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Usage Problems 2017

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The Most Common Usage Problems

 Usage versus Grammar

 The Top Writing Errors
 Most Common Sentence Errors
 Most Common Spelling Errors
 Most Common Punctuation Errors
 Most Common Capitalization Errors
 Improve Your Writing, One Step at a Time

 Usage versus Grammar

English is today's lingua franca; its evolution is driven by the current demands for
information and the need for global communication. It has unarguably become an important
academic and professional tool. It is recognized as the most important language through which the
increasingly mobile international community interacts and learns. However, despite its worldwide
use, English is still considered the most difficult European language to learn and read, primarily
because its unique characteristics hinder non-native English speakers from obtaining a strong
command of it. English is also unique in its uses of articles. When combined with the fact that
English is an unphonetic language and possesses other small peculiarities, it is a daunting challenge
to learn and master.
Usage designates rules concerning how we should use the language in certain situations.
These sentences, for instance, violate formal usage:
She dresses beautiful.
She ain't got no dress.
Sentences like these are often heard in speech, but both break rules governing how educated
people write. Formal usage dictates that when beautiful functions as an adverb it takes an -ly
ending, that ain't and a double negative like ain't got no or haven't got no should be avoided.
Grammar and usage are often confused. Many people would argue that the sentences above
are "ungrammatical." Grammatical rules are implicit in the speech of all who use the language.
Usage rules, on the other hand, stem from and change with social pressure. Ain't, for example, was
once acceptable. The adverbial use of an adjective like beautiful was common in seventeenth-
century prose. Chaucer and Shakespeare use double negatives for emphasis.
The fact that usage rules are less basic than grammatical ones, however, and even that they
may seem arbitrary, does not lessen their force. Most of them contribute to clarity and economy of
expression. Moreover, usage applies to all levels of purpose and strategy, to informal, colloquial
styles as well as to formal ones. For example, grammatically incomplete sentences (or fragments),
frowned upon in formal usage, are occasionally permissible and even valuable in informal
Usage is about individual words and phrases; there are no rules or logical explanations for
the way they behave - it's just how we happen to say things. For the learner who is looking for
patterns in language, this can be frustrating because usage has to be learned case by case.
When someone complains that a person “can’t write,” they are most often referring to errors
that person makes in grammar and usage. Below are several usage problems.

 The Top Writing Errors

Grammar and Usage
1. Lack of clarity
2. Redundancy (unnecessary words)
3. Problems with subject-verb agreement
4. Lack of parallel structure
5. Wrong verb tense
6. Dangling elements
7. Misplaced modifiers
8. Biased language
9. Incorrect voice (active versus passive voice)
10. Fragments (incomplete sentences)
11. Run-ons (two sentences run together)
12. Missing letters
13. Extra letters
14. Transposed letters
15. Incorrect plurals
16. Errors in confusing word pairs (such as weather/whether)
17. Proper nouns not capitalized
18. Errors in titles
19. Missing words
1. Lack of clarity
Incorrect: Prehistoric people used many inorganic substances difficult to find at
archaeological sites, which included clay and rock.
Correct: Prehistoric people used many inorganic substances, including clay and rock, which
are difficult to find at archaeological sites.
Sentences can be confusing for many different reasons. In the previous example, too many
phrases come between the pronoun and its antecedent. As a result, the pronoun reference gets
confusing. This can happen even if the intervening material is logically related to the rest of the
sentence, as is the case here.
 One sentence = one complete thought. Too much information must not be crammed into
one sentence.
 The more complex the ideas, the shorter and more simple the sentences should be.
 All parts of the sentence must be logically related. Are they in the same tense, for
 The sentences must be reread to make sure all pronouns refer to their antecedents and are
placed as close as possible to them.
 The sentence must be checked for correct punctuation.
2. Redundancy (unnecessary words)
Redundancy means to use more words than are necessary to convey a meaning. For
example, free gift is redundant because a gift is something that is received at no cost, (i.e. gifts are
always free). Similarly, sink down is redundant since sink means to move down. It is easy for
redundancy to creep into the language when writers and speakers are either not aware of a word’s
definition or they employ a phrase that is commonly used to the point that it “sounds right.”
Redundancy is related to wordiness – which is the use of too many words. The most
important distinction is that redundancy uses words with the same meaning, while wordiness uses
more words than are needed. Both redundancy and wordiness should be avoided.
Incorrect: If you reread your work, you will find upon serious reconsideration that a great
deal of repetition can be avoided by careful editing and revising and attentive re-evaluation.
Scrupulous editing can also help you make your writing less wordy.
Correct: If you reread your work, you will find that a great deal of repetition can be avoided
by careful editing.
Long-winded writing may sound educated and impressive, but it actually turns off the
audience because it wastes their time. The writing must be concise, as it will be more intelligible, it
will communicate its message directly.
3. Problems with subject-verb agreement
Incorrect: Verbs has to agree with their subjects.
Correct: Verbs have to agree with their subjects.
Agreement means that sentence parts match, singular to singular and plural to plural. Since
the subject verbs is plural, it takes a plural verb, agree.
This is confusing because we add -s or -es to make the third-person singular form of most
verbs but add -s or -es to make the plural form of most nouns. For example, he starts is singular,
but six papers is plural. Both end in s.
4. Lack of parallel structure
Sentence elements that are parallel in thought and function must be parallel in form.
Parallel elements in a sentence are two or more words, phrases, or clauses that occur together and
have the same grammatical function and the same importance of thought.  Parallel structure, when
used correctly, creates a symmetrical, graceful construction that is pleasing to the reader. Parallel
structure used incorrectly can make writing appear sloppy and can confuse a reader.
Not parallel: To avoid getting hit by lightning, never seek protection under a tree, lying
down on wet ground, or staying on a bike.
Parallel: To avoid getting hit by lightning, never seek protection under a tree, lie down on
wet ground, or stay on a bike.
5. Wrong verb tense
Incorrect: President John Quincy Adams owns a pet alligator, which he kept in the East
Room of the White House.
Correct: President John Quincy Adams owned a pet alligator, which he kept in the East
Room of the White House.
The tense of a verb shows its time. In the example here, the action takes place in the past, so
the past tense must be used.
6. Dangling elements
A dangling element is a verbal phrase (participle, gerund *, or infinitive) used without an explicit
subject or when the word it refers to has been left out of the sentence.  Because this phrase has no stated
subject to which it can refer, it unintentionally refers to an inappropriate subject in the main clause and
confuses your reader.
Incorrect: Flying over the countryside, cars and houses looked like toys.
Correct: As we flew over the countryside, cars and houses looked like toys.
Two ways to correct a dangling element are:
 1. Use the noun or pronoun that the dangling element refers to as the subject of the main clause.
 2. Turn the dangling element into a clause with its own subject.
In other words, a dangling element should refer or "stick to" the nearest subject, and that
subject in turn should be the subject of the dangling element. For example:
Incorrect: To avoid stress, all assignments must be started ahead of time.
Correct: To avoid stress, you should start your assignments ahead of time.
Dangling elements confuse the readers and obscure the meaning because the sentence does
not make sense.
Another mangled construction is the dangling participles. A participle is a verb ending in
-ing. It is dangling when the subject of the participle and the subject of the sentence do not agree.
For example:
Incorrect: Rushing to finish the paper, Bob’s printer broke. The subject is Bob’s printer, but
the printer is not doing the rushing.
Correct: While Bob was rushing to finish the paper, his printer broke.
One way to tell whether the participle is dangling is to put the clause with the participle right
after the subject of the sentence: “Bob’s printer, rushing to finish the paper, broke.” It is obvious
that it does not sound right.
Note: Not all words that end in -ing are participles. For example: “Completing the task by
Tuesday is your next assignment.” The word completing functions as a noun, not a verb, so it is a
7. Misplaced modifiers
A modifier is a word or phrase that describes a subject, verb, or object. (To “modify” is to
qualify the meaning.).
Incorrect: My parents bought a kitten for my sister they call Paws.
Correct: My parents bought a kitten they call Paws for my sister.
A misplaced modifier is a phrase, clause, or word placed too far from the noun or pronoun it
describes. As a result, the sentence fails to convey the exact meaning. As this sentence is written, it
means that the sister, not the kitten, is named Paws. That is because the modifier they call Paws is
in the wrong place in the sentence. To correct a misplaced modifier, the modifier should be moved
as close as possible to the word or phrase it describes.
Incorrect: During this year, a new organization was founded at our college called the Chess
Club (Is the college called the chess club? No).
Correct: A new organization, the chess club, was founded at our college this year.
8. Incorrect idioms and prepositions
Incorrect: It’s raining cats and puppies.
Correct: It’s raining cats and dogs.
The phrase “It’s raining cats and dogs” is an idiom, an expression that has a figurative rather
than literal meaning. Expressions such as “make a big deal out of it,” “on the double,” and “down
and out” are idioms. If you decide to use idioms in your writing, be sure to use the correct phrase.
For instance, it is idiomatic to say, “She talked down to him.” It is not idiomatic to say, “She talked
below to him.”
Idiomatic prepositions are very common and just as hard to use. Here is a list of the most
useful ones:
Incorrect Correct
according with the plan according to the plan
accuse with perjury accuse of perjury
apologize about apologize for
bored of bored with
capable to do capable of doing
comply to the rules comply with the rules
concerned to concerned about, over, with
conform in standards conform to, with standards
in search for in search of
in accordance to policy in accordance with policy
independent from independent of
inferior than ours inferior to ours
interested about interested in, by
jealous, envious for others jealous, envious of others
outlook of life outlook on life
puzzled on puzzled at, by
similar with similar to
In order to avoid making mistakes in using prepositions, the words should be learned in their
structures (congratulate on, cause of, reason for etc.).
9. Biased language
Incorrect: That old geezer is taking my parking space!
Correct: That man is taking my parking space!
Biased language is any language that stereotypes people, is not inclusive and does not
attempt to create a sense of community. Language that denigrates people because of their age,
gender, race, or physical condition must be avoided. This is especially crucial in business, where
such language could result in a lawsuit.
10. Incorrect voice (active versus passive voice)
Because much published material is written in the passive voice, we frequently misidentify
the passive voice as "academic."  The passive voice becomes more an opportunity to deflect blame
than to do anything else.  Passive constructions are also frequently wordy, pompous, vague, and
The active voice, on the other hand, makes a sentence clear and lively. An active
construction has a subject, a transitive verb, and a direct object, whereas in a passive construction
the object of the action of the verb is the grammatical subject of the sentence.
Active voice follows a standard English subject-verb-object word order; for example: My cat broke
the vase.
A version of the sentence in the passive voice is: The vase was broken.
However, there are times when a passive construction may be the better choice. Consider
these two versions of the same idea:
E.g. In the sweatshops, the employees, mostly immigrant women, were exploited and
[Revision: The managers of the sweatshops exploited and dehumanized their employees, who were
mostly immigrant women.]
Since the active construction focuses attention on the exploiters and the passive construction
emphasizes their suffering employees, the writer of a paper about the experience of exploited
laborers might appropriately decide to use the passive version.
Another circumstance under which the passive voice is sometimes appropriate is in scientific
writing, where the identity of the experimenter is irrelevant to the description of an experimental
procedure or to the results of the experiment.
E.g. My lab partner and I measured the diameter of the rod with the Vernier caliper. [Too
[Revision: The diameter of the rod was measured with the Vernier caliper.]
However, even scientific writers should use the active voice whenever they can do so
without making a personal reference.
E.g. In the diagram above, a magnified image is formed by lens L. [Passive voice is
[Revision: In the diagram above, lens L forms a magnified image.]
Scientific writers should also be careful not to let necessary use of the passive degenerate
into wordiness or pomposity.
Even though the active voice is stronger than the passive voice, the passive voice should be
used in these two situations:
 To avoid placing blame (“A mistake was made” rather than “You made a mistake.”)
 To avoid identifying the doer of the action (“The letter was sent” rather than “Nicole
sent the letter.”)

 Most Common Sentence Errors

1. Fragments (incomplete sentences)
Fragment: If you want to be clearly understood.
Correct: Don’t write sentence fragments if you want to be clearly understood.
Every sentence must have three things:
 A subject: the “doer” of the action. The subject will be a noun or pronoun.
 A verb: what the subject does.
 A complete thought.
The fragment in this example is missing a subject and a verb. As a result, the group of words
does not express a complete thought.
2. Run-ons (two sentences run together)
Run-on: Daddy longlegs spiders are more poisonous than black widows, daddy longlegs
spiders cannot bite humans because their jaws won’t open wide enough.
Correct: Daddy longlegs spiders are more poisonous than black widows, but daddy longlegs
spiders cannot bite humans because their jaws won’t open wide enough.or Daddy longlegs spiders
are more poisonous than black widows; however, daddy longlegs cannot bite humans because their
jaws won’t open wide enough.
In order to avoid run-on sentences (phrases that run together with inadequate punctuation,
sometimes called fused sentences), we should remember that every sentence must be followed by
the correct terminal punctuation. You can usually correct run-on sentences by breaking them into
two or more separate sentences; however, other methods include inserting a comma and a
coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor, or, so, or yet), inserting a semicolon, or subordinating
one clause to another. For the run-on sentence There is a blizzard I don't want to go to class one
could employ any of the following solutions:
1. There is a blizzard. I don't want to go to class.
[The two clauses are separated into two sentences.]
2. There is a blizzard, so I don't want to go to class.
[The two clauses are separated by a comma and the coordinating conjunction so.]
3. There is a blizzard; I don't want to go to class.
[The two clauses are separated by a semicolon.]
4. Because there is a blizzard, I don't want to go to class.

 Most Common Spelling Errors

Writers often misspell words because they mispronounce them. The three most common
mistakes are:
 Dropping a letter or syllable when we say a word.
 Adding an unnecessary letter when we say a word.
 Mispronouncing a word and so misspelling it.
1. Missing letters
Here are 10 words that are frequently misspelled because the speaker drops a letter or
 Accidentally: The word has five syllables; drop one and accidentally becomes
 Accompaniment: The second a and the only i are the problems with accompaniment.
 Acreage: The e presents the spelling problem because it is rarely stressed in speech.
That’s how people end up with acrage. It’s also common for writers to misplace the e, as in
 Anecdote: Letters are dropped when writers mispronounce anecdote as anedote.
Then there is antidote—a legitimate word, but the wrong one in context.
 Asked: This word is mangled as ast or even axed. This results in such curious
spellings as askd, askt, and axst.
 Asterisk: This word can end up spelled aterisk, askterisk, or even acksterisk.
 Broccoli: It is not hard to drop a c and add an l with this word.
 Callisthenics: Stress the first i and the e to avoid dropping these letters when you
spell callisthenics (a system of) simple physical exercises that are done to make the body firm, able
to stretch easily and more attractive). Otherwise, you could end up with calesthenics or
 Category: Make sure to say that e as an e rather than an a to avoid the misspelling
 Cemetery: Cemetary is the result when the third e is pronounced as an a.
2. Extra letters
Because of errors in pronunciation, spellers often insert an unnecessary vowel between two
letters. Here are some of the most commonly misspelled words:
 Athlete: Often mispronounced as athalete, resulting in that unnecessary a.
 Disastrous: The word ends up with disaster stuck in there: disasterous.
 Grievous: Another common speech slip results in grieveous or grievious.
 Hindrance: This word falls prey to the same problem as disastrous.
 Lightning: The bolt of electricity on a stormy night is often mispronounced and thus
misspelled as lightening. Now, lightening is a legitimate word; it means that something is getting
less dark. Say each letter to help you spell the word you want.
 Mischievous: A surprising number of people mispronounce the word as
mischievious, adding an extra i.
 Perseverance: People often add an extra r, resulting in perserverance. Saying the
word correctly will prevent this error.
Long-time speakers and readers of English have learned basic connections between sounds
and letter combinations that help them spell a large number of words. However, for historical
reasons, certain combinations of letters are not always pronounced in the same way. For example,
ough can be pronounced differently as in thought, bough, through, drought.
3. Transposed letters
Mispronunciation can also result in scrambled letters. Here are some words especially prone
to switched letters.
aesthetic auxiliary gauge mileage
allegiance bureaucrat gorgeous psychology
analysis diaphragm irrelevant resuscitate
analyse entrepreneur khaki rhyme
anonymous gasoline lingerie rhythm

4. Incorrect plurals
There are regular plurals and irregular ones. The regular plurals rarely result in spelling
errors, but irregular plurals often cause trouble. Keep regular and irregular plurals straight and the
spelling errors will be eliminated. Below are some spelling rules to help you form the correct
 Most regular plurals are formed by adding s to the end of the word.
 Add es if the noun ends in s, sh, ch, or x: class – classes; inch – inches; box – boxes;
stress –stresses; tax – taxes;
 If the noun ends in y preceded by a consonant, change the y to i and add es: city –
cities; lady – ladies; happy – happiness;
 If the noun ends in y preceded by a vowel, add s: essay – essays; monkey – monkeys;
journey – journeys;
Exception: Words that end in -quy, as in soliloquy, which becomes soliloquies /səˈlɪl.ə.kwi/ a
speech in a play which the character speaks to him- or herself or to the people watching rather than
to the other characters.
 Words that end in -ly keep the y when they become plural: bialy bialys (a flat
breakfast roll that has a depressed centre and is usually covered with onion flakes)
Exceptions: dollies; lilies.
 If the noun ends in o preceded by a vowel, add s: radio – radios; ratio – ratios; patio –
patios; studio – studios.
 If the noun ends in o preceded by a consonant, the noun can take es, s, or either s or
es: potato – potatoes; hero – heroes; tomato – tomatoes; echo – echoes; veto – vetoes;
s: silo – silos; solo – solos; piano – pianos; soprano – sopranos; alto – altos; dynamo –
either es or s: zero - zeros, zeroes; tornado - tornados, tornadoes; cargo - cargos, cargoes;
motto -mottos, mottoes; domino - dominos, dominoes; buffalo bʌfələʊ - buffalos, buffaloes;
 Add s to most nouns ending in f. However, the f endings are so irregular as to be
nearly random. If you have any doubts at all, consult a dictionary: brief – briefs; chief – chiefs;
proof – proofs; belief – beliefs; staff – staffs; sheriff – sheriffs; belief – beliefs;
Exception: In some cases, change the f or fe to v and add es: half – halves; knife – knives;
leaf –leaves; life – lives; self – selves; thief – thieves; wife – wives; wolf – wolves;
Exception: This rule does not hold for names. In that case, just add an s: Mr. and Ms. Wolf
becomes The Wolfs.
 Words that end in -ey, -ay, or -oy do not have -ies plurals:
-ey: valley – valleys; abbey – abbeys;
-ay: tray – trays; clay – clays;
-oy: ploy – ploys (something that is done or said in order to get an advantage, often
 In compound words, make the main word plural: mother-in-law - mothers-in-law;
passer-by – passers-by;
Exceptions: If there is no noun in the compound word, add an s to the end of the word, as in
mix-ups, take-offs. If the compound word ends in -ful, add an s to the end of the word, as in capfuls.
 Some nouns change their spelling when they become plural: child – children; foot –
feet; goose – geese; louse – lice; man – men; mouse – mice; ox – oxen; tooth – teeth; woman
 Some nouns have the same form whether they are singular or plural: swine, series,
deer, sheep, moose, species, Portuguese, means, aircraft
 The only plurals formed with apostrophes are the plurals of numbers, letters, and
words highlighted as words: How many 3’s make 9? There were too many but’s in the speech.
 Some words from other languages form plurals in other ways, often determined by
the grammar of their language of origin: alumnus - alumni (female); alumna - alumnae (male);
analysis – analyses; axis – axes; bacterium – bacteria; basis – bases; crisis – crises; criterion -
criteria ; hypothesis – hypotheses; index - index, indices; memorandum - memorandums,
memoranda; parenthesis – parentheses; phenomenon – phenomena; stimulus – stimuli; thesis –
5. Errors in confusing word pairs (such as weather/whether)
Some words in English have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings,
such as bay/bay and beam/beam. We also have words with the same pronunciation but different
spellings and meanings, such as coarse/course or bridal/bridle. Distinguishing between these
confusing words is crucial because it helps you write exactly what you mean. Below are some of the
most often misspelled words. They’re mangled because they’re so close in sound and/or spelling.
After you study the list, however, you’ll be able to tell them apart and use them correctly.
 air: atmosphere: There’s no air in a vacuum—hence his empty head.
 err: make a mistake: To err is human; to purr, feline.
 a lot: many: A lot of people are absent from work today.
 allot: divide: Allot the prizes equally among all guests, please.
 all together: all at one time: The students spoke all together.
 altogether: completely: The job is altogether complete.
 allowed: given permission: You are allowed to vote for the candidate of your choice.
 aloud: out loud, verbally: Don’t say it aloud. Don’t even think it quietly.
 already: previously: We had already packed.
 all ready: prepared: The cole slaw is all ready to serve (cold uncooked cabbage,
carrot and onion, cut into long thin strips and covered in a thick creamy cold sauce).
 altar: shrine: The priest placed the prayer book on the altar.
 alter: change: She had to alter her dress.
 arc: curved line: The walls have an arc rather than a straight line.
 ark: boat: Noah loaded the ark with animals.
 ascent: to move up: She made a quick ascent up the corporate ladder!
 assent: to agree: I assent to your plan.
 bare: undressed: You can find a lot of bare people in nudist camps.
 bare: unadorned, plain: Just take the bare essentials when you go camping.
 bear: animal: Look at the bear!
 bear: carry, hold: I bear no grudges.
 base: the bottom part of an object, the plate in baseball, morally low: The vase has a
wide, sturdy base. The catcher’s wild throw missed the base. The criminal is base and corrupt.
 bass: the lowest male voice, a type of fish, a musical instrument: He sings bass. We
caught a striped bass. She plays the bass in the orchestra.
 beau: sweetheart: My beau bought me flowers /bəʊ.
 bow: to bend from the waist, a device used to propel arrows, loops of ribbon, the
forward end of a ship: The dancer liked to bow to his partner. We shoot deer with a bow and
arrow. The baby wore a pretty hair bow. The passengers sat in the ship’s bow.
 board: a slab of wood: The karate master cut the board with his bare hand.
 board: a group of directors: The school board meets the first Tuesday of every
 bored: not interested: The movie bored us so we left early.
 born: native: Born free . . . taxed to death.
 borne: endured: Fortunato had borne his insults the best he could.
 bore: tiresome person: What a bore he is!
 boar: male pig: They found a boar in the woods.
 brake: a device for slowing a vehicle: Use the car brake!
 break: to crack or destroy: Don’t break my back.
 breadth: measurement: The desk has a breadth of more than 6 feet.
 breath: inhale and exhale: She has bad breath.
 capital: the city or town that is the official seat of government, highly important, net
worth of a business: Albany is the capital of New York state. What a capital idea! The business has
$12 million operating capital.
 Capitol: the building in Washington, D.C., where the U.S. Congress meets: The
Capitol is a beautiful building.
 conscience: moral sense: Your conscience helps you distinguish right from wrong.
 conscious: awake: Being conscious: that annoying time between naps.
 cheep: what a bird says: “Cheep,” said the canary.
 cheap: not expensive: Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.
 deer: animal : The deer sneered at the inept hunter.
 dear: beloved: “You are my dear,” the man said to his wife.
 draught, draft: breeze: What’s causing that draft on my neck?
 draft: sketch: A first draft, with no rewrites.

 Most Common Capitalization Errors

1. Proper nouns not capitalized.
Incorrect: louisa adams, Wife of john quincy Adams, was the first (and only) foreignborn
First Lady.
Correct: Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, was the first (and only) foreignborn
first lady.
Here are the basic rules of capitalization:
 Capitalize all proper nouns. These include names, geographical places, specific
historical events, eras, and documents, languages, nationalities, countries, and races.
 Capitalize names of the days of the week and names of months.
 Capitalize the first word at the beginning of a sentence.
2. Errors in titles
Incorrect: The Wind In The Willows
Correct: The Wind in the Willows
Capitalize the major words in titles of books, plays, movies, newspapers, and magazines.
 Do not capitalize the articles: a, an, the.
 Do not capitalize prepositions: at, by, for, of, in, up, on, so, on, to, etc.
 Do not capitalize conjunctions: and, as, but, if, or, nor.

 Improve Your Writing, One Step at a Time

How can the previous guidelines be used to improve the writing? Try these ideas:
1. Don’t try to master all the rules of grammar and usage at once; it’s both futile and
2. Instead, listen to the comments your readers mention when they discuss your writing.
3. Keep track of the writing errors you make by checking your own work against the
guidelines. Review this checklist every time you write an important document. To isolate your most
common writing errors, select several pieces of your writing, such as memos, letters, or reports.
 Read the documents you selected for analysis several times.
 Circle all the errors you find. Do not panic if you can’t identify each type of error at
this point. Just do the best you can.
 Ask a friend or family member to read the documents and find additional errors.
 Count the number of errors in each category.
 Reread the material that explains your specific writing problems.
 Concentrate on these areas as you write.
4. Be patient. Learning the rules takes both time and effort. Remember that using standard
grammar with confidence will help you build the credible image you want—and need.

Exercise 1. Revise the following sentences to eliminate any dangling modifiers. Each
sentence has more than one possible answer. 
1. After accomplishing many deeds of valour, Andrew Jackson's fame led to his
election to the presidency in 1828 and 1832.
2. By the age of fourteen, both of Jackson's parents had died.
3. To aid the American Revolution, service as a mounted courier was chosen by
4. Though not well educated, a successful career as a lawyer and judge proved
Jackson's ability.
5. Winning many military battles, the American public believed in Jackson's leadership.

Exercise 2. In the following pairs, one sentence is correct; and the other sentence has a
misplaced or a dangling modifier. Mark the CORRECT sentence.
1. A_____ Looking towards the south, a funnel-shaped cloud stirred up the dust.
B_____ Looking toward the south, I saw a funnel-shaped cloud stir up the dust.
2. A_____ They saw a fence made of barbed wire behind the house.
B_____ They saw a fence behind the house made of barbed wire.
3. A_____ After following the vision program for two weeks, my doctor told me that my
eyesight had improved.
B_____ After I had followed the vision program for two weeks, my doctor told me that my
eyesight had improved.
4. A_____ We saw several birds looking out our window.
B_____ Looking out our window, we saw several birds.
5. A_____ The four men eating lunch talked quietly in the corner.
B_____ The four men talked quietly in the corner eating lunch.
6. A_____ Racing across the parking lot, the bus was reached before the door closed.
B_____ Racing across the parking lot, I reached the bus before the door closed
7. A_____ Being only five, the doctor did not know how to operate on me.
B_____ Because I was only five, the doctor did not know how to operate on me.
8. A_____ Mary nearly watched two hundred movies last year.
B_____ Mary watched nearly two hundred movies last year.
9. A_____ To enter the contest, you must send an entry form with your slogan.
B_____ To enter the contest, an entry form must be sent with your slogan.
10. A_____ I remember seeing the picture of the fire-fighter who had been injured on the
morning news.
B_____ I remember seeing on the morning news the picture of the fire-fighter who had been

Exercise 3. Correct all the errors in the following paragraph.

Sherlock holmes and watson camping in the forest. They gone to bed and were laying
beneath the night sky. Holmes’ said Whatson look up what do you see”
“I see thosands of stars.”
“And what do that means to you? Holmes ask?
“I suppose it mean that of all the planets, in the universe, we are truly fortunate to be here on
Earth. We are small in Gods eyes should struggle every day to be worthy of our blessings. In a
meteorological sense it mean, well have a sunny day tomorow. What does it mean to you Holmes”
“To me it, means someone have stole our tent”

Exercise 4. This proofreading exercise comes from (News USA) and you need to find 10
mistakes in spelling – one in each paragraph and the two headings.
B. Why You're Not Getting Hird
Here’s a secret — job placement isn’t a matter of inclusion, but one of elimination. In
today’s economy, recruiters are deluged with resumes and have to funnel them through pre-set
filters designed to separate the competition. On average, a recruiter spends only 30 seconds
reviewing each application, meaning if you aren’t marketing your skils correctly, not only are you
not getting hired, most times your application won’t even be seen.
Joe Weinlick is Vice President of Marketing for, a career network that allows
people to search thousands of jobs and manage their carears. His company connects job seekers to
available positions, but stresses that the process doesn’t stop there.
“Picture the hundreds of people aplying for a job seated in the same auditorium,” said
Weinlick. “Now picture that you’re one of the few standing up. Who do you think will get noticed
Here are five recommendations from to improve you job search
1. Play the Part. A recruiter works with the same job description that is posted online, and if
you’re not using the same language, a communications gap can develop. Treat the job description
like your compass, and use it to guide each anser by tailoring your wording to match theirs.
2. Get Noticed. This is the hardest part, as it’s difficult to stand out when others have similar
qualitications. Think about your unique qualities, and lead with them. Don’t wait until the end; the
recruiter might never get there.
3. Get Feedback. Every time you apply for a job, strive for the perfect application. Clean up
gramatical errors, cut unnecessary words, and focus on details. Send your materials to colleagues
for advice, and take advantage of other resources, like a free resume critique from that
can catch any errors.
4. Follow Protocol. Submit only what the job posting requests. This will show that you can
follow direcsions. Don’t lie about experience; rather relate the experiences you have, and show how
they apply. The candidates who follow the rules and look the best throughout the process have an
5. Nail the Interview. At this point, the hardest part is over, but you’re still the underdog. Be
scrapy. Focus on remaining present during the interview. Research the company and your
profession. Browse news outlets, like News and Advice on, to stay current on your

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