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DNIC in The Senses

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Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC)

Article · January 2010

DOI: 10.1016/B978-012370880-9.00193-6


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2 authors:

Daniel Le Bars Jean-Claude Willer

Sorbonne Université Sorbonne Université


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In « The senses: a comprehensive reference » vol 5: Pain,
Bushnell C, Basbaum AI (eds),
Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp 763-773.

5.50 Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC)

D Le Bars, INSERM U-713, Paris, France
J C Willer, INSERM U-731, Paris, France
ª 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

5.50.1 Introduction 764

5.50.2 A Spinally Mediated Process 764
5.50.3 A Spinally Mediated Process Involving Supraspinal Structures 768
5.50.4 A Model in the Rat 769
5.50.5 The Role of Wide-Dynamic-Range Neurons 769
5.50.6 Summary and Conclusions 772
References 772

allodynia Pain caused by stimuli that would not Hoffmann reflex (H reflex) Monosynaptic reflex
normally cause pain (i.e., non-noxious stimuli). from the calf muscles elicited by electrical stimula-
basic somesthetic activity Description of the tion of the sciatic nerve.
ongoing activity in somatosensory pathways in the inhibitory receptive field Area of the body (sur-
absence of any deliberate stimuli but including sti- face or interior) which when stimulated will produce
muli provided by the environment. inhibitory effects on the activity of a given neuron.
blink reflex Exteroceptive reflex of the orbicularis jaw-opening reflex Exteroceptive reflex pro-
oculi muscles usually evoked by stimuli such as a duced by stimulation of facial or intraoral afferents
mechanical tap on the glabella or by electrical cur- and involving activation of jaw opening muscles
rents delivered to the skin in the periorbital region. (e.g., the digastric) and/or inhibition of activity in jaw
Brown-Séquard syndrome Patient with a hemi- closing muscles (e.g., the masseter).
section of the spinal cord of traumatic origin. jerk reflex Myotatic monosynaptic reflex usually
bulbospinal control A neural control mechanism elicited by a percussion of a muscle’s tendon using
originating in the brainstem and projecting to the a reflex testing hammer.
spinal cord. Lasègue’s maneuver Elevation of a lower limb in
dermatome Area of skin innervated by nerves an extended position on a patient lying on a bed.
from a given segment of the spinal cord. This technique explores the Lasègue’s sign which
descending inhibition Inhibition of spinal cord is the painful limitation of the angle of elevation in
function produced by pathways originating in the brain. cases of radicular compression of the sciatic
diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNICs) Neural nerve.
controls triggered by noxious stimulation of microelectrophoretic application Application of
widespread areas of the body which exert an inhibi- a substance in its ionic form from a microelectrode
tory influence on wide-dynamic-range (WDR) by the application of electrical current.
neurons. monoarthritis Inflammation of a single joint.
electromyography (EMG) All electrophysiological mononeuropathy A disturbance of function or
methods for exploring the physiology and patho- pathological changes in a single nerve.
physiology of peripheral nerves and muscles. nociceptive stimulus Stimulus that activates
excitatory receptive field Area of the body (sur- nociceptive afferents (which could be a noxious
face or interior) which when stimulated will produce stimulus or an electrical stimulus).
excitation of a given neuron. noxious stimulus Stimulus that causes or threa-
hemianalgesia Loss of pain sensation from one tens to cause tissue damage.
half of the body. polyarthritis Inflammation of several joints.
heterotopic Part of the body remote from the area of propriospinal mechanism Neural mechanism
interest (e.g., the excitatory receptive field of a neuron). mediated entirely within the spinal cord.

764 Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC)

RIII reflex Electromyographic response elicited by hypoalgesia by electrically stimulating peripheral

electrical painful stimulation of the (purely cuta- nerves through the skin (i.e., with electrodes placed
neous) sural or ulnar nerve by recording from the on the skin).
biceps femoris (lower limb) or biceps brachialis trigeminal nucleus caudalis Most caudal part of
(upper limb), respectively. So-named because it the trigeminal sensory nuclear complex (or of the
involves activation of group III (A) afferents. trigeminal spinal nucleus); also sometimes called
subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD) Brainstem the medullary dorsal horn.
nucleus located ventral to the cuneate nucleus, ventrolateral quadrant Part of the spinal cord
between trigeminal nucleus caudalis and the where spinoreticular and spinothalamic fibers
nucleus of the solitary tract. travel.
supraspinal mechanism Neural mechanism that Wallenberg’s syndrome Patient with a unilateral
involves structures above the spinal cord. lesion of the retro-olivary part of the brainstem
tetraplegic Patient with a complete transection of resulting from the ischemia of a posterior cerebellar
traumatic origin at a high level of the spinal cord artery.
thus affecting all four limbs. wide-dynamic-range (WDR) neurons Neurons of
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation the dorsal horn activated by both noxious and non-
(TENS) Technique for inducing analgesia/ noxious stimuli.

5.50.1 Introduction are involved in mediating both pain and nociceptive

reflexes, DNIC can be studied at three related end-
Painful stimuli can diminish or even mask pain eli- points: spinal neuronal activities, reflexes, and
cited by stimulation of a remote (extrasegmental) sensations. The first two are accessible in animals
part of the body (see references in Melzack, R., while the last two can be studied in human beings
1989; Le Bars, D. and Willer, J. C., 2002). This phe- (Figure 1).
nomenon has been known since ancient times as
illustrated by the Hippocrates’ aphorism: ‘‘If a patient
be subject to two pains arising in different parts of the
5.50.2 A Spinally Mediated Process
body simultaneously, the stronger blunts the other.’’
Numerous popular therapeutic methods for the alle-
Combined psychophysical measurements and
viation of pain – some used spontaneously by
recordings of nociceptive reflexes in man have
patients – take advantage of this common clinical shown that the spinal cord is involved in the phe-
observation. It is often referred to as counter-irrita- nomenon of pain inhibiting pain (Willer, J. C. et al.,
tion or counter-stimulation. In Kabylia, for example, 1984). Electrical stimulation of the sural nerve at the
healers treat rheumatic pain by placing a red-hot ankle simultaneously induces a nociceptive reflex in
scythe close to the abdomen of the patient and then a knee flexor muscle (the RIII reflex) and a pinprick
vibrating it at a frequency of about 3 Hz, in order to type of painful sensation in the territory of the nerve
create a series of acute burning-type painful (Willer, J. C., 1977). Both the reflex and the sensation
sensations. have strong relationships with the stimulus intensi-
A working hypothesis was developed that some of ties – with the thresholds for both parameters being
the neurons involved in the transmission of nocicep- practically identical.
tive signals might be inhibited by nociceptive One line of study involved recording these para-
stimulation of peripheral territories outside their meters (i.e., the reflex and pain) before, during, and
own excitatory receptive fields. Such a hypothesis after the application of heterotopic conditioning sti-
was found to be correct at as early a stage in the muli such as the immersion of a hand in a
processing of nociceptive signals as the spinal cord. thermoregulated water bath at various temperatures
This phenomenon was termed diffuse noxious inhi- (Figure 2, upper panels). When the temperature of
bitory control (DNIC). Since these spinal neurons the bath was lower than 45  C, the immersion of the
Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC) 765



reticular Nociceptive
formation conditioning



Aδ and C
Neuronal activity

Dorsal root

Electromyographic quadrant
reflex activity

Figure 1 Nociceptive signals activate dorsal horn neurons, which in turn transfer the information to the brain to elicit pain
and to spinal interneurons (broken blue line) to elicit somatic and vegetative reflexes. The effects on motoneurons through
polysynaptic pathways trigger a movement that moves the stimulated area away from the stimulus. This movement results
from both excitatory (e.g., contraction of flexor muscles) and inhibitory mechanisms – the latter affecting antagonist muscles.
In animals, one can record from neurons (a) and from muscles (b) but the sensation (c) cannot be assessed. In man, on the
other hand, one cannot record from neurons but it is possible to monitor both the sensation and the reflex activities. In an
experimental paradigm designed for the study of pain inhibiting pain phenomena, one requires a conditioned stimulus (here in
blue) with the corresponding endpoints (a, b, or c) and a conditioning stimulus (here in red). A painful focus activates dorsal
horn neurons that send an excitatory signal through the ventrolateral quadrant toward higher centers, including the lower
brainstem. This signal activates DNICs, which will inhibit WDR neurons through the dorsolateral funiculi (DLF). With two
painful foci, the resulting sensation will depend on the balance of the nociceptive information elicited from the two sources.
The power of such nociceptive information depends on the three dimensions of any nociceptive stimulus, namely strength,
duration, and area. In an experimental situation designed to observe inhibitions of the response to the conditioned stimulus,
the beam of the balance should tilt in favor of the conditioning stimulus. This is illustrated in Figure 2 where the response to a
20 ms duration series of electrical pulses is inhibited by the stimulation of the hand for 2 min.
766 Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC)

10 mA Rlll reflex Pain sensation

15 mA 0.2 mV % T mr a.u. T up
20 mA 50 ms 100 10 10

25 mA 8
50 5 5
Stimulation Recording
Biceps 1 Tp
0 0
0 20 40 mA 0 20 40 mA
Sural nerve

150 150 150 150

(a) T r increase (b) T mr increase (c) T p increase (d) T up increase
% % % %

100 100 100 100

50 50 50 50

0 0 0 0
40 42 44 46 48 °C 40 42 44 46 48 °C 40 42 44 46 48 °C 40 42 44 46 48 °C

(A) 42 °C 44 °C 45 °C 46 °C 47 °C



(B) 200 ml 400 ml 600 ml 800 ml 1000 ml



(C) (a) Healthy (b) Tetraplegic (c) Wallenberg (d) Thalamic lesion




Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC) 767

hand did not elicit any change in the stimulus– (Figure 2(A)). Very similar effects were produced
response relationships. By contrast, temperatures by visceral stimulation (gastric or rectal distension)
between 45 and 47.5  C caused the stimulus– in healthy volunteers (Bouhassira, D. et al., 1994;
response curves to shift to the right as a direct func- 1998). During gastric distension for example
tion of the temperature. Similar effects were observed (Figure 2(B)), the inhibitory effects increased with
when other painful procedures were applied as con- the volume of distension and the resultant sensation.
ditioning stimuli (e.g., cold, pressure, exercise under As with the inhibitions elicited by stimulation of
ischemia, high-intensity transcutaneous electrical somatic structures, these visceral-evoked inhibitions
nerve stimulation) (Willer, J. C. et al., 1984; 1989; were correlated to the intensity of the conditioning
Danziger, N. et al., 1998; France, C. R. and stimuli. However, they could be triggered by stimuli
Suchowiecki, S., 1999; Sandrini, G. et al., 2000). which were unpleasant but not quite painful
The temporal evolution of these phenomena can (Figure 2(C)). When they become clearly painful,
be studied by applying a heterotopic conditioning the duration of the inhibitory effects outlasted the
stimulus while the sural nerve is stimulated at a duration of the distension by several minutes.
constant intensity (Figure 2, lower panels). This pro- Clinical pains can also activate this type of inhibi-
cedure revealed aftereffects of long duration. For tion. Thus, in patients suffering from sciatic pain due
example, a 2 min immersion of the hand in a 47  C to a herniated disk, a Lasègue’s maneuver of the
water bath completely abolished the RIII reflex and it affected leg, which elicits a typical radicular pain,
took more than 9 min to achieve a full recovery also blocks the RIII reflex, both in the affected and

Figure 2 (Upper panels) Experimental setup for recording the nociceptive RIII flexion reflex from the biceps femoris muscle
in the lower limb using surface electrodes. The reflex is evoked by electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral sural nerve. The insert
shows typical examples of electromyographic (EMG) responses elicited by increasing stimulus intensities (from top to
bottom). The subjective sensation was estimated by the subject on a 10-level scale (box with switches shown in insert), with
the pain threshold being defined as level 3. Examples of stimulus–response curves for the nociceptive reflex and subjective
reports of sensations produced by a wide range of stimulation intensities applied randomly are shown on the left and right
graphs, respectively. Note the close correlations between (1) the reflex threshold (Tr) and the pain threshold (Tp) around
10 mA; and (2) the stimulus intensities producing maximal responses, that is, the threshold of the maximal reflex recruitment
(Tmr) versus the threshold of unbearable pain (Tup). Such recruitment curves were built before and during a 2 min period of
immersion of the right hand in a thermoregulated water bath. No effects were seen at lower temperatures but a shift of the
curves to the right was elicited when the temperature reached painful levels (45  C and above). The shift applied to the reflex
(a, b) and sensation (c, d) thresholds. (Lower panels) The temporal evolution of the reflex can be monitored by employing
repeated, constant, stimulation of the sural nerve (1.2 times threshold every 6 s). The individual RIII reflex is expressed in terms
of the percentages of the mean value recorded during a control period. Each vertical bar represents the mean of ten
responses recorded during 1 min. Graphs show pooled data from several subjects. (A) Effects of immersion of the hand. The
nonpainful temperature (42 and 44  C, left) did not modify the reflex. By contrast, the painful temperatures (45, 46, and 47  C)
depressed the reflex during and after the period of conditioning. The extent of these depressions was temperature
dependent. Note the long duration (around 10 min) of the inhibitory posteffects following the application of the highest
temperature (47  C, right). (B) Effects of visceral stimulation. Gastric distension by means of a balloon introduced into the
proximal part of the stomach was applied for a 3 min period. The inflation of the balloon in volumes of 200 or 400 ml did not
modify the RIII reflex, whereas volumes of 600, 800, and 1000 ml produced inhibitions correlated to the volume of distension.
The 600 and 800 ml distensions were unpleasant while the 1000 ml volume was clearly painful. (C) Effects of nociceptive
electrical stimuli (20–25 mA) applied to the upper limb of healthy volunteers or patients with lesions of the spinal cord or the
brain. (a) In healthy volunteers; (b) in tetraplegic patients, the conditioning stimulus did not inhibit the RIII reflex; (c) in patients
with a Wallenberg syndrome (unilateral lesion of the retro-olivary part of the brainstem) the conditioning stimuli did or did not
inhibit the RIII reflex depending on whether it was applied to the normal hand (ipsilateral to the brain lesion) or the analgesic
hand (contralateral to the brain lesion); and (d) in patients with thalamic lesions, the conditioning stimulation applied to the
analgesic hand (contralateral to the brain lesion) did produce inhibition of the RIII reflex. (Upper panels) Adapted from Willer, J.
C., Roby, A., and Le Bars, D. 1984. Psychophysical and electrophysiological approaches to the pain relieving effect of
heterotopic nociceptive stimuli. Brain 107, 1095–1112. (A) Adapted from Willer, J. C., De Broucker, T., and Le Bars, D. 1989.
Encoding of nociceptive thermal stimuli by diffuse noxious inhibitory controls in humans. J. Neurophysiol. 62, 1028–1038.
(B) Adapted from Bouhassira, D., Chollet, R., Coffin, B., et al. 1994. Inhibition of a somatic nociceptive reflex by gastric
distention in humans. Gastroenterology 107, 985–992. (C) Adapted from Roby-Brami, A., Bussel, B., Willer, J. C., and Le Bars,
D. 1987. An electrophysiological investigation into the pain-relieving effects of heterotopic nociceptive stimuli: probable
involvement of a supraspinal loop. Brain 110, 1497–1508; and De Broucker, T., Cesaro, P., Willer, J. C., Le Bars, D. 1990.
Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC) in man: involvement of the spino-reticular tract. Brain 113, 1223–1234.
768 Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC)

in the nonaffected leg (Willer, J. C. et al., 1987). When nociceptive conditioning stimuli applied to the
the Lasègue’s maneuver is performed on the healthy fourth and fifth fingers of the left hand were com-
limb, it is painless and has no effect on the reflex. In pared in normal subjects and tetraplegic patients with
patients suffering from neuropathic pain, the RIII lesions of traumatic origin at the cervical-5–7 level
reflex is inhibited when pain is triggered by pressure (Roby-Brami, A. et al., 1987). In the normal subjects
(‘static allodynia’), but not when it is triggered by (Figure 2(Ca)), the painful conditioning stimuli
light brushing (‘dynamic allodynia’) (Bouhassira, D. strongly depressed both the RIII reflex and the asso-
et al., 2003). Interestingly, it is generally agreed that ciated pain. By contrast, in the tetraplegic patients,
the former is due to the activation of nociceptive nociceptive stimulation of the same territories,
processes via A- and C-fibers, while the latter is which, being in the cervical-8 and thoracic-1 derma-
due to the activation of A -fibers. tomes, were clinically unaffected by the spinal lesion,
In summary, a painful conditioning stimulus can and did not produce any depression of the RIII reflex
depress both a preexisting pain and its associated (Figure 2(Cb)). One can therefore conclude that the
nociceptive reflex at the first spinal relays for inhibitory effects triggered by heterotopic nocicep-
the transmission of nociceptive information. tive stimuli are sustained by a loop that includes
Interestingly, nociceptive brainstem reflexes such as supraspinal structures.
the blink or jaw-opening reflexes are also inhibited In order to identify, or at least localize, these
by remote painful stimulation (Pantaleo, T. et al., supraspinal structures, observations were made on
1988; Maillou, P. and Cadden, S. W., 1997; Ellrich, patients with cerebral lesions causing contralateral
J. and Treede, R. D., 1998). By contrast, nonnocicep- hemianalgesia (De Broucker, T. et al., 1990). These
tive reflexes such as jerk or Hoffmann reflexes were patients with either a lesion of the retro-olivary
remain unaffected during such procedures. One part of the medulla (Wallenberg’s syndrome,
must stress here that there has to be an obvious Figure 2(Cc)) or a unilateral thalamic lesion
imbalance between the conditioned and the condi- (Figure 2(Cd)). In the former group, no inhibitions
tioning stimuli for a clear depressive effect to be seen. were observed when the (not felt) nociceptive con-
For instance, in the examples shown in Figure 2, the ditioning stimulus was applied to the affected side of
conditioned stimuli were short (20 ms) trains of elec- the body, contralateral to the brain lesion. If this
trical shocks, whereas the conditioning stimuli were stimulus was applied to the normal side, ipsilateral
applied over time periods of several seconds to large to the brain lesion, it was felt as painful and triggered
areas of the body. Clearly, spatiotemporal summation inhibitory effects very similar to those seen in normal
is required to elicit visible inhibitory effects because subjects. By contrast, in the patients with a thalamic
of the reciprocal nature of the phenomenon triggered lesion, the RIII reflex was strongly depressed, as in
by two remote painful foci. A balance, the beam of normal subjects, by the nociceptive conditioning sti-
which tips (or does not tip) in favor of one or other mulus applied to the affected side (which was not
pain, could symbolize the net result of such a reci- felt as painful). Thalamic structures and conse-
procal process (Figure 1, upper left). Of course, quently spinothalamic pathways, are therefore not
clinical situations are always much more complicated involved in DNIC, whereas brainstem – probably
than these experimental situations which are delib- reticular – structures seem to play a key role in
erately designed to simplify the problem under these phenomena. These observations also demon-
analysis. More particularly, it seems likely that the strate unambiguously that such phenomena can be
existence of multiple painful foci would produce elicited in the absence of a painful sensation, pro-
very complicated interactions between excitatory vided the nociceptive nature of the information
and inhibitory processes. reaches some brain structures. This suggests that
the observed phenomenon does not result from a
competition between the two attentional foci that
5.50.3 A Spinally Mediated Process the conditioned and the conditioning pain represent
Involving Supraspinal Structures in the healthy volunteers. This is an important obser-
vation as it is known that the perception of pain is
Are the inhibitory mechanisms described above due sensitive to attentional processes (Bushnell, M. C.
to propriospinal mechanisms or do they involve et al., 1985; Willer, J. C. et al., 1979).
supraspinal structures? To answer this question, the An exceptional case was also reported in a patient
effects on the RIII reflex in the right leg, of with a Brown-Séquard syndrome due to a hemisection
Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC) 769

of the spinal cord (left side, T6 level) produced by a injections of an irritant agent or noxious heat all
knife-stab in the back (Bouhassira, D. et al., 1993). produce an increase in nociceptive thresholds in dis-
The RIII reflexes elicited by stimulation of cutaneous tant somatic structures, notably the tail (e.g., tail flick
afferents in the ulnar and sural nerves were studied in test) and paws (e.g., paw withdrawal test). (See refer-
the upper and lower limbs by recording from the ences in Le Bars, D. et al., 2001.)
biceps brachialis and biceps femoris muscles, respec-
tively. For each limb, the RIII reflex was elicited
regularly before, during, and after periods of nocicep- 5.50.5 The Role of Wide-Dynamic-
tive electrical conditioning stimulation applied Range Neurons
successively to the other three limbs. Inhibitions of
around 90% followed by strong poststimulus effects In several species (rat, mouse, cat, and probably
were observed in all situations except that (1) monkey), most WDR and some nociceptive-specific
no inhibition could be obtained when the conditioning neurons are strongly inhibited by a noxious stimulus
stimuli were applied to the lower right limb applied outside their excitatory receptive fields. Such
(contralateral to the spinal lesion), and (2) the RIII effects do not appear to be somatotopically organized
reflex in the lower left limb was completely insensitive but apply to the whole body. Figure 3 shows exam-
to any of the conditioning stimuli. These results ples of recordings from lumbar WDR neurons in the
strongly suggest that in human beings (1) the ascending rat. The activities of these neurons – whether elicited
part of the loop subserving DNIC is completely by pinching their receptive field or by applying an
crossed at the spinal level, and (2) the descending excitatory amino acid to their membranes – were
part is confined to the white matter ipsilateral to the strongly inhibited by noxious mechanical (pinch of
limb being tested. the muzzle, the contralateral hindpaw or the tail) or
thermal stimuli (immersion of the tail in a 52  C
water bath) (Figure 3(A)). These examples illustrate
5.50.4 A Model in the Rat the whole body inhibitory receptive fields of WDR
neurons as recorded in intact rats. Interestingly, such
Another nociceptive reflex – this time recorded in inhibitory controls are exacerbated during clinical
the anaesthetized rat – is the C-fiber reflex which can pains, for example, when an animal suffers from
be elicited by electrical stimulation of the sural nerve monoarthritis, polyarthritis or a peripheral mono-
and recorded from the biceps femoris muscle. This neuropathy (Danziger, N. et al., 2000; 2001).
reflex can be strongly inhibited by both mechanical These properties of dorsal horn neurons were
and thermal noxious heterotopic stimuli applied to observed at the level of various segments of the spinal
the muzzle, a paw or the tail, and by colorectal dis- cord and in both nucleus caudalis and nucleus oralis
tension. These inhibitory effects on the C-fiber reflex of the trigeminal system – thus suggesting a general
did not occur in spinal animals, or ipsilateral to a organization. In keeping with the human studies
rostral unilateral lesion of the dorsolateral funiculus shown in Figure 2, there is a clear relationship
(DLF). Such observations are consistent with several between the intensity of the conditioning stimulus
reports showing the inhibition of reflexes or the and the strength of the resultant DNIC. With strong
increase of nociceptive thresholds elicited by hetero- stimuli, the inhibitory effects are powerful and fol-
topic noxious conditioning. For example, the reflex lowed by long-lasting poststimulus effects, which can
discharge in the common peroneal nerve following persist for several minutes. In some cases, the inhibi-
electrical stimulation of the sural nerve in the rat was tory effects can involve a complete abolition of
inhibited by pinching the muzzle or tail; the gastro- activity for a long period of time following removal
cnemius medialis reflex evoked by sural nerve of the conditioning stimuli (‘switch off’) and the
stimulation in the decerebrate rabbit was inhibited activity can be restored to preconditioning levels by
by electrical stimulation of the contralateral common further manipulations of the excitatory receptive
peroneal or of the ipsi- or contralateral median field (‘switch on’) (Cadden, S. W., 1993). (See refer-
nerves; the digastric reflex evoked by tooth pulp ences in Le Bars, D., 2002.)
stimulation in the cat was inhibited by toe pinch, With regard to the viscera, some differences should
percutaneous electrical stimulation of a limb or elec- be noted: visceral stimuli, for example, distension of
trical stimulation of the saphenous nerve. In the colon or urinary bladder, generally produce inhi-
behavioral experiments, intraperitoneal or cutaneous bitions with slower rates of onset and recovery but
770 Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC)

(A) Pinch-evoked GLU-evoked

Muzzle (pinch)

Paw (pinch)
of DLH

Tail (pinch)

Peripheral 10 Hz
excitatory 1 min

Tail (52 °C)

(B) 20

(a) 10

–200 0 200 400 600 800 ms

of DLH
Recording 10

–200 0 200 400 600 800 ms
field 7 ms 210 ms
25 ms 330 ms

100 mm N


–200 0 200 400 600 800 ms
Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC) 771

starting at intensities below a painful level 7.3 and 0.7 m s 1, which fall into the A- and C-fiber
(Cadden, S. W. and Morrison, J. F. B., 1991). It was ranges, respectively. Such biphasic inhibitions could
proposed that these differences might have reflected be elicited from any part of the body and recorded
different amounts and patterns of activity in the rele- from any WDR neurons. Figure 3(B) shows a record-
vant primary afferent fibers rather than being due to ing from a lumbar WDR neuron with an excitatory
different central neural mechanisms. Again, this is receptive field located on the extremity of the ipsi-
consistent with human studies (e.g., Figure 2(B)). lateral hind paw: two components of inhibition were
In any case, these data suggest that DNICs are induced by the activation of A and C-fibers, respec-
triggered specifically by the activation of peripheral tively, when a single 2 ms duration shock of 10 mA was
nociceptors whose signals are carried by A- and applied to the muzzle, the base or the tip of the tail.
C-fibers. In order to investigate further the types of DNICs are not observed in anesthetized or decere-
peripheral fiber involved in DNIC, use was made of brate animals in which the spinal cord has been
the facts that (1) trigeminal and spinal dorsal sectioned. It is therefore obvious that the mechanisms
horn neurons respond with relatively steady dis- underlying DNICs are not confined to the spinal cord
charges to the microelectrophoretic application of and that supraspinal structures must be involved. Such
excitatory amino acids; and (2) DNICs act by a final a system is therefore completely different from seg-
postsynaptic inhibitory mechanism involving hyper- mental inhibitory systems, which work both in intact
polarization of the neuronal membrane. It was found and in spinal animals, and can be triggered by the
that when trigeminal WDR neurons were directly activation of low-threshold afferents. DNICs are also
excited by the microelectrophoretic application of very different from the propriospinal inhibitory pro-
glutamate, the percutaneous application of single cesses that can be triggered by noxious inputs. It should
square-wave, electrical stimuli to the tail always also be noted that DNIC are blocked by increasing the
induced a biphasic depression of the resultant activ- anesthetic regimen (Jinks, S. L. et al., 2003).
ity. Both the early and late components of this The ascending and descending limbs of this loop
inhibition occurred with shorter latencies when the travel through the ventrolateral and dorsolateral
base rather than the tip of the tail was stimulated. funiculi, respectively. Since thalamic lesions do not
Such differences in latency were used to estimate the affect DNICs, it has been proposed that they result
mean conduction velocities of the peripheral fibers from a physiological activation of some of the brain-
triggering the inhibitions: the means were found to be stem structures that produce descending inhibition

Figure 3 (A) Example of inhibitions of a spinal WDR neuron elicited by noxious heterotopic stimuli. Recordings were made
in the lumbar dorsal horn from a WDR neuron with a receptive field located on the ipsilateral hind paw. The neuron was
activated either by a sustained pinch of its receptive field or by regular (once a minute) microelectrophoretic applications of
the excitatory amino acid, glutamate (GLU, 20 nA, horizontal bars). Conditioning stimuli were pinch of the muzzle, the
contralateral hind paw or the tail, and immersion of the tail in a 52  C water bath (from top to bottom, respectively). Note that all
these conditioning stimuli virtually blocked both the pinch-evoked and the DLH-induced firing. In the latter case, the
inhibitions remained for several minutes in most cases, suggesting that WDR neurons were hyperpolarized for a long time
following the conditioning stimulation. (B) Example of heterotopic activation of A- and C-fibers triggering inhibitions in a
spinal WDR neuron. Left: Schematic representation of the experimental design. Recordings were made in the lumbar dorsal
horn from a WDR neuron with a receptive field located on the ipsilateral hind paw. The continuous microelectrophoretic
application of the excitatory amino acid, DL-homocysteic acid (DLH) induced a steady discharge from the neuron under
study. The repetitive application of individual percutaneous electrical stimuli of adequate intensities to the contralateral
muzzle (a), the base (b), or the tip (c) of the tail induced biphasic depressions of the neuronal activity. Right: Peristimulus
histograms (bin width 5 ms) prepared during the continuous microelectrophoretic application (15 nA) of DLH onto the
membrane of the neuron. The broken white lines show the timing of percutaneous electrical stimulation (10 mA; 2 ms duration;
0.66 Hz; 200 ms delay; 100 sweeps). The broken black line represents the mean firing calculated during the prestimulation
control period ( 200 to 0 ms). Two waves of inhibition can be seen. They occurred earlier when the base of the tail (b) was
stimulated instead of the tip (c). The time gaps are shown as yellow areas between the histograms, for both inhibitory
components. The gap was 7 and 25 ms for the beginning and the end of the first component; it was 150 and 290 ms for the
beginning and the end of the second component. Knowing that the distance between b and c was 100 mm, one can easily
calculate the conduction velocities of fibers that elicited the first and second components: 4–14 m s 1 and 0.3–0.7 m s 1
respectively. These fibers therefore belong to the A- and C- groups, respectively. (A) Adapted from Villanueva, L.,
Cadden, S. W., and Le Bars, D. 1984. Evidence that diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC) are mediated by a final
post-synaptic inhibitory mechanism. Brain Res. 298, 67–74.
772 Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC)

(see Chapter 5.49). Surprisingly, DNICs were not Many sources of descending inhibition from the
modified by lesions of the following structures: the brain that modulate the spinal transmission of noci-
periaqueductal gray (PAG), cuneiform nucleus, para- ceptive information have been described in animals
brachial area, locus coeruleus/subcoeruleus, rostral (see Chapters 5.41 and 5.49). To date, the only des-
ventromedial medulla (RVM). By contrast, lesions of cending inhibitory mechanisms that have been
subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD) in the caudal described in man are DNICs.
medulla strongly reduced DNICs. The SRD is
located ventral to the cuneate nucleus, between tri-
geminal nucleus caudalis and the nucleus of the
solitary tract and contains neurons with characteris- References
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