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Radioculture Electroculture The Effect of Color On Plants

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The text discusses an experiment by Camille Flammarion where he grew plants under red, blue, green and normal white light and observed their development.

Plants grown under blue light showed little growth or change, plants under green light grew more but were weak, and plants under red light grew largest and were most developed.

Plants grown under red light became much larger, produced flowers, and their leaves reacted more sensitively to touch than normal plants.


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A third development in recent plant-growing is known as radiocul-

ture, and is curious and somewhat sensational. It con­sists in growing
plants in differently coloured glasshouses; that is to say, instead of
the glass being clear white as is usual in green­bouses, in one case it is
red, in another green, and in yet another it is blue, care being taken
that in every case the colour of the glass is absolutely pure. A series
of experiments on these lines was first conducted by the eminent
French astronomer, Mr. Camille Flammarion, and they proved very
He took a number of the seedlings of the Sensitive Plant (Mimosa
pudica) (choosing this plant because of its peculiar sensitiveness), and
divided them into four similar groups; one group he placed in an
ordinary green­bouse, a second he placed in a blue bouse, a third in
a green house, and a fourth in a red house. Then giving to each the
same care and attention, and arranging that the intensity of the light
should be the same in each case, he awaited eventualities.
At the end of a few months he made an exact comparison between
them, and found striking differences. In the blue bouse the little
plants were practically just as he had put them in: they were alive
and well, but they had not grown or produced new foliage or
development in any way. Like the Sleeping Beauty in her castle they
had seemingly fallen asleep on the day they went into blueness, and
remained un­changed as in a trance.

1. This text comes from an article titled “Some recent developments in

plant-growing” and signed by G. Clarke Nuttall, in The Fortnightly Review,
In the green glasshouse the seedlings had certainly shown consid-
erable energy in growing, more so than their contemporaries in the
ordinary glasshouse, but, on the other band, their growth was not
really satisfactory, for, though tall, they were inclined to be weedy
and poor.
But in the red bouse there were wonderful happenings. The seedlings
had become positive giants, and well-nourished and well-developed
ones, too. They were fifteen times as big as their sleeping fellows in
the blue bouse, and four times as big as the normal control plants.
Moreover, they had produced little round flower balls, which none
of the others had even attempted; but, more remarkable still, their
sensitiveness had increased to an amazing extent. It is well known
that if the sensitive plant is shaken or touched all its leaves imme-
diately fold up and their stalks droop, and it is only by degrees and
slowly that it recovers from the shock. Now in the red light the
plants had become hypersensitive; in fact, one might almost say
quite neurotic; at the slightest breath of air their leaves shrank to-
gether and hurriedly drooped. Obviously the red light had in every
way stimulated their development to an ab­normal extent. They
were in the greatest possible contrast to the “blue” mimosas, for
these had absolutely no feeling at all, and no amount of touching
or jarring could prevail on them to respond. Indeed, in every way
their life had been deadened.
Encouraged by these results, other plants were afterwards ex­
perimented upon, such as oaks, lettuces, and crassulas, and many
additional points of interest brought out. Thus, while little oak trees
(they were several years old) produced but few leaves in the blue
house, their leaves did not fall in the autumn as did the numerous
well-developed leaves in the red house, where brancbecl as well as
foliage had been added during the summer of experi­ment. Blue light,
therefore, retards the processes of decay as well as those of develop-
In the matter of brilliant colour­ings, both as to leaves and flowers,
it was found that coloured light of any sort tended to its elimina-
tion; pure white light is necessary for the production of these tints in
Radioculture has not yet been taken up to any extent for prac­tical
purposes by florists and gardeners, who are hanging back for further
assurance of its value. But it is obvious that there are definite pos-
sibilities in it. One would imagine that a red house would become
in time an indispensable adjunct to a florist’s garden for forcing
purposes, and in any event such a powerful stimulant to plant life
as red light cannot be overlooked long. A blue greenhouse suggests
itself as a place where plants, perhaps at the height of their beauty,
could be kept for a time, at any rate, in a quiescent condition, to
re-emerge on special occasions to the advantage of the florist and
the delight of his customers, for delay of decay may be as valuable
an asset in practical gardening as premature development.

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