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A. Marjorie Gordon'S 11 Functional Health Pattern

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I. Health Perception/ Health Management

The client sees health as an important aspect in her life. Whenever she feels sick or she

experiences a slight cold, she does not seek for help from any professional health care provider

or quack doctors unless her interventions does not show any good effect or the symptoms will

not subside. During her first trimester of pregnancy, she knows that she should consult any

health personnel from he barangay health center. She has never been confined in a hospital. She

has also completed her prenatal check-ups during pregnancy and she takes vitamin supplements

that contain necessary vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, calcium and iron as

recommended by her barangay health center.

II. Nutritional/Metabolic Pattern

The client eats more than three times a day: meals and snacks included and she usually eats fruits

and vegetables. She drinks water a lot, 5-8 glasses of water daily. During her delivery date, July

25 2019, there was a remarkable change in the client's diet. She was not allowed to drink any

type of fluid and eat while in labor and delivery due to concerns of aspiration of stomach

contents into the lungs of the women and also to avoid her bladder becoming full.

III. Elimination Pattern

According to the laboratory exam, result reveals that there were no problems in the contents of

her urine and its levels were all normal. There are no indications of abnormalities with her

urination and defecation. During her pregnancy, she defecates at least once a day and urinates 4-

5 times. While in labor, she was advised to urinate and defecate when she felt the need to do so

to prevent slowing down the baby's descent and hinder the contraction of the uterus.

IV. Activity/ Exercise Pattern

Before pregnancy and during her spare time, she would often help her aunt in the ‘sari-sari store’

that her aunt owns. She also likes to stitch and keep their house clean. When she was pregnant,

she would often take morning and afternoon walks as part of her regular exercises and she

regularly does the household chores such as doing the laundry, washing the plates and cooking

which indicates that she is an active person. During confinement, the patient was able to transfer

herself from the stretcher to the delivery table requiring no help or assistance from the staff and

student nurses.

V. Sleep-Rest Pattern

Prior to pregnancy, there was complaint of inability to sleep and she sleeps around 7-9 hours

daily; she usually sleeps from 8 or 9 PM and wakes up at 5 AM. As soon as she wakes up, she

gets ready and perform her daily routine. She has verbalized that she often sleeps from 7-9 hours

because to get through the day, she needs lots of energy,

VI. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern

The patient felt contractions at 5 AM in the morning at her household located in Buenavista, but

the intensity of the pain she was feeling was durable. She decided to sleep and she woke up at 8

AM upon feeling strong painful contractions. Whenever the patient felt episodes of painful

contractions, she would stand up and ambulate. Upon admission, she already reached 9 cm of

dilatation, however, the pain she felt was tolerable because she was able to talk calmly and

observe the movements and scenarios surround her. She uses different pain management

techniques during labor and delivery taught to her by the personnel such as breathing exercises to

lessen the pain of the contractions. She was able to verbalize whether she felt uncomfortable and

how she would like to comfortably position herself.

VII. Self Perception/ Self-Concept Pattern

The client knows that she will become a good mother to her baby. She used to tell herself that

she would not be a great one because she had never had a real mother. However, she knew what

she wanted as a child from a mother and she promised herself to lover her baby unconditionally.

She was cooperative and optimistic throughout her whole delivery. When she was told to do

something, she would immediately follow listen attentively to the personnel. She had also

verbalized how she was excited to bring her first baby home afterwards because she knew that

the baby will bring a positive impact in her life.

VIII. Role/Relationship Pattern

The client is unemployed. She lives with her grandmother and partner. She maintains a good

relationship with her current family despite her not being able to meet her biological parents. Her

grandmother and auntie took her in for numerous years and she now considers them as her

family. When naming the baby, there was a slight difficulty as to what the baby's surname should

be. The patient and her partner are not married and are just living together in a single household.

She is in a tight relationship with her aunts wherein she often tells them her problems and she

runs to them when she needs advices. In fact, they brought her to the closest health center upon

seeking for medical assistance before taking her to a tertiary hospital in Sta. Catalina for labor

and delivery.

IX. Sexuality/ Reproductive Pattern

The patient’s normal menstrual period lasts for four to five days and she has a regular menstrual

pattern. The patient had no previous pregnancy and she is a primigravida. The patient intends to

have more children in the future. When asked by the med-student if she wants her to be oriented

on family planning, she verbalized thet she intends not to use contraceptives and if she would, it

would be natural contraceptions like abstinence because the use of man-made contraceptives was

strictly forbidden in her religion.

X. Coping/ Stress Tolerance Pattern

The patient is optimistic and believes that she can easily deliver her baby. When she is stressed,

she turns to her partner and her grandmother to seek for help and emotional support. She can

easily manage stressful situations due to her patience and quiet personality

XI. Value/Belief Pattern

The patient's religion is Islam. Her whole family is religious. Accordingly, God is the center of

their lives and whenever they encounter difficulties, they ask for God's guidance. On their way to

the tertiary hospital and during delivery, she had been praying to God for a safe and successful

delivery with a healthy newborn baby.


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