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This book was edited by Hans R. Herren, Benedikt Haerlin and the IAASTD+10 Advisory Group.

The IAASTD+10 Advisory Group

The book’s Advisory Group consists mainly of former authors and review-editors of the Interna-
tional Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development. It was
convened by Hans R. Herren and Benny Haerlin at the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the
publication of the IAASTD in 2019. Initially aiming at a conference taking stock of the develop-
ments in the area of global agricultural practices and policies since 2009, the group decided that
this publication would serve this purpose better and in a more sustainable way. Its members have
discussed key questions to be raised and answered in this book and the list of international re-
ports and initiatives to take into account. They also reviewed individual articles.

Members of the IAASTD+10 Advisory Group

Molly D. Anderson, Colin R. Anderson, Carolin Callenius, Gustavo Ferreira, Harriet Friedmann,
Tirso Gonzales, Jack A. Heinemann, Angelika Hilbeck, Bernard Hubert, Anita Idel, Marcia Ishii-
Eiteman, Marie de Lattre-Gasquet, Roger Leakey, Lim Li Ching, Ivette Perfecto, Marta Guadalupe
Rivera Ferre.

Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft (Foundation on Future Farming) is a German charity promoting
organic and agro-ecological innovation and research with a focus on breeding new varieties for
organic agriculture. Its campaign office in Berlin addresses issues of genetic engineering and natio-
nal, European and global food and agricultural policies and runs an educational field with 45 diffe-
rent crops. Since ten years, it presents the IAASTD and its follow-up on its websites and

Biovision Since 1998, Biovision has been promoting the development, dissemination and applica-
tion of sustainable ecological agricultural practices, allowing people in the developing world to
help themselves. In 2013, Biovision and its founder Hans Rudolf Herren won the Right Livelihood
Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize. Biovision Foundation is a charitable organi-
sation in Switzerland.

Assistant editors
Jan van Aken, Harry Hadaway

Data compilation, graphic development and texts: Angelika Beck
Design: Lee McGorie

Layout & Book Design

Gabriela Wachter, Parthas Verlag, Berlin, Germany

Printed by
Triple AAA Druckproduktion, Gilching, Germany

ISBN 978-3-00-066209-6
9 Introduction
Hans R. Herren

17 The making of a paradigm shift

Benedikt Haerlin

21 Looking Back: IAASTD, agroecology and new ways forward

Marcia Ishii-Eiteman

26 2011 EU-SCAR: Two narratives in a world of scarcities

Erik Mathijs

33 Update: Innovation for whom?

Molly D. Anderson

37 Update: Corporate multilateralism at the UN

Pat Mooney

40 2013 UNCTAD: How to cope with largely dysfunctional market signals for
sustainable agriculture?
Ulrich Hoffmann

47 Update: Trade and market policy

Steve Suppan

52 2015 UN: How the IAASTD helped shape the SDGs

Michael Bergöö & Mayumi Ridenhour

59 Update: The emerging issue of “digitalization” of agriculture

Angelika Hilbeck & Eugenio Tisselli

62 2016 UNEP: Recasting agriculture in a resource-smart food systems

Jacqueline McGlade

69 Update: Access to land and the emergence of international farm

Ward Anseeuw

72 2016 IPES-Food: From uniformity to diversity

Emile A. Frison

79 Update: Agriculture, capital, and infectious diseases

Rob Wallace
84 2018 TEEB AgriFood: “It’s the economy, stupid!”
Alexander Müller & Nadine Azzu

89 Update: The state of concentration in global food and agriculture industries

Philip H. Howard & Mary K. Hendrickson

92 2018 UNDROP: The UN declaration on the rights of peasants and other

people working in rural areas
María E. Fernandez

99 Update: Changing demographies and smallholder futures

Ben White & Jan Douwe van der Ploeg

104 2019 IPBES: Agriculture and biodiversity

Kate Brauman & Bob Watson

111 Update: Assessment of modern biotechnologies

Jack A. Heinemann

116 2018 Agrimonde-Terra: Land use and food security in 2050: A narrow road
Marie de Lattre-Gasquet

123 Update: Urbanization and the effects on agriculture and food security
Frédéric Lançon

127 Update: The vast potential of sustainable grazing

Anita Idel

130 2019 Lancet Commission: The agriculture and health nexus: a decade of
paradigm progress but patchy policy actions
Boyd Swinburn

137 Update: Food systems in relation to nutrition and health

Marie Josèphe Amiot

140 2019 FAO Report on Agroecology: Agroecological approaches and other

Alexander Wezel

147 Update: The need for a conceptual paradigm shift

Bernard Hubert

150 2019 IPCC Climate and Land:The contribution of the IPCC to a change of
paradigm in agriculture and food systems
Marta G. Rivera-Ferre

157 Update: Indigenous autonomy and indigenous community-based research

Tirso Gonzales & Walter D. Mignolo

162 2019 Global Alliance for the Future of Food & Biovision: Beacons of hope
Lauren Baker, Barbara Gemmill-Herren, Fabio Leippert

169 Looking Forward: Resources to inspire a transformative agroecology:

a curated guide
Colin R. Anderson, Molly D. Anderson


25 Cereal production

32 Availability of calories

36 Cereal utilisation

46 Oil and food prices

51 Agricultural imports and exports

58 GMOs: crops and traits

68 Transnational land deals

78 Meat production

83 Meat supply

103 Area planted with GMOs

126 Obesity

146 Undernourishment

161 Micronutrient deficiencies

“It is no longer enough to do our best,
we have to do the seemingly impossible”
Greta Thunberg
Hans R. Herren

“It always seems impossible until it’s done”
Nelson Mandela

In 2008 in a bleak conference room in Johannesburg, South Africa, a report of

enormous scientific and political undertaking was finalized. The report, entitled
The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Techno-
logy for Development (IAASTD) had the phrase ‘Agriculture at a Crossroads’
as its tagline and key focus.This book takes you, the reader, on a journey through
the intervening ten years, offering thought provoking articles on the agriculture,
nutrition and food production systems related to, and inspired by, this ground-
breaking report.

A series of thirteen short essays, in chronological order, will delve into selected
landmark reports that were inspired by the IAASTD and originated in the same
concern for the urgent need to change how our food is produced. It highlights
how a new food system narrative has been firmly established since 2008, which
is distinctly different from the post-war chemical narrative that still dominates
mainstream farming. In addition, the book contains a series of articles and up-
dates on key topics of interest, written by authors from the
original IAASTD report.These articles range from trade, cor- This book highlights
porate concentration and proprietary strategies to urbani- how a new food
zation, innovation, and indigenous community-based research. system narrative has
been firmly established
The authors involvement took place in a rather passive, vo-
lunteering way, working with respondents to a broad call to since 2008 which is
the IAASTD authors and reviewers for action on a book to distinctly different
document the steps undertaken over the past 11 years. This from the post-war
led to a geographical and cultural imbalance and we do not chemical narrative.
claim to cover the full spectrum of views on the new para-
digm for the agri-food system, even though we can safely assume that the pro-
gressive forces are closely lined-up to the basic principles of agroecology in its
widest sense.1 The Advisory Group, a subset of the book’s authors, does not
have worldwide representation and recognizes that it does not contain many
highly relevant advances in sustainable agriculture from areas outside their per-
sonal experience.

This book was written during the coronavirus pandemic, which served to re-
mind us, in a terribly brutal way, of the direct link between industrial agriculture

Hans R. Herren

and human health. This pandemic has brought into plain sight the shortcomings
of the present food system, and the need to heed the warnings and options
for action enshrined in the IAASTD report and many more to come.The 2015
report published jointly by WHO, UNEP and CBD was crystal clear about this
link, stating that “Changes in land use and food production practices are among
leading drivers of disease emergence in humans.”2

The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Techno-
logy for Development (IAASTD) was initiated at the 2002 Rio+10 Summit on
Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, when the World Bank
and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) sug-
gested that an international assessment of global agriculture should be carried
out. In 2004, six UN Agencies, the World Bank and 60 nation states agreed to
carry out the IAASTD, which would consist of: a global report, five sub-regional
reports, and executive summaries for decision makers.

As the final plenary in Johannesburg was being held, with the adoption of the
Synthesis Report and Executive Summary in April 2008, the world was not only
dealing with a major food crisis, but also slipping into a new financial and eco-
nomic crisis, which would have broad implications for food security.Today, twelve
years on, as we are finalizing a book to document what has been achieved since
the publication of IAASTD, we are deep into the COVID-19 pandemic, which
will have even greater economic and social impact than the
Today, deep into the financial crisis of 2008. It is increasingly clear that this aggres-
COVID-19 pandemic, sive zoonotic virus highlights the general unpreparedness of
the early warning of our health services; our immuno-deficiencies triggered by a
the IAASTD report food system that leaves hundreds of millions of people obese,
that “business as usual hungry and malnourished and exposes the public to cocktails
of chemical residues in the water, air and food. A perfect
is not an option” storm has thus caught our leaders off-guard and scrambling
should finally resonate for solutions. Resting on the laurels of food surpluses and a
with world leaders. relatively strong economy is no longer an option. The key
words, now and for the future, are as we are regularly remin-
ded by our governments, ‘foresight, preparedness and resilience’. This of course
was the fundamental message detailed in the IAASTD’s “summary for decision
makers”, now all the more urgent for leaders of global food systems to act
upon. However, politics, vested interests and false promises still stand in the way.

Now that hundreds of millions of people, both in industrial and low and middle
income countries are thrown back into poverty, hunger and homelessness, the
early warning of the IAASTD report that “business as usual is not an option”
should finally resonate with those leaders who should already have taken the lead
in promoting the agriculture and food system transformation. As the COVID-19
pandemic was spreading, both the UN Secretary General3 and WFP Chief 4 war-


ned that immediate and substantial aid was needed to avert a hunger crisis. The
fragility of the present globalized, industrialized food system that we are now wit-
nessing in the Covid-19 pandemic, was amongst the key warnings of the IAASTD
report, that was itself following on the heels of the SARS outbreak of 2002/2003.

The 400 IAASTD-authors from around the world – from farmers to academics
and decision makers – sent a clear message, that there is a need to transform
agriculture from its unsustainable industrial/conventional model relying on ex-
ternal inputs and large scale farms to an agroecological model, which is fully
able to nourish a world population of 10 billion people by mid-century. There
is ample peer reviewed scientific evidence for this as detailed in this book.
In setting up the outline of the IAASTD, we paid attention to the three dimen-
sions of sustainable development and addressed them to the fullest extent pos-
sible. The main objective was a thorough analysis of the lessons to be learned
from the past 50 years and an outlook on the challenges of the next 50 years,
even as that long view would remain challenging to predict.The central question
asked of the IAASTD was ‘could key principles be identified for a food system
that takes into account not only production aspects, measured in yield per
hectare, but also socio-cultural and environmental conditions of providing he-
althy nutrition for all’? Looking back 50 years proved to be relatively easy, with
the green revolution and a globalized food system that concentrated on the
calories produced without including the nutrition and safety aspects. Envisioning
the future and coming up with real solutions that tackle the cause of the pro-
blems rather than the symptoms proved, unsurprisingly, to be more complex.

The late introduction of the “K” for knowledge, which never made it into the
acronym of the IAASTD, became a harbinger of one of the report’s missed op-
portunities.The push for inclusiveness across the world’s diverse agriculture and
food systems remained incomplete. The authors' list was extracted from the
nominations of governments and civil society by a bureau consisting of 30 go-
vernment and 30 civil society, academia and private sector representatives.There
were fair complaints that some groups central to the report’s topics were se-
riously underrepresented such as indigenous people, livestock and fisheries ex-
perts, and the wider farming community. This was not least a result of English
being the only working language, due to cost considerations.

It is noteworthy to recall that we did not write a review of agriculture, we were

asked to write an assessment, which is a “critical evaluation of information, for
purposes of guiding decisions on a complex, public issue”. The topic of the as-
sessment was defined by the stakeholders, in several regional meetings, who
were typically decision-makers; it was to be policy relevant, not prescriptive; to
be conducted by a credible group of experts with a broad range of disciplinary
and geographical experience, in a balanced and transparent way; it should re-
duce complexity but add value by summarisation, synthesis and sorting what is
known and widely accepted from what is not known (or not agreed); it should

Hans R. Herren

relate to the situation at a particular time and in a given geographical domain

and often repeated after a period of time.

Frustratingly., with the launch of the assessment reports in the midst of a financial
crisis, little attention was paid to agriculture and food by the media. The main
economic players and governments were busy implementing yet a new set of
quick fixes to avert the worst impacts of the financial disaster they were facing,
and were not ready for a report on the resilience and future of agriculture and
the food system.This was not the case amongst Non-Governmental Organiza-
tions, where the IAASTD found fertile ground and was met with interest and
an eagerness for its actions to be implemented. Unfortunately, the World Bank,
the original initiator of the assessment, was an early critic of the report when
it was still in its draft form, as were some industry representatives.

After a decade of working with the IAASTD results, this book takes stock of its
impact by looking at what has been taken up directly, what follow-up reports
and actions have been catalyzed and how policies from global to local have
been influenced. There has been genuine pick-up of the IAASTD’s “options for
actions” by production groups, research organizations, NGOs and some foun-
dations. There has also been a fair amount of co-opting our central message
that ‘business as usual was not an option’ and ‘the need of a paradigm change’
for green washing purposes. However, an example of how
After a decade of little has changed where such change is most needed, is the
working with the fact that most public and private R&D investments are still
IAASTD results, this going to conventional green revolution and industrial agricul-
book takes stock of its ture technologies and practices.5 At the center of these
impact by looking at money flows lies the fact that, through the ages control of
food has always been, and continues to be, one of the most
what actions have important tools used to enforce power over people.
been catalyzed and
how policies from This book presents the steps that will set the stage for the
global to local have inevitable transformation. In the same way that steam engines
been influenced. paved the way for internal combustion engines, which are
now about to yield to electric engines, in agriculture, outdated
chemical and energy intensive technologies will either yield to modern agroe-
cology, or simply go out of business.

The book’s Advisory Board has reviewed and selected landmark reports, pu-
blished since 2009, and inspired by the IAASTD.The reports address the same
concerns as the IAASTD, filling some of its gaps and further elaborating its
initial message. The corresponding thirteen essays in this book are presented
in chronological order. This provides an interesting account of the further evo-
lution in thinking and adoption of the IAASTD’s main findings with a remarka-
ble acceleration over the last three years.


In addition, authors from the original IAASTD report have contributed a series
of thought pieces and updates on topics of interest and elaborated on areas that
did not get the deserved attention in the 2009 IAASTD report. Many authors
have reiterated the key place and value to society of the socio-cultural and spiritual
aspects of agroecology, as practiced by indigenous and local communities.The dis-
connect between humanity and nature, a hallmark of industrial agriculture, requires
diverse solutions in order to repair and heal the impact of previous policy.

As we work to transform the food system, the goal is to go beyond the overflo-
wing plate and profit maximization, which is still the central driver of many in agri-
business.The voices we are increasingly hearing from many sides of the debate is
for policy to be rolled out that allows for a society to live in harmony with its en-
vironment.The concept of “Buen Vivir” and the corresponding transition to a sus-
tainable economy, rather than development’, confirms the need for a new eco-
nomic system, which can handle all dimensions of sustainable development. Much
has been learned in the past decade about nutrition and the way food is produ-
ced, transformed, marketed and consumed. Several contributions highlight the
agriculture and health nexus, and the cost of ignoring how, where and by whom
food is being produced, processed, transported and distributed along the value
chain. How we produce both crops and animals has major implications regarding
climate change. The reader will thus be provided with the key data relevant to
carbon sequestration and the much-disputed impact of grazing modes.

The title of the 2019 FAO-HLPE report “Agroecology and other innovations”
carries a major contradiction, given that agroecology is not just a technology
but a holistic system, integrating science, knowledge and skills as well as tech-
nologies and innovations. This should of course all be in the service of the far-
mers (not the input industry) and preferably sourced from the pool of public
goods. Two contributions cover controversial technological developments: digi-
tization and biotechnology. While digitization had not yet played a major role in
the IAASTD, biotechnology, GMO’s in particular, had been a major bone of con-
tention in the final plenary and drove some countries and industries to distance
themselves from the report. In digitization, ownership of information is as con-
troversial as in the seed sector. For GMOs, ten years on, we are still waiting for
compelling proof that they make any significant contribution to resolving pro-
blems that could not be achieved more effectively, and with more resilience,
regeneration potential, and at lower costs than with other technologies. Almost
superfluous to mention that GMOs, by their nature, deal with the symptoms
rather than the causes of the problems they are intended to solve. Good for
business, bad for farmers.

In 2011, a landmark report from the EU’s Standing Committee on Agricultural

Research (SCAR) defined scarcity as the new mantra in times of humanity ex-
ceeding the planetary boundaries of natural resources as detailed by Rockstrøm
et al. The report spelled out two competing narratives of “productivism” and

Hans R. Herren

“sufficiency” and warned that the complexity of interconnected drivers and their
non-linear feedback loops prevented reliable scientific predictions. This required
robust and precautionary reactions prioritizing sufficiency-oriented research, in-
novation and communication in an ever-accelerating combination of crises.

UNCTAD took a different line with its report “Wake up before it’s too late” in
2013, which strongly promoted organic and agro-ecological farming practices
in relation to trade. UNCTAD had already called for more resilience in the face
of climate change by shifting the green revolution paradigm to ecological inten-
sification and the use of regenerative production practices with an emphasis
on the small-scale farmers.

The 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Agenda 2030 of the Uni-
ted Nations were probably the most comprehensive and significant global
agreement on the future pathway to sustainability. Civil Society Organizations
dealing with agriculture and related disciplines from health to environment ga-
thered and in a common effort produced a manifesto: “Time to Act”, which
greatly influenced the development of SDGs targets and their approval by all
governments. The manifesto was based on the key findings and options for ac-
tion from the IAASTD report. The consultation process leading to the SDGs
was a catalyst for a flurry of additional reports. As a result, the framing of the
SDGs marked a key global step towards the new systemic approach to food,
health, agriculture, climate, soil, water and biodiversity, within the realm of the
three sustainable development dimensions.

Amongst all the UN agencies, The United Nations Environment Programme

(UNEP) took the greatest interest in the IAASTD during the drafting phase
and at the final plenary in Johannesburg, where the UNEP’s then Director Ge-
neral, Dr Achim Steiner made a passionate speech about the linkages between
agriculture and the environment. A chapter dedicated to agriculture in UNEP’s
Green Economy Report (2011), based strongly on the IAASTD spirit, modeled
the costs for a global transformation of agriculture at US$142 billion until 2050,
equivalent to one third of the present annual subsidies to agriculture.

UNEP’s 2016 report “Linking Food Systems and Natural Resources“ strongly
contradicted a food systems model assuming that there is no limitation to the
substitution of nature with chemicals to grow the food needed by an increasing
and ever more demanding population.

The UNEP’s 2018 TEEB-Ag report assumes, as a leverage point for the trans-
formation of food systems, that consumers’ education about the environmental,
social and economic consequences of their choices at the supermarket or mar-
ket, and their wallets, can have an important impact as a driver for change. Cal-
culating the price of food as a cascade of savings due to reducing pollution,
addressing climate change impacts and biodiversity loss, along with related health


care and research costs shows that these savings would make up more than
the price of supporting the poorer segment of the population.

In 2011, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
presented its own concept of the transformation that was needed, with the
publication of their “Save and Grow” report, to present “sustainable intensifica-
tion” as the “new paradigm”, again taking cues from the IAASTD report. This
report can be seen as a first example of co-opting agroecology while pursuing
a business as usual agenda. However, the IAASTD still worked its way slowly
into the FAO policy development process. The culmination of the changes
brought to the thinking at FAO by the then Director General, Jose Graziano, is
best illustrated by the series of conferences convened by FAO from 2016 to
2018 on agroecology. In 2014, he stated that the cathedral of the Green Revo-
lution had opened at least a window to agroecology.This led to the Committee
on World Food Security (CFS) commissioning a report from its High Level
Panel of Experts (HLPE) on “Agroecology and other innovations”, first presen-
ted in 2019, which outlines a transformation of agriculture and food systems
and lists policies leading to the expected changes.

The 2019 IPCC special report on Climate Change and Land has given a major
boost to the food system change debate. Although it does not reference the
IAASTD report, its authors have clearly drawn from it with messages that point
in the same direction of transformational changes, with an
emphasis on the role of biodiversity in the food chain, agroe- In this book, the
cological practices, inclusion of local knowledge and empo- authors are illustrating
werment of women and youth. It is a rewarding read for the “behind the scene”
those who have been waiting for this report over the past
stories about land-
mark reports that
The Beacons of Hope Report, published in 2019 by the have emanated from
Global Alliance for the Future of Food and the Biovision the IAASTD.
Foundation, has searched around the globe for practical
examples that could accelerate the transformation process. The main criteria
were impacts of these new food systems on the environment, livelihoods and
health.The report also outlines key elements of successful transformation path-
ways, and how to grow them to scale.

In this book, the authors of the essays and short stories are illustrating, in a nar-
rative form and their own words, the “behind the scene” stories about these
and other landmark reports that have emanated from the IAASTD. It is hoped
that with this book we attract the further attention of decision makers to the
challenges, the solutions, and the actions necessary to address them. Food is a
human right, and it is the responsibility of governments to ensure that all have
access to the right quantity and quality of healthy food at an affordable price,
which has been produced for the long-term from resilient systems, many of

Hans R. Herren

which must be rebuilt on the ruins of degraded soils, lost biodiversity and im-
poverished farmers. It’s high time that our food systems pay attention to the
word regenerative, as sustainable and resilient systems can only function as such
in fully restored ecosystems.Time is ripe to move from exploitation to manage-
ment of our life supporting ecosystems.

With a major gathering planned under the auspices of the UN Secretary Ge-
neral, Food System Summit in 2021, managed by private foundations and private
sector representatives, this book could not be timelier, bringing a strong warning
that “business as usual is not an option”, and that if this is not heeded, it’s not
people but the irrevocable damage to nature that will destroy our civilization.
One could ask where were the initiators and leaders of the 2021 Food System
Summit over the past 11 years? It is clear that food systems and the value of a
“systems approach” has been suddenly (re)invented and re-interpreted. We
must defend the narrative we have developed in 2009 and refined since, which
is now very much in jeopardy again and keenly aware of the impacts of the co-
optation of language while continuing on the same path. History has a tendency
of repeating itself.

This book is a treasure trove for decision makers with any kind of responsibility
across the food chain. It is also relevant to the general public as it explains clearly
what the consequences of their choices are. Our hope is that decision makers,
NGO officials and the wider public read this book and do their absolute best
to implement its lessons – our current and all future generations will be eternally
grateful if they do.

It is our common future, and our common duty to act fundamentally differently.

1 Steve Gliessman (2018). “Defining Agroecology”. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42:6, 599-600. See
also Clara Nicholls and Miguel Altieri (2016). “Agroecology: Principles for the Conversion and Redesign of Farming
Systems”. Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography

Hans R. Herren, founder and President of the Biovision Foundation, is President of

the Millennium Institute. He was Director General of the International Centre of In-
sect Physiology and Ecology, Kenya and Director Plant Health Division at the Inter-
national Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria. He has been awarded among
others the Right Livelihood Award 2013; World Food Prize 1995, Tyler Prize for En-
vironmental Achievement 2003, the NAS and the Third World Academy of Sciences
membership and is member of IPES-Food and the IFOAM-OI World Board

Benedikt Haerlin

The making of a paradigm shift

“Business as usual is not an option” has become a widely-used maxim since ap-
pearing in the press release on the final report of the International Assessment
of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)
in April 2008. One decade later, the majority of the academics, policy makers
and institutions involved seem to agree on the fundamental need for a trans-
formation of food systems at both local and global levels. In addition, the spirit
of change has accelerated over this period, emerging from a groundswell of in-
novative grassroots initiatives, old and new, from field to fork.

More than a decade ago, the IAASTD identified a number of major shifts and po-
licy options that would contribute to the reduction of hunger and poverty, the
improvement of rural livelihoods and human health, and facilitating equitable, so-
cially, environmentally and economically sustainable development.These included:

• Favourable and just conditions for small farmers, especially women, in terms
of their access to land, resources, seed, knowledge and markets;
• Support for and investment in agroecological practices, innovation and re-
• Complementing the concept of food security with that of food sovereignty
as the right of peoples and sovereign states to democratically determine their
own agricultural and food policies;
• Fair and equitable terms of trade, designed to overcome the ‘global treadmill’
and foster local and regional value chains, offering greater protection from fi-
nancial speculation, international corporate domination and corruption;
• The revalorization of indigenous, traditional and local knowledge and a parti-
cipatory approach to knowledge production and sharing that is solution ori-
ented instead of technology driven.

The complexity of food system and ecosystem approaches is being addressed

today by an emerging discipline, or rather trans-discipline, of agricultural, ecolog-
ical, economic and health knowledge. Pathways to holistic and multifactorial ap-
proaches have been increasingly conceptualized and elaborated. As a result, a
new food system narrative has been firmly established over the past decade.
This new narrative is distinctly different from the post-war industrial and chem-
ical narrative whose fame and glory culminated in the Green Revolution and
which still dominates mainstream farming. It also goes well beyond concepts of
sustainable intensification merely trying to improve the resource efficiency of

Benedikt Haerlin

Narratives and fashions come and go. However, what has developed over the
past decade is more than this. A real paradigm shift for agriculture, nutrition and
food systems has emerged. Such a paradigm shift entails the change of prevailing
questions and priorities to be answered within a conceptual framework accept-
ed by a majority of the scientific and expert community and those following
their knowledge system.Thomas S. Kuhn defined paradigms in 1962 as “univer-
sally recognized scientific achievements that for a time provide model problems
and solutions to a community of practitioners” . Paradigms are questions, meth-
ods, patterns and models, not answers. They provide room for lively discussion
and competing concepts as well as different approaches, including a pluriversity
of knowledge systems well beyond classical western natural sciences. However,
they do exclude answers to questions not asked. A good example of such a
paradigm shift is the role that Climate Change considerations have in global
priority setting.

Amongst the key elements of the new paradigm for food and farming systems
is the recognition of planetary boundaries and natural scarcities, including rapid
climate change and biodiversity loss as well as the scarcity of time left for ad-
dressing these issues.The drama of the predictions of the IPCC (see page 150)
as well as the IP-BES (see page 104) becoming true and visible in even less time
than expected is defining the global modus operandi under which we have to
address the questions of the new paradigm.

Integrating previously segregated sectors of production, processing, trade, con-

sumption, environmental assessment and health, as well as knowledge systems
into the concept of food systems substantially extends the scope and complex-
ity of the approaches that are needed. Together with the recognition of social
inclusion and human rights as critical systemic factors in any sustainability equa-
tion this systems approach has gained weight enormously over the past decade.
The new paradigm of agri-food systems also integrates the implementation and
cost of public and personal health as part of the economy of food and agricul-
tural production. Lifestyle, mass communication and its manipulation, and socio-
demographic developments have all been acknowledged as drivers of our food
systems. As to whether the archaic and modern myth of “more food is needed
– production must increase!” has already been overcome by a differentiated
“only produce or take what is needed” as a part of the emerging paradigm shift
is still too close to call.

The level of complexity that emerges from this new paradigm is higher and
more challenging than its green revolution predecessor. This leads some scho-
lars to believe that only computed modelling, big data and artificial intelligence
will be able to solve the riddle. De-humanisation by means of digitization has
become a conceptual approach to managing this complexity. Resorting to tools
and technologies instead of values to answer what are basically political and so-
cial questions is not new. However, this ideological mistake is at the root of

The making of a paradigm shift

many of the disasters that must now be urgently managed and healed. Re-
humanising, reconnecting, rebuilding and restoring the resilience of our food
systems is a distinctively different response to the same set of undeniable chal-

The past decade saw the formation of agroecology as a uniting conceptual

framework for addressing the new paradigmatic questions. At the same time,
evidence has emerged of the importance of myriads of diverse local forms of
implementation; traditional and new. Agroecology both as a social and cultural
concept and as a set of agricultural and food system practices is certainly one
of the most holistic and convincing approaches to the challenges of the new
paradigm. While diversity is the mantra of agroecology at every level from local
practices to global understanding, the beauty of the approach is that it provides
plain and simple answers. These are based on human values and compassion
to many uncomputably complex questions. The IAASTD has contributed sub-
stantially to the adoption of agroecology over the past decade.

The emerging food and agriculture paradigm shift contrasts with the insufficient
and sometimes counterproductive political and economic approaches of gov-
ernments and global corporations and their national and international value
chains. This is not an entirely new illustration of practise not following
knowledge.Threats to the resilience of ecosystems and sustainable use of natural
resources and critical material cycles have increased over the past decade. All
planetary boundaries, except the ozone layer, are being stressed harder today
than ten years ago. Loss of biodiversity, mounting greenhouse gas emissions, de-
gradation of soil fertility, deforestation, and detrimental nutrient and chemical
emissions continue to rise at unacceptable levels. In many regions of the world
‘mainstream’ chemical agriculture continues on a pathway of self-destruction.
Despite progress on the part of some countries, chronic undernourishment
and hidden hunger, as well as obesity and other food related diseases have actu-
ally increased over the past decade. The destructive impact of industrial food
systems and agricultural practices on our ecosystems and the social and cultural
wellbeing of communities and nations has probably never been higher than

When looking back to the last decade we must acknowledge that, however in-
tellectually and technologically productive and exciting it has been, it was by
and large a lost decade for the practical resilience and ecological adaptation as
suggested by the IAASTD report. While this is the statistically quantifiable evi-
dence, the qualitative balance may not look as grim. This decade has seen bot-
tom-up movements across the globe, not only demanding but realizing radical
change, inspiring new approaches and practices in fields, kitchens and markets.
A groundswell of highly innovative, yet conserving and healing agricultural and
community practices may prove to have laid the ground for a “revolution of
the niches” in industrialized as well as less industrialized societies.

Benedikt Haerlin

Many scientists and other experts believe that the present decade will be the
last chance to keep global warming and global biodiversity loss at an acceptable
level for the survival of humankind. Likewise, bio-culturalism is threatened with
irreversible collapse. The food and agricultural system has become the single
most important factor that can deliver fast and sustained results in relation to
these challenges. It is the one sector that directly affects, and can directly be in-
fluenced by, all those who eat and who produce food, i.e. all 7.7 billion humans
on this planet.

Most societies and individuals now know exactly what needs to be changed,
what really works and how it works. The financial and technical means to ac-
complish these changes are at hand. All that is needed is the political and eco-
nomic will to do the right things at the right time. And there is clearly no time
to lose.

Hopefully this collection of essays and topical papers will contribute to the de-
bate, convincing and motivating colleagues, decision makers and all those in-
volved in the food and agricultural sector to deliver the changes we all need to
see. May it serve as a useful resource for those engaged in converting this para-
digm shift into a real-life transformation of our food systems.

1 IAASTD, Global Summary for decision makers, p. 3
2 Kuhn, Thomas S., 1962,.The structure of scientific revolutions, 2nd edition 1970, p. 8

Benedikt Haerlin heads the Berlin office of the Foundation on Future Farming (Zu-
kunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft). He co-ordinates the European initiative “Save our
Seeds“, runs a “global field” of 2000 m² and co-chairs the thinktank ARC2020 on
European agricultural policies. He represented northern NGOs in the board of the
IAASTD. Before, he was an author and journalist, a Member of the European Parlia-
ment and worked for Greenpeace International.

Looking Back

Marcia Ishii-Eiteman

IAASTD, agroecology and

new ways forward
Amidst accelerating and converging health, climate, ecological, economic, financial
and food system crises, the need to radically reconceive and change our ap-
proach to agriculture and even more fundamentally, our relationship to the
earth, has become paramount. Just over a decade ago, the International Assess-
ment for Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
IAASTD began to move the global conversation in UN and other international
policy circles in this direction.

Agroecology: paths towards equitable and sustainable food systems

With its publication in 2009, the IAASTD concluded that agroecology offers
highly promising pathways to enable progress towards “equitable, socially, envi-
ronmentally and economically sustainable development.” These findings repre-
sent the results of analyses presented in the IAASTD’s Global, Latin America
and other regional reports (see box).

Agroecology in the IAASTD

Agroecology was addressed in unique ways by the Global and Regional Reports of the
IAASTD. The Global Report (GR) reflected on the central role of Indigenous people,
as well as subsequent interactions between farmers, researchers, scientists and civil so-
ciety, in the development of agroecology, while noting its scientific and practice-based
contributions to multifunctional agriculture, to innovation and knowledge generation,
and to improving livelihoods and equity (GR chapters 2, 3 and 6).The Latin America &
Caribbean report (LAC) discussed agroecology explicitly and in depth, recognizing its
multiple dimensions that both draw on and contribute to a diversity of sciences, practi-
ces and social movements, with socio-economic, health, cultural, spiritual and political
implications (LAC chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5).The North America & Europe report (NAE)
focused on agroecology’s scientific contributions to innovation (NAE chapter 6); the
Sub-Saharan Africa report (SSA) addressed the practical benefits of applying agroeco-
logical methods to farming and pastoralism (SSA chapters 2, 3 and 5); and the East &
South Asia and Pacific report (ESAP) pointed to the productivity and stability of “inte-
grated and holistic agroecosystems” and agroecological practices that mimic natural
systems, often rooted in Indigenous knowledge and able to reduce poverty and mal-
nutrition, improve livelihoods, conserve biodiversity and offer an alternative to pesticide
dependence (ESAP chapters 2, 3 and 5).Together, the IAASTD reports discussed a va-
riety of policy options to build capacity in agroecology in the regions, while identifying
measures to overcome systemic and structural obstacles impeding its spread.

Marcia Ishii-Eiteman

The IAASTD discussed agroecology primarily in terms of its scientific and practi-
cal dimensions (McIntyre et al. 2009a-d), while also recognizing that agroecology
“stems from the interaction of scientific and traditional knowledge,” rooted in
profound respect for the environment and Mother Earth, “as well as [people’s]
traditions, culture and history” (McIntyre et al. 2009e). As a movement, agro-
ecology has the ability to join others – food sovereignty, Indigeneity (Figueroa-
Helland et al. 2018) – in suggesting “a dialogue of different ways of knowing”
(McIntyre et al. 2009e) that challenges assumptions behind dominant ap-
proaches to “development” (Mignolo 2020). Drawing on empirical evidence,
the IAASTD found that agroecology contributes to:

• Increased ecological resilience and reduced risk in weathering changing climate

and environmental conditions;
• Climate change mitigation and adaptation through reduced reliance on fossil
fuel and fossil fuel-based agricultural inputs, increased carbon sequestration and
water capture in soil;
• Conservation of biodiversity and natural resources and protection of eco-
system services;
• Improved health and nutrition by providing diverse, fresh and nutritious diets
and reducing incidence of pesticide poisonings;
• Economic stability from diversified sources of income, a more even spread of
labor requirements and production benefits over time and reduced vulnerability
to commodity price swings and rising costs of purchased inputs; and
• Increased social resilience and institutional capacity, including shared know-
ledge and collectively managed economic and social support networks.

On a practical level, the IAASTD affirmed that agroecology inspires innovations

that are knowledge-intensive, productive, profitable, culturally, socially and envi-
ronmentally beneficial, and readily adaptable by small and medium-scale pro-
ducers (McIntyre et al. 2009a-d, PANNA 2009). Meanwhile, social movements
challenging entrenched power imbalances in food and agricultural systems have
also perceived the emancipatory potential of agroecology, which frees produc-
ers from dependence on corporate-controlled inputs such as patented seeds
and agrochemicals (McIntyre et al. 2009e).

Policy options to advance agroecology

The IAASTD identified numerous concrete policies to promote agroecology and
systems transformation.These include the following “options for action“.

• Build capacity in agroecological research, extension and education: encourage

farmer-to-farmer learning and horizontal collaboration among farmers, Indige-
nous peoples and scientists;
• Support small and medium-scale farmers and their organizations: strengthen
community organizations’ capacity to develop and adapt agroecology to meet
local priorities, particularly for food, land, seeds, water, health, livelihood, self-

IAASTD, agroecology and new ways forward

determination and the right to organise; center farmer and Indigenous leaders
in national, regional and international decision-making processes;
• Establish supportive economic policies, financial incentives and market op-
portunities to overcome structural barriers: evaluate and internalise the social,
health and environmental costs of external input-intensive production systems;
remove perverse incentives that continue dependence on hazardous inputs
and industrial-scale monocropping; and incentivize ecological practices that pro-
vide public, environmental and ecosystem health benefits; and
• Strengthen institutional supports: implement comprehensive agrarian reform
that ensures equitable and secure access to, control over and ownership of pro-
ductive resources by peasant and small-scale farmers and Indigenous peoples;
revise intellectual property rights to uphold farmers’ rights to save, breed and
exchange seed and disallow land, gene and water grabs by corporations; and
establish equitable trade arrangements that enable farmers to meet their food
and livelihood security needs.

Moving forward: agroecology after IAASTD

Both in terms of its substantive findings and the institutional innovation in mul-
tistakeholder governance that it introduced (Ishii-Eiteman 2009), the IAASTD
set the stage for a decade of growing recognition in international policy circles of:

a) the need for transformative change of our food and agricultural systems;
b) a key role for agroecology in such a transformation;
c) the necessity to overcome entrenched structural obstacles to change; and
d) the imperative to center the knowledge, participation and leadership of front-
line, peasant and Indigenous communities in moving towards systems transfor-

The contribution of agroecology to the pluriverse of solutions needed to over-

come today’s crises and its alignment with values of reciprocity, harmony, equity
and solidarity is increasingly recognized and valued by farmers, social and bio-
physical scientists, health professionals and sustainable economies and human
rights experts alike (See Anderson & Anderson, page 169 and Wezel, page140
in this book). Alternative visions that build on these and other complementary
notions have been well-articulated by proponents of buen vivir (and of sumak
kawsay, suma qamaña, Ubuntu, swaraj and de-growth), who are already in many
parts of the world enacting and embodying these new-old ways of being (Gon-
zales & Mignolo, page 157 in this book; Khothari et al. 2015).

Unsurprisingly, industries and governments with vested economic interests in

maintaining corporate industrial models of agriculture have fiercely opposed
these calls for transformation. Despite this resistance, agroecology has continued
to gain momentum and recognition on the global stage, supported by far-sighted
policymakers, an expanding body of scientific research and the knowledge, ex-
perience and determination of peasant and family farmers and Indigenous

Marcia Ishii-Eiteman

peoples who are co-creating not only the agroecological but also the liberatory
epistemic systems to nourish their communities and sustain life on the planet.

Figueroa-Helland, L., C. Thomas and A. Pérez Aguilera, 2018. Decolonizing food systems: food sovereignty, Indige-
nous revitalization and agroecology as counter-hegemonic movements. Persp Global Dev Tech 17: 173-201.
Ishii-Eiteman, M., 2009. Food sovereignty and the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science
and Technology for Development. In Patel, Raj (Guest Editor). Grassroots Voices Special Section: Food Sover-
eignty. J Peasant Studies 36(3):663-706. July 2009. At:
Khothari, A., F. Demaria and A. Acosta, 2014. Buen Vivir, Degrowth and Ecological Swaraj: Alternatives to sustain-
able development and the Green Economy. Development 57(3–4): 362–375. doi:10.1057/dev.2015.24
McIntyre, B. D., H. R. Herren, J. Wakhungu and R. T. Watson (eds), 2009a. International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development: Global Report. Island Press, Washington DC.
McIntyre, B. D., H. R. Herren, J. Wakhungu and R. T. Watson (eds), 2009b. International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development: North America & Europe Report. Island Press, Washing-
ton DC.
McIntyre, B. D., H. R. Herren, J. Wakhungu and R. T. Watson (eds), 2009c. International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development: Sub-Saharan Africa Report. Island Press, Washington DC.
McIntyre, B. D., H. R. Herren, J. Wakhungu and R. T. Watson (eds), 2009d. International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development: East & South Asia & the Pacific Report. Island Press,
Washington DC.
McIntyre, B. D., H. R. Herren, J. Wakhungu and R. T. Watson (eds), 2009e. International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development: Latin America and the Caribbean Report. Island Press,
Washington DC.
Mignolo, W., 2020. Sustainable development or sustainable economies? Ideas towards living in harmony and pleni-
tude. In Global Coloniality and the World Disorder. Translated into Mandarin, to be published by the University
Press of the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
Pesticide Action Network North America, 2009. Agroecology and Sustainable Development: findings from the
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development. Berkeley, CA. At:
Pimbert, M. 2018. “Global status of agroecology: a perspective on current practices, potential and challenges.”
Econ Pol Weekly Vol LIII No 41, 13 October 2018.

Marcia Ishii-Eiteman is Senior Scientist and Director of the Grassroots Science

Program at Pesticide Action Network North America. Her work includes policy
advocacy to support transitions towards equitable and sustainable food systems.
Previously, she worked in Asia and Africa facilitating farmer-NGO-government colla-
borations in farmer-centered ecological pest management. Ishii-Eiteman holds a PhD
in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University and a B.A. in Gender
and Politics from Yale University. She was a lead author of the IAASTD report.

10-Year Comparison

Cereal production
Billions of tonnes

2.50 2.7




337kg 354kg
per capita per capita
2008 2018
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Global cereal production in billion tonnes (rice milled equivalent) and cereal production per person

Enough to feed us all

In 2018, 2.7 billion tonnes of cereals were produced worldwide, an increase of 18% compared to
2008. Production grew faster than the global population, reaching 354 kilograms per person in 2018.
World cereal stocks amounted to 853 million tonnes in the same year, up from 510 million tonnes
in 2008. There is enough food available to feed a growing world population.

I FAOSTAT - Data - Population - Annual population - Total Population - Both sexes
2 FAOSTAT - Data - Production - Crops - Production Quantity
3 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (2010). Food Outlook: Global Market Analysis, June 2010.
4 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (2019). Food Outlook: Biannual Report on Global Food Markets, May 2019.

Erik Mathijs

Two narratives in a world of scarcities

In 2011, the EU Commission published the report “Sustainable Food Con-
sumption and Production in a Resource-Constrained World“.1 It aimed to
guide agricultural research in the EU to prepare for a smooth transition
towards a world with resource constraints and environmental limits. The
report identified a set of principles upon which our food system and agri-
cultural research should be based.

The EU’s Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) is a body estab-

lished in 1974 and relaunched in 2005 to provide advice to the European Com-
mission and EU member states on the coordination of agricultural research in
Europe. SCAR has a tradition of commissioning foresight exercises to support its
recommendations. In 2010, a group of external experts were commissioned to
carry out a foresight exercise for the committee that would provide the building
blocks for longer-term perspectives to prepare the EU for a
smooth transition towards a world with resource constraints
and environmental limits. This resulted in the 3rd SCAR Fore-
sight Exercise, published in 2011 (Freibauer et al., 2011), and
revolved around three key concepts: scarcities, narratives and

The report started by emphasizing that the changes taking

place in the world create feedback effects that we poorly
understand. Due to the interconnectedness of the combined
scarcity challenges and the limited understanding of the feed-
back loops, the future is now more uncertain than ever. As
indicated by figure 1, interactions, in particular feedbacks, can
further intensify, accelerate or change directions when seve-
ral drivers are combined. These complex multiple interactions are critical for
projections of global food security but unknown. These unknowns may pose a
stronger and faster limit on global food production than any of the individual

In addition, we were, and still are, ill-prepared to deal with such interconnected
and highly dynamic issues. Due to the success of technological advances and
substitution, the issue of resource scarcity has rarely featured on political or re-
search agendas in recent decades. However, concerns about the availability of
essential natural resources are now firmly back on worldwide agendas. These
concerns have been further heightened by the emergence of ‘new scarcities’

2011 EU Report
with respect to climate and biodiversity. A feature of today’s concern is the at-
tempt to understand the complexities surrounding these scarcities, which in
themselves involve a number of different dimensions.The interactions between
the different dimensions and between the different scarcities themselves, are
key to finding a rationale and sustainable route forward. It is essential to ensure
that decisions are made that are conducive to the emergence of a more sus-
tainable world. Given that the 2008/9 financial crisis has turned into an enduring
political crisis, the depth and scale of which is still taking shape, it is clear that
the need for a global approach to sustainable resource use is increasingly at
odds with the trend of protectionism and ‘resource nationalism’.

Figure 1: Scheme of interactions between scarcities. The size of the arrows indicates the intensity of the interac-
tions. Arrows in both directions indicate complex, non-linear feedbacks. Source: Freibauer et al. (2011)

Next, echoing the messages of the IAASTD and others, the report brought to
light that foresight studies and policy documents always use language or discourse
that combines into a consistent storyline or narrative that reflects underlying
worldviews and paradigms. These are sometimes made explicit, but are mostly
implicit, particularly when the narrative reflects a dominant paradigm. Making
these underlying worldviews explicit is a first step towards better understanding
our possible futures. The danger of such narratives is that they are simplistic in
that they do not capture the full complexity of underlying systems.The 3rd SCAR
Foresight Exercise identified two main narratives that it used as lenses or per-
spectives that act as an entry point for analyzing scarcities and transitions.

The 3rd SCAR Foresight Exercise referred to the dominant narrative as the ‘Pro-
ductivity Narrative’ and the alternative narrative as the ‘Sufficiency Narrative’.

Erik Mathijs

As authors we believed that these two concepts best summarized the under-
lying worldviews (see box below for detailed explanation). We emphasized that
the two narratives represent extremes of a likely future pathway of agriculture
and food. In reality it is expected that a mix of both extremes will be pursued
and be necessary to deal with the diversity in trends, cultures and lifestyles.
The Productivity Narrative’s main assumption is that economic growth is the
only way forward for human development. Issues such as social inequality, re-
source scarcities and pollution are not ignored, but rather considered as con-
straints thus ignoring the underlying complexity of socio-ecological systems.
Demand is considered to be exogenous, i.e., determined by
In the Sufficiency external factors external to the agro-food system. The social
Narrative, demand impacts of new technologies, as reflected in intellectual pro-
perty right issues and market power, are often underestimated.
is considered to be This narrative also includes the assumption that ecosystems
endogenous, i.e. part are best preserved if the existing cropland areas are subject
of the agro-food to massive intensification, in a way that can stop further ex-
system and hence tension of cropland into forests and other natural ecosystems.
influenceable. This assumption might seem correct when examining the glo-
bal level of production, consumption and use of resources such
as land, but when looking at the processes at stake, there is no evidence that
intensification can lead to halting of the extension of cropland.

The Sufficiency Narrative’s main assumption is that there are limits to growth
imposed by the Earth’s finite resources and finite assimilative capacity and by
the vulnerability of its ecosystems that provide essential services to mankind. It
believes that agro-ecological innovations and behavioural changes and changes
in supply chains reducing demand are sufficient conditions to meet the world’s
food demand in 2050. Demand is considered to be endogenous, that is, part of
the agro-food system and hence influenceable. However, economic, social and
cultural barriers to a transition towards sufficiency are insufficiently taken into
account by studies using this narrative.This narrative also contains an assumption
that diversity is a better source of resilience, for the variety of systems consid-
ered: ecosystems and biodiversity, food patterns, markets, supply chains, agricul-
tural production systems.

The effect of narratives can bear significant influence on policy and are in them-
selves generally not neutral. Resources (for instance for research) are often dis-
tributed according to the logic of the dominant narrative. The impact of this is
that other perspectives – such as agro-ecology – have been given much less
resources. In addition, many existing technologies have neglected important
pieces of knowledge and retarded or prevented innovative solutions to emerg-
ing problems. Capacity building in some fields of research have to then be re-
created from scratch, as in the field of agro-ecology. The report argues that
research policies should give specific emphasis to building research capacity on
ecosystem services that look at the ecological, social and economic conditions

Two narratives in a world of scarcities

The Productivity Narrative The Sufficiency Narrative

The Challenge The Challenge
World population will increase to an esti- World population will increase to an esti-
mated 9.2 billion people in 2050, while mated 9.2 billion people in 2050, which will
agricultural productivity has been slowing lead to dramatic environmental problems
down over the last decades. Rising income as system Earth does not have the capacity
levels in emerging countries will shift diets to support expected rates of consumption.
to more protein rich food and will in- In addition, current food systems produce
crease energy demand. Hence, there is a waste, and overconsumption leads to mass
serious threat that food demand will not health problems. The destruction of impor-
be met in 2050 leading to more hunger tant ecosystems will have dramatic feedback
and political instability. In addition, re- effects that undermine the foundations of
source constraints and climate change se- our food systems, leading to more poverty
verely limit the world’s capacity to expand and conflict.
food production.
The Solution
The Solution Scientific advances have the potential to
Scientific advances have the potential to bring forward agro-ecosystems that are
bring forward new varieties, breeds and both productive, respectful for ecosystems
technologies that boost productivity and and resource saving. However, to stay with-
that at the same time take into account in the capacity of system Earth, demand in-
resource scarcities and environmental creases need to be mitigated through
problems. To achieve this, massive invest- behavioral change and structural changes
ments need to be made in R&D, but also in food systems and supply chains (among
in the removal of barriers to adoption by which food chain efficiency, reducing or re-
farmers, such as infrastructure, trade bar- using waste…), and environmental exter-
riers and access to markets. nalities need to be internalized in markets
through appropriate governance structures
that also address the disruptive effect of
unregulated trade.

of production. At the same time, a much greater emphasis should be placed on

socio-economic impact assessment of technologies, with specific reference to
the impact on scarcities.

I now prefer to call these narratives the Efficiency and Sufficiency Narratives –
in line with writers such as Wolfgang Sachs and Joseph Huber. While we pre-
sented the Efficiency and Sufficiency Narratives as extremes on a continuum, I
now believe that we should consider them as necessary complements. In other
words, efficiency is a necessary but not sufficient condition for sustainability and
vice versa, sufficiency is a necessary but not sufficient condition for sustainability.
We need both. This echoes the writings of the scholars mentioned earlier, but
basically goes back to the Brundtland definition of sustainable development that
combines the concept of needs with that of limitations.

Erik Mathijs

1. Well-being: food and agricultural systems should serve the well-being and quality of life
of all stakeholders involved: farmers and agribusiness should earn a sufficient income
producing secure, safe and healthy food for consumers as well as public goods; fair ac-
cess by all to a healthy food is critical for food security and well-being.

2. Resource use efficiency and optimality: given the increasing scarcities in vital resources,
resources should be used as efficiently as possible (by avoiding waste, recycling and redu-
cing our footprint), but they should also be used optimally, that is, where their contribu-
tion is greatest (by applying the cascading principle of resource contribution); this might
imply radical changes in the way we look at the use of resources, shifting from an ap-
proach in terms of productivity to an approach in terms of sufficiency, where important
changes in consumption patterns play an important role.

3. Resource conservation: to avoid the irreversible loss of natural resources, critical natu-
ral resources, including biodiversity, land and water should be maintained, taking into ac-
count the interaction between scarcities.

4. Diversity and inclusion: food and agricultural systems should reflect the territorial di-
versity present within the EU and worldwide; diversity may be instrumental for the re-
silience of our systems, but should also enhance the equitable access to affordable and
healthy food and to natural resources.

5. Transdisciplinarity: research and innovation underpinning future food and agricultural

systems should be truly interdisciplinary, that is, fully integrating the various sciences, in-
cluding the social sciences and humanities, but be also transdisciplinary, that is, fully inte-
grating the end user into research and innovation. Only in this way, the innovation gap
between finding and adopting novelties can be overcome.

6. Experimentation: in order to develop the key breakthroughs needed to address the

Grand Challenges of our time, research should be diverse, that is, ranging from blue sky re-
search (fundamental research with no immediate applications) to applied research, but also
based on different paradigms and narratives. Transdisciplinary research should have suffi-
cient room for experimentation, not only in the technological realm, but also in the social.

7. Coordination and impact evaluation: research should be better coordinated across

thematic domains as well as Member States. At the same research impacts should be
better monitored and evaluated.

Generally, the operationalization of sufficiency involves product life extension,

dematerialization and tertiarisation of products into services (the sharing econ-
omy, from ownership to use). Reichel (2016:24) argues that “…sufficiency is not
just about producing and selling less physical products and having less ecological
footprint; it first and foremost means to provide those kinds of products and
services that enable consumers to live a lifestyle of sufficiency. It is all about re-

Two narratives in a world of scarcities

ducing energy and material use on the consumer side in an absolute manner,
including prevention of the rebound effect”.

While such an operationalization can be imagined when it comes to durable

goods, mobility, housing, etc., the realization of sufficiency in food production is
much more difficult, given the very transient nature of food. Sufficiency has been
mainly interpreted as a demand restraint, particularly with respect to meat con-
sumption. Less is more means eating less but higher quality
meat. But also agro-ecology has the potential to address suf- Agroecology has the
ficiency, as its main driving force is equilibrium rather than potential to address
growth.Taken at a higher level, this would require consumers sufficiency, as its main
to adapt their demand to the carrying capacity of the Earth.
driving force is equilib-
To conclude, a radical change in food consumption and pro- rium rather than
duction in Europe is unavoidable to meet the challenges of growth.
scarcities and to make the agro-food system more resilient
in times of increasing instability and surprise. The expert group compiled a set
of principles upon which our food system in general and research concerning
our agriculture and food system in particular should be based (see box 1).

1 Available at:

Freibauer, A., Mathijs, E., Brunori, G., Damianova, Z., Faroult, E., Girona i Gomis, J., O’Brien, L., Treyer, S., 2011. Sustain-
able food consumption and production in a resource-constrained world. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the
European Union. ISBN: 978-92-79-19723-9.
Huber, J., 2000.Towards industrial ecology: sustainable development as a concept of ecological modernization, Journal
of Environmental Policy and Planning, 2:4, 269-285.
Reichel, A., 2016. Sufficiency in business strategies. In: Sufficiency – Moving beyond the gospel of eco-efficiency,
Friends of the Earth Europe, Brussels.
Sachs, W., 1999, Planet Dialectics. Explorations in Environment and Development. Zed Books, London/New York.
Principles for more resilient food systems and future research priorities in the EU (from Freibauer et al. 2011, p. 185)

Erik Mathijs (MSc, PhD Agricultural Economics) is Professor of Agricultural and

Resource Economics at KU Leuven. His research focuses on the practices, metrics
and policies fostering the transformation of the European agricultural and food sys-
tem towards sustainability and resilience. He acted respectively as rapporteur and
chair of the experts group of the 3rd (2011) and 4th (2015) Foresight Exercise for
the EU's Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR).

10-Year Comparison

Availability of calories

World 2,792
Northern America

Europe 3,362
Northern Africa
Eastern Asia 2,909
(including China) 3,171

Western Asia

Latin America 2,913

and the Caribbean 3,012
Southern Asia

Sub-Saharan Africa 2,371


kcal/person/day in 2006-08 kcal/person/day in 2016-18

Per capita amount of energy (kcal) in food available for human consumption per day according to different world
regions. The regional aggregates refer to a 3-year average period.

Counting the calories – regional disparities

In 2013, the world produced 5,935 kilocalories of crops per person per day that could be consumed by
humans, and an additional 3,812 kcal of vegetable matter produced to be eaten by animals.The dietary
energy supply – the food actually available for human consumption after taking out food waste and loss,
non-food utilisation such as animal feed and industrial use as well as changes in stocks, is much lower. In
2016 -18 a global average of 2,908 kcal were available for daily human consumption, up from 2,330 kcal
fifty years earlier and 2,792 kcal ten years before. In Northern America, a record of 3,752 kcal/person/
day were available in 2016 -18 compared to 2,386 kcal in Sub-Saharan Africa. Increases over the past ten
years were also unequally distributed: In Southern Asia calorie availability rose by 6%, whereas in Sub-
Saharan Africa supply almost stagnated, rising by only 0.6%.

I FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (2019). Food Security Indicators. Additional useful statistics - Dietary Energy Supply
(DES). Update 9 October 2019.
2 FAOSTAT – Data – Food Balance – Food Balances (old methodology and population)
3 Berners-Lee, M., Kennelly, C., Watson, R. and Hewitt, C.N., 2018. Current global food production is sufficient to meet human
nutritional needs in 2050 provided there is radical societal adaptation. Elem Sci Anth, 6(1), p.52. DOI:


Molly D. Anderson

Innovation for whom?

The need to transform the global food system could not be clearer as multiple
reports over the past decade have illuminated the toll of greenhouse gas emis-
sions from the food system, soil erosion and degradation, loss of biodiversity,
and unjust compensation and conditions of work for farmers and farmworkers.
The response from most businesses has not been encouraging, however. Rather
than fundamentally change their business models, they have doubled down on
minor modifications of their products and major investment in lobbying and at-
tempting to influence public opinion. The “Innovation Principle” in the EU is a
thinly veiled attempt to circumvent existing environmental and public health
safeguards. It calls for a new kind of impact assessment to ensure that whenever
policy or regulatory decisions are under consideration the impact on innovation
as a driver for jobs and growth should be assessed and addressed (ERF, n.d.). Its
supporters, the industry lobby group European Risk Forum,
come mainly from chemical, fossil fuel and tobacco sectors – The EU “Innovation
not renowned for their scrupulous attention to the public in- Principle” is a thinly
terest. veiled attempt to
circumvent existing
The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the IAASTD offer
stark contrasts in the purpose of innovation. The IAASTD
focused on impacts to smallholders who make up most of the world’s food in-
secure people, as well as most of the farming population. For WEF (2018), the
‘Transformative Twelve’ innovations that could deliver significant impacts to food
systems by 2030 include alternative proteins, nutrigenetics for personalized nu-
trition, “big data and advanced analytics for insurance”, and “microbiome tech-
nologies to enhance crop resilience”. It points to 80% of the poor people in
the world living in rural areas and dependent on agriculture, but does not ex-
plain how the “transformative twelve” will help them. In fact, the beneficiaries
seem to be the companies that come to Davos each year, including companies
pushing the “Innovation Principle”.

Innovation usually refers to new technology, even though social innovations

(changes in policies, institutions, ownership regimes, knowledge) which encour-
age people to act in ways that promote conviviality and community show great
promise to overcome barriers to cooperation and collaborative problem solving
(e.g., Haxeltine et al., 2018). Why aren’t we more wary of the glitter of moder-
nity in food systems, given the many ways that “the modern” has backfired? The
foods consumed in the typical “Western” diet lead to obesity, strokes, diabetes
and even dementia. The excessive use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers has

Molly D. Anderson

killed beneficial organisms and acidified soil so much that its productivity has
plummeted. Reliance on fossil fuels in every food system activity is feeding the
climate catastrophe. Yet each of these “innovations” was heralded as a break-
through to greater yields and productivity when it first appeared.

If the rationale for an innovation is only increasing yields, productivity, profits or

economic growth, it is likely to aggravate rather than ameliorate existing prob-
lems. The ten years since the publication of the IAASTD, during which neolibe-
ralism as an economic system has metastasized, has shown that economic
interests may cannibalize social and environmental goods and services. Articu-
lating planetary boundaries, both environmental and social, has made clear that
continuous economic growth is impossible. Societies must accommodate eco-
logical constraints to keep the planet habitable for humans, and economic sys-
tems must accommodate the values set by a society in order
Those who have been to prevent rising inequity and discontent.
hurt by the global
food system should be How should an innovation be judged, to decide whether it is
included in decisions truly worthwhile in bringing society closer to justice, equi-
on new innovations. tability and a healthy planet? The answer should be congruent
with distributive, procedural and restorative justice; the EU’s
Innovation Principle does not mention justice of any type. But who decides
which innovations are embraced and promoted, and how that decision is made
are as important as the attributes of the innovation compared with the need it
purportedly serves.Those who decide should include ones who have not ben-
efited from, or who have been exploited and hurt by the global food system
(e.g., slaves, low-paid wage-workers, farmers whose land has been stolen). In-
novations should help to remedy damage to people and the natural environ-
ment, not simply lead to greater convenience or other benefits to those who
are currently reaping benefits from the food system in the form of wealth or
disproportionate access to healthy food.

Of course, holding innovation to such a standard requires an international or

national body capable of evaluating the costs and benefits of inventions and
capable of regulating inventions before they are released. To some extent, that
is what environmental and health agencies are doing or supposed to do, but
they are as fallible as the governments that create and fund them. For example,
the US Environmental Protection Agency has rolled back at least 95 regulations
aimed at protecting public lands, water and health under the Trump Adminis-
tration (Popovich et al., 2019) and many countries lack the resources for envi-
ronmental and health testing. Most often regulation will limit or impede business
interests, not vice versa; and regulation within a country may be undermined
by lobbying. A principle that promotes any “innovation” as long as it promotes
jobs and growth (Quist et al., 2013) is only likely to perpetuate or exacerbate

Update – Innovation for whom

ERF – European Risk Forum. N.d. What is the innovation principle?
Haxeltine, A., Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J., Kunze, I., Longhurst, N., Dumitru, A. and O’Riordan, T., 2018. Conceptuali-
zing the role of social innovation in sustainability transformations. Pp. 12-25 In: Backhaus, J., Genus, A., Loerk, S., Va-
dovics, E. and Wittmayer, J. (eds.) Social Innovation and Sustainable Consumption: Research and Action for
Societal Transformation. London: Routledge.
Holland, N., 2019. The “innovation principle”: Industry’s attack on EU environmental and public health safeguards.
Corporate Europe Observatory, Brussels. At:
Popovich, N., Albeck-Ripka, L. and Pierre-Louis, K., 2019. 95 Environmental rules being rolled back under Trump.
New York Times, December 21, 2019.
Quist, D., Heinemann, J., Myhr, A., Aslaksen, J. and Funtowicz, S., 2013. Hungry for innovation: from GM crops to
agroecology. Pp. 458-485 In: Late Lessons from Early Warnings II: Science, Precaution, Innovations. Copenhagen,
Denmark: European Environment Agency.
World Economic Forum, in collaboration with McKinsey and Company, 2018. Innovation with a Purpose: The role
of technology innovation in accelerating food systems transformation. At:

Molly D. Anderson is the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Food Studies at Middle-
bury College in Vermont. She is interested in food system resilience, human rights
in the food system, and bridging interests and concerns of academicians and com-
munity-based activists. She is a member of networks working from the local to the
international scale, including the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food
Systems (IPES-Food).

10-Year Comparison

Cereal utilisation
18.2% 21.8%



2008 2018
Food Feed Other uses

Utilisation of world cereal production (wheat, rice as milled equivalent and coarse grains) according to purpose
of use.

Food, feed or fuel?

In 2018, total cereal utilisation amounted to 2.68 billion tonnes of cereal. Only 42.6% of wheat, rice
and coarse grains were directly used as food for human consumption. The remainder was used as
animal feed or for other purposes, such as the production of biofuels or other industrial uses. Twenty
years ago, the share of cereals used for food consumption was still higher than 50%.

I FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (2010). Food Outlook: Global Market Analysis, June 2010.
2 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (2019). Food Outlook: Biannual Report on Global Food Markets, May 2019.

Pat Mooney

Corporate multilateralism at the UN

IAASTD was wrapping up at an important but mostly unpredictable moment –

the as-yet-unnamed Great Recession was ramping up, banks were begging, capitalism
was quivering, and a food-price crisis was destabilizing countries and continents.

Corporate concentration all along the industrial food chain seemed contentedly
oligopolistic – having gone as far as anyone thought regulators could tolerate
and (thanks to joint ventures and cross-licensing arrangements) beyond anything
the giants would need to beat back upstarts. Still licking their wounds from the
GMO fiasco,Terminator Seeds had been rejected a second time and the smart
money was hiding Climate-Smart in its data cloud. With Occupy hot after Wall
Street there was even hope that State Street might screw up the nerve to take
on the 1% or, at least, their companies.

At the first link in the Food Chain, Civil Society Organizations were rightfully
railing that the six big Gene Giants with more than two thirds of the commercial
seed and pesticide markets, should be broken up. But nobody thought further
consolidation was possible.Though disenfranchised and demoralized, the public
sector – both in research and regulation – seemed stabilized in servitude where
the private sector wanted them. How the food system has changed! Here’s a
summary of six big changes we didn’t prepare for:

1. The “Shock Doctrine” narrative: First, the UK’s Stern Report and then the
climate negotiations collapse in Copenhagen in 2009 set the stage for the so-
called “Climate-Smart Agriculture” and a bold new agribusiness narrative. It’s
simple and persuasive: Faced with a growing population, increasing nutritional
demands, climate change and biodiversity loss, agriculture will experience more
change in the next few decades than it has in the last 10,000 years. Only Cli-
mate-Smart technologies can get us through this and only if governments clear
the way for the big guns of corporate science to risk their investments and
merge and converge as necessary. Naomi Klein laid out the corporate strategy
in her 2006 book, “Shock Doctrine” – the same year as the Stern Report.

2. Frontal lobotomies – dumbing down governments: Governments (the Public

Sector) have been moulding themselves to corporate need since Reagan and
Thatcher but the last decade has witnessed a major stand-down in the capacity
of many governments to monitor and regulate companies. Increasingly, public
institutions and universities can’t afford the equipment and can’t compete for
salaries to attract top-notch scientists, regulators and lawyers. With the brightest

Pat Mooney

minds and best tools in the hands of the biggest companies, the Public Sector
has given itself a frontal lobotomy, surrendering its punitive power for a begging
bowl. Not unique to agribusiness, this has most obviously played out in the ae-
rospace industry with the Boeing 737max and with the ever-unfolding scandal
around diesel car emissions, which has spread beyond Volkswagen to snare al-
most the entire automobile industry. On the food front, it plays out in govern-
ment capacities to regulate chemical toxins (glyphosate et al.) and food safety
(where health issues have multiplied as food inspectors have evaporated).

3. Apple or orchards? The Shock Doctrine narrative also applies to technology

research strategies. Agribusiness argues that it takes vast amounts of money and
squadrons of scientists to adapt agriculture to rapidly changing conditions. The
argument is that the Public Sector and peasant producers have developed crops
and livestock designed for local conditions – innovation/diversity “through space”.
The high-tech assumption is that the world needs innovation/diversity “through
time”, i.e. the highly-uniform crops and livestock we see around the world today
can be adjusted year-by-year because of an ever-advancing product line that will
also allow us to respond to climate change. It’s Apple or orchard – buy a new
iPhone every year and stay up-to-date or have an orchard full of diverse fruits
that will make sure there is food on the table at harvest time.
With the World Food Centralized just-in-time corporate control or peasant-con-
Systems Summit in trolled flexible diversification. It’s worth noting that just-in-time
2021, for the first time hasn’t worked so well for Apple when its value chain encoun-
ters Covid-19 and can’t access parts from around Asia.
in UN history, a sum-
mit has been managed 4.Alphabet scoop – covert capture: The big “ask” (demand?)
and structured by the with the new narrative is that anti-competition regulators
agrifood industry. step back and allow giant companies to become even bigger
so that they can manage the risk involved in innovative re-
search. In the past years, we’ve seen unprecedented mergers and acquisitions
all along the food chain – takeovers we would never have believed 10 years
ago. It is not simply that the six Gene Giants have become four (maybe, soon,
three depending on the fate of Bayer/Monsanto and BASF’s growing interests
and possible new developments with Sinochem’s takeover of ChemChina/Syn-
genta) but the real concern is that the new technology platforms – Big Data
and AI – mean that the number one global farm machinery company, John
Deere, might make a major move in the seed/pesticide sector or that Alphabet
(Google’s holding Co.) or Amazon (already owning Whole Foods and a growing
array of brick-and-mortar stores) might bite into the Cloud Control of agricul-
tural inputs or even food processing. At the end of the day, it may be the farm
insurance companies that take over.

5. Stakeholders vs. steak eaters: Or, the ultimate takeovers may already be be-
hind us since BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, the world’s three biggest
asset managers, picked up shares in all of the major companies along all of the

Update – Corporate multilateralism at the UN

links in the food chain. As Jennifer Clapp and her colleagues at the University of
Waterloo have taught us, when Bayer, Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta and
BASF sat down to negotiate a couple of years ago, the only party that sat behind
them and could see all of the cards on the table were the three asset managers.
And, at the same time, they can look over at the other tables and see games
being played by commodity traders and food processors. Multi-stakeholder dia-
logues are a farce when smallholder producers, the real stakeholders, are forced
to shadowbox with the asset managers, the steak eaters, behind the biggest
governments and corporations.

6. R&D vs. PR The final major development since the IAASTD has been the ac-
celeration of agribusiness propaganda – the trend away from R&D in favour of
PR. For the Shock Doctrine narrative to work, governments and the public have
to believe that the agrifood industry is truly capable of solving our problems,
that they “get” their social responsibilities and understand that their business has
to change.This means that the input companies must promise to reduce the en-
vironmental damage of most pesticides and fertilizers.This also means that John
Deere is committed to food security not data monopoly. This also means that
food processors like Unilever and Nestlé will reduce packaging and eliminate
non-reusable plastics.The problem – especially with R&D – is that it really is high
risk and expensive whereas money spent on PR always yields returns.The reality
is that the demand for plastics has never been greater and is projected to be-
come greater still. For all their talk, the big processors of palm oil admit that they
still can’t stop buying the illegal products of burned-down forests and slave la-
bour; that despite their commitments, the handful of chocolate manufacturers
confess that child labour and slavery on cocoa farms is increasing.

The new multilateralism: All of these developments are facilitated by the cor-
porate pressure for a new relationship between States and corporations. Cham-
pioned by the World Economic Forum, companies are arguing that the world
needs a new form of multilateralism that allows the corporate CEO and the
State CEO to negotiate as equals. Officially, of course, they call for the participa-
tion of the world’s biggest – and most compromised – aid and environment
NGOs, in-house unions and domesticated producer organizations but these are
welcomed as the cheerleaders in the background not as negotiators at the table.
This is nowhere been more evident than in Davos’ insistence that the UN Se-
cretary-General convene a World Food Systems Summit in the final quarter of
2021. For the first time in UN history, a Summit has been managed and structu-
red by the agrifood industry. We’ve never needed another IAASTD more.

In 1997, Pat Mooney co-founded the Rural Advancement Fund International (re-
named ETC Group in 2001). He received the Right Livelihood Award in 1985 and
the Pearson Peace Prize in 1998. He (co-)authored several books on the politics
of biotechnology and biodiversity. ETC's work emphasizes plant genetic resources,
agricultural biodiversity, and biotechnology.

Ulrich Hoffmann

How to cope with largely

dysfunctional market signals for
sustainable agriculture?
In 2013, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) pub-
lished the report “Wake up before it is too late: Make agriculture truly sus-
tainable now for food security in a changing climate”.1 The report pointed
out that the world needs a paradigm shift in agricultural development: from
a “green revolution” to an “ecological intensification” approach.This implies
a need for a rapid and significant shift towards a mosaic of sustainable, re-
generative production systems that in turn considerably improve the pro-
ductivity of small-scale farmers.

The UNCTAD report emphasized that a move is needed from a linear to a

holistic approach in agricultural management; one which recognizes that a farm-
er is not only a producer of agricultural goods, but also a manager of an agro-
ecological system, providing a significant number of public
goods and services. The required transformation is much
more profound than simply tweaking the existing industrial
agricultural system. Rather, what is called for is a better un-
derstanding of the multi-functionality of agriculture, its pivotal
importance for pro-poor rural development and the signif-
icant role it can play both in dealing with resource scarcities
and in mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Climate change has the potential to irreversibly damage the

natural resource base on which agriculture depends, with
grave consequences for food security but also for the eco-
nomic development of a large number of developing coun-
tries that significantly rely on agriculture. In these countries,
agriculture accounts for more than two-thirds of total production and employs,
directly or indirectly, the majority of the population.Therefore, meeting the dual
challenge of achieving food security and mitigating and adapting to climate
change requires urgent action for a fundamental and fast transformation of agri-
culture. In fact, time is becoming the most important scarcity factor in dealing
with climate change.

2013 UNCTAD Report
This IAASTD+10 report provides plenty of examples of giving up external-
input and pollution-intensive industrial agriculture and adopting agro-ecological
and more socially inclusive and equitable production practices.These examples
undoubtedly show that transition can work and, on a limited scale, is already
happening. But these harbingers of transition cannot thrive without societal sup-
port, nor be uncoupled from an analysis of the bigger eco-
nomic and policy issues necessary to send the right signals One of the main
and create incentives for farmers and customers alike. causes of slow pro-
The pressure for action for a fundamental transformation of
gress is the lack of
our agro-food system is very high, but there is a clear lack of economic incentives.
adequate and effective behavioral change of farmers. This is
despite the fact that suitable truly sustainable production methods, management
approaches and techniques are well known, readily available and, under certain
conditions, economically viable even under the current economic framework.2
As the UNCTAD Trade and Environment Review 2013 pointed out, however,
the sheer scale at which modified production methods would have to be adopt-
ed, the significant governance issues, the power asymmetry problems in food
input and output markets as well as the current international trade rules for
agriculture pose considerable challenges.

One of the main causal factors for inaction or slow progress is the lack of eco-
nomic, and to some extent cultural, incentives for applying reproductive agri-
cultural practices. There are virtually no market mechanisms for agricultural
production that encourage ecosystem and reproductive agricultural and soil

Farming is the most significant human management system of the planet. Farmed
landscapes account for more than half of the terrestrial area of our planet and
even a bigger share of its biological production.3 In other words, human existence
on the planet largely rests upon how we manage our farmland and soils.This has
important implications for agricultural policies, because it means that managing
farmland, soils and ecosystems is almost as important as producing agri-food prod-
ucts. But farmers are not encouraged by market signals and
mechanisms to be land, groundwater, soil and biodiversity The monetary value
stewards. On the contrary, modern day farming has removed of agricultural ecosys-
much of the land husbandry and stewardship that was pre- tem services is estima-
viously an integral part of a regenerative farming system.
ted to be much higher
Prevailing market forces encourage agricultural production that than the total value
is entirely modeled after the industrial recipe, with a mechanistic of agricultural pro-
view of nature and a linear external-input-intensive production duction.
approach, largely removed from its ecological and location-spe-
cific context. The model consciously and knowingly disconnects or violates eco-
logical rules believing that the inevitable collateral damage will be taken care of by

Ulrich Hoffmann

other technological interventions and remedies, from which other industries again
profit. Globalization has reinforced competition and has globally turned the role
of the food system into a mechanism that transforms synthetic fertilizers via crop
plants into nutrients for people (and animals) in the cheapest way.

Today, productivity is measured by how many tons of soybean or maize kernels

a harvester combine can extract from a hectare of land. But as natural resources
dwindle, the real productivity lies in how these resources re-generate. A pro-
ductive system is one where there is more forest the next year than the year
before, where there are more fish and if the soil becomes more fertile each year
instead of becoming exhausted and eroded. Similarly, we are more productive if
the food we produce and consume is healthy rather than just cheap. This is the
rationale for defining the term ‘integral productivity’, combining the economic
with social, cultural, health and ecological components.4

While many observers recognize the urgent need for transformation, too much
hope is pinned on the potential of modern techno-fixes to mitigate the effects
of resource-mining agriculture. There is no doubt that some new technological
developments can reduce the environmental impact of industrial agriculture. But
the danger is that a reliance on such fixes simply slows down the deployment of
real solutions, thus prolonging our trajectory towards resource mining. In addition
transformation will require a change of the incentive structure
The most powerful and thus the related market signals.
mechanism for
change would be There are almost no market mechanisms in place for under-
the removal of taking the important task of managing the agriculture landscape
and the resource base for farming, and currently there is a lim-
energy subsidies. ited potential for such mechanisms to emerge. Even if they did
they might never reach the extent required, considering that the value of agri-
cultural ecosystem services is estimated to be much higher than the total value
of agricultural production and even global GDP.5 At present the market is still
driving farmers the other way, into more and more specialization and mono-
cultures and less stewardship of natural resources.6

Against this background, for decades many scholars have pointed to the need for
internalization of the social and environmental costs and compensation for ecosys-
tem services as the silver bullet for overcoming market failure and ill-conceived eco-
nomic incentives for farmers. This would however require very extensive and
complex regulation and government intervention. Such mechanisms have been pro-
posed for more than half a century and very little progress has been made so far.

There are a number of examples of national programs for rewarding farmers

for generating environmental services, but their results are mixed and potential
systemic problems underestimated. For example, as early as 1996, Costa Rica
introduced a system which rewarded landowners for carbon sequestration, bio-

How to cope with largely disfunctional market signals?

diversity protection, water regulation and conserving landscapes. In 2001, the

payments under this program had reached US$30 million and covered a total
of 280,000 hectares (around 6% of the country’s land mass).The payments thus
amounted to about US$ 107 per ha per year.7 Farmers in the Scoltel Té project
in Chiapas in Mexico also sell carbon sequestration in the soil and in vegetation
for between US$300 and 1,800 per farm, big sums for households where the
average income is about US$1,000.8 In 2003 more than 10% of England’s agri-
cultural land was enrolled in long-term contracts between the government and
farmers to provide environmental services. There was a high uptake of the ele-
ments of the programs that didn’t require fundamental changes to farming
practices. But, in intensively farmed areas the uptake was low, as the incentives
were not sufficient to persuade farmers to make more demanding changes. In
a sense the program was just ‘greening the edges’.9

There are many other potential problems with payments for ecosystem ser -
vices, some of which are not initially seen. It also means that more ecosystems
are ‘commodified’ and integrated in the global economy. This could lead to a
new frontier of exploitation, where rich countries use land in developing coun-
tries as a ‘dumping’ ground for their waste, e.g. by paying for climate compen-
sation to allow continued emissions in the industrial countries.

In the light of the conceptual considerations listed above and the undoubted
level of urgency, most fruitful and likely to encourage interest amongst farmers
is to roll out one or two powerful mechanisms that would serve to change the
entire incentive structure - rather than the far tougher challenge of conceiving
famers to embrace a fully different system. The most powerful measure one
should consider in this regard is the removal of energy subsidies.

Higher costs for energy will then cascade through the system and make things that
today seem ‘efficient’ and ‘rational’ appear like lunacy and completely irrational. Con-
sequently, many of the fallacies of today’s system will automatically disappear, in par-
ticular production systems based on external-input-dependent, highly specialized
production, mass transport of food and cold chains for fresh convenience foods.
The consequent ‘freed’ financial means from reduced energy subsidies can then be
redirected towards compensating (or rather rewarding) farmers for providing en-
vironmental goods and services, bearing in mind the limitations listed above. An
example of this compensation would be incentives for carbon sequestration in soils,
which would increase soil fertility, mitigate climate change, arrest soil erosion, and
encourage farmers to implement other regenerative agriculture practices.

Another key hurdle for agricultural transformation is the lack of political will to
limit or correct the power asymmetries in international food supply chains
through competition or anti-trust regulation. Farmers are therefore autono-
mously seizing the opportunity to sever the links with their classical markets,
which are now dominated by large food processors, traders and retailers.10

Ulrich Hoffmann

Producer groups or cooperatives may develop various forms of community-

supported agriculture, where, on the one hand, producers market their produce
directly without intermediaries, thus profiting from higher prices and lower
costs,11 and, on the other hand, consumers take a stake or invest in farming.
While monetary transaction may still be important in such systems they are in
fact built on relationships rather than an anonymous market. Such approaches
allow farmers to put much more emphasis on the qualitative and reproductive
aspects of production, including soil fertility, and largely protect themselves from
the treadmill pressure of mass commodity production. In addition, it may offer
consumers – or citizens – a much needed way of reconnecting with food pro-
duction. That will motivate them to support local production as well as policies
directed towards regenerative agriculture.

Policy makers at local and community level can support such a development
by a host of policy measures, such as changes in land planning and public pro-
curement. In several countries, municipalities have become members of com-
munity-supported farms and purchase vegetables, fruit and sometimes meat
for schools directly from farms. Territorial food initiatives that address sustain-
ability problems and reinject democracy into food systems have also been rolled
out, including the use of ‘food policy councils’12, and through other kinds of in-
centives that include free space for farmers’ markets and making public land
available on favorable terms.

To conclude, public awareness and pressure for a far-reaching transformation

of agriculture and related food systems have undoubtedly increased consider-
ably in recent years. This pressure has shown itself in support for initiatives like
the Fridays for Future campaigns and public outrage over nitrogen contamina-
tion of soil and ground water and related industrial livestock production. How-
ever, with very few exceptions, political will and economic incentives on truly
sustainable transformation of agriculture remain largely insufficient. Most political
and market signals go in an opposite direction, mislabeled as ‘green deals’ or ‘cli-
mate-smart agriculture’ that still emphasize techno-fixes in order to avoid any
deep-rooted socio-economic (and truly ecological) transformation of agriculture
and food systems.13 In this way, resource erosion and environmental destruction
in agriculture are unlikely to be significantly slowed down, let alone stopped and
reversed. In fact, the current situation resembles that of the fight for climate
change mitigation in general: A spate of positive practical examples on green-
house gas reduction opportunities and a large body of knowledge on the cat-
astrophic consequences of likely temperature increases of 3-4 degrees or even
more are apparently insufficient to alter the current greenhouse gas intensive,
GDP-growth-fetishizing development paradigm. It seems as if true transforma-
tional change can only be triggered as a result of recurrent natural catastrophes
and related human and development crisis situations, such as the recent massive
bushfires in Australia – change by disaster, rather than transformation by design
– a very sober bottom line.

How to cope with largely disfunctional market signals?

1 Available at:
2 See also Abrecht S., Fuchs N., Hoffmann U. (2018). Agricultural Transformation Review (Vol.1): Soil stewardship
reinvented. Issued by the Federation of German Scientists, Berlin. Available at: and Van
der Ploeg, J. D. (2009). The New Peasantries: Struggles for Autonomy and Sustainability in an Era of Empire and
Globalization. Earthscan Publications.
3 For a more elaborate analysis see: Rundgren, G. (2015). Global Eating Disorder, Regeneration, Uppsala, p. 121 ff.
4 Haerlin B., Fuchs, N., Willing O. (2018). Für einen integralen Produktivitätsbegriff und eine selbstbewusste Bio-
bewegung. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag der Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft in der GLS Treuhand zum Thema „Bio 3.0“,
Bochum, Germany. Available at: /media/Dokumente_Aktuelle_Meldun-
5 The monetary value of nature’s services is estimated by several studies as high as some $125-145 trillion for
the year 2007 – that is two or three times higher than the annual global GDP, estimated at $55 trillion (Con-
stanza, R., De Groot, R., Sutton, P., Van der Ploeg, S., Anderson, S.J., Kubiszewski, I., Farber, S., Turner, R.K., 2014.
Changes in the global value of ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change, Vol. 26, pp. 152-158 as well as
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) (2018). Measuring what matters in agriculture and food
systems: a synthesis of the results and recommendations of TEEB for Agriculture and Food’s Scientific and Econo-
mic Foundations report. UN Environment, Geneva. Available at:
6 Historically unprecedented low interest rates in most developed countries have recently boosted investment
in acquisition of farmland in expectation of speculative gains. This has contributed to significant increases in farm-
land prices. One would expect that higher land prices would encourage land/resource stewardship, but actually
they increased the pressure on productivity and profitability improvements further expanding, for instance, the
production of flexi-monocrops such as maize or soy beans for feed, food and fuel.
7 FAO (2007). The State of Food and Agriculture 2007. Rome. Available at:
8 World Bank (2008). World Development Report 2008. Washington, D.C. Available at:
9 Dobbs, T.L. and J. Pretty 2008. Case study of agri-environmental payments: The United Kingdom. Ecological
Economics 65, pp. 765-775.
10 Whereas in many developing countries direct marketing by peasant farmers is by far still the most important
selling track, in the European Union only about 2% of the total volume of fresh food is sold directly from produc-
ers to consumers (European Commission (2015). You are part of the food chain: Key facts and figures on the
food supply chain in the European Union. EU Agricultural Markets Briefs, No. 4. Available at:
11 It is estimated that buying from independent shops generates about 2.5 times as much local income as buy-
ing from supermarkets, because local shops also tend to buy local services (Transition Town Totnes, 2012. Eco-
nomic Blueprint for Totnes & District: Our local food economy. Transition Town Totnes).
12 For more information in this regard see: International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (2019).
Towards a common food policy for the European Union. Brussels, pp. 87-88. Available at: http://www.ipes-
13 It remains to be seen whether the new “Farm to Fork initiative on a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly
food system” as part of the new European Green Deal will really trigger far-going transformations on the ground.

Ulrich Hoffmann, a German economist, had a chair on trade and international finan-
cial relations at the Institute on Economics for Developing Countries in Berlin before
joining the UN secretariat in the mid-1980s. He worked for the secretariat of the
UN Conference on Trade and Environment (UNCTAD) in Geneva, focusing on pro-
duction and trade of commodities, issues of sustainable resource management, and
the transformation of agriculture. For many years, he was principal editor of one of
UNCTAD’s flagship publications: Trade and Environment Review. After retiring from
UNCTAD in 2015 he was a senior associate at the Research Institute on Organic
Agriculture (FiBL) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).

20-Year Comparison

Oil and food prices








$15.19 $57.36

1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

Food Price Index Oil price per barrel (in USD)

Price fluctuations for a barrel of Brent crude oil (in US dollars) and for food commodities (Food Price Index in
points). This index measures monthly changes in international prices of a basket of food commodities (cereals,
oilseeds, dairy products, meat and sugar).

Oil and food prices dance in tune

The price of crude oil and food have developed almost in parallel since the turn of the millennium.This
is due to the high energy input used in the production of agricultural commodities. Industrial agriculture
is still heavily reliant on fossil fuel energy, e.g. for the manufacture of fertilisers and pesticides or for pro-
ducing and running farm machinery. Fossil fuels are also used to process, package, distribute and prepare
food.Today’s food system is based on a mechanism that transforms fossil fuels, via crop plants, into calo-
ries for people.The recent oil price crash in reaction to the coronavirus pandemic also led to a decline
in global food prices. In April 2020, the price of a barrel of oil fell to 18 US dollars, which was mirrored
by the Food Price Index dropping to an average of 165.5 points, the lowest level since January 2019.
I EIA US Energy Information Administration (2020). Europe Brent Spot Price FOB, Monthly.
2 FAO (2020). FAO Food Price Index. Monthly Food Price Indices (2002-2004=100).

Steve Suppan

Trade and market policy

The trade and domestic market policy options of the IAASTD Global Report
were derived from a large review of economic and policy literature: e.g. “Agri-
cultural policies in industrialized countries, including export subsidies, have re-
duced commodity prices and thus food import costs; however, this has
undermined the development of the agricultural sector in developing countries,
and thus agriculture's significant potential growth multiplier for the whole econ-
omy (Diaz-Bonilla et al., 2003). Reducing industrialized countries' trade distorting
policies including subsidies is a priority, particularly for commodities such as
sugar, groundnuts and cotton where developing countries compete“ (Global
Report, 453).

According to the South Centre’s analysis of World Trade Organization (WTO)

negotiations on agriculture subsidies, not only has there been no reduction in
industrial country trade-distorting policy and subsidies, but the United States is
unilaterally attacking what it claims to be trade distorting policy and subsidies
in developing countries (South Centre, 2017). The deadlock on which agricul-
tural subsidies and policy to allow is part of the current “existential crisis” of
the WTO, which extends well beyond the current deadlock over the imple-
mentation of dispute settlement rules (Schott and Jung, 2019). Remarkably, there
are still no rules in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture
(AoA) to enable mitigation of or adaptation to climate The deadlock on
change (FAO, 2018), which is unarguably a much greater which agricultural
“existential threat” to WTO members.
subsidies to allow is
There is not even a clear consensus about how to measure part of the current
subsidies. According to the OECD, Producer Support Esti- WTO-crisis.
mates (PSEs) for agriculture has have been falling in OECD
countries since 2000 and increased for 12 emerging economies (OECD 2019,
Figure 1.4, at 49). However, PSEs do not estimate market price responsive sub-
sidies, but rather OECD-defined specific forms of government support to pro-
ducers. Because of methodological flaws in that calculation, such as the
assumption that world prices are undistorted by anti-competitive business
practices, PSE figures can drop for OECD countries while the subsidy portion
of their PSE’s rise. Conversely, PSE figures for developing countries can rise while
their market price support drops (Wise, 2004).

The WTO adapted the PSE methodology and assumptions in the AoA Aggre-
gate Measures of Support (AMS) to categorize government support that is de-
coupled from current product specific prices, and permitted “Green Box”
support, e.g. pest and disease control. Product specific market price supporting

Steve Suppan

policies are put in an Amber Box of ‘trade distorting’ policies (WTO, 2003)
while whole farm income insurance is deemed not trade distorting (Congres-
sional Research Service, 2019). Indeed, because the AMS limits are so high for
developed countries, it is possible for their agricultural exports to be AMS com-
pliant even when they are sold at below the cost of production, an unfair and
anti-competitive trading practice that the AoA does not discipline (Murphy and
Hansen-Kuhn, 2019).

Calculations by Karen Hansen-Kuhn based on USDA Commodity Costs and Returns, OECD Producer Support
Estimates and USDA Agricultural Marketing Services Grain Transportation Report Datasets.

There is a consistent trend of dumping of key U.S. agricultural goods, i.e., their
sale at below the cost of production. In the chart above, the percentage of the
price that is dumped is above the zero line. While this trend generally reversed
when prices soared in 2008 and again in 2012, it has resumed for most crops
since then, undermining farmers both in developing countries and the U.S.

There is no legal definition of “trade distortion” in the AoA, but an economic

definition can be inferred from the OECD viewpoint that “a large part of sup-
port for producers come from measures that create a gap between the do-
mestic and world market prices” (OECD, 2019 at 23).Trade theory asserts that

Update – Trade and market policy

there should be no gap, i.e. no government policy induced domestic price dis-
tortion deviating from the world prices for the globally traded commodities.
World prices should be determined by transactions on the most price influential
commodity exchanges. The transactions should ‘discover’ the futures contracts
prices that are benchmarks for the Free on Board (FoB) prices for agricultural
commodities (Balasubramaraniam, 2020).
However, in reality, as financial institutions have become dominant in physical
commodity futures markets, the historic role of futures prices as benchmarks
for setting domestic forward prices, e.g. at grain elevators, and subsequently FoB
prices, has become less reliable (UNCTAD 2011). For example, the failure of
wheat futures to converge with cash prices at the expiration of the futures con-
tract meant that the futures price did not serve as a reliable
benchmark for forward contracting. The Chicago Mercantile Attempts to regulate
Exchange explains convergence failure as a problem of wheat the participation of
contract design, rather than the dominance of the wheat con- financial actors have
tract by financial actors (Suppan, 2019).
been defeated by
Attempts to regulate the participation of financial actors with lobbying, litigation
no or only highly attenuated connection to the processing, and defunding of
merchandising or use of physical commodities have been de- regulatory agencies.
feated by lobbying, litigation and defunding of regulatory
agencies, e.g. in the proposed speculative position limits rule of the U.S. Com-
modity Futures Trading Commission. As a result, U.S. commodity futures markets
and market participants, the most globally price influential for many commodi-
ties, are de facto or de jure largely “self-regulated” (Gibbon, 2013).

In the World Bank’s theory and research, “sustained deviation of domestic prices
from world prices in either direction leads to substantially sub-optimal out-
comes and slows the rate of economic growth; and (…) as international food
prices reflect global scarcity or surplus, their transmission to domestic prices
can help improve the global responsiveness of the food system to shocks”
(Zorya, Townsend and Delgado, 2012). If world commodity prices were not
themselves subject to price distortion by financial actors and anti-competitive
business practices, then the World Bank loan and policy conditionalities might
provide development country policy makers with useful advice. But to the ex-
tent that international food prices do not simply reflect global supply and scar-
city, developing country policy makers may be better advised to guide domestic
agricultural policy in accord with domestic price formation, rather than guide
that policy according to international prices over which they have no influence
in futures market trading.

Steve Suppan

Balasubramaraniam, K., 2020. Who sets the price of commodities? Investopedia.
Congressional Research Service, 2019. Agriculture in the WTO: Rules and Limits on U.S. Domestic Support.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2018. The State of Agricultural Commodity
Markets: Agricultural Trade, Climate Change and Food Security.
Gibbon, P., 2013. Commodity Derivatives: Financialization and Regulatory Reform. Danish Institute for Internatio-
nal Studies Working Paper.
Murphy, S., Hansen-Kuhn, K., 2019. The true cost of US agricultural dumping, Renewable Agriculture and Food
Systems 1-15.,
International Organization of Securities Commissions, 2018. Update to the Survey on Principles for the Regula-
tion and Supervision of Commodity Derivatives Markets.
Organization for Agricultural Development and Cooperation (OECD), 2019. Agricultural Policy Monitoring and
Schott, J. and Jung, E., 2019. The WTO’s Existential Crisis: How to Salvage Its Ability to Resolve Trade Disputes. Pe-
terson Institute for International Economics.
South Centre, 2017. Analytic Note on The WTO’s Domestic Support Negotiations.
Suppan, S., 2019. Regulating agricultural futures markets to benefit producers, processors and consumers. Institute
for Agriculture and Trade Policy.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 2011. Price Formation in Financialized
Commodity Markets: The Role of Information.
Wise, T., 2004. The Paradox of Agricultural Subsidies: Measurement Issues, Agricultural Dumping and Policy Re-
form. Global Development and Environment Institute.
World Trade Organization, 2003. Domestic Support.
Zorya, S., Townsend, R. and Delgado, C., 2012. Transmission of global food prices to domestic prices in developing
countries: why it matters, how it works, and why it should be enhanced. World Bank.

Steve Suppan is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Pol-
icy (IATP), a non-profit, non-governmental organization headquartered in Minneapo-
lis, Minnesota USA and with offices in Washington, DC, Hallowell, Maine and Berlin,
Germany. In 25 years with IATP, he has traveled to 38 countries to explain U.S. agri-
cultural, trade, climate change and commodity market policy to governments and
non-governmental organizations. He contributed to the IAASTD Global Report.

20-Year Comparison

Agricultural imports and exports

World Least developed countries
1,500 60

1,000 40

500 20

0 0
1997 2007 2017 1997 2007 2017

Africa South America

90 160

60 120

30 60

0 0
1997 2007 2017 1997 2007 2017

Import value (in billions USD) Export value (in billions USD)

Value of agricultural imports and exports of all countries worldwide combined, of the world’s currently
47 least developed countries (LDCs), Africa and South America from 1997 to 2017 in billion US dollars

The world trade divide

The agricultural trade balance of many of the world’s regions or country groups is unbalanced. Until
1980, the least developed countries (LDCs) still had an agricultural trade surplus, but by the turn of
the millennium, imports were already twice as high as exports. Between 1997 and 2017, agricultural
imports of LDCs increased by 555%. Africa ceased to be a net exporter in the early 1980s when
prices of raw commodities such as coffee, cocoa and spices declined and domestic food production
grew only slowly. Basic foodstuffs, such as cereals, dairy products and sugar, make up a large propor-
tion of Africa’s total food imports. A food-trade deficit can become a problem for poor countries
lacking foreign currency reserves. In South America, the picture looks different. Between 1997 and
2017, agricultural exports almost quadrupled, leading to a trade surplus of $118 bn. Argentina and
Brazil are among the world’s largest exporters of wheat, maize, soybeans and sugar.
1 FAOSTAT – Data – Trade – Crops and livestock products – Agricultural Products, Total
2 OECD/FAO (2019). OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028. Special Focus Latin America. OECD Publishing, Paris/Food
and FAO, Rome.
3 Rakotoarisoa, M. A., Iafrate, M. and Paschali, M. (2011). Why Has Africa Become A Net Food Importer? Explaining Africa agricul-
tural and food trade deficits. Rome: FAO.

Michael Bergöö & Mayumi Ridenhour

How the IAASTD helped

shape the SDGs
In 2015, the international community agreed on 17 Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals (SDGs)1, to be achieved by 2030.The SDGs are a call for action
by all countries to promote peace and prosperity while protecting the pla-
net. SDG 2 is “Zero Hunger” and offers a historic opportunity to achieve
a world with enough nutritious food for all that is produced by healthy
people in a healthy environment.

As the gavel came down for the last time late on the evening of 2 August 2015,
one of the most complex negotiations of recent times was brought to a suc-
cessful end. On that evening, all 193 UN Member States agreed on 17 SDGs
to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives and prospects of
everyone, everywhere. As part of the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop-
ment which set out a 15-year plan to
achieve the goals, the SDGs provide an
evidence-based holistic blueprint to the
most pressing challenges of our time such
as eradicating poverty, ending hunger,
creating jobs, and ensuring access to
healthcare and education, healthy ecosys-
tems, and gender equality. In times of in-
creased geopolitical tensions and a general weakening of multilateralism, bringing
together more than 190 countries in one room to agree on an ambitious
agenda to transform the world was momentous.

1. Navigating unchartered territory

The journey that concluded with overwhelming applause, relief, handshaking,
and hugs among negotiators and observers that lush early-August evening, as
well as a final document that was revealed at the official SDG Summit in Sep-
tember 2015, started for us in May 2013 in one of the monotonous conference
rooms in the basement of the UN headquarters in New York City. On the
agenda: An interactive exchange on “Food security and nutrition, sustainable
agriculture, desertification, land degradation and drought.”
This meeting presented the first opportunity to present some of the key findings
and recommendations of the IAASTD to the Open Working Group (OWG),
a 70 UN Member States body mandated to propose a set of SDGs to the UN

2015 UN SDGs
General Assembly. Hans R. Herren was invited to present on a panel, and we
also organized an informal exchange with Member State delegates and observ-
ers to discuss what a food-related goal could potentially look like.

Even before we started, it was mostly agreed that issues such as malnutrition,
women, and small-scale food producers would be prioritized.There seemed to
be a consensus that they would be included in a food-related goal. However, it
became apparent that many of the more complex and novel
approaches and at the time rather progressive suggestions such It took thousands
as multifunctional agriculture or multi-stakeholder assessments of coffees in the UN
of national food systems would require further refinement and Vienna Café to en-
many more hours of discussion.
sure that important
In addition, it became apparent that for many Member States IAASTD messages
the entire concept of “sustainable development,” firmly estab- made it into the
lished in Stockholm in 1972 at the UN Conference on the SDGs.
Human Environment, was still unclear, especially now that they
were asked to boil it down into a limited number of concrete global goals and
targets. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), while groundbreaking,
took a narrower approach that focused solely on developing countries and
aimed to address the symptoms and not the root causes of poverty. Sustainable
food systems are critical to achieving many development goals, from safe access
to food to healthy ecosystems and even conflict resolution. However, the po-
tential of sustainable food systems to combat global challenges that was recog-
nized in the IAASTD was not taken up in the MDGs.

Finally, how to create a systemic plan of action with co-benefits between issues,
such as between agriculture and climate change, land degradation or youth em-
ployment – to name a few – was not obvious to governments. They were still
used to working in silos. Taking an integrated and systemic approach was new
to many of them. With this context in mind, when the post-2015 negotiations
started in spring 2013 it was not completely clear that there would be a goal
on agriculture, and even less so that the goal would include “sustainable agri-
culture” in its title or make a reference to food systems.

2. Making progress – line by line and target by target

In order to avoid the status quo and ensure that the SDG that addressed hun-
ger, food, and nutrition was truly transformative and would help establish the
foundation for the paradigm shift necessary to achieve sustainable development,
we recognized that we needed to educate Member States on the findings and
recommendations of the IAASTD. We also realized that we had to be strategic
in the way we suggested specific language to include in the positions and drafts
coming out of these complex negotiations. What started during the May 2013
session of the OWG continued throughout many weeks of intense negotiations.
To ensure that the important messages of the IAASTD were at the forefront

Michael Bergöö & Mayumi Ridenhour

of discussions on what would become SDG 2, we attended all the OWG meet-
ings and SDG negotiations as observers, organized several side-events to shed
light on the many benefits of sustainable food systems, produced dozens of
one-pagers and discussion papers with language suggestions and rationales, en-
gaged in hundreds of bilateral meetings with negotiators, representatives of UN
agencies and the secretariat, civil society, business and academia, and drank thou-
sands of coffees in the infamous Vienna Cafe.

An important milestone in “translating” the comprehensive IAASTD into a con-

cise goal and accompanying targets was a high-level multi-stakeholder round-
table that was co-hosted by the Government of Benin. Participation from high
level representatives from governments, the UN System, research, civil society,
farmers, and the private sector demonstrated the global importance and cross-
cutting nature of this issue. The timing of this event was crucial since it was just
prior to the end of the OWG, when the original proposal for the SDGs was fi-
nalized. At this roundtable, the SHIFT message emerged – echoing IAASTD’s
call for transformational change in agriculture and food systems. SHIFT stands

Small-scale food producers empowered;

Hunger and all forms of malnutrition ended, and full access to food ensured;
Inclusiveness in decision-making on sustainable agriculture, food security and
Food systems established which are sustainable, diverse and resilient, less waste-
ful, restore soil fertility and halt land degradation;
Trade policies reshaped and food price volatility mitigated.

Most of the SHIFT elements made it into the SDGs (S, H, F and T), due to the
outcome from this roundtable, as well as the efforts and perseverance of many
Member State delegates and non-governmental actors.

The I from the SHIFT message was reflected in the inclusion of the reference of
the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in the Agenda 2030 Declaration
(Paragraph 24). While many agriculture and food security experts were aware
of the value added and expertise of the CFS, this was not immediately apparent
to many of the negotiators.Therefore, efforts were successfully made to include
language outlining the important role and inclusive nature of the CFS to support
the achievement of SDG 2.This reference is very valuable since it establishes the
CFS with its multi-stakeholder approach as instrumental in the implementation
as well as the follow up and review of Agenda 2030, particularly those elements
related to agriculture, food security, and nutrition. This recognition of the CFS
also increases the likelihood that concepts from the IAASTD and agreed upon
at the CFS (e.g. “sustainable food systems”, and to a lesser extent “agroecology”)
will be accepted and supported in future sustainable development discussions

How the IAASTD helped shape the SDGs

SDG 2 targets 2.3 & 2.4

2.3: By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food
producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and
fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources
and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition
and non-farm employment

2.4: By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient
agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain
ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme
weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land
and soil quality

that take place at the UN Headquarters in New York and beyond. One example
of this occurring was in 2017 when “agroecological principles” were for the first
time mentioned in a resolution by the UN General Assembly.

In order to promote the shift towards more sustainable food systems and ensure
that the right language was included in the SDGs and Agenda 2030, we had to
build awareness and widely disseminate our message. We quickly learned that the
best way to be recognized and heard was to work in partnerships. We therefore
approached various organizations to receive feedback on our positions, exchange
valuable information about the issues and the process, and increase the credibility
of our messages. In civil society circles, the findings of the IAASTD helped us to
garner support and build a coalition around the key messages.We also collaborated
with representatives from UN agencies, particularly the Rome-based agencies
(FAO, WFP, and IFAD), well-established experts on issues around sustainable agri-
culture, food security and nutrition.This collaboration included key representatives
from these agencies supporting and speaking at our side events. We also worked
together with various partners on language to include in position statements.

3. Every word matters

While most of SDG 2 and its targets reaffirm the messages outlined in the
IAASTD, targets 2.3 and 2.4 most closely reflect the findings and recommenda-
tions of the IAASTD. Although most Member States and stakeholders were in
agreement that supporting small-scale food producers and promoting sustainable
agriculture were important enough to include in the targets, it was not always
clear how this would be done. At the end it was not only ensured that the targets
included language that supported the IAASTD, but also excluded language that
could slow down, halt or even reverse the change in course in global agriculture.

Looking more closely at Target 2.3, the focus on increasing the productivity and
incomes of small-scale food producers, particularly women, and ensuring their
access to productive resources and assets, clearly demonstrates that most Mem-

Michael Bergöö & Mayumi Ridenhour

ber States recognized the potential of the millions of smallholder farmers

around the world to lift their communities out of poverty while protecting the
ecosystem. The strong wording in Target 2.3 clearly supports their empower-
ment and the improvement of their livelihoods.

Although most of the wording of this target was not very contentious, there
were still calls from some Member States to not only increase agricultural pro-
ductivity, but to increase production as well.This was something that was not in
line with the IAASTD since there is evidence that an unqualified increase in
production has had and would continue to have negative impacts on people
(e.g. working conditions) and the planet (depletion of natural resources). Even
though some Member States requested the inclusion of “increase production,”
this kind of detrimental language was prevented from being included in Target 2.3.

Under Target 2.4, we worked hard to ensure that it echoed the Rio+20 Decla-
ration’s call, in which we were already heavily involved with proposing IAASTD
wording, for a much needed transformation to sustainable and resilient agriculture
and food systems that conserve natural resources and ecosystems and realize a
land-degradation neutral world. We were pleased to see that many of these ele-
ments are included in both Target 2.4 and also Target 15.3 (“(…) strive to achieve
a land degradation-neutral world”). For example, the inclusion of resilient agricul-
tural practices is significant since we cannot achieve sustainable development with-
out ensuring that our food production adapts to the effects of climate change.

However, one obstacle we were not able to surmount was the reluctance by many
Members States to agree on “sustainable food systems,” a term and concept that
applies to both the production and the consumption of food. In particular, emerging
economies argued strongly for the qualifier “production” and a sole focus on the
production side of food systems.This was because many of them were faced with
a two-sided challenge:While they were still combatting hunger among some groups
of their populations, they did not want to put (unnecessary) restrictions on how
their emerging middle-class would consume food and emit greenhouse gases. De-
spite the fact that the exact language we wanted was not included in the final doc-
ument, we still believe that this was a good starting point because the pressure to
transform the way we produce and consume food globally continues.

4. IAASTD providing the narrative for SDG 2

Looking back on the lengthy and complex Agenda 2030 negotiations, it is hard to
say precisely where, when, and how the IAASTD was instrumental in shaping the
SDGs and in particular SDG 2 Zero Hunger.The process involved many actors –
on a normal negotiation week there were several hundred representatives from
Member States, UN agencies, civil society, business and academia present in- and
outside the conference rooms.There were many firm positions – e.g. on agricultural
trade it was impossible to make progress beyond what was agreed at the WTO.
Also, the negotiations saw unexpected developments – for example, the two co-

How the IAASTD helped shape the SDGs

chairs maintained control of the drafting throughout the negotiations, which was
different from previous negotiations, for example in Rio+20.This was, in our view,
one of the success factors that contributed to an ambitious set of SDGs. At one
point, the discussions on the means of implementation (MOI) were partly shifted
into the more politicized “Finance for Development” forum, which probably did
not help to increase the ambition level on the MOI-targets. Given all these variables,
it was not easy to secure IAASTD’s specific messaging in negotiations that were at
times chaotic and the attention of the Member States was elsewhere.

However, we can wholeheartedly say that the IAASTD provided us, our partners,
and most importantly, negotiators with an invaluable source of evidence-based
information and concepts, which we then tried to boil down to 2-liners and bring
into the SDGs. Some elements never made it in (agroecology, food governance
issues, the right to food) or were weakened at the last minute (sustainable food
systems). From today’s perspective, we might say that they may have just been
ahead of their time.The IAASTD helped us connect the dots between issues that
would not have been seen as an obvious interlinkage (e.g. food systems and stable
institutions). It helped us and the negotiators to stay on course towards a coherent
and ambitious SDG 2.

Throughout the process, we were reminded at various instances that the IAASTD
– signed by 58 governments and called by some the IPCC of agriculture – was
considered controversial in some circles, in particular among large-scale agriculture
producers and proponents of GMOs.This sometimes forced us to omit the source
of our rationales for change. But it did not prevent us from working hard to use
Agenda 2030 as an opportunity to highlight IAASTD’s call for a radical transfor-
mation. Because the IAASTD and the Agenda 2030 have something in common:
they are both a transformative plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.


Mayumi Ridenhour is a Manager on the Foundation Relations team at the World Wild-
life Fund-US where she manages foundation relationships for high-priority conserva-
tion projects around the world. She holds a J.D. from the University of Maryland
School of Law and a B.A. degree from McGill University in Montreal. As the Advocacy,
Networking & Communications Advisor for the Millennium Institute, she worked to in-
fluence the Sustainable Development Goals and the post 2015 development agenda.

After working for the Swiss Humanitarian Aid in Liberia, Michael Bergöö joined Biovi-
sion Foundation in 2013 as Advocacy Manager during the post-2015 negotiations. He
then joined the Executive Committee to expand Biovision’s program in Switzerland
and to initiate the Swiss chapter of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network
(SDSN). Today Michael works for ClimateView – a Swedish software startup helping
cities and countries achieving carbon neutrality. Michael holds a MA in political science
from University of Lausanne.

10-Year Comparison

GMOs: crops and traits

2008 2018

Herbicide tolerance and/or insect resistance Other traits

2008 2018

Soybeans Maize Cotton Canola Other crops

Global area of genetically modified crops in 2008 and 2018 by trait (above) and by crop type (below). Herbicide
tolerance and/or insect resistance includes both single and stacked traits.

The same old story

Since their introduction in 1996, GMOs have been promoted as a panacea for tackling world hun-
ger, malnutrition, poverty and drought. However, to date traits such as drought tolerance or enhan-
ced provitamin A content have not yet been commercialised. Herbicide tolerance and insect
resistance remain by far the dominant traits. In 2018, more than 99% of the 189.8 million hectares
under cultivation with GMOs were planted with crops that were herbicide tolerant (45%), insect re-
sistant (12%) or combined both traits (42%). The “Others” category includes a few hundred hecta-
res of virus resistant papaya and squash. The cultivation of GM crops also remains limited to the
same four crops: soybeans, maize, cotton and rapeseed. In 2018, 95.9 million hectares were planted
with soybeans, followed by maize (58.9m ha), cotton (24.9m ha) and canola (10.1m ha).
I International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA). Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM
Crops, editions 2008 and 2018 (ISAAA Brief 39-2008 and ISAAA Brief 54-2018)

Angelika Hilbeck & Eugenio Tisselli

The emerging issue of “digitalization”

of agriculture
When the IAASTD Report was written, digitalization of the agro-food sector
was not yet on the ‘transformation’ agenda. While some digital and robotic tools
were already being applied and tried in agriculture at that time (e.g. automated
milking machines1), new digital possibilities had just begun to emerge. The fast
and far reaching technological advances in the IT and telecom sector allowed
the convergence of various business fields which rely on complex algorithms,
data collection and storage, pervasive network access and constantly accelerat-
ing connection speeds.

Digitalization in conventional agriculture mostly aims to capture the global agro-

food production system by radically automating and digitally connecting farming
and processing operations and replacing humans, i.e. eliminating farmers. Although
the projected increases in efficiency of the typical industrial inputs in conventional
agriculture may materialize, the ‘disruptive’ power of this form of digitalization at
all levels (agronomic, scientific, ecological, social, economic, cultural, etc.) remains
underestimated and under-recognized. Since the publication of the IAASTD, the
sheer unlimited possibilities for capture and disruption have begun to unfold –
and with them the dystopian or utopian visions for the transformation of our
future global agro-food systems. But as with all technology pushes, their potential
risks and benefits depend entirely on the context of their application. Hence, the
first and key question in any debate about digitalization of agri-
culture is: of which form of agriculture: conventional, industrial, If digitalization is seen
ecological, traditional, all or some of these? as a driver of agricul-
ture, farmers become
We do not offer here a systematic analysis of the various risks mere sources of raw
and consequences of digitalization in conventional, industrial
material, i.e. data.
forms of agriculture, but we wish to outline the critical aspects
that must be considered in the digitalization of agroecological forms of farming.
We believe that digitalization can be compatible with and support agroecological
farming, yet it requires an entirely different approach from the one currently ap-
plied by the actors in conventional agriculture (see also Ajena 2018 for more de-
tails on this issue). In the following paragraphs, we briefly present a framework
that delineates how key elements related to digitalization could be conceptualized
in order to support agroecology. We align our contribution with five of the ten
elements of agroecology identified by the Food and Agriculture Organisation
(FAO) of the United Nations (UN). For each of these five elements, we contrast
the different modes of digitalization in conventional versus agroecological systems.

Angelika Hilbeck & Eugenio Tisselli

1. One-size-fits-all versus integration of diversity

Conventional: Digital tools are marketed under the typical decontextualized
top-down and ‘one size fits all’ formula, which fails to address diversity and con-
text sensitivity, and seeks to enable ‘disruptive business models based on data
and platforms’ (e.g. Bayer 2018 Example Crop Science: Outcome-based business
models ‘One size fits all’2)
Agroecology: Avoiding the narrowness of single IT solutions by integrating di-
verse and appropriate ICT platforms and applications that are either already
available or are developed in participatory fashion (see 2. below) and that are
relevant in a specific context, favoring adaptation and interoperability.

2. Data mining versus sharing of knowledge

Conventional: Farmers are considered as clients of prepackaged, top-down ‘so-
lutions’ by unknown ‘expert’ sources. These sources are often algorithms which
mine and process large quantities of data related to and extracted from farming
operations, to finally deliver statistical indicators which may or may not agree
with a farmer's knowledge or experience and offer single (input) recipe solutions.
If digitalization is considered as a driver of agriculture, farmers become mere
sources of raw material, i.e. data, as well as algorithmically driven operators, there-
by devaluing and endangering the continuity of their local and tacit knowledge.
Agroecology: Harnessing the full interactive potential of digital technologies and
networks, by enabling and harmonizing bottom-up (farmers to experts), top-
down (experts to farmers), and horizontal (peer to peer) modes of communi-
cation, co-production and dissemination of knowledge. Farmers are fully
recognized as originators and co-creators of knowledge, which can be fruitfully
enhanced through co-development with other actors. Farmers are also consid-
ered as co-designers, co-implementers and co-evaluators of technological plat-
forms in the context of agroecology, by including their input and participation
at every step of the ICT cycle

3.Vulnerability versus resilience

Conventional: Business models are often based on farmers' dependency on ex-
ternal inputs, including data, energy and ICT devices. Such dependencies may lock
farmers within closed solution pathways that fundamentally undermine resilience,
while increasing their vulnerability to the effects of possible disruptions.
Agroecology: Designing robust ICT tools and platforms that can adapt to specific
environments, as well as resilient solutions that support and encourage farmers’
abilities to acquire and share knowledge, carry out autonomous research and
strengthen their social networks. Avoiding the creation or intensification of farmers’
dependency on prepackaged information, monetized loops and external inputs.

4. Drudgery and hardship versus human and social values

Conventional: Farmers are often regarded as inefficient and unreliable, and farm
work as drudgery and hardship. Consequently, replacing their work by algo-
rithms and ICT devices is pitched as desirable. Moreover, farmers and farming

Update – Digitalization

operations are considered as mere sources for data extraction, as well as targets
of digital surveillance schemes. Context-based social values are not understood
as important elements of agriculture, and therefore not considered in the de-
velopment of ICTs.
Agroecology: Respecting the integrity of farmers and their communities, as well
as their ecosystems, by placing them at the centre, and avoiding socially and eco-
logically disruptive practices. Promoting farmers’ full ownership of tools, method-
ologies and data, by integrating their views, ideas and values at every step of the
ICT cycle. If farmers are compensated properly for their work and investments,
they have the means to mechanize and get help for their operations.

5. Startup impact investment versus circular and solidarity economy

Conventional: ICTs are developed typically by following the startup model, and,
therefore, tend to contradict circular and solidarity economy principles. ICTs
are targets for impact investment with quick and sizable returns.
Agroecology: Embracing the principles of circular and solidarity economy by mini-
mizing the usage of technological resources and waste, and maximizing their po-
tential, as well as emphasizing reciprocal, non-competitive and for-benefit principles.

2 Baumann 2018. Bayer_CMD_London_2018-12-05_Investor_Handout_Group-1-

Rockström et. al., 2009, A safe operating space for humanity.
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 2011. At:
UNCTAD, 2013, Wake up before it is too late
Ajena, F., 2018. Agriculture 3.0 or (Smart) Agroecology? Green European Journal, 20. November 2018; At:
Bekaroo, G., Bokhoree, Ch., Pattinson, C., 2016. Impacts of ICT on the natural ecosystem: A grassroot analysis for
promoting socio-environmental sustainability. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57, DOI:

Angelika Hilbeck is a senior scientist and lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Zurich, with Ph.D. and Master degrees in Agricultural Biology and En-
tomology. Her research focuses on biosafety and risk assessment of GMOs in the
context of agroecology and biodiversity. Since 2011, she leads an ‘ICT for Agroecol-
ogy’ research project in Tanzania in collaboration with Swissaid. She was a lead author
of the Global Chapter 3 and Synthesis Report on Biotechnology of the IAASTD.
Eugenio Tisselli is a computer scientist, with a transdisciplinary Ph.D. in media art
and environmental sciences. He has developed software platforms and sociotechni-
cal methodologies for participatory research and collaborative documentation in
rural and urban contexts. His current research focuses on the design and develop-
ment of the ICT for an agroeocology framework, in collaboration with the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology and Swissaid.

Jacqueline McGlade

Recasting agriculture in a resource-

smart food systems landscape
In 2016, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) published
the report “Food systems and natural resources”.1 Its main conclusion was
that current food systems are exerting increasing pressure on natural
resources, and that resource-smart food systems are needed to deliver on
the Sustainable Development Goals. The report laid out options on how
to decouple the food system from environmental degradation.

UNEP’s International Resource Panel Working Group on Food Systems first re-
port came at a time when the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was
fresh in the minds of governments and societies around the world (UNEP
2016a). Its main conclusion was that agriculture would benefit from being em-
bedded in the wider context of resource-smart food systems. As Achim Steiner,
then Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and UNEP Executive Di-
rector said, “A food systems lens goes beyond the
classic production-centred discussions to connect
all activities concerned with the food we eat …
[we] need to transition to more resource-smart
food systems, an imperative for the achievement of
at least 12 out of the 17 Sustainable Development

The Panel had been established in 2007 by UNEP

to provide independent, coherent and authoritative
scientific assessments on the use of natural resour-
ces and its environmental impacts over the full life
cycle and to contribute to a better understanding
of how to decouple economic growth from envi-
ronmental degradation. Earlier reports linked to agriculture had covered biofu-
els; sustainable land management; water accounting and decoupling. They all
stressed the dependencies of our economies on natural resources that went
far beyond any single sector. For agriculture, this meant the use of land, soil
water, terrestrial and marine biodiversity, minerals and nutrients and the fossil
fuels used in irrigation, energy, packaging, cooking and transport. In addition, food
systems were seen to drive a number of environmental impacts such as the
loss of biodiversity, soil degradation, water depletion and greenhouse gas emis-

2016 UNEP Report
sions. Farmers and food producers were seen as the world’s largest group of
natural resource managers and as such critical agents of change.

Panel members agreed that the resource use and requirements of the global
food consumption called for a better understanding of the food system as a
whole, and in particular its role as a node for resources such as water, land, and
biotic resources on the one hand and the varied range of social practices that
drive the consumption of food on the other. The thinking reflected the findings
of the IAASTD report, i.e. that agriculture needed to be treated as part of the
larger system of sustainable resource management (UNEP 2016a). The basic
idea was that food systems needed to deliver food security and healthy diets
for people and to do so sustainably from a resource perspective.The underlying
premise was that food systems had to become resource-smart by improving
the efficiency of production, as well as by reducing food demand through mini-
misation of food waste, dietary changes and reduction of resource-intensive
foods. Food systems were integral to sustainable development.

Food regimes
The seeds of resource-smart-food came out of a response to the 2008 financial
crisis and the rethinking of economic recovery through the Global Green New
Deal (UNEP 2009), which saw food security as being radically affected by fi-
nancial institutions far from the people actually producing food. It took as its
point of departure the hegemony of the food regime which dealt with food
and the wider politics of food (and agricultural) relations from field to plate
through ‘the political structuring of world capitalism, and its organization of agri-
cultures to provision labour and/or consumers in such a way as to reduce wage
costs and enhance commercial profits’ (McMichael, 2013).The environment was
never considered in this dialectic.

Food regimes corresponded to time specific political and economic structures,

and separated crises in capitalism.The first was the colonial-diasporic food regime
(1870–1930s) with cheap tropical products such as raw materials (i.e. cotton, tim-
ber, rubber) and commodities for direct consumption (i.e. coffee, tea, cocoa), and
temperate foods (meat and grains) produced by migrant populations (diaspora)
in settler colonies. The second mercantile-industrial food regime (1950–1970s)
emerged in the wake of the Great Depression of the 1930s and World War II, in
the context of government-organized capitalism, cold-war and decolonization. It
was typified by a reversal of world agricultural trade flows, via the mechanism of
food aid, stemming from government subsidized overproduction in the Global
North and by the international expansion of agribusiness value chains through
the Green Revolution (i.e. high-yielding varieties of a few cereals such as wheat,
maize, rice coupled with the heavy use of subsidized fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation
and machinery into the agricultural economies of the Global South).The corpo-
rate food regime (1980–present) came on the back of the economic and oil cri-
ses of the 1970s and the neoliberal turn in global politics. The corporate food

Jacqueline McGlade

regime extended the global divisions of labour by an intensified conversion of

large areas of land in the Global South to produce industrial inputs (e.g. animal
feeds and agrofuels) for the Global North and was defined by a market hegemony
imposing a set of rules institutionalizing, via the World Trade Organization, corpo-
rate power in the food system on transnational, national and local levels, from
field to plate.This contributed to a shift in control over global food and agriculture
from smallholder based production towards global capital.

Resource-smart food systems aim to address the delinking of global capital

flows from agricultural practices and the livelihood strategies of smallholders,
that were seen as constraints that needed to be overcome in the name of ef-
ficiency, development and food security and which were laid bare in the financial
crisis of 2008. It sought to address the deepening of large-scale and industrial
forms of agricultural production that were encroaching on nature at odds with
ecological processes and the patchy success of the corporate food regime’s
principles and guidelines for responsible agro-investments, value-chain projects,
industry self-regulation and corporate social responsibility. By bringing environ-
mental and resource concerns into the very core of our food systems it could
ask questions about outcomes related to wellbeing and the health of people
and ecosystems, not just the bottom-line.

Decoupling – the driver behind resource-smart food systems

The members of the Panel saw that the main driver for establishing resource-
smart food systems was decoupling (UNEP 2011). This refers to the ability for
economies to grow without a corresponding increase in environmental pres-
sures (UNEP 2011). There are two types of decoupling: resource and impact
decoupling. Resource decoupling occurs when economic growth exceeds the
growth rate of resource use i.e. economic productivity of resources is increasing.
Impact decoupling occurs when the environmental impact of economic activities
is reduced. Impact decoupling is important when the use of a resource threatens
human and ecosystem health. Both are highly relevant to the food system and
helped to push UN agencies and governments to rethink agriculture in terms
of resource-smart approaches to land and water use, biodiversity and soil con-
servation, nutrition and health, climate adaptation and the carbon footprint of
food production.The shift in thinking was helped by advances in the publication
and uptake of environmental accounting frameworks for water and land and
the growing use of resource life-cycle analysis (UNEP 2012; 2015). Together
these two methodologies helped to quantify the environmental and health im-
pacts arising during the extractive phase of food production (e.g groundwater
pollution, land degradation, post-harvest wastes, health effects of pesticide spray-
ing and emissions), and the use phase of food commodities (e.g.transport, pack-
aging, food waste and health impacts of nutrient deficiency).

The idea of resource-smart-food systems was proposed as an umbrella term for

more specific policies that were gaining traction at the time such as climate-smart

Resource-smart food systems

agriculture. It also covered linkages to new dominant values such as wellbeing and
health. It also opened up the space for non-agricultural actors to co-design better
health and environmental outcomes. For example, governmental programmes for
nutritious school meals stimulating local farmer’s options and crop choices.

Some of the critical shifts needed to achieve resource-smart-food systems inclu-

ded a reduction of food loss and waste; reorienting away from resource-intensive
products such as meat, empty calories and ultra-processed food; rethinking the
whole food environment to help consumers adopt more healthy and sustainable
diets; reconnecting rural and urban populations through localised food supply
chains; internalizing the environmental externalities into the costs and pricing of
food and reinforcing this through legislation to prevent pollution, remove perverse
subsidies and pay for environmental services; accounting for the flows of resources
between urban and rural areas, and between crops and livestock; reinvigorating
investment in rural education and training; research and inno-
vation to decouple food production from resource use and The UNEP report
environmental impacts; and building feedback loops between pushed the treatment
monitoring and reporting of the system effects of food pro- of food security
duction and the information and actions taken by consumers.
beyond considerations
Coming out as it did in 2016, the UNEP report not only re- of famine or food
flected on the combination of social, economic and environ- shortage.
mental issues, that were subsequently brought out in the
many synergies amongst the Sustainable Development Goals. Most critically, it
helped to shape a deeper understanding of the interlinkages between agricul-
ture, food, nutrition and patterns of consumption and production. For example,
the use of nexus or more broadly whole systems thinking, in the UNEP report,
pushed the treatment of food security beyond considerations of famine and
shortages to issues of food waste, healthy diets and nutritious food, based on
healthy soils and the long-term health and ecosystem effects of the pesticides
and chemicals used in agriculture. It is from these ideas, that world-wide cam-
paigns led by the United Nations on Food Waste and Healthy People, Healthy
Plant, have taken off.

Resource-smart food systems within a circular bioeconomy – from niche to

The oldest business model in the world is the circular bioeconomy. Nothing
wasted, everything used and reused, with Nature as the powerhouse (Palahí et
al. 2020). Agriculture and food production are at the heart of this. The circular
bioeconomy seeks instead to draw on nature-based solutions to our everyday
needs. With an expanding range of innovative products from agro-forestry and
biological processes, resource-smart food solutions can also power other con-
sumer markets that are opening up to biobased solutions such a bioplastics,
fuel and packaging from farm organic waste. The circular bioeconomy has the
potential to solve the multiple challenges of encouraging local investment, gen-

Jacqueline McGlade

erating livelihoods and improving health, education and food security whilst pro-
tecting ecosystem services such as clean water, biodiversity and cultural heritage.

The world has many millions of rural farmers, many barely making enough to
provide food or school fees or medicine. With well-devised policies on land
stewardship and well articulated product regulations, many different biobased
industries could be established to the benefit of local farmers. Using the princi-
ples of agroecology and regenerative agriculture for improving soil health and
productivity, all streams of organic waste from crops and vegetation can be pro-
cessed through integrated composting and into the industrial production of
bioplastics and lubricants. Expanding the co-production of these products and
resilient crops within the setting of rural communities living in a healthy, biodi-
verse environment with intact ecosystem services, is another way that farmers
can become key player in the circular bioeconomy.

In another step up to addressing some of the most tenacious problems of our

fossil-fuel economies, farmers can produce bacteria to take the carbon emitted
from agricultural infrastructure, such as grain driers and dairy production facili-
ties and turn it into ethanol of sufficient quality to be used as transportation

Investing in resource-smart food systems to power the circular bioeconomy

Imagine a setting where virtually everything that is used in everyday life is bio-
based and reused or recycled.The flows through the economy would add value
without creating the large scale negative externalities associated with fossil fuels
and chemical pollutants. The circular bioeconomy also fundamentally shifts the
risk profile of an investment. Whether it is impact development bonds, green fi-
nancing or social impact bonds, the evidence is that investments in nature-based
solutions and the bioeconomy are top-tier. The European Bank for Recon-
struction and Development, with partner countries in northern Africa, has ear-
marked portfolios of green projects and social projects against which the
proceeds of its Green Bonds and Social Bonds are tracked.These bonds are is-
sued in accordance with the Green Bond and Social Bond Principles and are
linked to projects such as sustainable and stress-resilient agriculture, including
investments in water-efficient irrigation and sustainable forest management, re-
forestation, watershed management, and the prevention of deforestation and
soil erosion.

In the circular bioeconomy, farmers are not only part of the resource-smart
food system, they are land stewards with the potential to transform our eco-
nomies (Palahí et al. 2020). As the potency of these ideas gain traction, it is
useful to recall that they are a legacy of the IAASTD findings and the UNEP
2016 report which showed the world how to think about agriculture in the
wider context of environment and natural resources.

Resource-smart food systems


Palahí, M. et al., 2020. Investing in Nature to Transform the Post COVID-19 Economy. A 10-point Action Plan to
create a circular bioeconomy devoted to sustainable wellbeing. The Solution Journal 11, June 2020.
UNEP 2009. Rethinking the economic recovery: a global green new deal. Barbier, E. et al. UNEP, Nairobi.
UNEP 2011. Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth, A Report of
the Working Group on Decoupling to the International Resource Panel. Fischer-Kowalski, M., Swilling, M., von
Weizsäcker, E.U., Ren, Y., Moriguchi, Y., Crane, W., Krausmann, F., Eisenmenger, N., Giljum, S., Hennicke, P., Romero
Lankao, P., Siriban Manalang, A., Sewerin, S. UNEP, Nairobi. 174pp ISBN: 978-92-807-3167-5
UNEP 2012. Measuring water use in a green economy. A Report of the Working Group on Water Efficiency to
the International Resource Panel. McGlade, J., Werner, B., Young, M., Matlock, M., Jefferies, D., Sonnemann, G., Al-
daya, M., Pfister, S., Berger, M., Farell, C., Hyde, K., Wackernagel, M., Hoekstra, A., Mathews, R., Liu, J., Ercin, E., Weber,
J.L., Alfieri, A., Martinez-Lagunes, R., Edens, B., Schulte, P., von Wirén-Lehr, S., Gee, D. UNEP, Nairobi. 91pp. ISBN:
UNEP 2015. Options for decoupling economic growth from water use and water pollution. Report of the Inter-
national Resource Panel Working Group on Sustainable Water Management. UNEP, Nairobi. 78pp. ISBN Num-
ber: 978-92-807-3534-5
UNEP 2016a. Food Systems and Natural Resources. A Report of the Working Group on Food Systems of the
International Resource Panel. Westhoek, H, Ingram J., Van Berkum, S., Özay, L., and Hajer M. UNEP, Nairobi. 164pp.
ISBN: 978-92-807-3560-4
UNEP 2016b. Unlocking the Sustainable Potential of Land Resources: Evaluation Systems, Strategies and Tools. A
Report of the Working Group on Land and Soils of the International Resource Panel. Herrick, J.E., O. Arnalds, B.
Bestelmeyer, S. Bringezu, G. Han, M.V. Johnson, D. Kimiti, Yihe Lu, L. Montanarella, W. Pengue, G. Toth, J. Tukahirwa,
M. Velayutham, L. Zhang. UNEP Nairobi. 96pp. ISBN: 978-92-807-3578-9

Jacqueline McGlade is Professor at Gresham College, Strathmore Business School.

Previously, she was UNEP Chief Scientist, Executive Director European Environ-
ment Agency, Director of the UK Centre for Coastal and Marine Sciences, Profes-
sor at Warwick University, Director of FZ Jülich and a Senior Scientist at Fisheries &
Oceans Canada. She published over 200 research papers and won several awards,
including Knight Order St James, Geospatial Ambassador, Global Citizen, and Il mo-
nitor del Giardino.

20-Year Comparison

Transnational land deals





2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

Area in 1,000 hectares brought under contract each year

Transnational land deals greater than 200 hectares with a concluded contract according to area size under con-
tract in the respective year based on Land Matrix data as of April 2020.

The global land rush – a big deal

Soaring food prices in 2007-08 and again in 2010, coupled with the instability of global financial markets,
turned farmland into a new strategic asset, causing a land rush by international investors.These land
acquisitions mainly targeted accessible, fertile cropland that had often previously been used by small-
holders and communities. In 2009, the Land Matrix, an independent land-monitoring initiative, started to
collect information on land deals for which public information is available. By July 2020, the database held
information on concluded, intended and failed deals covering almost 82.5 million hectares.The infogra-
phic above shows 1,436 concluded deals for the years 2000 to 2019, covering 39.26 million hectares.
A further 368 undated deals brings the total area of concluded deals to 51.29 million hectares. Although
the infographic includes most types of investment, the majority of deals are for farming purposes.The
peak of the land rush was 2008, both with respect to the size (7.1m ha) and to the number of deals
(193 acquisitions), and from 2011 onwards, a clear downward trend is visible. Eastern Europe has been
the main target region in terms of the total area of concluded deals, followed by Africa which has the
largest number of concluded deals.The top target countries are Russia (12.3m ha), Indonesia (3.8m ha),
Papua New Guinea (3.7m ha), Brazil (3.7m ha) and Ukraine (3.3m ha), followed by South Sudan and
Mozambique with 2 milllion hectares respectively.
1 Data compilation from Land Matrix by Ward Anseeuw in April 2020. Data was extracted using default filters, which include all
intentions of investment except oil/gas extraction, pure contract farming, mining and forest concessions and exclude deals made
exclusively by domestic investors.
2 Land Matrix (2020). (last visited July 2020)
3 Nolte, K., Chamberlain, W., Giger, Markus (2016). International Land Deals for Agriculture. Fresh insights from the Land Matrix:
Analytical Report II.

Ward Anseeuw

Access to land and the emergence of

international farm enterprises
The 2009 IAASTD report highlights the need to target “small and medium-
sized family farms as priority beneficiaries for publicly funded agricultural re-
search and extension, marketing, credit and input supplies; undertaking land
reform, where needed; investing in human capital to raise labor productivity
and increase opportunities for employment; ensuring that agricultural extension,
education, credit and small business assistance programs reach rural women;
setting public investment priorities through participweassatory processes; and
actively encouraging the rural non-farm economy”.

During that very same period as the IAASTD Report was published, following
the food price crisis of 2008-2009, a new ‘global land rush’ developed. It entailed
large-scale land acquisitions mainly by private investors (but also by public in-
vestors and agribusiness) buying farmland or leasing it on a long-term basis to
produce agricultural commodities, i.e. raw materials for global industrial value
chains. These investors responded to the prospects of a growing demand for
food, animal feed, fuels and fibre, combined with the liberalisation of trade and
investment regimes and increased price volatility – all factors that fuelled the
new global rush for land (Anseeuw et al. 2012). It was also a response to invi-
tations by numerous host governments, mainly in Africa and Asia, which instead
of promoting endogenous growth of small and medium-sized family farms as
promoted by the IAASTD, were exploiting this hype as an
opportunity to attract private, mainly international capital. In A new global land
view of reduced public spending and Official Development rush was fuelled by a
Assistance (ODA), these investments were presented as so- growing demand for
lutions contributing to the countries’ agricultural revitalisation food, animal feed, fuels
- directly through large-scale investment or through a positive
and fibre.
pull-effect integrating the host countries’ small-scale farming
sector (Cotula et al. 2009). Such investments, focussing on the development of
large-scale agricultural estates, would enhance their national food security sit-
uation and develop rural infrastructure. So went the narrative.

This rush for land primarily affected agrarian economies, mainly in Africa and
Asia. Lands that in the early 2000s seemed marginal to investment interest were
being sought by international investors and speculators in quantities hitherto
unseen. Between 2000 and 2016, with a peak in 2010, foreign investors acqui-
red 42.2 million hectares of land around the globe. 26.7 million hectares were
for farming purposes, according to a Land Matrix report that covers a thousand

Ward Anseeuw

concluded agricultural deals (Nolte et al. 2016). Africa accounts for 42% of these
deals, and about 10 million hectares of land. This being said, few are the deals
that are producing effectively: Presently, about 10 years after the hype of acqui-
sitions, only 27% of the area is showing effective production-related activities
(from land preparation to crop production), although effective production is
increasing on the still active deals (Land Matrix 2019). Managerial and technical
difficulties related to the implementation of large land deals in often isolated,
difficult ecological, political, bureaucratic and socio-economic environments ex-
plain this low implementation, as well as high failures. In Madagascar for example,
out of the 53 deals identified since 2000, only four are still active today. Not
only do these failed deals not contribute to the promised expectations with
regards food security and development; in most of the cases, land rights – which
have changed in the process – are not returned to local (so-
Foreign land acquisi- metimes displaced) populations. Even though the global land
tions increase com- rush has now ebbed, new acquisitions are still being recorded,
mercial pressure on contributing to growing commercial pressures on land.
land and weaken land
rights of the local In addition, in general, these processes tended to fuel unrea-
listic expectations on the part of the host countries and local
population. populations: contribution to food security, creation of jobs, as
well as development of productive and non-productive infrastructure such as
schools, hospitals, besides others, are generally lower than expected. Very few,
if any cases have led to an effective agrarian transformation, particularly since a
common characteristic of such offshore production models and farm enterpris-
es is the lack of local integration, sometimes even referred to as enclave econ-
omies (White et al. 2012). Contrary to the call of the IAASTD to implement
at the national and international level, using governance mechanisms to respond
to unfair competition and agribusiness accountability, these acquisitions reflect
an increasing control by international farm enterprises over land-based pro-
ductive cycles – primary agricultural production in particular – representing far-
reaching trends of vertical integration.

The slowdown and lack of implementation of large-scale land acquisitions

should not lead to complacency, as they still exacerbate commercial pressure
on land and lead to a weakening of land rights for the local population. Indeed,
these international investors, as well as the public, semi-public or private sellers,
often operate in legal grey areas between traditional land rights and modern
forms of property (Nolte et al 2016).The IAASTD covers the problem of unfair
distribution of land, which has existed for many centuries, as well as approaches
to agrarian reforms and communal land use. Its key message is simple: Secure
land tenure, property rights and other forms of common ownership, including
access to water, are an essential prerequisite for family farms to invest in their
own future. The present large-scale land acquisition policy approach, however,
reflects more a top-down land reform, implemented in non-transparent ways,
without accountability measures. It not only leads in many cases to land expro-

Update – Access to land

priation and displacements, it also affects land rights of the rightful owners and
occupiers of the land, while exacerbating land concentration and inequalities.

Overall, instead of the options of action promoted by the IAASTD, the out-
sourcing of the development of the agricultural sector by host governments in
the South to international farm enterprises simply represented a quick fix. The
results were marginal and led to mostly negative impacts for food security and
development at large, rather than a process of genuine structural agrarian trans-
formation based on endogenous small and medium-sized farm development.
However, more recently, international interest in land has triggered domestic
interest as well: and the question remains, do these domestic investments reflect
opportunities for local agricultural development or do they present a new wave
of domestic land grabs by urban elite (Jayne et al. 2019)?

Anseeuw, W., Alden Wily, L., Cotula, L., Taylor, M., 2012. Land rights and the rush for land. Rome, International Land
Coalition, Research report, 84p.
Anseeuw, W.; Boche, M.; Breu, T.; Giger, M.; Lay, J.; Messerli, P.; Nolte, K., 2012. Transnational land deals for agriculture
in the Global South. Analytical Report based on the Land Matrix Database. Bern/Montpellier/Hamburg,
CDE/CIRAD/GIGA, Research report, 64p.
Cotula, L., Vermeulen, S., Leonard, R., Keeley, J., 2009. Land grab or development opportunity? Agricultural invest-
ment and international land deals in Africa. London/Rome, IIED/FAO/IFAD, research report, 130p.
Jayne, T.S., Muyanga, M., Wineman, A.; Ghebru, H., Stevens, C., Stickler, M., Chapoto, A., Anseeuw, W., Van Der West-
huizen, D., Nyange, D., 2019. Are medium-scale farms driving agricultural transformation in sub-Saharan Africa?
Agricultural Economics, 2019, p.1-21.
Land Matrix, 2018, 2019, 2020. (last visited 03 February 2020).
Nolte, K., Chamberlain, W., Giger, M., 2016. International Land Deals for Agriculture. Fresh insights from the Land
Matrix: Analytical Report II. Bern/Montpellier/Hamburg, CDE/CIRAD/GIGA, Research report, 69p.
White, B., Borras, S.M., Hall, R., Scoones, I., Wolford, W., 2012. The new enclosures: critical perspectives on corpo-
rate land deals. The Journal of Peasant Studies Vol. 39, Nos. 3–4, July–October 2012, 619–647.

Dr. Ward Anseeuw, a development economist and policy analyst, is a research fel-
low at the Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD).
He is presently seconded to the International Land Coalition as a Senior Technical
Specialist responsible for “Knowledge, Learning, Innovation and data”. For the last
12 years, he was seconded to the University of Pretoria, as a senior research fellow
to the Post-Graduate School of Agriculture and Rural Development and as the co-
director of the Center for the Study of Governance Innovations (GovInn) – which
he founded in 2012.

Emile A. Frison

From uniformity to diversity

In 2016, IPES-Food published the report “From Uniformity to Diversity”,1
promoting a paradigm shift from industrial agriculture towards diversified
agroecological systems. It identifies the key mechanisms that keep today’s
industrial food system in place, and recommends 7 pathways that would
enable a transition towards diversified agroecological systems.

When I was appointed Director General of the International Plant Genetic Re-
sources Institute in 2003, I recognized that it was the right moment to move
beyond an exclusive focus on plant genetic resources; the time had come to fully
embrace the complexity of agrobiodiversity that constitutes the reality of farm-
ers’ daily lives across the world. Understanding how agrobiodiversity contributes
to better nutrition, resilience, stability and sustainability be-
came a significant part of the research agenda at the Institute.
This shift led to the Institute’s name change to ‘Bioversity In-
ternational’, reflecting the broadening of the agenda.

At the launch of the IAASTD process, because of the multi-

stakeholder nature of the process, I volunteered to represent
the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research) Centres in the Bureau. Despite the participation
of a number of CGIAR scientists as authors in the Assess-
ment, there was little interest from the CGIAR leadership in
the process.The food price spikes in 2007-2008 further dis-
tanced the majority of CGIAR Commodity Centres from
the IAASTD process and saw a redoubled focus on breeding
for productivity increases of the major cereals. When in 2008, the CGIAR Cen-
tres had to decide whether they would sign off on the IAASTD report, the ma-
jority of Centres voted against, on the basis that it was critical of genetic
modifications and of unrestrained trade in agricultural commodities. As the then
Chair of the Alliance of CGIAR Centres, I was obliged to convey the objections
of the Centres and their withdrawal from the process, despite the fact that I
was personally very supportive of the report.

I supported the recommendations of the report because of its pioneering re-

cognition of the fact that agriculture and agricultural research needed a signifi-
cant redirection, away from the high input monocultures of a narrow genetic
base of a few commodities, towards greater diversity and the application of
agroecology principles.The report was an inspiration for me and convinced me

2016 IPES Report
of the need to take a broader systems approach and to deepen our work on
the role of agrobiodiversity in improving the lives of smallholder farmers.

When in 2013, I stepped down from my position of Director General of Bio-

versity International, I decided to focus my efforts on sustainable food systems
(SFS) and on agroecology as a significant component of SFS. With the support
of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, I helped to set up an independent
“International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems” (IPES-Food)
whose focus was to bring the issue of sustainable food systems to the attention
of decision makers. I was invited to join the Panel in 2015 and I took on the
task of Lead Author of the first substantive report of IPES-Food entitled: “From
Uniformity to Diversity, a paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversified
agroecological systems” published in June 2016.

This was the first report that made a systematic comparison between the in-
dustrial model of agriculture (the dominant paradigm) and the emerging diver-
sified agroecological system from an economic, environmental, nutritional, health,
social and cultural point of view. The report pointed to the fact that the focus
on productivity increases of industrial agriculture was at the expense of numer-
ous unsustainable negative environmental, health and social consequences. Con-
sequences that were being considered as ‘unavoidable’ negative externalities,
paid for by society at large, and presented as necessary to ‘feed the world’.

The report went on to highlight the potential that diversified agroecological

systems offer in terms of their economic, environmental, nutritional, health, social
and cultural performance, detailing the many positive externalities that are cur-
rently not being rewarded by the market.

The IPES-Food report is unique in the depth of its analysis of the political econ-
omy and the identification of eight ‘lock-ins’ that prevent, or are significant ob-
stacles to, the necessary paradigm shift to diversified agroecological systems.
These ‘lock-ins’ are described below.

Lock-in 1: Path dependency

Industrial agriculture requires significant up-front investments in terms of equip-
ment, training, networks and retail relationships, and often requires farmers to
scale up. Once these investments and structural shifts have been made it be-
comes increasingly difficult for farmers to change course.

Lock-in 2: Export orientation

As industrial agriculture has spread, generating abundant supplies of uniform,
tradable crop commodities, trade has taken on disproportionate political im-
portance. Specific supply chains (e.g. supply chains for animal feed or for pro-
cessed food ingredients) have become increasingly export-oriented and
export-dependent. Supporting these chains has often been prioritized over

Emile A. Frison

other interests such as ensuring resources for local food production. In addition,
in spite of the risks and problems associated with export orientation and re-
gional monocultures, including price volatility, environmental degradation and
competition for land, various policy measures have continued to incentivize ex-
port orientation.

Lock-in 3: The expectation of cheap food

Industrial agriculture and shifting consumer habits have helped to facilitate the
emergence of mass food retailing, characterized by the abundance of relatively
cheap highly-processed foods, and the year-round availability of a wide variety
of foods. In many countries, consumers have become accustomed to spending
less on food. In this context, farmers have received clear signals to industrialize
their production in order to respond to the increasing demand for large vol-
umes of undifferentiated commodities.

Lock-in 4: Compartmentalized thinking

Highly compartmentalized structures continue to govern the setting of priorities
in politics, education, research and business, allowing the solutions offered by
industrial agriculture to remain at centre stage. Agricultural ministries, commit-
tees and lobbies retain a privileged position relative to other constituencies
such as environment and health in setting priorities and allocating budgets for
food systems. Increasingly privatized agricultural research and development pro-
grammes remain focused on the handful of commodities for which there is a
large enough market to secure significant returns. Educational silos remain in
place, and sectoral ‘value chain’ organizations share knowledge vertically (by
product) rather than encouraging a wider, food systems approaches.

Lock-in 5: Short-term thinking

Diversified agroecological systems offer major benefits for farmers and for so-
ciety. However these advantages will not be immediately visible, given the time
needed to rebuild soil health and fertility, to increase biodiversity in production
systems, and to reap the benefits of enhanced resilience. Unfortunately, key play-
ers in food systems are often required to deliver short-term results. Politicians
are often locked into short-term electoral cycles that encourage and reward
policies that deliver immediate returns and publicly-traded agribusiness firms
are generally required to deliver rapid returns to shareholders.

Lock-in 6: ‘Feed the world’ narratives

Despite the fact that food security is recognized primarily as a distributional
question tied to poverty and access to food, achieving food security continues
to be framed by many prominent actors as a question of how to 'feed the
world', or in other words, how to produce sufficient calories at the global level.
These narratives and approaches have been particularly prominent in the wake
of the 2007-2008 food price spikes.

From uniformity to diversity

Lock-in 7: Measures of success

The criteria against which farming is typically measured - e.g. yields of specific
crops, productivity per worker – tend to favour large-scale industrial monocul-
tures. Evidence in recent long-duration studies suggests that diversified agro-
ecological systems can compete well on productivity grounds. However, they are
still disadvantaged by the predominant measures of success. Diversified systems
are by definition geared towards producing diverse outputs, while delivering a
range of environmental and social benefits on and off the farm. Narrowly-defined
indicators of agricultural performance fail to capture many of these benefits. Cur-
rent systems will be held in place in so far as they continue to be measured in
terms of what industrial agriculture is designed to deliver, at the expense of the
many other outcomes that really matter to, and directly impact society.

Lock-in 8: Concentration of power

The way food systems are currently structured allows value to accrue mainly to
a limited number of actors. This reinforces their economic and political domi-
nance, and thus their ability to influence the governance of those systems. The
interests of these powerful actors converge to support industrial agriculture.

Finally, the IPES-Food report identifies a set of coherent steps designed to

strengthen the emerging opportunities while simultaneously breaking the vicious
cycles that keep industrial agriculture in place.Together, these steps will shift the
centre of gravity in food systems, allowing harmful dependencies to be cut,
agents of change to be empowered, and alliances to be forged to sustain change.

Recommendation 1: Develop new indicators for sustainable food systems.

It is essential to adopt a broader range of ‘measures of success’, covering long-
term ecosystem health; total resource flows; sustainable interactions between
agriculture and the wider economy; the sustainability of outputs; nutrition and
health outcomes; livelihood resilience; and the economic viability of farms with
respect to debt and climate shocks.

Recommendation 2: Shift public support towards diversified agroecological

production systems.
Governments must shift public support away from industrial production sys-
tems, while rewarding the positive outcomes of diversified agroecological sys-
tems. Governments should implement measures that allow farms to diversify
and transition towards agroecology. In particular, policy makers must focus on
supporting young people to enter agriculture and adopt agroecological farming
– before they are locked into the cycles of industrial agriculture.

Recommendation 3: Support short supply chains & alternative retail infra-

Governments should support and promote short circuits in the supply chain in
order to make them a viable, accessible and affordable alternative to mass retail

Emile A. Frison

outlets, e.g. by repurposing infrastructure in cities to favour farmers’ markets.

More attention should also be paid to the role of informal markets, and policy
measures ought to be put in place that empower emerging initiatives linking
farmers to consumers.

Recommendation 4: Use public procurement to support local agroecological

Public procurement should be used with increasing ambition to provide sales
outlets for diversified agroecological farms, supplying fresh, nutritious food and
diversified diets for the users of public canteens, particularly schoolchildren.

Recommendation 5: Strengthen movements that unify diverse constituencies

around agroecology.
Governments can support farmers’ groups, community-based organizations and
social movements which encourage the spread of agroecological practices and
advocate sustainable food systems. In addition, governments must encourage
the participation of diverse civil society groups from the global North and South
in governance processes and forums.

Recommendation 6: Mainstream agroecology and holistic food systems ap-

proaches into education and research agendas.
Public research agendas must be redefined around different priorities. Investments
should be redirected towards equipping farmers to shift their production. The
mission of university research should be redefined around the delivery of public
goods.The United Nation’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and other
international agencies should mainstream agroecology into all of their work,
spreading existing knowledge and filling the remaining gaps in our understanding.
In addition, research conducted by the CGIAR Centres should be refocused
around diversified agroecological systems and farmer participatory research.

Recommendation 7: Develop food planning processes and ‘joined-up food pol-

icies’ at multiple levels.
It is crucial to implement joined-up policymaking for food systems. Long-term,
inter-ministerial planning – reaching across political boundaries and transcending
electoral cycles – should be supported. This is necessary to build on landscape
management and territorial planning initiatives, where food security can be mean-
ingfully targeted and understood in terms other than ‘feeding the world’. Crucially,
food systems planning must be based on broad participation of various constitu-
encies and groups with a stake in food systems reform. At the global level, the
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) should advocate for coherent food
policies and contribute to strengthening diversified agroecological food systems.

One lock-in that was not sufficiently addressed in the recommendations of the
2016 IPES-Food report was the concentration of power.This issue was tackled in
a subsequent report by IPES-Food entitled: “Too Big to Feed” published in 2017.

From uniformity to diversity

The publication of the IPES-Food report “From Uniformity to Diversity” has

been widely adopted by different stakeholders. Since its publication, I have been
invited on multiple occasions to present the report at meetings, conferences
and events organized by universities, farmers’ organizations, civil society organi-
zations and ministries. The report, which is now widely cited, has also contribu-
ted to raising the profile of agroecology in a variety of different institutions and
inspired the strategies of several civil society organizations working on food se-
curity and sustainable development.

Recently, there has been a significant increase in interest in agroecology to ad-

dress today’s challenges. in the last two years alone multiple reports have been
published that point to the need for transformational change in our agriculture
and food systems, with a focus on the urgency to bring about such change
These include the IPBES report on Land Degradation and Restoration (2018),
the TEEB for Agriculture & Food report (2018), the IPBES Global Assessment
Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (2019), the IPCC report on
Climate Change and Land Use (2019), the HLPE report on Agroecological and
Other Innovative Approaches for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
(2019), the Global Climate Adaptation report (2019) and the Global Sustainable
Development Report 2019. All these reports recognize diversification and
agroecology as key to transformational change.

This is encouraging, but major efforts from policy makers and private enterprise
are still needed to overcome the lock-ins listed above. Overcoming these will
be key to ensuring that agroecology becomes the new, mainstream, dominant


Emile A. Frison, PhD, is a member of the International Panel of Experts on Sustain-

able Food Systems. He spent his career in international agricultural research for de-
velopment. In 2003, he became Director General of Bioversity International and
developed a strategy entitled “Diversity for Well-being”, focusing on the contribu-
tion of agricultural biodiversity to better nutrition, and the sustainability, resilience
and productivity of smallholder agriculture. Dr Frison is Chair of the Board of Di-
rectors of Ecoagriculture Partners and a member of the EC Mission Board on soil
health and food.

10-Year Comparison

Meat production



100 128

World Developing countries Developed countries

2008 meat production (in billions of tonnes) 2018 meat production (in billions of tonnes)

Meat production worldwide, in developing and developed countries in million tonnes carcass weight equivalent
for the years 2008 and 2018 – and the corresponding increase in per cent

Just how much meat can we eat?

Worldwide, 337 million tonnes of meat were produced in 2018. Global meat production increased
by 20% compared to ten years earlier, with growth more pronounced in developing countries,
which experienced an overall increase of 26% during the period. In 2018, developing countries’
share in global meat production was 62%, up from 59% in 2008. It should however be noted that
large amounts of meat are traded internationally, and that figures for meat production in one region
do not necessarily correspond with meat supply or consumption in that same region. OECD and
FAO predict that production will reach almost 364 million tonnes by 2028, with developing coun-
tries accounting for 74% of the additional output.

1 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (2009). Food Outlook: Global Market Analysis, June 2009. Total meat statistics (thou-
sand tonnes, carcass weight equivalent)
2 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (2019). Food Outlook: Biannual Report on Global Food Markets, May 2019.
3 OECD/FAO (2019). OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028, OECD Publishing, Paris/Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

Robert G. Wallace

Agriculture, capital, and

infectious diseases
SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that has swept the world, represents only one
of a series of novel pathogen strains that have suddenly emerged or re-emerged
as human threats this century. These outbreaks – avian and swine influenza,
Ebola Makona, Q fever, Zika, among many others – are more than matters of
bad luck. Nearly all can be tied distally or directly to changes in production or
land use associated with intensive agriculture, even as other modes of pro-
duction have been implicated, logging and mining among them (Jones et al.

Monoculture production – crop and livestock alike – drives the deforestation

and development that increases the rate and taxonomic scope of pathogen
spillover from wildlife to food animals and the labor that tends them. Once
these pathogens enter the food chain, such production can select for increases
in pathogen deadliness, genetic recombination, and antigenic shifts out from un-
derneath immune suppression. By the expansive trade that now characterizes
such production, the newly evolved strains can be exported from one side of
the world to the other.

SARS-CoV-2 and the other novel pathogens are not just matters of an in-
fectious agent or clinical course. They cannot be fixed merely by the latest in
vaccines and other prophylaxes, as important as these biomedical interventions
may be. Farther out, the webs of ecosystemic relations that industry and state
power have pinned back to their own advantage have had a foundational effect
on the emergence and evolution of these new strains (RG Wallace et al. 2015).
The wide variety of pathogens, representing different taxa, source hosts, modes
of transmission, clinical courses, and epidemiological out-
Monoculture pro-
comes, mark different parts and pathways of something of
the same regimens in land use and value accumulation spread duction drives the de-
across the world. forestation and devel-
opment that increases
We find this new context reproduced region by region. De- the rate of pathogen
spite differing in their particularities, local circuits of pro-
spillover from wildlife.
duction operate within the same web of global expropriation
and its environmental impacts. At one end of the production circuit, the com-
plexity of primary forest typically bottles up “wild” pathogens. Logging, mining,
and intensive plantation agriculture drastically streamline that natural complexity
(R Wallace et al. 2018). While many pathogens on such “neoliberal frontiers”
die off with their host species as a result, a subset of infections that once burned

Robert G. Wallace

out relatively quickly in the forest, if only by the irregular rate of encountering
their typical host species, are now propagating much more widely across sus-
ceptible populations.

The vulnerability to infection that human populations suffer on the receiving

end of the spillovers is routinely exacerbated by austerity programs impacting
both environmental sanitation and public health. Even in the face of efficacious
vaccines, the outbreaks that emerge out of their environmental margins are in-
creasingly characterized by greater geographic extent, duration, and momentum.
What were once local spillovers are now suddenly epidemics, some finding their
way onto global networks of travel and trade.

Ebola offers a now archetypical example (RG Wallace and R Wallace 2016).
Ebola Makona, the Zaire ebolavirus variant underlying the regional outbreak in
West Africa 2013-2015, appeared conventional in its initial genetics, case fatality
ratio, incubation period, and serial interval. Unlike previous outbreaks that wiped
out a village or two, however, Makona infected 35,000 people, killing 11,000,
leaving bodies in the streets of major capital cities.

How to account for the difference if not by the Ebola virus itself? It is instead
the socioecological background through which the pathogen spread – from
local environmental and social spaces out to global relational geographies – that
shifted. Multilateral structural adjustment and a multinational land rush en-
croached upon regional forests and truncated medical infrastructure. New in-
cursions of monoculture plantation – palm oil, sugar cane,
Of the 39 documen- cotton, and macadamia among other crops – were tied to
ted transitions from new rounds in land enclosure, consolidation, and commodi-
low to high pathogeni- zation of previous subsistence trading. These shifts increased
city in avian influenzas, the interface between Ebola-bearing species of bats attracted
to such plantations and the now partially proletarianized la-
all but 2 occurred in borers who cultivated them. The resulting increases in Ebola
commercial poultry spillover likely accelerated the emergence of a human-to-
operations. human infection (Rulli et al. 2017, Olivero et al. 2017).
Diseases of other taxa tag the other end of the circuit of production. Highly
pathogenic and suddenly human-adapted avian and swine influenzas typically
first emerge as newly identifiable infections in intensive operations located closer
to major cities in both fully industrialized countries and those in the middle of
undergoing economic transitions to more industrialized regimes. Of the thirty-
nine documented transitions from low to high pathogenicity in avian influenzas
from 1959 on, Dhingra et al (2018) identified all but two occurred in commer-
cial poultry operations, typically of tens or hundreds of thousands of birds.

On the other hand, reassortment events, wherein different H5 and H7 influenza

strains traded genomic segments, occurred largely in countries undergoing eco-

Update – Infectious diseases

nomic transitions. These latter environments appear to be characterized by a

greater mix of production systems, permitting different combinations of co-cir-
culating strains. Indeed, such intensive poultry operations are so inundated with
circulating strains that they serve as their own reservoir for new subtypes
(Olson et al. 2014). Wild waterfowl are no longer the only source.

Other pathogens emerge in more complex origins across these circuits. SARS-
1 and now SARS-2, our COVID-19 strain, appear to have emerged out of mixed
niches spread across their associated regional circuits of production. Non-human
SARS specimens have been isolated in greater Hubei, Wuhan’s province, as far
back as 2004, in both bats – Shortridge’s horseshoe bat and the greater horse-
shoe bat – and farmed masked palm civets (Hu et al. 2005, Tang et al. 2006).
The isolates appear part and parcel of a wide range of animal SARS distributed
across China, including in adjacent provinces Anhui and Jiangxi, well within Wu-
han’s wild foods catchment, but also as far south as Guangdong, another source
from which SARS-2 may first have arisen (Forster et al. 2020).

Given the genetics of SARS-2 – a recombinant of bat and pangolin strains –

the increasingly formalized wild food trade in all likelihood played a foundational
role in the emergence of the COVID-19 outbreak (Challender et al 2019, Xiao
et al. 2020, Li et al. 2020).The trade, including now pangolin farming, shares with
industrial agriculture sources of capital and economic geographies encroaching
on Central China’s hinterlands. Whether the outbreak began at the infamous
Wuhan live food market itself or at the other periurban terminus is beside the
point. Instead, we need readjust our conceptual sights on the processes by which
living organisms are turned into commodities and entire production chains –
animal, producer, processor, and retailer – entrained as disease vectors.

Challender, D.W.S., Sas-Rolfes, M., Ades, G.W.J., Chin, J.S.C., Ching-Min Sun, N. et al., 2019. Evaluating the feasibility
of pangolin farming and its potential conservation impact. Global Ecology and Conservation, 20:e00714.
Dhingra, M.S., Artois,J., Dellicour, S., Lemey, P., Dauphin, G. et al., 2018. Geographical and historical patterns in the
emergences of novel Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5 and H7 viruses in poultry. Front. Vet. Sci., 05
Forster, P., Forster, L., Renfrew, C. and Forester, M., 2020. Phylogenetic network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes.
PNAS, 117(17): 9241-9243.
Hu, W., Bai, B., Hu, Z., Chen, Z., An, X., Tang, L., Yang, J., Wang, H. and Wang, H., 2005. Development and evaluation
of a multitarget real-time Taqman reverse transcription-PCR assay for detection of the severe acute respiratory
syndrome-associated coronavirus and surveillance for an apparently related coronavirus found in masked palm
civets. J. Clin. Microbiol., 43:2041-2046.
Jones B.A., Grace, D., Kock, R., Alonso, S., Rushton, J., Said, M.Y., McKeever, D., Mutua, F.,Young, J., McDermott, J. and
Pfeiffer, D.U., 2013. Zoonosis emergence linked to agricultural intensification and environmental change. PNAS 110:

Robert G. Wallace

Li, X., Gao, Y. , Wang, C., and Sun, B., 2020. Influencing factors of express delivery industry on safe consumption of
wild dynamic foods. Revista Científica, 30(1):393-403.
Olivero, J., Fa, J.E., Real, R., Márquez, A.L., Farfán, M.A., Vargas, J.M., Gaveau, D., Salim, M.A., Park, D., Suter, J., King, S.,
Leendertz, S.A., Sheil, D. and Nasi, R., 2017. Recent loss of closed forests is associated with Ebola virus disease out-
breaks. Nature Scientific Reports, 7:14291.
Olson, S.H., Parmley, J., Soos, C., Gilbert, M., Latorre-Margalef, N., Hall, J.S., Hansbro, P.M., Leighton, F., Munster, V. and
Joly, D., 2014. Sampling strategies and biodiversity of influenza A subtypes in wild birds. PLoS One, 9(3):e90826.
Rulli, M.C., Santini, M., Hayman, D.T.S. and D’Odorico, P., 2017. The nexus between forest fragmentation in Africa
and Ebola virus disease outbreaks. Nature Scientific Reports, 7:41613.
Tang, X.C., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, S.Y. et al., 2006. Prevalence and genetic diversity of coronaviruses in bats from China.
Journal of Virology, 80(15):7481-7490.
Wallace, R., Chaves, L.F., Bergmann, L.R., Ayres, C., Hogerwerf, L., Kock, R. and Wallace, R.G., 2018. Clear-Cutting
Disease Control: Capital-Led Deforestation, Public Health Austerity, and Vector-Borne Infection. Springer, Cham.
Wallace, R.G. et al., 2015.The dawn of Structural One Health: A new science tracking disease emergence along cir-
cuits of capital. Social Science & Medicine, 129:68-77.
Wallace, R.G. and Wallace, R. (eds). 2016. Neoliberal Ebola: Modeling Disease Emergence from Finance to Forest
and Farm. Springer, Cham.
Xiao, K., Zhai, J., Feng,Y., Zhou, N., Zhang, X. et al. 2020. Isolation and characterization of 2019-nCoV-like coronavirus
from Malayan pangolins. bioRxiv.

Robert G. Wallace is an evolutionary epidemiologist with the Agroecology and

Rural Economics Research Corps. He is co-author of Neoliberal Ebola: Modeling
Disease Emergence from Finance to Forest and Farm (Springer, 2016), and Clear-
Cutting Disease Control: Capital-Led Deforestation, Public Health Austerity, and
Vector-Borne Infection (Springer, 2018). He has consulted for the Food and Agri-
culture Organization of the United Nations and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).

10-Year Comparison

Meat supply


84 83
80 81

60 61 60
53 52

40 41 43

13 14
4 4
India LDCs World South China Russia EU Brazil USA

2007 meat supply (in kilograms per person per year)

2017 meat supply (in kilograms per person per year)

Meat supply in kilogram per person per year in the BRICS countries, the EU, the world’s least developed coun-
tries (LDCs) and the global average. Data for 2007 and 2017 from FAO Food Balances (2017 figures were calcu-
lated on a slightly amended methodology and with revised population figures).

The changing appetite for meat

In 2017, a total of 42.6 kilograms of meat per person was available for human consumption worldwide,
an increase of 4.6% compared to ten years earlier. This was possible because production grew faster
than the world population.The global average conceals large differences between countries. In 2017
meat supply stood at 14 kilograms per person in the world’s poorest countries, roughly 83 kilograms
per person in the EU and a staggering 124 kilograms per person in the US. Meat supply refers to the
amount of meat available at the retail level after taking into account imports and exports and changes in
stocks.The amount of meat actually consumed may be lower due to food loss and waste. In most BRICS
countries, a combination of income and population growth and rising urbanisation translated into increa-
sed demand. However, meat consumption is not only influenced by economic factors but also by cultu-
ral and religious aspects. In India, where a large proportion of the population is vegetarian, meat supply
has remained almost unchanged at four kilogram per person over the past decades. In the EU, meat
supply has recently started to stagnate, and is showing signs of a slight decrease.
1 FAOSTAT – Data – Food Balance – Food Balances (old methodology and population) for 2007 and New Food Balances for 2017

Alexander Müller & Nadine Azzu

“It’s the economy, stupid!”

TEEBAgriFood, a new framework to measure and
value the success and failure of food systems
In 2018, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) published
a report entitled “Measuring what matters in agriculture and food sys-
tems”1 that developed a comprehensive framework for analysing food sys-
tems. The report references the value of the contribution of the natural
resource base to agricultural production, the positive or negative impacts
of production on nature, its interaction with society, and its impact on
human health. In doing so this report provides an overview of the true cost
of food.
A quick internet search for the quote “our food system is broken” provides
over 46,000 results within 0.35 seconds. Clearly, a new narrative is emerging
that tries to explain the problems of the world’s food system. This narrative,
“the food system is broken”, is increasingly heard at many conferences from
speakers with different professional backgrounds, and has become a catch
phrase. It is surprising to see that people who have worked for many years on
improving the efficiency of food production can now agree
on this narrative.

“Fixing a broken food system” without considering the un-

derlying reasons for its failure will fall short of finding a so-
lution. We think that the “broken food system” narrative is
hiding a much bigger problem. The economy driving the
whole system is broken! This is the core of the problem.
And what is at the core of the problem should also be at
the core of our attention. Otherwise, a wrong narrative di-
verts attention away from the necessity to develop a new

The list of unsolved problems in the global food system is

long. No one can contest the fact that over 800 million people are hungry and
two billion are malnourished – yet obesity is growing and not only in developed
countries. No one can contest the negative impact of farming on natural re-
sources or its contribution to climate change. The scientific evidence is over-

2018 TEEBAgriFood Report
whelming. The same is valid in relation to the fact that small scale farmers and
workers in the food chain are often underpaid and many are poor; conglome-
ration of food businesses continue at a global scale, industrial production of
seeds and fertilizers is moving towards oligopolies, and major global food brands
can be found all over the world; six out of ten global health risks for humans
are caused by food; and one third of all food, annually, is wasted.

These considerations beg the following questions: (i) how can we tell if the food
system is not working, and is broken – i.e. what are the characteristics or indi-
cators of a functioning food system?; and (ii) based on these
characteristics, what metrics should be used to measure the To date, the “success”
performance of the food system? of a food system is
measured with simple
To date, the “success” of a food system is predominantly mea- economic metrics:
sured with simple economic metrics: productivity (output per
unit of input), and yields per hectare. In recent decades the productivity and yields
increases in yields are impressive both in terms of per hectare per hectare.
productivity (in some parts of the world), and in the amount
of food produced globally. According to FAO the world is currently producing
enough calories for there to be enough for everybody. No one should go to
bed hungry. So why are there so many hungry people? Measured against these
two predominant success indicators positive results are shown. According to
these indicators we are producing enough food, so everyone should be fed.
But this is not the case.Therefore, currently productivity is not the problem, but
rather access to food. People are hungry because they are poor.

Let us approach the question “is the food system broken?” from a different, en-
vironmental perspective. The impact of agricultural production has been ana-
lysed in several studies3 and the results are – again – pretty clear: the agriculture
sector is to a large extent responsible for the degradation of natural resources
and is one of the main emitters of greenhouse gases. As a nature-based industry,
agriculture is therefore undermining its own foundation. From this perspective,
there is a contradiction. Additionally, the agriculture sector is responsible for a
massive loss of biodiversity (e.g. insects for pollination) while at the same time
it is dependent on genetic resources.

Therefore, the question is, are we measuring the success or failure of the food
system against the right indicators, or do we need new metrics for measuring
and valuing the performance of food systems accurately. We are proposing to
reflect all capital (produced, natural, human and social) and associated costs (ex-
ternalities, both positive and negative) in the valuation of food systems.

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture and Food (TEEB-
AgriFood) was designed to illustrate how best to capture the complex reality
of “eco-agri-food” systems in a holistic manner. The aim was to move beyond

Alexander Müller & Nadine Azzu

the risks and limitations inherent in simplistic metrics such as “per hectare pro-
ductivity” and to develop a metric that covers the whole system and not only
parts of it.

The term “eco-agri-food systems” is used to describe the interconnectedness

and complexity of all dimensions of sustainability involved in food production,
processing, distribution and consumption including human health. It highlights
the “eco” (i.e. natural ecosystem) source of important but economically invisible
inputs to agricultural production, in particular those provided by ecosystem ser-
vices. It measures and values the positive or negative impacts of production on
the environment which in the standard accounting system remain economically
invisible. A key aspect of using this term is the emphasis on thinking in terms of
value chains (systems thinking), as opposed to thinking in production silos.4 Sys-
tem thinking unveils drivers of change as determined and im-
Ignoring natural, social pacted by feedback loops, delays and non-linear relationships,
and human capital in the context of change along the value chain.
keeps people hungry
The TEEBAgriFood report5 developed a comprehensive frame-
and drives degradation. work for analysing food systems. In particular, it values the
contribution of the natural resource base to agricultural pro-
duction, as well as the positive or negative impacts of production on nature. It
also analyses the value of interaction with society (e.g. employment), the impact
on human health (health benefits and costs), and ultimately provides an over-
view of the true cost of food. In summary, it captures all elements of the food
system and how they interact.

More broadly, TEEBAgriFood is part of an ambitious undertaking, aiming at

changing the most powerful figure of the world, the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP)6. The way all economies of the world measure the value of products
and services, and how they measure the growth and success of all their econo-
mic activities is concentrated in one figure: GDP has become the universal in-
dicator of development. It drives economic and political thinking, and is even
one of the key indicators for developing countries in achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals. And yet, as an indicator of success, the GDP is riddled with
shortcomings: it values short-term growth and ignores medium-term impacts
of pollution and degradation of natural resources, and it does not take into ac-
count social implications created by growth.

In Minnesota, a study of key externalities of two corn production systems – ge-

netically modified (GM) and organic – was conducted by using the true cost
accounting method by following TEEBAgriFood evaluation framework, in terms
of stocks and flows of the four capitals (produced, natural, human and social).
The study focused on the production side of corn systems only, because of
challenges associated with the gathering and assembling of a large amount of
data into the framework template. Hence, the assessment was carried out by

“It’s the economy, stupid!”

a multi-disciplinary team because the analysis focused on quantitative data, but

also descriptive information, monetary and non-monetary information. The
study revealed higher hidden social, environmental and health related costs as-
sociated with GM corn production systems. While there was a positive influence
of both systems on produced and social capital, for GM corn production sys-
tems, the increasing divide between large and small-scale farmers lead to nega-
tive social, health and environmental impacts. For organic production systems,
there are positive economic, social, health impacts, with limited environmental
impacts. Data limitation for comparison of the two systems showed that the
TEEBAgriFood framework was particularly useful in assessing macro level data
required for policy analysis; it lent itself to reviewing wider impacts of the entire
corn value chain in order to modify policies and practices.7

From our perspective, the most important contribution of TEEBAgriFood is

that it has changed the way we think about the economy of food systems:
TEEBAgriFood demonstrates that the economics of the food system are the
problem! Measuring only produced goods and services (produced capital) has
created the problem, ignoring natural, social and human capital. This – together
with poor governance and inappropriate policies – keeps people hungry and
drives degradation. And that is far worse.

To conclude: What is at the core of the problem must now be at the centre of
our attention – the findings of TEEBAgriFood call for research, politics and all
ongoing multi-stakeholder processes to reassess our hitherto central economic
beliefs. Nothing less is required to create a new economic foundation for sus-
tainability. Without this reassessment, more systems will be broken.

2 Here we focus solely on the economics of the food system. Questions of access to food, poverty and stability
of supply including trade are outside the remit of this essay and will need to be considered additionally. We are
however convinced that a new economy for sustainability needs to be in the centre.
3 FAO. 2011. The state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture (SOLAW) – Managing
systems at risk. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome and Earthscan, London.
IPCC. 2019. Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, de-
sertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial eco-
systems [P.R. Shukla, J. Skea, E. Calvo Buendia, V. Masson-Delmotte, H.- O. Pör tner, D. C. Roberts, P. Zhai, R. Slade,
S. Connors, R. van Diemen, M. Ferrat, E. Haughey, S. Luz, S. Neogi, M. Pathak, J. Petzold, J. Portugal Pereira, P. Vyas,
E. Huntley, K. Kissick, M. Belkacemi, J. Malley, (eds.)]. In press.
IPBES. 2019. Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of
the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. S. Díaz, J. Settele, E. S.
Brondízio E.S., H. T. Ngo, M. Guèze, J. Agard, A. Arneth, P. Balvanera, K. A. Brauman, S. H. M. Butchart, K. M. A. Chan,
L. A. Garibaldi, K. Ichii, J. Liu, S. M. Subramanian, G. F. Midgley, P. Miloslavich, Z. Molnár, D. Obura, A. Pfaff, S. Polasky,

Alexander Müller & Nadine Azzu

A. Purvis, J. Razzaque, B. Reyers, R. Roy Chowdhury,Y. J. Shin, I. J.Visseren-Hamakers, K. J. Willis, and C. N. Zayas (eds.).
IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. 56 pages.
IPBES. 2018. The IPBES assessment report on land degradation and restoration. Montanarella, L., Scholes, R., and
Brainich, A. (eds.). Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Ser-
vices, Bonn, Germany. 744 pages.
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. 2014. Global Biodiversity Outlook 4. Montréal, 155 pages.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. 2017. The Global Land Outlook, first edition. Bonn, Ger-
4 The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). 2018. Measuring what matters in agriculture and food
systems: a synthesis of the results and recommendations of TEEB for Agriculture and Food’s Scientific and Economic
Foundations report. Geneva: UN Environment.
5 The TEEBAgriFood report was written and reviewed by 150 people from
more than 30 countries analyzing all aspects of today’s food systems. Its system approach goes beyond the concept
“from farm to fork” because it starts with the natural resource base and also takes into account both human and
planetary health.
7 Sandhu, H., Scialabba, N.E., Warner, C. et al. Evaluating the holistic costs and benefits of corn production systems
in Minnesota, US. Sci Rep 10, 3922 (2020).

Alexander Müller is the Managing Director of the TMG ThinkTank for Sustainability.
Previously, he worked as State Secretary in the German Ministry for Consumer
Protection, Food and Agriculture. He later served as Assistant-Director General of
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, responsible for the Department
for Natural Resources and Environment. He then led the TEEBAgriFood-Project
hosted by UN Environment.

Nadine Azzu works as a freelance consultant in the interface of environment and

food systems. She has a background in environmental management, with over 20
years of experience working in the fields of agricultural biodiversity, climate change,
sustainable development and with environmental and social safeguards. She previ-
ously worked as Agricultural Officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the UN.


Philip H. Howard & Mary K. Hendrickson

The state of concentration in global

food and agriculture industries
In 2009 IAASTD suggested that “business as usual is no longer an option.” In the
decade since, however, business as usual has continued, and most food- and agri-
culture-related industries have become even more concentrated. The IAASTD
noted that this trend is associated with numerous negative impacts, such as in-
creased marginalization of farmer and rural livelihoods.Yet the market share held
by the top four firms globally is 40 percent or higher in an increasing number of
sectors, despite the fact that this concentration ratio once raised concerns for
regulators when observed in much smaller regional and national markets.

In agrochemicals, for example, the top four combine for 65.8 percent of global
sales, and for commercial seeds this figure is 53.2 percent. Notably, Bayer [Mon-
santo], ChemChina [Syngenta] and Corteva [DuPont and Dow] are among the
top four in both of these sectors. Animal pharmaceuticals, beer and farm equip-
ment also have global four-firm concentration ratios that exceed 40 percent.

Other industries are rapidly approaching these levels of dominance by large

firms. The combined global market share of the top ten firms for sectors that

Philip H. Howard & Mary K. Hendrickson

are more regionally concentrated include more than 50 percent for fertilizers,
18 percent for milk processors, and 10 percent for grocery retailers (Shand &
Wetter 2019; IFCN 2019). In some nations the top 4 or fewer firms in key in-
dustries combine for more than 90 percent of sales (e.g. gro-
The top four agro- cers in Australia; beer in Brazil, Mexico, Japan, South Africa
chemical companies and South Korea).
combine for 65.8
percent of global sales. These figures may underestimate the power of dominant
firms, particularly as asset management firms have increased
ownership of multiple firms in the same sector in recent years, further reducing
incentives to compete (Torshizi & Clapp 2019). Vanguard and BlackRock, for
example, have investments in all of the leading firms in a number of food and
agricultural industries, such as seeds, animal feed, dairy processing and meat pro-

Although these trends have been resisted, and alternatives had success in certain
industries (e.g. organic food, craft brewers), the most successful of these are
typically imitated or acquired by dominant firms (Howard 2017). This process
may unintentionally open new avenues of growth for dominant firms, thus fur -
ther reinforcing their power (Bichler & Nitzan 2017).

Policymakers have not only failed to respond to these trends, they have actively
contributed to them – most have not sufficiently grasped that transnational agri-
business firms, particularly those emerging from North America and Europe,
operate globally to find the cheapest inputs and to sell where they can make
the most profit. National competition authorities are now inadequate to address
consolidation across borders – those in the EU and the United States, for exam-
ple, approved the acquisition of Monsanto by Bayer, forcing only limited dives-
titures. This de facto approved the merger globally, essentially forcing the hand
of other competition authorities who may have considered
The top ten fertilizer other anti-competitive implications.
companies have more
than 50 percent of In other regions, neo-mercantilist or state capitalism has
global market share. emerged, with capital’s interests even more closely aligned
with national geopolitics (Belesky & Lawrence 2019). The
governments of China and Brazil, for example, have encouraged food and agri-
culture firms headquartered in these nations (e.g. meat processors, grain traders,
seed/pesticide firms) to expand globally via major acquisitions. Changes to re-
gulations and court decisions have typically increased intellectual property pro-
tections and created more barriers to entry for smaller firms, which have
subsequently been codified in international trade regimes.

A consolidating food system motivated either by profit or by state interests has

failed to sustain farmer livelihoods, address food insecurity and hunger, or to
ameliorate the ecological impacts of industrial food production. In fact, profit

Update – Industry Concentration

and return to shareholders has been prioritized over societal goals of equity,
food security and resilience. When forced into global markets, farmers in every
region are subsumed into a global intellectual property regime, giving up rights
to save seed and to repair their equipment, and losing ownership of their own
data. Constrained choices in consolidated markets (Hendrickson 2015) limit
their ability to manage crops and livestock to enhance biodiversity (IPES-Food
2017). Opaque feedback loops means global consumers, especially affluent ones,
have little understanding of food consumption’s impact on farmers, rural com-
munities or distant ecologies. In a consolidated global food system, the focus
on productivity and shorter term thinking has created new risks just as humanity
faces an unprecedented climate crisis (Nyström et al 2019).

Belesky, P. and Lawrence, G., 2019: Chinese state capitalism and neomercantilism in the contemporary food re-
gime: contradictions, continuity and change, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 46(6), 1119-1141.
Bichler, S., and Nitzan, J., 2017. Growing through sabotage: Energizing hierarchical power (No. 2017/02). Working Pa-
pers on Capital as Power.
Euromonitor, 2019. Alcoholic Drinks Global Industry Overview. August.
Hendrickson, M. K., 2015. Resilience in a concentrated and consolidated food system. Journal of Environmental
Studies and Sciences, 5(3), 418-431.
Howard, P. H., 2017. Craftwashing in the U.S. beer industry. Beverages, 4(1), 1.
IFCN, 2019. Top 20 Milk Processors List 2018. IFCN Dairy Research Network. September 25.
IPES-Food, 2017. Too Big to Feed: Exploring the Impacts of Mega-Mergers, Consolidation and Concentration of
Power in the Food System. International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems.
Nyström, M., Jouffray, J., Norström, A.V. et al., 2019. Anatomy and resilience of the global production ecosystem.
Nature 575, 98–108.
Shand, H. and Wetter, K. J., 2019. Plate Tech-Tonics: Mapping Corporate Power in Big Food. ETC Group. At:
Torshizi, M. and Clapp, J., 2019. Price effects of common ownership in the seed sector. At:

Philip H. Howard is a faculty member in the Department of Community Sustain-

ability at Michigan State University, and a member of the International Panel of Ex-
perts on Sustainable Food Systems. He is the author of Concentration and Power in
the Food System: Who Controls What We Eat?

Mary K. Hendrickson is Associate Professor of Rural Sociology at the University of

Missouri. She teaches sustainable food and farming courses and studies how far-
mers, eaters and communities can create more sustainable food systems. She was
a Coordinating Lead Author on the 2008 North America and Europe IAASTD re-
port. Her research has appeared in the publications Agriculture and Human Values,
Geoforum and Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Ethics among others.

María E. Fernandez

UNDROP – The United Nations decla-

ration on the rights of peasants and
other people working in rural areas
The UNDROP Declaration1 adopted by the General Assembly of the Unit-
ed Nations on December 17, 2018 reaffirms the UN Declarations on the
right to development2, the rights of indigenous peoples3 and the universality
of all human rights. It recognises the special relationship and interaction
among peasants and other groups working in rural areas and their contri-
bution to conserving and improving biodiversity as well as their own and
world-wide food security.

Article 1 of the Declaration defines peasants as any person who engages in

small-scale agricultural production for subsistence and/or for the market, who
relies significantly on family, household or other non-monetarized labour and
who has a special dependency on the land.

It recognises that peasants and people working in rural

areas, including youth and the ageing, are migrating to urban
areas due to a lack of incentives and the drudgery of rural
life, due to insecure land tenure, discrimination and the lack
of access to productive resources, financial services and in-
formation.The Declaration is based on a concern that peas-
ants and rural workers are burdened with environmental
degradation and climate change and suffer disproportiona-
tely from poverty, hunger and malnutrition.This Declaration
is an important contribution to the advancement of a para-
digm for development where the agency of peasants, indig-
enous and forest peoples is at its foundation.

The International Assessment of Knowledge, Science and

Technology for Agricultural Development (IAASTD)4 focu-
ses on the contribution of agricultural science and technology to poverty re-
duction. The findings assess challenges to be met if the 2030 UN Stainable
Development Goals (UNSDG)5 are to be achieved. Our purpose here is to
explore how UNDROP reinforces the IAASTD findings and how it can streng-
then efforts to reach the 2030 SDGs in rural areas.

2018 UN Declaration

Key findings of the IAASTD related to small-scale agriculture and rural

communities are directly related to articles in UNDROP. These include:

• the rural population has benefited unevenly from the benefits of

production increases;

• many challenges in agriculture will require new strategies that integrate

knowledge and technology from the scientific community with that of
traditional heritages and local experience to enhance innovation;

• Innovative institutional mechanisms will be required to facilitate the

design, adaptation and management of agricultural systems that are
ecologically and socially sustainable.

The focus of UNDROP

The Declaration makes explicit that “peasants and other people working in
rural areas” have the same rights as the rest of the world’s citizenry and that
they have a critical role in managing natural resources for food and agriculture
and for ensuring food security toward 2050. Specific articles that can sustain,
support and complement the findings of the IAASTD include:

• Consultation in policy design (Article 2.3): States shall consult and cooperate
in good faith with peasants and other people working in rural areas through
their own representative institutions, engaging with and seeking the support of
those who could be affected by decisions before they are made;

• Women’s rights (Article 4.2): States shall ensure that peasant women and other
women working in rural areas enjoy, without discrimination, all the human rights
and fundamental freedoms including: training and education; equal access to fi-
nancial services, marketing facilities and appropriate technology. They will also
be ensured equal access to land and natural resources and equal or priority
treatment in land and agrarian reform and land resettlement schemes;

• Organization and Collective bargaining (Article 9.1): Peasants and rural wor-
kers have the right to form and join organizations, trade unions, cooperatives
or any other organization or association of their own choosing for the pro-
tection of their interests, and to bargain collectively;

• Food Sovereignty (Article 15.4): Peasants and rural workers have the right to
determine their own food and agriculture systems (recognized by many States
and regions as the right to food sovereignty). This includes the right to partici-
pate in decision-making processes on food and agriculture policy and the right
to healthy and adequate food, produced through ecologically sound and sustain-
able methods that respect their cultures.

María E. Fernandez

• Control over seeds technology and medicine (Article 19): Peasants and rural
workers have the right to seeds, the right to the protection of traditional
knowledge relevant to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and the
right to equitably participate in sharing the benefits arising from the utilisation
of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.

Implications of the UN Declaration on challenges identified by the IAASTD

There is no doubt that UNDROP speaks directly to the key findings of the
IAASTD. It makes clear that we can no longer look at peasants, indigenous or
rural people, foresters or fisherfolk as outsiders or incidental interest groups.
They are now, by an international decision, to be guaranteed by all signatories
to the UN Charter the same rights that all farmers, small, medium and large-
scale, have. As a result, UN Member States are specifically charged with focusing
urgently on peasants and other rural people in a different manner than has
been customary in many cases. Those states concerned with sustainable agri-
cultural development, have committed themselves further to take measures to:

• Develop new strategies for natural resource and agricultural management to

integrate knowledge and technology from the scientific community, traditional
heritages, and local experience, in a joint effort with the rural population.

• Innovative institutional mechanisms to facilitate the design, adaptation and

adoption of ecologically and socially sustainable agricultural systems need to be
designed in a participatory manner, at national and local levels.

• Design and implement processes of consultation that reinforce existing, tra-

ditional organizations; increase their representation in local and national fora
while encouraging their inclusion of women in leadership. Recognition of col-
lective land rights and diverse resource management systems.

• Foster periodic events at local, state and national level that give public reco-
gnition to the historical and continuing role in land, forest and biodiversity man-
agement that explicitly “award” contributions of rural people – men and
women – to knowledge and technology generation.

Below are two examples of efforts to support rural communities in the man-
agement of natural resources upon which they – and we – depend.

UNDROP – The UN Declaration on the rights of peasants

Guatemala: Association of Forest Communities of Petén (ACOFOP)6

The Association of Forest Communities of Petén was founded in 1997. By 2000
its support to rural communities in the Petén had resulted in a 25 to 40 year
concession by the government allowing for community management of some
500,000 hectares of forests located in the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR). For
more than two decades, ACOFOP has worked to develop a sustainable and
comprehensive forest management model, through which successful companies
have been created in the certified timber market, as well as in the commercia-
lisation of non-timber forest products, such as palm of xate, honey, chewing
gum and Ramón seed. It also ventures into the tourism sector through the pro-
vision of guidance services in the different heritage sites.

Strategies devised as part of the politics of participation practised by ACOFOP

include the provision of direct funding to community institutions and enabling
community forestry entities to gather information, monitor progress and diag-
nose their own issues. The objective is to cultivate learning communities with
cultures of questioning that actively include women and especially young people.
Their Accompaniment strategy is not about ‘‘helping” poor forest communities,
but focuses on the collectivisation of claims to tenure and of capacities to meet
the technical and legal demands of community forestry. An implicit principle of
"Accompaniment" is that of learning while complex socio-cultural negotiation
is taking place at every scale.

The communities who are members of ACOPOF have faced constant chal-
lenges over the years including: conflict between the rights of community mem-
bers and non-members; failure of member communities to fulfil obligations and
how to deal with the apparent absence of state support while faced with the
incursion of illegal land appropriations for the establishment of cattle ranches
affecting 30 to 50% of the concessionary. ACOFOP fostered alliances at national
and international level, enabling effective campaigning which in turn guaranteed
a renewal of the concessions in 2021.7

As Milner (2019) have pointed out, successful community forestry in the
Maya Biosphere Reserve is tied to the development of institutions that learn
through negotiation, and embed learning into their regulatory practices. Each
area of negotiation involves navigating specific tensions; between keeping rules
and changing them; between establishing unity and linking diverse interests; be-
tween listening carefully and speaking persuasively; between defending territorial
rights and addressing internal power dynamics.These tensions constantly threat-
en to undo the possibility of collective action, but they also keep participation
open, fostering inquiries that lead to enhanced participation.

María E. Fernandez

CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry8

In 2012, the Forest Genetic Resources team at Bioversity International carried
out a centre-wide assessment of its capacity to carry out gender-sensitive
research to identify policies, technologies and practices that contribute to en-
hanced gender equity in access, use and management of forests and trees, and
the distribution of associated benefits internationally.9

In parallel, it carried out a Gender Fellowship Program that supported three

female and two male researchers from West and Central Africa, and Central,
South, and Southeast Asia with research grants, capacity strengthening work-
shops (in theory, methods and use of tools) and mentoring.10 Below we share
a window into the use of gender-responsive participatory research by one of
the fellows:

In the Central Western Ghats of India forests are owned by the state Forest
Department (FD) and can be classified as protected forest, reserve forest and
minor forests. Degraded forests in reserve forest and minor forest zones are
managed by Village Forest Committees.These are registered organizations that
bring together the FD with local communities under India’s Joint Forest Man-
agement program.The research was carried out in three villages with high forest
cover, because of the wide variety of non-timber forest products used by the
communities, their large sociocultural and ethnic diversity, high
UN Member States local dependency on forest resources and villagers’ willingness
are now charged with to participate in the research.
focusing on peasants Women and men participants from three villages actively en-
and rural workers in gaged in knowledge mapping activities. Participants found the
a different manner competitive angle of identifying which groups had most
than before. knowledge about the different topics identifies particularly
motivation. They were keen to complete the exercises even
when these took over 2 hours. Additionally, many participants from disadvan-
taged ethnic groups as well as illiterate and younger women explained that it
was their first experience speaking in front of a mixed gender and multi-ethnic
group in plenary. An elder woman from the Naik community in Salkani ex-
plained that, ‘this is the first time that most of us, both men and women, spoke
out in front of a group of people. Initially we were shy and hesitant, but after a
while it brought out confidence within and among us.’ Participants expressed
that bringing differentiated sets of knowledge together increased the knowledge
held individually and collectively, ensured that different perspectives could be
recognised and valued, and provided a more comprehensive picture of the
breadth of local knowledge on NFTs.

UNDROP – The UN declaration on the rights of peasants

Suggestions on how to move forward

These examples allude to both the advantages of working with differentiated
gender, age, cast and ethnic groups in a process of social learning that can enrich
policy and research agendas that respect the UN Declaration on the Rights of
Peasants and other People Working in Rural Areas as well as the challenges that
representation, consultation and participation imply. For those of us who ac-
knowledge the need for a development paradigm shift, these challenges will in-
clude questioning one’s own professional training and risking professional
credibility among those colleagues determined to remain part of the status quo.
The task at hand requires us to continue to facilitate actions being taken inter-
nationally as well as at state, regional, and community levels in a masterful inter-
disciplinary and inter-institutional effort. Specific actions require:

• Building institutional capacity to do gender-responsive participatory

research and consultation at all levels;

• Carrying out systematic consultation with organised rural people

and their representatives in policy design;

• Increasing access by women to land, information, educational services

and representation in community, regional and national organizations;

• Supporting the recognition and strengthening of community

organizations respecting their history and socio-cultural factors that
affect their processes and procedures for participation and

• Creating mechanisms whereby rural people can participate in

policy-making decisions;

• Protecting customary land rights and collective natural resource

management systems;

• Documenting and providing public recognition for traditional

knowledge relevant to the management of plant genetic resources;

• Increasing the distribution of the benefits from plant genetic resource

use among those who have generated and cared for them historically.

One of the most important challenges we face is to provide opportunities for

small farmers to have a significant voice at the table as we look for ways to de-
sign and implement policies that effectively bring us to more sustainable food
production for the future. In Peru last year, 32,000 small farmers made their
voice heard and the Congress passed a law recognising them as certified eco-
logical producers. One year later however, the law is yet to be implemented as

María E. Fernandez

larger and more powerful and uncertified farmers have been able to slow down
the process. Over the past ten years we have come a long way in building sup-
port for a more sustainable resource management agenda. We will need to find
better ways to allow the voices of smaller farmers, fisherfolk and indigenous
communities to be heard.

9 2012 Fernandez, M.E; (unpublished) Rome, Bioversity Internacional

María Fernandez was a member of the Scenario research group for the IAASTD.
She has been an Honorary Research Fellow at Bioversity International in Rome
and a Visiting Professor at the National University Rodriguez de Montoya in Ama-
zonas, Peru. María Fernandez is an independent consultant active with the Interna-
tional Support Group ( of which she is a founding
member. Her areas of special expertise include: stakeholder participation, gender
relations in agriculture and natural resource management.

Ben White & Jan Douwe van der Ploeg

Changing demographies and

smallholder futures
A vibrant, earth-friendly smallholder-based agriculture depends – among other
things – on the willingness of young rural men and women to take up the chal-
lenge of farming. In the past decade since IAASTD’s publication, three interre-
lated aspects of changing rural demographics have been a cause for concern in
relation to the prospects of smallholder-based farming futures.

The first is the ageing of farming populations, all over the world. In many coun-
tries (high, middle and low income) in a timespan of only three decades the
proportion of farmers under age 35 has halved while those aged 55 and over
have doubled. Second is the widely-reported aversion of today’s relatively well-
educated young rural men and women to farming futures. And third is these
young rural people’s increasing spatial and sectoral mobility (White, 2020).

Young people’s aversion to farming is often seen as a main cause of the rising
average age of farmers. But is it true that young people no longer have sufficient
interest in engaging in farming? This assumption is largely based on data con-
structed by state administrative systems (Ploeg, 2013), and
this can create its own problems. For example, there may be Over the past 30
many farms that are legally still owned by ‘an old patriarch’ years, the proportion
but which, in practice, have been already run for quite some of farmers under age
time by one or more of the children. In national statistics, such
farms appear to be run by an aged farmer without a succes-
35 has halved.
sor and doomed to disappear. Then there is the opposite
case, of the many young men and women who would like to start farming but
cannot get access to the land (Rete, 2012: 36), some of whom migrate else-
where in order to make their dream come true.They too do not appear in the
statistics. In summary, farms with youngsters and youngsters wanting to farm
are too often filtered out of statistics.

We also have to take into account that officially produced statistical trends are
averages, which can conceal important countertendencies. We will briefly discuss
here two such countertendencies. Organic agriculture, at least in the Northwest
of Europe, and perhaps also elsewhere, offers such a countertendency.The per-
centage of organic farms that pass to the next generation is nearly twice as
high as conventionally managed farms (Vijn, 2010: 22-23). Even more intriguing
is that a substantial number of organic farms give birth to two or more new

Ben White & Jan Douwe van der Ploeg

organic farms that are run by the children. This is easy to explain: on the whole
incomes are better in organic farms, debts are lower and the people involved
experience more joy and satisfaction in their jobs. However, all this escapes
from statistics.

Another countertendency resides in the so-called inflow. Mathematically, the de-

crease in the number of farmers is the aggregate of the outflow and the inflow:
the outflow represents the number of farmers who stop farming (and who are
not succeeded by one of their heirs) and the inflow is the number of people
who enter the sector and start farming. Census data give the difference be-
tween the two, but normally do not detail the specifics of
Twice as many organic either.
farms pass to the
There are a few, exceptional, data bases that allow us to
next generation than assess both the inflow and the outflow. These show intri-
conventional farms. guing tendencies and countertendencies (Ploeg, 2017). In
1980, the Netherlands had 71,426 farms with grazing ani-
mals. Ten years later this number had declined by 7,012 (i.e. circa 10%). This re-
duction was the net-result of an outflow of 16,353 farms and an inflow of 9,341.
If we only look at the net result, the overall reduction of 7,012 farms, this almost
automatically reaffirms the thesis that farms are inevitably disappearing. But a
closer look shows that there is a large inflow, more than the aggregate decline,
that includes young as well as elder people starting to build a farm. Studying
this inflow would generate, we believe, useful insights on how these people can
be supported in creating and further developing a farm.

Comparing levels of inflow in the Netherlands for different decades shows a

slowdown in this inflow. This evidently reflects changing institutional and eco-
nomic conditions. If incomes were higher, working hours less, regulations less
asphyxiating, and rural services better, the trend could probably be reversed.
Here again it applies that a careful empirical inquiry into these evolving condi-
tions and their interaction with the everyday life experiences of young people
could help to identify critical levers for change.

In surveys of rural youth aspirations in Asia, Africa and Latin America, when
young men and women are asked some form of the question “what would you
like to do when you grow up?”, they overwhelmingly mention secure, salaried
work while farming comes far down on the list. However, if the same surveys
ask “what would make farming an attractive option for you?” farming emerges
as a possible option – if land and inputs are available and if farming is at least
partly commercially oriented and combined with other income sources in plu-
riactive livelihoods. Young people’s desire for an economic existence indepen-
dent from their parents is strong, and they express a clear understanding of the
constraints which make access to land and to successful farming difficult, at least
while they are still young.

Update – Demographic Change

It is not surprising, then, that so many rural school-leavers opt for trajectories
of migration and non-farm work. But this is not necessarily a once-for-all, per-
manent decision. Many of today’s “young farmers” are in fact former out-mi-
grants who have then returned to the village and to farming (White, 2020: Ch. 5).

Global awareness of the economic, social and environmental advantages of

smallholder farming over industrial farming is evidenced by the UN’s Interna-
tional Year of the Family Farmer (2014) and the recent launching of the UN
Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028. “Putting family farming and all family-
based production models at the focus of interventions”, according to FAO, “will
contribute to a world free of hunger and poverty, where natural resources are
managed sustainably, and where no one is left behind” (FAO-IFAD, 2019: 8).
Most governments, however, have withdrawn more and
more from their role of supporting small-scale farmers Young people’s desire
and rural development generally (HLPE 2013), and contin- for an economic exis-
ue to give free rein to large-scale agribusiness ventures.
tence independent
A generationally sustainable revitalization of smallholder from their parents is
farming means recognizing rural youth not as instruments strong.
of development and growth (“human capital”), but as sub-
jects, actors and citizens. It means providing land and other agrarian resources
to young men and women would-be farmers while respecting the interests and
needs of the older generation. There are many examples of government and
NGO programmes aiming to promote the transfer of land between generations
(not necessarily between parents and children), or to provide young would-be
farmers with access to unused or public land at low cost (White, 2020: 131-2).
In Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement (MST), systems of collective tenure and
communal governance and explicit recognition of young people’s role in farming
have provided both economic and non-economic benefits for young people,
and improved the present and future livability of the Brazilian countryside (Gurr,
2017: 256).

Initiatives to support young farmers should include both, those from farming
backgrounds and newcomers, male and female, and should take into account
the characteristic patterns of youth trajectories today, especially their multidi-
rectional mobility and pluriactive livelihoods combining farm and non-farm in-
comes. This requires creative promotion of opportunities for young rural men
and women to engage in farming, and investment in infrastructures making rural
areas attractive places for young men and women to live and work.

Ben White & Jan Douwe van der Ploeg

FAO and IFAD, 2019. United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019–2028. Global Action Plan. Rome: Food
and Agricultural Organization of the UN, and International Fund for Agricultural Development.
Gurr, M., 2017. Limits of Liberation: Youth and Politics in Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement. PhD dissertation,
Syracuse University.
HLPE, 2013. Investing in Smallholder Agriculture for Food Security. Report by the High Level Panel of Experts on
Food Security and Nutrition. Rome: FAO, Committee on Food Security.
Ploeg, J.D. van der, 2013. The Virtual Farmer: Past, Present and Future of the Dutch Peasantry, Royal van Gorcum,
Assen, the Netherlands
Ploeg, J.D. van der, 2017. Differentiation: old controversies, new insights, The Journal of Peasant Studies, DOI:
Rete Rurale Nazionale, 2012, Young People's Perception of Rural Areas: A European Survey carried out in eight
Member States. Rome: MIPAAF
Vijn, M., 2010, Gezocht: opvolgerrs (m/v), Ook biologische en multifunctionele bedrijven hebben een tekort aan
opvolgers, EKOLAND 12-2010
White, B., 2020. Agriculture and the Generation Problem. Black Point: Fernwood Publishing and Rugby: Practical

Ben White is emeritus professor of Rural Sociology at the International Institute of

Social Studies, The Hague. His teaching and research focuses on agrarian change
and the anthropology and history of childhood and youth in rural areas. Recent
publications include Gender and Generation in Southeast Asian Commodity Booms
(Routledge, 2018) and Agriculture and the Generation Problem (Fernwood Publicati-
ons and Practical Action, 2020).

Jan Douwe van der Ploeg is professor emeritus of Rural Sociology at Wageningen
University in the Netherlands and adjunct professor in the sociology of agriculture
at the College of Humanities and Development Studies (COHD)of China Agricul-
tural University in Beijing. He specialized in the comparative analysis of rural devel-
opment processes. His recent publications include “The New Peasantries” (Rout-
ledge, 2018, second edition) and “Peasants and the Art of Farming” (Fernwood
Publishing, 2013).

10-Year Comparison

Area planted with GMOs


148 160 170 175 182 180 185 190

114 125 134
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Cropland planted with GMOs (in millions of hectares) Conventional crops

Global area planted with genetically modified crops (GMOs) in millions of hectares and as a percentage share of
total cropland (arable land and land under permanent cultures)

Keeping scale in perspective

Despite the hype and controversy about genetically modified crops, their importance on a global
scale remains limited and cultivation on a large scale takes place in just a few countries. The share of
the total cropland planted with genetically modified crops has increased only slightly over the past
decade, from 8% in 2007 to 12% in 2017. This equates to the total area planted with GM crops in-
creasing from 114.3 million hectares in 2007 to 189.8 million hectares in 2017. For 2018, biotech
lobby organization ISAAA, which provides the only publicly available global database on the adop-
tion of GMOs, reports a 1% increase to 191.7 million hectares. Just five countries accounted for
more than 90% of the entire area cultivated with GMOs: the United States planted 75 million hecta-
res of GM crops in 2018, followed by Brazil with 51.3 million hectares, Argentina (23.9m hectares),
and finally Canada and India with 12 million hectares respectively.

I International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA). Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM
Crops, editions 2007 to 2018 (ISAAA Brief 37-2007 to ISAAA Brief 54-2018: Executive Summaries).
2 FAOSTAT (2020). Data – Inputs – Land Use – Area – Arable land and Land under permanent crops

Kate Brauman & Bob Watson

Agriculture and biodiversity

In 2019, IPBES published its “Global Assessment report on Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services”1, the first global assessment of this kind in almost 15
years and the first ever carried out by an intergovernmental body. It iden-
tifies key drivers of change in nature, its societal implications and possible
actions that can be taken to address these changes.

Since the Intergovernmental Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology

for Development (IAASTD) was published ten years ago there has been a sig-
nificant increase in our scientific understanding of how agricultural practices
have affected biodiversity and how the loss of biodiversity is impacting agricul-
ture.The evidence is unequivocal that most agricultural practices are unsustain-
able and have been a major driver of the loss of terrestrial biodiversity (IPBES

Trends in nature’s contributions to people2 and how they are affected by bio-
diversity loss
People depend on nature, and while some core contributions of nature have
increased, the global assessment of IPBES found that most of nature’s contribu-
tions are in decline. Nature plays a critical role in providing
many material goods, and, since 1970, agricultural pro-
duction, fish harvest, bioenergy production and harvest of
materials have increased (IPBES 2019: 2.3.5). The value of
agricultural crop production, $2.6 trillion in 2016, has increa-
sed approximately threefold since 1970, and raw timber
harvest has increased by 45 per cent, reaching some 4 bil-
lion cubic meters in 2017, with the forestry industry provi-
ding about 13.2 million jobs (FAO 2019). In addition, nature,
through its ecological and evolutionary processes, sustains
the quality of the air, fresh water and soils on which huma-
nity depends, distributes fresh water, regulates the climate,
provides pollination and pest control and reduces the im-
pact of natural hazards (IPBES 2019: 2.3.1). However, most
of these regulating contributions of nature, as well as its non-
material contributions – inspiration and learning, physical and psychological ex-
periences, and supporting identities – are in decline (IPBES 2019: 2.3.5). Declines
in 14 of the 18 categories of nature’s contributions to people evaluated (Figure
1) indicate that gains in material contributions are often not sustainable. For
example, land degradation has reduced productivity in 23 per cent of the global

2019 IPBES Report
terrestrial area (IPBES 2018), and between $235 billion and $577 billion in an-
nual global crop output is at risk as a result of pollinator loss (IPBES 2016). Mo-
reover, declines in the diversity of nature reduce humanity’s ability to choose
alternatives in the face of an uncertain future.

Biodiversity is particularly important for agriculture, and declines in biodiversity

threaten agriculture in a variety of ways (IPBES 2019: For example,
more than 75 percent of global food crop types, including
fruits and vegetables and some of the most important cash
crops, such as coffee, cocoa and almonds, rely on animal pol- Land degradation has
lination (IPBES 2016). Globally, local varieties and breeds of reduced productivity
domesticated plants and animals are disappearing (IPBES in 23 per cent of the
2019: This loss of diversity in cultivated crops, crop
global terrestrial area.
wild relatives and domesticated breeds poses a serious risk
to global food security by undermining the resilience of many
agricultural systems to threats such as pests, pathogens and climate change.
Fewer and fewer varieties and breeds of plants and animals are being cultivated,
raised, traded and maintained around the world, despite many local efforts,
which include those by indigenous peoples and local communities (IPBES 2019:
2.2.4). By 2016, 559 of the 6,190 domesticated breeds of mammals used for
food and agriculture (over 9 per cent) had become extinct and at least 1,000
more are threatened (FAO 2016). In addition, the conservation status of wild
relatives of domesticated mammals and birds is worsening, and many crop wild
relatives that are important for long-term food security lack effective protection.

There are often trade-offs in the production and use of nature’s contributions
(IPBES 2019: 2.3.5). Giving priority to the production of food, feed, fiber and
bioenergy can result in ecological changes that reduce other contributions of
nature to quality of life, including regulation of air and water quality, climate reg-
ulation and habitat provision, as well as non-material contributions. Synergies
also exist, such as sustainable agricultural practices that en-
hance soil quality, thereby improving productivity and other
ecosystem functions and services such as carbon sequestra-
559 of the 6,190
tion and water quality regulation. In addition, benefits and bur- domesticated breeds
dens associated with the production and use of nature’s of mammals used for
contributions to people are often distributed unequally food and agriculture
across space and time and among different segments of so- (over 9 per cent) had
ciety, social groups, countries and regions. Some of these tra-
deoffs may benefit some people at the expense of others,
become extinct by
particularly the most vulnerable, as may changes in techno- 2016.
logical and institutional arrangements. For example, although
food production today is sufficient to satisfy global needs, approximately 11 per
cent of the world’s population is undernourished, and diet-related disease drives
20 per cent of premature mortality, related both to undernourishment and to
obesity (FAO 2017).

Kate Brauman & Bob Watson

Figure 1. Global trends in the capacity of nature to sustain contributions to good quality of life from 1970
to the present, which show a decline for 14 of the 18 categories analyzed. Data supporting global trends
and regional variations come from a systematic review of over 2,000 studies (IPBES 2019: For
many categories, two indicators are included that show different aspects of nature’s capacity to contribute
to human well-being. Figure from IPBES 2019 [1].

Agriculture and biodiversity

Most of nature’s contributions are co-produced with people, but while anthro-
pogenic assets – knowledge and institutions, technology, infrastructure and fi-
nancial capital – can enhance or partially replace some of those contributions,
some are irreplaceable (IPBES 2019: 2.3.2). Loss of diversity, such as phylogenetic
and functional diversity, can permanently reduce future options, such as wild
species that might be domesticated as new crops and be used for genetic im-
provement (IPBES 2019: People have created substitutes for some
contributions of nature, but many of these are imperfect or financially prohibitive
(IPBES 2019: 2.3.2). For example, high-quality drinking water can be achieved
either through ecosystems that filter pollutants or through human-engineered
water treatment facilities. Similarly, coastal flooding from storm surges can be
reduced either by coastal mangroves or by dikes and sea walls. In both cases,
however, built infrastructure can be extremely expensive, incur high future costs
and fail to provide synergistic benefits such as nursery habitats for edible fish or
recreational opportunities. More generally, human-made replacements often do
not provide the full range of benefits provided by nature.

Agriculture, biodiversity and climate change

Agriculture is a key driver of global changes in nature over the past 50 years, as
discussed in IAASTD (IAASTD 2009). The direct drivers of changes in nature
with the largest global impact have been (starting with those with most impact):
changes in land and sea use, including agriculture; direct exploitation of organ-
isms; climate change; pollution; and invasion of alien species (IPBES 2.2.6).Those
five direct drivers result from an array of underlying causes – the indirect drivers
of change – which are in turn underpinned by societal values and behaviors
that include production and consumption patterns, human population dynamics
and trends, trade, technological innovations and local through global governance
(IPBES 2019: 2.1).

The average per capita consumption of materials (e.g., plants, animals, fossil fuels,
ores, construction material) has risen by 15 per cent since 1980 (IPBES 2019:
2.1). Producing, consuming and disposing of these materials has generated un-
precedented impacts (IPBES 2019: 2.1): since 1980, greenhouse gas emissions
have doubled, raising average global temperatures by at least 0.7 degrees Cel-
sius, while plastic pollution in oceans has increased tenfold. Over 80 per cent of
global wastewater is being discharged back into the environment without treat-
ment, while 300–400 million tons of heavy metals, solvents, toxic sludge and
other wastes from industrial facilities are dumped into the world’s waters each
year. Excessive or inappropriate application of fertilizer can lead to run off from
fields and enter freshwater and coastal ecosystems, producing more than 400
hypoxic zones which affected a total area of more than 245,000 km2 as early
as 2008. The rate of change in the direct and indirect drivers differs among re-
gions and countries.

Kate Brauman & Bob Watson

While, globally, climate change has not been the most important driver of the
loss of biodiversity to date, it is projected to be as, or more, important than the
other drivers in the coming decades (IPBES 2019: 2.1.17). In addition, climate
change will interact with other drivers, exacerbating their impact. Climate change
adversely affects genetic variability, species richness and populations, and eco-
systems. In turn, loss of biodiversity can adversely affect climate, for example,
deforestation and conversion of grasslands and mangroves increases the atmos-
pheric abundance of carbon dioxide. Climate change, through changes in tem-
perature, precipitation and pests, also has an adverse impact on agricultural
production.Therefore, the issues of climate change, loss of biodiversity and agri-
culture must be addressed together.

Limiting human-induced climate change requires transitioning to a low-carbon

economy as rapidly as possible, and not just from the energy sector. It is critical
that agricultural emissions, particularly methane and nitrous oxide, are reduced.
It is equally critical that agricultural production becomes more climate resilient
by ensuring crops are more temperature, drought, salinity and pest resistant.

Potential solutions
We personally think that protecting and improving our environment is critical.
To do so, we must engage with a broad range of people, especially indigenous
and local communities. We need to understand how they are impacted and
develop adaptation strategies together. A technological fix imposed from above
is no solution. One key area we’re passionate about is changing the food system,
including removing agricultural subsidies, reducing food waste, and reconsidering
diets. In addition, making the agricultural sector both more climate friendly and
more climate resilient will be a huge challenge, and one we look forward to
seeing a diverse community take on.

Urgent and concerted efforts are needed to address the direct drivers together
with the root causes of nature deterioration, such as poor governance, unsus-
tainable economic systems, social inequalities, lack of cross-sectoral planning and
appropriate incentives, and unsustainable social narratives and values (IPBES
2019: 6).

Nature and the benefits it provides can be conserved, restored and used sus-
tainably while simultaneously meeting other global societal goals. Feeding hu-
manity and enhancing the conservation and sustainable use of nature are
complementary and closely interdependent goals that can be advanced through
sustainable agriculture, aquaculture and livestock systems, the safeguarding of
native species, varieties, breeds and habitats, and ecological restoration. Specific
actions include promoting sustainable agricultural practices, such as good agro-
ecological practices, multifunctional landscape planning and cross-sectoral in-
tegrated management that supports the conservation of genetic diversity and
associated agricultural biodiversity. Further actions to simultaneously achieve

Agriculture and biodiversity

food security and protect biodiversity are context-appropriate climate change

mitigation and adaptation actions that incorporate knowledge from various sys-
tems, including the sciences and sustainable indigenous and local practices.These
practices include avoiding food waste, providing storage and transport infra-
structure to limit post-harvest losses, empowering producers and consumers
to transform supply chains and facilitating sustainable and healthy dietary
choices. As part of integrated landscape planning and management, prompt
ecological restoration emphasizing the use of native species can offset current
degradation and save many endangered species, but it is less effective if delayed.

As noted earlier, there has been a world-wide decline in the populations and
diversity of wild pollinators and hence pollination services
(IPBES 2016).This has been accompanied by seasonal colony We are passionate
loss of western honey bees in some regions of the world. about changing the
Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy pollinator com-
food system, removing
munities through (i) agroecological farming practices, (ii)
strengthening existing diversified farming systems, and (iii) in- agricultural subsidies,
vesting in ecological in- frastructure by protecting, restoring reducing food waste,
and connecting patches of natural and semi-natural habitats and reconsidering
throughout productive agricultural landscapes.These need to diets.
be complemented by reducing the risk of lethal and non-let-
hal effects of pesticides, particularly insecticides such as neonicotinoids, on pol-
linators. This could be facilitated by the use of integrated pest management.
Honey bees need to be protected from a broad range of parasites, including
Varroa mites, by placing greater emphasis on hygiene and control of pathogens.

Another key set of key actions include steering away from the current limited
paradigm of economic growth and the use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
as a measure of economic growth to one which incorporates natural capital
into national accounting systems, recognizes both market, non-market and social
values of biodiversity in decision-making, eliminates harmful agricultural, energy
and transportation subsidies, provides incentives for sustainable production and
consumption, embraces a circular economy and recognizes the social costs of
environmental degradation.

Recognizing the knowledge, innovations and practices, institutions and values of

indigenous peoples and local communities, it is critical to ensure their inclusion
and participation in environmental governance. Doing so often enhances their
quality of life while promoting nature conservation, restoration and sustainable
use, which is relevant to broader society. Governance, including customary in-
stitutions and management systems and co-management regimes involving in-
digenous peoples and local communities, can be an effective way to safeguard
nature and its contributions to people, incorporating locally attuned manage-
ment systems and indigenous and local knowledge. The positive contributions
of indigenous peoples and local communities to sustainability can be facilitated

Kate Brauman & Bob Watson

through national recognition of land tenure, access and resource rights in accor-
dance with national legislation, the application of free, prior and informed consent,
improved collaboration, fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the
use of resources and co-management arrangements with local communities.

1 See at
2 The IPBES global assessment predominantly used the term “nature’s contributions to people,” which is more in-
clusive than the common term “ecosystem services”

IPBES, Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 2019. IPBES Secretariat: Bonn,
FAO, FAOSTAT Statistical Database, 2019. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
IPBES, Summary for policymakers of the assessment report on land degradation and restoration of the Intergovern-
mental Science- Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 2018. IPBES Secretariat: Bonn, Germany. p. 44.
IPBES, Summary for policymakers of the assessment report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services on pollinators, pollination and food production, 2016. IPBES Secretariat: Bonn,
FAO, Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture - Status
of Animal Genetic Resources, in Comission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 2016. Food and Agri-
culture Organization of the United Nations: Rome, Italy.
FAO, I., UNICEF, WFP and WHO; The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017. Building resilience
for peace and food security, 2017. FAO: Rome.
IAASTD, Agriculture at a Crossroads: Global Report, 2009. Island Press: Washington, DC.

Kate Brauman PhD. is the Lead Scientist for the Global Water Initiative at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment. Her research integrates hydrol-
ogy and land use with economics and policy to better understand how water use
by people affects the environment and our ability to live well in it. Dr. Brauman was
a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPBES Global Assessment.

Sir Robert Tony Watson’s career has included scientific advisor in OSTP, White
House; chief scientist, World Bank; chief scientific advisor, UK DEFRA; and strategic
director for the Tyndall Center, UEA, UK. He has chaired, co-chaired or directed the
WMO/UNEP stratospheric ozone depletion assessments, Global Biodiversity As-
sessment, MA, IPCC, IAASTD, and IPBES, and UK National Ecosystem Assessment
and its Follow-on.


Jack A. Heinemann

Assessment of modern biotechnologies

The IAASTD concluded that biotechnology was an essential part of transition-
ing agriculture from either subsistence or industrial (or other high input) to sus-
tainable and productive. Biotechnology refers to the manipulation of living
organisms through activities as diverse as breeding and fermentation to the use
of tissue culture, irradiation, genomics and genetic engineering. The significant
and ongoing contribution of biotechnology to the improved genetics and per-
formance of plants, animals and microorganisms used in agriculture has altered
the need for and type of inputs into agroecosystems, making enormous impacts
on both productivity and social structure.

The most contentious biotechnologies are of the category called ‘modern bio-
technology’.1 Modern biotechnologies including genetic engineering have made
profound contributions to fundamental genetic science and medicine, at least
as a research tool. However, in agriculture in particular, there
has been a large scale although globally asymmetric adoption Most traits of agri-
of GMOs, almost exclusively plants, too. cultural importance
are multigenic. For
The use of GM plants in agriculture remains a small propor-
tion of world agriculture and a minority proportion of the
example, drought
agriculture in all countries except for a few in South America. stress changed
Adoption of GM agriculture globally as well as the number expression of over
of GM plants that are commercially available, has increased 10,000 genes in
in the last decade, but modestly. In some places, it has also sorghum plants.
disappeared. The assessment of the IAASTD was that such
forms of modern biotechnology were highly specialised.This made them of lim-
ited value to small-scale farmers especially in developing countries, and these
are the farmers that are the major food producers.

The IAASTD acknowledged that prevailing GM plants had benefits. However,

these were mainly observed when comparing their use to other high input
mainly monoculture agroecosystems and ongoing uncertainties of sustainability
and safety confined their adoption to mainly commodity crop plants for indus-
trial systems of feed, fuel and fibre and mainly countries in the Americas with
large commodity crop monocultures and short or no rotation cycles.

Meanwhile, newer tools of gene technology have become available.These tools

include, among others, regulatory RNA molecules, site-directed nucleases
(SDN) and chemical and mechanical vectors that efficiently transport RNA,
DNA and protein molecules into cells and organisms.

Jack A. Heinemann

Regulatory RNA
Regulatory RNA molecules alter the expression of genes. The most common
type of regulatory RNA molecule is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Nearly
all organisms so far tested use dsRNA gene regulatory pathways. In eukaryotic
organisms, such as fungi, plants and animals, dsRNA molecules cause RNA in-
terference (RNAi). Most often this causes gene silencing. RNAi may be reversed
within a generation, or in some cases leads to intergenerational effects (Heine-
mann 2019).

New regulatory RNAs may be introduced into an organism by introducing into

a cell a fragment of DNA that is transcribed within the organism with the re-
sulting product forming a dsRNA. This strategy is the same as creating GMOs
using recombinant DNA techniques. The first such commercial pesticidal plant
has been approved for use in the United States. In addition, new chemistries
and mechanical methods in research and pre-commercial stages allow the
dsRNA to be directly introduced into cells or organisms at concentrations that
are sufficient to initiate RNAi in the exposed organism or cause dsRNA-me-
diated epigenetic changes that are intergenerational (Heinemann 2019).

Site-directed nucleases
SDNs are commonly known for procedures referred to as gene/genome edit-
ing. SDNs have the potential to increase the rate at which intended modifica-
tions are created at intended locations. SDNs such as ZFNs or TALENs may be
constructed to recognise a target sequence of nucleotides in a DNA or RNA
molecule, or as in the case of CRISPR/Cas, the SDN recognises its target using
an oligonucleotide (DNA or RNA) co-factor.

SDNs may be used to break the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides

in DNA, resulting in the initiation of repair of the damage and a high rate of
mutation at the repair site. The outcome may be a change as small as a single
nucleotide substitution to as large as a significant deletion or insertion of new
nucleotide sequences. The repair mechanisms may make use of any available
DNA to repair the damage, resulting in insertion of intended fragments of DNA
or DNA from other sources, such as contaminants in the reagents (Ono et al.

Genome editing techniques are not new (Itakura and Riggs 1980), but the SDNs
have made it possible to apply the techniques to a wider range of species with
a greater target flexibility. Applied as an engineered gene drive, an SDN has a
level of automation that was not available to earlier tools.

Environmental transformation technologies

Gene technologies are inseparable from the technologies that move nucleic
acids, such as dsRNA and guide oligonucleotides for SDNs, and sometimes pro-
teins, such as SDNs, into cells and organisms.The flexibility and proposed power

Update – Assessment of modern biotechnologies

behind the capacity to alter traits using RNA and SDNs comes from a codeve-
loping revolution in chemistry and mechanical manipulation that increases the
scale of application. The technology for transferring RNA, DNA and proteins
into living tissues and cells has advanced to the stage where genetic engineering
can now be done using topical or “spray-on” agents at landscape scales, with
rapid repeat exposures or manipulation of multiple targets (for a large list of
examples, see Heinemann and Walker 2019).

Fundamentally, the IAASTD saw that the contribution of modern biotechnolo-
gies to agriculture was out of balance with approaches that emphasised the
multifunctionality of the agroecosystem. The new capacities also have not elim-
inated socio-economic, environmental or human health concerns, though they
may shift the risk to hazards that have not been considered for older products
(CBD 2017).

It is unlikely that the new modern biotechnology tools that have become more
widely available for commercial deployment in agriculture will significantly alter
the conclusions of the IAASTD. Core choices made by developed economies
to increasingly devolve research and development to the private sector, and
therefore to the structures and incentives that drive the private sector (Quist
et al. 2013), are expected to groom applications of these new tools in the same
way as the previous ones. The ultimate market concentration that results, re-
duces options for agriculture in both developed and developing countries be-
cause modern biotechnology has mainly served green revolution-type demands
on breeding to fit high input and uniform agroecosystems.

There is no convincing evidence that the new generation of tools will change
the role of modern biotechnology. However, some of the advances in related
technologies, such as in “omics technologies” used to survey the changes intro-
duced into organisms made using gene technologies, could help to advance
characterisation of GMOs intended for use in the environment (NASEM 2016).
The traits that are being developed for commercial release so far are either
minor variants (e.g. non-browning apple and potato) or relevant to pesticide
use (e.g. environmental transformation technologies). The interest in applying
the techniques to improved nitrogen fixation in non-legumes, drought and other
abiotic stress tolerances and climate change mitigation through animal genetics
is high, but the evidence of significant progress is no greater than with the re-
combinant DNA techniques.

The underlying challenge to accelerating trait development through gene tech-

nology is that most traits of primary agricultural importance are multigenic
and/or quantitative and responsive to the environment. For example, expression
of over 10,000 genes, >40% of the genome, changed when sorghum plants
were drought stressed (Varoquaux et al. 2019).The change is dynamic, occurring

Jack A. Heinemann

at time scales of only days. Moreover, the changing environmental conditions

alter the associated microbiota (Xu et al. 2018). Even though the new tools can
be applied to multiple targets at once, or applied in serial applications or in the
environment on multiple species simultaneously, they do not have the ability to
cause the intended and only intended changes in the function
It is unlikely that the and expression of many genes in crops and livestock at rele-
new modern biotech- vant time scales, much less the genes of the many microor-
ganisms associated with them.
nology tools will
significantly alter the Breeding is a foundational tool for agriculture that can be as-
conclusions of the sisted by the tools of modern biotechnology without relying
IAASTD. upon GMOs (Gilbert 2016). Breeding alone does not ad-
dress the diversity of needs of farmers, especially subsistence
farmers who may use modern elite varieties but have lower yields because of
the environmental, social and economic constraints on them and their agroeco-
systems (Leakey 2019).While maximising potential yield is often the focus of
discussions on biotechnology, social and environmental constraints determine
actual yield in farmers’ fields (Leakey 2019).The multifunctionality of agriculture
requires policy approaches that also address poverty and livelihoods reaffirming
the IAASTD conclusion that an integrated agroecological approach is the most
promising for climate change mitigation and improving sustainability.

CRISPR Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
dsRNA double-stranded RNA
GM Genetically Modified
GMO(s) Genetically Modified Organism(s)
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
RNA Ribonucleic Acid
RNAi RNA interference
SDN Site Directed Nuclease
TALEN(s) Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nuclease(s)
ZFN Zinc Finger Nuclease

Update – Assessment of modern biotechnologies

1 For definitions please refer to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and Codex

CBD. Report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology, 2017. in: UNEP, ed; 2017. At:
Gilbert, N., 2016. Frugal farming. Nature 2016; 533:308-310
Heinemann, J.A., 2019. Should dsRNA treatments applied in outdoor environments be regulated? Environ Int
Heinemann, J.A.,and Walker, S., 2019. Environmentally applied nucleic acids and proteins for purposes of enginee-
ring changes to genes and other genetic material. Biosafety Health 2019;1:113-123
Itakura, K. and Riggs, A.D., 1980. Chemical DNA synthesis and recombinant DNA studies. Science 1980;
Leakey, R.R.B., 2019. From ethnobotany to mainstream agriculture: socially modified Cinderella species capturing
‘trade-ons’ for ‘land maxing’. Planta 2019; 250: 949-970
NASEM, 2016. Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects. Washington, DC: The National Acade-
mies Press
Ono, R., Yasuhiko, Y., Aisaki, K.I., Kitajima, S., Kanno, J. and Hirabayashi, Y., 2019. Exosome-mediated horizontal gene
transfer occurs in double-strand break repair during genome editing. Commun Biol 2019; 2:57
Quist, D., Heinemann, J.A., Myhr, A.I., Aslaksen, J., Funtowicz, S., 2013. Hungry for innovation in a world of food:
Pathways from GM crops to agroecology. in: Gee D., ed. Late Lessons from Early Warnings: Science, Precaution
and Innovation. Copenhagen: EEA
Varoquaux, N., Cole, B., Gao, C. et al., 2019. Transcriptomic analysis of field-droughted sorghum from seedling to
maturity reveals biotic and metabolic responses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019;116:27124-27132
Xu, L., Naylor, D., Dong, Z. et al., 2018. Drought delays development of the sorghum root microbiome and enri-
ches for monoderm bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018; 115:E4284-E4293

Jack A. Heinemann is Professor of genetics and molecular biology in the School of

Biological Sciences, Director of the Centre for Integrated Research in Biosafety at
the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. BSc University of Wisconsin-Madison;
PhD University of Oregon (1989). Over 140 scholarly publications. ICAAC Young
Investigator Award from the American Society for Microbiology (1993) and the
New Zealand Association of Scientists Research Medal (2002).

Marie de Lattre-Gasquet

Land use and food security in 2050:

a narrow road – Agrimonde-Terra
In 2018 CIRAD, a French research centre working with developing coun-
tries to tackle international agricultural and development issues and INRA,
the French public research institute dedicated to agricultural science,
launched a foresight process relating to ’land use and food security in
2050’, called Agrimonde-Terra1. This process mobilized around 80 inter-
national experts in thematic workshops, and a Scenario Advisory Com-
mittee to explore the complex interactions between land use and food
and nutrition security. Five scenarios for 14 world regions were produced,
drawing lessons on land use and food security and making a range of policy

Agrimonde-Terra is now a tool for dialogue and learning for use by decision-
makers, food producers, non-governmental organizations and researchers. By
using the Agrimonde-Terra method, scenarios for land use and food security in
Tunisia2 were successfully prepared and, following this, on-going trends relative
to land use in sub-Saharan Africa3 have been identified.

Scenarios: changes in land use and their consequences for

food security

The first scenario “Land use driven by metropolization”

(Metropolization) links the development of megacities at a
global level with a nutrition transition led by global agri-food
companies selling ultra-processed foods. This scenario is
seen in a global context of development through market
forces and rapid climate change, leading to the marginaliza-
tion of small farmers.

The second scenario “Land use for regional food systems”

(Regionalization) relates to the increase of medium-size cities and their net-
working with rural areas to the emergence of regional food systems.These sys-
tems are based on family farming and traditional foods, and a set of regional

2018 Agrimonde-Terra
The third scenario “Land use for multi-active and mobile households” (House-
holds) links strong individual mobility between rural and urban areas and the
development of farm and off-farm employment, to the emergence of hybrid
diets. This scenario is based on traditional and modern value chains in a globa-
lized world, where family farms and cooperatives are major actors in land use.

The fourth scenario “Land use for food quality and healthy nutrition” (Healthy)
assumes that due to the increasing cost of malnutrition, a radical move towards
healthy diets occurs. This move is fueled by global cooperation and public poli-
cies in the context of climate change stabilization and implies that there is a re-
configuration of the agricultural system which is backed by new alliances
between stakeholders.

The fifth scenario “Land as commons for rural communities in a fragmented

world” (Communities) assumes that in a context of repeated multiple crises,
development based on small towns and rural communities occurs.This focus is
then placed on managing common property in agriculture in order to ensure
food security.

The scenarios listed above do not have the same consequences on the five di-
mensions of land use (listed below) nor on the availability of food. A comparison
between them therefore helps to draw lessons for the future.

Lessons learnt include the point that unless there is a major increase in the eco-
nomic and social performance of food systems in some regions, notably in India
and sub-Saharan Africa, ensuring world food availability in 2050 will involve ex-
panding the world’s agricultural land area to the detriment of forest areas, with
major differences between scenarios. It also demonstrates that trade of agri-
cultural products will play a key role in improving world food
access in 2050, and that increasing food and nutritional di- To achieve healthier
versity towards healthier diets in 2050, while limiting agricul-
diets in 2050, more
tural land expansion and deforestation will require greater
diversification in cropping and livestock systems. diverse cropping and
livestock systems are
At least two scenarios are clearly not able to ensure sustai- needed.
nable world food and nutrition security in 2050: the first “Me-
tropolization” scenario and the fifth “Communities” scenario. Furthermore, two
scenarios have ambiguous results: the “Regionalization” and the “Households”
scenarios. Only the “Healthy” scenario seems likely to be able to meet the ob-
jective of world food and nutrition security in 2050 (reducing not only overnu-
trition and related diseases, but also undernutrition). This could be achieved at
the cost of a limited expansion in agricultural land area at the world level. Ho-
wever, in this scenario, there are potential tensions between the objectives of
food security and climate change stabilization, unless agroforestry and farming
practices relating to agroecology and sustainable intensification are adopted.

Marie de Lattre-Gasquet

Main novelties of Agrimonde-Terra

- The five complementary and interlinked dimensions of land use: agronomic
potential, access to land, degree of intensity of land use, distribution of land be-
tween different uses and services provided by land. They impact the four di-
mensions of food and nutrition security at different scales ranging from the
household to global level.

- The variety of alternative assumptions for 2050 for the direct drivers (urban-
rural relationships, farm structures, cropping systems, livestock systems and
forest systems) and the external drivers (global context, food diets, and climate
change) of land use change, the five scenarios and the method for building
them. Three scenarios (Metropolization, Regionalization and Households) are
based on current competing trends identified in most regions of the world.Two
scenarios involve potential breaks that could change the entire land use and
food security system (Communities and Healthy).

- The quantitative assessment of the scenarios with the GlobAgri-AgT biomass

balance model. Land-use changes as well as changes in domestic production
and international trade of each agri-food product in each region between the
initial situation and 2050 are the outputs of the model and they are used to as-
sess the ability of each scenario to ensure world food availability: agricultural
land area expansion and deforestation suggest increased tensions over land,
which in turn put into question the food availability equation at the world and
regional level.

- The identification of levers and policy recommendations: Changing the

course of ongoing trends will require systemic transformation, strong and co-
herent public policies across sectors and scales, and consistent actions from a
wide range of actors.

The healthy scenario combines ideas promoted by IAASTD

The triggering element of the Healthy scenario are the costs associated with
diet-related non-communicable diseases and the consequences of malnutrition
on public health. Policy measures to shift consumption patterns to healthier
diets are aligned with international measures to fight climate change. Global soil
improvement policies lead to the rehabilitation of degraded land for agricultural
use and carbon storage. National states and urban authorities shaped more in-
clusive development processes linking rural to metropolitan areas, improving
transport and communication infrastructures, land planning and favoring efficient
food value chains.

Getting healthy food requires certain types of cropping systems. These include
sustainable intensification (i.e. intensification of production combined with the
reduction of environmental impacts, input substitution or maximizing input ef-
ficiency thanks to new technologies) and/or agroecology. In addition, specific

Land use and food security in 2050

types of livestock systems (i.e. agroecological livestock in synergy with agriculture

and urbanization, and livestock on marginal land) and farming structures (co-
operatives, and resilient farms embedded in urban processes) are key.

Nutrition and health, meat consumption

Food diets are the results of food transition patterns, in terms of the types of
products consumed, food supply chains, government food policies, and health
issues, notably over nutrition and undernutrition.Two assumptions on the futures
of diets are based on increased consumption of animal products (Transition to
diets based on ultra-processed products, and Transition to diets based on animal
products with a shift from ruminant meat to poultry); in two assumptions
(“Healthy diet based on food diversity”, and “Regional diversity of diets and
food systems”), there is a reduction in meat consumption, except in Africa and
India where current level of consumption is below WHO recommendations.

Quantitative hypotheses induce very different changes in food diets from 2010
to 2050 across the regions (see figure below). In India and eastern, central and
southern Africa (ECS Africa), all pathways involve an increase in the daily calorie
availability per capita. As a sharp increase in population is also expected in both
regions (especially in ECS Africa), this means that food consumption will increase
significantly under all pathways. In addition, all pathways result in a rise in the
share of animal products in diets (meat, dairy and eggs).

Food diets in 2010 (initial) and in 2050 under the different food diet pathways in various eastern, central
and southern (ECS) Africa and in West Africa.4

Marie de Lattre-Gasquet

Industrial agriculture and small scale farming, land grabbing, multi-functionality,

IAASTD debunks the myth that industrial agriculture is superior to small-scale
farming in economic, social and ecological terms and argues for a recognition
of the pivotal role that small-scale farmers play in feeding the world population.
Based on analysis of past and on-going trends, Agrimonde-Terra considers the
situation is more complex, and has identified six pathways for farm structures.
The first one is considered “industrial agriculture” and named “Hit-and-run agro-
investments”, i.e. large agro-projects raising financial funds, hiring labor and farm-
land, renting or grabbing land. Small and family farming can be varied. They can
be: “Independent farms commercially dependent”, i.e. small or large scale family
farms contracting with industrial enterprises for collection, processing and mar-
keting of standardized products; “Farms producing goods and services to sur-
rounding communities”, “Agricultural cooperatives emphasizing quality”,
“Resilient farms embedded in urban processes”, and “Marginalized farms for
livelihood survival.

For each scenario of Agrimonde-Terra, consequences of land use on ecosystem

services have been appraised. Multi-functionality is one of the services provided
by land in the “Communities” scenario. There is collective land management to
increase the services land provides. The focus is placed on
Agroforestry and the multifunctional nature of the territory, with land contri-
farming practices that buting to the supply of biomass for energy, animal feed and
improve carbon stor- materials, and foodstuffs, based on a reinforcement of biodi-
age and soil quality versity in the territory.The regulating and cultural services of
the ecosystem are also enhanced. In certain regions, farmers
can provide healthy receive payments for the non-production services they pro-
diets and mitigate vide.
climate change at the
same time. IAASTD and Agrimonde-Terra insist on respecting the basic
rights of women, especially in rural areas in Asia and Africa.
Analysis of past and on-going trends shows that the situation of women is par-
ticularly bad as far as access to land is concerned. The worrying situation of
women in labor (lower salaries), in economic and social decision-making pro-
cesses, etc. is underlined.

Climate, energy, agrofuels, bioenergy

Like IAASTD, Agrimonde-Terra considers that climate change is a driver of
land use change.The “Healthy” scenario involves strong commitment to mitigate
climate change, which requires healthy diets based on food diversity and lower
meat consumption in some regions, carbon storage in soils, the production of
renewable energy and the maintenance of world forest cover. There are po-
tential tensions between the objectives of food security and climate change sta-
bilization, because of increased competition for land between agricultural and
forestry uses. Agroforestry and farming practices that contribute to improved

Land use and food security in 2050

soil quality and the storage of organic carbon in soils (thus yield potentials)
could be very interesting options in this case, since they simultaneously work
towards the objectives of food security and climate change stabilization.

Agroecology and sustainable intensification

Agroecology is one of the four hypotheses for the future of cropping systems.
It is essentially based on the diversification of crops (including agroforestry)
and/or the coupling of crops and livestock, which most often requires a com-
plete redesign of the production system. Yield levels will depend on the char-
acteristics of these systems, which are highly diverse. Sustainable intensification
is another type of cropping system that can lead to the Healthy scenario.

Food sovereignty, trade and markets, food speculation

In Agrimonde-Terra, the “Regionalization” scenario is based on a political and
economic context of regionalization: states join in large regional blocs to face
financial crises, unemployment, pollution, high rates of non-communicable diet-
related diseases together; they apply a principle of “food sovereignty and sub-
sidiarity” at the regional bloc’s level based on regional food supplies, supported
by businesses and civil society organizations. In this scenario, import coefficients
of regions are exogenously reduced in order to figure out the inter-regional
trade impact of the development of supranational regional blocks as well as the
implementation of the ’food sovereignty and subsidiarity’ principle.

In the future, one of the key options for public policy will be to discuss the
global organization of trade due to recent important changes increased inter-
national trading of agricultural and food products, new financial actors and in-
termediaries, new transport routes and harbors, new norms and standards,
spreading of pests and diseases, etc.

My most keenly desired policy change

I wish that policy makers, in tandem with a range of actors including. producers,
consumers and civil society organizations, education and research institutions
and businesses would develop a common, integral and integrating vision for
their country, that fits their responsibilities in facing global challenges.

Preparing this vision would help policy-makers transcend on-going paradigms

and make them consider “the future as something that we create or build, rather
than as something already decided”5. The discussions and work necessary to
develop a new vision would contribute to changing and empowering individuals
as well as groups. It would also help to develop an awareness of their past and
their present situation, offering a better understanding of the system and its
complexity, and a clear description of what they want.

There is no given pathway to food and nutrition security while simultaneously

addressing other major challenges, notably climate change, biodiversity preser-

Marie de Lattre-Gasquet

vation and energy transition. The scope of the challenge is complex, with many
overlapping and interlinked issues that cut across sectors, territories and actors;
changing the course of ongoing trends requires systemic transformation, public
policies and consistent action from a wide range of actors. It requires a common
vision. There are a number of on-going initiatives at territorial or national levels
that support this vision, policy-makers must listen to these and take them into

1 Le Mouël C., de Lattre-Gasquet M., Mora O. (eds) (2018), “Land Use and Food Security in 2050: a Narrow
Road”, Agrimonde-Terra, Ed. Quae,
2 de Lattre-Gasquet M, Moreau C, Elloumi M, Ben Becher L. 2017.Vers un scénario « Des usages agro-écologiques
des terres pour une alimentation diversifiée et de qualité et un système alimentaire territorialisé » en Tunisie en
2050. OCL 24(3): D306.
3 See chapter 15 and de Lattre-Gasquet M. et Giordano T., 2019. Quelles perspectives pour l’agriculture et la sé-
curité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne en 2050? Réalités Industrielles, août 2019, p. 50-56.
4 Source: Le Mouël et al., 2018, Figure A2.1, p.387-388
5 de Jouvenel H., 2004. An invitation to foresight. Futuribles, Paris, 90 p.

Marie de Lattre-Gasquet is a researcher at CIRAD and was previously advisor for

strategic foresight. Starting her career at ISNAR she joined CIRAD in 1988. She
was a coordinating lead author during the IAASTD project, participated in the
working groups and committees of the CGIAR, Agropolis, IFS, the EC, and is now
vice-chair of Futuribles International. She has also worked at the French National
Research Agency (ANR) and the CGIAR system office. Marie holds an MBA and a
PhD in management and economics.


Frédéric Lançon

Urbanization and the effects on

agriculture and food security
Historically, urbanization has been associated with the consumption side of the
food system, while rural areas have been viewed as the suppliers of food prod-
ucts. Urban and rural areas have also traditionally been seen as competitors for
the allocation of human resources (labour) and natural resources (land, water).

In terms of food security, this spatial dichotomy was emphasized by a rapid

growth of the urban population in low-income countries, particularly in Sub-
Saharan regions. This generated a recurrent food dependency of low-income
countries on the international food trade.The globalization process of the food
systems during the late nineties and early two thousands, including the upgrading
and expansion of global food value chains (“the supermarket revolution”) can
be seen as the materialization of this food dependency. The 2008 food price
surge demonstrated the inherent social and political risks “(i.e. hunger riots”)
of food market globalization, which in turn triggered the need for a change of
the “globalization narrative” and the food policy agenda.

The formulation of a new narrative to understand how urbanization processes

interplay with food security requires us to critically review the conventional
analytical ‘rural area versus city’ framework in relation to
how food systems function. In low-incomefood
deficit countries, only
Deeper analysis suggest that food systems are not structu- 33% of the population
red along a supposed rural-urban divide, but on the con- is urban.
trary include interactions that are far more complex. Urban
diets include a wide range of imported and locally produced food and meals,
often consumed outside the home for convenience. The share of imported
food in urban consumer’s diets is not necessarily determined by income level.
Poor consumers can purchase imported or industrial processed food, while
better off urbanites can also consume traditional dishes made from local pro-

In relation to the urbanization process, at the global scale, since 2006 more than
50 % of the world’s population now live in urban areas, however this percentage
remains lower in poorer countries. For instance, in low-income food deficit
countries, only 33% of the population is urban, underlining the point that the
urbanization rate is not the only determinant of food dependency. It also shows

Frédéric Lançon

that the urban transition is far from complete in poorer countries and that the
pressure from urban food demand on both rural supply and import will further
expand in the coming decade.

Regarding competition between rural and urban areas for labour, it should also
be emphasized that migration is no longer the major driver of the urbanization
process. Urbanization is mostly fueled by natural urban population growth (i.e.
most urbanites are born in cities). Conversely, rural-urban migration does not
lead to a decline of rural populations; in sub-Saharan Africa,
On average 50% of rural populations will continue to increase until the middle
staples consumed in of the century.
rural areas in West
Africa are purchased. An on-going rural population increase will result in both high-
er requirements in rural employment (which can be genera-
ted by food production), and in additional food demands within these rural
areas. Another counterintuitive dimension of the food system in a rural-urban
perspective is that a high share of rural food consumption is purchased from
food markets and not produced and consumed within the household. In West
Africa Expenditure and Consumption surveys indicate that on average 50% of
staples (cereals and tubers) consumed in rural areas are purchased, the share
is even higher for meat products (75%).

Urban food supply combines a number of food chains that source food either
from imports or from the rural hinterland. While imported food chains are
often governed by large scale corporations using formal retailing networks (su-
permarkets), local food chains rely on smaller scale trading and labor-intensive
processing entities that are often informal. Small scale informal trade and food
street vendors play a key role in mitigating “food deserts” in fast growing mar-
ginal and poor urban areas where formal food retailing networks are absent.
This ensures better access to the food supply for vulnerable populations.

Local food chains play a strategic role in linking rural areas to urban consumers,
ensuring job opportunities along the whole chain. The densification of rural
areas support the emergence of secondary urban centers which also, in turn,
play a critical role in the organization of the local food chain hubs through the
provision of services to traders and processors.

At the global level, the urbanization process is clearly marked by the increasing
share of large cities; in 1950 60% of the urban population were living in cities
with less than 300 000 inhabitants, in 2020 this share declined to 40%, while
13% of urbanites are now living in megapolis of more than 10 million inhabitants.
However, in low income countries, the urban population living in smaller cities
still represent 50 % of the total urban population. In Sub-Saharan Africa in 2000,
100 million urbanites lived in cities with less than 300 000 habitants, by 2020
this figure had increased to 218 million. Food chain intermediaries, often based

Update – Urbanization and food security

in these smaller urban centres, contribute to the transformation of agriculture

through investment in production (investment in land, technical innovation) in
order to adapt their food sourcing to their client requirements.

In conclusion, urbanization processes are not a constraint for strengthening food

security but rather a source of agricultural transformation and dynamism that
support food production.

Fox, S., 2017. Neglected drivers of urbanisation in Africa. International Growth Centre Blog.
Bricas, N., Tchamda, C., and Mouton, F., 2016. L'Afrique à la conquête de son marché alimentaire intérieur. Enseig-
nements de dix ans d'enquêtes auprès des ménages d'Afrique de l'Ouest, du Cameroun et du Tchad. AFD.
Mora, O., Lançon, F., and Aubert, F., 2018. 9. Urbanization, Rural Transformation and Future Urban-Rural Linkages.
Land Use and Food Security in 2050: a Narrow Road, 138.
Moriconi-Ebrard, F., Harre, D., and Heinrigs, P., 2016. Urbanisation Dynamics in West Africa 1950-2010: Africapolis
I, 2015 Update. OECD Publishing.
Tacoli, C., and Vorley, B., 2015. Reframing the debate on urbanisation, rural transformation and food security. IIED
United Nation, World Urbanization Prospects, 2018. At:

Frédéric Lançon is an economist at CIRAD (Agricultural Research Centre for Inter-

national Development) investigating how local food value chains supplying urban
markets in less developed countries can compete within the globalization process of
food systems. Frédéric has carried out extensive research and numerous consultan-
cies, in partnership with national authorities and international development instituti-
ons in West Africa and South-East Asia, on a variety of food chain processes,
particularly on rice.

10-Year Comparison

12.1% 12.4%
11.4% 11.7%

2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Share of obesity in adult population worldwide

Prevalence of obesity among adults (both sexes) worldwide in per cent. According to the WHO definition, a per-
son with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 is considered obese. BMI is calculated by weight
in kilograms divided by height in metres squared.

Overflowing plates and growing bellies – an escalating crisis

In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults or 39% of all people aged 18 years and older were classified as
overweight, 650 million of whom were obese. The worldwide prevalence of obesity nearly tripled
between 1975 and 2016. Among the main causes of excess weight are the increasing intake of
foods high in saturated fats, salt and sugar coupled with lack of physical activity. Being overweight and
obese was once considered a problem of high-income countries, but rates are now also on the rise
in low- and middle-income countries. It is common to find undernutrition and obesity co-existing
within the same country, the same community or even the same household. And the outlook for the
next generation of adults is bleak: Over 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 were over-
weight or obese in 2016. The prevalence of the overweight and obese in this age group has risen
dramatically from 4% in 1975 to over 18% in 2016.

1 WHO World Health Organisation (2017). Global Health Observatory data repository: Prevalence of obesity among adults,
BMI >_30, crude. Estimates by WHO region.
2 WHO World Health Organisation (2020). Obesity and overweight: Key facts. Updated 3 March 2020.


Anita Idel

The vast potential of sustainable grazing

Next to forest, grassland is the largest biome on our planet, covering about 40
% of vegetated land surface. Of all agricultural land worldwide, one third is crop-
land and two thirds are grassland. Richard Conant from Colorado State Uni-
versity emphasizes in a Technical Report for the FAO the soil fertility of steppe
grassland: “Good grassland management can potentially reverse historical soil
carbon losses and sequester substantial amounts of carbon in soils.” According
to global estimates by the FAO, grassland soil stores 50 % more carbon than
forest soil (Conant 2010; Dass et al 2018).

This is because grassland has a different growth dynamic compared to forests.

Trees store most of the absorbed carbon in their own biomass, mostly in the
wood above ground. What we see above ground is the result of many years
and even centuries. Grasses, however, store most of the absorbed carbon not
in their own biomass. Due to the co-evolution of million years, grasses need
the bite as growing impulse (what we can imitate by mowing). What we see
above ground is only the result of a few months of growth, at most. Grasses
store most of the absorbed carbon in the soil as the dominating part of soil
organic matter (humus). As 1 tonne of humus contains more than 50 percent
carbon, it relieves the atmosphere of about 1,8 tonnes CO2 (Idel 2020).1

Globally, grazing is as important for non-arable land as it is for the world’s ex-
tremely fertile bread baskets: “Savanna, steppe, prairie, or pampas: They're all
grasslands, the globe's most agriculturally useful habitats”
(Nunez 2020). According to global
estimates, grassland
Discussing soil fertility, most scientists are not aware of the soil stores 50 % more
common origin of these areas:The extremely fertile (former)
carbon than forest soil
grass plains on our planet with black chernozem soils are
steppes which developed through the co-evolution of grasses worldwide.
and grazing animals. Grazing induces a growing impulse in grasses.These possess
huge amounts of fine roots and a root-shoot-ratio from 2-20 to 1. That’s why
the resulting carbon storage is mostly root-derived (Bakker et al. 2013). The
roots of today are the soil organic matter of tomorrow.

The black soils of the North American prairies, the Ukraine grasslands, the Hun-
garian Puszta, the Baragan Steppe in Romania as well as those in Kazakhstan,
Mongolia and China (Manchuria) or the subtropical Pampas in Argentina and
Uruguay not only all have high fertility, but also have the same origin by grazing.
A high share of mineral loess loam was a good precondition for the develop-

Anita Idel

ment of soil organic matter, but it became stimulated from above – through

Grassland provides the livelihood for one tenth of the world’s population. The
FAO estimates, that for 100 million people in dry regions and probably another
100 million people in other regions, grazing animals are the only available income
source (FAO 2020). ”Mobile pastoralists (…) may also offer
The ecological poten- one of the greatest hopes for mitigating climate change“
tial of grazing animals (Davis and Nori 2008).
found little reflection
in the IAASTD reports. The IAASTD process recognised the world’s mobile and
semi-mobile pastoralists as important groups among indige-
nous societies – but mainly for socioeconomic reasons, because their grazing
animals are key to satisfying their basic needs. Unfortunately, the ecological po-
tential of pastoralists and their grazing animals has been and still is massively
underrated and found little reflection in the IAASTD reports.

There are three main reasons why the vast potential of grazing is often over-

1. Grazing is perceived as extremely negative where it is associated with rain-

forest destruction for industrialised beef production. While this is indeed an
abuse of rainforests and the least fitting area for grazing, it would be a dangerous
mistake to condemn grazing generally.

2. In the last decades overgrazing became dramatically widespread in different

regions of the world for three reasons: increasing herd sizes, decreasing availa-
bility of land and politically warranted restriction of mobile grazing by incenti-
vising nomadic people to settle. Starting during colonial times and later
continued by means of developmental aid, millions of dollars were spent on
wells as cattle dew points. As a result, herds remain in one location for much
longer than the grassland can support (FAO 2020).

3. Cattle are perceived as climate killers because of their immanent burping of

methane (ructus). But there is a huge difference between industrial livestock
farming on the one hand and cattle grazing on carbon storing steppe soils and
non-arable land on the other hand. Industrial livestock farming causes additional
climate and other environmental impact through the feed production, which is
often based on land use change – ploughing up grasslands and cutting down
rainforests – and on pesticides and synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. This in turn re-
leases nitrous oxide (N2O) which has 300 times the climate impact of CO2 –
costs which are fully externalized (Idel and Reichert 2013).

Sustainable cattle grazing on permanent grassland does not compete with other
uses and therefore does not happen at the expense of human food production.

Update – Sustainable grazing

Furthermore, it is key regarding groundwater regeneration – quantitatively be-

cause of grassland‘s large share in vegetative cover of soils worldwide and qual-
itatively because of its low(er) level of pollution with pesticides and synthetic
fertilizer. An additional benefit of sustainable grazing is hidden in the excrements:
One cattle of about 500 kg is producing some 10 tonnes of dung per year,
which in turn supports the biomass of more than 100 tonnes of insects per
year – fodder needed for biological food chains and biodiversity (Idel 2020).

1 Carbon has a molecular weight of 12g/mol, while CO2 has a molecular weight of 44g/mol (due to the addition
of two oxygen molecules). Hence 1 kg of carbon, if oxidized, will release 3.67 kg of CO2.

Bakker, P., Berendsen, R. L., Doormbos, R. F., Wintermans, P. and Pieterse, C., 2013. The rhizosphere revisited: root
microbiomics. In: Front. Plant Sci.|
Conant, Richard T., 2010. Challenges and opportunities for carbon sequestration in grassland systems. A technical
report on grassland management and climate change mitigation. Plant Production and Protection Division. At:
(last access 03. May 2020)
Dass, P., Houlton, B., Wang, Y. and Warlind, D., 2018. Grasslands may be more reliable carbon sinks than forests in
California. Environ. Res. Lett. 13 074027. At: (last
access 03. May 2020)
Davies, J. and Nori, M., 2008. Managing and mitigating climate change through pastoralism. Policy matters pp -162.
toralism/link/555cb60308ae86c06b5d3e73/download (last access 03. May 2020)
FAO, 2020. Livestock on grazing lands. (last access 03. May 2020)
Idel, A. and Reichert, T., 2013. Livestock production and food security in a context of climate-change and environ-
mental and health challenges. In: Wake up before it is too late. Transforming Agriculture to cope with climate
change and assure food security. UNCTAD Trade and Environment Review 2013, Hoffmann, U. (Ed.) Geneva. At: pages/PublicationWebflyer.aspx?publicationid=666 /
Idel, A., 2020. The value of sustainable grazing for soil fertility, climate and biodiversity. In: Idel, A. and Beste, A.: The
myth of climate smart agriculture – why less bad isn’t good. (Ed) Martin Haeusling, MEP
Nunez, C., 2020. Grasslands, explained. At:
(last access 03. May 2020)

Dr. Anita Idel is a veterinarian and a mediator who is working on issues related to
agrobiodiversity and animal health since 1985. She holds an assistant professorship
at the University of Münster on animal husbandry. Dr. Idel was a lead author for
IAASTD and in 2013 won the Salus-Medea Award for her book “Die Kuh ist kein
Klima-Killer!” (Cows are not Climate Killers!), as well as in 2019 the Lammsbräu
Sustainability Award.

Boyd Swinburn

The agriculture and health nexus:

a decade of paradigm progress
but patchy policy actions
In 2019, the Lancet Commission on Obesity published the report “The
Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition and Climate Change”.1 It high-
lights multiple opportunities for systemic actions aimed at the underlying
drivers of obesity, undernutrition and climate change. Many of the potential
systemic actions to address the Global Syndemic directly apply to agricul-
ture and their origins can be found in earlier reports such as the 2009
Agriculture at the Crossroads report.

What an enlightening exercise it is to pause and reflect on the evolution of a

massively important issue over 10 years.The 2009 Agriculture at the Crossroads
report2 from the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science
and Technology for Development (IAASTD) was a formi-
dable piece of scholarship backed by an extensive global
consultation process. It clearly helped to pave the way for
new thinking, new trans-disciplinary connections, and new
high-level directions for agriculture. The eight themes iden-
tified in the report articulated the reach of agriculture’s
octopus tentacles: bioenergy, biotechnology, climate change,
human health, natural resource management, traditional
knowledge and gender equity. I will focus mainly on the
health and food system links. Having examined these for the
2019 Lancet Commission on Obesity, which I co-chaired,
we concluded that the nutrition problems of obesity and
undernutrition needed to be seen together with climate
change as one entity which we called The Global Syndemic.
My overarching sense is that in the past decade we have
made considerable strides at the levels of paradigms, concepts, rhetoric, and glo-
bal commitments but the policy action on the ground has remained patchy and
sluggish – far too sluggish for the urgency that the food systems crisis demands.

Think of the global responses to other crises. In 2007-2008, the global financial
crisis galvanised world leaders into pouring trillions of dollars into rescue packages,

2019 Lancet Commission
including bailouts of the private financial institutions who created the crisis in the
first place.The 2019-2020 Covid-19 pandemic, galvanised governments and inter-
national organizations into creating a coordinated lock down of cities and people
movement based on precautionary and preventive principles. The world can col-
lectively implement drastic actions if the threat is acute and the fear level is high.

The food system crisis is slower (decades rather than months) and the fear
level is relatively low.This is despite the inexorable rise in obesity in all countries,
the inadequate progress in reducing undernutrition in many African and South-
East Asian countries, and the existential threats of climate change and environ-
mental damage that our food systems are helping to drive. What has been the
political response to the food system crisis? Where is the
coordinated rallying of government responses? Where is the We have made
sense of threat and urgency? Where are the headlines? considerable strides at
the levels of paradigms
A clue to the weak responses to the food system crisis can but the policy action
be found in the opening pages of the IAASTD report. In the
Statement by Governments section, three countries, Australia, on the ground has
Canada and the United States of America, did not approve remained sluggish.
the final report. They undoubtedly also used their political
clout throughout the process to water the report down as much as possible
to minimise its impact on business as usual. Business as usual, of course, is that
large agricultural sectors in the rich countries use their considerable lobby
power over their governments to maintain agricultural policies and subsidies in
their commercial favour.

The politics in the last decade have not changed enough amongst the rich coun-
tries to support the implementation of the excellent actions proposed in the
IAASTD report. In fact, the food industry’s market power has become even more
concentrated into fewer mega-corporations and their lobbying expertise has be-
come even more sophisticated. At the international level, the US political forces
driving their own national and commercial agendas remain a huge barrier to
achieving the collective international action needed to address the food systems

Interestingly, the IAASTD report started with a push from private sector and
the World Bank around biotechnology and specifically transgenics. However, the
highly-consultative process undertaken with a wider group of stakeholders ex-
panded the agenda to include reducing hunger and supporting sustainable de-
velopment. This agenda setting occurred in the era of the Millennium Devel-
opment Goals (MDGs), which did not include non-communicable diseases
(NCDs), acknowledged at the time to cause 60% of all deaths, 80% of which
were in low and middle income countries (LMICs)3. The figure shows how
NCDs have risen as a proportion of total disease burden for all countries but
especially in LMICs (shown as low and middle Socio-Development Index).

Boyd Swinburn

Undernutrition was centre stage and obesity was not even considered in the
MDGs. We are now in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
which gives due prominence to the world’s dominant health problems of NCDs
and wraps undernutrition and obesity together into ‘malnutrition in all its forms’.
This is great progress towards the holism needed for collective action.

The IAASTD report placed itself clearly in the technical space (agricultural
knowledge, science, and technology). We have learnt over the past decade that
the technical barriers are far less important and more easily fixed than the political
and commercial barriers. Major reports from the UN and international agree-
ments now pay more attention to implementation issues and monitoring and re-
porting systems for accountability. More attention is also paid to managing conflicts
of interest, although this is still far from ideal and commercial vested interests are
still very dominant in the development of national food policies and subsidies.

The inclusion of a theme in the IAASTD report on traditional and local

knowledge and community-based innovations was very insightful. These other
worldviews and bodies of knowledge have much to offer, especially at the local
level, but they are consistently undervalued in the search for mega-answers or
technology fixes.

If a modern day IAASTD report were to be written, it would undoubtedly up-

date and highlight some of these themes and paradigms that have achieved
prominence in the past decade. It might include a focus on the perpetrators
(extractive commercial operators who create negative externalities, and corrupt
or inept governments who do little about it) as well as the victims (small farm-
ers, children, women, and people living in poverty). It might focus more on in-

The agriculture and health nexus

equities and the neoliberal economic policies that are creating them. It might
be more cautious about public-private partnerships with those industries that
are party to the problem. It might highlight even more the systemic view of
food and agricultural systems and explicitly champion the shift from considering
food as an economic commodity to increase GDP, export earnings, and com-
pany profits to food as a common good for human health, ecological health, so-
cial equity and economic prosperity for all.

The 2009 IAASTD report was a forerunner of many subsequent reports that
bring together the silos of agriculture, health, climate, social equity, and econo-
mics.The 2019 Lancet Commission on Obesity report on the Global Syndemic
of obesity, undernutrition and climate change was one such report. I had both
hopes and fears about joining up three major, unsolved global problems into a
single conceptual entity. My hope was that it would allow people see beyond
the visible manifestations of obesity, undernutrition and climate change into their
common underlying drivers in the food systems, transport systems, land use
and urban design. My fear was that it would further heighten people’s ‘complex-
ity confusion’ and disillusionments about getting meaningful
action. It turned out my hopes triumphed over my fears. One major paradigm
Once it is pointed out, people really see the connectedness shift in the last decade
between problems, understand the commonalities of their
has been the NOVA
drivers and look for double- or triple-duty actions.
classification of foods
In 2013, FAO and WHO had a joint meeting called ‘Meeting based on their level of
of the minds’ which brought health and agriculture together processing.
around the table on the theme of ‘nutrition-sensitive agricul-
tural policies.’ It was surprising to me how far apart the minds were at that meet-
ing – it seemed like health was trying to impose its agenda on a reluctant
agriculture which was in turn defending its existing priorities. In retrospect, this
jostling about the purposes of agriculture was probably just the process of two
huge silos getting to know and trust each other. Since then, the narrative and col-
laboration has moved much more onto a common agenda of collective food sys-
tem approaches to the crises of climate change and malnutrition in all its forms.
While that narrative has good high-level traction, the power politics still play out
on the ground and policy actions on food systems, while heading in the right di-
rection, remain painfully slow.The national legal and economic measures countries
are adopting to achieve carbon neutrality tend to leave out agriculture or delay
its inclusion.This is partly because of the complexity of accounting for agricultural
emissions of methane and nitrous oxide within carbon budgets but it is also be-
cause of the lobby power of the agricultural sector and the challenges of creating
just transitions for the farmers whose livelihoods are affected.

One major paradigm shift in the last decade has been the NOVA classification
of foods based on their level of processing rather than nutrient composition.4
The categories of unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed culinary

Boyd Swinburn

ingredients (like flour, oil and salt) or processed foods (like cheese and bread
which can be made domestically) are not closely associated with health prob-
lems. However, the foods defined as ultra-processed food are industrial formu-
lations of multiple food constituents and additives and contain little if any whole
foods. It is this group of hyperpalatable foods which tends to contain high levels
of salt, sugar and fat and a high consumption of them is related to nutritional
health damage – mainly for obesity and NCDs. These foods also exacerbate
undernutrition with empty calorie foods, like instant noodles, sugary drinks and
processed snacks, displacing more nutritious food. Vast agricultural lands and
subsidies are dedicated to the raw materials for ultra-processed foods such as
wheat, sugar and corn. The IAASTD report pointed to this problem but in the
intervening decade, considerable evidence has accumulated implicating these
ultra-processed food products as core drivers of obesity and NCDs.

The options laid out in the IAASTD report for addressing the nutritional burden
of NCDs reads like all the subsequent reports on the issue: food systems di-
rected towards quality and diversity of foods rather than quantity and price;
multi-sectoral policy responses with a strong emphasis on regulation rather than
a reliance on education and individual behavioural change; fiscal measures, such
as taxes and subsidies, that align with health; monitoring systems for accounta-
bility, and; international agreements on labelling and marketing practices.

Overcoming Policy Inertia and commitment by the bucket-

Policy Inertia is the phenomenon of load but they also have diverse
the lack of policy action in the face agendas, are poorly coordinated,
of a major problem with widely- and lack money. Bloomberg Philan-
agreed, well-defined, evidence-based thropies have shown in several
actions for implementation. Accord- countries that an injection of fund-
ing to the Global Syndemic report, ing for communications, coordina-
the three major contributors to tion, evaluation and social lobbying
Policy Inertia are: 1) Industry oppo- can catalyse social changes and gen-
sition to the actions; 2) government erate sufficient demand for action
unwillingness to tax and regulate that effective food policies are im-
(related to 1), and; 3) lack of demand plemented despite industry opposi-
from civil society for policy action.3 tion and government reluctance. If
What will be the disruptive force to this general model could be widely
break this impasse? I see civil society applied in various forms in different
as the ‘sleeping giant’, which, if countries, then we might start see-
aroused, could be the game changer. ing the global movement needed to
Civil society actors (NGOs, acade- overcome the Policy Inertia that is
mics, professional organizations, and killing us and our planet. That is my
the public) typically have passion hope and current mission.

The agriculture and health nexus

The need for a broad approach to food safety is evident in the IAASTD report
and this has been underlined by recent events: the probable cancer-causing prop-
erties of the commonly used herbicide glyphosate; the threat to fruit and vege-
table production from pesticide-induced declines in pollinator populations, and
the emerging novel infectious diseases, such as coronavirus, arising from agricul-
ture and food systems.The strong regulatory approach applied to standard food
safety practices, such as food handling and storage requirements to prevent food-
borne infectious diseases, could be expanded with definitions of food safety
which encompass longer-term, population-wide or ecosystem threats from food.

Sustainable, food-based solutions to undernutrition were promoted in the IAASTD

report, but this approach seemed to play second fiddle to education strategies
and technology solutions, such as biofortification.The shift in thinking over the last
decade from programmatic approaches to systemic approaches for nutrition pro-
blems is welcome. However, describing nutrition problems and solutions in terms
of complex, adaptive systems is a real communications challenge. Governments
and non-government funders are much more supportive of scalable feeding or
fortification or education programs to patch up the visible problems of starving
children and mothers than they are of programs for obesity and diabetes. Indeed
only 2.2% of development aid for health is allocated to NCDs, despite NCDs being
responsible for two thirds of deaths in LMICs, half of which
occur under the age of 60.3 Funders are also reluctant to shift The strong regulatory
from the direct funding of less effective education and pro- approach applied to
grammatic responses to funding advocacy for the more ef-
fective regulatory and fiscal responses because these involve
food safety could be
protracted battles against vested commercial interests. expanded to longer-
term, population-wide
In the Global Syndemic report, we highlighted multiple op- threats from food.
portunities for systemic actions aimed at the underlying
drivers of obesity, undernutrition and climate change. Double or triple-duty ac-
tions are those that have multiple impacts across the Syndemic with examples
being the development of sustainable, healthy dietary guidelines, labelling food
with both health and environmental footprint signposts, or restricting the lob-
bying power of commercial entities on food policy development.5

Many of the potential systemic actions to address the Global Syndemic directly
apply to agriculture. The most powerful lever for re-orienting any system is to
change its underlying purpose and values.6 For agriculture, the paradigm shift
from extractive to restorative agriculture is underway at a high level and in
pockets locally. To make a difference globally, this nascent movement will need
to reach inside millions of farm gates around the world where small farmers, in
particular, are struggling to maintain a livelihood. National policy statements
about agriculture as a positive force for human health, ecological health, and so-
cial equity as well as economic prosperity would set the directions for policy,
regulatory and economic levers to be applied to achieve this outcome.

Boyd Swinburn

1 Swinburn BA, Kraak VI, Allender S, et al. The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition, and Climate Change:
The Lancet Commission report. Lancet. 2019 Feb 23;393(10173):791-846.
2 International assessment of agricultural knowledge, science and technology for development (IAASTD): synthesis
report with executive summary: a synthesis of the global and sub-global IAASTD reports / edited by Beverly D.
McIntyre, Hans R Herren, Judi Wakhungu, and Robert T Watson. Island Press, Washington DC 2009
3 World Health Organisation. 2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of
Noncommunicable Diseases. WHO, Geneva 2008
4 Monteiro, C.A., Cannon, G., Lawrence, M., Costa Louzada, M.L. and Pereira Machado, P. 2019. Ultra-processed
foods, diet quality, and health using the NOVA classification system. Rome, FAO.
5 World Obesity Federation. The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition and Climate Change: The Lancet
Commission report. A Policy Brief for national and municipal governments, civil society, funders, businesses, and in-
ternational agencies. Available at:
6 Meadows, DH. Thinking in systems. Edited by Wright, D. Earthscan, London 2009

Boyd Swinburn is Professor of Population Nutrition and Global Health at the Uni-
versity of Auckland. His research centres on community and policy actions to pre-
vent childhood obesity, and reduce, what he coined, ‘obesogenic’ environments. He
leads the INFORMAS initiative to monitor and benchmark food environments in
over 45 countries. He led two Lancet Series on Obesity and co-chairs the Lancet
Commission on Obesity. He co-chaired World Obesity Policy & Prevention section


Marie Josèphe Amiot

Food systems in relation to

nutrition and health
One in three people worldwide is affected by one or more forms of malnutri-
tion (FAO et al. 2018). After a prolonged decline, the number of undernouris-
hed people increased to 821 million in 2017, adults overweight or obese
reached 1.9 billion, and approximately two billion people worldwide were clas-
sed anemic and suffering from micronutrient deficiencies. A lack of essential vi-
tamins and minerals often result in “hidden hunger” where signs of under-
nutrition and hunger are less visible. A person may have access to sufficient ca-
lories but lack adequate micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. “Hidden hunger”
has deleterious consequences on health (Micronutrient Initiative, 2010).The tri-
ple burden of nutrition (i.e. macronutrient deficiency, deficiency in micronutrients
and excess weight) can coexist within a same country.The main drivers of mal-
nutrition include a failing food system, leading to poor nutrition, inequality, mi-
gration and conflict.

A big challenge is child malnutrition. Child stunting and wasting affect 151 million
and 51 million children respectively.The causes of stunting in children are mainly
due to inadequate diet and hygiene during pregnancy and the first 2 years of
life (also known as the “1,000 days”). Maternal undernutrition generally results
in fetal undergrowth and underweight child at birth. Inadequate breastfeeding
and inappropriate non-affordable formula milk or comple-
mentary food are major factors that contribute to malnu- The valorization of
trition in children. A recent report suggests that only 2 in cultivated biodiversity
5 children meet minimum meal frequency.
and neglected nutri-
Adult malnutrition is multifaceted and one of the causes tious species would
is the consumption of energy-dense foods rather than nu- sustain healthier diets.
trient-dense ones. This is also characterized as ‘nutrition
transition’ that has resulted in substantial increases in the intake of sugar, salt
and saturated fats, at the expense of a reduced consumption of whole grains,
pulses, vegetables and fruits. In countries across the South, dietary diversity is
positively associated with nutritional adequacy (coverage of nutritional needs);
however, people living in urban environment are nowadays consuming more
‘western’-type food that are energy-dense, with limited dietary diversity, rather
than their traditional local foods.

The broad approach to reduce all three forms of malnutrition must be based
on the promotion of healthy, diversified and sustainable diets. Sustainable diets

Marie Josèphe Amiot

are protective and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems, culturally accep-

table, accessible, economically fair and affordable, nutritionally adequate, safe
and healthy, while optimizing natural and human resources (Burlingame & Der-
nini, 2010). In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, nutrition is spread
in the numerous Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14,
17). Moreover, the proclamation of the United Nations Decade of Action on
Nutrition in April 2016 provides a unique opportunity for stakeholders to
strengthen joint efforts towards eradicating hunger and preventing all forms of
malnutrition worldwide.

In the context of climate change, growing populations and urbanization, nutrition

and food production are interconnected and all the dimensions of food security
and nutrition (including food availability, access, utilization and stability) are likely
to be affected. There is a consensus agriculture, environment, food and health
should be reconnected (Lamine et al. 2019; IPCC, 2019). A consumption-ori-
ented approach based on all the dietary needs has been proposed that com-
plements a production-oriented approach, usually restricted to macronutrient
supply (Verger et al. 2018). Nutrition must be introduced into all the policies at
macro (national), meso (territories) and micro (households/ individuals) levels
that allow changing the whole food system towards more sustainability.

Measures to ensure food and nutritional security and sustainable develop-


National policies can support a healthy supply of processed foods and beve-
rages, targeting a reduction of sugar, salt and saturated fat quantities.. Food re-
formulation help consumers eat healthily and sustainably. Dietary guidelines and
packaged food labelling policies are key to guide consumers to healthier food

Biodiversity can contribute to food security and improved nutrition. The valo-
rization of cultivated biodiversity and neglected or underutilized nutritious spe-
cies, such as leafy edible plants, would be a means to sustain food systems and
healthier diets (Hunter et al. 2019).

Territorial approaches can be used to implement agri-food policies that better

fit with a local context for greater sustainability, including nutritional objectives.
Territorial Food Projects, as developed in France, aim to provide a strategic and
operational framework for partnership actions responding to social, environ-
mental, economic and health needs.

Locally-driven development of short accessible and affordable nutrient-rich

food chains like fruit and vegetables must be tailored to allow delivering key
nutritional requirements and helping to prevent non-communicable diseases.

Update – Nutrition and health

Food waste and food loss lead to the discarding of huge amounts of nutrients
and there is therefore a need to reduce them by investing in technology, practi-
ces and new norms to avoid spoiling the most perishable foods along the chain.

Communication strategies must be implemented to educate consumers about

the benefit of a diversified diet based on healthier foods. School meals can also
help shape children preferences and attitudes towards healthy foods and eating

In terms of impact, there is a need to collect more data to explore national,

territorial and consumer group interventions on nutritional outcomes and sus-
tainability indicators. In addition to quantitative change assessments of consump-
tion and production that meet all nutrient needs without harming the
environment, a qualitative approach allows us to understand the levers and ob-
stacles that ensure sustainable food and nutritional security. Both approaches
inform decision-makers to fully support sustainable food systems.

FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO, 2018. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018. Building
climate resilience for food security and nutrition. FAO.
Micronutrient Initiative, 2010. Micronutrient Initiative Annual Report 2009–2010.
Burlingame, B. and Dernini, S., 2010. Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity: Directions and Solutions for Policy, Re-
search and Action. FAO.
Lamine, C. et al., 2019. Crossing sociological, ecological and nutritional perspectives on agrifood systems transiti-
ons: towards a transdisciplinary territorial approach. Sustainability 11, 1-18.
IPCC, 2019. Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change,
desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terres-
trial ecosystems.
Verger, E. O. et al., 2018. A “Fork-to-Farm” multi-scale approach to promote sustainable food systems for nutri-
tion and health: A perspective for the Mediterranean region. Frontiers in Nutrition 5, 1-8.
Hunter, D. et al., 2019. The potential of neglected and underutilized species or improving diets and nutrition.
Planta 250 (3), 709-29.

Marie Josèphe Amiot is a Senior Scientist and Nutritionist in the Division of Nutri-
tion, Chemical Food Safety and Consumer Behaviour of the French National Re-
search Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). Her fields of
expertise include micronutrients, plant bioactive substances, preventive nutrition,
dietary recommendations, food and nutritional security and sustainable food sys-

Alexander Wezel

Agroecological approaches
and other innovations
In June 2019, the HLPE report on “Agroecological approaches and other
innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food
security and nutrition”1 was released. This report is the first FAO report
dealing prominently with agroecology. It suggests a concise set of 13 agro-
ecological principles and points out that there has been much less invest-
ment in research on agroecological approaches than on other innovative

The High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) is the
global level science-policy interface of the Committee on World Food Security
(CFS) and the foremost evidence-based, inclusive, international and intergov-
ernmental platform for food security and nutrition (FSN). The HLPE provides
a comprehensive overview of the topics selected by the
CFS, based on the best available scientific evidence and con-
siders different forms of knowledge. HLPE strives to clarify
contradictory information and knowledge, to elicit the back-
grounds and rationales of controversies, and to identify
emerging issues.

The HLPE (2019) report is based on extensive research

about the current situation of agriculture and food systems,
describes the fundamentals and principles of agroecology,
and details to what degree agroecological approaches can
provide solutions for future challenges.The report also pro-
vides a comparison between different criteria for agroeco-
logical and related approaches (including organic agriculture,
agroforestry and permaculture) and sustainable intensifica-
tion approaches (including climate-smart agriculture, nutri-
tion-sensitive agriculture and sustainable food value chains). The report also
presents controversial debates about how to reach food security.These include
the deployment of biotechnology and digital technology, the use of synthetic
fertilizer, conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, need of size of
agricultural enterprises, and if agroecology can feed the world. In this essay the
contents, findings and several recommendations of the report are presented.

2019 FAO Report
Agroecology is a dynamic concept that has gained prominence in scientific, agri-
cultural and political discourse in recent years. It is increasingly promoted as
being able to contribute to transforming food systems by applying ecological
principles to agriculture. These principles allow for the regenerative use of na-
tural resources and ecosystem services while also addressing the need for so-
cially equitable food systems within which people can exercise choice over what
they eat and how and where it is produced. Agroecology embraces a science,
a set of practices and a social movement and has evolved over recent decades
to expand in scope from a focus on fields and farms to encompass whole agri-
culture and food systems.

Agroecology is a transdisciplinary science, combining different scientific disci-

plines to seek solutions to real world problems. It works in partnership with
multiple stakeholders, considering local knowledge and cultural values in a re-
flective and iterative way that fosters co-learning among researchers and practi-
tioners. Agroecology also allows for the horizontal spread of knowledge from
farmer to farmer or among other actors along the food chain. Initially the science
of agroecology was focused on understanding field-level farming practices that
use few external inputs but high agrobiodiversity, emphasizing recycling and main-
tenance of soil and animal health, including managing interactions among compo-
nents and economic diversification. The focus has since expanded to include
landscape-scale processes, encompassing landscape ecology
and, more recently, social science and political ecology related Agroecology encom-
to the development of equitable and sustainable food systems. passes a science, a set
of practices and a
Agroecological practices harness, maintain and enhance bio-
logical and ecological processes in agricultural production in
social movement.
order to both reduce the use of purchased inputs that in-
clude fossil fuels and agrochemicals and to create more diverse, resilient and
productive agroecosystems.These practices include, for example, diversification
in rotations and production; intercropping; cultivar mixtures; habitat management
techniques for crop-associated biodiversity; biological pest control; improvement
of soil structure and health; biological nitrogen fixation; and recycling of nutrients,
energy and waste. There is no definitive set of practices that could be labelled
as agroecological. But agricultural practices can be classified along a spectrum
and qualified as more or less agroecological, depending on the extent to which
agroecological principles are locally applied. In practice this comes down to the
extent to which: (i) they rely on ecological processes as opposed to purchased
inputs; (ii) they are equitable, environmentally friendly, locally adapted and con-
trolled; and (iii) they adopt a systems approach embracing management of the
interactions among components rather than focusing only on specific techno-

Social movements associated with agroecology have often come about in re-
sponse to agrarian crises and operated in tandem with broader efforts to initiate

Alexander Wezel

widespread change to agriculture and food systems. Agroecology has become

the overarching political framework under which many social movements and
peasant organizations around the world assert their collective rights and advo-
cate for a diversity of locally adapted agriculture and food systems mainly prac-
tised by small-scale food producers. Social movements highlight the need for a
strong connection to be made between agroecology, the right to food and food
sovereignty, positioning agroecology as a political struggle, which requires people
to challenge and transform the structures of power in society.

The report suggests a set of 13 agroecological principles: recycling; reducing the

use of inputs; soil health; animal health and welfare; biodiversity; synergy; eco-
nomic diversification; co-creation of knowledge; social values and diets; fairness;
connectivity; land and natural resource governance; and participation.

In current debates on how sustainable food systems can be developed and

food security be reached, based on agroecological approaches, three critical is-
sues are in the forefront:

(i) How much food needs to be produced to achieve FSN (food security and
nutrition); centred on whether FSN is mainly a problem of availability or more
an issue of access and utilization?
(ii) Could agroecological farming systems produce enough food to meet global
demand for food?
(iii) How to measure the performance of food systems, taking into account
the many environmental and social externalities that have often been neglected
in past assessments of agriculture and food systems?

In relation to i) the report indicates that, in respect of food production, a larger

number of people could be fed, but that access to food is not sufficiently guar-
anteed, that losses are too high in food storage and processing, that changes in
animal production and consumer diet (in particular related to meat consump-
tion) would be necessary, that food resources should not be used for biofuel
production, and that current policies do not sufficiently support smallholders,
which produce 70% of the world’s food.

In respect of ii) the answer of many agriculture experts is yes, however con-
trasting opinions exist amongst other experts, who see conventional agriculture
with innovation and biotechnology as more suitable. For both proponents it is
valid that the points under i) need to be considered. Here it has to be stated
that conventional agriculture in its present form has hitherto not been able to
provide sufficient food and FSN. For FSN in developing countries, the report
provides different examples - whereby agroecological approaches and practices
can positively influence a variety of factors. For example, increased food provi-
sion of families in critical phases during the year with food availability shortage,
or improved nutrition of small children. Other examples show that increased

Agroecological approaches and other innovations

diversification in plant production enhanced diversity of diets, and with this dif-
ferent health factors also improved. The diversification in production also in-
creased resilience to climate change impacts. Moreover, positive influences on
the economic situation of households can be stated as well as for women em-

In relation to iii), measurement and assessment factors such as ecological foot-

prints and agency need to be taken into account. Agency refers to the capacity
of individuals or communities to define their desired food systems and nutri-
tional outcomes, and to take action and make strategic life choices in securing

To overcome the challenges, different innovations are required. Conventional

views of innovation in agriculture have often focused on the introduction and
spread of adoption of new technologies. Recently, greater emphasis has been
placed on promoting: (i) inclusive and participatory forms of innovation gover-
nance; (ii) information and knowledge co-production and sharing among com-
munities and networks; and (iii) responsible innovation that steers innovation
towards social issues.

One example of a highly controversial issue is biotechnology. The report out-

lines a polarised debate centred on public concerns about safety, environmental
impacts, concentration of power within food systems and the ethics of gene
modification. Proponents of agroecology see different aspects of modern bio-
technology in conflict with core agroecological principles – these are often as-
sociated with ecology, democratic governance and sociocultural diversity. Recent
calls for a global observatory for gene editing propose increased scrutiny, dia-
logue and deliberation on the use of biotechnologies. On a global scale, modern
biotechnologies are a significant component of the agricultural systems of a
number of countries. In contrast, in agri-food systems where
input-intensive models have not been adopted, solutions may Diversification in
be found that do not rely on the adoption of biotechnologies
production also
used elsewhere.
increases resilience
The report provides different recommendations to govern- to climate change.
ments and policy makers. Among these recommendations
are the use of relevant performance metrics for food systems that consider all
environmental, social and economic impacts of food production and consump-
tion. In particular, the ecological footprint of different food systems needs to be
enhanced. States and governments should support diversified and resilient pro-
duction systems, including mixed livestock, fish, cropping and agroforestry that
preserve and enhance both biodiversity as well as the natural resource base.
This should be done by i) redirecting subsidies and incentives that at present
benefit unsustainable practices, ii) supporting use of participatory and inclusive
territorial management planning and management, iii) building adaptation of in-

Alexander Wezel

The HLPE report is the first FAO report or publication to deal prominently with
agroecology. The acceptance of agroecology as one of the pathways and alternatives
to develop sustainable agriculture and food systems in the policy arena officially
started in 2014, when FAO organized a first International Symposium on Agroecology
for Food Security and Nutrition, followed later by 7 regional meetings from 2015 to
2017 in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. A second International Symposium
was convened by FAO in 2018 on scaling up agroecology to achieve the Sustainable
Development Goals. Here former FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva
called for healthier and more sustainable food systems – stating that agroecology can
contribute to such a transformation, and that in addition, it offers multiple benefits,
including increasing food security and resilience.This opened up the way or the scaling
up of the agroecology initiative of FAO, for the HLPE report, and policy debates.

Although the HLPE report can be seen as an important step forward, the outcomes
and recommendations could have been more specific and progressive. It is clear that
some messages and recommendations have been diluted for political reasons and
to accommodate commonly agreed views and positions of stakeholders in the CFS
to not put too much emphasis on agroecology as a solution to change current agri-
culture and food systems. For example, the wording “agroecological approaches and
other innovations” often appear with critical and controversial points in order to not
indicate a necessary pathway, solution or recommendation to change present systems
and policies. However it should be noted that the expert authors made clear requests
as to where and where not to place agroecology in their final draft. But overall this
report demonstrates clearly that the potential and contribution of agroecology for
the development of sustainable agriculture and food systems, the need for a paradigm
change and new policies to support alternative systems can no longer be ignored by
policy makers, governments or agribusiness sector stakeholders.

Overall, the most important and urgent policy change that is necessary is a shift from
the yield maximising paradigm that ignores its associated negative environmental and
social externalities. Policies should support farmers and production systems that make
the best use of natural resources, harness ecosystem services and ecological pro-
cesses sustainably, and are not harmful to environmental and human health. Policies
should also be harnessed to counteract concentrations of power in supply chains
and agri-food businesses that are a barrier of change and hinder a transition towards
more sustainable food systems that deliver a fairer share of economic benefits for
both producers and consumers.

ternational agreements and national regulations on genetic resources and in-

tellectual property to better take into account farmers’ access to diverse, tra-
ditional and locally adapted genetic resources, as well as farmer-to-farmer seed
exchange, and iv) strengthening the regulations on the use of chemicals harmful
for human health and the environment in agriculture and food systems, pro-

Agroecological approaches and other innovations

moting alternatives to their use and rewarding practices that produce without
Furthermore, more support should be given to food value chain innovation
platforms and innovation. One important recommendation is supporting the
development of local and regional markets, processing hubs and transportation
infrastructures that provide greater processing and handling capacities for fresh
products from small and medium-sized farmers who adopt
agroecological and other innovative approaches and improve Performance metrics
their access to local food markets. must consider all envi-
ronmental, social and
And finally, investments in public and private research and de- economic impacts.
velopment should be increased and support programmes in
agroecological and other innovative approaches (the report shows that funding
for research in agroecology is very low compared to conventional agriculture).
In addition, investment should be increased to develop and support transdisci-
plinary research conducted through innovation platforms that foster co-learning
between practitioners and researchers, and the horizontal dissemination of ex-
perience among practitioners (e.g. farmer-to-farmer networks, communities of
practice and agroecological lighthouses).

In the IAASTD (2009) report, agroecology is mentioned relatively few times,

although many elements of how it is seen today were already in the report.
Agroecology was presented as the science of applying ecological concepts and
principles to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems, inclu-
ding the study of the ecological processes in farming systems and processes.
Therefore, the report was referring more to practices without calling them
agroecological practices. The report did not include the view on agroecology
and food systems as detailed in the HLPE (2019) report, and did not link the
importance of agroecological movements to the push for transformation of
agriculture and food systems.


Alexander Wezel is an agroecologist and a landscape ecologist, currently working

as Research Director of Isara at the AgroSchool for Life in France. At the start of
his career he worked on various topics related to land use and resource conserva-
tion in the Tropics and Subtropics. Over the past 10 years his research has primar-
ily focussed on analysing world-wide interpretations and definitions of agroecology
and agroecological practices. He now also focuses on a variety of topics related to
agroecosystems analysis and management.

10-Year Comparison

9.1% 9.2% 9.0%
8.8% 8.9% 8.8% 8.7% 8.9% 8.9%

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Sharee of undernourished people in the w
orld population

Prevalence of undernourishment (PoU) worldwide in per cent. FAO’s calculation of the minimum dietary energy
requirement (global average 2019: 1827 kcal) is based on demographic data for each country, taking into account
age and sex, weight, height or physical activity level of the population.

Empty plates and hungry bellies – a constant crisis

Between 2009 and 2019, the prevalence of undernourishment (PoU) in the world declined slightly,
and has increased again since 2014. In 2019, almost 690 million people suffered from chronic hunger.
This figure is much lower than previously estimated due to a revision of data for China, bringing the
PoU for China down to under 2.5%, as compared to almost 10% without this revision. However, the
upwards trend of the curve remains and the Covid-19 pandemic may add an additional 132 million
undernourished people in 2020. The global figures disguise alarming regional figures: In 2019, PoU
was 22% in Sub-Saharan Africa, up from 20.3% in 2014, an increase of 46 million people. In absolute
numbers, most of the world’s undernourished people live in Asia (381.1 million), followed by Africa
(250.3 million). 135 million people worldwide faced acute hunger in 2019.
1 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (2020). Food Security Indicators. Access - Prevalence of undernourishment, yearly es-
timates. Update 13 July 2020.
2 FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (2019 and 2020). The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019/2020
(SOFI). Rome, FAO. 2020: 2019:
3 FSIN Food Security Information Network and the Global Network against Food Crises (2020). The Global Report on Food
Crises 2020.


Bernard Hubert

The need for a conceptual paradigm shift

Business as usual vs sustainability
The “business as usual” vision tends to consider the living world as an industrial
process simply turning inputs into outputs. Following Larrère and Larrère (2015)1,
it is the kingdom of techne, creating artifacts, thinking in terms of stability, homo-
genization, uncertainty reduction, where truthfulness tests rely on the classical
“validation” as a universal value. In this vision, there is a separation between
human and nature (“naturalism”), and there are normative arrangements, e.g.
hierarchies in biodiversity values.

Another way of seeing the living world is to consider it as transforming sponta-

neous dynamics to be steered and taken care of (“doing with” nature). It is the
world of physis, where performances are evolving and unpredictable and resour-
ces emerging from interactions, and where complexity and diversity are consid-
ered as assets. Here, evaluation is expressed in terms of “robustness”, i.e. its
relevance when put to the test in a diversity of situations. In this vision, culture
and nature are considered as the two faces of society. Priority is given to rela-
tionships and interactions, environmental feeling, techniques as an emerging pro-
cess independent of theoretical frameworks, e.g. plant and animal domestication
as pure products of the society-nature interface.

Two approaches to sustainability in agriculture: resources sufficiency and

functional integrity
This process of establishing understandings in institutions leads to particular
practices and policies which may outlast commitments to the understandings
on which they were built2.Two philosophical approaches to sustainability in agri-
culture have been distinguished by Thompson (1997)3:

1. ‘Resource sufficiency’ stresses the measurement of the rates at which resources

are used in production, distribution and consumption of food. In livestock pro-
duction, for example, the issue is one of increasing efficiencies, reducing pollution
and finding substitutes for scarce inputs.This creates policies that opt for efficiency
as the main – even single – assessment criteria by universal norms (productivity:

Agricultural science currently favours ‘resource sufficiency’ understandings. It iden-

tifies two ways to maintain sustainability in light of declining resources: Sustain-
ability requires either a decreasing rate of consumption or an increased efficiency
or substitution with other resources. Thus, many technical recommendations
regarding rangeland and uses deal with a decrease in stocking rates (in regard of

Bernard Hubert

‘carrying capacity’) and the introduction of improved pasture, mastered in prac-

tices valued as part of modern agricultural paradigms. Research and policy must
focus on increasing the efficiency at which scarce resources are consumed, by
introducing new technologies with better yields, and in finding substitutes.

2. ‘Functional integrity’ stresses the vulnerability that may arise from a lack of un-
derstanding of the systemic interactions of production practices and innovations
with processes of ecological and social renewal. It understands agriculture as a
system, which embodies complex and poorly understood value commitments
and ecosystem relationships. Here, policy strategies focus on resilience, the avoid-
ance of irreversible effects and systemic understandings de-
“Functional integrity” signed to mitigate unintended consequences. The issue is to
strategies focus forestall irreversible changes in an agroecosystem and to bet-
on a systemic ter understand critical trajectory-changing points.
understanding to
The notion of ‘functional integrity’ presupposes crucial ele-
mitigate unintended ments that are reproduced over time in a manner or at a rate
consequences and that is contingent upon previous system states and upon in-
increase resilience. teractions of different living communities within the system.
The elements to be maintained might be soil fertility, crops,
domestic animal herds, wildlife populations, know-how on management practices
or product processing, or even human institutions such as the family, rights re-
gimes, specified markets, or the state. Extensive livestock farming is illustrative,
where stocking rates are challenged by herds mobility: forage, non-forage plants
such as brush, wildlife, and products (milk, meat, wool or landscape services) ex-
hibit complex relationships. These elements of ‘range systems’ can remain in a
dynamic equilibrium for extended periods of time, but disequilibrium can appear
suddenly (or with a substantial time lag) as a consequence of critical changes in
the reproductive capacity of any single element. Human practices can threaten
functional integrity if they drive the system into states from which reproductive
processes cannot recover. At the same time, human practices are part of the
system, and functional integrity can be disrupted in many ways, including simple
failure to perform an action that is crucial to reproducing some system element
or to maintain it in a changing environment (economics, policy, climate change,
consumer behaviour),

There is an urgent need to shift to managing ecosystems functionalities

Prioritizing long term food security based on complex agroecosystems relies on
new concepts: dynamics, thresholds, resilience, viability kernels, learning processes
and collective action, based on co-evolution of a society-environment relationship
facing uncertainties. We are not in a stable (or foreseeable) environment and
need to manage or steward ecosystems functionalities in order to facilitate ‘eco-
system services’, building ’capacities’, adapting to changes, and not being steered
by a set of technologies.

Update – The need for a conceptual paradigm shift

Making changes in our social systems relies on how knowledge capacities, social
institutions and human incentives can be regenerated, taking care of the coexis-
tence of a pluralism in concepts and approaches in order to ‘act always so as to
increase the number of choices’ (following von Foerster, 2002)4. Cultural per-
spectives on the relationship between nature and culture must change to give
priority to relationships and interactions, rather than emphasizing the split be-
tween humans and nature.

1 Larrère C. et Larrère R., 2015 : Penser et agir avec la nature. Une enquête philosophique. Ed. La Découverte,
Paris, 334 p.
2 Hubert B; and Ison R., 2011: Institutionalising understandings: from resource sufficiency to functional integrity. In
A paradigm shift in livestock management: from resource sufficiency to functional integrity. Kammili T., Hubert B.
and Tourrand J.-F., Dirs., Cardère Ed. : 11-16.
3 Thompson P.B., 1997: The varieties of sustainability in livestock farming. In Livestock Farming systems. More than
food production, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Livestock Farming Systems, Aug. 1996, Foulum (Denmark), in: Sorensen J.T.
(Ed.), EAAP Publication No. 89, Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, 1997, pp. 5–15.
4 von Foerster, H. & Poerkson, B., 2002: Understanding Systems. Conversations on Epis¬temology and Ethics.
IFSR International Series on Systems Science and Engineering, 17. Kluwer Academic, New York and Carl-Auer,

Bernard Hubert, member of the French Académie d'Agriculture, is Emeritus Senior

scientist at INRAE and Professor at EHESS. Originally trained as an ecologist, Ber-
nard’s work has broadened to focus on the contribution of social sciences to issues
relating to the life sciences. He has published 80 papers in Scientific Journals and writ-
ten 100 book chapters, and has (co-)edited 25 books and supervised 26 PhD theses.
He was also the lead author for the “natural resources use regimes” chapter of the
“global” report of IAASTD and since 2010 he has chaired the French Commission
for International Agricultural Research.

Marta G. Rivera-Ferre

The contribution of the IPCC to a

change of paradigm in agriculture
and food systems
In 2019, the IPCC published a Special Report on Climate Change an Land1,
which for the first time has applied a system’s approach in the assessment
of food in the context of climate change.This report follows a holistic view,
analysing land from a food security perspective and potential adaptation
and mitigation options. The report concludes that deep changes in gover-
nance are needed to address the land, food and climate change challenges.

Agri-food systems have multiple interactions with global environmental change.

For instance, five of the nine planetary boundaries are directly linked to agri-
food systems as well as thirteen out of the seventeen sustainable development
goals (SDGs). However, in their current form, agri-food systems do not fulfil
their main objective of providing sufficient healthy and nutritious food to people
without harnessing the environment. The most important challenges agri-food
systems are facing include mitigation and adaptation to climate change, food
security, social justice, public health and environmental sus-
tainability. Given these multiple dimensions, assessing agri-
food systems linkages with climate change requires under-
standing of the complex problems where conflicting in-
terests, cultures, and worldviews exist (Thompson and
Scoones 2009; Rivera-Ferre et al., 2013). This complexity is
the point of departure of the IPCC “Special Report on cli-
mate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable
land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes
in terrestrial ecosystems”, shortly known as the Report on
Climate Change and Land (SRCCL).

Using land as the central focus, the SRCCL recognises that

land plays a central role in people’s wellbeing, and particu-
larly in the provision of food. Land is analysed from a broad perspective, inte-
grating the human and nature dimensions of land, as well as the impacts of
climate change on land systems and the potential adaptation and mitigation op-
tions, including synergies and trade-offs. This integrated analysis embraced the

2019 IPCC Report
multiple direct and indirect drivers of natural resource management (related
to food, water and energy securities). Indeed, roughly 49% of ice-free land is di-
rectly used to produce the food we eat and agriculture uses about 70% of
global fresh water use. But about a quarter of ice-free land is subject to human-
induced degradation endangering the livelihoods and food
security of billions of people, and climate change can exacer- 49% of ice-free land is
bate these degradation processes. Thus, following a holistic directly used to pro-
view, the report looked at land from a food security per-
duce the food we eat,
spective (including all four dimensions of food security), also
referring to the strong correlations between land degradation and agriculture makes
and poverty. Under the message that land is under growing up for some 70% of
human pressure, the SRRCL suggested that land is also part global fresh water use.
of the solution to climate change. From 2007-2016, land has
acted as a carbon sink removing about one third of total CO2 emissions and
one fifth of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (IPCC, 2019). But for land
being able to be part of the solution, substantial changes regarding how we ma-
nage land and how we produce and eat food are required. In other words, the
report calls for a transformation of the system.

To properly explore how we can transform agriculture and food systems, a sys-
temic approach to food is required. This allows understanding the close rela-
tionship between the different components of the system (from production to
consumption), develop supply-side (e.g. livestock and crop production) and de-
mand-side (e.g. dietary change) options and analyse how they behave both in
terms of adaptation and mitigation, including the role that different actors play
in the system. Otherwise, fragmented and sectorial analyses, studying only one
part of the reality deliver wrong and too generic conclusions. One example of
this was the highly-repeated message that due to the expected growing popu-
lation we needed to produce 50% more food by 2050 (FAO 2017). Despite
the fact that we clearly need to increase the production of food in some parts
of the world, this message, based on demographic and consumption trends, did
not consider what happens along the food chain in terms
of food loss and waste, nor the current overconsumption From 2007-2016, land
trends in many parts of the world. Thus, this number has
has acted as a carbon
now been contested (HLPE, 2019).
sink removing about
With regard to the GHG emissions related to the pro- one fifth of total
duction and consumption of food, the SRCCL estimates greenhouse gas emis-
a significant contribution of 21-37% of total anthropogenic sions.
emissions, of which 14-28% correspond to agriculture and
land use and 5-10% correspond to emissions outside the farm gate (Table 1).
Considering that approximately one third of the produced food is never con-
sumed, it is estimated that food losses and waste along the food chain constitute
8-10% of total GHG emissions. But emissions and land uses are not isolated
from consumption patterns, they reinforce each other. In the last decades, global

Marta G. Rivera-Ferre

Food system Emissions Share in mean total

component (Gt CO2eq yr-1) emissions (%)

Agriculture 6.2 ± 1.9 9-14%

Land use change

4.9 ± 2.5 5-14%
(e.g. deforestation)

Beyond farm gate 2.6 – 5.2 5-10%

Food system (Total) 10.8 – 19.1 21-37%

Table 1. GHG emissions (Gt CO2eq yr-1) from the food system and their contribution (%) to total anthro-
pogenic emissions. Mean of 2007-2016 period.

diets have transitioned towards ultra-processed food and increasing animal food
products that we can source from different parts of the world.

Thus, from the SRCCL we understand how food systems contribute to climate
change, but we also need to assess the potential mitigation and adaptation
(M&A) options to climate change both from the demand and supply sides.The
SRCCL puts special efforts in assessing the synergies, trade-offs and co-benefits
between M&A of the different options analysed, that is, which of these options
allow to reduce GHG emissions, adapt to climate change, and ideally, contribute
to carbon sequestration. In the executive summary of chapter 5 of the SRCCL
we can read: “Supply-side options include increased soil organic matter and erosion
control, improved cropland, livestock, grazing land management, and genetic im-
provements for tolerance to heat and drought. Diversification in the food system (…)
is a key strategy to reduce risks (medium confidence). Demand-side adaptation,
such as adoption of healthy and sustainable diets, in conjunction with reduction in
food loss and waste, can contribute to adaptation through reduction in additional
land area needed for food production and associated food system vulnerabilities.
ILK can contribute to enhancing food system resilience” (Mbow et al., 2019).

As an example on the supply-side, increasing soil organic matter and erosion

control contribute to mitigation through carbon sequestration and reduced
GHG fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems and to adaptation through increases in
fertility rates, reduction of evapotranspiration, making soil less vulnerable to
drought; and reduction of soil erosion, making the soil less vulnerable to flooding.
On the demand side, by reducing the demand to produce resource intensive
food, emissions are proportionally reduced. Adding to this, pressure on land is
also reduced so more land is available to other uses, including afforestation and

The contribution of the IPCC to a change of paradigm

reforestation, contributing also to carbon sequestration or to reduce land con-

flicts. It is estimated that by 2050, dietary changes could free several million km2
of land and provide a technical mitigation potential of 0.7 to 8.0 GtCO2e yr-1,
relative to business as usual projections (Mbow et al., 2019).

And, what is the relationship with the IAASTD (2009)? First, both reports con-
clude that “business as usual is not an option”. Further, some of the SRCCL mes-
sages are very close to those delivered by the IAASTD ten years earlier. Of
those, I highlight: i) the relevance of indigenous knowledge and local knowledge
(ILK) in achieving sustainable food systems and just development; ii) the need
of biodiversity enhancement in the food chain and the importance of agroeco-
logical practices; and iii) the need to empower women as main actors in provi-
sioning food for their families.

The relevance of indigenous and local knowledge in achieving sustainable

food systems
ILK has been proposed as one type of strategy capable to foster transforma-
tional adaptation (IPCC, 2014). It refers to the know-how accumulated across
generations, however, it is rarely considered in the design and implementation
of modern M&A strategies since it has been considered a rudimentary form of
thinking. The last decade, however, showed an increased in-
terest in ILK as a source of information for sustainable deve- Food losses and waste
lopment policies. ILK is strongly associated with sustainable along the food chain
management of natural resources (including land), and with constitute 8-10% of
autonomous adaptation to climate variability and change
(Morton et al., 2019). Across diverse agroecological systems, total greenhouse gas
ILK is the basis for traditional practices to manage the land- emissions.
scape and sustain food production, while delivering co-bene-
fits in the form of biodiversity and ecosystem and food systems resilience
(Mbow et al, 2019; Morton et al., 2019). In the SRCCL, ILK plays a central role
(see chapters 5 and 7). Particularly, agriculture based on ILK that focuses on di-
versification, soil management, intercropping and rotational cropping, sustainable
water harvesting and local irrigation systems holds promise for long-term resi-
lience and rehabilitation of degraded land. ILK can also play an important role
in ecological restoration, including for carbon sinks, through knowledge surroun-
ding species selection and understanding of ecosystem processes (Morton et
al., 2019).

Biodiversity enhancement and the importance of agroecological practices

The SRCCL gives a prominent role to diversification along the food chain, in-
cluding dietary enhancement in the consumption of foods to achieve healthy
and sustainable diets, in contrast to the homogenization process experienced
in the last decades (see chapters 5 and 6). Dietary diversity has also been cor-
related to agricultural diversity in small-holder and subsistence farms (Mbow
et al., 2019). Diversification of many components of the food system is then a

Marta G. Rivera-Ferre

key element for increasing performance and efficiency that may translate into
increased resilience and reduced risks (Mbow et al., 2019). On-farm biodiversity
conservation is considered as an M&A practice, particularly together with the
use of agroecological practices, and with neglected and underutilised species
playing a central role (Mbow et al., 2019). In the SRCCL, attention is paid to
the need to favour seed sovereignty.

Smith et al. (2019) suggest that the promotion of local seed-saving initiatives,
including seed networks, banks and exchanges, and non-commercial open
source plant breeding, can help protect local agrobiodiversity and can often be
more climate resilient than generic commercial varieties, although the impacts
on food security and overall land degradation are inconclusive.They document
the increased ability of farmers to revive and strengthen local food systems and
that studies have reported more diverse and healthy food in areas with strong
food sovereignty networks, with women, in particular, getting more benefits
from seed banks for low-value but nutritious crops.

The need to empower women

With their central role in the households, women have been responsible for
the food and nutritional needs of their families. They prepare, process and pre-
serve food in the house and also work with men in the agricultural fields to
produce and harvest food.They are responsible to store the seeds, to transplant
the paddy, to grow vegetables for domestic consumption and commercial use
and to root out the weeds in the fields. Also in livestock keeping women play
a direct role in animal feeding, disease management, management of housing
environment and milk processing (Habib 2011). Women are
Local seed-saving often more linked to small-scale, agroecological projects and
initiatives and open subsistence agriculture where ILK and biodiversity play a cen-
source plant breeding tral role.
can often be more The SRCCL acknowledged that gender is a key axis of social
climate resilient than inequality that intersects with other systems of power and
generic commercial marginalisation – including race, culture, class/socio-economic
varieties. status, location, sexuality, and age – to cause unequal experi-
ences of climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity.
For that reason, the report calls for using a framework of intersectionality to
integrate gender into climate change research in order to recognise overlapping
and interconnected systems of power (Hurlbert et al. 2019). Given women’s
strong presence in agriculture provides an opportunity to bring gender dimen-
sions into climate change, particularly regarding food security, since impacts of
climate change have strong gendered impacts in all four dimensions of food se-
curity. The point of departure is that marginalised social groups have their own
capabilities to adapt to climate change but gender norms and power inequalities
also shape the ability of men, women, boys, girls and the elderly to adapt to cli-
mate risks (Mbow et al. 2019). Women’s adaptive capacity is also diminished

The contribution of the IPCC to a change of paradigm

because their work often goes unrecognised (Rao 2005; Nelson and Stathers

Many of women’s activities are not defined as ‘economically active employment’

in national accounts.This non-economic status of women’s activities implies that
they are not included in wider discussions of priorities or interventions for cli-
mate change.Their perspectives and needs are not met; and thus, interventions,
information, technologies, and tools promoted are potentially not relevant, and
can even increase discrimination (Mbow et al., 2019). Thus, an assessment of
gender-differentiated needs and priorities and the selection of appropriate
policy instruments to address barriers to women’s sustainable land management
are required. If women had the same access to productive resources as men,
the number of hungry people in the world could be reduced by 12–17% (Hurl-
bert et al. 2019). Empowered women are crucial to creating effective synergies
among M&A and food security but this may include targeting men in integrated
agriculture programmes to change gender norms and improve nutrition (Mbow
et al., 2019).

Enabling conditions: changing governance

The SRCCL concluded that deep changes in governance are needed to address
land, food and climate change challenges. In this regard, it is stated that “weak
grassroots institutions characterised by low capacity, failure to exploit collective
capital and poor knowledge sharing and access to information, are common
barriers to sustainable land management and improved food security” (Smith
et al., 2019).The UN Committee on World Food Security is seen as an oppor-
tunity to address food systems governance challenges, where diverse actors,
voices and narratives are integrated in the global food security governance.

1 See

Hurlbert, M. B., Fletcher, A., Rivera Ferre, M.G., Mahadevia, D., Vincent, K., 2019. Gender in inclusive approaches to
climate change, land and sustainable development. In: IPCC, 2019.
IPCC, 2014. Climate Change 2014 – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects.
Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
IPCC, 2019. Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation,
sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. Shukla, P.R., Skea,
J., Calvo Buendia, E. et al. (eds.). In press.

Marta G. Rivera-Ferre

Khalafzai, A. K., and Nirupama, N., 2011. Building Resilient Communities through Empowering Women with Infor-
mation and Communication Technologies: A Pakistan Case Study. Sustainability 3 (1): 82–96.
Mbow, C., Rosenzweig, C., Barioni, L.G. et al, 2019: Food Security. In: IPCC, 2019.
Morton, J., Denton, F. Ford, J., Kimutai, J., McElwee, P., Rivera Ferre, M.G., Stringer, L., 2019. Indigenous and local
knowledge (ILK). In: IPCC, 2019.
Nelson, V., and Stathers, T., 2009. Resilience, power, culture, and climate: A case study from semi-arid Tanzania, and
new research directions. Gender and Development 17: 81–94.
Podlashuc, L., 2009. Saving Women: Saving the Commons. in Eco-Sufficiency and Global Justice: Women Write
Political Ecology (ed. Salleh, A.) 324. Pluto Press
Rao, N., 2005. Gender equality, land rights and household food security: Discussion of rice farming systems. Economic
and Political Weekly 40: 2513–2521.
Rivera-Ferre, M. G., Ortega-Cerdà, M. and Baumgärtner, J., 2013. Rethinking Study and Management of Agricultural
Systems for Policy Design. Sustainability 5 (9): 3858–75.
Smith P., Bustamante, M., Ahammad, H., Clark, H., Dong, H., Elsiddig, E.A. et al., 2014: Agriculture, forestry and other
land use (AFOLU). In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to
the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R.,
Sokona,Y. et al., (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA 811–922.
Smith, P., Nkem, J., Calvin, K. et al., 2019: Interlinkages Between Desertification, Land Degradation, Food Security and
Greenhouse Gas Fluxes: Synergies, Trade-offs and Integrated Response Options. In: IPCC, 2019.
Thompson, J., and Scoones, I., 2009. Addressing the Dynamics of Agri-Food Systems: An Emerging Agenda for Social
Science Research. Environmental Science & Policy, Special Issue: Food Security and Environmental Change,
12 (4): 386–97.

Marta G. Rivera-Ferre is the Director of the Chair Agroecology and Food Systems
at the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia. She has a multidisciplinary
profile in the analysis of food systems as socio-ecological systems. Her research
focuses on alternative agri-food systems and on feminist and commons theories as
to be adopted in agri-food research. She has also worked on the role of local tra-
ditional agri-food knowledge in relation to an adaptation to climate change. She
participated in the IAASTD, the IPCC (since 2010) and the IPBES (from 2020).


Tirso Gonzales & Walter D. Mignolo

Indigenous autonomy and indigenous

community-based research
This essay assesses the relevance of the “development” concept in relation to
Indigenous peoples, focusing on three global co-existing scenario-options: re-
westernization, de-westernization1 and Buen Vivir (also known as “Living Well”).

The two different concepts of state led development that are commonly used
within globalization are ‘Rough Unsustainable’ and ‘Sustainable Development’.
Both originated in Western cosmology2 to benefit the state and a few corporate
businesses, both are based on “growth”, presuppose an economy of “accumu-
lation” and exploitation.They both lead to increasing inequality and assume that
society is part of the economy rather than the economy being
an aspect of socio-cultural organizations (Table 1). The “Sustainable
Development” option
The design and implementation of this kind of “development” is not conducive to
(Sachs 2010) is based on a system of ideas, beliefs, emotions, Indigenous peoples’
and institutions that are distinctly different from Buen Vivir. At food production or
the foundation of Buen Vivir is Indigenous autonomy and In-
digenous community-based research (ICBR) that nurtures life ancestral vision.
as a whole. This is a conceptual approach arising especially from Indigenous
peoples emphasizing living in harmony with nature. Yet despite Indigenous food
systems’ contribution to feeding the world, the IAASTD paid little attention to
Indigenous autonomy and ICBR. Nevertheless, despite chronic research funding
shortages, both have continued to grow and innovate on most continents, while
enabling different types of Indigenous learning to boost Buen Vivir across multiple
dimensions (Tebtebba 2010, 2012, 2008, PRATEC 1998).

In 2008, IAASTD proposed “equitable and sustainable development” as the goal

for food systems, identifying agroecology as a pathway. But in spite of the
IAASTD’s attention to equity, the “Sustainable Development” option is not actu-
ally conducive to Indigenous peoples’ food production or ancestral vision, mission,
and strategy, which is necessary to achieve Buen Vivir – procuring balance and
harmony for life as a whole (Table 1).The 2007 UN Declaration of the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) provides a clear roadmap for achieving Buen Vivir.
Yet to date, most countries that approved the IAASTD have continued to dis-
regard UNDRIP (Tebtebba 2012, 2010; Gonzales 2015).

Tirso Gonzales & Walter D. Mignolo

Table 1: Agroecology & Buen Vivir and state led global scenarios. Source: Elaborated by Tirso Gonzales.
Based on Mignolo, 2016; Gonzales & Hussain, 2016; Sachs 2010

Sustainable development, indigenous autonomy and ICBR in the globalization

Although Sustainable Development has all the institutional support of the United
Nations and is strongly positioned to mitigate the disastrous consequences of
Rough Unsustainable Development, this cannot happen using the same mindset
that created them. In the current political globalization scenarios, we have a tension
between re- and de-westernization. While the USA, European Union and allies
are trying to re-install Western dominance, other powers – such as the BRICS-
countries – work towards an end of the Western or US-Dollar dominance.

Both, the Rough Unsustainable and the so-called Sustainable Development share
the same definition of development that precludes the possibility of thinking of
Indigenous Sustainable Economies and Buen Vivir. Similarly, the dispute between
Rough and Sustainable Development permeates the tension between re- and
de-westernization.The formation of BRICS countries de-link in many ways from
Western designs, but does not question “development” (e.g. China) as the only
possible horizon for a global economy.

The UN´s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be understood in

the context of the multipolar global order of today and tomorrow.The UN is an
institution conceived, epistemically and politically, within the parameters of West-
ern cosmology. When the UN launched the SDGs in 2015, de-westernization
was very well advanced. In this multipolar world order, sustainable development
was negotiated between the interests of re-westernizing the planet and the nega-

Update – Indigenous autonomy

tion of the interests of de-westernization advocates. Consequently, the Sustain-

able Development proposal sought to mitigate the harms of Rough Unsustainable
Development, but fell short of proposing a radically new vision for living.

Sustainable Economies
There is however a third approach-scenario, “Sustainable Economies”, which de-
links economies from the SDGs and from re- and de-westernizing state-led pro-
jects alike.The Sustainable Economies Project follows neither one of the “Devel-
opment” approaches nor the IAASTD, but is based on Indigenous cosmologies
and praxes of living. After IAASTD, the challenge remains to embrace a new
mindset that allows us to think of de-linked Sustainable Economies. For these to
flourish, we must learn from, support and interact with Indigenous cosmologies
and praxes. Sustainable Economies shall be created and managed by Indigenous
leaders and communities (Tebtebba 2012, 2010; Mignolo 2020, Esteva 2015).

Support indigenous community-based research and Buen Vivir

Indigenous community-based research is embedded in and informed by the In-
digenous cosmologies of Buen Vivir and has its own methods, indicators and va-
lidation systems. Dialogue and collaboration is imperative between Sustainable
Development-agroecology stakeholders and Buen Vivir Indigenous practitioners.
Foreign aid actors should learn from the small Euro-American funding institutions
that support Indigenous autonomy and ICBR. This would upscale the co-pro-
duction and cross-fertilization of agricultural knowledge and strengthening of In-
digenous agricultures (Tengö 2017).

ICBR has been successfully tested and validated its methods with a variety of In-
digenous Think-Tank institutions such as the Tebtebba Foundation, PRATEC;
AGRUCO and the Universidad de la Tierra as well as with Indigenous NGOs, a
cluster of European-funded individuals and institutions and the scholarly fields of
Indigenous and Modernity/Coloniality Studies (Gonzales & Hussain 2016, Teb-
tebba 2012, 2010).

Indigenous autonomy has its own resolve (Esteva 2015) and has been imprinted
in the expression Sumak Kawsay in Quichwa, Suma Qamaña in Aymara, and
translated into Spanish as Buen Vivir and adopted by non-Indigenous “Latin”
Americans. Buen Vivir encourages sustainable development and agroecology sup-
porters to look forward at the same time that they look backward (Ñawpaman
Puni, in Quechua) and “becoming Native to this Place” (Jackson 1994). By becom-
ing native to the place, country and planet human beings make the Rough Un-
sustainable Development untenable.

The challenge re- and de-westernization face is to take seriously the paradigm
of diverse and sustainable economies. The “development” concept is simply not

Tirso Gonzales & Walter D. Mignolo

1 De-westernization´s main characteristics are political and economic rather than geographic and refer to all
countries that desire an end to international dependency based on the legacies of the 1944 Bretton Woods
Conference and the US dollar’s global dominance and that delink from economic decisions made by the WB,
IMF, United States and the European Union.
2 Cosmology and cosmo-vision are two Western concepts, one underlining the logos and the other the eyes, shat-
tering all other forms of expressing the experience of Pachamama, which is the Quechua-Aymara equivalent to the
regional Greek cosmos and Latin universum. Aymara intellectuals talk about ‘cosmo-con-vivencia’, that is, the experi-
ence of the cosmos (vivencia) as well as living in harmony with the cosmos (convivencia, that is, con-viviality).

Esteva, G., 2015. The Hour of Autonomy, In Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 10:1, 134-145.
Gonzales, T., 2015. An Indigenous Autonomous Community-Based Model for Knowledge Production in the Peru-
vian Andes, In Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 10:1, 107-133.
Gonzales, T. and Hussain, M., 2016. Indigenous autonomy, community-based research, and development aid.
Sumaq Kawsay in three epistemic scenarios. In AlterNative 2016: 266-281.
Mignolo, W., 2020. Sustainable Development or Sustainable Economies? Ideas Towards Living in Harmony and
Plenitude. Global Coloniality and the World Disorder. Translated into Mandarin, to be published by the University
Press of the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
PRATEC, 1998. The Spirit of Regeneration: Andean Culture Confronting Western Notions of Development. (Eds)
Frederique Apffel-Marglin and PRATEC (the Andean Project for Peasant Technology). Zed Books.
Sachs, W., 2010. The Development Dictionary. A Guide to Knowledge as Power. (Ed) Wolfgang Sachs. Zed Books
Tebtebba, 2010. Towards an Alternative Development Paradigm. Indigenous Peoples Selfdetermined Develop-
ment, (Eds) Tauli-Corpuz, V., Enkiwe-Abayao, L. and de Chavez, R. Tebtebba Foundation.
Tebtebba, 2012. Sustaining and Enhancing Indigenous People’s Self-determined Development: 20 Years After Rio.
(Eds) J. Cariño, K. Wessendorf, M. E. Regpala, R. de Chavez, and T. Gonzales. Tebtebba Foundation.
Tebtebba, 2008. Indicators Relevant for Indigenous Peoples: A Resource Book. (Ed) Mara Stankovitch. Tebtebba
Tengö, M., Hill, R. Malmer, P. et al., 2017. Weaving knowledge systems in IPBES, CBD and beyond—lessons learned
for sustainability. In Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 26:17–25.
Figueroa-Helland, L., Thomas, C., Aguilera, A.P., 2018. Decolonizing food systems: Food sovereignty, indigenous re-
vitalization, and agroecology as counter-hegemonic movements. In Perespectives on Global Development and
Technology 17 (2018): 173-201.

Walter D. Mignolo is Professor of Romance Studies in Trinity College, Professor of Lit-

erature and Director of the Center for Global Studies and the Humanities at Duke
University. He is associated researcher at Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, and
at the Center for Indian Studies in Sout h Africa, Wits University, Johannesburg. He au-
thored a variety of books related to this topic, most recently “On Decoloniality: Con-
cepts, Analysis, Praxis”, co-authored with Catherine Walsh.
Tirso Gonzales, Aymara, holds a PhD in Rural Sociology from the University of Wiscon-
sin, Madison. After postdoctoral studies at UC Davis and UC Berkeley, he became Indi-
genous Studies professor at UBC-Okanagan, Canada. Currently, he is Associate
Researcher at Pontificia Universidad Católica Peru and a member of Universidad del
Pacífico´s Ciencia Andina Think-Tank group.Tirso works as scholar and activist on Indi-
genous Peoples and food issues and worked as a member of the IAASTD LAC team.

10-Year Comparison

Micronutrient deficiencies






2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women

South-East Asia Africa Eastern Mediterranean World

   Europe Americas

Prevalance of anaemia in pregnant women aged 15-49 by WHO region, defined as the percentage of women
with a haemoglobin concentration of less than 110 grams per litre for pregnant women

Malnutrition – a triple whammy

Undernutrition, being overweight and obese, and micronutrient deficiencies are frequently referred
to as the “triple burden of malnutrition”. Two billion people across the globe are estimated to suffer
from micronutrient deficiency, also termed hidden hunger, which is characterised by a lack of impor-
tant vitamins and minerals. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia, which mostly af-
fects young children and women of reproductive age. Between 2006 and 2016, the prevalence of
anaemia in women of reproductive age increased globally from 30.4% to 32.8% and remained at
around 40% in pregnant women. In 2012, the World Health Assembly set the target of a 50% re-
duction of anaemia in women of reproductive age by 2025. Anaemia according to pregnancy status
has now also been included as an indicator for Sustainable Development Goal 2.

1 WHO World Health Organisation (2017). Global Health Observatory data repository: Prevalence of anaemia in pregnant
women - Estimates by WHO region
2 WHO World Health Organisation (2014). Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Anaemia Policy Brief. WHO/NMH/NHD/14.4.
3 UN United Nations (2020). Global indicator framework for the SDGs and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Deve-
lopment. Adopted by the General Assembly (A/RES/71/313) with refinements contained in E/CN.3/2018/2, E/CN.3/2019/2 and

Lauren Baker, Barbara Gemmill-Herren, Fabio Leippert

Beacons of hope:
accelerating transformations to
sustainable food systems
In 2019, the Global Alliance for the Future of Food and Biovision Foundation
for Ecological Development published the report “Beacons of Hope: Acce-
lerating Transformations to Sustainable Food Systems.”1 The report illustra-
tes the positive impacts of food systems on the environment, livelihoods
and health.The initiatives selected as Beacons of Hope are not only a source
of inspiration for food systems transformation, but also help to better un-
derstand how to support and facilitate these transformative processes.

IAASTD’s Legacy
The questions you pose dictate the answers you get. For some, the central
question asked related to the future of food is “how can net calorie availability
be delivered in the most efficient way possible?” For others it is “how can we
feed all people well and equitably through a diversity of channels without harm-
ing the planet?” In 2009, IAASTD posed the question: “how can we reduce hun-
ger and poverty, improve rural livelihoods and facilitate
equitable, environmentally, socially and economically sustai-
nable development through the generation of, access to, and
use of agricultural knowledge, science and technology?"
Through the process of exploring and answering the ques-
tion IAASTD created a conceptual framework for food sys-
tems transformation that informed our work on the
“Beacons of Hope” report. In the Beacons of Hope report
we sought to understand “how do we accelerate the trans-
formation toward healthy, equitable, renewable, resilient, in-
clusive, and culturally diverse food and agriculture systems?”
Embedded in the questions are inherent objectives for the
food system, and either narrower or broader conceptual
frameworks for addressing food system challenges and op-
portunities in the 21st century. IAASTD positioned these food systems objecti-
ves as broad and interconnected, with the potential for facilitating a number of
co-benefits across the system. There are three ways that IAASTD continues to
inform the global discussion:

2019 Global Alliance & Biovision
1. By introducing a holistic systems perspective: examining food systems in the
context of both the full value chain – from inputs to consumption and waste –
and a wide breadth of interconnections and impacts;
2. By promoting an inclusive process to generate the report and compile rele-
vant knowledge: interdisciplinary, both regional and global, multi-thematic, multi-
spatial, multi-temporal, multi-stakeholder and intergovernmental, open and
transparent in relationship to mechanisms for input and peer review;
3. By considering diverse knowledge and evidence: not only scientific, but other
relevant knowledge paradigms including Indigenous, farmer and traditional
knowledge, the role of diverse institutions, governance, markets, and trade. His-
torical analysis was considered, as well as future-casting to 2050 in order to in-
form recommendations.

This framework for considering food systems is more relevant than ever as we
grapple with the complexity of climate, biodiversity, health and equity challenges
and the ways they manifest locally and globally. It is important to remember
that 10 years ago, when IAASTD was published, few were talking about food
systems transformations. Over the last year there have been multiple reports
published and processes calling for systems transformations, with the recognition
that multiple transformations across food systems are critical to meet the Sus-
tainable Development Goals, biodiversity and climate targets.

MASIPAG, PHILIPPINES: Agricultural biodiversity and resilient seed systems

MASIPAG2 is a longstanding, farmer-led network of civil society organizations, NGOs,

and scientists in the Philippines. It reaches about 35,000 farmer members in 3 regional
zones of the Philippines. The goals are to sustainably manage biodiversity through
farmer-controlled seeds and biological resources, agricultural production, and asso-
ciated knowledge. MASIPAG was created to break the control of local and multina-
tional fertilizer and pesticide companies, multilateral rice research institutes, and rice
distribution cartels. To improve the quality of life of small farmers, the initiative takes
a holistic approach to development, community empowerment, and people’s control
of agricultural biodiversity. MASIPAG’s approach to empower farmers in breeding
their own local rice varieties and to collaborate with academic sectors uses the fol-
lowing interactions: bottom-up decision–making, planning and implementation;
farmer–scientist partnerships; farmer-led research; farmer–to–farmer modes of dif-
fusion in training; and advocacy on farmers’ rights issues.

About Beacons of Hope

Several years ago, the Global Alliance for the Future of Food and Biovision Foun-
dation for Ecological Development3 set out to better understand the possibili-
ties and pathways for food systems transformation globally, across different
contexts and in different places. We were looking for counterpoints to the daunt-
ing news of the climate emergency, ecological crisis, growing inequalities, and

L. Baker, B. Gemmill-Herren, F. Leippert

skyrocketing costs of diet related diseases.The “vicious cycle” of negative impacts

of food systems (IAASTD Global Report, 2) is well articulated in the IAASTD
report. But what are the positive impacts of food systems managed for health,
equity, resilience, renewability, inclusivity and diversity?

Global Alliance for the Future of Food members and Biovision Foundation for
Ecological Development have the great privilege of supporting a wide range of
food systems initiatives seeking to address these interrelated crises. We wanted
to illustrate the positive impacts of food systems so clearly described in the
IAASTD (Global Report, 21).

Around the world “Beacons of Hope” are working to transform food systems.
Thousands of initiatives are contributing inspiring, creative, and necessary solu-
tions to urgent global issues such as climate change, migration, urbanization, and
the need for healthier communities and more sustainable diets. The Beacons of
Hope report sought to amplify their stories and better understand their impact
in order to strengthen our understanding of the transformation process.

To uncover the diversity of approaches, we asked our networks to share their

Beacons of Hope. We then worked through a rigorous selection process to iden-
tify 21 initiatives that were geographically dispersed, worked across scales and
issues, reflected work by different sectors, addressed multiple dimensions of food
systems, illustrated a holistic approach, and articulated a change or transformation
processes. The initiatives selected are not only a source of inspiration for food
systems transformation, but also help us better understand how to support and
facilitate these transformative processes in place-based, contextual ways.

EOSTA, NETHERLANDS: Toward the true cost of food

This award-winning private–sector initiative is dedicated to the production and im-

portation of sustainable, organic, and fair trade fruits and vegetables. Eosta4 is an in-
ternational distributor with relationships with over 1,000 growers in six continents.
They provide full traceability of their products, provide extension services to farmers,
promote true cost accounting, and build a sustainable market with consumers. This
traceability allows consumers to make well–informed purchases at prices fair to pro-
ducers, society, and the environment. As “orchestrators of the production and supply
chain,” Eosta provides agroeconomic advice, finances, packaging, product innovation,
logistics, marketing, and distribution to their customers.

A pillar of EOSTA’s approach is transparency through true cost accounting.True cost

accounting is an evolving approach and methodology to make visible the full costs of
food by identifying, measuring, and valuing the positive and negative environmental,
social, and health externalities of food and agricultural systems.

Beacons of hope

Understanding sustainability transitions

To better understand sustainability transitions more broadly, and food system
transitions more specifically, we reviewed the sustainability transitions literature
focusing on contributions from: 1) Harriet Friedmann and Philip McMichael
(1989), who trace the legacies of historic “food regime” transitions; 2) Hill and
MacRae (1996) and Gliessman (2016), who explore agriculture and food system
transitions, and have developed frameworks to assess and guide the depth of
these transitions; and 3) the “Multilevel Perspective” elaborated by Geels (2002)
and others to describe broader sustainability transitions.

Throughout history, food systems have undergone a process of continuous

change. In this context of constant change, where have significant transformations
occurred? Friedmann and McMichael (1989) trace the legacies of historic “food
regimes” – major transformations that have shaped labour, agriculture, markets,
diets, social movements, and nation-state systems.Their analysis of these transfor-
mations helps us understand transitions as dynamic, contested, historic, systemic,
and connected to and influencing broader social, political, and economic processes.

In 1996, Hill and McRae explored possible transitions from conventional to sus-
tainable agriculture, developing the Efficiency-Substitution-Redesign Framework.
This framework has been adapted to apply to the food system as a whole. Gliess-
man (2016) extends Hill and MacRae’s Efficiency-Substitution-Redesign Frame-
work to analyze five levels of agroecological food systems transitions. The Hill
and MacRae and Gliessman frameworks helped us to: a) conceptualize transition
phases; b) evaluate the depth of transitions; c) distinguish between incremental
and transformational change; and d) identify transformative elements of the tran-
sition process as we developed the food system transformation framework.
Theoretical constructs for sustainability transitions beyond food systems are also
instructive. Sustainability transitions are seen as processes that are long term, mul-
tidimensional, and creating fundamental transformations that cause shifts in estab-
lished socio-technical systems to more sustainable modes of production and
consumption (Geels 2002 and 2011). The environmental and
social problems that sustainability transitions are addressing ge- Food system
nerally require many years, if not decades, for the full effect of
transition pathways
changes to take place, and inevitably involve multiple solutions
rather than “silver bullets” (Lachmann 2013). are less technology-
oriented, and instead
The “Multilevel Perspective” elaborated by Geels is a well- depend on social
known and debated transition theory. When reviewing the processes of learning
literature and discussing the MLP with sustainability transition
experts it became clear that applying the MLP to food systems is a challenge.
Energy and transportation sustainability transitions can more easily be mapped
to a set of technological solutions and to how technological changes are incor-
porated in social functions (Geels 2002). In contrast, food system transition
pathways are likely less technology-oriented, and instead depend on building

L. Baker, B. Gemmill-Herren, F. Leippert

social networks and social processes of learning. Nonetheless the MLP concept
of “niches” – initiatives that promote alternatives to the dominant practices and
rules and that can serve as transformative elements – has shown itself to be
useful concept applied to Beacons of Hope.

Sustainability transitions often focus on the trajectory of specific technology “in-

novations” and the consequent changes in user practices, regulation, industrial
networks (supply, production, and distribution), infrastructure, and symbolic cul-
tural meanings (Geels 2002). While these aspects are relevant to the food sys-
tem as well, sustainable food systems transitions will need to address how to
introduce change into the additional complexity and diffuseness of food systems
and consumer behaviour (Anderson et al 2019; Gaitán-Cremaschi et al 2019).
The transitions literature above was adapted for the purposes of understanding
the transformations occurring throughout the Beacons of Hope. Terminology
was changed to wording that is more meaningful in the context of our project,
focusing on food systems transformations. Figure 1 illustrates our conceptuali-
zation of the food systems transformation process.

Figure 1: Beacons of Hope food systems transformation framework

From our analysis of the Beacons of Hope case studies, key elements in the
transformation to sustainable food systems were identified.These included: pro-
tecting, promoting, and supporting family farmers and Indigenous communities
producing food using agroecological and diversified approaches and principles;
co–creation of knowledge, and knowledge exchange and dissemination; deve-
loping cooperative ownership models; emphasizing ideas of circular and solida-
rity economy; reinforcing the importance of culturally relevant and place–specific
sustainable diets; establishing participatory approaches and inclusive governance;

Beacons of hope

identifying new market mechanisms; adopting new holistic metrics; and, engaging
in policy development.

Most significantly, the Beacons of Hope work contributed to the development

of a Theory of Transformation adopted by the Global Alliance for the Future of
Food. This theory of transformation recognizes that when diverse actions, net-
works, and individuals intersect and converge across sector and issue silos, the
global and local, the macro and the micro, critical mass and momentum builds
toward tipping points that lead to systemic change that endures over time.


Agroecological transformation

The Community Managed Natural Farming5 approach, led by the Government of

Andhra Pradesh’s Department of Agriculture, is on target to engage 1 million farmers
by 2019–2020 to increase yields and promote resilience through agroecological pro-
cesses. It is a broad state policy with multiple objectives including enhancing farmers’
welfare, consumer welfare, and the conservation of the environment. The work is
done through farmer–to–farmer mentoring, short tutorials and films, and modern
communication methods.

Transformation pathways
Going forward, we are building on and deepening this important work. A vibrant
network of change agents has been engaged in the Beacons of Hope and we
see great potential to link these initiatives, deepen our analysis about food sys-
tems transformations, better understand transformation pathways, and build the
evidence of their positive impacts. The next phase of Beacons of Hope includes
linking this work into the global policy agenda and forging local-global linkages.
We return now to the central contribution of IAASTD articulated above. By in-
troducing a holistic systems perspective, promoting an inclusive process, and con-
sidering diverse knowledge and evidence, IAASTD continues to inform and guide
our systemic view, our approach, the breadth of knowledge and diversity of re-
search methods and evidence needed to navigate the complexity of food sys-
tems transformations in the current political and ecological moment.

3 The Global Alliance for the Future of Food is a strategic alliance of philanthropic foundations working together
and with others to transform global food systems now and for future generations. Biovision Foundation for Eco-
logical Development is a not–for–profit, non–denominational, politically independent foundation based in Zürich,
Switzerland that supports the dissemination and application of sustainable ecological approaches to alleviate po-
verty and improve food security in Africa and beyond.

L. Baker, B. Gemmill-Herren, F. Leippert

Anderson, C. R., Bruil, J., Chappell, M. J., Kiss, C., Pimbert, M. P., 2019. From transition to domains of transformation:
Getting to sustainable and just food systems through agroecology. Sustainability, 11(19), 5272.
Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development and Global Alliance for the Future of Food, 2019. Beacons of
Hope: Accelerating Transformations to Sustainable Food Systems. n.p.: Global Alliance for the Future of Food.
Friedmann, H., 2017. Paradox of transition: Two reports on how to move toward sustainable food systems, 2017.
Development and Change 48(5):1210–226.
Friedmann, H. and McMichael, P., 1989. Agriculture and the state system:The rise and decline of national agricultures,
1870 to the present. Sociologia Ruralis 29(2):93–117.
Gaitán-Cremaschi, D., Klerkx, L., Duncan, J., Trienekens, J. H., Huenchuleo, C., Dogliotti, S., Rossing, W. A., 2019. Cha-
racterizing diversity of food systems in view of sustainability transitions. A review. Agronomy for sustainable deve-
lopment, 39(1), 1.
Geels, F.W., 2002. Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: A multilevel perspective and
a case-study. Res Policy 31:1257–1274.
Geels, F.W., 2011. The multilevel perspective on sustainability transitions: Responses to seven criticisms. Environ.
Innov. Soc. Transitions 1:24–40.
Gliessman, S.R., 2016.Transforming food systems with agroecology. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 40:3,
Hill, S. B., and MacRae, R. J., 1996. Conceptual framework for the transition from conventional to sustainable agri-
culture. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 7(1):81–87.
IAASTD, 2009. Agriculture at a crossroads. IAASTD International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science
and Technology for Development: Global Report. WashingtonDC: Island Press, 590. At:
Crossroad (accessed December 4, 2013).
IPES-Food, 2017. Unravelling the Food–Health Nexus: Addressing practices, political economy, and power relations
to build healthier food systems. The Global Alliance for the Future of Food and IPES-Food.
McMichael, P., 2009. A food regime genealogy. Journal of Peasant Studies 36(1):139–69.

Dr. Lauren Baker is the Director of Programs at the Global Alliance for the Future
of Food. Lauren has more than 20 years of experience facilitating cross-sectoral re-
search, policy and advocacy for sustainable food systems in non-profit, academic,
business, policy and philanthropic contexts. Previously, Lauren led the Toronto Food
Policy Council, a citizen advisory group embedded within the City of Toronto.

Dr. Barbara Gemmill-Herren, until she retired in 2015, was Delivery Manager for
the Major Area of Work on Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity at the UN Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO). She was previously Executive Director of En-
vironment Liaison Centre International, an international environmental non-govern-
mental organization based in Nairobi, Kenya. Barbara has contributed to major
global initiatives related to pollination, ecosystem services, true cost accounting and

Fabio Leippert works in Biovision's Policy & Advocacy Team on issues relating to
agroecology and climate change at the international level as well as at the country
level. He holds a Master in Conservation Biology and an MAS ETH in development
cooperation. As a biologist he is particularly interested in the dynamics between
biodiversity, climate change and agriculture and a systemic and sustainable ap-
proach to agriculture and food systems.

Looking Forward
Colin R. Anderson & Molly D. Anderson

Resources to inspire a transformative

agroecology: a curated guide
Since publication of the IAASTD reports in 2009, agroecology has come into its
own. Debates continue about the definition, the impact, the potential and the
future of agroecology (De Schutter 2011; Anderson et al. 2019a); however, it is
generally agreed that the development of agroecology is critical to address the
deepening food systems related crises (IPES-Food 2016; Nyeleni 2015).There is
growing evidence of the potential of agroecology as a paradigm for a more just
and sustainable food system (HLPE 2019) and, with this, a great deal of effort in
social movements, academia, institutions and governments to advance agroecol-
ogy. Indeed, since the IAASTD, there is a wide range of materials that have been
published to inspire, evidence and promote agroecology. This chapter curates a
selection of publications and resources that showcase different aspects of agroe-
cology as a transformative vision and practice. These resources are fur ther ela-
borated in a companion website introduced below at the end of the chapter.

A caution on the multiple meanings of agroecology: from the status quo to a

transformative agroecology
Agroecology is being used in different ways and being imbued with different
meaning by the wide range of actors (see box) involved in producing publications
and other resources (e.g. videos) that highlight aspects of agroecology. Not all of
these are compatible with the transformative agroecology supported by many
authors of the IAASTD (See Ishii-Eiteman on page 21 in this book). It has been
argued that there are multiple ‘agroecologies’ (Méndez et al., 2013) as it is rein-
terpreted (Rivera-Ferre 2018) by different actors with different values, intentions
and worldviews.

In this chapter, we aim to lift up examples of resources that signal aspects of a

transformative agroecology that aims for social justice and sustainability. From
this perspective, it is important for agroecology to highlight cases, aspects and
dynamics that go beyond techniques and practices (which are also important)
to include attention to shifts in political-economic power and questions around
agency and control (Nyéléni 2015; De Molina et al. 2019; Video 1).

In contrast, some resources purporting to showcase aspects of agroecology in-

clude and promote approaches that maintain power imbalances (e.g. reliance
on agribusiness companies) and environmentally harmful practices (e.g. use of
synthetic pesticides).These examples are easy to place near the ‘status quo’ end

Colin R. Anderson & Molly D. Anderson

Video 1: This film shows voices from

different social movements who are acting
collectively to articulate a transformative
agroecology and to reject both corporate-
led industrial agriculture and technocratic
meanings of agroecology1

of a spectrum that spans status quo to transformative (Figure 1). It is also possible
to identify approaches to agroecology that are more “reformist” in nature and that
inadvertently or explicitly frame agroecology as a technical approach centered
around specific production practices that are clearly void of these transformative
elements.These often consider agroecology as one tool in the toolbox rather than
a paradigm for transformation.They tend to focus on improved resource efficiency
and reduced ecological footprint but give limited attention to the political and
social processes that lock in the dominant system and undermine agroecology.

Status quo Transformative

(extractive, inequitable, (focuses on agency, de-
non-democratic, mocracy, equity, rights,
corporate-led) ecological renewal)

Figure 1: One way to view different representations of agroecology is along a spectrum from status quo to
transformative. Any publication or resource should be viewed critically and readers might ask themselves:
Who is publishing this and why? What is the underlying message and aspirations of the authors/creators
of this resource? To what extent does this resource resonate with a transformative agroecology?

The collective actors authoring agroecology resources

A wide range of actors, institutions, authors, activists and researchers are populating the body
of work and producing resources to advance agroecology. The field of agroecology resources is
authored by actors positioned within eight primary types:
● Social movements and social movement organizations (e.g. African Food Sovereignty Alliance,

International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty, La Via Campesina)

● Non-governmental organizations (e.g. Pesticide Action Network, Groundswell, Oakland Institute)

● Farmers and social economy businesses

● Philanthropists (e.g. CIDSE, Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Agroecology Fund)

● Researchers and research institutes (e.g. individual authors, SOCLA, IPES-Food)

● Intergovernmental organizations (e.g. FAO)

● Governmental agencies

● Industry (e.g. CropLife )


Looking forward – Resources on agroecology

The curated list: seven types of resources

In the following sections, we highlight select examples that we identify as being
most exemplary of a transformative agroecology within seven main categories
of resources.The resources listed in each category do not comprise a compre-
hensive, but rather an illustrative, selection of examples.

1. Principles and elements of agroecology

Proponents of agroecology have advanced the idea that agroecology involves a
continuous transition that does not follow prescriptive rules, but rather is based
on core principles, elements and values that are adapted and applied in particular
contexts.Thus, the different proposals for these principles, which are often pre-
sented in the form of lists and infographics, are a key resource for anyone looking
to engage in agroecology. But, like the growing number of definitions of agroe-
cology, only some of these sets of principles reflect a deeply transformative per-
spective. Some strong examples include:

• Social Movements: The principles embedded in the Declaration of the Inter-

national Forum on Agroecology3 are perhaps the most political and transforma-
tive set of principles.They, however, are not packaged into a ready-to-use format
in the same way as other principles or elements, and thus, unfortunately, are less
• CIDSE: Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité
presents a framework4 (Figure 2) that explicitly emphasizes a political dimension,
along with the typical social, economic and environmental pillars used to define
• FAO:The FAO has generated a widely-used set of 10 ‘elements’ of agroecology,
with further details of each element fleshed out in an accompanying report.5
These elements are impressively social and political for an intergovernmental in-
stitution, reflecting the reality that they were created through engagement with
civil society in different regions; however, they do not centre political change, re-
flecting constraints of FAO’s political processes.
• HLPE: The 2019 High Level Panel of Experts report on “Agroecological and
Other Innovative Approaches”,6 recognizing the deficiency of the FAO’s 10 ele-
ments in terms of their lack of focus on social agency and human rights, added
further elements related to social equity/responsibility.
• Biovision and Gliessman:The Agroecology Criteria Tool7 combines Steve Gliess-
man’s commonly used five levels of transition8 with the FAO’s 10 elements to
create a tool for evaluating the extent to which agroecology’s multiple dimen-
sions are being satisfied. Biovision attempted to interpret these elements and le-
vels for the purpose of evaluation.

Colin R. Anderson & Molly D. Anderson

Figure 2: CIDSE’s principles and facets of agroecology presented here in infographic form.

2. Practices/case studies
A growing number of case studies at the farm, community or regional level pro-
vide either examples of agroecological practices or of how specific areas have
made a transition to agroecology. These were often generated to demonstrate
that producers are using agroecology now and that, when undertaken in an en-
abling environment, agroecology can provide multiple benefits and outcomes.
They are intended to inspire and inform. Many of these case studies include con-
crete descriptions of locally adapted agroecology on farms or in territories, high-
lighting markets, the integration of appropriate technologies, biological or
collective approaches to pest-control, women-led efforts or other dimensions
of agroecology.The most powerful case studies in this category provide examples
of a particular practice (e.g. water harvesting), while also discussing the political
dimensions of the issue and practice and including voices of practitioners them-
selves – especially non-dominant perspectives (such as women, youth, lower
caste, indigenous, etc.). This resource type often includes pictures, diagrams or

• AFSA: The African Food Sovereignty Alliance and the Oakland Institute provide
an excellent set of regionally specific case studies9 (Figure 3) of agroecology fea-
turing a blend of examples that combine practical and political considerations.
• La Revuelta Al Campo: The “Revolt in the Fields” project website10 has a series
of agroecology related videos from examples in Spain.

Looking forward – Resources on agroecology

• Why Hunger: Agroecology: Putting Food Sovereignty into Action11 provides a

strong political contextualization of the need for food sovereignty before pre-
senting nine place-based discussions of agroecology by social movement actors
from around the world. This publication is heavy on the political aspects; but a
reader looking to learn from practical case studies would be better served by
looking elsewhere.
• TransformAfrica: The series of videos,Women and Agroecology in Africa, highlight
agroecology from the perspective of women, combining the practical with issues
of equity. 12
• ALISEA: The Agro-ecology Learning Alliance in Southeast Asia13 (ALISEA) has
a searchable database including case studies and factsheets about initiatives with
many practical case studies.

Figure 3: A screenshot of agroecology practice case studies at the African Food Sovereignty Alliances Website.

3. Policies
The relationship between policy and agroecology is complex (see: Giraldo and
McCune 2019); therefore, any simple list of policies that support agroecology
is a risky oversimplification without an explanation of the context. Further, some
lists of policies for agroecology have inclusion criteria that are quite open and
not subject to vetting against principles of agroecology.Thus, many of the policies
indicated may just as easily support corporate-led, climate-smart or even con-
ventional agriculture. With this in mind, some attempts have been made to col-
lect and present policies that promote agroecology. For example:

• Latin America Report: The report, “Public policies to support agroecology in

Latin America and the Caribbean”14 not only lists a set of policies that support
agroecology, but also discusses their emergence and history and takes more of
a critical perspective.
• FAO’s AgroecologyLex:The AgroecologyLex15 is a continually updated online
database of legal frameworks, policies and programmes related to agroecology
in different national contexts. For each entry, users are able to access a summary

Colin R. Anderson & Molly D. Anderson

of the policy, focusing on the “purpose and specific objectives, institutional frame-
works and main forms of support.”
• ALISEA Library of Policy Documents:The ALISEA online library16 lists a range
of documents related to agroecology policy – many of which are excellent re-
sources not just for the Southeast Asia region but for anyone interested in policy.

4. Agroecology learning and training

Given the new attention to agroecology, many people are creating formal and
informal learning opportunities in the form of courses, workshops, learning ex-
changes, peer-to-peer informal learning programs, series of field-based classes,
or entire degree programs. Some of these seem to be a re-naming of existing
training as “agroecology” rather than a genuine re-focusing. For example, a large
Midwestern US university includes courses in Basic Golf Club Design and Repair
and Introduction to Turfgrass Management in
its “Agroecology Specialization”. A transfor-
mative agroecology implies a particular ap-
proach to learning and pedagogy, most
commonly found in programs with social
movement backing, and include for example
a political analysis, horizontal methods of lear-
ning and a dialogue of different ways of
knowing. A growing body of literature has
highlighted the characteristics of a transfor-
Figure 4: Learners from Mali, Morocco and Italy at mative approach to agroecology learning (La
Schola Campesina’s international course on Global Via Campesina 2017; Rosset et al. 2019; An-
Governance. derson et al. 2019a, b, c).

Learning rooted in informal and social movement settings:

• La Via Campesina sponsors a set of peasant universities and programs17
around the world that root the practice of agroecology in a deeply political
• European programs affiliated with the European branch of La Via Campesina
are highlighted in the European Agroecology Knowledge Exchange Network18
• Schola Campesina (Figure 4) is an international agroecology school seeking
to share, valorise and develop knowledge on agroecology and global gover-
nance of food and agriculture and offer in-person courses and workshops as
well as a Schola Campesina online course on global governance of food.
• Escuela Campesina Multimedia presents videos and resources in four languages
on the Peasant-to-Peasant learning methodology.19
• International People's Agroecology Multiversity involves a research-learning-
action approach to agroecology that puts agroecology in the framework of food
sovereignty, ecological and social justice. It is coordinated by a network of farmers
and women’s organizations, NGOs, researchers and academic institutions.20

Looking forward – Resources on agroecology

Figure 5: Agroecología Map (Brazil)

Learning rooted in formal settings at universities and colleges:

• The Agriculture, Food & Human Values Society21 and Sustainable Agriculture
Education Association22 maintain lists of educational programs in the U.S. and
Canada, which can be searched for “agroecology”.
• Universities in the Netherlands, France, Norway, Spain and other EU countries
offer individual and shared programs listed through the European Network of
Organic Agriculture Students23, the European Master in Organic Agriculture and
Food Systems24 and Agroecology Europe25.
• In Latin America, one place to find University Programs is through the Red de
Programas de Agroecología de Latinoamérica / Red-PAL – an initiative set to
enable cooperation, exchange, research, and the training amongst universities
engaged in agroecology.
• A number of “massive open online courses” (MOOCs) on agroecology exist,
including, for example one based in Argentina.

5. Agroecology mapping initiatives

Organizations and networks are creating online maps of agroecological farms,
markets, crop varieties and livestock breeds, soil fertility and water management
practices, policies and more. Mapping initiatives respond to a desire to document,
better understand and make visible the rapid emergence and evolution of agroe-
cology and to understand where nodes of activity or vacuums exist – or simply
to find good projects in a particular area. A recent guide, Mapping for Food Sys-
tem Change26, highlights the issues, challenges and emerging opportunities that
might arise when designing mapping processes to support food system change.
Maps often have loose criteria for inclusion and might include initiatives that do
not align well with agroecology, so users should examine the criteria and trans-
parency of the map and not take for granted that everything matches with a
transformative agroecology. Some examples of maps include:

Colin R. Anderson & Molly D. Anderson

• The open source Agroecology Map27, based in Brazil (Figure 5), aims to help
bring urban and rural people together to create and strengthen collaborative
networks to exchange experiences and strengthen agroecology.
• Other maps are not specifically focused on agroecology per se, but are built
around key dynamics and initiatives in a transformative agroecology. The Com-
munity Seed Map28, for example, maps people and programs working on seed
saving and sharing. The Open Food Network29 is an online platform and global
open source community where producers, stores, consumer groups, etc. can join
and be listed on the map to connect in local/territorial food systems.

6. Books and longer academic treatments

Scholars and activists have been writing influential books and reports on agro-
ecology for at least 60 years (not to mention the generations of scholarship
and knowledge that agroecology research builds on), reflecting a substantial re-
source for those looking for in-depth treatments of agroecology. This section
highlights a selection of recent relevant edited or single-authored academic
work and project websites. Google Scholar30 searches for “agroecology” and
related terms is a great way to explore the wider literature. Although much
academic work requires a subscription or exorbitant fees to access single arti-
cles, a request to the author will usually result in a copy. Most researchers are
eager to share their work with those who are not able to access it otherwise.

• Key texts on Political Agroecology and Transitions: Examples include Political

Agroecology: Advancing the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems31 by Manuel
González de Molina and co-authors, and Agroecology: Science & Politics32 by Peter
Rosset and Miguel Altieri. A bibliography of articles related to agroecology transi-
tion33 was produced by the AgroecologyNow! Group at the Centre for Agroeco-
logy, Water and Resilience and features many relevant articles for a transformative
agroecology. Recent special issues in the Journal of Agroecology and Sustainable
Food Systems focus on scaling agroecology34 and agroecology transformations.35
• HLPE Report: Although it does not emphasize transformative agroecology as
the term is used here, the report on “Agroecological and Other Innovative Ap-
proaches…“36 by the High-Level Panel of Experts of the United Nations Com-
mittee on World Food Security devoted considerable space to the transition
to agroecology and more sustainable food systems. Table 4 on page 63 of that
report demonstrates clearly that systems that the authors associate with agro-
ecology (organic agriculture, agroforestry, permaculture and food sovereignty)
have superior outcomes for food security and nutrition.
• Academic Societies: Several academic societies offer regular conferences or
newsletters that contain information about agroecological research that may
not be written up in books or journal articles yet.These include:The Latin Ame-
rican Scientific Society for Agroecology SOCLA37, The Agroecology Research
Action Collective (ARC)38 in the US and Agroecology Europe39.
• Research Project Websites: Many projects of different scales have generated
websites that focus on particular topics related to agroecology. For example,

Looking forward – Resources on agroecology

the “SECuRE Project”40 focuses on soil ecological function restoration to en-

hance agroecosystem services in rainfed rice cropping systems in agroecological

7. Subscription based resources: blogs, newsletters and magazines

Readers can subscribe to a number of different blogs, newsletters and maga-
zines that focus specifically on agroecology. These often share notices related
to the other resource types (e.g. case studies, policy analysis, courses) as well as
original analysis, commentary and other items.

• Farming Matters41 (Figure 6) was published by ILEIA in multiple languages

over the last two decades and – particularly in the last five years – focused on
the political and social as well as the practical dimensions of agroecology. Back-
issues and recent special issues on agroecology are great resources, archived
• The Nyeleni Newsletter42 is pitched as, “the voice of the in-
ternational movement for Food Sovereignty” and aims to
strengthen “the grassroots of the movement”, by providing ac-
cessible material on key issues. Most of the back-issues are avai-
lable online and have articles that speak directly to agroecology.
• Revista Soberanía Alimentaria43 is a Spanish language web-
site that focuses on food sovereignty, biodiversity and cultures.
• FAO’s agroecology newsletter44 shares information on up-
coming events, publications and other news regarding FAO’s
work on agroecology and also other items from the wider
global field of agroecology.
• Regional or nationally focused subscription-based resources
include, in Latin America, the magazine Biodiversidad45, which
combines the practical and the political, emphasizing the link
between those who work to “manage biodiversity” with cul- Figure 6: Farming Matters maga-
tural diversity and self-government, especially local commu- zine provides many important
nities: indigenous and African-American women and men, practical case studies of agro-
peasants, fishermen and small producers. In the European ecology.
context, ARC202046 provides a monthly newsletter on agri-
food, rural issues, environmental policy and practices around Europe. In the US
context, Civil Eats47 provides agroecology-tagged articles in a journalist style
that often speaks to scientific, social and political issues.

Concluding thoughts
The growing body of rich and diverse publications and resources is indicative
of a robust effort to advance a politically-rooted agroecology as a transformative
paradigm for social justice and sustainability in food systems. Yet, it is important
to think critically about the resources available, as many of these are framing
agroecology in subtle ways that can redefine its meaning, reduce the political
dimensions and serve to co-opt agroecology to reinforce the status quo.

Colin R. Anderson & Molly D. Anderson

The recent uptake of agroecology, including by institutions like the FAO and some
national governments, has led to a backlash with agroecology as the object of fierce
attacks and confrontations.These interventions are directly obstructing agroecology
(e.g. blocking policy) and also serve to confuse policy-makers and citizens so that
they cannot distinguish easily among different pathways. This division mirrors the
stark divide in the international arena between actors intent on preserving ex-
tractive food systems that focus on profit-making and exploitative practices versus
those seeking equitable, sustainable and democratic food systems.

While many of the publications and sources reviewed here are excellent re-
sources, it is also important to point out that many of the sources of information
and inspiration for agroecology are embedded in local practices that have not
been documented at all, even though they may be powerfully transformative
for local actors. Local actors may not refer to their work as agroecology; there-
fore, it is important to connect with and learn about the kinds of political and
practical work on food systems that people are doing with their hearts, heads
and hands in each locale. It is also important to remember that different kinds
of organizations, institutions and authors have vastly uneven funding and power
to produce these publications, with former colonial governments holding most
of the money and doling it out very selectively based on their own interests.
This means that organizations with deep pockets such as corporations and FAO
can produce slick products with wide marketing reach that often overshadow
grassroots movements and local voices.

In order to deepen the agroecological perspective, readers should consider

putting their practices and views on agroecology into conversation with com-
plementary fields that can help to enrich the political understandings and di-
mensions of agroecology. Readers are invited to connect with the wide body
of thinking, scholarship and action in fields such as decoloniality, solidarity and
sharing economies, feminism, degrowth and post-development alternatives.
These approaches can help to expand the horizons and challenge the assump
tions of those advancing agroecology by viewing the world through feminist,
anti-capitalist, decolonial, post-developmental, non-Western and other lenses
(see Gonzales & Mignolo on page 157 in this book). Linking agroecology to
these wider struggles to transform the powerful cultures and structures that
oppress and subvert emerging alternatives can build momentum for the deep
processes of transformation needed to build a more just and sustainable world.
This guide presents only a snapshot in time. The field of agroecology resources
is constantly growing and there will be both resources we have missed and
ones that are yet to come, in different languages and from a wider range of

We invite readers to visit and contribute to

where the authors offer an evolving webspace with a more in-depth curated
guide and a more comprehensive database.

Looking forward – Resources on agroecology

1 available in EN, ES and FR,
2 CropLife, an organization that represents biotechnology industry, have created an infographic, webpage and
quiz on agroecology and is one of the most glaring example of co-optation. Their construction of agroecology
clearly advances corporate interests, redefines agroecology so it is open for indiscriminate use of chemicals and
violates many of the principles of agroecology.

Colin R. Anderson & Molly D. Anderson

Anderson, C.R., Bruil, J., Chappell, M.J., Kiss, C., Pimbert, M.P., 2019a. From Transition to Domains of Transformation:
Getting to Sustainable and Just Food Systems through Agroecology. Sustainability 11. At:
Anderson, C.R., Binimelis, R., Pimbert, M.P., Rivera-Ferre, M.G., 2019b. Introduction to the Symposium on Critical
Adult Education in Food Movements: Learning for Transformation in and Beyond Food Movements—the Why,
Where, How and the What Next? Agriculture and Human Values 36: 521-529. doi: 10.1007/s10460-019-09941-2
Anderson, C.R., Maughan, C. and Pimbert, M.P., 2019. Transformative agroecology learning in Europe: building con-
sciousness, skills and collective capacity for food sovereignty. Agriculture and Human Values 36: 531-547. At:
De Schutter, O., 2011. Agroecology: A Tool for Realizing the Right to Food. E. Lichtfouse (ed.), Agroecology and
Strategies for Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 8, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1905-7_1
Giraldo, O.F. and McCune, N., 2019. Can the State Take Agroecology to Scale? Public Policy Experiences in Agroe-
cological Territorialization from Latin America. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 785-809. doi:
Gonzáles De Molina, M., Petersen, P. F., Peña, F.G., Capor, F.R., 2019. Political Agroecology: Advancing the Transition
to Sustainable Food Systems. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
High-Level Panel of Experts, 2019. Agroecological and Other Innovative Approaches for Sustainable Agriculture
and Food Systems that Enhance Nutrition and Food Security. Report #14, Committee on World Food Security,
Rome: FAO.
IPES-Food, 2016. From Uniformity to Diversity: A Paradigm Shift from Industrial Agriculture to Diversified Agroe-
cological Systems.
La Via Campesina, 2017. Toolkit: Peasant Agroecology Schools and the Peasant-to-Peasant Method of Horizontal
Learning. At:
Méndez,V.E., Bacon, C.M. and Cohen,R., 2013. Agroecology as a Transdisciplinary, Participatory, and Action-Oriented
Approach. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37: 3-18.
Nyéléni Movement for Food Sovereignty, 2015. Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology; Nyéléni
Forum for Food Sovereignty: Sélingué, Mali, 2015.
Rivera-Ferre, M.G, 2018. The Resignification Process of Agroecology: Competing Narratives from Governments,
Civil Society and Intergovernmental Organizations. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 42: 666-685. At:
Rosset, P., Val, V., Barbosa, L.P. and McCune, N., 2019. Agroecology and La Via Campesina II. Peasant Agroecology
Schools and the Formation of a Sociohistorical and Political Subject. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
43(7-8): 895-914. At:

Colin R. Anderson is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Agroecology, Water

and Resilience, Coventry University. He is working with communities, networks and
organizations who are mobilizing to confront the intersecting social, economic and
cultural problems we face today, reimaging society and building alternatives. Colin
co-convenes two international research groups: focuses
on agroecology transformations; involves a global
community of practice of researchers using participatory approaches.

Molly D. Anderson is the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Food Studies at Middle-
bury College in Vermont. She is interested in food system resilience, human rights
in the food system, and bridging interests and concerns of academicians and com-
munity-based activists. She is a member of networks working from the local to the
international scale, including the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food
Systems (IPES-Food).

A future for all, naturally

“I have the mango fruit flies under control,” says Mararet Siaronji (r.) in delight. © Peter Lüthi / Biovision

Successful thanks to strong partnerships

Our partnerships with foundations and companies are essential for allowing us to implement our
projects. As an organization that campaigns for an ecological and sustainable farming sector in line
with the aims of agroecology, Biovision is contributing to the achievement of the UN’s second sustai-
nable Development Goal for the 2030 Agenda, “Zero hunger”. We follow a holistic approach, first
attempting to tackle the causes of poverty and hunger before striving to ensure the well-being of
humans, animals, plants and the environment. Our work is based on science and we believe in the
development of innovative ecological solutions.

Options for cooperation

With an annual contribution, you secure a long-
term continuation of our successful projects. You
can also support a specific project. We would be
very pleased to get in touch with you. We are
looking forward to your call or your email.

Sharon Nehrenheim:
+41 (0)44 512 58 13

Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development –

Foundation on Future Farming

Global agriculture on 2000 square meters in Berlin. © Volker Gehrmann

The Foundation on Future Farming, based in Bochum Germany, is a charitable foundation promot-
ing agroecological and organic innovation in agriculture. It’s focus is on maintaining and developing
the diversity, free reproducibility and regional and local adaptation of seed. Based upon these
principles, organic breeders create new varieties serving the needs of modern organic farming. In
addition, the Foundation supports on-farm educational measures, research and publications as well
as non-profit activities of small farmers and NGOs.
The Foundation’s Berlin office engages in networking and campaigning on global, European and
German agricultural policies, including the use of new technologies and their control. Since ten
years, it maintains a bi-lingual website on the original IAASTD report and subsequent publications.
In addition, the Foundation runs an educational field of 2000 square meters in Berlin, symbolizing
the individual share of the world’s citizens (7,5 billion) in the total cropland of this planet (1,5 billion
hectare). The field conveys a sensual experience „my 2000 square meters“, especially to young
people and families of, adding in depth information and suggestions about their personal impact
on agricultural and food systems, including climate change, biodiversity, soil erosion and fair and
equitable food production and prices.
The Foundation‘s work is made possible by annual donations of numerous people, companies and
institutions. It welcomes support and partnerships.

Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft, Berlin office, Marienstr.19-20,

D-10117 Berlin, Germany, +49 30 28482320,

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