held:
colonies in government resettlement projects, R.A. No. Well-settled is the rule that repeals of laws by
7279 discouraged such eviction and demolition without implication are not favored, and that courts must
a court order. According to petitioner, R.A. No. 7279, generally assume their congruent application. The two
being the later law, impliedly repealed the former laws must be absolutely incompatible, and a clear
laws, i.e. P.D. No. 1315 and P.D. No. 1472, following the finding thereof must surface, before the inference of
legal axiom that when a later law is passed with implied repeal may be drawn. The rule is expressed in
provisions contrary to the former law, an implied repeal the maxim, interpretare et concordare leqibus est
of the former law takes effect. In particular, petitioner optimus interpretendi, i.e., every statute must be so
cites Section 28 of R.A. No. 7279 which provides: interpreted and brought into accord with other laws as
Sec. 28. Eviction and Demolition - Eviction or to form a uniform system of jurisprudence. The
demolition as a practice shall be discouraged. Eviction fundament is that the legislature should be presumed to
or demolition, however, may be allowed under the have known the existing laws on the subject and not
following situations: have enacted conflicting statutes. Hence, all doubts
must be resolved against any implied repeal, and all
(a)When persons or entities occupy danger areas such efforts should be exerted in order to harmonize and
as esteros, railroad tracks, garbage dumps, give effect to all laws on the subject.14
riverbanks, shorelines, waterways and other public We find, as the trial court has found, no irreconcilable
places such as sidewalks, roads, parks and conflict or repugnancy between Section 28 of R.A. No.
playgrounds; 7279 and P.D. No. 1315 and No. 1472, rather, they can
(b When government infrastructure projects with be read together and harmonized to give effect to their
) available funding are about to be implemented; or provisions. It should be stressed that Section 28 of R.A.
(c) When there is a court order for eviction and No. 7279 does not totally and absolutely prohibit
demolition. eviction and demolition without a judicial order as in
Petitioner asserts that the afore-quoted provision of fact it provides for exceptions. Pursuant to established
R.A. No. 7279 is inconsistent with Section 1 of P.D. No. doctrine, the three (3) statutes should be construed in
light of the objective to be achieved and the evil or
mischief to be suppressed by the said laws, and they
should be given such construction as will advance the
object, suppress the mischief, and secure the benefits
intended.15 It is worthy to note that the three laws (P.D.
No. 1315, P.D. No. 1472 and R.A. No. 7279) have a
common objective â ”€ to address the housing problems
of the country by establishing a comprehensive urban
development and housing program for the homeless.
For this reason, the need to harmonize these laws all the
more becomes imperative. Hence, in construing the
three laws together, we arrive at a conclusion that
demolition and eviction may be validly carried out even
without a judicial order in certain instances, to wit:

(1)when the property involved is an expropriated

property in Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City pursuant to
Section 1 of P.D. No. 1315,
(2)when there are squatters on government
resettlement projects and illegal occupants in any
homelot, apartment or dwelling unit owned or
administered by the NHA pursuant to Section 2 of
P.D. No. 1472,
(3)when persons or entities occupy danger areas such
as esteros, railroad tracks, garbage dumps,
riverbanks, shorelines, waterways and other public
places such as sidewalks, roads, parks and
playgrounds, pursuant to Section 28(a) of R.A. No.
(4)when government infrastructure projects with
available funding are about to be implemented
pursuant to Section 28(b) of R.A. No. 7279.

It readily appears that R.A. No. 7279 does not foreclose

the NHA's authority to dismantle the house of
petitioner. Besides, under Section 28(b) of R.A. No.
7279, demolition may be carried out when government
infrastructure projects with available funding are about
to be implemented. Under P.D. No. 1315, the
government has set aside the amount of P40 million for
the establishment and upgrading of housing facilities
and services in Bagong Barrio.16 Thus, on the ground of
a much-delayed government infrastructure project
about to be implemented, the NHA has the authority to
carry out the summary eviction and demolition of
petitioner's structure on the subject lot.

WHEREFORE, the petition for review is

hereby DENIED. The assailed decision of the Regional
Trial Court in Civil Case No. C-16464 is
hereby AFFIRMED.

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