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ENG 105 Research Paper on

Negative impacts on Social media

Submitted to:

Ms. Fariah Hasan (FHs)

Lecturer, Department of English & Modern language

North South University

Submitted By:

Name: Sydul Islam Sajib

ID: 1521982030

Section: 04
As a matter of first importance, I might want to thank my faculty, Ms. Fariah Hassan Madam, for
being thoughtful enough and permitting me to direct this research. During this semester there
were numerous issues I was facing as like most importantly the COVID 19 pandemic which is
very stressful situation now we are facing. In spite of these madam helped me a lot and gave the
correct rule for doing this examination alongside my course mates. The way, sir took our class,
every word was useful and his assistance and support made me comfortable doing this. Secondly,
I want to thank my dear friends who helped me with my surveys and some people who shared
their experiences with me. They answered my questions and helped me with some valuable
information and for giving interviews. Then I would like to thank my mother and father who
always supported me and encouraged me to do this research. Without their support and
encouragement, I would not be able to conduct this research properly.
Social media is a stage for open the world over to talk about their issues and feelings. Before
knowing the genuine parts of internet based life individuals must need to realize what does social
media mean? Online networking is a term used to depict the communication between gatherings
or people in which they produce, share, and here and there trade thoughts, pictures, recordings
and a lot progressively over the web and in virtual networks.[ CITATION Tob19 \l 1033 ]

Children’s are growing up encompassed by cell phones and interactive social networking sites,
for example, Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook, instagram which has made the internet based life
an essential part of their life. Informal community is changing the conduct in which young
individuals relate with their folks, peers, just as how they utilize innovation. From my research, I
expect to find that people having experience of view now a day’s social media has a great impact
on human being all around the world. Peoples always with their smart phones laptops, tab and
updating their daily activity. Peoples are connecting though social media sites. Since n country i
people have a peaceful, loving mind, causes for excessing uses of social sites. For that many
unwanted things happened in social life, like increased of depression and anxiety, less sleeping at
night, change of body image and so many others effects on human being. I think a positive
mixture of thoughts from our creative minds can be demonstrated. On the positive side, social
network can go about as important instruments for experts. On the negative side, the web is
loaded down with various dangers related with online networks. Cyber bullying, which implies a
sort of harassment that is executed utilizing electronic innovation, is one of the dangers. I will
conduct a survey of the general public in Dhaka and will talk with individuals who really have
the experience and using of Social site. I will structure a questionnaire for my survey and for my
secondary research I intend to utilize the resources of the library and web. This survey will assist
to understand, the better perspective on the social network site negative impact on social people.
I surveyed in online through a Google survey from and my sample size was 40 and from those,
the greater part of them concurred with my theory about the negative impact of Social webpage.
Because in real life scenario and solution to the problem of many social sites problem not only
Bangladesh but also the whole world. In these opportunities, advantages, and disadvantages will
also carry out by this research.

A social networking life is an online stage which individuals use to manufacture informal
communities or social relations with others who share comparable individual or career interests,
exercises, foundations or genuine connections. The effect of social sites on youngsters is
noteworthy. It is turning out to be progressively certain that social communities have become
some portion of individuals' lives. Numerous immature individuals are utilizing their
workstations, tablet PCs and advanced mobile phones to check Tweets, Facebook and status
update with their friends and family.[ CITATION Fir19 \l 1033 ]

The advancement in innovation, peoples is compelled to acknowledge various ways of life.

Social networking sites can help youngsters to turn out to be all the more socially proficient.
Web based life is an electronic type of information correspondence. Web based life stages permit
clients to have discussions, share data and make web content. Social media life has various
structures, along with online blogs, small scale web journals, wikis, social networking sites,
photograph sharing destinations, texting, video-sharing sites, web recordings, gadgets, virtual
universes, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Billions of individuals around the globe utilize
social media to share data and make connection to the whole world.

We usually have an inclination to say that using social networking sites are disadvantages more
than advantages, but actually, it would be much more constructive and enlightening to learners
that how social media have made a positive impact on society. Now we can find various kinds of
creating awareness message through social media for our children’s in Bangladesh.

Now day’s social media took over the entire world. World communication is mostly dependent
on social media. An article published by Andrea change enlightened where ‘Digital media use
avarage15.5 hours a day 2015. The effects of social media it can be both side like negative or
positive. In my research I am going to show the impacts of social media in our regular life
activity. Social network is important to people to say something in negative and positive both
ways. But most people took it very seriously, that’s why its effects on us very badly. Misused of
social media is hampering our daily life activity. Young generations are using social media about
7 an half hour a day. Now they are Consuming media like, watching TV, listening music, social
sites browsing, and playing video games also. So I would like to know how much people are
affected now a day by using social media. For that to find answer I would like to go through my
research work.


The main objective of my research paper is to find out the negative impacts of social media and
how creating the social distance because of social network sites. Now peoples are so addicted to
social media that why they cannot give time to their family friends and similarly students cannot
give proper attention to their studies. Whole worlds are depending on social media there are
many situations, happening, problems of peoples life world news are conducting and we can
know this kind of situation by social sites.

An excellent example of Teenagers and kids are much more depending on social network sites
some post or some content teaches harmful lessons to our Childers for that reason teenager
cannot get any proper attention to their study. Some social networking sites are very near to
country people life-related issues as like Facebook, tweeter, Instagram and many more. Now
people think more and more about how they will take pictures, how they will update status how
they will upload and they are interested about their how many likes and share on their post now
days this is the dangerous trend. Here I’m trying to find out what types of impacts are crating
social sites what is the positive sites of social network how we can resolve the barrier of social
distance with their family friends which is creating by social sites.

Social networking is an inventive thought with a splendid open door with extra extension for
progressions. With the progression of social sites numerous associations are utilizing this
medium to better their practices [ CITATION Ehm20 \l 1033 ]. With the utilization of social
networking sites we can promote or discuss in an increasingly productive manner. In like manner
individuals don't need to depend on the media or TV to get their everyday portion of news it
would all be able to be gotten from a person to person communication site. Individuals can
follow or get data from everywhere throughout the world.[CITATION All19 \l 1033 ]

As Youth and Teens are the developer of country, and in this period they are grown up as a
feature of the Net Generation. They can without much of a stretch utilize the most recent
innovation in different structures, including advanced mobile phones, online games, blogs,
Facebook, tweeter, We Chat, LinkedIn, Snap chat , and PCs. social network sites has its both
positive and negative impacts [ CITATION Sto20 \l 1033 ]. But Negative impacts are affected more
comparative with positive one. Some web sites, post, shares, blog are spoilt our teenager quickly
for that reason they cannot give concentration on their studies. Many families are separated
because of misuse of social network sites.

This research paper depends on secondary information gathered from the online sources,
different research papers and from the Google internet search engine. We additionally utilized a
few information gathering apparatuses. On Site (look-out, Interviews, and Questionnaire) for
gathering data about the use of web-based social networking when all is said in done.

Research Question:

In my research paper I plan to investigate the effect of using social network sites in their daily
life. My research will represent the following research question.

Which type social media do you use

What social media makes people more addicting?
How social media influences our daily lives?
Can people live without social media?
How social media negatively affects society?
What are the impacts of social media on students?
Why are we addicted to social media?
Should children and young people limit the use of social media?
Which social media monitoring system do you prefer to use in your country?
Do you have more friends on social media as compared to real life?


In my research I will attempt to research the negative impacts of social network sits. People as
well as students are always connecting to their whole important times are spending in social
network sites for that reason people are getting separate with their family members they cannot
give proper time. At the same time students cannot give concentrate in their studies due to social

Now a day’s social media has a great impact on human being all around the world. Peoples
always with their smart phones laptops, tab and updating their daily activity. Peoples are
connecting though social media sites. For that many unwanted things happened in social life, like
increased of depression and anxiety, less sleeping at night, change of body image and so many
others effects on human being. It’s also hampering our very new generation kid also. Facebook,
snap chat, twitter, you Tube are mostly damaging social sites in our daily life.

Research Methodology:

For primary research, I’ll conduct a survey of a representative sampling of the students
in general public in Dhaka and interview people about their thinking negative impact of social
networking sites. I took both male and female members. With the help of the survey I will be
able to know their thoughts and how social media is impacting their lives. A survey
questionnaire containing identified with the point was given to them to fill out. The survey was
completed on 40 general people. The survey questionnaire containing question related to the
research theme and topic and I will design a questionnaire with different types of questions
which will help me out to answer my research questions.

For the Secondary research, I gathered the vital data from various sources, for example, libraries,
sites and journals. Be that as it may, a large portion of my optional research depended on the
web. I utilized some standard web search engine, similar to Google, Google Scholar, and
YouTube likewise some news locales, online magazines, etc. I utilized some online articles from
presumed magazines like Forbes and Fortune. These helped me to get more data about my theme
and gave the opportunity to enhance it with legitimate certifications.

Data Presentation and Analysis:

The main objective of my research paper was to find out the negative impact of social media in
our normal life and how our social distance are getting creates through its powerful creation of
thoughts from real life. Here I am trying to find out how social media bringing some problems
solution by its positive and negative impact influence the people’s daily life.

According to the view of our country people perspective, most of the social network sits are
created based on personal or real life scenario as like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram tweeter etc.
Now-a-days social media has become the most addicted place by which many kinds social
problems can be easily creates. peoples' are share life-related situation, anything of post photo
which is related with their personal life are the main focus in social network sites people upload
here and waiting for likes shares they are anxiety for this for that reason problems are creating
day by day in their personal life. For this research, I tried to find out negative impact of social
sites in our daily life on our country's social problems.

I prepared a survey questionnaire on various aspects of my topic. This helped me to get clear and
real life information. I did my survey on peoples with various ages. I had 40 percent responses.
The data presentations are given below.

Which type social media do you use?

In my first question of my research is which type of social media people use. Here in this graph
we can see that 72.1% are use Facebook, 20.9% use Instagram and other 7.0% said that they are
using Whats app. According to the point of view we can able to know that peoples are using
Facebook comfortably because of Facebook is very popular social network sites. Over 2.99
billion people are using Facebook in the whole world [ CITATION Cle20 \l 1033 ]. Because peoples
all over the world are love to share their life and status uploading on Facebook. People are
encouraging to using Facebook because of many likes and shares and increase following.

What Social media makes people more addicting?

In second question I wanted to know what type of social media makes people more addicting. In
this research overview chart there is 93.0% peoples are interested to using Facebook and other
rest of 7.0% are using Instagram. According to this point of view we can able to say that 90%
plus people are using Facebook regularly teenagers and adults are using Facebook because of
they are addicted to use Facebook they can share personal life situation, upload status photos and
many more. Facebook is only social platform where peoples fan following increase easily and
our teen agers are always anxiety about their following likes and shares of their virtual life.

How social media influence aur daily lives?

In my third question I wanted to know how social media influence our daily lives in this question
about their opinion on social media influence our daily lives. Here I found 4.7% said positively
effect, 2.3% said no effect and here over 93.0% said that both positively and no effect. Based on
the answer among 93 percent people thought that both impact positive and negative its true
social media has true side positive and negative. Negative impacts are occurring when people are
using too much social network sites. People are addicted too much on social sites if we can
reduce using of social site we can overcome mental and social problems. In deed there are lots of
positive impact on social network site we can connecting to the whole world via social network
sites. We can gather news regarding our circumstances by social network sites.

Can People live without social media?

In this question I asked for can they live without social media. I can able to know that here
41.9% people said that agree, 39.5% people said disagree and equally 9.3% people said that
strongly agree and strongly disagree. According to the overview in this graph a 41.9% person
which was said that they can live without social media on the other hand 39.5% people said that
they cannot live single amount of life without social network site which is ridiculous they don’t
understand that they have a private life outside of social media. On the contrary 9.3% said that
strongly agree and similar portion of disagree equal which is impressive because of less

How social media negatively affects socity?

In fifth question wanted to know negatively effects of social media. Here I can see that this chart
here 23.3% peoples said that killing their valuable times, 9.3% said that create social violence
similarly 9.3% said that spreading rumors, 4.7% said that violating privacy and in all of that
53.5% highest amount of people said that all of them. Yeah it’s true that social network sites
impacts negative sites basically it creates social distance, violating with family members because
of the y cannot give proper time for their family most of families are separated. On the other
hand it kills valuable times for students. Students cannot give proper time for study they cannot
sleep at night because addiction of social media.

What are the impacts of social media on students?

In sixth question were the impacts of social media on students. Here I found about 7.0% said that
negative at the same time 7.0% was neutral and around 86.0% said that both A&B answer.
According to the view in this char we able to know that student can impact of social media by
both negatively positively. In this chart here 86% said that both negative and positive if students
are addicted in social media defiantly can hamper in their studies. But social media can help
students. Student can teaches so many things students can conduct class through online class
they can browse different kinds of journals; they can read books doing their assignments via
Social media. Now a day so many reputed universities conduct their class via social media as
like Facebook, Google classroom, we chat. If students addicted in social media with unnecessary
work defiantly its hamper their studies they were killing their valuable time.

Why are we addicted to social media? Give you opinion

That’s the huge question of my research basically it’s a comment type question without option I
wanted to know their thoughts. In this question I wanted to know why we are addicted to social
media. Here in this chat we can see that different comments different thoughts of peoples mind
some people said that for entertainment, some of their spending times, some of them were
addicted, some of them were craving for likes shares and increase fan following, some of them
were being as for show off they wanted to getting update and some of them said that they were
passing their bored times. So far I got that answer what I was looking for it’s a negative impacts
of social networking sites. Not a single person said that they were in social media because of
their part of studies or part of work life. Everyone said that different answer but its understand by
only one word which is they were addicted by social media they create social distance with their
family and friends they killing their valuable times they created social violent. For that people
are getting mentally pressure they were thinking too much about their social virtual life except
their personal life because of teenagers didn’t sleep at night because of social media.

Should children and young people limit the use off social media?
In the next question I wanted to know children’s and young people limitation of using social
media. Here in this chart I can able to know that 60.5% people said that strongly agreed, 34.9%
said that agree and 4.7% said that disagree. According to this chart obviously children should
using social media with limitation because of children minds were sensitive they could not able
to understand of its bad impact. Excess level of using it created bad habit for children. There are
so many immature content video, posts that were very harmful for their minds it could be set to
their minds which is spoilt children’s in early age. Similarly young people should use limit of
social media young people could use social media because of their study related thing which they
could learn good thing it was help for their future life. They should not be used social media to
killing their valuable times.

Which Social media monitoring system do you prefer to use in your country?
In this question I wanted to know in their country which social media do they prefer. Here in this
chart I can see that there 11.6% said Instagram, 4.7% said whats app, 2.3% twitters and over
81.4% amount people prefer for Facebook. According to this chats I can able to know that about
the popularity of this number one social network sites. People choose this because of huge
amount of people are connected through the Facebook they increase their friends they can texting
with them. People can share easily on facebook. That’s why people prefer for facebook.

Do you have more friends on social media as compared to real life?

In my last question I wanted to know have you more friends on social media as compared to real
life. Here in this chart I could able to know approximately 65.1% a large number of said Yes,
25.6% said that No, and other rest of the 9.3% people said that neutral. According to the view
point here about 65.1% people wanted to increase their friend on facebook they wanted increase
more friends to create compared to real life, they are basically social media cravings people.
They didn’t want more friend in real life that’s why social distance are creating family and
friends are separating for this reason . Sometimes virtual life friendships cheated people they
couldn’t understand. Other 25.6% people said no they understand their real life friendship
Summary of Research Findings:

The information I gathered coordinated my hypothesis. Negative impacts of social network sites
can create for some social problems and it makes peoples negative behavior pattern by
concentrating on social media. This was the part of my hypothesis and as per my theory and after
the field survey of primary data collection. I was found that my hypothesis was right and the
greater part of my survey people concur of this impact.

From my research, I hope to find that peoples’ are having thought of social media impacts their
lives negatively and as indicated by that the chances, advantages, and disadvantages will
likewise be done from this research. Since a great many people have chosen time for spending in
social media. Some individuals can understand the negative effects on it if our constructive
personalities can consider this negative effect so that we can overcome to these problems. So I
expect people thought and their opinion about contrary effects via social media will be close to
clear by this exploration. The entire speech was on my hypothesis and according to the fact, I
found from my primary survey about peoples opinion on those realities. My survey individuals
didn't go for the positive impacts on my every single inquiry hardly some peoples go for the
positive choice they believes social media makes problems in the society. I found the value of
their assessment. In my eighth question was about limitation of using social media among
children and young people many people said that agree yeas children and young people should
use limited of social media but some people said that negative. Similarly in my last question I
wanted to know do they prefer for making friends in social media compared in real life huge
amount of people said that yes they want to prefer making friends on social media which is
unbelievable few people said that they prefer for friendship in real life so far it’s all about
peoples addiction on social media. But there so many negative impacts on social media people
still want the best of it.

As indicated by the perspective on my hypothesis and survey results, I discovered precisely what
I needed to see on my paper. From the gathered information and my primary survey, I found that
a large portion of my survey people will not go against with my hypothesis. I discovered a large
portion of them said their option and enthusiasm over on social media. Most of them said the
negative impact on it. Basically it’s their addiction of using social media some of them said that
they passing their bored time and some uses for trend and getting update. So many negative sites
it still has positive site also some them said that it creates problem children and young people
should use in limit. To summarize my key findings over this survey I can now easily claim that it
has negative impact to people makes his life boring and creates social distance. Our positive
thinking can aware for this problem.

For my research data collection proves that social media is one of the very popular and important
sites in the whole world and most of the people are already dependent on social media because in
their personal life and working life it’s one of the solutions. People in regular life social media
used so many times people can know about the world news day to day getting update. We can
share our position we can share our life things we can also communicate with our relatives
friends and family through social media. Yeah it’s true that social network sites keep update with
the world. That’s social Media’s positive sites. Still it has many negative sites we uses excess
level of social media. For using this excess level of using it creates problem in our society it
makes social distance with our family. It increased of depression and anxiety, less sleeping at
night, change of body image and so many others effects on human being. Our students are using
social media most now a days their addicted for it students cannot concentrate in their studies.
So my recommendation will be in this social media sector we have to use in our limitation. We
should not use excess level of social media for this reason our family, students and society facing
this so many problems. We should use social media with positive way so that our future
generation will know about the bright side of this.

As the innovation is creating, the social networking sites has transformed into the daily practice
for each and every person, individuals; bunches are seen subordinate with this innovation
reliably. Internet organizing has extended the quality and pace of facilitated effort for students.
We can say that negative impacts of social media are increasing day by day because of people
using social media with negatively. Social Media’s negative sites already reach in our country
and it will spoil our generation. We all should reduce of using social media and stop its negative
impacts. Negative impacts will effected our generation get addicted on social media. To wrap
things up, all the residents are educated to embrace the positive angles regarding social media
and maintain a strategic distance from negative impacts.

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