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Acid Base Equilibrium Worksheet 1

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Acid Base Equilibrium Worksheet 1

Reading: 16.1-16.7
Acid Base Vodcast 1
1. What does the prefix hydro- tell us about an 6. What is a conjugate pair?
acid? 7. Define a Lewis acid and base.
2. What does the suffix –ate tell us about an 8. What happens in the autoionizaion of water?
acid? 9. Mathematically show the [H+] in water at
3. What does the suffix –ous tell us about an 25°C.
acid? 10. What determines the strength of an acid or
4. Define an Arrhenius acid and base. base?
5. Define a Brønsted – Lowry acid and base.

1. What are the conjugate bases of these acids? If the chemical also has a conjugate acid, write that too.
HNO3, H2O, H3O+, H2SO4, HBr, HCO3-.
2. What are the conjugate acids of these bases? If the chemical also has a conjugate base, write that too.
OH-, H2O, HCO3-, SO42-, ClO4-
3. Find the [H+] and pH of water at 50°C if the Kw = 5.476 x 10-14.
4. Find the [OH-] and pH of water at 0°C if the Kw = 1.14 x 10-13.

Acid Base Vodcast 2

1. What must always be produced in order to write a Ka expression?
2. What must always be produced in order to write a Kb expression?

1. Calculate the pH of each of the following strong acid solutions: (a) 8.5 X 10-3 M HBr, (b) 1.52 g of
HNO3 in 575 mL of solution, (c) 5.00 mL of 0.250 M HC1O4 diluted to 50.0 mL, (d) a solution formed by
mixing 10.0 mL of 0.100 M HBr with 20.0 mL of 0.200 M HC1.
2. A 0.085 M solution of C6H5CH2COOH has a pH of 2.68. Calculate the Ka value for this acid.
Lactic acid (CH3CH(OH)COOH) has one acidic hydrogen. A 0.10 M solution of lactic acid has a pH of 2.44.
Calculate Ka.
3. A 0.100 M solution of chloroacetic acid (C1CH2COOH) is 11.0% ionized. Using this information, calculate
[C1CH2C00 ], [1-11, IC1CH2COOH)l, and Ka for chloroacetic acid
4. A particular sample of vinegar has a pH of 2.90. If acetic acid is the only acid that vinegar contains
(Ka = 1.8 x 10-5), calculate the concentration of acetic acid in the vinegar.
5. Calculate the pH of each of the following solutions (Ka and Kb values are given in Appendix D): (a) 0.095
M propionic acid (C2H5COOH), (b) 0.100 M hydrogen chromate ion (HCrO4-1 ), (c) 0.120 M pyridine
6. Calculate the percent ionization of hydrazoic acid (HN3) in solutions of each of the following
concentrations (Ka is given in Appendix D): (a) 0.400 M, (b) 0.100 M, (c) 0.0400 M.
7. Calculate the molar concentration of OH- ions in a 0.075 M solution of ethylamine (C 2H5 NH2 ; Kb =
6.4 x 10-4). Calculate the pH of this solution.
8. Calculate the molar concentration of OH- ions in a 0.550 M solution of hypobromite ion (Br0 - ; Kb
= 4.0 X 10-6). What is the pH of this solution?
9. Ephedrine, a central nervous system stimulant, is used in nasal sprays as a decongestant. This compound
is a weak organic base:
C10H15ON(aq) + H2O  C10H15ONH+(aq) + OH-(aq)
A 0.035 M solution of ephedrine has a pH of 11.33. (a) What are the equilibrium concentrations of
C10H15ON, C10H15ONH+, and OH-? (b) Calculate Kb for ephedrine.
AP Style Questions
HF(aq) + H2O(l)  H3O+(aq) + F–(aq) Ka = 7.210–4
Hydrofluoric acid, HF(aq), dissociates in water as represented by the equation above.
(a) Write the equilibrium-constant expression for the dissociation of HF(aq) in water.
(b) Calculate the molar concentration of H3O+ in a 0.40 M HF(aq) solution.
HF(aq) reacts with NaOH(aq) according to the reaction represented below.

HC3H5O2(aq) ↔ C3H5O2–(aq) + H+(aq) Ka = 1.3410–5

Propanoic acid, HC3H5O2, ionizes in water according to the equation above.
(a) Write the equilibrium constant expression for the reaction.
(b) Calculate the pH of a 0.265 M solution of propanoic acid.

C6H5NH2(aq) + H2O(l) ↔ C6H5NH3+(aq) + OH–(aq)

Aniline, a weak base, reacts with water according to the reaction represented above.
(a) Write the equilibrium constant expression, Kb, for the reaction represented above.
(b) A sample of aniline is dissolved in water to produce 25.0 mL of 0.10 M solution. The pH of the solution is
8.82. Calculate the equilibrium constant, Kb, for this reaction.

HOBr(aq) ↔ H+(aq) + OBr–(aq) Ka = 2.3  10–9

Hypobromous acid, HOBr, is a weak acid that dissociates in water, as represented by the equation above.
(a) Calculate the value of [H+] in an HOBr solution that has a pH of 4.95.
(b) Write the equilibrium constant expression for the ionization of HOBr in water, then calculate the
concentration of HOBr(aq) in an HOBr solution that has [H+] equal to 1.8  10–5 M.

The overall dissociation of oxalic acid, H 2C2O4, is represented below. The overall dissociation constant is also
H2C2O4 ↔ 2 H+ + C2O42– K = 3.7810–6
(a) What volume of 0.400–molar NaOH is required to neutralize completely a 5.00 x10–3–mole sample of pure
oxalic acid?
(b) Give the equations representing the first and second dissociations of oxalic acid. Calculate the value of the
first dissociation constant, K1, for oxalic acid if the value of the second dissociation constant, K2, is 6.4010–
(c) To a 0.015–molar solution of oxalic acid, a strong acid is added until the pH is 0.5. Calculate the [C 2O42–] in
the resulting solution. (Assume the change in volume is negligible.)

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