United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,004,355 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,004,355 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,004,355 B2
OTHER PUBLICATIONS Vanderkooy, John, et al., "Feed forward Error Correction in Power
Amplifiers,” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Jan./Feb.
Graf, R. et al., “Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits’. United States 1980 vol. 28, No. 1/2, pp. 2-16.
of America: McGraw-Hill, 1999, vol. 7, ISBN 0-07-0151 16-4. STA550, 50+50W Stereo Bash Power Amplifier, Product Review,
"Audio Power Amplification”. J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 54, No. 4, pp. STMicroelectronics, Jul. 2001.
319-323 Apr. 2006.
Bortoni, Rosalfonso et al., "Convention Paper 5358: Analysis, STA5150, 150W Mono Bash Power Amplifier, Product Review,
Design Assessment of Class A, B, AB, G and H Audio Power Sim STMicroelectronics, Jul. 2001.
plifier Output Stages Based on MATLAB Software'. Audio Engi STA5100, 100W Mono Bash Power Amplifier, Product Review,
neering Society 110th Convention, May 12-15, 2001, Amsterdam, STMicroelectronics, Aug. 2001.
The Netherlands. “Understanding BCA class-I.” Crown Audio Inc., 2002.
NXP Semiconductors, Product Data Sheet: TDF8590TH, Apr. 23, Assembling Instructions, FT326, 70W Class H Booster, Futurel,
2007, found at http://datasheetz.com/NXP/TDF8590TH 2/ undated.
TDF8590TH 2.html. “TDA1560; 70 W high efficiency power amplifier with diagnostic
Walker, P.J., et al., “Current Dumping Audio Amplifier.” Acoustical facility” Koninklijke Philips N.V., 2002.
Mfg. Co. Ltd., Huntingdon, England, L-46, Wireless World, Feb.
1971, 5 pages. * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 1 of 6 US 8,004,355 B2
FIG. 1
(Prior Art)
o Z2 N270 28O
261 ----------- ------- 232
FIG. 2
U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 2 of 6 US 8,004,355 B2
s 0.00100
S -0-1 kHZ
-H1 OkHZ
as 0.00010
FIG. 4
1.0 10.0 100.0
O/P Volts (Vpk)
U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 3 of 6 US 8,004,355 B2
U.S. Patent US 8,004,355 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 5 of 6 US 8,004,355 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 6 of 6 US 8,004,355 B2
US 8,004,355 B2
1. 2
LOW DISSPATION AMPLIFER For home audio amplifiers, large heatsinks can often be
used to dissipate the power and keep the temperature of the
RELATED APPLICATION INFORMATION power devices down, but for size-constrained applications
Such as automotive entertainment systems, the size and
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional weight of the heatsink cannot be tolerated.
Application Ser. No. 61/155,382 filed on Feb. 25, 2009, The idle current for an amplification system must generally
hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. be set at the time of production for optimum distortion per
formance and thus increases production costs. The idle cur
rent requirements can also change with temperature and age.
1) Field of the Invention Therefore, over time or after prolonged use, the quality of the
The field of the invention generally relates to amplifiers amplifier output may deteriorate.
and, more specifically, to an improved method to minimize To add to the idle power dissipation problem, an amplifier
distortion and power dissipation in a compact amplifier. produces extra dissipation, sometimes referred to as dynamic
2) Background 15 dissipation, when it is delivering a signal to the load. In
Amplifiers are used for many applications including audio practice, a nominal 100 Watt capability linear power amplifier
signal processing, Video processing, communications, con may well dissipate 40 Watt worst case when delivering sine
trol systems, satellites, and so on. Based on its power con wave signals to a load. With music as the audio source for the
Sumption characteristics, an amplifier may be categorized amplifier, this figure is lower since music has a higher crest
into one or more categories including Class A, B, AB, D, G or factor than sine waves, but may still approach 30 Watts per
H. A general background of different amplifier classifications channel.
may be found, for example, in R. Bortoni, et al., “Analysis, Various techniques have been employed to reduce both the
Design and Assessment of Class A, B, AB, G and H Audio idle power dissipation and the dynamic power dissipation of
Power Amplifier Output Stages Based on MATLAB(R) Soft linear amplifiers. One technique that can be employed to
ware." 110' Convention of Audio Engineering Society 25 reduce idle power dissipation is to decrease the output stage
(AES), May 12-15, 2001, pp. 1-14, and in Audio Power bias current. However, this causes crossover distortion to
Amplification.” J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 54, No. 4 April 2006, increase which is difficult to eradicate with conventional
pp. 319-323, both of which publications are hereby incorpo negative feedback around the amplifier. Also, this technique
rated as if set forth fully herein. has little effect on the dynamic power dissipation.
A Class A amplifier is known to require a relatively large 30
Another approach that can reduce both idle and dynamic
amount of standing power and is inefficient, and thus unde dissipation is to use a Class Gamplifier configuration. This
sirable in many applications that require low power dissipa Class G nomenclature is commonly attributed to Hitachi
tion. A Class B amplifier can have very low standing power (see “Highest Efficiency and Super Quality Audio Amplifier
dissipation but introduces distortion. A Class AB amplifier is Using MOS Power FETs in Class G Operation.” IEEE Trans
somewhere between the two, and uses bias currents to reduce 35
the distortion inherent in a Class B amplifier. A Class AB actions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. CE-24, No. 3, August
amplifier has a higher power dissipation thana Class Bampli 1978), although the basic technique appears to have been
fier due to the bias currents. described previously (see, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 3,622,899). A
As equipment gets Smaller, amplifiers become an increas Class G. amplifier arrangement maintains a lower Voltage
ing limitation on the ability to reduce packaging size. The 40 across the output devices under idle conditions whilst also
inevitable limited efficiency of an amplifier leads to power reducing dynamic power dissipation by ensuring that the
dissipation that must be dissipated by a heatsink in order to Voltage across the power devices is also reduced when driving
prevent the amplifier getting too hot; however, a large heat signals to the load. Thus both the idle and dynamic power
sink can take up an inordinate amount of packaging space. dissipation is reduced. However, the switching of the output
Techniques exist to improve the efficiency over that of a 45 devices between the power rails often causes glitches in the
standard Class AB amplifier design, and hence reduce heat output waveform that appear as distortion. These glitches
sink requirements, but these approaches often lead to com have significant high frequency energy and so are difficult to
promises in the bandwidth, noise or distortion performance of correct by negative feedback. Careful design can reduce this
the amplifier. effect but cannot eliminate it and tends to increase high fre
There are at least two aspects to the power dissipation of an 50 quency dynamic power dissipation.
amplifier system. The first is commonly known as idle or An alternative way of reducing amplifier dissipation is to
standing dissipation—that is, power dissipated when the implement a Switching amplifier, and specifically a so-called
amplifier is delivering no power to the load. With a conven Class D'architecture. With this design, the linear amplifier is
tional linear amplifier, this standing dissipation, which replaced by power Switches operating at typically several
includes the bias current applied to the amplifier, is primarily 55 hundred kilohertz for a high performance audio amplifier.
concentrated in the driver and output stage of the amplifier The nominal efficiency of this design into a resistive load can
and is generally required in conventional amplifier designs to theoretically be very high, although in practice Switching
minimize crossover distortion. In a high performance audio losses and output filter losses significantly reduce the actual
power amplifier of a nominal 100 Watt sine wave power efficiency. The high Switching frequency can cause signifi
capability into an 8 S2 load, for example, the idle current may 60 cant EMI problems which then require bulky inductors to
be of the order of 100-200 milli-amps per channel. With a prevent coupling to power Supply and output lines, as well as
quiescent power Supply Voltage of typically +/-45 Volts, this careful screening to avoid radiation. These additions mean
idle current results in roughly 9-18 Watts of idle power dis that although the basic amplifier components can be small
sipation per channel. This can be a significant problem for a and low cost, the overall size is significantly larger and more
stereo amplifier, but for a multi-channel amplifier it is an even 65 costly due to the need for the inductive and filter components.
larger problem, as the idle dissipation quickly becomes Furthermore, the continual Switching causes a significant idle
excessive as the number of amplifiers is increased. current due to the dynamic Switching losses and the pulse
US 8,004,355 B2
3 4
width modulation (PWM) process used to generate the biased to operate in Class AB mode, a main output stage
Switching signal leads to a poor distortion performance com operating in a low power dissipation mode, and a plurality of
pared to a linear amplifier. impedance networks providing feedback paths or couplings
An example of a Class D amplifier is the model between the outputs and inputs of the cascaded stages or the
TDF8590TH amplifier available from NXP Semiconductors, load so that the amplifier provides low distortion and main
a company headquartered in the Netherlands. When this tains a Substantially constant frequency response over a wide
amplifier is configured to provide a nominal 100 Watt sine range of frequencies. The low power amplifier may be con
wave power to an 8 S2 load, the idle dissipation is in excess of figured to have very low standing and dynamic power dissi
4 Watts/channel. The total harmonic distortion (THD) is pation.
above 0.1% at 10 kHz at all levels above 10 Watts output and 10
According to certain embodiments or variations, the first
rises dramatically at higher output levels—and even these amplifier may operate in Class G or Class H mode.
figures are an underestimate of the actual distortion due to the Further embodiments, alternatives and variations are also
use of an AES17 filter to remove the effect of the residual
Switching frequency components on the measuring equip described herein or illustrated in the accompanying figures.
ment. The intermodulation distortion (IMD) performance is 15
much worse thana well-designed linear amplifier. The output
inductors also generally must be large, in order that they do FIG. 1 is a generic schematic diagram of a conventional
not saturate or introduce further distortion, and typically mea linear amplifier as known in the prior art.
sure 4 to 5 cubic centimeters, which is a barrier to overall
circuit and package miniaturization. FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of an amplifier showing,
There remains a need therefore for an amplifier topology among other things, an arrangement of impedance networks
that can be readily miniaturized while providing low power in accordance with one embodiment as disclosed herein.
dissipation. There further is a need for an amplifier that is FIG.3 is a schematic diagram of another embodiment of an
capable of providing low idle and dynamic power dissipation amplifier similar to that of FIG. 2, but having an additional
levels, requires no bias setting, and no inductors for EMI or 25 feedback loop.
filtering. There further is a need for an amplifier that delivers FIG. 4 is a graph showing an example of distortion perfor
very low distortion levels. mance that can be achieved by an amplifier built according to
the principles disclosed herein, under certain load param
30 FIG. 5 is a block diagram of another amplifier design using
According to one or more embodiments, a power amplifier an amplifier cascading technique.
system and method is provided that may include one or more FIG. 6 is a block diagram illustrating another example of an
of the following features: a distortion reducing topology; a amplifier design in accordance with various embodiments as
Class AB driver stage; a current protection mechanism; dis disclosed herein.
tortion reduction, especially when configured as a Class G or 35
FIG. 7a is a schematic diagram of a current limiting circuit
Class Hamplifier; and a nested distortion reduction architec as known in the prior art, while 7b is a schematic diagram of
According to an aspect of one or more embodiments, a low an alternative current limiting circuit as may be used in con
power, low distortion amplifier comprises a first amplifier nection with various embodiments as disclosed herein.
configured as or including a driver stage, and a second ampli 40 FIGS. 8a and 8b are diagrams comparing the frequency
fier configured as or including a main output stage, with a responses of different amplifier designs.
plurality of impedance networks providing feedback paths
from outputs of said first amplifier and said second amplifier DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED
to an input of said first amplifier, a first coupling path from the EMBODIMENTS
output of said second amplifier to a load, and a second cou 45
pling path from the output of said first amplifier to the load. According to one or more embodiments, a low power
The impedance networks may be resistors, capacitors, or amplifier is provided having at least a first amplifier config
network combinations thereof. An additional feedback path ured as or including a driver stage and a second amplifier
may be provided from the load to the input of the first ampli configured as or including a main output stage, biased into
fier. One or more intermediate amplifier stage(s) may also be 50 operating modes in which they draw very little idle power, yet
disposed between the first amplifier and the second amplifier. also consume very little dynamic power when active. A plu
According to another aspect of one or more embodiments, rality of impedance networks provide, among other things,
a method for amplifying an input source signal comprises the feedback paths from the outputs of the first amplifier and the
steps of receiving the input source signal at a first amplifier second amplifier to the first amplifier, enabling in part the
and generating a driver signal thereby; providing the driver 55 ability of the low amplifier to combat distortion. The imped
signal to the input of a second amplifier acting as a main ance networks may also provide a coupling path from the
output stage; operating the first amplifier in a Class AB or low output of the second amplifier including the main output stage
power dissipation mode; operating the second amplifier in a to the load, and another coupling path from the output of the
Class B, Class G. Class Hand/or low power dissipation mode: first amplifier including the driver stage amplifier to the load.
and providing selective coupling or feedback connections 60 The impedance networks are preferably resistors, capacitors,
from the outputs of said first and second amplifiers to the or network combinations thereof.
inputs of said first and second amplifiers and to a load to An additional feedback path may also be provided from the
maintain operation of said first and second amplifiers in their load to the input of the first amplifier. The additional feedback
respective modes. path may include a low pass filter and more specifically a
According to yet another aspect of one or more embodi 65 T-network of two resistors and a capacitor, and may help
ments as disclosed herein, a low power, low distortion ampli flatten out the frequency response of the amplifier at low
fier includes a plurality of cascaded stages with a driver stage frequencies. An intermediate amplifier stage may also be
US 8,004,355 B2
5 6
added between the driver stage amplifier and the main output According to one or more embodiments disclosed herein,
stage to provide additional versatility and distortion reduc and as explained for example in connection with FIG. 2,
tion. distortion is significantly reduced over the conventional lin
The first and second amplifiers are both preferably oper ear amplifier of FIG. 1 by providing a signal path from the
ated in low power dissipation modes, although in some gain/driver stage X1 to the output by means of an impedance
embodiments where power dissipation is not as critical, one network Z3 whilst also introducing another impedance net
or both of the amplifiers can be operated in a higher power work Z1. FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a novel amplifier
dissipation mode in order to, e.g., simplify the design, further design in accordance with one embodiment as disclosed
reduce distortion (if necessary), or for other reasons. As used herein, illustrating a useful arrangement of impedance net
herein a low power dissipation mode or low dissipation mode 10 works and other amplifier circuitry by way of one example. In
generally includes those operating modes in which standing FIG. 2, an amplifier 200 includes, among other things, a
or idle current dissipation is kept low, and thus would gener gain/driver stage 210 (also labeled as X1 in FIG. 2) and an
output stage 250 that may include, for example, a pair of
ally include Class B, G and H modes, and potentially Class transistors 231 and 232 (also labeled as Q1 and Q2 in FIG. 2)
AB mode in certain configurations. 15 coupled, similar to FIG. 1, to positive and negative Voltage
As one example, the first amplifier including the driver rails +V and -V (not shown in FIG. 2). The gain/driver stage
amplifier stage may be operated in a Class AB mode, while 210 receives an input signal 206 from an input signal source
the second amplifier including the main output stage may be 205. While shown in FIG. 2 as single transistors, as with FIG.
operated in a Class B and/or Class G or H mode. Thus, the 1 and all other embodiments that will be described herein, the
overall power draw of the amplifier may be kept very low. The output stage transistors Q1 and Q2 may be embodied as
second amplifier may alternatively be operated in Class AB different types of circuit Such as single transistors, compound
mode at the expense of increased power dissipation, which transistor arrangements or FETs. The output stage 250 pro
may lower distortion even further. As another example, both vides an amplified output signal 240 to a load 245 (repre
the first and second amplifiers can be operated in Class G sented as an impedance in FIG. 2).
mode, or both operated in Class H mode, or one in Class G 25 More generally, the gain/stage 210, while conceptually
mode and the other in Class H mode. The novel amplifier shown as a single amplifier in FIG. 2, may be constructed
designs disclosed and taught herein therefore provide a great from multiple amplifier stages or may be included as part of a
deal of flexibility and versatility in terms of operating mode larger amplifier block. Likewise, the output stage 250, while
selection and overall design configuration. The amplifier shown as primarily consisting of transistors Q1 and Q2, may
design can be tailored for specific purposes including 30 be included as part of a larger amplifier block which may
extremely low power dissipation, very low distortion, com contain one or more stages, and would also be understood to
pact structure, etc., or combinations thereof. include bias components, protection elements, and other con
FIG. 1 is a generic Schematic diagram of an example of a ventional features that are not shown in detail in FIG. 2 for the
conventional linear amplifier 100 as known in the prior art. As sake of simplicity. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that
shown in FIG. 1, the linear amplifier 100 includes an input 35 there are many different ways to implement the gain/driver
stage 110, a driver stage 120, and an output stage 150 that may stage 210 and output stage 250 of amplifier 200.
include, for example, a pair of transistors 131 and 132 (also As noted above, an impedance network 290 (also labeled as
labeled as Q1 and Q2 in FIG. 1) coupled to positive and Z3 in FIG.2) is provided between the output of the gain/driver
negative voltage rails 130, 135 (also labeled as +V and -V in stage 210 and the load 245. Another impedance network 280
FIG. 1). The input stage 110, driver stage 120, and output 40 (also labeled as Z1 in FIG. 2) is provided between the output
stage 150 are connected in a serial arrangement. The input stage 250 and the load 240. Another impedance network 270
stage 110 receives an input signal 106 from an input signal (also labeled as Z2 in FIG. 2) is provided from the output of
source 105. The output stage transistors Q1, Q2 are normally the gain/driver stage 210 to one of the differential inputs of the
biased by a voltage source 128 (also labeled Vb) into either gain/driver stage 210. A fourth impedance network 260 (also
Class B or Class AB operation. While shown in FIG. 1 as 45 labeled as Z4 in FIG. 2) is provided from the output stage 250
single transistors, the output stage transistors Q1 and Q2 may to the same differential input of the gain/driver stage 210.
be embodied as different types of circuit such as single tran Impedance networks 260 and 270 are coupled to ground (or
sistors, compound transistor arrangements or FETs. The out Some other reference potential) by another impedance net
put stage 150 provides an amplified output signal 140 to a work 212 (also labeled as Zg in FIG. 2).
load 145 (represented as an impedance in FIG. 1). 50 In the example of FIG. 2, impedance network 290 is
Also in FIG. 1, a feedback capacitor 124 (also labeled as Z2 embodied as a capacitor 291 and resistor 292 connected in
in FIG. 1) applies local feedback around the driver stage 120 parallel. Impedance network 280 is embodied as a resistor
whilst ensuring stability by introducing a 6 dB/octave roll-off 281. Impedance network 270 is also embodied as a resistor
to the open loop frequency response of the amplifier 100. 271. Impedance network 260 is embodied as a resistor 262
Driver stage 120 is typically biased into Class A operation. 55 and capacitor 261 connected in series.
Input stage 110 is typically implemented as a transconduc Choosing the values of the impedance networks Z1, Z2.
tance stage. Additional resistors 115 and 112 (also labeled as Z3, Z4 such that they satisfy the relationship Z1(s):Z2(s)=Z3
R4 and Rg in FIG. 1) provide overall negative feedback (s):Z4(s), the distortion on the amplifier 200 can be signifi
around the complete amplifier. cantly reduced compared to a standard feedback amplifier of
As mentioned earlier, an amplifier of this generic type 60 the type shown in FIG. 1. As noted above, in this example
generally Suffers from poor idle and dynamic dissipation impedance network Z1 is preferably embodied as a resistor,
performance when biased into Class AB operation, and poor impedance network Z2 is preferably embodied as a capacitor,
distortion performance when biased into Class B operation. impedance network Z3 is preferably embodied as a parallel
Dissipation can be reduced by operating in Class G mode, but combination of resistor and capacitor, and impedance net
then more distortion mechanisms are introduced which are 65 work Z4 is preferably embodied as a series combination of
difficult to address by means of conventional negative feed resistor and capacitor, although other equivalent impedance
back. networks may be used. The time constant of the impedance
US 8,004,355 B2
7 8
network Z3 preferably matches that of impedance network frequencies is generally higher than would be the case for a
Z4. At low frequencies, below the frequency at which the purely conventional feedback amplifier such as illustrated in
impedance of Z3 become capacitive, impedance network Z3 FIG 1.
appears resistive in nature and impedance network Z4 FIG.3 illustrates how further improvements can be made to
appears to be capacitive. The presence of impedance network 5 distortion performance and closed loop response in the foun
Z3 softens the crossover knee of the output stage 250 by virtue dational amplifier design of FIG. 2. In FIG. 3, elements
of the driver stage to load output connection through imped labeled 3xx generally correspond to the similar elements
ance network Z3. labeled 2xx in FIG. 2. In FIG.3, an amplifier 300 receives an
In order to gain maximum distortion reduction, impedance input signal 306 from an input signal source 305. Similar to
network Z4 is preferably capacitive in nature so that the ratio 10 the amplifier 200 of FIG. 2, the amplifier 300 of FIG. 3
of impedances of Z2:Z4 equals Z3:Z1. However, this means includes again/driver stage 310, an output stage 350 com
that the open loop gain of the feedback loop around the output prising transistors 331 and 332 (also labeled as Q1 and Q2),
stage 250 no longer falls off with frequency. Incorporating a and impedance networks 360,370,380 and 390 (also respec
tively labeled as Z4, Z2, Z1 and Z3 in FIG.3). A network356
series resistor within Z4 reinstates the fall in gain with fre 15 comprising resistors 352,353 (also labeled as R5, R6 in FIG.
quency above the breakpoint at which Z4 stops appearing 3) and a capacitor 354 (also labeled as C7 in FIG. 3) has been
capacitive and becomes resistive in nature. The resistor 262 in added to the amplifier 300 to form an additional feedback
impedance network Z4 is chosen to set a unity loop gain loop. The feedback is taken from the final output 340 of the
frequency that ensures stability. amplifier 300 rather than the output stage 350 directly
To retain full distortion reduction, impedance network Z3 although it is then fed into the same feedback input terminal
should be made to appear capacitive in nature at high frequen of gain/driver stage 310 as the existing feedback loop that is
cies; hence the matching of the time constants of impedance based upon impedance networks Z2 and Z4. Notwithstanding
networks Z3 and Z4. There is generally a free choice of time this, this connection of the extra feedback loop does not upset
constant for the components of impedance networks Z3 and the conditions required for maximum distortion reduction.
Z4. However, the larger the time constant, the larger the 25 Simply adding another resistive feedback path to the
capacitor has to be in impedance network Z3, and the greater amplifier arrangement of FIG. 2 would generally result in a
the current that will be drawn from the gain/driver stage 210 non-flat frequency response because extra feedback loop is
(i.e., X1) at high frequencies. To minimize size of the ampli placed around the closed loop system of FIG. 2, and the
fier 200, the time constant for impedance networks Z3 and Z4 closed loop gain is not large enough to ensure that the final
should be kept low. 30 closed loop response of the amplifier is independent of the
The balancing of the impedance networks will work even value of the FIG. 2 closed loop gain. However, by designing
in the presence of parasitic elements in the impedance net the extra feedback network 356 to have a low pass filter
works. For instance, a parasitic inductance in series with response with a cut-off frequency that matches the breakpoint
resistor 281 can be balanced by placing a suitable value frequency of impedance networks Z3 and Z4 and with an
resistor in series with capacitor 291. As reflected by the 35 appropriate gain, then the overall amplifier 300 can be
example of FIG. 2, all of the components of impedance net designed to have a flat response. Thus the rising low fre
works Z1-Z4 can be realized as resistors, capacitors or com quency response of the amplifier system of FIG. 2 is perfectly
binations thereof (excluding parasitic elements). This design compensated by the design additions of FIG. 3.
approach can lead to a very compact amplifier package. The The extra feedback loop of FIG.3 provided by the addition
term “resistor” in this context includes any resistive element 40 offeedback network 356 also additionally reduces distortion
that displays a Substantially constant impedance relationship at low frequencies, compensating for the compromised low
over the applicable operating frequency range, and will typi frequency distortion performance of the FIG. 2 amplifier
cally, but not necessarily, involve a conventional discrete implementation. Furthermore, this extra feedback loop also
resistor component. reduces the output impedance of the amplifier at low frequen
By itself, the choice and arrangement of impedance net 45 cies since the feedback is taken from directly across the load
works in FIG. 2 works adequately but can be improved. For 345 and hence impedance network Z1 is within this feedback
example, the incorporation of the series capacitor 262 within loop.
impedance network Z4 means that below the break frequency Having the extra overall frequency dependent feedback
formed by its series resistor/capacitor combination of ele loop to lower the output impedance of the amplifier 300
ments 261 and 262, the closed loop gain of the complete 50 allows the bridge impedance network Z1 to have a higher
amplifier 200 increases at 6 dB/octave as frequency impedance than would otherwise be possible, within the con
decreases. Additionally, the open loop gain around transistors straints of power losses within the resistor 381 of the imped
Q1, Q2 due to the arrangement of impedance networks Z2 ance network Z1; thus, the impedance of element Z3 can be
and Z4 and gain/driver stage 210 becomes constant at low similarly increased to lower the value of the parallel capaci
frequencies rather than rising at 6dB/octave with decreasing 55 tance and with it the high frequency current that must be
frequency as with a conventional feedback amplifier. Thus, sourced from the gain/driver stage 310.
the distortion reduction around transistors Q1 and Q2 by The available choices of capacitor and resistor values for
means of negative feedback will be lowered as compared to a impedance networks Z1-Z4 means that balancing at high
conventional amplifier with this choice of impedance net frequency ranges can be more accurately attained, since
works. Additional distortion reduction will still be achieved 60 capacitors and resistors of the values used for the amplifier
by virtue of the incorporation of impedance network Z3 into design of FIG. 3 can be readily obtained with close manufac
the amplifier 20, but there is still room for improvement, as turing tolerances. The Voltage that appears across the capaci
will be explained in more detail below. Also, the output resis tor 391 within impedance network Z3 is quite small (it is only
tance of the amplifier 200 is approximately equal to the par the gain/error loss in the output stage plus the product of the
allel combination of the impedance networks Z1 and Z3. In 65 output current times the impedance of Z1) and so its package
the case where the first impedance network Z1 is embodied as size, given the low voltage requirements of the capacitor 391,
a resistor, the output resistance of the amplifier 200 at low is also commensurately small, allowing for miniaturization of
US 8,004,355 B2
the amplifier 300. Multiple amplifiers using the design shown quencies (generally ranging from about 0.0020 to 0.0050
in FIG. 3 can be placed in close proximity with little interac percent distortion level at 10 kHz).
tion between the impedance networks, because the lack of FIGS. 8a and 8b are idealized frequency response graphs
balancing inductors means that there is less possibility of showing the effect of the additional feedback loop 356 in the
magnetic coupling among the amplifiers. embodiment of FIG. 3. FIG. 8a shows that at relatively low
The use of the additional impedance networks Z1, Z3 and frequencies, the overall amplifier gain drops off then flattens
Z4 and the extra feedback loop provided by the addition of out at a shelf region, and then later drops off again with
feedback network356 allows the high frequency distortion of increasing frequency. By using the additional feedback loop
the amplifier 300 to be significantly lower than a conventional of FIG. 3, this frequency response can be altered as shown in
feedback amplifier and so the output stage 350 could poten 10 FIG. 8b. The low frequency response is perfectly compen
tially be operated, for example, in Class B mode whilst still sated by the outer feedback loop, resulting in a flat frequency
avoiding crossover distortion. Thus, idle power dissipation response out to relatively high frequencies. The outer fre
that normally occurs due to the quiescent current required to quency loop can also be used for additional purposes, such as
to extend the operating range of the amplifier through the
bias a conventional amplifier output stage into Class AB 15 introduction of an additional Zero and pole at high frequen
mode is eliminated by the design of FIG. 3. This might be of C1GS.
limited use if the gain/driver stage 310 of amplifier 300 were Further modifications or enhancements can also be made to
required to have a high idle current drain. However, the gain/ the amplifier architectures described above. For example,
driver stage 310 in this example operates at much lowerpower although the distortion of the Class AB gain/driver stage 310
than the main output stage 350 based around transistors Q1 can be made to be low compared to that of the output stage
and Q2, and so the gain/driver stage 310 can be configured 350, it will still generate some residual distortion. To over
with a Class AB output stage 350 having linear, fast output come this, the Class AB gain/driver stage 310 can itself
devices (transistors Q1 and Q2) and so still operate with low employ the same distortion reduction technique as used
distortion compared to the main output stage 350. Thus the around the output stage 250 as previously outlined in connec
dissipation in the gain/driver stage 310 can also be very low. 25 tion with FIG. 2.
By incorporating a low power Class AB output stage inter This “cascaded' approach is illustrated in the amplifier
nally within the gain/driver stage 310, the distortion intro design shown in FIG. 5. Elements in FIG. 5 labeled “5xx”
duced into the error signal by the Class AB operation of the generally correspond to the similar elements labeled “3xx' in
gain/driver stage 310 can be made exceedingly small. Typi FIG. 3. In FIG. 5, an amplifier 500 receives an input signal
cally, for an audio power amplifier according to the design 30 506 from an input signal source 505. Similar to the design of
shown in FIG. 3 capable of delivering 100 Watts nominal FIG. 3, the amplifier 500 includes again/driver stage 510, an
output power into a 16 ohm load, the gain/driver stage 310 can output stage 550 comprising transistors 531 and 532 (also
be configured to operate for instance with only 1-2 milliamps labeled as Q1 and Q2), and impedance networks 560, 570,
of quiescent current, which is quite low. 580 and 590 (also respectively labeled as Z4, Z2, Z1 and Z3
Given the significant reduction in high frequency distortion 35 in FIG. 5). An additional feedback network 556 comprising
of the output stage 350, the dynamic power dissipation of the resistors 552, 553 (also labeled as R5, R6 in FIG. 5) and a
amplifier 300 can also be reduced by employing a Class G or capacitor 554 (also labeled as C7 in FIG. 5) is included in the
Class H architecture. Unlike with a conventional feedback amplifier 500, having the same general purpose as in FIG. 3,
amplifier, the high frequency distortion components intro with feedback being taken from the final output 540 of the
duced by the Class G rail switching transitions or Class H 40 amplifier 500 and fed into the feedback input terminal of
tracking scheme will be reduced by using the amplifier feed gain/driver stage 350. Also added in FIG. 5 is an intermediate
back configurations of Some of the embodiments disclosed stage 542, which in one aspect may act as a second or Supple
herein so that a very low distortion, very low idle power mental driver stage, comprising transistors 543 and 544 (also
dissipation, low dynamic power dissipation amplifier can be labeled as Q3 and Q4) and voltage bias components 546 and
realized. One example of a tracking power Supply that can be 45 547. The transistors 543 and 544 and coupled to the positive
used in conjunction with the amplifier designs disclosed Voltage rail +V and negative Voltage rail-V respectively, and
herein to provide additional power savings is described in may be biased into Class AB operating mode by bias compo
co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/253,047 filed nents 546 and 547
on Oct. 16, 2008, assigned to the assignee of the present The output of the intermediate stage 542 is coupled to the
invention, and hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth 50 input of the output stage 550 via a resistor 529 (also labeled as
fully herein. The use of a Class G or Harchitecture for the first Z1i in FIG.5). An additional resistor 528 (also labeled as Z3i)
amplifier containing the gain/input stage may have the poten is connected from the input of the output stage 550 to the input
tial to introduce non-linearities into the system, which could of the intermediate stage 542. The feedback taken from
need to be controlled or otherwise taken account of. impedance network 590 (Z3) thus passes through resistor 528
Where a Class G or H architecture is applied to both the 55 for purposes of intermediate stage 542, although it is still
first and second amplifiers, different power rails (with differ applied directly to the input of the output stage 550. An
ent voltage levels) may be provided to the first amplifier and additional capacitor 548 (also labeled Z2i in FIG. 5) is pro
the second amplifier to, e.g., help isolation, reduce non-lin vided from the output of the gain/driver stage 510 to the
earities, and minimize power dissipation. feedback input terminal thereof. The feedback derived from
FIG. 4 shows an example of the distortion performance that 60 impedance network 570 (Z2) is taken from the output of the
can be achieved by an amplifier built according to the prin intermediate stage 542 instead of the output of the gain/driver
ciples outlined above, when capable of driving a 56 Volt peak stage 510. The additional elements 529,548 and 528 (Z1i, Z2i
signal into a 16 ohm load using an amplifier design con and Z3i) form part of an inner feedback loop, while imped
structed according to FIG. 3. As shown in FIG. 4, the total ance network 570 (Z2) shares its operation between the inner
harmonic distortion is quite low at relatively low frequencies 65 and outer feedback loops.
(generally ranging from about 0.0003 to 0.0010 percent dis Both the gain/driver stage 510 and the intermediate stage
tortion level at 1 kHz), and remains low even at higher fre 542 provide some aspect of feed-forward operation, in that
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11 12
both provide current to the load when the main output stage the gain/driver stage 610B to ground (or some other reference
550 is relatively idle, and hence both may be viewed as having potential). Capacitor 628 and resistor 629 (also labeled as Z3i
a driver function to Some degree. Both stages may also supply and Z1i respectively) perform similar functions to their coun
gain. In this respect, the designation of particular stages as terparts in FIG. 5, both of them forming part of the inner
“gain” or “driver stages is not intended to be limiting. feedback loop.
In the example shown in FIG. 5, the inner loop components In the design of FIG. 6, the added gain stage 610A is
529,548 and 528 (Z1i, Z2i and Z3i) have been chosen, along configured with an integrator response (using the capacitor
with impedance network 570 (Z2), such that the inner loop 671 of impedance network Z2), and the outer bridge and loop
realizes the distortion reduction condition described for the components Z4, R5, R6, C7, Zg are connected to the feedback
FIG. 3 amplifier design, with the Class AB stage (i.e., the 10 input of the added gain stage 610A instead of the gain/driver
internal output stage of gain/drive stage 510, in certain stage 610B. The gain of the inner feedback loop including
embodiments) retaining an integrator type response in respect resistors 618 and 619 (Rgi and R2) is flat with frequency.
of the action seen by the outer loop. A resistor 572 (R2) has As with FIG. 5, in the example of FIG. 6 the other inner
been added to impedance network 570 (Z2) to help ensure loop components 629, 648 and 628 (Z1i, Z2i and Z3i) have
stability of the inner feedback loop around transistors Q3 and 15 been chosen, along with impedance network 670 (Z2), such
Q4, while another resistor 592 (R3i) has been added to imped that the inner loop realizes the distortion reduction condition
ance network 590 (Z3) to compensate the outer feedback loop described for the FIG. 3 amplifier design, with the Class AB
for the Zero introduced into the integrator response by resistor stage (i.e., the internal output stage of gain/drive stage 510, in
572. This arrangement makes it possible for the other outer Some embodiments) retaining an integrator type response in
loop components of impedance networks Z1-Z4 to remain the respect of the action seen by the outer loop. The choice of
same as the example illustrated in FIG.3. The retention of the outer loop impedance network values to ensure maximum
high frequency roll-off of the improved driver stage compris distortion reduction now has to take account of the gain of the
ing gain/driver stage 510 and intermediate stage 542 allows inner loop which increases the effective impedance of Z2 by
stability of the feedback loop around the output stage 550, and the ratio R2+Rgi/Rgi. A resistor in impedance network 670
the final overall feedback loop still allows for low output 25 (Z2) is not needed for stability of the inner feedback loop
impedance of the amplifier 500 at audio frequencies. around transistors Q3 and Q4. This arrangement again makes
Other arrangements of the inner loop impedance networks it possible for the other outer loop components of impedance
are also possible. For example, if an extra gain stage is intro networks Z1-Z4 of the FIG.3 amplifier design to remain the
duced before gain/driver stage 510, then capacitor 571 (C2) in same. The retention of the high frequency roll-off of the inner
impedance network 570 (Z2) could be dispensed with and 30 amplifier Subsystem comprising gain stage 610A, gain/driver
resistor 528 (Z3i) replaced with a capacitor. The gain of this stage 610B, and intermediate stage 642 allows stability of the
inner loop would then be flat with frequency, so the extra gain feedback loop around the output stage 650, and the final
stage could be given an integrator response and the outer overall feedback loop still allows for low output impedance of
bridge and loop components Z4, R5, R6, C7, Zg could be the amplifier 600 at audio frequencies.
connected to the input of the additional integrator gain stage. 35 If the output impedance of the inner amplifier subsystem is
Such an arrangement is detailed in FIG. 6. Elements in an appreciable value in comparison to the impedance of Z3.
FIG. 6 labeled "6xx' generally correspond to the similar then impedance network Z3 can be modified (i.e., increased)
elements labeled “5xx” in FIG. 5. In FIG. 6, an amplifier 600 to ensure correct distortion reduction.
receives an input signal 606 from an input signal source 605. By utilizing these extra network arrangements in the ampli
Similar to FIG. 5, the amplifier 600 includes a gain/driver 40 fier designs of FIGS. 5 and 6, the dissipation of the Class AB
stage 610B, an intermediate stage 642 comprising transistors driver stage (that is, the internal output stage of the gain/driver
643 and 644 (also labeled as Q3 and Q4) and voltage bias stage 510 or 610B, in some embodiments) can be made even
components 646 and 647, and an output stage 650 comprising lower by reducing the Class AB quiescent current further,
transistors 631 and 632 (also labeled as Q1 and Q2), along since its distortion can be greatly reduced by the techniques
with impedance networks 660, 670, 680 and 690 (also respec 45 described. The Class AB stage of the gain/driver stage 510 or
tively labeled as Z4, Z2, Z1 and Z3 in FIG. 6). An additional 610B could itselfbe biased in Class B, resulting in a reduction
gain stage 610A (also labeled X2 in FIG. 6) has been added of idle dissipation.
before the gain/driver stage 610B. The amplifier 600 further A further reduction in idle dissipation can be obtained by
includes an outer feedback network 656 comprising resistors operating the gain/driver stage 210,310,510 or 610B in Class
652, 653 (labeled as R5, R6) and capacitor 654 (labeled as 50 G or H mode, since the quiescent power Supply Voltage to the
C7), having a similar purpose as in FIGS. 3 and 5, with gain/driver stage will be lower than would be the case other
feedback being taken from the final output 640 of the ampli wise. This could be done also without the extra network(s) of
fier 600 and fed into a feedback input terminal of gain stage FIG. 5 or 6, but extra care would be needed in order to
610A. In this case, the impedance network 670 (Z2) is posi eliminate any power Supply Switching spikes from affecting
tioned between the output of the gain stage 610A and the 55 the output of the gain/driver stage. The extra network circuitry
feedback input terminal of gain stage 610A. Similarly, the allows any Switching distortion introduced into the gain/
impedance network 660 (Z4) is positioned between the out driver stage to be significantly reduced.
put of the driver stage 650 and the feedback input terminal of Amplifiers generally incorporate Small current sensing
gain stage 610A. resistors in series with the output transistors in order to pro
The feedback from the output of gain/driver stage 6108 60 vide for current limiting protection circuits. Impedance net
continues to run through capacitor 648 (Z2i) into the feed work Z1 employed in the various amplifier designs of FIGS.
back input terminal of the gain/driver stage 610B. A feedback 2, 3, 5 and 6 can be used to replace these current sensing
connection is also made from the output of the intermediate resistors as depicted in FIGS. 7a and 7b. FIG. 7a shows a
stage 642 to the feedback input terminal of the gain/driver conventional current limiting circuit arrangement in which a
stage 6108. In this case, the feedback element is a resistor 619 65 push-pull output stage 700 comprises n-type transistor 711
(also labeled as R2), and another resistor 618 (also labeled and p-type transistor 712 (also labeled as Q1 and Q2) that are
Rgi) has been added coupling the feedback input terminal of inter-connected with a combination of circuitry including
US 8,004,355 B2
13 14
transistors 721, 722 and 723 (also labeled as Q3, Q4 and Q5 low frequencies. Because the additional feedback network is
respectively), current source 724 (also labeled as I1), and fed into the negative input of the gain/driver stage, it effec
resistors 714 and 715 through which the output signal passes tively cancels out the low frequency component of the ampli
to reach the final output 720 of the output stage 700. The fiers frequency response contributed by the feed-forward
amount of current that can be output from transistor 711 is impedance network.
limited by the current that passes through resistor 714, and In some embodiments, an additional intermediate ampli
that amount of current is in turn determined by the base-to fier stage may be provided, which functions in certain
emitter voltage of transistor 721. Resistor 715 and transistor respects as a driver stage, and has a feed-forward path cou
722 operate in a similar fashion to protect transistor 712 from pling to the load via the third impedance element.
excessive output current. 10 In certain embodiments, the main output stage is operated
FIG.7b, on the other hand, shows a modified current lim in Class B mode, while the gain/driver stage is operated in
iting circuit arrangement that takes advantage of the presence Class AB mode, thus leading to a low power dissipation
of impedance network Z1 to dispense with resistors 714 and configuration. At low signal levels, the gain/driver stage (and/
715. In FIG.7b, output stage 750 comprises n-type transistor or an intermediate amplifier stage) may provide the drive for
731 and p-type transistor 732 (also labeled as Q1 and Q2) that 15 the output signal via the feed-forward or coupling between
are again inter-connected with a combination of circuitry the gain/driver stage (and/or the intermediate amplifier stage)
including transistors 751,752 and 753 (also labeled as Q3, Q4 and the load, (through impedance network Z3, while at higher
and Q5 respectively), current source 754 (also labeled as I1), signal levels the main output stage drives the load. In alter
and, in this case, resistor 781 which may be the resistor in native embodiments, one or both of the gain/driver stage and
impedance network Z1 of any of the previous embodiments the main output stage may be operated in Class G or H mode,
described herein. In this case, when transistor 731 (Q1) is ON, with the addition of an appropriate power supply for the
then resistor 781 serves to limit the output current in the same amplifier. In alternative embodiments, the main output stage
way as resistor 714, i.e., using the relatively fixed base-to may be operated in Class AB mode, or else in Class A mode.
emitter voltage of n-type transistor 751 to limit the output While doing so may increase power dissipation, this configu
current, and when transistor 732 (Q2) is ON, then resistor 781 25 ration may still take advantage of other benefits provided by
limits the output current in the same way as resistor 715, i.e., the novel designs discussed herein.
using the relatively fixed emitter-to-base Voltage of p-type The novel power amplifier embodiments of FIGS. 2, 3, 5
transistor 752 to limit output current. and 6 may be realized in a very Small package and, in par
The invention has generally been illustrated or discussed ticular, may be implemented entirely on a single chip, with
with particular reference to an audio power amplifier but is by 30 the possible exception of the capacitive component of imped
no means limited to this application area. The disclosed tech ance network Z3 which may, in some cases, be large but still
niques apply also, for example, to low power audio amplifi relatively small as compared to an inductor, hence allowing
ers, video amplifiers and radio frequency amplifiers, among Smaller overall packaging size. Because of the amplifiers low
others. power dissipation, multiple amplifiers (such as four, eight, or
According to various embodiments as disclosed herein, a 35 possibly more) may be included on a single chip without the
power amplifier is provided having low power dissipation risk of over-heating. Such a chip can be particularly conve
and, more specifically, is capable of having low idle and nient formulti-channel amplifier system such as used inaudio
dynamic power dissipation levels. The power amplifier may applications or for other purposes.
not require a bias setting, and further may not require induc As noted above, the amplifier designs disclosed herein may
tors for EMI or filtering. The power amplifier may also deliver 40 be suitable for many different types of applications, including
very low distortion levels. audio or Sound reproduction, communications, satellites, and
In certain embodiments described herein, a low-power, other applications. The novel amplifier designs can poten
low-distortion amplifier includes a gain/driver stage, an tially have very wide frequency range with substantially flat
optional intermediate stage, and an output stage in a cascaded or constant gain, while maintaining low power dissipation
arrangement. A coupling path, which may in one aspect be 45 and low distortion. For example, the amplifier may provide
viewed as a feed-forward path, is provided from the output of relatively flat or constant gain over the range of 20 Hz to 20
the gain/driver stage to the load, via a feed-forward imped KHZ for audio applications, but is not so limited, and concep
ance network that may include a capacitor and a resistor tually may provide flat or constant gain over a much larger
connected in parallel. The output stage may be coupled to the pass-band, depending upon the specific application.
load by another impedance network Such as a resistor. The 50 While preferred embodiments of the invention have been
output stage may also be coupled to the input of the gain/ described herein, many variations are possible which remain
driver stage by another impedance network, which may take within the concept and scope of the invention. Such variations
the form of a capacitor and a resistor in a series arrangement. would become clear to one of ordinary skill in the art after
The output of the gain/driver stage may also be coupled to its inspection of the specification and the drawings. The inven
input by another impedance network, which may take the 55 tion therefore is not to be restricted except within the spirit
form of a capacitor. and scope of any appended claims.
In addition, a feedback network may be provided from the
load to the input of the gain/driver stage for stabilization, What is claimed is:
which may have the affect of flattening the overall frequency 1. An amplifier, comprising:
response at low frequencies will leaving the response 60 a first amplifier for receiving an input source signal;
unchanged at higher frequencies. The additional feedback a second amplifier downstream from the first amplifier; and
network may take the form of a low pass filter and, more a plurality of impedance networks providing (i) feedback
specifically, a T-network of two series resistors and a capaci paths from outputs of said first amplifier and said second
tor connected between their common node and a reference amplifier to an input of said first amplifier, (ii) a first
potential (such as ground). The additional feedback network 65 coupling path from the output of said second amplifierto
may be used to counter-act the resistive nature of the fre a load, and (iii) a second coupling path from the output
quency response of the feed-forward impedance network at of said first amplifier to the load;
US 8,004,355 B2
15 16
wherein all of said impedance networks are comprised 18. The amplifier of claim 10, further comprising an inter
only of resistors, capacitors, or network combinations of mediate amplifier stage disposed between the first amplifier
resistors and capacitors, and and the second amplifier.
wherein at least one of said impedance networks comprises 19. A low dissipation amplifier, comprising:
a capacitor. a driver amplifier for receiving an input signal;
2. The amplifier of claim 1, wherein a first impedance an output amplifier,
network providing said first coupling path comprises a resis a first impedance network Z1 coupling the output amplifier
tor connected between the output of said second amplifier and to a load;
the load. a second impedance network Z2 providing a feedback
3. The amplifier of claim 2, wherein a second impedance 10 signal indicative of an output of the driver amplifier to an
network of said plurality of impedance networks providing a input of the driver amplifier;
first feedbackpath from the output of said first amplifier to the a third impedance network Z3 coupling the output of the
input of said first amplifier comprises a capacitor. driver amplifier to the load; and
4. The amplifier of claim 3, wherein a third impedance a fourth impedance network Z4 providing a feedback sig
network of said plurality of impedance networks providing 15 nal indicative of an output of the output amplifier to the
said second coupling path comprises a resistor and capacitor input of the driver amplifier;
connected in parallel between the output of the first amplifier wherein the third impedance network Z3 comprises a
and the load. capacitor and a first resistor connected in parallel; and
5. The amplifier of claim 4, wherein a fourth impedance wherein the first impedance network comprises a second
network of said plurality of impedance networks providing a resistor.
second feedback path from the output of said second ampli 20. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, wherein the
fier to the input of said first amplifier comprises a capacitor second impedance network Z2 comprises a third resistor, and
and resistor connected in series. wherein the fourth impedance network Z4 comprises a fourth
6. The amplifier of claim 1, wherein a fifth impedance resistor and a second capacitor connected in series.
network of said plurality of impedance networks providing a 25 21. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 20, wherein each
third feedback path from the load to the input of said first of said first, second, third or fourth impedance networks Z1.
amplifier comprises a low pass filter. Z2, Z3 and Z4 consists of one or more resistors, capacitors or
7. The amplifier of claim 1, wherein said second amplifier network combinations thereof.
is operated in Class AB mode, Class G or Class H mode. 22. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, wherein said
8. The amplifier of claim 7, wherein said first amplifier is 30 low dissipation amplifier does not include a balancing induc
operated in Class AB mode. tor in any of the impedance networks Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4.
9. The amplifier of claim 1, wherein the power amplifier 23. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, further com
has a frequency response that is Substantially constant over a prising a fifth impedance network providing a feedback path
low frequency band. from the load to the input of said driver amplifier.
10. An amplifier, comprising: 35 24. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, wherein the
a first amplifier receiving an input signal to be amplified values of the first, second, third and fourth impedance net
and Supplied to a load; works Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4 satisfy the relationship Z1(s):Z2(s)
a second amplifier downstream from the first amplifier, =Z3(s):Z4(s).
said second amplifier being operated in a low power 25. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, wherein a
dissipation mode; 40 time constant of the third impedance network Z3 approxi
a feed-forward network coupling an output of said first mately matches a time constant of the fourth impedance net
amplifier to the load, said feed-forward network com work Z4.
prising a capacitor and a resistor connected in parallel; 26. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 25, wherein at
a resistor coupling said second amplifier to the load; and high frequencies an impedance characteristic of impedance
a plurality of negative feedback paths from the respective 45 network Z3 appears capacitive in nature.
outputs of said first and second amplifiers to an input of 27. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 26, wherein at
said first amplifier. low frequencies below which the impedance characteristic of
11. The amplifier of claim 10, further comprising an addi said third impedance network Z3 appears capacitive, the
tional feedback path from the load to the input of said first impedance characteristic of the third impedance network Z3
amplifier. 50 appears resistive.
12. The amplifier of claim 10, wherein said additional 28. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, wherein the
feedback path comprises a low pass filter, and serves to cancel fourth impedance network Z4 comprises a series resistor and
out the frequency response of the power amplifier at low a series capacitor, and wherein a value of the series resistor is
frequencies without the additional feedback path thus provid selected to provide a unity loop gain frequency to facilitate
ing a constant frequency response over low frequencies. 55 stability of the low dissipation amplifier.
13. The amplifier of claim 10, wherein said second ampli 29. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, wherein said
fier is operated in Class B mode. output amplifier is operated in Class B mode.
14. The amplifier of claim 13, wherein said first amplifier is 30. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 29, wherein said
operated in Class AB mode. driver amplifier is operated in Class AB mode.
15. The amplifier of claim 10, wherein said second ampli 60 31. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, wherein said
fier is operated in Class G or Class H mode. output amplifier and said driver amplifier are both operated in
16. The amplifier of claim 15, wherein said first amplifier is Class G or Class H mode.
operated in Class AB mode. 32. The low dissipation amplifier of claim 19, further com
17. The amplifier of claim 10, wherein said negative feed prising an intermediate amplifier stage disposed between said
back paths each comprise a feedback network comprising 65 driver amplifier and said output amplifier.
only one or more resistors, capacitors, or network combina 33. A low dissipation amplifier, comprising:
tions thereof. a driver amplifier coupled to an input signal;
US 8,004,355 B2
17 18
an output amplifier, wherein the values of the first, second, third and fourth
a first impedance network Z1 coupling the output amplifier impedance networks satisfy the relationship Z1(s):Z2(s)
to a load; =Z3(s):Z4(s); and
a second impedance network Z2 providing a feedback wherein all of said impedance networks are comprised
signal indicative of an output of the driver amplifier to an is only of resistors, capacitors, or network combinations of
input of the driver amplifier; resistors and capacitors, and
a third impedance network Z3 coupling the output of the wherein at least one of said impedance networks comprises
driver amplifier to the load; and a capacitor.
a fourth impedance network Z4 providing a feedback sig
nal indicative of an output of the output amplifier to the
input of the driver amplifier;