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Cov-19 March 3 2020 UK Gov

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a.k.a. 'Coronavirus'
Re: Risk Reduction and Legal Liabilities
Ref: LegNot:UKGOV-OTH-03032020-1

1. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 10 Dowling Street, Westminister, London, SW1A 2AA
1a: Mr. Mark Sedwill, Cabinet Secretary, by way of Prime Minister Boris Johnson
2. Ms. Priti Patel, UK Home Office, 2 Marsham St, Westminister, London SW1P 4DF
3. Therese Coffey, Secretary of State UK DWP, Caxton House, Tothill St. Westminister, London, SW1H 9NA
4. Mr. Gareth Parry, CEO, Maximus UK, Ash House, The Broyle, Ringmer, East Sussex, BN8 5NN, United Kingdom

Cc: (Individual cover letters may be adjoining)

1. Mr. Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Party, 105 Victoria St. Westminister, London SW1E 6QT
2. Mr. Ed Davey, Liberal Democrat Party, 8-10 Great George St. London, SW1P 3AE
3. Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish National Party, Gordon Lamb House, 3 Jackson's Entry, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH8

Cc(b): Selected appropriate parties (Individual cover letters adjoining)

Cc(e): Selected appropriate parties (Individual cover letters adjoining)

TAKE NOTICE: March 3, 2020

A) Essentially what is 'known' to date(***1&2):

 Covid-19 mortality rate is 10 to 50 times higher than conventional influenza.
 Serious and Critical Covid-19 cases are greater than ten times as frequent as with conventional
 Covid-19 presents potentials of 60% population infection as opposed to typical 5-20%
conventional influenza population infections.
 A Covid-19 infected individual has up to 4 times greater potential of infecting others in
comparison to conventional influenza. (Basic Reproduction Number RO of 3.0 to 6.0 as opposed
to RO of 1.3 to 3.0).
 Exponential multiplication without lockdowns, Covid-19 having an estimated 3 day doubling time
as opposed to 7 days doubling time for conventional influenza.
 Covid-19 can take up to 4 weeks until symptoms become apparent, during which time
transmission to others is unhindered, Covid-19 has an incubation period of between 2 to 27 days
(average 5.5 days), this in stark contrast to the far more 'apparent' conventional influenza with a 2
day incubation period, infectious only 1 day prior to symptoms.
 Covid-19 can be transmitted through air more than 3 meters (10 feet).
 Covid-19 can survive up to 9 days outside the body, on surfaces.
 The 'infectious state' of a Covid-19 patient can last 2 to 4 weeks, as opposed to an average 1
week for conventional influenza.
 No one is truly 'safe' even well-prepared and protected doctors and nurses have died due to
 To date, by observations, it appears that roughly one in seven patients can have a recurrence
after an 'all clear' (14% tested +ve again after release).
 Health service facilities can and will become 'overloaded'.

***1. Riou, Julien and Althaus, Christian L. (2020) "Pattern of early human-to-human transmission of
Wuhan 2019 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), December 2019 to January 2020"
doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.4.2000058
PMID 32019669
***2. "Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia" New
England Journal of Medicine
PMID 31995857

B) What is not known to date:

 This is in fact, the issue which should be of the greatest worry. Despite some of the world's
best professionals working tirelessly on the situation, it is the level of unknowns which are
perhaps of the greatest concern, and not to be dismissed lightly.
 There has not in fact, even been enough time to determine any possible mutating or evolvement
tendencies or resultants. Any potential 'tested' vaccines or means of controls will only apply to an
unmutated or un-evolved virus, and may lose any potential effectiveness against any potential
offshoots or 'rogue' strains'.
 Indeed, any knowledge of parameters relating to transmission rates and methods can at this point,
only be looked upon as 'temporary' initial but volatile knowledge.
 The initial indications that Covid-19 had its potential origination from a species of bat, and the
report of a dog in Hong Kong being tested as 'positive' for Covid-19 would indicate that, despite
claims of 'unlikely', it would be foolhardy to completely exclude the possibility of transmission to,
from, and mutations occuring within, various animal species, both domesticated and wild (ie. bird
 Nothing can be taken for granted.


At this early point in time, and with such a potentially volitile pandemic-level situation... full of unknowns...
it is absolutely essential to implement all logical, feasable, and 'essentially' non-detrimental (to national
security and essential well-being/services) policies and precautions, and to do so in the immediate.

The current UK Governmental standing, quoting PM Boris Johnson from his interview with BBC
political editor Laura Kuenssberg (March 2,2020) is "further protective measures" against the spread of
the disease would be announced "as and when that spread happens"
This approach is akin to saying "We will wait until the fire gets out of control and then we will toss a
few teacups of water at it"... a ridiculous and unacceptable approach, the likes of which are inarguably
'predominantly dictated' by concerns relating to 'profits and revenues' rather than the protection and
preservation of human life.

This is currently the beginning, or 'incubating' period, of what could easily, if not addressed firmly and in
the immediate, turn into a high UK-mortalities situation.


As such it is imperitive that common-sense, precaution and pre-emptive actions over-rides any
aprehensions spurned by any corporate financial and revenues interests (greed over value of life}. All
possible common-sense initiatives are fully implemented without undue delay.

This obviously goes far beyond, quoting again PM Boris Johnson from the aforementioned BBC interview
"Don't forget the importance of washing your hands".
This is akin to the UK Governmental advice to hide under the kitchen table in the event of a nuclear attack.
The Guardian, Wednesday October 30, 2019 "A new history of the government's cold war public
information reveals a range of sometimes alarming, often ridiculous propaganda"
In the interest of protection and preservation of UK lives, Containment of Covid-19 is paramount.



1. Medical Centres: Visits in order to obtain 'demanded' documents/sick notes, and any other such
'mandatory', requested, required or 'demanded' but non-essential attendances, only serve to tie up
health services facilities and in addition, further magnify potentials of spread.
Any such facilities where sick/ill people might 'focalise' must be viewed as a higher-risk hub of
transference/contamination, a 'hot spot'.
2. Governmental facilities: Mandatory, demanded or required appointments/attendances, (often under
threat/duress of some form of penalisation) can include, but are certainly not restricted to: Courts,
Probation offices/facilities, Job Centre/Universal Credit facilities, Mandatory rehabilitation or work
programs. These facilities are again, nothing less than a 'hot-spot' for potental Covid-19
Any such mandatory, demanded, requested or required attendances which are not absolutely and
unequivocally essential must be immediately cancelled, and a governmental instruction must be
immediately issued to any such facilities to 'cease and desist' from any further such mandatory,
demanded, requested or required appointments/attendances until such time as the UK Government
issues official notification that the Covid-19 threat is clearly under control and presents no danger to
UK health and lives.
3. Non-Governmental Contracted/Associated Services/Facilities: Any 'imposed' attendences, whether
'required', 'requested', 'mandatory' or 'percieved or implied' as such to any such facilities, a perfect
example being the nation-wide 'Assessment Centres' (Maximus UK), must again be viewed as a
higher-risk hub of transference/contamination, a 'hot spot' for potental Covid-19 spead/contamination.
An unnecessary risk.
Any such mandatory, demanded, requested or required attendances which are not absolutely and
unequivocally essential must be immediately cancelled, and a governmental instruction must be
immediately issued to any such facilities to 'cease and desist' from any further such mandatory,
demanded, requested or required appointments/attendances until such time as the UK Government
issues official notification that the Covid-19 threat is clearly under control and presents no danger to
UK health and lives.


Until such time as there is sufficient knowledge, and adequate technologies and procedures firmly in
place, which can fully guarantee containment and control of Covid-19, there is a responsibility and an
obligation upon the UK Government to give both clear public notifications, and formal notifications of
request (including clarifications of legal obligations and potential liabilities) to corporate entities.
Notifications to the essential nature of avoidance, to the greatest degree possible, of any larger type
gatherings, particularly of the nature which inherently introduce close proximity contact and higher density
Any such gatherings or situations must be considered to be potential Covid-19 contamination and/or
transmission 'hot spots' and would include, but is certainly not restricted to: Nightclubs, Larger
entertainment venues, sporting events and facilities, receptions and other such public gatherings.


A) By this formal submission I hereby notify, as of March 3, 2020 <and hereby claim as legally
admissable evidence of such notification, and the right of provision/submission/testimony of such as
evidence: to be used within any formal, buerocratic, and/or legal proceedings involving ANY UK citizen or
resident in any related or relevant matters>, that any and all addressed parties, as of March 3, 2020
engage in immediate complaince to their duties, responsibilities and obligations in these very serious and
life-threatening matters, specifically as has been addressed in this formal legal notification/submission.

Take note from: Formal Submission of Enquirey and Legal Notifications ; Section 4a Legal Notification (J.
Hyland; January 13, 2020):

Section 4a part 21 TAKE NOTICE
This formally submitted document LEGALLY REMOVES by way of clear, concise and formal submitted
notification: any and all opportunity, validity and/or ability of, or to, any claims of 'deniability' in
these issues and matters from ALL governmental bodies, agencies, contractors, employees or
Section 4a part 22 TAKE NOTICE
It is the duty and obligation of the informed parties to ensure awareness of these facts and issues to any
and all co-working and/or subordinate governmental bodies, peers, subordinates, associates, agencies,
contractors, sub-contractors, employees and/or representatives.
Section 4a part 23 TAKE NOTICE
Failure to do so places the aforementioned informed parties... for knowingly refusing notification to their
peers and subordinates... firmly in a position of legal, moral and financial responsibilities and liabilities.
Failure to do so does not in any way exclude nor excuse any co-working and/or subordinate
governmental bodies, peers, subordinates, associates, agencies, contractors, sub-contractors, employees
and/or any representatives from any such legal, moral and financial responsibilities and liabilities.

Human life and well-being must take precedent over revenues, targets, profits and markets.

Thanking you,

John Hyland
Bolton BL1
Greater Manchester, UK

TAKE NOTICE: The informations are essential as a whole, and unaltered, for clear understanding of the implications, and the
relationships of each part, issue and section, to the whole and such said implications. It is hereby clearly expressed as not
permissible to alter, edit or otherwise change the content and/or context as has been presented. Thank you.

Copy of such letters and requests may and will be provided to various relevent parties, both within the UK and internationally, for their
information and awareness, as might be deemed appropriate

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