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A Compendious Study of Online Payment Systems

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 8, No. 5, 2017

A Compendious Study of Online Payment Systems:

Past Developments, Present Impact, and Future
Burhan Ul Islam Khan Rashidah F. Olanrewaju Asifa Mehraj Baba
Department of ECE Department of ECE Department of ECE
Kulliyyah of Engineering Kulliyyah of Engineering School of Technology
IIUM, Malaysia IIUM, Malaysia IUST, Kashmir

Adil Ahmad Langoo Shahul Assad

Graduate School of Management Department of Management Studies
IIUM, Malaysia University of Kashmir, Kashmir

Abstract—The advent of e-commerce together with the the Internet all over the world [1]. The recent advancements in
growth of the Internet promoted the digitisation of the payment technology for designing mobile devices coupled with the
process with the provision of various online payment methods rising Internet speed as well as mobile technology have made it
like electronic cash, debit cards, credit cards, contactless possible for users to utilise those devices at any location and
payment, mobile wallets, etc. Besides, the services provided by time for performing electronic commerce transactions besides
mobile payment are gaining popularity day-by-day and are services like reading e-mails and Web browsing [2][3]. In
showing a transition by advancing towards a propitious future of person trading of products and services between two parties
speculative prospects in conjunction with the technological goes back to before the start of written history. With time, as
innovations. This paper is aimed at evaluating the present status
exchange turned out to be more muddled and difficult, people
and growth of online payment systems in worldwide markets and
also takes a look at its future. In this paper, a comprehensive
represented values in an abstract manner, advancing from
survey on all the aspects of electronic payment has been barter system through certified notes of money, checks,
conducted after analysis of several research studies on online payment orders, debit and credit cards, and nowadays online
payment systems. Several online payment system services, the payment (or electronic payment) systems. Some well-known
associated security issues and the future of such modes of issues or defects are found in the customary methods of
payment have been analysed. This study also analyses the various payment: cash can be falsified, cheques bounced, and
factors that affect the adoption of online payment systems by signatures forged. Contrary to this, appropriately planned
consumers. Furthermore, there can be seen a huge growth in electronic system of payment can really give ideal security
mobile payment methods globally beating both debit and credit over conventional methods of payments, with the added
card payments, all due to the convenience and security offered by advantage of pliability in usage [4][5]. The ease of making
them. Nevertheless, various obstacles have been identified in the monetary exchanges and additionally a more secure and faster
adoption of online payment methods; thus, some measures have access to capital resources, among different other components,
to be taken for granting this industry a hopeful future. Thus, has put online payment system on a celebrated stride than the
there should be a suitable trade-off between usability and cash currency based system [6][7][8]. With intangible
security when designing online payment systems in order to transactions becoming more impactful in overall economies
attract customers. Also, technical and organisational issues which and their prompt transference at little cost, conventional
arise in the attempt to achieve interoperability must be taken into systems of payment have a tendency to be more expensive than
consideration by the designers. As a matter of fact, the process of
the present-day strategies. Furthermore, processing on the
developing interoperable and flexible solutions and universal
standards is one of the most difficult tasks in the future ahead.
internet can be of less worth than the smallest estimation of
cash in the manual world [9].
Keywords—E-Commerce; Online payment system; Online With the immense participation of the web in our everyday
payment developments; Payment gateway; Online payment life, individuals feel accustomed to online exchange in E-
challenges Commerce for selling and purchasing of products and ventures.
I. INTRODUCTION People are paying cash electronically over the Internet [10].
Moreover, the rise of web-based business has led to new
E-commerce (or electronic commerce) is among the most money-related necessities that by and large can't be viably
popular services that emerged as a result of the propagation of satisfied by the customary methods of payment. Following to
this growing trend, related individuals are investigating
This work was partially supported by Ministry of Higher Education different online systems of payment including issues
Malaysia (Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi) under Research Initiative Grant encompassing the online system of payment and digitised
Scheme (RIGS) number RIGS 16-357-0521.

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currency [5]. Every single transaction that takes place online is payments over the internet and at the same time a gateway to
made via payment gateways which act as points at which the technological advancement in the field of world economy [20].
financial organisations can be accessed. Payment gateways In addition, it has also become the major facilitating engine in
authorise and validate details of payment between different e-commerce through which electronic business success relied
parties and the various financial organisations [10]. upon. Online electronic systems of payment had likewise
realised proficiency, reduced rate of frauds and resourcefulness
This paper gives a comprehensive description aimed at in the systems of world payment [13][21].
increasing awareness about the development of online payment
systems. The remaining paper is organised as: A number of A. What is an Online Payment System?
definitions of online payment systems, their history and other The online payment system is a comprehensive term,
related aspects have been provided in Section 2. Section 3 portraying various scopes of delivery through electronic
discusses the online payment gateway model and the multichannel. Its use for various purposes offers an amplified
comparison of various payment systems available online. The imprecision of characterising online payment in literature.
developments in online payment system together with its Online payment can be seen from its capacities as e-banking,
adoption have been given in Section 4. Section 5 and 6 present m-payment, e-cash, internet banking, online banking, e-
the various advantages and issues associated with online broking, e-finance and so on. All things considered, recent
payment systems. The elucidations of its various security researchers have demonstrated a few endeavours to come up
requirements and future considerations have been given in with a definition of online payment [8].
Section 7 and Section 8, respectively. Finally, the paper is
concluded in Section 9. Dennis (2004), characterises the system of online or
electronic payment as a type of financial commitment that
II. ONLINE PAYMENT SYSTEM includes the purchaser and the vendor enabled by the utilisation
As exchanges among different partners of business keep on of electronic infrastructures [11]. Additionally, Briggs and
proffering on the e-commerce platform, the previous cash- Brooks (2011) views online payment as a type of inter-relation
based system of payment was slowly replaced by the electronic amongst associations and people helped by banks and inter-
payment systems [11]. The appearance of this advancement in switch houses that empowers financial transaction
the worldwide business platform prompted most business electronically [17].
establishments to naturally change from the customary paper- Another point of view is put forward by Peter and
based cash exchanges to an electronic system of payment Babatunde (2012) who see online payment system as any type
which is generally known as the online payment system or e- of money exchange through the internet [22]. On a similar note,
payment system. By and large, these electronic systems can be as indicated by Adeoti and Osotimehin (2012), a system of
seen as a method of making payments for merchandise or online payment alludes to an electronic method for making
services which have been established online using the internet payments for merchandise obtained on the web or in markets
[12] [13]. and shopping centres [23]. Another definition suggests that
An Electronic Payment System or online payment system online payment systems are payments made in electronic
can be defined as a type of inter-organisational information exchange conditions as exchange of money via electronic
system (IOS) for money related transactions, connecting means [24].
numerous associations and individual clients. A need of Besides, Kalakota and Whinston (1997) view online or
complex interactions may be required among the partners, the electronic payment as an exchange of money that happens
environment and the technology. The exclusive attributes of online between the merchant and the purchaser [25]. In
EPS/IOS also separate it from the conventional internal based addition, Humphrey and Hancock (1997) are of the view that
systems of information; technologically, relationally and online payments allude to money and related exchanges
organisationally, it is more intricate and complicated actualised utilising means of electronics [26]. Online payment
[14][15][16], highlighting the significance of cooperation and is also defined as payment by means of electronic exchange of
the need to unite all aspects together [17]. details of credit cards, direct credit or some other electronic
Notably, the global annual non-cash transactions facilitated means other than payment with money and cheque [27].
by online payment and mobile payment (m-payment) had been Antwi et al. (2015) characterised online payment as an
on the upsurge over the years, except for 2012 where it exchange of a fiscal claim by the payer on a party worthy to be
decelerates from an annual growth rate of 8.6% in 2011 down useful [28]. Lin and Nguyen (2001) define online payment as
to 7.7% in 2012 [18]. Furthermore, in 2014, volumes of payments made via the automated clearing house, commercial
worldwide non-paper exchange went up to 8.9% reaching card systems and electronic transfers [29]. Shon and Swatman
387.3 billion, the most noteworthy development rate since the (1998) characterise online payment as any trade of money
first publication of World Payments Report. The growth was started by means of an electronic correspondence channel [30].
chiefly determined by quickened development in newly Gans and Scheelings (1999), define online payment as
forming markets. The higher worldwide development is payments made by the use of electronic signals connected debit
anticipated to have kept up in 2015, with assessments of a or credit accounts [31]. Hord (2005) observes online payment
development rate of 10.1% which will make the non-paper as any sort of non-money payment that does not include a
exchange volume reach 426,300,000,000 [19]. Online payment paper cheque [32].
systems are important mechanisms used by individual and
organisations as a secure and convenient way of making

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Likewise, Teoh et al. (2013) saw online payment as any used for transferring money to anybody in the entire world
exchange of an electronic worth of payment from the buyer to within no time; however, the wallet holder’s identity and the
the seller by means of an online payment channel that permits Bitcoin transactions are not monitored by any central
clients to remotely access and deal with their financial accounts organisation. So, Bitcoins can be used by scammers for their
and exchanges over an electronic system [33]. illegal pursuits on the Internet. Now, the popularity of
operating systems like iOS and Android has also grown in the
In general, an online payment system is an arrangement of recent years. With the concept of mobile banking and mobile
monetary exchange amongst purchasers and vendors on online wallets, peer to peer transferring of money has moved to a
conditions that is helped by a digital financial instrument, (for higher stage of development since it made possible services
example, electronic checks, encoded credit card numbers, or like ticket booking, peer-to-peer (P2P) money transfer, bill
cash in digital form) supported by a bank, a mediator, or by a payment, mobile recharges and money withdrawals [40]. The
lawful associate [34]. earliest mobile banking service dates back to 1977 when
B. Historical Background Merita Bank in Finland used an SMS – short message service
The history of online payment can be traced back to 1918 [41] for allowing people an easy and fast access to their
the time when currency was first moved in the United States facilities; it has been witnessed that mobile phones are used by
(U.S.) by the Federal Reserve Bank with the aid of telegraph. 50% people but mobile banking is accessed by 37% only [42].
However, that technology had not been widely used in the US The advantages and need of mobile banking has been studied
until the time when their Automated Clearing House (ACH) by researchers [43]. Many finance companies provide smart-
was incorporated in 1972. Since that time, the electronic phone applications that allow users to pay anybody, anytime
money turned out to be quite popular. This enabled U.S. and anywhere. However, with continuous use, hackers found
commercial banks and its central treasury came out with an them as an easy prey and were successful in performing
alternative to cheque payment [13]. fraudulent transactions. Furthermore, a stretchable and ultra-
thin stamp is now available which users wear on the skin and
Credit card industry can also be traced back to 1914 when can be employed for payment while being connected to a
department stores, oil companies, Western Union and hotels smart-phone [44] [45].
started issuing cards to their customers to enable them to pay
for goods and services. After about 40 years of credit card C. Classification of OnlinePayment Systems
evolution, there have been increasing numbers of credit card There are quite a number of online payment services that
usage as they have become more acceptable by people as a have been developed within the payment system around the
medium of payment, especially in transportation. Initially, globe. These include electronic cheques, e-cash, credit cards
credit cards were all paper-based payments, until in the 1990s and electronic fund transfers [13][46].
when such cards were transformed to electronic completely. Several types of online payment systems have been studied
Due to the increasing number of credit card usage, the industry by [47] who classified them into electronic currency and
has grown rapidly which lead to the introduction of a debit card account-based systems. In account-based systems, users are
too. Debit and credit cards are now used in transaction allowed to pay using their own bank accounts while the latter
payments for all types of purchases or services rendered all allows consumers to pay only with the help of some electronic
over the world [13][35]. currency. Both the systems provide numerous payment
With the evolution of e-commerce and technological methods such as i) Electronic payment cards (credit/debit and
advancement, electronic cashless payments are now used charge cards), ii) Mobile payments, iii) E-wallets, iv) Smart
conventionally even though having being set in the 1960s [36]. and loyalty cards, v) Virtual credit cards, vi) Stored value card
The research community has made relentless efforts resulting payment, and vii) E-cash
in the development of various online payment models like the On evaluation of the online payments systems by [48],
N. Asokan model and the JW model. In the JW model – a several features of varied online payment methods have been
conventional payment system, sellers as well as buyers require accentuated as:
some kind of involvement for carrying out a specific
transaction [37]. The N. Asokan model was launched in 1998 1) Credit Cards
and involves the participation of a bank besides the seller or Credit cards are by far the most popular mode of online
buyer in transaction processing lest one of them is missing in payment. In the beginning, security concerns hampered their
any transaction [38]. Another model viz. 3e model that is built adoption but gained customer trust later when security features
on the N. Asokan model includes electronic cheque, electronic were provided for each transaction. Credit card applicability is
cash and credit card payment models [37], the most popular one of the strongest factors which contribute to its extensive
being the credit card mode of payment [39]. use all over the world. Nonetheless, it is not considered feasible
The concept of transferring funds electronically using the for making small payments or small businesses since they
Internet progressed with the aim to transfer money require huge fees [48]. The most important advantage of credit
instantaneously among peers. For supporting this goal, several cards is the ease-of-use they provide in performing transactions
possible solutions have been proposed such as ATM networks online from any part of the world and in no time. Moreover,
and wire transfer. In order to carry out money transfers they can be obtained easily without the burden to possess any
internationally, various fast and popular frameworks have been additional hardware or software for making them work. The
given. Crypto currencies such as Litecoin and Bitcoin can be authentication of card-holder is simply provided using credit
card number, a name and expiry date. In order to keep the

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personal information of users secure, complementary systems, were proposed. Nevertheless, those payment systems
like Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode have been disappeared soon as they were not appreciated much.
developed by credit card companies. Moreover, this payment Currently, systems based on smart card are more commonly
mode offers users with the provision of password creation used by businesses for paying small amounts. But smart cards
which they use for shopping online via credit cards. are dependent on card reader and particular hardware for their
authentication and use. Besides smart cards, a large number of
2) Debit Cards electronic cash systems like Clic-e and Virtual BBVA have
Debit cards are gaining popularity with each passing day also been set up. Electronic tokens or prepaid cards are
and have become the most popular cashless payment methods employed by these systems which represent some specific
all over the world [49]. As compared to credit cards, the value and can be bartered for hard cash [48] [76].
payments made via debit cards are withdrawn from the
consumer’s personal bank account and not from any Since 2010, the cards as instruments of payment have
intermediary account. So, users fail to have an additional shown fastest growth, which is evident from the fact that the
security in their debit accounts thereby troubling them while use of cheques has declined in the last 13 years. Debit cards
handling payment disputes. However, only the account number stand out among the other types of payment instruments and
is required for making debit payments with no need to produce accounts for the highest share (45.7%) of worldwide non-cash
a card number or a physical card. Although debit cards have a money exchanges and have proved to be the fastest growing
huge user base in several countries but they are not widely used (12.8%) instruments of payment in the year 2014. These
on merchant websites due to their failure to satisfy statistics allude to the fact that the security and convenience
international customers [48]. The costs incurred by the usage provided by the cards in comparison to other instruments of
of debit cards are lower as compared to credit cards which payment and the compatibility with the newcomers to build
makes them feasible for micropayments. Furthermore, they innovative series because of their easy payment infrastructure
have a higher level of security than credit cards due to the [19].
requirement of extensive identifications demanded by banks. Furthermore, the electronic mode of payment can be
3) Mobile Payments accomplished in a mobile environment as well. Various
As per [50], the payments that are made via wireless Android applications in smart-phones like Ngpay, Paytm
devices such as smart-phones and mobile phones are assumed provide an online service of payment. In case of the online
to offer reduction in transaction fees, and increase in online payment system, these mobile applications work equally to a
payment security and convenience. Such a payment method Desktop computer. There are other ways in which clients
has facilitated businesses in the collection of valuable employ their mobile phones for paying their transactions. By
information regarding their customers as well as their making use of the mobile internet, customers may transmit a
purchases. According to [48], mobile payment systems are PIN number, send an SMS message or utilise WAP to pay
applicable globally as a result of their astonishing growth and electronically over the internet. For online payment, the
downright incursion of mobile devices in comparison to other vendors can authenticate a particular client’s debit or credit
telecommunication infrastructure. card transaction by assigning an instrument to their mobile
phones. In the United States, a conglomerate of late publicised
Mobile payments have been found to be feasibly used for Power Swipe, which is physically connected to a Nextel
both online purchases and offline micropayments. Since the telephone, has a weight of 3.1 ounces, and involves a reader for
mobile phones have a huge consumer base, online traders are magnetic stripe, goes through connector for charging the
potentially attracted to this payment method. The usage of battery of the handset, and an infrared port for printing [53].
mobile payment services reduces the overall transaction costs
as well as provides a better security [50]. Nonetheless, their III. ONLINE PAYMENT GATEWAY MODEL
inability to suffice international payments and privacy has led In today’s world, online shopping has become popular; the
to several issues in gaining a significant user base. utilisation of online payment provides a large number of
4) Mobile Wallets advantages to vendors as well as clients. For processing, the
According to Doan (2014), “Mobile wallet is formed when transactions that take place over the web must go through a
your smartphone functions as a leather wallet: it can have payment gateway. In practice, the payment gateways act as a
digital coupons, digital money (transactions), digital cards, and link amongst financial organisations responsible for conducting
digital receipts” [51]. Using mobile wallets, users are allowed the money exchange and the vendor’s website [54].
to install the application in their smart-phones which they can In business over the Internet, different factions are included
employ for making offline as well as online purchases. In in the online payment process (as shown in Figure 1) for
future, mobile wallets are assumed to offer more convenience selling and purchasing products. An electronic Payment
to customers in making transactions with the help of Gateway is a fundamental part for online transactions and
technologies which connect smart-phones and the physical supposed to ensure the client that exchange is reliable and safe
world via sound waves, cloud-based solutions, NFC (Near in every aspect of security [10].
Field Communication), QR codes, etc. [52].
An E-Commerce Payment Gateway is a basic part of
5) Electronic Cash infrastructure to guarantee that such exchanges happen with no
In the initial phase of online payment system introduction, problems and the overall security over electronic systems is
electronic cash systems by the name CyberCash or DigiCash maintained. A Payment Gateway acts as an access point to the

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national banking system. Every single online exchange must go channel, which safely routes details of transactions from the
through a Payment Gateway to be handled. A Payment purchaser's Personal Computer (PC) to banks for authentication
Gateway routes and confirms details of payment in amazingly and countersignature. Upon approval, the Payment Gateway
secure conditions between related banks and different factions. sends back the data to the merchant consequently finishing the
The Payment Gateway works basically as an "encoded" "order", and giving confirmation [55].

Request to Payment Gateway

Request for
Order Payment
Merchant s Payment Gateway response Gateway
Web Server

Server Bank
Response Response

User placing

transferred to
Merchant account

Fig. 1. Online Payment Process

A. Popularly Used Online Payment Systems (before Moneybookers), (15) WePay, (16) by Visa, (17)
One of the best apparatus that the Internet offers in today’s Square, and (18) Google Wallet/ Google Checkout.
world is the ability to shift one’s business wherever they want B. Comparison of Payment Gateways
by means of a website. This is the reason it became noticeably
vital to buy by means of the Internet through numerous When making a choice for a payment gateway, the main
payment service providers. Payment Service Provider is an considerations that should be considered are as following: card
organisation that offers online services related to marketing; it types, transaction fees, recurring bills and form payments.
recognises online payments by overseeing exchanges amongst These elements will fluctuate accordingly with the processor,
vender and purchaser. The most well-known payment so it must be guaranteed that payment gateway selected has to
techniques that are typically provided are by bank transfer, real be in accordance with the needs and budget of the client [57].
time orders and credit card. By making a comparative investigation of payment
Some popular systems of online payments are [56]: (1) gateways, different services and criteria are described below.
Braintree, (2) Stripe, (3) PayPal, (4) Authorize.Net, (5) Each one of these payment gateways concentrate on various
2CheckOut, (6) Dwolla, (7) Worldpay, (8) Eway, (9) Samurai, elements such as currencies, cost, security, support, features,
by Feefighters, (10) Serve, from American Express, (11) Intuit etc. These appear underneath in a tabulated form as given in
GoPayment, (12) Icepay, (13) Amazon Payments, (14) Skrill Table 1.

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Bundled Set-
Payment Charge- Card Mobile On-form Requires Phone
Merchant Cost up Currencies Countries
Gateway back fee Types Payments Payments SSL Support
Account Cost

$0 monthly
PayPal 2.9%+$0.30
Yes $0 25 203 9
Standard per

PayPal Pro Yes 2.9%+$0.30 $0 $20 23 3 9

monthly No 2.9%+$0.30 $49 $25 11 5 6

(for US-
$0 monthly
2CheckOut Yes 2.9%+$0.30 $0 sellers) 87 200+ 8

$0 monthly

Stripe Yes 2.9%+$0.30 $0 $15 100+ 25 6


$0 monthly
Yes/No 2.9%+$0.30
Brain Tree $0 $15 130+ 44 6
options per

$0 monthly
WePay No 2.9%+$0.30 $0 $15 1 USA 4

$0 monthly
Amazon 2.9%+$0.30
Yes $0 $20 11 3 6
Payments per

$0 monthly
$0.30 per Limited
Dwolla No transaction $0 $15 1 USA Bank
(free from Account
under $10)

IV. ONLINE PAYMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTS more secure and faster access to funds, among different other
components, has put e-payment system on a more celebrated
Globalisation in today's world is the result of innovative pace than the paper money based framework [6][7].
technological endeavours. The advancement in technology has Interestingly, in Nigeria, online payment framework is picking
changed the skyline of payment systems, moving towards e- up eminence to the degree that clients have now wanted to do
World [58]. Decisively, current innovation has changed financial transactions without going to the banks. Thus, time of
customary systems of payment into a more proficient and money based payment framework is slowly blurring out as the
viable system, which is free from the cash-and-carry disorder. cashless economy dominates present day financial systems
The effectiveness of executing financial transactions and also a [59][60]. Lately, online payment system has turned into a

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standard through which fiscal element moves advantageously, In a society where 90% of money is held outside of the
particularly in a developing country like Nigeria where it is banks to migrate to a cashless economy is a major
habitual to carry cash. In such a country, the online payment transformation. It is subsequently a gigantic test for the
system has shaped into an important starting point of her government, money related establishments, people and
present-day economy; a well-working system of online different other partners in charge of making this framework
payment has been perceived to have much pertinence to accomplish its financial advantages [65]. There are probably
budgetary strength, overall financial activity, and monetary going to be economic, operational, financial and advertising
policy [8]. In the meantime, the initiative for an economy that changes that should be overseen in a proper manner.
is not based on cash will be preferred in the new era only when
it is supported with age advantage, good education, ownership Conventional techniques of payment incorporate bank
of important innovative foundations, among different other exchanges, debit cards, and credit cards. In 2014, the quantity
components, appropriately set up by every concerned of cards with a function of payment improved up to 766
individual of the economic system and proficiently managed million in the EU. The measure of exchanges by means of
before forcing the citizens to comply. cards was 47.5 billion, with an aggregate estimation of 2.4
trillion dollars. However, individuals incline towards other
A number of researches were done on the systems of online choices or local solutions of payment. The scene of optional
payment and development of economy in the current time. payments has advanced and is believed to assert 55% of e-
Newstead (2012) inspected cashless systems of payment and Commerce revenue by 2019, as described in Figure 2 [66].
monetary development and found a connection between
cashless payment and the pace of financial development. The The payments industry all over the world is growing at a
review discovered that cashless payment volumes are fast pace with the filtering of investments by big banks and the
developing twice as quick in the developing countries as they development of emerging technologies by progressing start-
are over the world [61]. Likewise, World Payments Reports ups. It was reported by Boston Consulting Group [67] in 2016
(2012) investigated the state and advancement of worldwide that the transaction banking may reach from $1.1 trillion in the
year 2014 up to $2 trillion in the year 2024, as depicted in
non-paper money systems and discovered non-cash payments
make it less demanding and speedier for individuals and Figure 3. While the focus has been on technology and
organisations to purchase products and enterprises, thrusting innovation, the advantages of new payment mechanisms are
cash into the framework quicker and adding to the GDP [62]. now being realised by businesses for improving the bottom line
The conclusion of the review was like that of Hasan et al. and fuelling corporate growth.
(2012) who investigated principal connection between online As per Vaughan Rowsell [67], chief product officer and
retail payment and general financial development utilising founder at Vend, “Popular businesses are showing others that
information from over 27 European nations from 1995 to 2009 those payment solutions, which were new a few years ago, like
and came to know that relocation to proficient electronic retail contactless cards or mobile wallets, are now real, reliable and
payment empowers general financial development, utilisation widely used. As adoption has been slow, but steady, the
and exchange [8][63]. technology has been able to evolve and become better
Apart from the safety and convenience, online payment over time.” Furthermore, he also says that a lesson that
systems additionally have a significant number of financial businesses can take from this is the revelation of the number of
advantages [64]. Their chief financial advantage involves choices available to the user as the largest element of bottom
mobilising investment funds and guaranteeing a large portion line growth. The greater number of user payment options,
of the cash accessible to the nation and with the banks, making cheaper and quicker systems imply that there is reduced
funds accessible to borrowers (organisations and people). dependence on cash. Nevertheless, it also implies that the
Moreover, an online system of payment can track spending of a expectations of customers are growing.
particular individual; to simplify the framework of services Global Payments UK managing director and president,
offered by the banks. This data is likewise helpful to the Nigel Hyslop [67] quotes: “We have seen a sharp increase in
administration when settling on financial adoptions. Online the number of people using their mobile phone to make
payment system likewise can diminish the cost on money purchases online or pay with contactless for items up to £30.”
handling and costs on printing. As per (Moody's Analytics, Furthermore, he also says: “More people are realising that
2010), genuine worldwide GDP on an average increased by an using contactless with their mobile is easier than digging
additional 0.2% per year considered to what it would have been around for spare change when paying for lower-cost items.”
without the utilisation of cards. Basically, the use of cards
develops a nation's GDP by 0.2% every year [64].

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$175.00 2019
PrePay $55.00
Prepaid Card $39.00

PostPay $19.00

Other $19.00

E-Wallet $647.00

E-Invoices $10.00

Direct Debit $18.00


Debit Card $412.00


Credit Card $577.00


Charge Card $41.00


Cash on Delivery $167.00


Bank Transfer $292.00

(US$ billions)

Fig. 2. Future Trends of Payment Methods [Source: Global payments report preview, Worldpay, November 2015]

Fig. 3. Annual Consumer Payments 2024 Forecast

In the former years, the adoption of contactless systems of followed by the continuous activation of compatible POS
payment has grown by a large scale at the physical point-of- terminals by retailers in order to benefit from the reduced
sale (POS). As per the reports of UK Cards Association [67], acceptance costs of contactless mode of payment.
there was an increase in the total contactless transactions made
in the month of January 2016 by 212% as compared to the New methods of payment are now being used by some of
transactions made in January 2015. Such a trend has been the leading businesses in the world and are thus moving one
driven by banks that continue issuing contactless enabled cards step ahead than making payment for goods. Rather, they are

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being used for enhancing the interaction of buyers with the people preferring this payment mode followed by credit cards
company’s products. At the onset of the month of April 2016, opted by 35 per cent people [69]. Since customers find more
SWIFT banking cooperative made an announcement which comfort in the use of credit or debit cards, these payment cards
said that an innovative global payment initiative was signed by have been digitised by several companies by incorporating
21 banks for improving the user experience with an increased many of them in one product, e.g., Plastic cards, Coin and
transparency, predictability and speed of cross-border Stratos can store up to 20 cards, 8 cards and 3 cards
payments. The banks that had participated include leading respectively whereas a whopping 25 cards can be loaded by
banks like Bank of China, Wells Fargo, Bank of America SWYP [70].
Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan Chase, Barclays and Royal Bank of
Canada [67]. One of the main barriers to customer acceptance has been
found to be security as stated by 45 per cent respondents who
Despite the enormous development of payment were surveyed. The most important reason behind this is
technologies, the customer acceptance has not been found to be assumed to be the resistance of customers to switch
satisfactory. In this regard, various factors have been technologies; about 97 per cent customers showed repudiation
underlined as being responsible for the adoption of mobile in buying a new device which supported mobile payments [71].
wallets successfully in the market. According to a survey As per a survey conducted in the year 2016, people were found
report, about 62 per cent people are apprehensive about their to be less likely to use mobile payment with only 6 per cent
system security. As per the reports of another survey that was ready to make use of a mobile payment app [72]. The major
made in the year 2015, among the existing systems of customer issue that has been found to be associated with mobile payment
digital payment, 16 per cent customers gave preference to mode is the high cost of smart-phones that these payments rely
digital payment however 67 per cent customers are partial to on, particularly in countries where they can be afforded by few
cash even now. Furthermore, the acceptance rate of debit cards people only. India has been observed to be the second largest
was found to be 59 per cent while 50 per cent customers relied smart-phone market with an estimated 73 per cent people using
on credit cards. The contactless payment technologies are also mobile phones all over the country. Owing to the technological
seen to have lesser excitement among customers where only 5 innovations, about 40 per cent users of smart phones in India
to 6 per cent consumers believe that they would be using possess a mobile wallet [73]. Moreover, it was also reported
digital mode of payment by the year 2020 [68] [45]. The rates that 74 per cent people intend to make use of a mobile wallet in
of acceptance of traditional as well as digital modes of the emerging markets whereas this figure goes down to mere
payment have been given in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. 46 per cent in the developed markets [73] [45].
According to a survey on payment technologies, it has been
found that debit cards are the most popular with 43 per cent

Traditional Payment

Wire Transfer/Western Union

Money Order

Prepaid/Gift Card


Credit Cards

Debit Cards


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Fig. 4. Acceptance Rates of Various Traditional Payment Systems

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Digital Payment

Pop-Money Clear Xchange

Google Wallet

Apple Pay

Digital Currency

Retailer Mobile Payment Apps


0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%

Fig. 5. Acceptance Rates of Various Digital Payment Systems

Online payment system can be helpful in uprooting shadow

V. ONLINE PAYMENT SYSTEM AS A BOON economies, bringing masked exchanges into the banking
For the first time in history, a review by the Federal system and help in bringing straightforwardness, cooperation,
Reserve Financial Services Policy Committee shows that and confidence in the economic system. In addition to this, as
electronic payment exchanges in the United States have specified by Al Shaikh (2005) in [75], there is a relationship
surpassed cheque payments. In 2003, the total number of between the rise in demand deposits and increase in point of
electronic exchanges were equivalent to 44.5 billion dollars, sales volumes. “Automated electronic payments act as a
while the quantity of cheques paid were equal to 36.7 billion gateway into the banking sector and as a powerful engine for
dollars. Evidently, a pattern among buyers can be recognised; growth. Such payments draw cash out of circulation and into
purchasers are seen to be more willing to work with online the bank accounts, providing low cost funds that can be used to
electronic transactions and employing an automated medium to support bank lending for investment – a driver of overall
do their businesses. economic activity. The process creates greater transparency
and accountability, leading to greater efficiency and better
As indicated in a review by Fiallos and Wu (2005), the economic performance”.
ingress of the web has put electronic payments and exchanges
on an exponential development rate [74]. Customers could buy In a comparative account in [76], online payment is
merchandise from the web and send credit card numbers in an extremely helpful for the buyer. Most of the time, the user is
unencrypted form over the system, which made the required to enter his account related information - for example,
transactions quite vulnerable to threats and frauds. With credit card number and delivering address - once. The data is
development in online payment systems, a wide assortment of then kept on retailer's web server’s database. When the client
new secure systems of payments have come up as customers returns to the webpage, he simply signs in with his username
turned out to be more mindful of their protection and security. and password. “Completing a transaction is as simple as
As argued by Cobb (2005), Online Payments have remarkable clicking your mouse: All you have to do is confirm your
number of financial benefits in addition to their safety and ease purchase and you're done”.
of operation. These advantages when expanded can go far in Hord (2005) in [76] additionally underlines that online
contributing hugely to financial improvement of a country [75]. payments bring down expenses of organisations. Less cash is
Computerised electronic payments help develop deposits in spent on paper and postage with increasing number of online
banks and in this manner, increase reserves accessible for payments. Presenting the option of online payments can
business credits – which is considered as a driver of financial likewise help organisations enhance client preservation. “A
achievement. As per [75], advantageous and secure electronic customer is more likely to return to the same e-commerce site
payments convey with them a noteworthy scope of full scale where his or her information has already been entered and
financial advantages. “The impact of introducing online stored”.
payments is akin to using the gears on a bicycle. Add an As indicated by [75], “Electronic payments can thus lower
efficient electronic payments system to an economy, and you transaction costs stimulate higher consumption and GDP,
kick it into a higher gear. Add better-controlled consumer and increase government efficiency, boost financial intermediation
business credit, and you notch up economic velocity even and improve financial transparency”. The author additionally

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states, “Governments play a critically important role in creating 2) Regulatory and Legal Issues
an environment in which these benefits can be achieved in a National, provincial or global arrangement of laws,
way consistent with their own economic development plans”. standards and different other directions are imperative
Humphrey et al., 2001 likewise bolster the reality that prerequisites for the effective execution of online payment
utilisation of online payment systems holds the guarantee of plans. A significant portion of components incorporate
tremendous advantage to both vendors and buyers as costs are guidelines on tax evasion, supervision of e-money
reduced, more ease of use and higher security, dependable organisations and commercial banks by supervisory specialists;
means of payment and settlement for a possibly immeasurable central banks should keep an oversight on payment systems,
scope of products and enterprises offered worldwide over the buyer and information protection, participation and rivalry
web or other electronic systems [77]. One such advantage is issues. As indicated by Taddesse and Kidan (2005) the
that online payment systems empower bank clients to deal with worldwide and virtual nature of online payment additionally
their everyday money related transactions without visiting their brings up legal issues, for example, which laws are relevant in
nearby bank office. Online payments could save dealer’s time debated cases and which jurisdiction will be competent,
and cost in taking care of money [78]. legitimacy of digital signatures and electronic contracts [81]. A
legitimate and administrative structure that builds confidence
As signified in [79], the asset cost of the payment and trust helping technical endeavours is a vital issue to be
framework of a country can represent 3% of its GDP. Since tended to in executing online payments.
most online payment systems cost just around 33% to 50% of
the paper-based non-money payment, clearly the social cost of 3) Socio-cultural Challenges
a payment framework could be impressively lessened if it is Social and cultural dissimilarities in outlooks and the
computerised [78]. Mechanising and reshuffling electronic utilisation of various types of cash (e.g. utilisation of credit
payments produced using self-serve channels, for example, cards in North America and utilisation of debit cards in
ATMs, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and branch office Europe) muddle with the job of building an online payment
terminals can lessen paper-based mistakes and expenses. system that is relevant at a global level [81]. The discrepancy
in the level of the security required and productivity among
An examination work completed by Visa Canada individuals of various societies and the degree of advancement
Association as a team with Global Insight (A main monetary worsens the issue.
and budgetary counselling firm) discovered that online
payment systems give proficiency in transactions to Buyer’s trust and confidence in the customary methods of
purchasers, traders, banks and on the whole the economy. payment make clients more averse to embrace new
Online payments have contributed $C 107 billion to the innovations. New innovations won't rule the market until
Canadian economy since 1983 and comprise of about 25% of clients are sure that their privacy is ensured and satisfactory
the $C 437 billion aggregate development in the Canadian confirmation of security is safeguarded. New advances
economy over the said period. Over the same two decades, $C likewise need to stand the test of time so as to secure people’s
60 billion of the expansion in Personal Consumption confidence, regardless of the fact that it is simpler to use and
Expenditures was specifically inferable from online payments, less expensive than the more established techniques [80].
with credit card having a major share in this development ($C B. Overcoming Problems in Online Payment Systems
49.4 billion) in comparison to debit cards ($C 10.4 billion)
The payment systems supporting online transactions in a
wireless environment should have a level of security equivalent
VI. ONLINE PAYMENT SYSTEM AS A CHALLENGE to that of fixed networks. Furthermore, the upcoming online
payment applications have to show compatibility with the
In spite of the numerous advantages of the online payment current traditional payment infrastructure such that there is no
systems, they have their own difficulties and challenges even problem in operating the existing infrastructure. Nevertheless,
in today’s technologically advanced world. The challenges the process of making transactions in a wireless environment
which have been identified by previous researchers are has several limitations which require the wireless-payment
Infrastructure, Regulatory, Legal issues and Socio-Cultural system designers to look for innovative solutions for
issues. addressing those constraints. Reducing the computational
1) Infrastructure requirements of the protocols employed is one possible
Infrastructure is fundamental for the effective execution of solution; another solution is the replacement of the
online payments. Appropriate infrastructure for online computation-intense cryptographic operations by more
payments is an issue [81]. For online payments to be fruitful, it efficient and smarter cryptographic protocols that require less
is necessarily required to have a financially savvy and reliable memory resources and computing. Consequently, there is a
infrastructure that can be availed by dominant part of the need of achieving a trade-off between security and
populace. In developing nations, large portions of the country performance of transactions for making a secure online
don’t have banks and have no access to basic infrastructure that payment [3]. Several measures can be taken to overcome
drives online payments. In connection to this, a research work various issues in online payment systems. Besides the tangible
by Mishra (2008) reveals that in Nepal, Electricity and tools for monitoring frauds like purchase tracking, customer
Telecommunication are not accessible all through the nation, account and validation services, the risk management staff of a
which contrarily influences the advancement of online certified Level 1 PCC DSS payment processor can be used for
payments [82]. precluding frauds. Furthermore, customer service practices like

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merchant accessibility and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) can their exchanges. Confidentiality in this setting implies the
be employed for substantially reducing or eliminating charge- confinement of knowledge about different snippets of data
backs. Cross-border payments which can be expensive, which are related to the exchange; the verification of
inefficient and slow play a significant role in international trade payer/payee, buy content, sum and so forth. Commonly,
and require the following developments: members included want to guarantee that transactions are
secret [86] where untraceability or anonymity is sought, the
1) Initiatives and authorisations led by Government prerequisite might be to make available this information to
should be used for regulating fees and payments, only certain specific subsets among the participants.
2) Economies of scale can be achieved by multinationals
along with the advantage to consolidate credit risk, c) Availability and Reliability
3) Up-and-coming transnational systems shall reduce Availability is guaranteeing that data frameworks and
dependence on correspondence networks, information are prepared for utilisation when they are required;
4) Outsourcing shall lower costs and improve processing regularly communicated as the rate of time that a framework
can be utilised for profitable work. All factions need to have
efficiency, and
the capacity to make or get payments whenever the need arises
5) More effective management of liquidity, costs and [86].
credit risk by payment systems.
A certification by Payment Card Industry Data Security End-user requirements include flexibility, usability,
Standards (PCI DSS) is a must for every business or merchant availability, affordability, speed of transactions and reliability.
that accepts debit or credit cards, offline or online. For online C. Enhancing Online Payment Security
consumers as well as merchants, the bottom line is a secure,
seamless and an easy transaction process offered mostly by a As more and more people are connected to the Internet, the
PCC DSS Level 1 payment processor [83]. popularity of online commercial activities is growing as well
[87]. Nevertheless, the risks associated with online payment
VII. SECURITY OF ONLINE PAYMENT SYSTEMS systems are factual and multiplying day-by-day. As per the
survey conducted by Association of Financial Professionals in
In all information systems, the security of data and
the year 2013, it was found that about 60 per cent organisations
information is of significant importance. Data Security
fell prey to successful or attempted fraud payments whereas up
involves methodology, technology and practices which
to 63 per cent organisations showed up adoption of new
guarantee that data is secured from
security measures or preparation to do the same in the time to
1) alteration or unintentional change (integrity), come [88]. Therefore, for their wide acceptance all over the
2) unauthorised access (confidentiality), while world, online payment methods must follow an efficient
3) promptly accessible (availability) to approved clients protocol ensuring a higher level of security for performing
on demand. online transactions. The most widely recognised strategy for
The online payment systems need to have all the above securing online payments is utilising cryptographic-based
security features; an online payment system which is not innovations, for example, digital signatures and encryption
secured will not be trusted by its clients. And, trust is [89]. On application, these innovations lessen speed and
extremely important to guarantee acceptance from the clients. proficiency and thus trade off must be made amongst
The online banking and online payment applications have effectiveness and security.
security issues as they rely upon basic ICT frameworks that Two commonly used protocols viz. Secure Electronic
make vulnerabilities in economic organisations, businesses and Transaction (SET) and Security Socket Layer Protocol (SSL)
can possibly hurt clients [84]. have been identified after analysing the study of [47] ensuring
B. Security Requirements in Online Payment Systems security of online commerce transactions. Among these, SSL is
found to be the most commonly used protocol that encodes the
A safe economic exchange electronically needs to meet whole session between computers involved in the transaction
some prerequisites as explored by [85]. They may be stated as process thereby enabling a safe communication over the Web.
follows: In this way, encryption of communication is achieved in SSL
a) Integrity and Authorisation using public key cryptography between the client and server. In
contrast to this, SET prevents the transfer of the whole credit
Integrity may be characterised as the validity, accuracy and
card number of the user over the Internet by allowing only a
completeness of data as per business qualities and desires. In
part of it to be transferred during the communication process.
payment systems, integrity implies that no cash is taken from a
Furthermore, SET also endows the users with the provision of
client lest a payment is approved by the client. Additionally,
business data verification, information integration and sensitive
clients need not accept any payment without the absolute
information coding by making use of latest technologies like
permission of the clients; this is alluring when clients need to
data encoding and digital signatures.
keep away from unwanted bribery [86].
Confidentiality may be defined as the safety of private or The various online payment methods employed by
sensitive data from unapproved divulgence. A few businesses, government and consumers are supported by an
organisations included may want to have confidentiality in assortment of technologies, laws and institutions which
combine for transferring value among parties reliably. Like

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every other industry, there is a competition between payment  The alignment with international technologies and
providers who face strong incentives for innovating. Several initiatives is also a must. The online payment system is
mechanisms exist in the market simultaneously since every a worldwide infrastructure and its weakest points are
mechanism satisfies a particular requirement. Their reliability the site of attraction for attackers. The anti-fraud
and efficiency can be improved only if the consumers agree to initiatives like 3D-Secure and EMV have been launched
embrace new and economical technologies together with the globally and are to be still rolled out in other markets.
added costs. Eventually, the payment methods are a reflection
of the interaction between consumers and providers.  The compliance of the online payment systems with
broader data privacy obligations has to be ensured. In
A lot of people are of the view that the payment industry this regard, the collection of PCI standards is used for
shall go through a dramatic drift in the next ten years, with the data breach disclosure laws and privacy mandates, and
existing payment methods getting replaced by totally new majority of these laws emphasise on the significance of
online payment systems. But some people are dubious who data related to payments and finance.
only expect the existing systems to evolve continuously into
systems that are substantially reliant on electronic components. The pressures discussed above collectively create a number
The nature of transformation can be any of these however of challenges for organisations supporting transactions that are
various obstacles have to be surmounted by consumers as well performed through online payment systems.
as producers of the payment services. In this section, some of IX. CONCLUSION
the opportunities and challenges that the participants of online
payment systems (including the Federal Reserve) may face An evolutionary succession has been witnessed by payment
have been discussed. It is observed that consumers, bankers, methods from cash to cheques, to credit cards and debit cards,
the Fed, emerging providers and businesses can all impact the and currently to electronic commerce and mobile banking. In
way transactions shall be performed in the future if they take this paper, it has been studied that online payment methods are
interest actively [90]. increasingly being used for making daily online as well as on-
site purchases. The issues associated with online payment as
In order that the commerce runs smoothly, the payment well as the adoption of electronic commerce for making
process for purchasing a service or product using a debit or payments by customers has been discussed in this paper.
credit card should remain safe, efficient and easy. A number of Furthermore, the advancements in technology supporting
changes including latest technologies like digital wallets and mobile transactions and making them more convenient and
smart-phones, budding interests in making peer-to-peer transparent is developing trust among customers who are
payments, demand by consumers to accept payments done by becoming habitual of employing this mode of payment. This
cards and the transitions in buying habits, all have raged a war change in the behaviour of customers showing a transition
within this industry as businesses have to fight each other for from the traditional to an advanced online mode of payment is
maintaining their positions. Therefore, there is a tremendous apparent in retailing and banking, and with nearly all available
pressure on organisations due to the following reasons [91]: mobile devices. The statistics shown in this study signify that
 New technologies have to be exploited by organisations the number of customers employing online mode of payment
for simplifying and enhancing the user experience. This and making online transactions are continuously growing,
is because online payment systems have transformed hinting at an everlasting acceptance of online payment systems
the entire industry plus the potential for mobile from academia as well as industry. However, the adoption and
payments, card-reader-equipped smart-phones and deployment of several rising technologies carry new
contactless cards can all proclaim the subsequent opportunities and challenges to the implementation and design
revolution. of secure online payment systems in the present day as well as
in near future. This study concludes that a better integration of
 Peer-to-peer payments have to be accommodated since online payment systems with the present financial and
they are responsible for expanding the market beyond telecommunication infrastructure is necessary for a propitious
the retailer world. Moreover, the necessity of future of this payment mode. Furthermore, establishing a
exchanging funds has sparked off innovations past the common standard for a variety of service providers, improving
existing banking model even in developing nations. the compatibility with a large number of customers,
overcoming privacy and security concerns and employing the
 The shift towards a cashless society should be latest technology could facilitate expeditious adoption of online
accelerated by incorporating micropayments for payment methods and expand the market for such a mode of
vending machines, parking meters, highway tolls, etc. payment. Future work may be directed towards the legalisation
which otherwise involve cash handling inconvenience of various factors responsible for contributing in the efficacious
and other unnecessary costs. adoption of online payment systems all over the world.
 A firm grip has to be kept on frauds. Since it has been REFERENCES
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