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Mwakican/Mjet Joint Evaluation Test Form 4 Pp2 Term One 2019

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1. The incident ray the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incidence lay on same plane.
2. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection

3. Since attraction can occur between a pole and a magnetic material, While repulsion between two like poles
4. -forms upright image
-wide field of view
5. Alkaline produces higher current
Lasts longer
It is portable
Less maintenance and care
6. A- South
B- North
7. –iron metals
- Keepers get magnetised by induction acquiring opposite poles that make them get attracted to the magnet
forming a closed loop in dipoles.
8. State the two conditions necessary for total internal reflection to occur. (2marks)
- Light should travel from optically denser to less dense medium
- Incidence angle greater than critical angle
9. High melting point
10. a) A- Micro wave
b) Photographic film, photocell, fluorescent materials
11. The magnet induces magnetism into the razor√1mark which in turn
Induces the iron block√1mark hence the razor remains attracted to the iron block.
12. The following shows a displacement time graph of a wave. The velocity of the wave is 40cm/s
Determine the:
i. T = 0.12 seconds

ii. f= 1/T=1/0.12=8.333hz
iii. wavelength= v/f= 0.4/8.333 = 0.048m
Section B (55mks)
13. (a) Sharp points readly attract charges from the cloud and can easily conduct them to the ground through the
body, this leads to electrocution.
(b) –area of overlap
- Distance of separation.
- Nature of dielectric material
(c) –detecting prescence of charge
- detecting the type of a charge
-Detecting quantity of charge
-insulation property
d)i. charged
By connecting B to A, current flow which in turn charges the capacitor
ii. Discharged
by connecting B to D and the capacitor acts as the source of energy
(e) (i)

11 x 4
= 2.933 ȗF
11+ 4
(ii) Q = CV= 2.933ù x 12 = 3.5196 x 10 -5coulombs
3.5196 x 10−5
(iii) p.d = 12- ( ) = 3.201 v
4 x 10−6
14. a) Snell’s law
the ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the angle of refraction is constant for a pair of medium
b)A ray of light travels from air into medium 1 and 2 as shownCalculate
sin sin 40
i. = 1.58
sin 24
ii. n1sinØ1 = n2sinØ2
1.58sin 24 = 1.33sin Ø2
sin Ø2= 0.4832
Ø2= 28.890

15. a) (i) Ohm’s law

The current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across it provided temp
and other physical conditions are kept constant.
(b) Two resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series to a 10V battery. The current flowing then is 0.5 A when R 1
only is connected to the battery the current flowing is 0.8A. Calculate the
(i) Value of R2

10 = 0.5(R1+ R2)
10 = 0.8R1
R1 = 12.5
10 = 0.5(12.5+ R2)
R2= 20- 12.5= 7.5
12.5 X 7.5
(ii) = 4.688

I= = 2.133 A

(iii) Measuring the level of liquid

Measuring the density of the liquid
(any one correct)
(i) A &G are brightest since they don’t share current
C & D are dimmest since the current is split.
Bulbs A, E and G will light with the same brightness. C & d will also be off.
16. a) Converging lens√, this is because the image formed is real√
b) m=v/u√
1 1 1
= +
f u v
1 1
= +
20 80
(a) (i) Cause – Eye lens having a short focal length. Or - Eyeball being too long.
Any one (1mk)

Correct rays ✓¹
d) i) The have a large field of view. √
Eye Camera
Eye has a crystalline convex lens Camera has a convex lens
Eye has retina where images are formed Camera has a light sensitive film where images
are formed
Iris controls the amount of light entering the The diaphragm controls the amount of light
eye entering the camera.
Choroid layer of the eye is black Camera box is painted black inside.

17. (a).
(ii) P is South Pole. √1mark
(iii) Dipoles in the domain are aligned in the process of magnetisation. √1mark
(iv) Steel retains magnetism than soft bar
Steel will also take longer to be magnetized. √1mark

(b) √1mark
(ii) Increase the power of the electric motor. √1mark
(c) (i)


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