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Why wasn't the Soviet Union greatly affected during the How was the Soviet Union affected by the
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Randall Benson, former United States Navy (1971-1977)
Answered July 3 What became of the 100,000 Americans who
Originally Answered: Why was Russia not affected by the world’s great economic depression? fled to the USSR during the Great Depression?
The Great Depression 1929 to 1940
Was the USSR affected by the Great
Great Depression - Wikipedia Depression?

Soviet Union Is it true that during the Great Depression,

thousands of Americans moved to the Soviet…
The Soviet Union was the world's only socialist state with very little international trade.
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Its economy was not tied to the rest of the world and was only slightly affected by the
Great Depression.

Its forced transformation from a rural to an industrial society succeeded in building up

heavy industry, at the cost of millions of lives in rural Russia and Ukraine.

At the time of the Depression, the Soviet economy was growing steadily, fuelled by
intensive investment in heavy industry. The apparent economic success of the Soviet Union
at a time when the capitalist world was in crisis led many Western intellectuals to view the
Soviet system favorably. Jennifer Burns wrote:

As the Great Depression ground on and unemployment soared, intellectuals began

unfavorably comparing their faltering capitalist economy to Russian Communism [...]
More than ten years after the Revolution, Communism was finally reaching full flower,
according to New York Times reporter Walter Duranty , a Stalin fan who
vigorously debunked accounts of the Ukraine famine , a man-made disaster that would
leave millions dead.

Despite all of this, The Great Depression caused mass immigration to the Soviet Union,
mostly from Finland and Germany. Soviet Russia was at first happy to help these
immigrants settle, because they believed they were victims of capitalism who had come to
help the Soviet cause. However, when the Soviet Union entered the war in 1941, most of
these Germans and Finns were arrested and sent to Siberia, while their Russian-born
children were placed in orphanages. Their fate remains unknown.
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Tim Holmes, former Babel Fish (1902-2017)

Updated July 3

The Soviet Union could make economies out of nothing. How? Without civil rights. You go
to work at x. You lost everything because we label your family kulaks. You go to the gulag 1/9
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because we have a quota. That bad.8 33 1
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Every year or two for a decade, many or most of your bosses would disappear [this is in
Magnitogorsk, a city rising from nothing in 5 years], usually to death. Since they were
normally true believers, even after years of gulag abuse, they accepted the promotion with
high hopes. They had let the state down.

Yevgenia Ginzburg is a good example of a true believer who got sent

John Scott (writer) was a neutral observer who deadpans how the ordinary worker was
happy with top management sent away (the big shots) and other aspects of what I
describe. Even after doing his job well, and successfully avoiding becoming a party
member (everyone had to go to meetings though), he tried in the book to be fair. Told it
like it was. The city of Magnitogorsk was built in 5 years, largely, though rather rough
situations, albeit not actually gulag.

Have a supervisor put a gun to your head and you will become far more efficient on
average for ordinary physical tasks, especially if your culture has that kind of a tradition
(there is a wiki article on harsh methods historically used, Oprina or something like that).
The Romans built a complete bridge over the Rhine in less than a week, something we
could not do (like that) even today. Engineers and crew knew what they had to do and did
it. In training, they would take a man out of a hundred and use him as cannon fodder,
though I forgot the details. Soviet economy more had to do with the Roman army than the
western ways of doing things. A different situation than a western economy altogether.

Encyclopedia Britannica [circa 1980 edition] mentioned that the advancement rate of Josef
Stalin's economy in the 1930's has never been equaled in a large state. Probably the PRC
did it later, but that was open to the world free market of the world and much later

The article also mentioned that the people's economical living conditions did not improve
during the same period. Their emotional well being and civil rights certainly took a dive,
and lowest sector represented below enlarged greatly.

My Journey Translated by Katherine Gratwick Baker ’55 2/9
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Dmitriy Sintsov · March 2, 2018

While what you write is true (and also Caesar was one of the favorite historical
figures of Stalin), there is not such huge difference with capitalism. When you
have no job in a long time and risk to die from starvation, then you will agree
to any slave-like job. Capitalism is just the more hidden w … (more)
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Carl Hamilton, B.S. Political Science & History, Roskilde University

Answered August 16, 2018

Originally Answered: Why was the USSR not affected by the great economic depression?
The Soviet Union strived for economic independence, also known as Autarky. That means
that economic situations outside the USSR ought to have a minimal amount of influence
on it. Furthermore, the USSR was centrally planned, finance and investment were totally
meaningless concepts in this economy. So the financial collapse of wall street was
irrelevant to them. As a matter of fact, the great depression saw a slight increase in imports
from the USSR as production faltered in many other countries at this time. Some people
even began helping the USSR create factories including Henry Ford.

In economic depressions are honestly systemic flaws in capitalist societies, and one of the
advantages of central planned system is that they are totally immune to them in general.
The economic troubles of the USSR generally came from dedicated economic warfare,
where people attempted to prevent them from trading on the world market, for example 3/9
9/24/2020 (33) Why wasn't the Soviet Union greatly affected during the Great Depression? - Quora
by not accepting their currency, making
8 an embargo, attacking or threatening
33 their trade 1
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partners, sabotage etc. There are many ways to hurt Spaces Notifications
them. But finance isn’t one of them. Search Quora Add Question

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Dimitar Uzunov, obsessed by Soviet History

Answered March 21, 2016

The USSR did in fact trade a lot in the black market. It was very much affected by the
collapse of commodity prices (especially cereals). In order to continue acquiring currency it
had to sell more grain and cause more famines..

Millions of people died of hunger during the 30s, but not because of financial crisis - a
combination of mismanagement and intentional genocide. See Holodomor: Memories of
Ukraine's silent massacre - BBC News Hunger was also prevalent in Kazakhstan and
other then-parts of the USSR.

Of course the the famines were not because of the times, weather, markets or anything
else - they were a product of mismanagement, extreme exploitation (working for almost
no food!) and genocide for which only the country's leadership is to blame.

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Artem Medvedev, Originally from there

Answered March 22, 2016

Soviet Union was not a capitalist nation, therefore it would not be affected by the global
crisis of capitalist economy to the same degree. Besides, the Revolution, Civil War, New
Economic Policy, collectivization all made the situation in Russia greatly different from
anything found elsewhere. In short, they had their own problems, and many.
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Saulius Muliolis, studied at Bachelor of Science in Biology

Answered August 16, 2018
Originally Answered: Why was the USSR not affected by the great economic depression? 4/9
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When you are at zero, you cannot go
8 any lower. 33 1
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After the Great Depression, the Soviet authorities wanted to show their people how bad
things were in America, so they showed them the movie “The Grapes of Wrath”. It
backfired. The people of the Soviet Union saw that even in their worst times, the American
people, the common people, still had automobiles, and could pack everything up and go
off to find better opportunities if things went bad.

It was like Cameron Fry in Ferris Beuller’s Day off.

When things are really, really bad, as bad as they were in the Soviet Union, they really can’t
get any worse just because the New York stock market crashed.
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Kuo Ivanov, lives in Hawai‘i

3 1
Answered May 11, 2018

Originally Answered: Why was the Soviet Union immune from the Great Depression?
Same reason why 2008 didn‘t severely affect Somalia.

If your economy was already so terrible due to a civil war tearing your country apart, I
doubt the Depression would severely affect you. Don‘t forget, in the 1920s the Soviet
Union was a backwards country. They had terrible infrastructure, most of the country was
based in agriculture, and there was very little factories and things like that. My inference, is
that they weren’t affected by it, and if they were, the average citizen never noticed.
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Trupti Shah, Foreign Trade Consultant, (2013-present)

Answered July 2

Originally Answered: Why was Russia not affected by the world’s great economic depression?
Dear Asgar,

Russia too is under the Global Economic Recession.

Russia is a major exporter of commodities such as oil and metals, so its economy had been
hit hard by the decline in the price of many commodities. The Russian stock market
declined significantly. The RTS stock index plunged almost 54%, making it one of the worst
performing markets in the world.

The Russian economy is ranked moderately free for the first time this year after more than
a decade in the ranks of the most unfree. GDP growth has been weak over the past five
years, burdened by structural weaknesses, low levels of investment, and a poor
demographic outlook, but improved in 2018.

Nothing is good. Moreover, they have the elections too.

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Asghar Ali · July 2

World great economic depression took place in 1929 to 1939.

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Trupti Shah · July 3

Dear Asgar, Yes, you are right. I am talking about the current Global
Economic Recession ( GER ) here. Thank You
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Asghar Ali Most welcome mam.

Vladimir Abashkin, former citizen of former Soviet Union

4 1
Answered March 27, 2016

Check these wiki pages: Kulak and Holodomor. If loosing 2.5+ millions of people
dead and who knows how many displaced and deported is "wasn't greatly affected during
the Great Depression" then I don't know what is to be greatly affected.
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Beni Ciko · July 3

These atrocities are not well known in the West. The so called “useful idiots” as
KGB would call the Western intellectuals that would do their propaganda have
made sure that none of Soviet famines of 1921, 1925 and 1932 are mentioned
in relation to USSR and Stalin. There is no wonder of such questio … (more)
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Irene Michlin, studied at Tel Aviv University

Answered March 21, 2016 6/9
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The world economy was less globalised
8 then, and Soviet Union was33not well integrated 1
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into the world trade or finances anyway.

To be influenced by a flood, you need to be connected to the same body of water.

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George Yar
Answered July 3

Because USSR had no capitalism, no stock market, no private properties to bust. It was
planned economics. Actually, USSR got some gains from the Great Depression: USA and
other Western countries had recognized USSR, and set diplomatic and trade relations with
it to get orders for industrial goods and contracts for construction of industrial plants in

I am not saying that the USSR had a better economic model: not at all.
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Ahmet Birsen
Answered July 2
Originally Answered: Why was Russia not affected by the world’s great economic depression?
Which great depression do you mean? Today's economic slowdown is largely due to
Corona..Apart from that Russian economy is in deep trouble since many years before
Corona. Today Russia is affected more than Europe, USA and China . You won't hear this
from RT channel for sure..!
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E. James Brennan, Behavioral economist, HR expert, CEO, veteran & author

Answered May 11, 2018
Originally Answered: Why was the Soviet Union immune from the Great Depression?
Suspect that the Western banking system crash had little effect on a newly communist
state where collectivism and a centrally controlled economy ruled. The Great Y2K scare
didn’t affect people living in areas without computerized timing systems, either.
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Krzysztof Ostaszewski, Actuarial Program Director (2000-present)

Answered May 14, 2018
Originally Answered: Why was the Soviet Union immune from the Great Depression?
Don’t be silly. About 9 million or so people starved to death in the Soviet Union in the
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Morris Kamelgarn, B.A. History, Brooklyn College (1971)
Answered March 10

Because the Great Depression was a disease of Capitalism, and the Soviet Union was under
a different economic system.

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Answers that have an unverified author

Quora User, former Retired teacher

Answered May 12, 2018
Originally Answered: Why was the Soviet Union immune from the Great Depression?
It was not : the Great Depression affected the foreign trade of the SU negatively

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Quora User, former retired teacher (1975-1985)

Answered December 10, 2018

It was more affected than some people are thinking ; because of the depression the export
prices collapsed,with as result that countries as the SU had to export more ,even to their
enemies,to have the same amount of money as before the crisis .

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Answers that need improvement

Timothy Linnomme, Intellectual Knockabout and a History Fan for Decades

Answered May 13, 2018

Originally Answered: Why was the Soviet Union immune from the Great Depression?
Mostly because it lacked infrastructure. The USSR was mostly agrarian and therefore it was
largely self sufficient.

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1 Jamie Cawley, History Writer, author 'The Birth of Now' and 'Beliefs'
Answered August 16, 2018
Originally Answered: Why was the USSR not affected by the great economic depression?
They were already starving in huge numbers due to Stalins ‘reforms’. Around 20–30 million
died, so the effect of the recession did no get noticed.

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Athuman H Rashid
Answered September 6, 2018

USSR was not a capitalist country Has crossed economy E.t.c 8/9
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