Department of English: Bonafide Certificate
Department of English: Bonafide Certificate
Department of English: Bonafide Certificate
This is to certify that this practical work titled as “GE6563 COMMUNICATION SKILLS -
Name of the Candidate Register Number Semester Department
S.N Signatur
Date Topic Page
o e
1 Sentence Completion
Identifying the Errors
Reading Comprehension
5 Presentation Skills
6 (a) Presentation – I
6 (b) Presentation – II
7 Group Discussion
8 Interview Skills
10 Statement of Purpose
1. The latest negotiations came to a sudden close with the _________ of renewed agitation.
a) demand c) note
b) threat d) call
2. A large number of ____________ career women are unhappy at the lack of childcare
a) desiring c) would be
b) desirious d) willing
3. Vasanth is so ___________ that, in such a big crowd, you may have hardly had time to
notice him.
a) self-effacing c) self-critical
b) selfish d) self-opinionated
5. Our forefathers would find ____________ the speed with which we can travel round the
a) wonderful c) miraculous
b) rash d) staggering
6. Though she was most eager to reveal the secret she exercised some ____________.
a) check c) moderation
b) restraint d) tolerance
7. It is anybody’s guess how much she earns a month, but Rs.20,000 can’t be _________ of
the mark.
a) far c) distant
b) farther d) wide
8. Her hopes of settling in America were ___________ when she lost her jewellery box.
a) dashed c) frustrated
b) defeated d) beaten
9. The rules required that anyone who had held office for two consecutive years was not
__________ for re-election.
a) admissible c) eligible
b) permissible d) accessible
10. He wondered whether he would be able to __________ with a bus load of passengers on
a 500 mile drive.
a) manage c) cope
b) keep d) arrange
13. Access to your personal library is the only thing for which I have ever ___________.
a) set out c) intended
b) concluded d) craved
14. A group of agitators __________ the mob to break down the vice-chancellor’s door.
a) wished c) threatened
b) excited d) incited
15. The Vice-Chancellor’s __________ answer led to an outcry from the students.
a) uncontrolled c) unjustified
b) persuasive d) evasive
16. All our efforts to persuade grandfather to come and stay with us were of no _________.
a) effect c) result
b) avail d) purpose
17. When their father died their uncle sold the old house and _________________ in a small
flat in a far off suburb.
a) set them up c) put them up
b) put them down d) set them down
18. In our country voting is not a statutory requirement but in some other countries it is
a) voluntary c) optional
b) compulsory d) compulsive
19. Migrant workers can be seen working on many of the building __________________ in
New Delhi.
a) sites c) locations
b) premises d) spots
21. People criticize modern doctors for __________ too many medicines for trivial
a) prescribing c) advising
b) ordering d) proposing
22. It is not easy to _________ your own life if you live among inquisitive neighbours.
a) live c) spend
b) lead d) shape
23. Good restaurants serving pure vegetarian food are very hard to ___________.
a) come by c) go through
b) get in d) take to
25. The motion was __________ by seven votes to two, with one abstention.
a) allowed c) voted
b) proposed d) carried
26. If you want to save money, you must _______________ the shopping you do.
a) cut down on c) put up with
b) get rid of d) go down with
27. All education is ___________ on an adult’s view of what a child should learn.
a) founded c) built
b) grounded d) based
30. Considering the poor and inadequate municipal services we get, the rates we pay are
a) out of this world c) daylight robbery
b) down to earth d) peanuts
31. It is hazardous to work in many factories and a moment’s ___________ can lead to
a) apathy c) negligence
b) delay d) oversight
32. Prospective students have to prove that they have sufficient money to cover their course
fees and _______________.
a) lodging c) board
b) maintenance d) sustenance
35. Tourists always enjoyed ___________ the setting sun in the Darjeeling hills.
a) to watch c) watching
b) in seeing d) seeing
37. There was a large car-park outside the building _______________ for the VIPs.
a) reserving it c) lying
b) kept d) set apart
38. Members of Parliament are meant to __________ the interests of their electors.
a) preserve c) serve
b) identify d) promote
39. The news of the secret deal soon ___________ despite official silence.
a) revealed c) disclosed
b) leaked out d) spread
40. Many teachers may find it necessary to supplement their _____________ by taking some
part-time jobs.
a) earnings c) remuneration
b) profits d) income
41. Several hundred workers were made __________ when the factory closed.
a) unnecessary c) dispensable
b) redundant d) extra
42. By setting up the new industry the returns in the short ___________ are likely to be
eager, but over a number of years the profits will grow in an impressive manner.
a) term c) spell
b) time d) stint
46. As the headmaster was cruel to her, she __________ there again.
a) may go c) shall not go
b) could go d) ought to go
49. The slum children __________ round a makeshift fire to keep warm.
a) grouped c) tucked
b) huddled d) elbowed
Ex No: Date:
Identifying the Errors
2. Arjuna was a great archer capable of aiming objects even at a great distance. He was
great in shooting arrows as he concentrated his attention fully well on the target, His
aim never failed.
His arrows hit the _________ straight.
a) bird c) target
b) tree d) object
3. Elephants are found in India and Africa. The elephants in India are beautiful though
the tusks are small. Even the ears are small when compared with those of the African
The elephants in Africa have_______________________.
a) long trunks c) small tusks
b) long tusks d) medium seized tusks
4. Refrigerators were considered as luxurious as they were costly and so the rich houses
only could afford a fridge. Now-a-days they are no longer luxuries. They are
Refrigerators were __________ in the past.
a) cheap c) costly
b) very cheap d) more costly
5. The Ganges is the longest river in India irrigating thousands of acres of land. Most of
the states in North India will suffer if the Ganges goes dry. It is feared that the river is
likely to disappear in the days to come.
The Ganges irrigates ___________ of the states in North India.
a) much c) most
b) many d) more
6. The universe comprises Galaxies that are huge with millions of stars; some galaxies
have great spiralling arms trailing around them. Milky Way is a good example.
Galaxies have ____________ spiralling arms.
a) great c) greatest
b) greater d) more greater
7. The Humpi ruins in Karnataka receive a good number of foreign visitors. The ruins
are spread over a vast stretch of lands standing as a monument to the glorious
Vijayanagar Empire.
The ruins are spread over a ____________ stretch of lands.
a) more vast c) vast
b) most vast d) none of these
8. Comets are luminous celestial bodies moving round the sun. If any comet is sighted,
it is believed that it signals the death of a royal figure. It is considered a superstition.
The blind belief is called________________.
a) false belief c) wrong belief
b) superstition d) bad signal
9. A name is given specifically to the mountain range of the Andes in South Africa and
other great ranges in North America. That name is Cordillera. The word ‘Cordillera’
is derived from the Spanish word meaning ‘chain’.
The name of the ranges is ____________.
a) Chain c) Cordillera
b) Andes d) Spanish
10. The Sun and Moon produce certain tides when they act in opposition. Such tides are
called Neap Tides. They occur twice monthly.
Neap Tides occur __________ in a month.
a) once c) twice
b) thrice d) five times
12. Ozone is pure but unstable. It is formed in the air around electric motors whenever an
electric discharge causes sparks.
Ozone is ____________.
a) stable c) unstable
b) more stable d) most stable
13. The heart, the pumping station of the system, is a muscular organ about the size of a
closed fist. Its average weighs is about 340 grams in men and 255 grams in women.
It lies to the left, in the chest.
The heart weighs ___________ grams in men.
a) 255 c) 255 or 340
b) 340 d) none of these
14. Colour blindness means the inability to distinguish red and green colours, particularly
their less bright shades, in dim lights. This is more common among males than in
Colour blindness means inability to distinguish ______________ shades.
a) bright c) brighter
b) more bright d) less bright
15. Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. Its cure is not certain. Its symptoms are a sore
that does not heal, repeated bleeding in women after menopause, persistent
indigestion etc. Cancer means_____________________________.
a) A sore that does not heal c) An abnormal growth of cells
b) Repeated bleeding d) Menopause
16. Cooking takes more time on mountain tops. It is due to low pressure on mountain
tops. The water boils at the lowest temperature as the boiling point is always
proportional to pressure.
Cooking takes more time due to _________________ on mountain tops.
a) less pressure c) more pressure
b) low pressure d) lowest pressure
17. The liver is the largest organ in our body and it weighs one and half kilos. It performs
more than 500 jobs, some of them is essential to life.
The largest organ in our body is the_____________.
a) intestine c) liver
b) heart d) rib
18. The atmosphere protects the Earth. It softens the intense light and heat of the Sun. It
is bound to the Earth by gravity. The ultra violet rays of the Sun are absorbed by it
protecting the living organisms from extinction.
The atmosphere absorbs the ______________________________.
a) heat of the Sun c) ultra violet rays of the Sun
b) intense light of the Sun d) organisms
19. An earth quake is basically the vibration of Earth produced by the rapid release of
energy. This energy spreads in all directions in the form of waves. These are called
seismic waves. An earth quake is caused by________________.
a) Vibration c) Seismic waves
b) Energy release d) Waves
20. Ocean currents are swift moving large masses of surface water. They move in a fairly
well defined direction over great distances. They influence the climate of bordering
coastal regions.
Ocean currents are large masses of surface___________.
a) Water c) Glaciers
b) Ice d) None of these
21. Mt. Everest is the highest peak looking snow white in the Himalayas. It is situated in
Nepal. The snow clad peak presents a beautiful spectacle.
The highest peak in the Himalayas is _______________.
a) Kanchenjunga c) Mt. Everest
b) Dhaulagiri d) Nanga Parbat
22. Harappan potteries are mostly wheel made wares. They are plain and painted. They
are decorated in many ways. Circles, squares, figures of animals, birds etc. make
them more ornamental. Harappan potteries are __________ ornamental.
a) more c) much
b) most d) very
23. Aryans’ main occupations were agriculture and cattle rearing. They were good at
weaving cloth, tanning leather and making ornaments. They traded locally and in
foreign countries. Barter system was popular then.
Aryans used _____________ in trade.
a) Legal tender c) Leather coins
b) Barter system d) Copper coins
24. The word ‘Sangam’ refers to a college or assembly of Tamil scholars. It was
supported by Pandya Kings of Madurai. It is said that there were three Sangams
lasting for 9,990 years. Sangam was supported by _________
a) Chera kings c) Pallava kings
b) Chola kings d) Pandya kings
25. Alexander was the son of Kings Philip, a great King of Macedonia. Aristotle was his
teacher. He came to India and defeated King Porus. He wanted to bring India under
his control but failed in that attempt. Alexander defeated King ______________.
a) King Sisunaga c) Porus
b) Purushothaman d) None of these
26. Mahatma Gandhi moved the masses in India spiritually and launched the freedom
struggle. Indians looked on him as the savior of the country. They were drawn
towards him as his Satyagraha attracted all. Gandhiji was popular for
a) Quit India movement c) Satyagraha
b) Dandi march d) Ahimsa
27. Olympic Games are held once in four years. The events bring all players and sports
men together from all parts of the world. The games are conducted in a city and the
International Olympic Committee only decides where the games are to be held.
Olympic Games are held once in four years in ___________.
a) Tokyo c) Athens
b) Paris d) None of these
28. Aristotle was a famous Greek philosopher. He was a disciple of Plato. His books are
well known; of them the Ethics and Poetics are the best known works.
The Ethics and Poetics are the _________ known works of Aristotle.
a) good c) best
b) better d) well
29. Skin covers the whole body and protects the muscles under it. It consists of two
layers, Epidermis and Dermis. It regulates the temperature. It throws out the waste
products via perspiration. Skin regulates____________.
a) Perspiration c) Epidermis
b) Dermis d) The temperature
30. A wet cloth is placed on the forehead of a patient suffering from high temperature.
The reason is that water evaporating from the wet cloth cools the body. The
temperature comes down. The wet cloth ___________ the body.
a) cool c) cooled
b) cools d) has cooled
31. The sky appears blue. It is because of the light scattered by dust particles in the
atmosphere. The wave lengths of all colours differ. The shorter wavelengths are
scattered. Blue has the shortest wavelength of all colours. So the sky appears blue.
The colour with the shortest wavelength is __________.
a) red c) green
b) blue d) orange
32. Tsunami is a Japanese word. It means ‘harbour wave’. It hit the southern coast of the
Indian Peninsula on 26th December 2004. Thousands of people died in Indonesia.
Tsunami means _____________.
a) Under current c) Tidal wave
b) Harbour wave d) Neap tide
33. Steppes is the area unforested and unflooded by high water. Grassy vegetation
growing on black soils is its special quality. The steppes have warm dry summers and
cold winters. Vegetation grows on ___________.
a) Alluvial soil c) Black soil
b) Delta d) None of these
34. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. Its area is 165,242,000
The greatest known depth is 35,610 feet.
The _________ known depth of it is 35,610 feet.
a) great c) greatest
b) greater d) more greater
35. The Goddess kali called Rama a funny and witty fellow. She blessed him with the
gift of making people laugh. She said further, that would be called a vikatakavi or a
jesting poet. Kali gave Rama the name __________.
a) A jester c) Vikatakavi
b) Poet d) Funny fellow
36. India is a developing country with its great resources and manpower. The only
drawback is the failing monsoon affecting the agricultural operations. Therefore its
further development depends on its improvement of agriculture through proper
irrigation and adopting new modern farming techniques.
Indian agricultures can improve through _____________ irrigation.
a) more proper c) proper
b) most proper d) improper
37. The shark is a large killer fish living in sea. It has sharp teeth and pointed fin on its
It attacks usually swimmers.
The Shark ___________ usually swimmers.
a) in attacking c) attack
b) attacks d) none of these
38. Glasses is a pair of lenses in a frame resting on the nose and ears. It improves the eye
sight. Binoculars, goggles and magnifying glasses are available for a bigger vision.
A bigger vision is possible through _______________.
a) frame c) nose
b) glasses d) magnifying glasses
39. Computer is an electronic device for storing information. It helps to calculate and
analyze. Its sister unit is laptop. It can be carried to any place.
Computer’s sister unit is ____________.
a) Software c) Laptop
b) Hardware d) Floppy
40. Lions are found in India and Africa. They belong to the cat family. The lion is called
the King of the forest. Its mane gives to it a beautiful look. Lions are
a) domestic c) bold
b) wild d) shy
41. People in the past moved from one place to another on foot or used carts drawn by
animals. They lived a simple life and enjoyed a good health as industrialization was
unknown at that time and so they breathed fresh air.
People in the past breathed ____________ air.
a) fresher c) fresh
b) more fresh d) pure
42. Rig Veda is the earliest among the Vedas. It is a collection of devotional songs
offered to various gods. The famous Gayatri Mantra finds a place in it.
The earliest Veda is _____________.
a) Yajur Veda c) Rig Veda
b) Sama Veda d) Athervana Veda
43. Fahien was a Chinese traveller who visited India during the time of Chandragupta II.
His aim was to study and pursue the Buddhist texts. He described the religious
conditions of India, especially the condition of Buddhism.
Fahiene was interested in _________.
a) Hinduism c) Buddhism
b) Jainism d) None of these
44. Dinosaurs lived long-long ago; now the race has disappeared. They were of a huge
size capable of covering long distances. Their fossils are found in Ariyalur near
Tiruchirapalli. They were inhabiting plains mostly.
They inhabitated __________.
a) Forest c) Hill side
b) Plains d) Coastal
46. Deepavali is celebrated with a great pomp and bustle. Of late it has its own harmful
effects on our health. Crackers pollute air; their noise affects our eardrum. Their
poisonous fumes carried in the air are highly dangerous. So, steps must be taken to
control the use of crackers. They release sulphur-di-oxide and carbon monoxide.
The air carries ___________________ released by crackers.
a) Fumes c) Carbon-dioxide
b) Sulphur dioxide d) Oxygen
47. Teeth are made of enamel, denties and pulp. Enamel is mainly made of calcium and
phosphorus and it is the hardest material in our body. But the teeth begin to decay
while aging as acids break through the enamel. So, enamel care is more important.
Enamel is ______________ material in our body.
a) harder c) most harder
b) the hardest d) very hard
48. Female anopheles causes Malaria. A kind of cell organism enters into the blood and
destroys red blood corpuscles. The result is high fever. It can be prevented by
destroying mosquitoes. D.D.T, Kerosene oil etc will destroy them.
Malaria is caused by ________________.
a) A cell organism c) Red corpuscles
b) Female anopheles d) None of these
49. Hibernation is winter sleep. It is seen in many mammals, reptiles, infects, etc. This
condition is common in temperate and arctic regions. The temperature of the
mammals drop to that of the surroundings.
Hibernation is common in _________________________.
a) Polar regions c) Arctic regions
b) Temperate regions d) Temperate and arctic regions
50. Wrinkles in the skin are caused by one’s long exposure to the Sun. With aging, the
middle layer of the skin worsens and wrinkles appear. The ultra violet radiation from
the Sun also breaks down the middle layer. So one should limit his exposure to direct
The wrinkles on the skin are caused by______________________.
a) Gamma rays c) Ultra violet radiation of the sun
b) Ultra violet rays d) Creams and lotions
Dress smartly: Don’t let your appearance distract from what you are saying.
Smile. Don’t hunch up and shuffle your feet. Have an upright posture. Try to appear
confident and enthusiastic.
Say hello and smile when you greet the audience: your audience will probably look
at you and smile back: an instinctive reaction.
Speak clearly, firmly and confidently as this makes you sound in control. Don’t
speak too quickly: you are likely to speed up and raise the pitch of your voice when
nervous. Give the audience time to absorb each point. Don’t talk in a monotone the
whole time. Lift your head up and address your words to someone near the back of
audience. If you think people at the back can’t hear, ask them.
Use silence to emphasize points. Before you make a key point pause: this tells the
audience that something important is coming. It’s also the hallmark of a confident
speaker as only these are happy with silences. Nervous speakers tend to gabble on
trying to fill every little gap.
Eye contact is crucial to holding the attention of your audience. Look at everyone
in the audience from time to time, not just at your notes or at the PowerPoint slides.
Try to involve everyone, not just those directly in front of you.
Don’t read out your talk, as this sounds boring and stilted, but refer to brief notes
jotted down on small (postcard sized) pieces of card. Don’t look at your notes too
much as this suggests insecurity and will prevent you making eye contact with the
It’s OK to use humour, in moderation, but better to use anecdotes than to rattle off a
string of jokes.
Take along a wristwatch to help you keep track of time – the assessor may cut you
off as soon as you have used the time allocated, whether or not you have finished.
It can be very helpful to practice at home in front of a mirror. You can also record
your presentation and play it back to yourself: don’t judge yourself harshly when you
replay this – we always notice our bad points and not the good when hearing or seeing
a recording or ourselves! Time how long your talk takes. Run through the talk a few
times with a friend.
It’s normal to be a little nervous. This is a good thing as it will make you more
energized. Many people have a fear of speaking in public. Practicing will make sure
that you are not too anxious. In your mind, visualize yourself giving a confident
successful performance. Take a few deep slow breaths before your talk starts and
make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly.
Build variety into the talk and break it up into sections: apparently, the average
person has a three minute attention span.
Features of GD:
Benefits of GD:
GD- Do’s:
GD- Don’ts:
2. Be prepared:
Re-read your CV just before the interview. Do your research thoroughly: Look at the
company web site or obtain all the details.
3. Don’t waffle:
Answer questions properly – even if you need a few moments silence to collect your
thoughts. It’s better to say you need a minute to think about your answer rather than speak
instantly and regret it afterwards.
5. Be positive:
Think positively and enter the mindset to work well with others and maintain good
relationships. This includes not gossiping.
Here are the 10 questions you’re most likely to be asked in a job interview:
8. What motivates you to do good job and what makes you angry?
Ex No: Different Types of Interviews Date:
There are many different types of interviews. Once you are selected for an interview,
you may experience one or more of the situations described below. When you schedule an
interview, try to get as much information as possible and note that it is rare to have only one
interview prior to a job offer. Most employers will bring back a candidate a number of times
to be sure a potential employee will fit into the company culture.
Panel/Committee Interview:
In this situation, there is more than one interviewer. Typically, three to ten
members of a panel may conduct this part of the selection process. This is
your chance to put your group management and group presentation skills on
As quickly as possible, try to 'read' the various personality types of each
interviewer and adjust to them. Find a way to connect with each interviewer.
Remember to take your time in responding to questions. Maintain primary eye
contact with the panel member who asked the question, but also seek eye
contact with other members of the panel as you give your response.
Behavioral Interview:
The basic premise behind this type of interview is that your past behavior is
the best predictor of your future actions. These types of questions may be
asked in any interview format—telephone, panel or one-on-one.
If the employer asks behavior-oriented questions, they are no longer asking
hypothetical questions but are now asking questions that must be answered
based on facts.
With a behavioral question, the interviewer is looking for results, not just an
activity list. They are listening for names, dates, places, the outcome and
especially what your role was in achieving that outcome.
Case Interview:
In some interviews you may be asked to demonstrate your problem-solving
skills. The interviewer will outline a situation or provide you with a case study
and ask you to formulate a plan that deals with the problem.
You do not have to come up with the ultimate solution. The interviewers are
looking for how you apply your knowledge and skills to a real-life situation.
Speak and reason aloud so interviewers have a full understanding of your
thought process.
Before answering a case interview question, be prepared to ask the employer
numerous questions for clarity. The more you are able to analyze and dissect
the case study, the more you will likely impress your interviewer.
Telephone Interview:
Many organizations will conduct interviews by telephone to narrow a field of
candidates. Telephone interviews may also be used as a preliminary interview
for candidates who live far away from the job site.
It is important to treat this interview as you would a face-to-face connection.
Arrange for a quiet space and time to schedule the conversation. Clear a work
surface to minimize distractions.
Focus on the conversation. Listen to the questions carefully before you
answer. Since your voice is the key, convey energy with inflection in your
Have a copy of your resume nearby as a reference.
Avoid using a phone with call waiting. You do not want to be interrupted
during an interview. Try to use a landline phone or a cell phone that is not
prone to dropping calls.
Group Interview:
A group interview is usually designed to uncover the leadership potential of
prospective managers and employees who will be dealing with customers.
The front-runner candidates are gathered together in an informal, discussion
type interview. A subject is introduced and the interviewer will start off the
The goal of the group interview is to see how you interact with others and how
you use your knowledge and reasoning to influence others.
Stress Interview:
This form of interview was more common in sales positions and is rare today.
However, you should be aware of the signals. The stress interview is usually a
deliberate attempt to see how you handle yourself under pressure.
The interviewer may be sarcastic or argumentative, or may keep you waiting.
Do not take it personally.
Calmly answer each question. Ask for clarification if you need it and never
rush into an answer.
The interviewer may also lapse into silence at some point during the
questioning. This may be an attempt to unnerve you. Sit silently until the
interviewer resumes the questions. If a minute goes by, ask if he/she needs
clarification of your last comment.
Mock Interview: