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ISSN: 2528-617X



Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma

Office Administration Education, Faculty of Economy, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

The emergence of technology, it resulted in various kinds of information flow. The
border among news, entertainment, advertising, propaganda and so on is blurred.
Public has difficult to define and interpret any input of information. Hate speech is
easy to find, especially after incriminating false news or hoaxes. This situation is
exacerbated by the low level of literacy of Indonesian society. Undoubtedly, the low
awareness of literacy is one of the roots toward the massive circulation of hoax
information. The reality shows that the Indonesian nation is not a nation of readers.
Received information is believed as truth information directly, and then attempts to
share the information to others. Governments through Education Ministry should
engage the education sector by evaluating and teaching strong literacy culture as early
as well. The purpose of the particular article is to increase the motivation and interest
in reading that is needed to counteract the hoax in media. Explanatory method is used
as method. The author summarizes into three parts. The first is hoaxes and literacy,
second, motivation and reading interest, and the third is an effort to increase the
reading interest.
Keywords: hoax, literacy, motivation and reading interest.

Some time ago, there are many rampant news mentions about the low literacy in among
Indonesian citizens and it makes Indonesia became easy fields for hoax or false news, low
awareness on literacy became one of the factors driving the massive circulation of false news
or hoax. Received information is believed as truth information directly, and then attempts to
share the information to others in their social media without clarifying the truth. This is
relevant to the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
record. Indonesia's reading index according to UNESCO (2012) is only 0.001. Means,
among 1000 people, there is only one person who read seriously. In addition, the survey
notes from the Most Literated Nation in The World (2015) put Indonesia at 60th place from
61 countries. While digital penetration in the middle of society take place very quickly.
Based on internet survey results of APJII 2016, Indonesia has extraordinary the growth of
internet users and the total number of Indonesian internet users today reached 132.7 million
users. The number is quite high compared to the results of a survey in 2014 which shows the
number of Indonesian internet users is 88 million users. The number of 132.7 million users
means passing the 50% of the population or population of Indonesia, precisely penetration
of 51.8%. From the APJII survey is also known behavior of Indonesian internet users. One
of the most interesting is; 70% of internet users in Indonesia most often access the internet

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from mobile devices or mobile gadgets. The fact shows the level of satisfaction of mobile
internet usage is quite high, while internet home satisfaction is quite low.
The emergence of new digital media gave rise to cultural shocks in the community.
People easily chide each other without feeling awkward or guilty. Online page is driven by activists of information technology in Indonesia from 1
January 2017 to 2 February 2017 and received 1,656 complaints of false, libelous, or
seditious information. The online page has visited 47,132 times by 13,915 internet users for
a month lately. This number increase compared to the period of December 2016 which
amounted to 28,219 times by 10,898 internet users. According to Nukman Luthfie, a social
media expert says about 59 percent of content on social media has never been clicked or
opened. Pay or click business era based on the number of clicks have passed (out of date).
The method had replaced by the era of share or dissemination through various social media
or closed groups. Most of the online writing is only read at a glance even sometimes not
open or clicked at all. News titles tend to be considered as conclusions in order the people
who read can immediately know the contents. Even if they read, they read less than a minute.
This tendency finally followed by some mainstream media. Because of the demands of
business, making business often deliberately make the bombastic headline and sensational
news. Information at a glance is known to be provocative. Legal action can be a short-term
solution to provide a deterrent effect, but for long-term solutions are to build digital literacy
that should involve the education sector as taught in schools from an early age. It quoted in
Kompas, February 7, 2017. In the middle of the low interest and reading culture, Indonesia
also faces new challenges to encourage its citizens of digital literacy.

Table 1. Indonesia’s Literacy

Reading interest in Indonesian society is only 0.001 percent. Among 250 million
Indonesian people, onle 250.000 people have a reading interest.
Indonesian’s children read only 27 pages of books in one year.
2015 Programme for International Students Assesment (PISA), OECD
Reading Competencies has not showed significant improvement from 396 points
(2012) to 397 points (2015).
2015 Study of National Library (12 Provinces and 28 Regencies / Cities in Indonesia)
Reading interest in community is on low category (25,1)
2016 World’s Most Literate Nations, Central Connecticut State University (penelitian
dilakukan 2003-2004). Indonesian’s literacy ranked 60th, the second lowest
position of 61 countries studied
Source: Litbang Kompas/STI, processed from BPS, APJII, World’s Literate Nations, OECD, and Kompas
Table 2. User of Mobile Phone in Indonesia based on Network Provider
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
211.200.297 249.805.619 281.963.665 313.226.914 325.582.891 338.948.340
Source : Litbang Kompas/STI, processed from BPS, APJII, World’s Literate Nations, OECD, and Kompas

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Table 3. Indonesian Internet User (million)

2012 2013 2014 2016
63 71,9 88,1 132,7
Source : Litbang Kompas/STI, processed from BPS, APJII, World’s Literate Nations, OECD, and Kompas

Another fact is; most of Indonesian internet users use internet for social media and
entertainment. Facebook became the destination of most Indonesian internet users and
followed by Instagram. Indonesian internet users assume that online transactions are safe;
however, the majority of users still use ATMs to transact. The main goods and services
purchased through online are tickets and household needs. Another interesting fact is the
majority of users agree that the internet is not safe for children and sue the government
continue to improve its integrated program in handling negative content. The hoax work is
increasingly when used as a political weapon for power struggles. The effectiveness of
hoaxes occurs in crisis situations, both in economic and political fields that make each group
easily victimized by false news, regardless of the level of education and personal insight the
consumer of the news.
According to infographic data from Mastel Indonesia which conducted a survey on
February 7-9, 2017 and followed by 1.116 respondents across Indonesian, mentions that as
many as 44.30% receive hoax news every day, with 62.10% hoax received in writing form,
and as much 92.40% of the hoax distribution channels come from social media.
In line with the article titled “Improving Paranoid Mental through Hoax News”
sourced from published on January 19, 2017, states that “Hoax makes
people become blind to define the source of information is true and accurate and which is
actually slander and hoaxes.” The growth of hoaxes and their varieties in Indonesia is
actually a good news but also a bad news. The good news is; it becomes a sign for reading
interest in Indonesia has increased. By the emergence of the internet and social media, the
people of Indonesia are now more diligent in reading even though only reading a collection
of friends’ status in social media. The bad news is; there is a kind of phenomenon where
interest in reading only to the title. Most of them are not interested in the content of the news
or information being read.
As a nation has not entirely passed in every round of civilization, it finally rush into
the civilization of information. Literary civilization has not been completed, has implications
to the way and life manner in the civilization of information. Society stutters and drifts in
the wave of information without verifying, checking and reciting the truth. The stuttering
becomes more apparent when the incorrect information becomes viral. Even many parties
who deliberately produce misguided information to mislead others. Based on the above
background, this article will discuss about how to counteract the hoax by motivating reading

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According to wikipedia, hoax is false news which is an attempt to deceive or outsmart the
reader or listeners to believe something, whereas the false news creator knows that the news
is false. One of the most common examples of fake news is claiming a thing or an event with
a different title from the real thing or event. As in Cambride Dictionary, Hoax is interpreted
as a joke or something that is not true. The website explains how hoaxes are viewed
in terms of culture where the newspapers deliberately print / make fake stories, it is seen as
a hoax. In addition, various publicity activities, fake bomb threats, scientific fraud, business
fraud, and false political claims are also categorized as hoaxes. News hoax arises because of
conflicts that occur between several parties, and make a lot of emerging issues, in fact,
making up stories and making hoax to incite and change the views of society.
The share of false news and hate speech is the impact of the rapid development of
information over the last few years. The development of information led to the emergence
of a new public space called as social media. This new public space is different from real
public space because people no longer need to interact face to face, but they can still express
their thoughts and feelings. In a study conducted by Clara Novita on hoax chain messages
in whatsap media group, describes how a chain message containing a hoax can affect many
people and caused fear to things that written in the message (Novita, 2015).
The emergence of new public spaces has both positive and negative effects. Positive
effect, social media can be used to build connections and disseminate the right ideas. The
negative effect, the spreading of false news or uncontrolled hate speech has potentially in
disturbance to public order. Cherian George, in his book “Hate Spin (2016)” mentions the
primary purpose of hate speech is to build the support of an exclusive internal group and a
form of identity politics. Hate speech becomes a strategy in seizing power. Moreover, in
religious issue is easy to manipulate and develop the intolerance. This is proved by the
various political strategies and persuasive techniques undertaken to change the opinions,
attitudes and people though by using lies, tricks and hatred in social media
The Spread of false news and hate speech is caused by three factors. First,
technological developments allow other netizens to add or edit the previously published text.
Secondly, the high number of internet users. As reported by the Association of Internet
Network Providers Indonesia (APJII), in 2016 reached 132.7 million people of Indonesia
that have been connected to the internet. Third, the high level of interaction among users.
Hoax has erased the beauty of human thinking, reasoning that produces good minds
from the process of reasoning. Goenawan Mohamad (1991) said the contents of hoax is
exactly the opposite. Misleading information devastates the kinship in human “real space”.
Meanwhile, the mind since the beginning of civilization is also the most real tool in human
Sartono Kartodirdjo (1993) states the history of intellectual thought or history
examines all the facts derived from thoughts, ideas, beliefs, dreams, and all elements of
consciousness in man. The history of thought also reveals the socio-cultural background of
the community, the family environment in which the person lives, and there is a very clear

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picture of the socio-cultural factors that influence his thinking. Information is not explored,
but through emotional impulse and primordial identity is pushed to other users, then becomes
viral and hard to stop. The victim is certainly not only the intended figure, but also the
brotherhood in real life space.
The kind of work is caused by several things. First, laziness to read and think. The
hoax information is more often viral because the lazy tendency to read and think about the
truth of the information it receives. Without any confirmation, people start sharing
information to various social media networks, such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Line, Twitter,
and others.
Second, false obedience. Because information is not understood and thought
seriously, people who using it will be more caused by obedience to a group of people, or
characters idolized.
Third, Sentiment of primordialism. Due to the strengthening of sentiment,
primordialism, hoax information and hate speech is easy to share. They will easy feel the
language “I” become part of “them” and not part of “him/her”. And then, finally the hoax is
easy to spread in groups that have primordial way of thinking. Based on reasons of tribal,
religious, or racial, and now is added by the sentiment of political choice. And this
encourages certain groups to show their existence.
Fourth, the existence of encouragement. The existence precedes the essence. It means
the whole person is in existence. He/she is free to determine his existence, without being
determined by its essence. And according to him/her neurosis is indeed a moment of conflict
neither not a fundamental pathological conflict nor an existential conflict. It shows in his
concept of "we" and "us". In "we" there is self-exclusivity, anonymity, self-objectivity, self-
reduction, self-alienation, confronting others. Meanwhile, in "us" there is an inclusion, which
is shared as being togetherness and subjective involvement. And in the inclusive of
subjective inclination (communion), that man can establish himself and his autonomy. In
other words, only in togetherness, man can find himself and made his existence. This is
where he finds his identity. And neurosis "is rooted in the failure of the individual to accept
his own identity." So it is necessary to develop our psychology in the context of "us" to
replace the ego-psychology in the context of our "(Hasan Fuad, 2014).
Fifth, the influence of viral information. People will easy to share information
because the information has become viral. The behavior of share is caused by follow-up the
many people who have share first. This indicates an Individual predisposing effect. The
factor indicates the extent to which people feel involved and the information it receives. He
places himself in the position of the person or group in which the information is received.
When the information is correctly identified, and then he feels happy, and if wrongly
identified, he feels sad. The information is viral because of the crowds, hundreds or
thousands of people, gathered and temporarily connected, because of temporary interests
that share a common interest, one common thought, and one identical identity. Simon Moore,
a researcher of the Violence & Society Research Group at Cardiff University, Wales, in Ben
Anderson (2003) argues that there is one determining factor that may unite all the

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troublemakers, namely the perception that they come from lower status based on social,
economic and political status.
Un-secretly, the fake news or hoax is rampant in the digital media of the country
(Indonesia). The path can be an online site, social media, and chat in instant messaging
applications. Hoax is not just a chain message that contains threats. Hoax also transformed
into a frightening ghost. Hoax is in everywhere and also misleading. If a hoax can be in
everywhere, and then there are two reasons why it can be happen. The first; a source with a
large number of followers, who spread the hoax, second, there is a hoax built by social media
users with a small number of followers, but the hoax is continuously shared by other users
to have a wide range of coverage.
According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Community Anti Hoax, Septiaji Eko
Nugroho, the cause of the community share the hoax news; first, it deals with the use of
technology that is not accompanied by a critical culture to see the problem. As a result,
internet users in Indonesia tend to share information to others without first checking the truth.
Second, the attitude of some people prefers to huddle rather than reading. In the old days,
huddle must meet face to face each other, and today huddle can be done remotely. Finally,
the culture of huddle has increasingly by the medium. The third, pride of being the first
person or part of the person that share a story of viral news. Many people feel great be the
first person to share information, whether true or not, especially, when the news becomes
viral in social media. In fact, spreading the hoax is a dangerous because the consequences
can be very detrimental to the victims, ranging from loss of reputation, material; even life
can also be threatening. In other words, hoax will be said like a drugs because equally
addictive to the culprit. Today, the spread of hoax is much more massive because it is driven
by social media. On the internet, hoax spreaders feel “safe” because they are not dealing
directly with other people who are targeted by hoaxes. By the case, it needs to take a concrete
strategy and step to respond to this social media reality. The response is not cynical to the
media, but skeptics, what Tom Friedman said, a senior New York Times journalist, says with
his attitude of always questioning everything, doubting what he receives, and being alert to
any certainty not to be easily deceived and provoked.

The word of literasi / literacy in English; literacy means the ability to read and write. Literacy
in Latin word; littera means letter, and literacy is translated as literate. Literacy according to
Peter Salim in the dictionary of The Contemporary English Indonesian Dictionary is the
ability to read and write. Meanwhile the information is defined as a description. The National
Institute for Literacy defines Literacy as "The ability of individuals to read, write, speak,
calculate and solve problems at the level of skill required in work, family and society." This
definition signifies Literacy from a more contextual perspective. From this definition it
implies that the definition of Literacy depends on the skills required in a particular
environment. On the other hand, the Education Development Center (EDC) states that
Literacy is more than just literacy. But, Literacy is the ability of individuals to use all the

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potential and skill possessed in his life. By the understanding, that literacy includes the
ability to read the word and read the world.
Literacy information according to Sulityo Basuki in his paper submitted at the
Literacy Workshop Information Network Library APTIK in Jakarta, interpreted as literacy
information, information literacy and proper information. Then, information literacy is
defined as a set of capabilities to be aware of the information needs and when information is
needed, then identify and locate the required information. Next, ethically and communicate
information to solve a problem is being faced (Yetti, 2009). The definition of information
literacy according to APISI (Association of Indonesian School Information Workers) is a set
of skills to get problem solving of an existing problem. These skills include the skills of
identifying problems, seeking information, compiling, utilizing, communicating and
evaluating answers to questions or problems that faced earlier (Arif Rifai Dwiyanto, 2007).
Based on the description, information literacy can be defined as a person’s ability to identify
the information it needs, accessing and finding information, evaluating information and
using information effectively and ethically. Litercy information is closely related to the
ability to think critically and sensitivity to all aspects of life. Kalaiensi Naibaho (2007)
suggests that information literacy is not only about accessing information, but rather also to
the process of becoming a learner for life.
When a person has an interest in reading material, in the next steps of the desire to
always be familiar with and understand the information available in various forms and
media, will always arise alone. The desire will become a habit and finally, it becomes a
necessity that cannot be left behind in human life. In further development, information
literacy is very important in our lives. In reality, our lives are surrounded by millions of
information appearing in form and in various media. If we do not want to use our interest to
read or hear and then identify and find the information we need, we will undoubtedly be a
disadvantaged human being. If we are not sensitive to the information we need, there will be
many good things and opportunities that are overlooked in vain (Yetti, 2009).
Our nation’s literacy culture is still very low. This is a fact. In acting, attitude, and
behaviour, most of us still stand by the results of seeing and hearing. It does not come from
reading. Simply speaking, literacy culture can be interpreted as the ability to write and read
people in a country.
In 1996, Taufiq Ismail ever conducted research to see how much interest in reading
a book (non-learning books) of high school graduate students in some countries. Apparently
this is the result: In Germany, high school graduates students there is average read 32 book
titles. In Netherlands, the students read average of 30 titles of books, Russian read average
of 12 book titles, student of Japanese average read 15 titles of book, Student in Singapore
and Malaysia average read 6 book titles, student in Brunei average read 7 book titles, while
student of Indonesia average read 0 books. Research conducted by Central Connecticut State
University, USA, states, that Indonesia ranked 60th of 61 countries with the lowest literacy
level (literacy). Similarly, the survey of the Organizational for Economic Cooperation and
Development Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies, which calls
Indonesia's literacy capabilities represented by Jakarta, the lowest of 34 countries studied.

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The literacy ability of adults (25-65) in Jakarta with has education minimal on high
school is lower than European-educated Primary Schools. Indonesians spent time for read
(2-4 hours a day) or lower than UNESCO standards (4-6 hours a day) and developed
countries (6-8 hours a day). According to UNESCO (2012), Indonesia's reading index is only
0.001. That is, among 1.000 people, only one person reads seriously. This fact illustrates the
weakness of society's foundation for logical and critical thinking. The ability of a person to
the literacy is different, The factors, according to Bramley (1991), factors causing low
information literacy are; from the internal factors of individuals such as cognitive
difficulties, does not have their rights in the school environment, loss of family function in
the home, Ethnic background, physical or mental disability. Besides from individual factors,
the educational system is also a factor causing low information literacy, such as method of
learning, standardization, and the state of the school environment. The last factors are rapidly
growing electronic developments in communication.
The literacy level on society has not show good performance, it is considered to be
one of the factor caused the hoax shared. The cooperation from many parties, starting from
government until community, to provide a valid source of information, is expected to help
increase the literacy in society. In reduce the risk of hoax shared; it needs an increasing the
community literacy through the active role of government, community leaders and
communities, to provide easy access to valid sources of information on each hoax issue. In
addition, systematic and continuous education is needed, as well as effective legal action for
its disseminator. Thus, the community will have the ability to understand and analyze
information. New strategies to eradicate the hoax are; encourage the literacy, as well as
education and socialization to community. Socialization and education provided, is expected
to help people recognize and understand the content submitted by media or other platforms.
Thus, the public can determine whether the information is hoax or not. It is necessary to
educate the public about the importance of mass media literacy, especially the online media
which often only emphasizes the speed and looking for as many visitors as the page rather
than truth. The literacy education is important because the culture of understanding the
online media mapping of the interests by media owners is still very minimal. Society must
have ability to read and understand each media. In addition, education media literacy on
community will able to understand the public about the importance of media literacy. And
then, they will not be easy receiving any information that entered or accessed and have
foresight and consideration of the information that will be shared.
Despite the low literacy rate, the Indonesian people's mobility in social media is the
highest in the world. Throughout 2016, the number of Tweet by Twitter users in Indonesia
reaches 4.1 billion. The number will increase sharply when added with status releases on
Facebook and shoots on Instagram, Path, and Google+. In fact, Facebook users in Indonesia
rank on fourth, after India (195.16 million users), US (191.3 million) and Brazil (90.11
million). From 132.7 million Indonesian’s citizens, most of their activities is sharing
information (129.3 million users), followed by trading activities (125.5 million users), and
socialization of government policies (119.9 million users).

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It is conceivable, if a half of the information distributed by 129.3 million of

Indonesian citizens is sharing the hoax. Then, it is reasonable if there is a concern for the
destruction of the nation's life due to massive shared the hoax news in social media. Based
on that reality, the government and the Press Council must pioneer the massive literacy
movement of reading, writing with building a critical and logical framework to safe the
public from tsunami of hoax news. Literacy movement not only belongs to government, but
also to all components of Indonesian society, especially the national press, with one of the
goals is to educate the life of the nation.
To realize the society with has information literate, the existing literacy channels
must be utilized as well as possible by all of society and it will not separate from cooperation
among many parties to make the channel be utilized in order to encourage the shared
information and the growth of information literacy, such through the print media (books,
newspapers, magazines, journals, encyclopedias, etc.), electronic media, internet media
(blogs, email, website), environment / area (family, school, library and community
(Eisenberg, 2004). Based on description, it can be explained that person can be said as literate
information if they can know what information they need, have the knowledge and ability to
find the exact information, able to use information searching tools, assimilate the information
and then evaluate the information to solve the various social problems, economy, and
politics. Besides able to identify the needed information, the person who has literate
information should know how to find need information and what resources they can use to
get the needed information. The simplest thing, someone who has literate information is the
person who has been doing the reading. R. Masri Sareb Putra (2008) said reading can
uncover the horizon (knowledge). By reading, person is not only opening minded, but
becomes wise and take the wisdom and benefits of various references (experience). The
interesting things, how the people have literate information should also have ability to get
information from various reference sources. According to Dewi Puspitasari (2006), person
will be motivated to read if he/she knows the source of information. Information literacy is
an absolute competency that every member of society must have in the information age.
Information literacy sued the people's critical thinking skills and the ability to continue being
the lifelong learners. This process never stops at a point. Means, it takes a deep awareness
of every citizen to care about media literacy.


Motivation is from word of “motif”, in English is “motive or motion”, then motivation means
movement or something that moves. It means something that moves the action, or called
premises. According to Hamzah (2012: 3), motivation is the impetus of a person in
encouraging and makes changes in behavior better to meet their needs. Purwanto (1993: 71)
argues that motivation is the driving force of a conscious effort to influence a person's
behavior in act to do something in order achieved a certain result or goal. Meanwhile
Sardiman (2012: 75) argues motivation can be said as a series of efforts to provide certain

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conditions, and then someone wants and willing to do something. According to Mulyasa
(2009: 200) motivation is an impulse that causes someone to do something. Motivation will
lead to a change in energy that exists in the human, whether involving psychological, feeling,
or emotion, and then act or do something to achieve the goal. Based on that explanation,
reading motivation is an encouragement that causes a person to do reading, changing energy,
psychology, feelings, and emotions and then understands and finish what he reads.
Reading motivation according to Nurhadi (2005: 115) is entire aspects of the
underlying individual to conduct activities in understand and interpret a series of data or
symbols or words. Motivation can be either as basic or internal and external individual
Sardiman (2005: 67) supported the above opinion by states, the reading motivation
refers to the overall driving force that exists on the individual to generate, ensure continuity
and provide the direction of reading activities, and hopefully the goal will be achieved.
Reading results will be more optimal if there is a strong motivation, the more appropriate
the existing motivation, it will be more successful the reading activity. Finally, motivation
will determine the intensity of reading activity for students. Sardiman further added the
indicators of reading motivation include:
1. A sense of responsibility.
2. The achievement to be achieved.
3. There is a desire for self-development.
4. The existence of self-reliance.
Motivation is an important element in the learning process. Motivation is our impulse
to do something, in this case is learning. If the basic reading interest is aided by the
development of learning, and then the motivation must be the heart of the teaching strategy.
Motivation means the strategies used to encourage us to love reading. Fostering motivation
is a responsibility with full seriousness because every student needs different strategies. The
circle of reading motivation can be explained as follows.


Satisfy/ disappointed Behaviour

Figure 1
Circle of reading motivation

A complete description of reading motivation is given by Giehrls through Franz

(1984: 8-9). Giehrl explain detail on three basic stimuli. First, the desire to grasp and
experience that is encountered in the inner world, is acknowledged by the desire to be
oriented towards the world around and able to explain the existence of the world around.
Second, reading stimulation comes from the desire to overcome. Third, the stimulus of

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reading comes from the desire to fill the time, forget something, comfort and change
something in life. Empirical investigations can show that in almost all types of schools, the
reading motive is as entertainment and will have an effect on the reader's learning interest.
Some research indicates the motivation is one of the psychological constructs
that can affect the person’s development of reading. Students with high intrinsic motivation
are reported more frequent use understanding strategies and better understanding for the text
of science (Mecce & Holt, 1998, in Grabe, 2009). It is also reported that intrinsically
motivated students will read more (Guthrie & Cox, 2001; Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997 in
Grabe, 2009).

Reading Interest
According to Slameto (in Djaali, 2011: 121), interest is a constant tendency to pay attention
and remember some activities. Interest activities of a person are constantly cared for,
accompanied by pleasure. Interests are always followed by feelings of pleasure and it
obtained a pleasure. Hurlock (1993: 67) states the reading interest is a source of strong
motivation for a person to analyze, remember and evaluate the readings that have been read,
which is an exciting learning experience and will affect the shape and intensity of a person
in determining his future goals in the future. When someone judges that something will work,
it will become interested, and then it will make a satisfaction. When satisfaction decreases,
then interest will also decrease. Finally, interest is not permanent, but interest is temporary
or may change over time. In a whole sense of interest gives a power to learn who is interested
in an activity, being anywhere, will give a fourfold effort to learn compared than people who
are passionate or bored easily. Rahim (2005: 28) states, reading interest is a strong desire
accompanied by attempts to read. People who have a strong reading interest will be
embodied in their willingness to get reading material and then read it on their own
consciousness or outside encouragement. Essentially reading is neither talent nor innate, but
a process that can be developed into interest (Bafadal, 2008: 192). In here, reading interest
is the motivation that encourages people to do activities that can develop by seeing and doing
spelling then become a meaning, and then can make a person become developed and open
an insight (knowledge). Reading interest is what leads a person to do reading activities in a
sustainable, both because of academic demands and volition of their own. But, the read
ability and motivation of each person is different. Reading is not only a technical capability
gained only once and during elementary school, but also a development process and
continues until students are in junior and senior high school, in order the reading
comprehension can be achieved (Countant and Perchemlides, 2005: 42).
The supporting and inhibiting factors in developing reading interest according to
Mudjito (2001: 99-100) are:
1. Supporting Factors
a. The existence of educational institutions from the basic level to the high place to
build and develop the reading interest of students.

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b. The existence of various types of libraries in every city and region in Indonesia that
have the possibility to be developed in terms of the number and quality of libraries,
collections and service systems.
c. The existence of media institutions always continues to encourage the reading
interest from various layers of society through the publication of newspapers and
d. The existence of publications have the spirit of dedication in order to educate the
nation's life by publishing books with good quality, both in terms of content,
language and presentation techniques.
e. The existence of authors who have creativity, idealism, and ability to convey the
experience and ideas for the progress and welfare of the community.
f. The existence of government policies that directly or indirectly encourage or
stimulate the growth and development of reading interest.
g. The existence of individual effort, organizations and institutions, both government
and private that have the initiative to participate in activities related to reading
interest in community.
2. Inhibiting Factor
a. The flow of entertainment through the seeing hearing instrument equipment, i.e.
television and film in a certain level is a "hard competition" to the reading interest in
community because people prefer to hear and see rather than read.
b. The lack of legal act despite the existing copyright laws against rampant book piracy
that can have indirect effects on reading interest.
c. Lack of adequate and fair appreciation of book-related activities or creativity can
reduce interest in bookkeeping issues..
d. The lack of improved library quality, both in the collection and service system can
also have a negative influence on the development of reading interest.
e. In some level, the ability of the Indonesian speaking community is still at issue.
f. A relatively low level of community income can influence purchasing power or
priority needs.
g. Family environment, such as lack of exemplary parents in the use of leisure time can
have an impact on reading interest since childhood.
According to the Association of Indonesian Publishers (IKAPI) the development of
digital technology such as social media turned out to cause low reading public interest.
Actually the reading interest in community is still high but the public’s time is much
consumed for social media than reading books. Though lately, a lot of good books circulate
and quality but public interest to read still low. The low reading interest in the community is
not only on printed books but also on digital books or e-books.
Surely, the declining of reading interest of books and other literature in the
community is influenced by the rise of interest in chatting via social media either Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram or other social media. The higher of desire to comment in social media is
usually influenced by the desire to read. They are usually lazy to read the news in plenary
but immediately write the comments at random. Meanwhile the low reading culture will

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encourage the spirit of spreading any news that has been received. The desire to be number
one has made people rush to share the news that have heard and read even though the news
is fake or hoax.


“The repeated lie will become a truth”. That is a famous quote from Joseph Gobbels, the
Nazi propaganda minister. The sentence simply explains how a hoax is really dangerous if
only considered as a mere joke and no need to be taken more seriously. Although today it
has found a lie detector machine, but the machine is only able to detect emotional vibrations
sent by humans during communication and has not been able to detect content that contains
lies in social media or on the internet network more broadly.
Reading does not seem to be a requirement of Indonesian society that is still loaded
with culture of oral, watching and listening. As shown by the Central Bureau of Statistics
(BPS) in 2012, the proportion of Indonesians aged 10 years and over who watched the
television show reached 91.55% (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2012 a), while those who
listened to radio broadcasts reached 18.55% (Central Statistics, 2012 b).
Moreover, BPS shows the proportion of Indonesian people aged 10 years and over
who read newspaper reached 15.06%, reading the magazine reached 6.92%, reading the story
book reached 5.01%, reading school textbooks reached 20.49 %, Reading books knowledge
reached 14.08%, and other reading reached 17.03% (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2012 c).
This reading activity is dominated by reading textbooks, which means that many reading
activities are conducted by school-age or student, either elementary, junior high, high school
or higher education. School-age children most contribute to increased reading interest,
therefore the need for a strategy of reading interest to improve reading interest in Indonesia.
Thus, the growth of reading interest begins as early as possible, while the increased
of reading interest can be done at school age, such as age 12-15 years, when the child is in
junior high school. At that age, the child is in the stage of information receiving and linking
information with the experience. Therefore, to increase the reading interest should be held
strategy of reading interest development that supported by many parties, such as teachers,
parents, and librarians, and compiled in a reading interest strategy. According to Frans M
Parera in Idris Kamah (2002: 5), the policy of developing reading interest is directed through
five ways, namely (1) coaching through household and family lines, (2) guidance through
community and environment (outside school) (3) Guidance through education (schools), (4)
Guidance through institutional path (office), and (5) Guidance through functional agency
channel (national library, provincial library and district / city library).
Reading interest needs to be plant and teach from an early age, but this cannot be
separated from the role of parents in growing the reading interest in children. The importance
of family education is a consequence of the sense of responsibility of parents to their
children. In the family, child begins to recognize his life, it is necessary to realize that the
child is born in the family environment, grow and develop until the child life autonomous.
Therefore, the big influence of parents to their children, in this case stimulating the reading

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interest in children is an effort to train reading early. Parents as the closest party to children
should set an example that reading is a fun activity and make reading as daily habit, providing
facilities and infrastructure that support children to read, such as providing a family home
Parents should be good at generating motivation for children by rewarding them with
a reading that they really want when a child achieves success, then by creating a pleasant
reading atmosphere by taking time to accompany children and watching them when they
read. There is coordination between parents and teachers about the development of children's
learning in school, it make parents can find out how the development of reading interest in
children at school. At an early age, the child will do more things according to his instincts.
They like more fun activities, are full of fun, and are identical to the game's values.
Therefore, the first thing we have to do is create a comfortable atmosphere. Early reading
ability is not related to the child's IQ, but is closely related to the atmosphere of the house
and family. Children who can read early arise from families with extra attention and effort
in helping them learns to read. Early reading ability is also not related to socio-economic
conditions. Children who can read early, in fact, have parents who want spend time reading
with their children, although their socio-economic background is different. Making reading
activities is a happy and fun activities, not the vice versa.
The basic factor of reading habit among children is curiosity, and then the curiosity
must be guided and realized by reading behavior. If everyone can realize their own curiosity,
it is not difficult to guide and train students who are still in school, to improve reading habits.
Someone who already has a reading interest is someone who already has a tendency to be
reading interest activities and when the interest is manifested in continuous reading
activities, it will be arise the habit of reading. When the habit has become an embedded
lifestyle, then create a reading culture that will be preserved in him. Someone who has been
accustomed to reading will always keep reading and create a culture of reading. This reading
culture is important to emphasize because reading is one of the way to change and self-
empowerment. Reading interest that has been developed, it can be used as the foundation for
the development of reading culture. In connection with the process of increasing reading
interest and improve the cultural development of reading, at least there are three stages to be
passed, namely: First, starting with the passion because in a particular reading there is
something that fun. Second, after the passion is filled with the availability of materials and
sources of reading that suit the taste, and then it will be realization of reading habits. The
habit can be realized if often done, either on the guidance of parents, teachers, or the
surrounding environment is conducive. Third, if reading habits can be maintained without
the disruption of electronic media, called as "entertainment" and without the need for active
mental functioning, a reader engages constructively in know and understanding. After the
stages have been passed well, and then in a person begin to form a culture of reading (N.S
Sutarno, 2003: 21-22).

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Reading interest

Taste Reading habit


Reading Culture

Figure 2. Reading Culture Process (N.S Sutarno, 2003:22)

To increase reading interest in schools there are two basic issues that must be
considered, they are:
1. Provision and Development of School library that good and complete
In general the condition of the school library is still not satisfactory; a lot of place must
be improved better. Our country is a country with a large population with the number of
schools more than 200,000 schools from elementary to high school (data Depdikbud
1996/1997 number of schools amount to 220,066 schools). The improvement of school
libraries would require a high cost for that number. Therefore, the improvement should
be done gradually. Some things to do include in the improvement are:
a. Improvement the library space.
b. Guidance the library collections consists of basic textbooks, supplementary
textbooks, reading books, and resource books.
c. School library manager (librarian)
2. Activities to increase reading interest.
Besides the school library development, the important thing to do in order to improve
reading interest is to organize activities for increase reading interest. The activity can be
developed and depend on the creativity and initiative of educators in the school.
Recommended activities are:
a. Librarian and teacher publish a list of children's books
b. Invite librarians and teachers to cooperate in planning reading interest promotion
c. Organize reading interest contest in the school
d. Choosing an exemplary student who has read the most
e. Conducting compulsory reading program at school
f. Establish cooperation between school libraries
g. Giving reading assignments every week and report the reading results
h. Telling successful people as reading result
i. Assign students to make abstracts of the books they read
j. Assign students to the library if teachers do not present
k. Publish a magazine or school bulletin
l. Teach students the technique of reading

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m. Give students special time to read

n. Organize a book fair periodically
o. And others
Need to be realized that the reading habit among teenagers today, especially in
science is very less; they prefer to read fiction books. To overcome this phenomenon, it must
pay more attention to children who do still study in elementary school. Increasing the reading
interest does not do far from the role of the library as a unit of information or information
sources. Thus, students are expected to always taking advantage by existence of library
collections in order to increase reading interest. UU no. 43 Year 2007 Chapter XIII about
reading habit program, article 48 paragraph (3) states that reading culture in the educational
unit as referred to paragraph (1) is done by developing and utilizing the library as a learning
process (Permendiknas, 2007).
Darmono (2007: 218) explains, in formulate the strategies to increase students'
reading interest, and then there are two strategic models should be considered; first, strategy
model based on internal motivation which is a motivation derived from a student self, and
second, strategy model based on external motivation is an encouragement from the other
side (third party). Moreover, Darmono (2007: 218-219) mentions there are three dimensions
of reading interest development that need to be considered; (1) pedagogic educational
dimension, is emphasizing on motivation action by teacher in class; (2) the socio-cultural
dimension, imply that students' reading interest can be encouraged based on the social
relationships and habits of the students as members of the community; (3) the dimension of
psychological development, consider to the age of junior high school (13-15 years old) who
is dominated by the intellectual function.
And, the teacher in high school should have more roles; especially in applying active
student learning method in order student will be inevitably train their self to read and also
visit library. To provoke reading habits, teachers can assign their students regularly and keep
reading a certain number of books every week or every month. Surely, teacher supervision
is needed in this process by always check whether the book is read by students or not.
Teachers also remind the students to apply efficient reading techniques when students read
in the library, and by not taking much time many students understand what they read. Each
teacher should be able to help and guide the students to develop and improve the reading
skills in order students have no trouble in understanding what they read.
Education in schools encourages children to read because of the demands of the
lesson. Meanwhile, the environment also encourages reading interest because a child
perform activities according to the people around him. Children become diligent in reading
if the people around them do it (read).
Then how is the society able to strength (counteract) themselves from the hoax in
social media?
To reach the stage of strength (counteract) themselves to hoax news, a person must
has a thinking device that can receive messages, map, compare, and processing and even
synthesize messages as Potter says about media literacy (Novita, 2015). Building a thinking
device will be capable to do such things above that is certainly not easy and cannot be

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obtained by acceleration of thought. The thinking device can be built by improving the
culture of literacy. As Ane Permatasari explains, literacy develops rapidly and not merely
about the ability to write and read, furthermore, today's literacy speaks of multiliteration in
which there is computer literacy, media literacy, technological literacy, economic literacy,
information literacy and even moral literacy (Permatasari, 2015).
By enhancing the culture of literacy, a person will have a mindset that capable of
processing the information received, comparing it, and digging deeper into the information.
Then, a person will have a mindset through a culture of literacy will not be easily dragged
into the ocean of information and will not sink into hoax. To prevent the bad effect which is
caused by the hoax, people must be more critical in encountering information found on the
internet, whether through online sites, social media, or chat messages. Cross check the truth
about the news that will be shared, if the news is not truth, then stop the news by do not share
Likewise, hoax or false news must be fought together between the government and
public. The Indonesian Anti-Hoax community needs to be appreciated and strengthened in
order the community can encourage people to prevent or at least is not easily trust the hoax
news. It also needs the government's role to make policies and rules about the online world
and social media in order the makers or news spreaders or hoaxes can be punished
accordingly. And in the future, law enforcement of existing regulations must be really firm
and fair. In addition, the efforts should also be made to increase the reading interest in
community, by the strengthening of reading interest is expected to be critical when people
read or get news. There are some steps to increase the reading interest in communities; first,
improve the reading room in public places such as shopping centers, hotels and others.
Second step is to improve the quality of books and to produce quality books with
standardization. The third step is to love reading as a lifestyle for both urban and rural
If these methods are applied, surely, the reading culture in the community can be
increased and people become critical, finally hoax or false news will no longer get a special
place in the community. To increase the reading interest in community, it needs hard work
of many parties. But, it needs to remember, reading habit is a cultural product, then the
improvement required long time, work planned and long-term nature. The government
should aim to improve the reading culture in a structured, planned and sustainable. And the
program should be massively popularized in the society and the purpose can be planted and
applied by the community.

Low awareness of literacy is suspected to be one of the factors driving the massive of false
news or hoax. By low reading culture, people receive information directly without trying to
re-check. Therefore, people with low literacy awareness become hoax consumer. Based on
these realities, today's educational system that is oriented towards character education must
be balanced with the implementation of literacy education. It is very important that learners

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are able to filter the hoax news in social media. Most important, literacy education does not
necessarily only invite students to read and write drilling. This reading and writing
movement should be balanced as a means to build a critical and logical framework for
learners with reading, reviewing and writing. As Fisher (1993), states literacy is an activity
of reading, thinking, and writing. Means, the practice of reading and writing focuses more
on reading and writing for learning. In order, the learning activities are not monotonous and
passive by reading only.
The importance of the transformation of literacy education to counteract the hoax
news as early must also be balanced with several things. First, build a critical learning culture
in school. Learners should not just passively read and write without thinking. This should
also be balanced with supporting learning activities, such as discussion activities, teamwork,
problem solving, and building a critical attitude toward hot issues. This critical thinking
culture can be built through the synergy among the school environment, teachers, and
Second, learning activities should be accompanied by creative and informed
teachers. Teachers as role models in school must have the skills to help learners from being
affected by the hoax news. One of them, through the delivery of substance of instructional
materials presented by the teacher must be active, creative, and critical. Teachers should be
able to invite learners to read a reality, critical thinking, until finding the problem solving on
the issue. In addition, learning materials should also be designed to be as attractive as
possible by linking to hot issues. It is supported by Langer (2000), stated that the ability,
language, thinking, and mastery of material substances need to be integrated or synergized.
Third, improve the parental supervision to children. Cannot be denied, by the
internet, children are easily access and consume hoax news. Ironically, today's elementary
school children (SD) are agile to access the internet and surf in the social media without
parental supervision. Especially for parents who are busy with their routines in the office or
work. Children are allowed using the Smartphone when children be left to work or entrusted
to the caregiver.
By this way, literacy education can be synergized to help the learners from the threat
of hoax news. Therefore, to build a critical thinking culture on every learner must be built
through literacy education as early on. Education as the front of the guard to educate the
nation’s generation with integrity should not be absents in guard the learner from the hoax
The hope, literacy education is able to change the culture of thinking in generation
of the nation in the future. As a critical and logical generation to hoax news that is not
fundamental to its truth.


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