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Benthic diatoms as indicators of herbicide

toxicity in rivers

The author scrubbing rocks

Rebecca J. Wood

A thesis in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

July 2017

Ecosystem Security Team

School of Life Sciences

University of Technology Sydney

Certificate of original authorship

I certify that the work in this thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree nor
has it been submitted as part of requirements for a degree except as fully acknowledged
within the text. This research is supported by an Australian Government Research
Training Program Scholarship.

I also certify that the thesis has been written by me. Any help that I have received in my
research work and the preparation of the thesis itself has been acknowledged. In
addition, I certify that all information sources and literature used are indicated in the



I will always be grateful for this opportunity to study some of the most beautiful rivers
in Australia and to gaze down the microscope at the many wondrous creatures that can
be found by simply scrubbing rocks!

Firstly I would like to thank my amazing supervisors Ben Kefford, Simon Mitrovic and
Richard Lim who have been devoted and unwavering in their support of me. Thank you
Ben for inspiring this project, you have driven me to do amazing things and I am very
proud of what we have achieved. Simon, thank you for your endless positivity that has
kept me smiling and motivated. Richard you are always a wealth of knowledge, thank
you for your encouragement and focus.

I would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Australian and
Queensland Governments through the Caring for Our Country Reef Rescue Water
Quality Research & Development Program (project no. RRD058) that made this project
possible and from which I am grateful to have received a scholarship to conduct this

I am very grateful for the support and openness shown to me by everyone from the
Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, James Cook University. I would
especially like to thank, Damien Burrows for allowing me to conduct my rapid toxicity
tests in their laboratories. Big thanks to the great people there who answered my many
questions and guided me during this project including Jon Brodie, Stephen Lewis,
Aaron Davis, Michelle Tink, Zoe Bainbridge, Susan Lesley and Tracey Canhan.

Thank you to the wonderful people at the Queensland Government for your support and
enthusiasm in this project - Michael Warne, Jason Dunlop, Glenn McGregor and Satish
Choy. Special thanks go to Rajesh Prasad for his time and energies in the field and
Rachel Smith for her generous assistance with the calculation of mixture toxicity using
the herbicide monitoring data.

I could not have accomplished such a mammoth task with-out the help of wonderful
colleagues and volunteers who went above and beyond to collect data for this project.
Thanks to John Tibby, Jenny Fluin, Peter Gell who assisted me with diatom
identifications. Thank you Percy for your many hours and kilometres travelled
collecting diatoms for me. Massive thanks to my field and lab buddies Steffy, Dinushi
and Jason, and special thanks to Dad (Keith) and my brother (Luke) for coming to the
rescue when I needed you!

I want to thank my friends and colleagues at UTS for being such an amazing group of
people who cared for and supported me come hell or high water. Thank you to Anne
Colville for her lab expertise and to PJ and Gemma for their technical support and
advice. To Ann-Marie, Rachel, Renee, Steffy, Louise, James, Divya and Rosaline, thank
you for listening and laughing, thank you for sharing your chocolate and wine with me,
thank you for being there!

Finally I would like to thank my family for their support over these years of study.
Thank you for keeping me on track, me helping me with childcare and willing me
onwards! To my dearest Angus, you are the reason I have come so far - this is for us.
This thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapters 2 to 5 are written as peer reviewed
journal articles and have been published in scientific journals. Chapter 6 will be
submitted to a journal for peer review. They are included in this this thesis as they were
when accepted by the relevant journal and therefore some minor differences may occur
from the final published manuscripts. Publication details and contributions of co-
authors are detailed below.

Chapter 2: Wood, R.J., Mitrovic, S.M., Kefford, B.J., 2014. Determining the relative
sensitivity of benthic diatoms to atrazine using rapid toxicity testing: A novel method.
Science of The Total Environment 485–486, 421-427.

Author contributions: Study design: R.J.W. and B.J.K., collection of data: R.J.W. and
S.M.M., data analysis: R.J.W., discussion and interpretation of results: all,

drafting of manuscript: R.J.W., revising manuscript: all.

Chapter 3: Wood, R.J., Mitrovic, S.M., Lim, R.P., Kefford, B.J., 2016. How benthic
diatoms within natural communities respond to eight common herbicides with different
modes of action. Science of The Total Environment 557–558, 636-643.

Author contributions: Study design: R.J.W. and B.J.K., collection of data: R.J.W. and
S.M.M., data analysis: R.J.W., discussion and interpretation of results: all,

drafting of manuscript: R.J.W., revising manuscript: all.

Chapter 4: Wood, R.J., Mitrovic, S.M., Lim, R.P., Kefford, B.J., 2016. The influence
of reduced light intensity on the response of benthic diatoms to herbicide exposure.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35, 2252–2260.

Author contributions: Study design: R.J.W. and B.J.K., collection of data: R.J.W. and
S.M.M., data analysis: R.J.W., discussion and interpretation of results: all,

drafting of manuscript: R.J.W., revising manuscript: all.

Chapter 5: Wood, R.J., Mitrovic, S.M., Lim, R.P., Kefford, B.J., 2017. Chronic effects
of atrazine exposure and recovery in freshwater benthic diatoms from two communities
with different pollution histories. Aquatic Toxicology 109, 200-208.

Author contributions: Study design: R.J.W. and B.J.K., collection of data: R.J.W. and
S.M.M., data analysis: R.J.W. and S.M.M., discussion and interpretation of results: all,
drafting of manuscript: R.J.W., revising manuscript: all.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... iv
Preface ..........................................................................................................................v
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................ ix
List of Tables............................................................................................................. xii
List of Abbreviations................................................................................................ xiii
Abstract .................................................................................................................... xiv
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................1
1.1 Scope and need for this study.................................................................................. 1
1.2 Diatoms ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Potential threat to aquatic ecosystems..................................................................... 5
1.4 Bioindicators ........................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Biotic indices and SPEAR ...................................................................................... 7
1.6 Study area ................................................................................................................ 9
1.7 Thesis aims and overview ..................................................................................... 10

Chapter 2: Determining the relative sensitivity of benthic diatoms to atrazine using

rapid toxicity testing: A novel method .......................................................................12
2.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................... 16
2.4 Results ................................................................................................................... 20
2.5 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 24
2.6 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 3: How benthic diatoms within natural communities respond to eight common
herbicides with different modes of action ..................................................................28
3.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 29
3.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 30
3.3 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................... 32
3.4 Results ................................................................................................................... 35
3.5 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 41

Chapter 4 The influence of reduced light intensity on the response of benthic diatoms to
herbicide exposure .....................................................................................................45

4.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 46
4.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 47
4.3 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................... 48
4.4 Results ................................................................................................................... 53
4.5 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 60
4.6 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 62

Chapter 5 Chronic effects of atrazine exposure and recovery in freshwater benthic

diatoms from two communities with different pollution histories. ............................64
5.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 65
5.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 66
5.3 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................... 67
5.4 Results ................................................................................................................... 72
5.5 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 82
5.6 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 85

Chapter 6 Benthic diatoms as indicators of herbicide toxicity in rivers - a new SPEcies

At Risk (SPEARherbicides) index ..................................................................................87
6.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 88
6.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 89
6.3 Methods ................................................................................................................. 90
6.4 Results ................................................................................................................... 98
6.5 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 105
6.6 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 107

Chapter 7: General Discussion and Conclusions .....................................................108

7.1 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 108
7.2 Further research ................................................................................................... 112
7.3 Management Implications ................................................................................... 113
7.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 114

References ................................................................................................................116
APPENDIX A ..........................................................................................................130
APPENDIX B ..........................................................................................................136
APPENDIX C ..........................................................................................................150
APPENDIX D ..........................................................................................................180
APPENDIX E...........................................................................................................192

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 A diagram of a typical pennate diatom a) valve view b) girdle view (Gell et
al., 1999).................................................................................................................... 2

Figure 1.2 A diagram of a diatom frustules (Round et al., 1990). ................................... 2

Figure 1.3 Asexual cell division E=epivalave H=hypovalve a) dividing diatom b) one
daughter cell the same size as parent c) the other daughter cell smaller than parent
(John, 2000)............................................................................................................... 3

Figure 2.1 Effects of atrazine on the health (%) of diatom cells by genus a) Navicula, b)
Gomphonema, c) Ulnaria, d) Achnanthidium, e) Cymbella, f) Amphora and g)
Eunotia at 48 h of exposure (Error bars represent ± 1 SE). Treatments marked * are
statistically different from ethanol controls at alpha 0.05 ....................................... 22

Figure 3.1 Effect of eight herbicides on the health of diatom cells for each diatom
taxon; a) Gomphonema spp., b) E. gracilis, c) G. gracile, d) Cymbella sp., e) U.
ulna, f) A. minutissimum, g) E. cf. incisa and h) N. cryptotenella. Mean response of
the carrier control is shown as a solid horizontal line with 95% confidence intervals
shown as dashed lines. Error bars represent Standard Error (±SE). * Indicates
statistically significant difference (p<0.05) from carrier control using GLM
analysis. ................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 3.2 Ranking of the diatom taxa based on the mean change in proportion of
healthy cells across all test concentrations (50, 200, 500 μg L−1) relative to controls
for eight herbicides: atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, tebuthiuron, diuron, MCPA,
2,4-D, and glyphosate. The greater difference from controls corresponds with the
most sensitive taxa. ................................................................................................. 40

Figure 4.1 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for two taxa; A. Gomphonema clevei
from Alligator Ck and B. Ulnaria ulna from Barratta Ck, after 48 hr exposure to
either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 or 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1), compared to controls (shaded
bars). * indicates statistical difference (p<0.05) compared to controls in GLM

analysis. The responses of other taxa are shown in Supplemental Data, Figures S7-
S36........................................................................................................................... 56

Figure 4.2 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for two taxa; A. Epithemia cf. cistula
from Alligator Ck and B. Navicula chroeterii from Barratta Ck, after 48 hr
exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high
light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1), compared to controls
(shaded bars). * indicates statistical difference (p<0.05) compared to controls in
GLM analysis. The responses of other taxa are shown in Supplemental Data,
Figures S7-S36. ....................................................................................................... 57

Figure 5.1 nMDS of the community composition of healthy benthic diatoms at a)

Alligator Creek and b) Barratta Creek for each atrazine concentration treatment
(50, 200 & 500 μg L-1) and the control treatment (no atrazine) over the 12 day
exposure period. Numbers indicate the duration (days) since commencement of
exposure. ................................................................................................................. 74

Figure 5.2 Changes in the percentage of healthy cells (mean ± SE, n = 3) for the benthic
diatom taxa from Alligator Creek over the 12 day experiment. * indicates
statistically significant difference (p<0.05) from the control treatment for each time
period based on GLM analysis on binary health data. Dotted horizontal line
indicates background health of the control treatment at the start of the experiment
(day 0) ..................................................................................................................... 78

Figure 5.3 Changes in the percentage of healthy cells (mean ± SE, n=3) for the benthic
diatom taxa from Barratta Creek over the 12 day experiment. * indicates
statistically significant difference (p<0.05) from the control treatment for each time
period based on GLM analysis on binary health data. Dotted horizontal line
indicates background health of the control treatment at the start of the experiment
(day 0). .................................................................................................................... 81

Figure 6.1 Map of the Great Barrier Reef catchment region and study sites. Green
triangles are the reference sites and red circles are the monitored sites. Catchment
regions marked in different colours. ....................................................................... 91

Figure 6.4 Diatom community characterised as SPEARherbicides (%) against the

environmental variables; a) DO, b) Ammonia, c) NOx, d) EC, e) FRP and f) TSS.

Circles = samples relevant for the 2011/12 wet season, triangles = 2012/13 wet
season. ................................................................................................................... 103

Figure 7.1 Conceptual diagram of thesis findings........................................................ 108

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Concentration response of the diatom genera using the generalized linear
model (GLM). Effects of herbicide concentration on the health of diatom cells at
each treatment level (50, 200, 500 μg L−1 atrazine) at 48 h of exposure compared to
ethanol controls (no herbicide). Percentage of healthy cells per treatment,
percentage composition of the healthy benthic diatom community, EC50 and EC10
values. – Not calculable. ......................................................................................... 23

Table 4.1 Effect of herbicide concentration, light intensity and their interaction on the
cell health of diatom taxa from each of the communities using GLM analysis. ..... 54

Table 4.2 Classification of diatom taxa as sensitive or tolerant based on responses in

rapid toxicity tests to atrazine and glyphosate and occurrence of taxa from counts
within control communities at t=0 (Supplemental Data, Table S4). Sites listed in
order of increasing herbicide exposure of the collection site, from Alligator Creek
(minimal), Liverpool and Gowrie Creeks (moderate) to Barratta Creek (high). .... 58

Table 5.1 Responses of the diatom taxa to atrazine exposure at various exposure
durations. ................................................................................................................. 76

Table 6.1 Summary of environmental variables, the limits of reporting and the
abbreviation used in analysis. ................................................................................. 94

Table 6.2 Results of ANCOVA for relationship of SPEARherbicides to calculated mixture

toxicity, expressed as log TEQSO 95th percentile, after the dry and wet seasons over
two sampling years. Bold type indicates statistical significance (p<0.05). ............ 99

Table 6.3 Results of ANCOVA analysis for relationship of SPEAR to the

environmental variables for dry and wet season data. – indicates that the parameter
was incalculable. ................................................................................................... 102

List of Abbreviations
DO dissolved oxygen

EC electrical conductivity

FRP filterable reactive phosphorus

GBR Great Barrier Reef

GLM generalized linear model

NOx oxidised nitrogen

PICT pollution induced community tolerance

PSII photosystem 2 inhibiting

SPEAR SPEcies At Risk

SSD species sensitivity distribution

TEF toxic equivalency factor

TEQ toxic equivalency quotient

TIS toxicant induced succession

TSS total suspended solids

Agricultural herbicides are common pollutants of freshwater environments and pose a
potential threat to aquatic biota. Assessing the impacts of herbicide pollution on primary
producers such as benthic diatoms is essential in protecting freshwater ecosystems from
degradation. Benthic diatoms are highly responsive to changes in environmental
conditions and changes in community composition can be used to assess the ecological
health of rivers. This thesis aims to investigate the impact of herbicide toxicity on
benthic diatoms and to determine whether benthic diatoms are suitable indicators of
herbicide toxicity in rivers that flow into the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). This was
achieved through a series of scientific studies, each addressing key questions regarding
the effects of herbicides on benthic diatoms.

Benthic diatoms exposed to herbicides in rapid toxicity tests showed varying sensitivity
to herbicides, some taxa being highly sensitive whilst others were unaffected by
herbicide exposure. The relative sensitivity of the diatom taxa was consistent between
herbicides with differing modes of action and was not altered under reduced light
intensities. Prior pollution of the collection site was influential in determining response
of diatom communities to herbicide exposure; the diatom community from a highly
polluted agricultural stream was less affected than the community collected from a
reference site with no history of prior exposure. My thesis identifies individual diatom
taxa that are most at risk of herbicide toxicity and also taxa that are tolerant and able to
thrive under high herbicide concentrations. This study found that benthic diatom
communities within the GBR catchment were affected by herbicide toxicity, showing a
decline in sensitive taxa with increasing contamination of the site, after the wet season.
Diatom communities were also influenced by other environmental variables such as
nutrients and salinity and separating the individual effects of herbicides will require
further research.

My thesis demonstrates the effects of herbicide toxicity on benthic diatoms at both the
species and community levels. Each study in this thesis provides new insights into the
effects of herbicide exposure on natural benthic diatom communities and contributes to
the field of aquatic ecotoxicology. As a whole, my thesis illustrates the great potential
that benthic diatoms have to assess agricultural impacts, including herbicides in rivers
of the GBR catchment area.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Scope and need for this study

Herbicides have been identified as a contributing pollutant of agricultural runoff that

has degraded ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) (Brodie et al., 2012; Davis et
al., 2013; Lewis et al., 2009). Widespread herbicide usage in agricultural regions of the
GBR catchment area has been linked to herbicide contamination of waterways flowing
into the reef (Brodie et al., 2012; Davis et al., 2013). Herbicides applied in the paddock
are mobilized by rainfall events and irrigation waters, resulting in adjoining rivers
receiving frequent concentrations of pollutants (O’Brien et al., 2016; Shaw et al., 2010;
Smith et al., 2012). Herbicide pollution has the potential to adversely impact aquatic
biota, especially phototrophs such as benthic diatoms (Magnusson et al., 2008;
Magnusson et al., 2010). Better understanding the ecological risk of herbicide pollution
to the GBR ecosystems is a key research goal set out in the Reef Scientific Consensus
Statement (Waterhouse et al., 2017).

Concentrations of herbicides over the recommended trigger values for ecological

protection are frequently detected in rivers of the GBR catchment area (Lewis et al.,
2009). Clearly there is a need for monitoring tools that can complement chemical
monitoring to provide ecologically relevant information on herbicide toxicity (Davis et
al., 2013). Biomonitoring programs have the potential to provide information on the
ecological effects of herbicide exposure (Liess et al., 2008). Additionally,
biomonitoring is relatively inexpensive and can be performed over numerous sites and
at varied time scales (Liess et al., 2008). Whilst there are a number of biological
monitoring tools available, few are designed specifically for the measurement of
herbicide impacts. Photosynthetic organisms such as diatoms have great potential as an
indicator of herbicide impacts due to their physiological similarities to the herbicides’
target organism, their broad distribution, and their fast response time (Bellinger et al.,
2006; Burns and Ryder, 2001; Debenest et al., 2010). However, a diatom based
monitoring index designed to detect herbicide impacts does not exist and there is a lack
of information on the traits of different diatom taxa that contribute to their herbicide
sensitivity, especially for Australian species (Magnusson et al., 2008). There is a need
for further research on the sensitivity of individual freshwater benthic diatom species,

and to better understand how diatoms within natural benthic diatom communities
respond to herbicide exposure.

1.2 Diatoms

1.2.1 Biology and Ecology

Diatoms are a diverse group of microalgae with silicified cell walls, made up of two
valves that fit together like the base and lid of a petri-dish, forming the frustule with
girdle bands between each valve (Figure 1.1). These valves have distinctive patterning
and varied morphology, which is the foundation of identification and is the subject of
debate within taxonomic research (Mann, 1999) (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.1 A diagram of a typical pennate diatom a) valve view b) girdle view (Gell et al.,

Figure 1.2 A diagram of a diatom frustules (Round et al., 1990).

The life cycle of diatoms is unique, and while most diatoms follow a general diplontic
pattern of asexual reproduction during the diploid phase, there is much variation of
sexual reproductive methods between species (Mann, 1993). A majority of the life cycle
is spent utilising asexual growth (Figure 1.3), where one daughter cell inherits the
smaller inner valve (hypovalve) of the mother cell, leading to successively smaller cell
sizes (Mann and Droop, 1996). This size reduction is then followed by the sexual
production of an auxospore; a much larger cell, resulting in the restoration of cell size
(Chepurnov and Mann, 2004; Mann, 1993).

Figure 1.3 Asexual cell division E=epivalave H=hypovalve a) dividing diatom b) one daughter
cell the same size as parent c) the other daughter cell smaller than parent (John, 2000).

Diatoms are primary producers that provide a vital energy resource in lotic ecosystems,
which is the foundation of the aquatic food web (Burns and Ryder, 2001). Diatoms are
ecologically widespread, occurring in freshwater and marine aquatic environments and
occupying various habitats; attached bottom dwelling (benthic) or free floating
(planktonic) (Mann, 1999). Diatoms are a part of the complex ‘biofilm’ or periphyton
communities that colonize benthic surfaces in the photic zone of aquatic ecosystems
(Lowe and Laliberte, 1996). Periphyton form films or mats covering submerged
surfaces such as rocks (epilithon), sand (epipsammon), wood (epixylon) and other
plants (epiphyton) (Allan and Castillo, 2007). These microscopic communities are
dominated by species of diatoms, green algae and cyanobacteria, but also contain red
algae, fungi, bacteria and other unicellular organisms. Diatoms play a very important
role in the maintenance of freshwater ecosystems, providing a food source for
herbivores, stabilization of the river bed, and the recycling of nutrients, especially
carbon and silica (Bate et al., 2007; Chessman et al., 1999b).

1.2.2 Toxic effects of herbicides on diatoms

The effects of herbicides on phototrophs, such as benthic diatoms, are similar to those
of the herbicides’ target species due to the structural and functional similarities between
them (Tlili et al., 2011). Herbicides are classified by their mode of action, which will
determine the mechanism of toxicity to an organism. Most commonly herbicides work
by disrupting the function of photosystem II, resulting in the inhibition of
photosynthesis (Debenest et al., 2010). Other types of herbicides also affect cell growth,
nutrient absorption and protein synthesis (Debenest et al., 2010; DeLorenzo et al.,

The toxic effects of herbicides to diatoms have been studied in a number of laboratory
based experiments (Gustavson et al., 2003; Magnusson et al., 2008; Magnusson et al.,
2010) and in mesocosm studies (Tlili et al., 2011; Villeneuve et al., 2011; Wendt-Rasch
et al., 2004) as well as in situ studies (Dorigo et al., 2010b; Morin et al., 2009).
Herbicide exposure can reduce photosynthetic productivity, and in turn have an impact
on biomass production (Jüttner et al., 2003; Villeneuve et al., 2011). Diatoms were
growth inhibited by the herbicides atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, tebuthurion and
glyphosate in laboratory based toxicity tests (Peterson et al., 1997; Peterson et al.,
1994). Short term studies of diatom response have found decreased photosynthetic
activity with increasing concentrations of herbicide exposure (Gustavson et al., 2003;
Laviale et al., 2011; Magnusson et al., 2008). Sensitivity is variable between species;
some taxa have been shown to be more tolerant to exposure than others (Larras et al.,
2012; Magnusson et al., 2010). Community structure can be altered following exposure
to herbicides, resulting in increased dominance of tolerant species and reduced
abundance of more sensitive species (Debenest et al., 2009; Dorigo et al., 2010a;
Magnusson et al., 2012; Pesce et al., 2010). The influence of environmental factors such
as light availability, pH, salinity, and temperature can alter the toxicity of herbicides to
diatoms (Guasch et al., 1998; Larras et al., 2013a; Larras et al., 2014b). Diatom
sensitivity to herbicides is a rapidly growing field of research; however, there is a need
for more studies to address the lack of sensitivity data for individual freshwater benthic
diatom species and to determine how the relative sensitivity of the diatom taxa varies
within natural communities (Magnusson et al., 2010).

1.2.3 Suitability as indicators

Diatoms are ideal indictor organisms due to their widespread distribution and
abundance, their importance as a food source at the base of the aquatic food web and
their accessibility (Bate et al., 2007; Gustavson et al., 2003). Diatoms respond quickly
to changes in water quality and can be used as an early warning sign of environmental
stress (Sabater et al., 2007). Additionally, diatoms possess many traits that make them
suitable as indicators, such as rapidly responding to changes in environmental
conditions due to their short generation time, ease of collection, sessile habit, and they
are sensitive to a wide range of disturbances and pollutants (Burns and Ryder, 2001;
Dela-Cruz et al., 2006). For these reasons diatoms are often chosen to monitor
ecological effects in aquatic ecosystems (Jüttner et al., 2003; Kelly et al., 1998;
Wunsam et al., 2002). Diatoms have been shown to be useful as indicators of water
quality generally (Chessman, 1985; Chessman et al., 1999b; Chessman, 1986; Philibert
et al., 2006) and as indicators of inorganic pollutants (Dela-Cruz et al., 2006) and of
anthropogenic disturbance (Bunn et al., 1999; Sheldon and Walker, 1997; Sonneman et
al., 2001). However, the ability to use diatoms as an indicator for herbicide toxicity has
not been established and further research is needed to assess their suitability for this

1.3 Potential threat to aquatic ecosystems

The worldwide growth of agricultural productivity has involved an industrialization of

food production coinciding with the use of substantial quantities of synthetic pesticides
including herbicides and insecticides (Ecobichon, 2001; Jones, 2005). Herbicides can be
transported from the site of application in the paddock through spray drift and
accidental spills, or indirectly via surface run-off or ground water leaching, leading to
the contamination of surrounding terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and the exposure of
non-target organisms (DeLorenzo et al., 2001; Ma et al., 2006). When introduced into
aquatic environments herbicides can have detrimental impacts on the aquatic biota
(Graymore et al., 2001). Additionally, direct impacts on the biota may lead to indirect
trophic cascade effects, for example effects to freshwater algae that form the basis of the
aquatic food chain (Morin et al., 2009).

The potential impact of herbicides on the aquatic environment is dependent on many
factors. The herbicide’s mode of action will determine the effect it can have on the biota
(DeLorenzo et al., 2001) and organisms with similar physiology to that of the
chemical’s target organism will be the most at risk (Tlili et al., 2011). There are several
factors that may increase the risk for an organism exposed to herbicides including:

• life stage (Hutchinson et al., 1998),

• duration of exposure (Ahlers et al., 2006),

• biomagnification (Borgå et al., 2001),

• presence of additional stressors (Deneer, 2000; Magnusson et al., 2010),

• population density (Liess, 2002),

• history of exposure (Landis et al., 1996) and importantly;

• concentration (Schäfer et al., 2011c).

The highest concentrations of herbicides in rivers and streams are often associated with
the first rainfall events after application, which can mobilize herbicides due to their
aqueous solubility (Graymore et al., 2001; Tlili et al., 2011). The persistence of
herbicides in the environment is determined by the chemical properties of the
compound, as well as environmental conditions, rate of photo-degradation, adsorption
by sediment and organic matter and uptake by biota (Schäfer et al., 2011c).

The toxic effects of herbicide exposure on aquatic biota has been observed with algae
(Fairchild et al., 1998; Magnusson et al., 2010; Tlili et al., 2011), seagrasses (Haynes et
al., 2000b), microorganisms (Schäfer et al., 2011b), mangroves (Duke et al., 2005) and
corals (Jones, 2005; Shaw et al., 2008). Investigating the toxic impacts of herbicides to
the aquatic biota is a field of ongoing research and ecological imperative. There has
been insufficient research into the influence of multiple stressors, species interactions
and community level effects and environmental factors on the toxicity of herbicides to
the aquatic biota (DeLorenzo et al., 2001; Magnusson et al., 2010; Schäfer et al.,

1.4 Bioindicators

The use of bioindicators in water quality monitoring schemes has become commonplace
in Australia (Smith et al., 1999) and elsewhere, especially in Europe and North America
(Fore and Grafe, 2002; Kelly et al., 1998; Kelly and Whitton, 1995; Passy et al., 2004).
Bioindicators are used as ecological assessment tools in environmental management,
owing to their ability to provide information on ecosystem responses to pollutants and
to demonstrate impacts via trophic interactions. Bioindicators can be used to determine
the risk associated with various environmental contaminants including nutrient
pollution (Bellinger et al., 2006; Philibert et al., 2006), sewage (Vermeirssen et al.,
2010), mine associated drainage (Verb and Vis, 2005) and pesticides (Schäfer et al.,
2011b). Various methods have been developed to facilitate bioassessment using
different organisms as indicators, most commonly fish, invertebrates and diatoms
(Bellinger et al., 2006; Chessman et al., 1999b).

Increasingly, the use of bioindicators is being recognized as an essential tool for

monitoring ecosystem health and resilience. Traditional laboratory toxicity testing using
single species tests is not representative of the variability of sensitivity shown by
different freshwater taxa (Gustavson et al., 2003). Toxicant guidelines are often based
on the responses of a small number of species in laboratory toxicity tests and may not
actually reflect whole community responses (Kefford et al., 2005). Additionally,
laboratory derived toxicity values do not take into account the interactions between
pollutants in the field, and the compounding effects this may have on the biota (Morin
et al., 2009). For these reasons bioassessment is a valuable diagnostic tool in the
assessment of pollutant related toxicity and measurement of in-field effects (Liess et al.,

1.5 Biotic indices and SPEAR

Indices are a common method for the interpretation of biological data. Examples of
indices used with diatoms include; the trophic diatom index (TDI) (Kelly et al., 2001),
the diatom species index for Australian rivers (DSIAR) (Chessman et al., 2007) and the
eutrophication pollution diatom index (EPI-D) (Dell’Uomo, 1996). Indices are used to
predict effects of an environmental stressor on an indicator community and compare
that to observations in the field. The use of biotic indices provides an important link to

determine the ecological response of organisms to a particular stressor. This is useful
for chemical toxicants such as herbicides, where field concentrations are difficult to
determine due to delivery in pulse flow events and the interactions of various
environmental factors may be influencing an organism’s exposure and response (Liess
et al., 2008). Whilst generalized indices of stream health have been widely adopted
(Kelly et al., 1998; Rimet, 2005), those focusing specifically on pesticides are a recent
development (Liess and Ohe, 2005). One such example is the trait based SPEcies At
Risk (SPEAR), which uses macroinvertebrates to determine effects of pesticides -
SPEARpesticides - (mostly insecticides) (Liess and Ohe, 2005). Traits-based
biomonitoring indices such as SPEARpesticides can show the causal link between
exposure to a specific stressor and its effects on a population (Culp et al., 2011).
Exposed populations display a shift in the distribution of traits towards those that
enhance tolerance to a particular stressor, a mechanism resulting in community
composition change (Culp et al., 2011). This results in the replacement of sensitive taxa
within a community with more tolerant ones, a concept known as pollution induced
community tolerance (PICT) (Blanck, 2002). However, linking traits to environmental
conditions is complex; single trait responses may only reflect the response of the most
dominant taxon in a community and traits are not always consistent within taxonomic
groups (Pilière et al., 2016). Additionally, the importance of individual traits on a
species ability to adapt may depend on the interaction of multiple traits and their
environmental context (Verberk et al., 2013).

The SPEARpesticides index has been used successfully for pesticides in south-east
Australia (Schäfer et al., 2011b) and in Europe (Schafer et al., 2007). However,
herbicides are less toxic to animals relative to photosynthetic organisms, and as
SPEARpesticides uses macroinvertebrates, it is less able to detect toxicity from herbicides
than insecticides and fungicides (the latter often being toxic to a wide range of
organisms). As herbicides are likely to be more toxic to phototrophs such as benthic
diatoms there is potential for the SPEAR approach to be adapted to utilise diatoms to
assess the ecological impacts of herbicide toxicity in rivers.

1.6 Study area

The GBR is a world heritage listed area that has immense ecological value and
economic importance for Australia (Smith et al., 2012). There are a number of
anthropogenic processes that are having detrimental impacts to the GBR including
overfishing, destructive fishing practices, coral bleaching associated with high water
temperature, and land based pollutants such as sediments, nutrients and herbicides
(Brodie et al., 2012). Terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems are inextricably linked,
and land use changes affecting water quality in the catchment area have flow on effects
for the reef (Smith et al., 2012). Agriculture in the catchment areas of the GBR has been
increasing since the late 1800s especially in the sugar cane industry and cattle grazing,
which currently account for at least 75% of their land use (Johnson and Ebert, 2000;
Lewis et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2012). Run-off from agricultural land transports
sediments and land based pollutants into the GBR Lagoon in great volumes via flood
plumes, especially during periods of heavy rainfall and high flow events (Devlin and
Schaffelke, 2009). The improvement of water quality from diffuse agricultural run-off
is a key issue concerning the health of the GBR Marine Park and herbicides have been
identified as a significant contributor to the degradation of water quality entering the
reef (Brodie et al., 2012; Lewis et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2012).

Residues from agricultural herbicides have been detected in various areas of the GBR
Marine Park and its catchments including rivers and streams (Davis et al., 2008;
Mitchell et al., 2005), estuaries (Devlin and Schaffelke, 2009), sediments (McMahon et
al., 2005), sea grasses (Haynes et al., 2000a), and marine samples (Davis et al., 2008;
Lewis et al., 2009). Herbicide discharge into the GBR Lagoon can be linked to specific
herbicide intensive land uses, with the highest concentrations originating from
catchment areas with greatest sugar cane cultivation (Davis et al., 2008; Lewis et al.,
2009). Studies have repeatedly observed concentrations of herbicides in the GBR
catchment area exceeding Australian water quality guidelines for ecological protection
(ANZECC, 2000; Davis et al., 2008; Lewis et al., 2009; Mitchell et al., 2005; Smith et
al., 2012). The most commonly reported herbicides detected at high concentrations are
the photo system II inhibitors (PSII) atrazine, hexazinone, diuron and 2,4-D (Davis et
al., 2008; Mitchell et al., 2005). The annual estimated load of photo system II
herbicides into the GBR Marine Park is 30 metric tons and as other pesticides are used

in the region would be an underestimation of total pesticide loads (Brodie et al., 2012).
Herbicide exposure poses a threat to the long-term health of the GBR ecosystem.
Freshwater ecosystems of the GBR catchment are especially at risk of toxic impacts due
to the elevated concentrations of herbicides detected in rivers associated with
agriculture (Davis et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2012). There is a need for further research
into the impacts of herbicide exposure to freshwater communities in the GBR catchment
and for better methods of monitoring toxic impacts (Davis et al., 2008; Lewis et al.,
2009; Schaffelke et al., 2005).

1.7 Thesis aims and overview

The main aim of my thesis is to assess the impact of herbicide toxicity on benthic
diatoms at the species and community levels and to determine whether benthic diatoms
are suitable indicators of herbicide toxicity in rivers that flow into the GBR.

Each chapter of my thesis addresses key scientific questions that contribute to the
broader understanding of the impact of herbicides to benthic diatoms in rivers and
towards the development of a diatom based biomonitoring index that can assess
herbicide impacts in rivers. The specific objectives of each chapter are outlined below.

Chapter 2: The focus of this chapter is to address the lack of sensitivity data for
Australian freshwater diatom taxa. Producing these sensitivity data using traditional
methods to conduct single species toxicity tests would be lengthy and cultures of many
local taxa may not be available. Rapid toxicity testing methods can provide approximate
sensitivity data on a large number of species in a relatively short period of time and
using less resources (Kefford et al., 2005). This study developed a new method to
expose benthic diatom communities collected in the field to herbicides in short
laboratory based toxicity tests. Using this method, sensitivity data can be derived for
multiple taxa in one rapid toxicity test, thus speeding up the process of collecting
toxicity data with new species. By rapidly collecting toxicity data for many species, a
specific aim of this thesis is achievable, namely to determine the relative herbicide
sensitivities of multiple freshwater diatom taxa from a natural benthic community.

Chapter 3: Herbicide pollution in rivers is the result of agricultural runoff consisting of

mixtures of various herbicides, with differing modes of toxic action. The potential for
herbicides with differing modes of action to alter the response of benthic diatoms within

natural communities to exposure has not been established. The aim of this study is to
investigate whether the relative sensitivities of benthic diatom taxa differ between eight
commonly used herbicides with three differing modes of action.

Chapter 4: Peak herbicide concentrations in rivers typically occur during high flow
events, along with increased loads of suspended solids. It is therefore likely that peak
herbicide concentrations in rivers co-occur with reduced light conditions to the benthic
community. Benthic diatoms may respond differently to herbicide exposure under
altered light conditions and it is important to determine whether light and herbicide
toxicity interact at both the species and community levels. The specific aims of this
chapter are i) to determine whether reduced light conditions can alter the relative
herbicide sensitivity of diatoms and ii) to assess the influence of prior pollution history
on the response of diatoms to herbicides.

Chapter 5: Elevated concentrations of herbicides can persist in rivers for lengthy periods
(weeks to months). Consequently, benthic diatoms may be exposed to herbicides under
chronic exposure conditions over multiple generations. Chronic exposure to herbicides
could alter the relative sensitivity of benthic diatoms and it is therefore important to
assess diatom sensitivity over a range of exposure durations. This chapter aims to
investigate the responses of individual diatom taxa as well as the community to
herbicides over a 12 day exposure period and to identify diatom taxa with the potential
to recover during chronic herbicide exposure scenarios.

Chapter 6: This chapter utilises the sensitivity data produced in Chapters 2-5 as well as
sensitivity data obtained from literature to develop a new diatom based biomonitoring
index - SPEARherbicides. The impacts of herbicide pollution in sites across the GBR
catchment area are considered and effects on benthic diatom communities at monitored
sites are compared to that at reference sites.

Chapter 7: In this chapter, the findings of Chapters 2 to 6 are discussed and overall
conclusions are drawn. Recommendations for management and overarching outcomes
are discussed along with suggested future research directions.

Chapter 2: Determining the relative sensitivity of benthic diatoms
to atrazine using rapid toxicity testing: A novel method

Manuscript published in Science of the Total Environment

1 July 2014

Bluewater Creek, QLD, Australia.

2.1 Abstract

Herbicides pose a potential threat to aquatic ecosystems, especially to phototrophic

organisms such as benthic diatoms. Benthic diatoms may be a valuable indicator of the
toxic impacts of herbicides in aquatic systems. However, this requires information on
the herbicide sensitivity of a wide range of freshwater benthic diatom taxa.
Unfortunately this information is only available for a limited number of species as
current methods of developing new algae toxicity tests on individual taxa are lengthy
and costly. To address this issue, we developed a new rapid toxicity test method to test
natural benthic communities, from which the relative herbicide sensitivity of many
individual taxa can be derived. This involved the collection of natural benthic
communities from rocks in situ, which were placed directly into laboratory toxicity
tests. Sensitivity data for several diatom genera in a 48 hour exposure toxicity test were
produced, without the need for cultures or multiple site visits. After exposure to the
highest treatment of atrazine (500 μg L−1) there were significant declines of healthy
cells in the most sensitive genera: Gomphonema declined by 74%, Amphora by 62%,
Cymbella by 54% and Ulnaria by 34% compared to the health of cells in the control
treatment. In contrast, the genera, Eunotia, Achnanthidium and Navicula, had no
statistically significant decline in cell health. This method can identify the diatom taxa
most at risk of herbicide toxicity within the natural benthic diatom community. The
rapid toxicity testing method presented is a simple and effective method to obtain
sensitivity data for multiple taxa within a natural benthic diatom community in a
relatively short period of time.

2.2 Introduction

Herbicide contamination of freshwater ecosystems poses a potential threat to primary

producers, such as benthic diatoms, and they may be a valuable indicator community for
toxic impacts (DeLorenzo et al., 2001). Benthic diatoms are ubiquitous and respond
rapidly to environmental conditions, therefore changes in community composition due
to herbicide toxicity may reflect past herbicide concentrations (Burns and Ryder, 2001).
Herbicide exposure in streams typically occurs as pulses associated with diffuse
agricultural runoff, and as a result, routine (i.e. calendar based) sampling of herbicides
will most likely underestimate herbicide concentration and thus toxicity (Davis et al.,
2013). In order to address this, chemical monitoring needs to include event based
sampling after rainfall and during floods to estimate the peak concentration of
herbicides and/or include the use of passive samplers to estimate the average
concentration. However, these measures require multiple site visits, increasing the cost
of monitoring. Furthermore, with any chemical monitoring there is uncertainty as to the
ecological risk of the chemicals observed and the chemicals detected may not be the
entire suite of chemicals present in the field (Magnusson et al., 2008). Consequently,
there is a need for biomonitoring tools that give an integrated response to chemicals
over time, and freshwater benthic diatoms may be a cost effective and ecologically
relevant solution for herbicides (Debenest et al., 2009; Morin et al., 2009).

Linking field effects to any one particular stressor in the environment can be
problematic due to the range of variables that can alter community structure and the
influence of multiple stressors (Morin et al., 2009; Schafer et al., 2007). However,
Schäfer et al. (2011a) proposed a conceptual model for trait based biomonitoring indices
that link exposure to a specific stressor with community composition changes in the
field, such as the SPEcies At Risk (SPEAR) index (Liess and Ohe, 2005). The
SPEARpesticides index has been developed using macroinvertebrates to describe changes
in the proportion of sensitive taxa within a community, relative to the intensity of
pesticide stress (Liess and Ohe, 2005). The key trait used in SPEARpesticides is the
sensitivity of macroinvertebrate taxa to organic toxicants (Liess and Ohe, 2005; Schafer
et al., 2007). SPEARpesicides has been used successfully in Europe and also in Southeast
Australia, to link pesticide exposure (mostly insecticides and fungicides) to field effects
(Liess et al., 2008; Schäfer et al., 2011c). However, SPEARpesticides is less effective at

predicting herbicide toxicity as it uses macroinvertebrates as indicators which respond
more strongly to insecticides and fungicides (Schäfer et al., 2011b). Benthic diatoms
may be a more suitable indicator community to assess herbicide toxicity, especially
photosystem II inhibitors (PSII), as their phytotoxic effects have been established
(Debenest et al., 2010; Magnusson et al., 2010; Magnusson et al., 2012).

The principle impediment to developing a biomonitoring index for herbicides, based on

the community composition of diatoms (or other primary producers) is lack of
information on how particular taxa respond to herbicides (Culp et al., 2011; Morin et
al., 2009; Roubeix et al., 2011b). Although some information exists on the toxicity of
herbicides to a few freshwater benthic diatom species (Debenest et al., 2009; Larras et
al., 2012; Magnusson et al., 2010; Tang et al., 1997), for any particular region, there are
very few taxa with herbicide sensitivity data (Magnusson et al., 2012). This is in part
due to the time constraints and costs of current standard toxicity tests which involve the
use of single species cultures to determine individual sensitivities. Cultures of most
species are unavailable and obtaining sensitivity data for numerous species by standard
toxicity testing methods would be very time consuming. A new method that can
produce sensitivity data for a number of local taxa in a relatively short period of time
would be ideal for obtaining the required data for a traits-based monitoring index that
can detect herbicide toxicity in rivers (Culp et al., 2011). We followed the rapid toxicity
approach which aims to determine herbicide toxicity to multiple taxa from a
multispecies community in a relatively short period of time (Hickey et al., 2009;
Kefford et al., 2005). Other studies either use single species cultures to produce this
sensitivity data for individual taxa (Larras et al., 2013b; Magnusson et al., 2010;
Roubeix et al., 2011b), or use community level measures of health such as
photosynthetic inhibition that cannot determine which taxa within the community are
contributing to the sensitivity (Magnusson et al., 2012; Proia et al., 2011; Prosser et al.,

This paper establishes a new method to determine the relative herbicide sensitivity of
field derived freshwater benthic diatom taxa using rapid toxicity tests. These tests aim
to produce relative sensitivity data for several freshwater diatom taxa in one 48 hour test
(see Kefford et al., 2003). The current study utilises a new approach to place benthic

diatoms collected in situ directly into rapid toxicity tests that can determine the relative
sensitivity of the individual diatom taxa from within the freshwater benthic community.

2.3 Materials and Methods

2.3.1 Diatom collection locations

Diatoms were collected from Bluewater Creek (−19.14385, 146.26817) on the 18th of
May 2012. The creek is located in North Queensland, Australia, at the base of Paluma
State Forest near the town of Bluewater and is surrounded by eucalypt woodland. The
stream substrate at the sample site is mostly large boulders, cobbles and pebbles, with a
mean channel width of 7 m and highly diverse habitats present including deep and
shallow pools, falls, runs and shallow riffles. The study site was chosen as there is no
agriculture and only recreational activities occurring upstream of the site. The site is
therefore considered a reference site for agricultural impacts such as herbicide pollution.

2.3.2 Sampling of natural benthic diatom communities

Pebbles and cobbles (approximately 5–25 cm in the longest axis) from the stream bed
were chosen at random from various areas of a 50 m section of the stream bed and
placed in trays for scrubbing. Multiple areas within a 50 m stretch of stream bed were
sampled in order to include a variety of habitat types; riffles, pools and falls, for the
purpose of obtaining the greatest possible number of taxa in a composite site collection.
Areas which were stagnant pools and also very shallow areas likely to have been
recently dried out were avoided to minimise collection of dead material. The benthic
diatoms were removed from the rocks by scrubbing with a soft bristle toothbrush, using
a squirt bottle with site water to wash off the detached material into a collection tray.
The detached benthic diatoms were collected into a 500 mL plastic sample container as
a composite sample, which was stored in the dark at site water temperature (21 ± 1 °C)
for transportation to the lab.

2.3.3 Rapid toxicity tests

The benthic diatoms were exposed over 48 h to atrazine to determine the relative
sensitivities of the taxa within the community. Tests were conducted in a controlled
temperature laboratory at 24 ± 2 °C at a light intensity of 20 μmol m−2 s−1 (±10%),
under a 12:12 hour light:dark cycle. After transportation to the lab the experiment was

initiated within 4 h of sampling and included a 1 hour acclimatisation period to stabilise
the temperature to that of the room.

The solution containing the removed benthic diatom community from Bluewater Creek
was homogenised by gentle shaking and divided into 1 mL aliquots randomly assigned
to 18 x 40 mL test vials by pipette. The test vials were then made up to a final volume
of 20 mL with site water and spiked with a known atrazine herbicide concentration
depending on treatment. The atrazine stock solution was prepared by dissolving
analytical grade atrazine (Sigma Aldrich, CAS 1912-24-9) in site water using a carrier
of 99% ethanol to increase the solubility of atrazine (2% v:v) with the maximum final
volume of ethanol in the treatments being 0.05% (Magnusson et al., 2010). An ethanol
control treatment with a final volume of 0.05% ethanol was included and compared to a
site water only control after 48 hours to eliminate carrier effects. All herbicide
treatments were compared to the ethanol control. An additional control treatment at the
start of the experiment (t=0) was also prepared to indicate the diatom community and
health at the start of the experiment. The experiment had a static water supply, without
renewal of water or agitation for the duration of the test period as is common in algal
bioassays (Larras et al., 2012; Magnusson et al., 2008). Diatoms were exposed to
atrazine concentrations of 50, 200 and 500 μg L-1, which were shown to elicit a
response in the sensitive taxa from trial tests (data not shown). These concentrations
correspond with estimated mixture toxicities of PSII herbicides regularly detected at
polluted sites within the study region which exceeded the ANZECC (2000) atrazine 95
% trigger value for ecological protection (13 μg L-1) for 30 consecutive days and
reached a maximum of 807 μg L-1 atrazine equivalent concentrations (TEQCP) (Smith et
al., 2012). However, in less polluted sites in this region associated with agricultural land
use the mean atrazine concentrations are typically lower but still frequently exceed the
99 % freshwater ecological trigger value (0.07 μg L-1) (Lewis et al., 2009). All
treatments and controls were replicated thrice. Spiked water samples were also prepared
in the same manner as each herbicide test treatment (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) to be analysed
for determination of the actual atrazine concentrations, which were within 15% of the
nominal values (Supplementary Table S1). Analysis of atrazine concentrations (1 ug L-1
limit of detection) were determined by chemical analysis (LC–MS/MS) by Eurofins
Agroscience Testing Pty Ltd a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA)
accredited laboratory.

2.3.4 Preservation of samples

After the exposure period (48 h) the contents of each replicate test vial were preserved
with 3 drops of Lugol's iodine solution. The lids of the glass test vials were replaced and
agitated to loosen the algae and ensure uniform preservation for later identification.
After the preserved samples had settled, 10 mL of liquid was poured from each test vial,
and the settled benthic diatoms were carefully transferred into a 10 mL sample storage

2.3.5 Identification of diatoms

Diatoms were identified by observation under an Olympus BX50 light microscope. Sub
samples were taken from each replicate and observed in a Lund cell at a 400×
magnification. Counting was conducted in random transects along the Lund cell until a
total of at least 100 cells were counted and identified per replicate, which was sufficient
for enumerating the common taxa in the sample; rare taxa that did not occur in every
replicate were not included in analysis. Benthic diatoms were identified to the genus
level using the following international (Cox, 1996; Round et al., 1990) and Australian
(Gell et al., 1999; Sonneman et al., 2000) keys.

2.3.6 Health status of diatoms

The growth rates of the various diatoms differs substantially, and is very slow for some
benthic taxa with doubling rates as low as 0.1-0.3 d-1, this would make estimation of
growth rate via cell counts difficult and lengthy (Admiraal, 1976; Gould and Gallagher,
1990). Therefore we have used a method of health classification similar to the live cell
counts performed in other studies (Debenest et al., 2009; Pohlon et al., 2010; Proia et
al., 2011), except data is recorded on a per taxa basis and includes identification of taxa
as well as classification of health. The health status of the diatom cells was recorded as
the number of diatom cells per genus that were either ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’. Cells
were classified depending on the condition of the Lugols stained cell contents and
chloroplasts. If chloroplasts appeared more than 50% intact then it was classed as a
healthy cell, and if the chloroplasts were <50% intact or absent or the frustule was
broken then it was classed as unhealthy (Supplementary Table S2). Broken frustules
were only counted if more than 50% of the valve was left intact and could be identified.
Diatom community composition was calculated using only the healthy cells in order to

determine the effects on the live benthic community. The percentage of healthy cells in
each treatment was calculated as a proportion of the total number of cells counted in
that treatment per genus.

2.3.7 Statistical analysis

We assessed the effects of herbicide concentration on the health of diatoms using a

generalized linear model (GLM). Concentration response of the diatom genera was
performed using GLM on binary health data (healthy/unhealthy) with a logit link
function. The model estimated the likelihood that a diatom cell would be healthy based
on the concentration of exposure (50, 200, 500 μg L−1) compared to the ethanol control
and was carried out on a per taxon basis. Where atrazine exposure resulted in a
significant decline in diatom cell health the EC50 was calculated with nominal
concentrations using probit analysis (Finney, 1971).

The health of the cells was also assessed at the start (t=0) and the end (48 h) of the
experiment to insure the stability of control health and to eliminate any carrier effects.
It was important to determine the background level of health for each genus, as this was
expected to differ depending on the successional stage of the benthic diatom community
at the time of collection (Davie et al., 2012). The background health of test controls (48
h) was assessed using GLM as described above, compared to the start of experiment
controls (t=0) as the reference parameter. Background health, concentration response
and EC50 calculations were computed using SPSS 18 statistical package (SPSS 18).

Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) ordination was conducted to examine

community compositional changes of the healthy benthic diatom community among
treatment groups at Bluewater Creek. MDS was conducted from the Bray Curtis index
of similarity on untransformed community composition data. Only the community
composition data for the healthy cells was used in the MDS for the common taxa (taxa
which were observed at least once in every sample). A one way ANOSIM was used to
determine the differences in the healthy diatom community between treatments.
SIMPER analysis was performed to determine which taxa contributed to the differences
between groups. Multivariate statistical analysis was performed using PRIMER v6
(Clarke and Gorley, 2006).

2.4 Results

2.4.1 Background health within control groups in rapid toxicity tests

The background health of diatoms remained relatively consistent between controls

across most genera from Bluewater Creek throughout the experiment. No carrier effect
was observed for any of the taxa in the study (Supplementary Table S3). There were no
differences between health of cells at the start of the experiment (t=0) and the ethanol
controls (48 h) across all diatom genera (Supplementary Table S3).

2.4.2 Concentration response and relative sensitivity of the diatom genera

Differences in the relative atrazine sensitivity between benthic diatom genera were
observed (Figure 2.1). The most tolerant genera did not show a significant change in the
health of cells with herbicide exposure: Navicula, Eunotia and Achnanthidium (Table
2.1). Diatoms from the genus Navicula, showed no concentration response to atrazine
treatments and were the most tolerant in the benthic diatom community (Table 2.1 and
Figure 2.1a). The most sensitive diatom genera within the benthic community were
Gomphonema, Ulnaria, Cymbella and Amphora, all of which showed a significant
concentration response at the highest treatment of 500 μg L−1 (Table 2.1). This was
equivalent to a decline relative to the control by 74% in Gomphonema, 62% in
Amphora, 54% in Cymbella and 34% in Ulnaria (Table 2.1). Gomphonema (Figure
2.1b) displayed a significant threshold concentration response to atrazine exposure and
was the most sensitive taxa with an EC50 of 43 μg L−1 (Table 2.1). The genera
Ulnaria, Cymbella and Amphora responded with significant dose–response
relationships to atrazine exposure (Figure 2.1c, e and f).

2.4.3 Community effects of herbicide exposure

The non-metric MDS ordination (stress = 0.09) showed a gradient of change in

community composition of healthy benthic diatoms from the control groups to the
highest herbicide exposure groups (Supplementary Figure S4). The separation of the
highest concentration treatment is evident and the ANOSIM results were significant
overall (Global R= 0.361, p-value = 0.005); however, the pairwise comparisons were
not significant. The differences in community composition observed can be attributed to
a decline in the most sensitive taxa and the increase of tolerant taxa after herbicide

exposure (Table 2.1). The genera that had the greatest influence on the differences
between the communities were Amphora, Navicula and Ulnaria, with each genus
contributing approximately 19% to the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity between groups.

Figure 2.1 Effects of atrazine on the health (%) of diatom cells by genus a) Navicula, b)
Gomphonema, c) Ulnaria, d) Achnanthidium, e) Cymbella, f) Amphora and g) Eunotia at 48 h
of exposure (Error bars represent ± 1 SE). Treatments marked * are statistically different from
ethanol controls at alpha 0.05

Table 2.1 Concentration response of the diatom genera using the generalized linear model
(GLM). Effects of herbicide concentration on the health of diatom cells at each treatment level
(50, 200, 500 μg L−1 atrazine) at 48 h of exposure compared to ethanol controls (no herbicide).
Percentage of healthy cells per treatment, percentage composition of the healthy benthic diatom
community, EC50 and EC10 values. – Not calculable.
Genus Concentration Sig. Healthy cells Community EC50 EC10
(μg L-1) (% ± SE) composition (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Navicula 0 - 91 ± 1.6 13 ± 3.2 - -
50 0.808 90 ± 6.2 17 ± 0.9
200 0.905 91 ± 4.6 17 ± 0.9
500 0.403 83 ± 4.8 18 ± 2.1
Ulnaria 0 - 63 ± 1.0 40 ± 1.6 1200 84
50 0.434 58 ± 3.2 40 ± 1.3
200 0.059 52 ± 3.0 42 ± 2.8
500 0.000 42 ± 1.7 43 ± 1.3
Gomphonema 0 - 55 ± 6.9 14 ± 2.0 43 0.12
50 0.013 24 ± 6.1 10 ± 0.9
200 0.010 24 ± 2.0 11 ± 0.7
500 0.001 15 ± 2.8 9.2 ± 1.2
Achnanthidium 0 - 55 ± 3.0 8.5 ± 1.0 - -
50 0.437 68 ± 8.9 10 ± 1.1
200 0.429 47 ± 7.6 12 ± 1.8
500 0.500 49 ± 6.1 16 ± 1.9
Eunotia 0 - 18 ± 12 1.9 ± 1.3 - -
50 0.367 13 ± 13 1.0 ± 1.0
200 0.485 9.5 ± 9.5 1.1 ± 1.1
500 0.485 9.5 ± 9.5 1.2 ± 1.2
Cymbella 0 - 48 ± 5.3 9.2 ±1.29 420 75
50 0.995 47 ± 5.7 7.5 ± 0.6
200 0.193 32 ± 1.1 6.8 ± 0.5
500 0.027 22 ± 0.9 4.6 ± 0.4
Amphora 0 - 53 ± 5.5 13 ± 2.9 240 14
50 0.119 40 ± 2.6 14 ± 3.1
200 0.002 27 ± 0.3 9.8 ± 1.2
500 0.000 20 ± 3.3 8.2 ± 1.6

2.5 Discussion

A new method was established to determine the relative herbicide sensitivity of diatoms
within a natural benthic community using rapid toxicity testing. The relative sensitivity
of multiple diatom genera from a diverse field derived sample was determined from one
48 hour exposure test. This method is quicker and less costly than traditional methods
of testing diatoms and algae which involve establishing cultures of each taxa and then
testing each species individually (Brain et al., 2012a; Larras et al., 2012; Magnusson et
al., 2008; Magnusson et al., 2010; Moro et al., 2012; Nelson et al., 1999; Peterson et al.,
1997; Tang et al., 1997). The method used in this study is based on the rapid toxicity
approach previously used with invertebrates (Hickey et al., 2009; Kefford et al., 2005;
Kefford et al., 2003). With the application of multiple rapid toxicity tests, herbicide
sensitivity data for many taxa can be produced in a short period of time. This method is
advantageous for the development of a traits based index, which would require
sensitivity data for as many local taxa as possible.

We previously tested the use of an artificial substrate method for the collection of field
derived natural benthic diatom communities (Guasch and Sabater, 1998; Laviale et al.,
2011; Proia et al., 2011) for use in rapid toxicity tests. However, a number of sampling
cages containing glass slides (Supplementary Figure S5) were lost or buried by
substrate during the colonisation period due to the extremity of flow events in the study
region, and the remaining substrates had highly variable densities of diatom growth.
Another method using pebble substrates collected in situ was also tested. Unfortunately,
we observed a very low density of diatoms on the small pebbles collected during the
study, and since the purpose of retrieving pebbles from the field was to obtain a natural
benthic community containing as many taxa as possible, this method was deemed
unsuitable. Furthermore the diatom flora of small pebbles may only represent taxa that
are rapid colonisers and may not reflect the general diatom community at a site due to
the frequent movement and burial thereby resetting the colonisation process (Davie et
al., 2012). These approaches were abandoned in favour of the scrubbing method of
benthic diatom collection described in this study, which was quicker, requiring no prior
site visits, and less expensive, requiring no specialised equipment. The results derived
from this method showed limited variation of healthy cells in the controls over the test
period (Supplementary Table S3), validating this method for comparisons between

treatments and controls and enabling the relative sensitivities of multiple taxa in a
natural benthic diatom community to be determined from one 48 hour rapid test.

This study identified differences in the herbicide sensitivity of freshwater diatom genera
within a natural benthic community. Identifying taxa by genus was necessary for the
determination of cell health and to avoid uncertainty associated with identifying to the
species level from live material. It is possible that that the individual species
contributing to the genus tested here might not be representative of other members of
the genus which were not tested, potentially leading to contradictory results. For
example, Larras et al. (2012) found that Gomphonema parvulum was relatively tolerant
to atrazine, whereas in this study Gomphonema was the most sensitive. However, a
study by Growns (1999) found that genus and species level identification were similar
at predicting impacts of river regulation because of the small number of species in a
majority of diatom genera. Further studies should investigate whether this is the case for
herbicide impacts and whether relative herbicide sensitivity differs between members of
the same genera from within natural benthic communities. As field derived benthic
diatom community samples could not be stored for any length of time, it is not possible
to repeat the experiment to determine whether the diatom responses vary. However,
similar experiments with independently collected diatoms conducted over the course of
this thesis were consistent and suggest that the experiments are repeatable.

In this study Navicula was the most tolerant genus to atrazine exposure and other genera
such as Ulnaria, Gomphonema, Cymbella and Amphora were relatively more sensitive.
Navicula are considered in the literature to be tolerant of both nutrient and herbicide
pollution (Chalifour and Juneau, 2011; Guasch and Sabater, 1998). However,
Magnusson et al. (2010) found that photosynthetic inhibition occurred in the estuarine
diatom Navicula sp. at atrazine concentrations much lower than the exposures in this
study. The concentrations of atrazine in the current study (50-500 μg L-1) exceed the
field measured peak concentrations which regularly reach 10 μg L-1 in rivers that flow
into the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) (Brodie et al., 2012; Lewis et al., 2012; Smith et al.,
2012). However, considering that PSII herbicides such as atrazine often occur in
mixtures of two or more and that their toxicity is additive (Magnusson et al., 2010),
recent studies within the study region have shown that the estimated mixture toxicity
(TEQ) of PSII herbicides exceeded the atrazine trigger value for ecological protection

(13 μg L-1) for 30 consecutive days and reached atrazine equivalent concentrations of up
to 807 μg L-1 (O’Brien et al., 2016; Smith et al., 2012). This justifies the ecological
relevance of using concentrations up to 500 μg L-1 in identifying which taxa are most at
risk of herbicide toxicity in field derived communities.

Open questions include: (1) whether the diatoms cells which appeared healthy were
physiologically impaired and (2) whether those individuals regarded as unhealthy would
recover following the cessation of herbicide exposure. Prosser et al. (2013) observed
rapid recovery of quantum yield from periphyton communities after the cessation of
atrazine exposure with ≥ 95% recovery within 48 hours and other studies have observed
similar rapid recovery in quantum yield (Brain et al., 2012a; Laviale et al., 2011).
However, as those studies did not investigate changes in cell health, it is uncertain what
relevance they have for the recovery of diatoms classified as unhealthy in the current
study. Indeed other studies (Dorigo et al., 2010b; Magnusson et al., 2012) have
observed much slower recovery of periphyton community structure following exposure
to herbicides in the field (Morin et al., 2010). Such studies suggest that alternative
approaches, for example the changes in cell health used in the current study, should also
be investigated. Indeed, the ability of certain diatoms to recover after herbicide
exposure may be an important trait for consideration alongside sensitivity in the
development of a traits-based monitoring index using diatoms (Gustavson et al., 2003).
The results of the relative sensitivity by diatom genera is meant as a means for ranking
the relative sensitivities of the taxa or for classifying their sensitivity (e.g. sensitive or
tolerant) and not as an indication of what atrazine concentration will or will not harm
diatom taxa in nature where exposure periods might be different and might co-occur
with other stressors.

2.6 Conclusions

The current study developed a new method of producing sensitivity data for a range of
individual diatom taxa from within a natural benthic community in a short period of
time. The rapid toxicity tests provided consistent control data with a low variability in
the health of cells per genera at the start of the experiment, which was suitable for
determining the differences in the relative sensitivity of diatom genera to atrazine
exposure. This method can deliver sensitivity data for multiple taxa from the one 48
hour test, without the need for cultures or multiple site visits, and will be useful for the
production of herbicide sensitivity data that can be used for a new traits based index that
can detect herbicide toxicity using benthic diatoms. These results could also be used to
make species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) based on communities of diatoms that
occur in specific regions. We thus recommend the use of this method for conducting
rapid toxicity testing of diatoms. Future studies should investigate the differences in
sensitivity between members of the same genera from within natural benthic
communities, the effects of herbicidal mode of action on relative sensitivity and the
effects of light on PSII sensitivity in freshwater diatoms.

Supplementary data

Supplementary data for Chapter 2 in available in Appendix A.

Chapter 3: How benthic diatoms within natural communities
respond to eight common herbicides with different modes of

Manuscript published in Science of the Total Environment

1 July 2016

3.1 Abstract

Herbicides are common pollutants of rivers in agricultural regions. These contaminants

include various types of chemicals with different modes of toxic action. Herbicides can
have toxic effects on freshwater benthic diatoms, the base of the aquatic food web. We
examined the effects of (non-mixture) herbicide exposure to the health of diatoms for
eight common herbicides with three different modes of action; the photosystem II (PSII)
inhibitors: atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, tebuthiuron and diuron; two auxinic
herbicides: MCPA and 2,4-D; and the EPSP synthase inhibitor: glyphosate. Benthic
diatoms within riverine communities were exposed to each herbicide in rapid toxicity
tests at concentrations of 50, 200 and 500 μg L−1. The most sensitive taxa were
Gomphonema spp. and Encyonema gracilis. Navicula cryptotenella was the most
tolerant to herbicide exposure. There was no significant effect of the different herbicide
modes of action at the community level. Herbicide mode of action did not alter which
taxa were most sensitive within the community and sensitivity rankings of the dominant
diatom taxa were similar for each of the eight herbicides. The consistency of the results
between herbicides suggests that freshwater benthic diatoms may be suitable in situ
indicators for detecting the toxicity of herbicides with differing modes of action.

3.2 Introduction

Freshwater benthic diatoms are important phototrophic organisms of lotic and lentic
freshwater environments and are often the dominant primary producers in rivers.
Diatoms are widely recognised as effective bioindicators as they are ubiquitous, diverse
and highly responsive to changes in environmental conditions (Rimet, 2012).
Agricultural herbicides are common pollutants of freshwater environments and can alter
the growth and physiology of freshwater benthic diatoms, as well as their community
structure and diversity (Debenest et al., 2010; DeLorenzo et al., 2001; Magnusson et al.,
2012; Morin et al., 2009). Benthic diatoms are among the first aquatic biota to respond
to toxicant exposure and their response is affected by past exposure, which makes them
potential indicators of herbicide toxicity in rivers (Rimet and Bouchez, 2011; Sabater et
al., 2007). Assessing the ecological effects of herbicide pollution is essential in
protecting freshwater ecosystems from degradation and monitoring changes in the
benthic diatom community may enable the early detection of toxic impacts (DeLorenzo
et al., 2001; Ricart et al., 2009). Sensitivity of freshwater benthic diatoms to herbicides
differs between taxa (Debenest et al., 2009; Larras et al., 2012; Roubeix et al., 2011b)
and this trait has the potential to be used to link shifts in community composition with
herbicide toxicity in rivers (Schäfer et al., 2011b). However, herbicide sensitivity of
many common freshwater benthic diatom species is unknown and this is a barrier to the
development of a biomonitoring tool capable of diagnosing herbicide toxicity in the
field (Roubeix et al., 2011b).

Herbicides are often detected in waterways with agricultural activity in their catchments
(Davis et al., 2013; Lewis et al., 2009) and rivers are frequently contaminated with more
than one type of herbicide (Magnusson et al., 2010). Herbicides can be classified by
their modes of action, the biochemical mechanism by which they act on organisms.
Photosystem II inhibitors (PSII) act on the PSII reaction centre by blocking electron
transport and halting photosynthesis, ultimately resulting in oxidative stress and cell
death (Debenest et al., 2010; Rutherford and Krieger-Liszkay, 2001). In agricultural
regions of tropical North Queensland, Australia, the PSII herbicides atrazine and diuron
are the two most commonly detected herbicides and account for approximately 90% of
the annual herbicide load, although other PSII herbicides are also regularly detected
including hexazinone, tebuthiuron and simazine (Davis et al., 2012; Lewis et al., 2009).

Despite the focus on monitoring these priority PSII contaminants there are other types
of herbicides used routinely which are less frequently monitored, for example
glyphosate (Davis et al., 2008). Glyphosate is a herbicide which is used for broad-
spectrum weed control and acts through the inhibition of the enzyme EPSP synthase,
resulting in chlorophyll degradation and reduced photosynthesis (Baylis, 2000; Malik et
al., 1989). Another major group of herbicides that is used in the GBR catchment are the
auxinic herbicides, including 2,4-D and MCPA, which mimic natural plant growth
hormones causing uncontrolled growth and deformation in broadleaf weeds
(Grossmann, 2010).

It has not been established whether the relative sensitivity (i.e. which taxa are
sensitive/tolerant relative to other taxa) of individual freshwater benthic diatoms is
affected by herbicides with differing modes of action. Benthic diatoms in agricultural
rivers are exposed to a variety of herbicides, including those with differing modes of
action. If diatoms are to be utilised as bioindicators of herbicide toxicity in rivers it is
crucial to determine whether herbicide mode of action could alter the relative sensitivity
of diatom taxa within natural communities (Wood et al., 2014). It is important for
ecotoxicological studies to assess both the response of the benthic diatom community as
well as how individual species respond to herbicide toxicity.

The current study examines the response of individual diatom taxa from within a field
derived benthic community to eight commonly used herbicides. The herbicides chosen
were five PSII inhibitors: atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, tebuthiuron and diuron; two
auxinic herbicides: MCPA and 2,4-D; and the EPSP synthase inhibitor: glyphosate. The
aim of this study was to determine whether there were differences in the response of the
benthic diatom community and the individual diatom taxa to herbicides from the
aforementioned three modes of action, and whether the relative sensitivities of the
diatom taxa differ for each of these herbicides. To achieve these aims we needed a
method (Kefford et al., 2005; Wood et al., 2014) designed to determine the response of
multiple species of diatoms within a natural community, rather than estimate the
absolute level of herbicide exposure that particular taxa can persist with. The response
of each diatom taxon within the community was then compared across the eight
herbicides to determine whether their relative sensitivities are the same or different.

3.3 Materials and Methods

The rapid toxicity test method used followed that of Wood et al. (2014), as described
below, except that eight herbicides were tested in an orthogonal design, rather than one
in Wood et al. (atrazine) (2014). The raw data for atrazine are the same as used in Wood
et al. (2014), with new data for the other herbicides. Taxonomic identification of the
diatoms has been refined to the species level in the current study (Genus in Wood et al.
2014). The genus Gomphonema is now divided into two distinct taxa; Gomphonema
gracile and Gomphonema spp. (which in this study comprised Gomphonema parvulum
and Gomphonema minutum). The genus Amphora in Wood et al. (2014) has been
verified as Encyonema gracilis (Amphora and Encyonema are related taxa).

3.3.1 Study site and diatom collection

Diatoms were collected on the 18th of May 2012 from Bluewater Creek, Queensland,
Australia (19°14.406’S, 146°26.873’E). Bluewater Creek is part of the small coastal
catchment area of Black River Basin, which flows directly into the Great Barrier Reef
World Heritage Area (GBRWHA). The study site is located at the base of Paluma State
Forest with no agricultural activity in the upper catchment and only recreational
activities occurring upstream of the site. The study site is considered to have negligible
herbicide pollution based on the surrounding land uses. Diatoms were collected by
scrubbing rock substrates with a soft bristled brush and washing the detached diatoms
into a collection jar. Substrates were collected for scrubbing along a 50 m length of the
stream channel including various habitats such as edges, runs, riffles and pools. The
composite site sample of detached benthic diatoms was transported to the laboratory in
the dark at 21±1°C for the commencement of testing.

3.3.2 Rapid toxicity tests Preparation of test diatoms

The toxicity tests were initiated within four hours of sampling, including a one-hour
acclimatisation period to stabilise the temperature of the samples to that of the test
room. The detached benthic diatoms were homogenised by gentle shaking and 1 mL of
this homogenised solution was pipetted into 40mL glass test vials. Unfiltered river
water was added to each vial up to a final volume of 20 mL and spiked with a

predetermined concentration of each herbicide; atrazine, simazine, hexazinone,
tebuthiuron, diuron, MCPA, 2,4-D and glyphosate. The test vials containing the benthic
diatoms and individual herbicides were incubated for 48 hours in a controlled
temperature laboratory set at 24 ± 2 °C, and light intensity of 20 μmol m-2 s-1 (±10%) on
a 12 hour light/dark cycle. Preparation of test solution

The eight herbicides were PESTANAL analytical grade products (all ≥ 99% pure)
sourced from Sigma Aldrich; atrazine (CAS 1912-24-9), hexazinone (CAS 51235-04-
2), tebuthiuron (CAS 34014-18-1), simazine (CAS 122-34-9), diuron (CAS 330-54-1),
MCPA (CAS 94-74-6), 2,4-D (CAS 94-75-7) and glyphosate (CAS 1071-83-6).
Herbicide solutions were prepared by dissolving appropriate weights of each herbicide
in 10 mL 99% ethanol to increase their solubility except for simazine, which was
dissolved in 25 mL ethanol, due to its low solubility and glyphosate, which was
dissolved in milli-Q water. Three nominal test concentrations (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1)
of each herbicide were made by diluting appropriate volumes of stock solution with
river water from the collection site (20 mL final volume). These concentrations were
chosen to determine the relative sensitivity of the common taxa within the benthic
community and were shown to elicit a response in the sensitive taxa whilst leaving the
most tolerant taxa unaffected (Wood et al., 2014). These are also environmentally
realistic concentrations for the region, where atrazine equivalent concentrations of up to
807 μg L-1 for PSII mixtures have been recorded (Davis et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2012).
Two control treatments (no herbicide) were prepared: a river water control (site water
only) and a carrier control with ethanol equal to the maximum final concentration in the
treatments (0.05% ethanol, 99.05% river water). The field collected diatom community
includes live cells as well as unhealthy and even dead diatom cells, and the proportion
of unhealthy or dead cells will vary depending on the successional stage of the benthic
community (Wood et al., 2014). Consequently, an additional river water control
treatment was prepared to indicate the health of diatoms at the start of the experiment (0
h) and the health of cells in each treatment and control was assessed as described below.
All treatments and controls were replicated three times. Separate and concurrent test
solutions of each herbicide were prepared as described above and stored in a freezer
overnight in the dark before being sent to Eurofins Agroscience Testing Pty Ltd, a

National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited laboratory for
verification of herbicide test concentrations by chemical analysis (LC–MS/MS).

3.3.3 Preservation, identification, and health classification of diatoms

At the end of the 48 h exposure period the diatoms were preserved with Lugol’s
solution and identified under an Olympus BX50 light microscope (Olympus) at 400x
magnification. At least 300 diatom cells were identified per treatment level (100 per
replicate test vial), which was sufficient to capture the dominant taxa within the
community. Each cell was identified to the lowest taxonomic group possible using
various taxonomic keys (Cox, 1996; Gell et al., 1999; Sonneman et al., 2000). The
health status of each cell identified was recorded as either ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’ by
visual inspection of the cells as per Wood et al. (2014); intact cells with chloroplasts
present were regarded as healthy, whereas empty, broken, misshaped or cells with
abnormal cell contents were considered unhealthy. This method, while it permits the
health of cells to be assessed, generally does not permit verification of species level
identification of diatoms, which requires cleaning of benthic samples and loss of cell
contents. Consequently, samples from the river water control groups at 0 h and 48 h
were sent for taxonomic identification to Dr. Jennie Fluin at the University of Adelaide
to verify identifications from live material. These samples were cleaned and mounted on
permanent slides for identification using an Olympus BH-2 (Olympus) light microscope
at 1000x magnification. The diatom species list can be found in Supplementary Table

3.3.4 Statistical analysis

A generalized linear model (GLM) was used to determine the statistical significance of
the effect of three factors on diatom health: concentration, mode of action and herbicide
nested within mode of action (hereafter herbicides (mode of action). The GLM also
tested the significance of two interaction terms: concentration * mode of action and
concentration * herbicides (mode of action). The three herbicide modes of action were;
PSII inhibitors (atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, tebuthiuron and diuron), auxinic
herbicides (MCPA and 2,4-D) and the EPSP synthase inhibitor (glyphosate). The GLM
was calculated using absolute binary health data (healthy vs. unhealthy) with logit link
function on a per taxon basis and compared the likelihood of cells being identified as

unhealthy depending on treatment. Herbicide concentration response of each taxon was
determined statistically in separate GLMs for each individual herbicide to compare the
health of cells at each exposure concentration (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) to that of the carrier
controls. GLM was also used to compare cell health between the start and end of the
experiment and to eliminate carrier effects.

The average response across herbicide treatments was used to rank the relative
sensitivity of the diatom taxa; this was calculated by subtracting the percentage of
healthy cells at each treatment concentration from the percentage of healthy cells in the
carrier control, and taking the mean of this difference between concentrations (50, 200,
500 μg L-1), for each herbicide on a per taxon basis. The EC10 and EC50 values were
calculated using probit analysis on health data (proportion of healthy cells per taxon)
with nominal herbicide concentrations (Finney, 1971). GLM and probit analysis were
computed using the IBM SPSS 21 statistical package (SPSS 21).

Community level effects on the benthic diatoms were assessed using a three factor
permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA). The PERMANOVA
assessed the effect of concentration, mode of action, herbicide (mode of action) and
their interactions with concentration effects (as per the GLMs design). PERMANOVA
and non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordination was created from
resemblance matrices of Bray–Curtis similarities in order to visualise the difference
between concentration treatments on the community. Community analysis was
conducted on untransformed health data (proportion of healthy cells per taxon) using
the PRIMER 6 software package (Clarke and Gorley, 2006). Taxa with <5% relative
abundance were excluded from the analysis.

3.4 Results

3.4.1 Herbicide analysis and health of diatoms in the controls

For all taxa, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between the carrier control,
the river water control (48 h) and the background control (0 h) indicating that there were
no carrier effects and the level of healthy cells did not change over the duration of the
test (Supplementary Table S2). Most taxa had levels of health in the controls above 47%
except for Eunotia cf. incisa, which had very low background health levels (>33.3%;
Supplementary Table S2).

The measured concentrations in the herbicide treatments deviated up to 16% from
nominal concentrations (50, 200, 500 μg L−1) except for diuron treatments, which was
38% less than the nominal concentrations (Supplementary Table S3). The following
results are presented in terms of nominal concentrations.

3.4.2 Herbicide concentration effects and the influence of herbicide mode of


There was a very strong effect of herbicide concentration (p < 0.005) on cell health for
all diatom taxa except Eunotia cf. incisa (Fig. 1, Supplementary Table S4). The effect
of herbicide mode of action on the health of diatom cells was statistically significant for
only G. gracile (p = 0.021). G. gracile was more sensitive to the PSII inhibitors
compared to the auxinic herbicides and the EPSP synthase inhibitor (Fig.1c). Within the
mode of action groups there was a difference between the individual herbicides effects
in two taxa; Gomphonema spp. (p = 0.041) and Ulnaria ulna (p = 0.025). There were no
significant interactions between concentration and mode of action for any taxa (p =
0.477– 0.998 see Supplementary Table S4), neither were there any interactions for
concentration and herbicide (mode of action) (p = 0.445–0.966), indicating that the
effects of concentration were consistent across the different modes of action and
herbicides within the modes of action.

Herbicide concentration response differed substantially between diatom taxa.

Gomphonema spp. and E. gracilis showed a significant decline in health compared to
that of the controls across all herbicides and concentrations (Fig. 1a and b) and had the
lowest EC50 values across all herbicides (Supplementary Tables S4 & S5). G. gracile
showed a significant decline (p < 0.05) in health with exposure to the PSII inhibiting
herbicides at some concentrations, however there was no significant response (p > 0.05)
to the herbicides MCPA, 2,4-D or glyphosate (Fig. 1c, Supplementary Table S6). The
health of U. ulna declined significantly (p < 0.05) with exposure to each of the
herbicides (Fig. 1d, Supplementary Table S7). Cymbella sp. displayed a decline in
health to most herbicides however this was significant (p < 0.05) only in atrazine,
hexazinone and diuron at 500 μg L−1 (Fig. 1e, Supplementary Table S8). There was no
apparent effect of herbicide concentration in Eunotia cf. incisa cells (Fig. 1g;
Supplemenary Table S9). However, due to the very low level of Eunotia cf. incisa
baseline health in the control treatments (Supplementary Table S2), it is difficult to

discern effects of herbicide concentration from controls (Fig. 1g). The health of
Achnanthidium minutissimum was not affected by most herbicides, the only significant
decline was after exposure to 2,4-D at the highest concentration treatment (Fig. 1f;
Supplementary Table S10). The health of Navicula cryptotenella cells were not affected
by any of the herbicides at the lowest concentration treatment (50 μg L−1) and only
showed a significant (p < 0.05) overall concentration response in two herbicides, diuron
and glyphosate (Fig. 1h; Supplementary Table S11). However, even after exposure to
500 μg L−1 diuron the proportion of healthy N. cryptotenella cells remained high (71%);
therefore N. cryptotenalla appears to be a relatively tolerant species regardless of

3.4.3 Relative sensitivity of the diatoms

The relative sensitivities of diatom taxa were similar between herbicides (Fig. 2).
Gomphonema spp. and E. gracilis were always the most sensitive taxa. G. gracile was
3rd most sensitive to the PSII inhibitors, but was ranked as relatively less sensitive to
non PSII herbicides (Fig. 2). U. ulna and Cymbella sp. had intermediate sensitivity
compared to other taxa. N. cryptotenella was always ranked among most tolerant of
diatom taxa. A. minutissium and Eunotia cf. incisa were relatively tolerant to all the
herbicides but their ranking was variable (Fig. 2).

3.4.4 Effects on the benthic diatom community

Herbicide concentration had a significant effect on the health of benthic diatoms at the
community level (p=0.001). The nMDS plot shows a distinct separation of the
community between control and herbicide concentration treatments (Supplementary
Figure S14). There was no effect of mode of action (p= 0.182) or herbicide (mode of
action) (p = 0.167). There was no interaction of effects; concentration effects were
consistent between modes of action (p = 0.287) and between herbicides (mode of
action) (p= 0.374).

Figure 3.1 Effect of eight herbicides on the health of diatom cells for each diatom taxon; a)
Gomphonema spp., b) E. gracilis, c) G. gracile, d) Cymbella sp., e) U. ulna, f) A. minutissimum,
g) E. cf. incisa and h) N. cryptotenella. Mean response of the carrier control is shown as a solid
horizontal line with 95% confidence intervals shown as dashed lines. Error bars represent
Standard Error (±SE). * Indicates statistically significant difference (p<0.05) from carrier
control using GLM analysis.

Figure 3.1 (Continued)

Figure 3.2 Ranking of the diatom taxa based on the mean change in proportion of healthy cells
across all test concentrations (50, 200, 500 μg L−1) relative to controls for eight herbicides:
atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, tebuthiuron, diuron, MCPA, 2,4-D, and glyphosate. The greater
difference from controls corresponds with the most sensitive taxa.

3.5 Discussion

We assessed the response of benthic diatoms to eight different herbicides commonly

found as contaminants in rivers within the GBR catchment area, North Queensland,
Australia (Lewis et al., 2009). The eight herbicides chosen account for a vast majority
of the herbicide load in the region, with the PSII inhibitors atrazine and diuron together
accounting for approximately 90% of the measured loads within rivers of the GBR
catchment area (Davis et al., 2012). The diatom community showed a significant
response to herbicide concentration, and the effects of concentration were consistent
between the eight different herbicides. We found evidence of an influence of mode of
action on diatom health in just one taxon, Gomphonema gracile. There was also a
difference in the effect of the different herbicides within modes of action in two taxa: G.
spp and Ulnaria ulna. Whilst specific herbicide or mode of action is important for some
taxa, these taxa are in the minority and there were no effects of mode of action or
different herbicides at the community level. These taxa were a representative
assemblage from our study site rather than a sample of species selected for standard
toxicity testing. The relative sensitivities of the dominant diatoms in our community
was consistent between eight common herbicides including three differing herbicidal
modes of action and is not likely to be altered by different combinations of these
herbicides at the concentrations tested.

Gomphonema gracile was the only taxon differentially affected by herbicide mode of
action, with increased sensitivity to the PSII herbicides compared to the other modes of
action. Other studies have reported that the PSII inhibitors are more phytotoxic to
diatoms than herbicides with other modes of action (Larras et al., 2012) and diuron is
reported as the most toxic of the PSII inhibitors (Magnusson et al., 2010). However, our
study found that despite the different toxicities of the herbicides, the relative
sensitivities of the majority of diatom taxa within this benthic community were retained.
The most sensitive diatom taxa - Gomphonema spp. (consisting of G. parvulum and G.
minutum) and Encyonema gracilis - showed significant declines in health to all
herbicides. At the lowest exposure concentrations in the study, 50 μg L-1, only these two
most sensitive taxa showed a significant decline in health. At 200 μg L-1, Ulnaria ulna
and Gomphonema gracile also declined in health, although for G. gracile this was only
the case for the PSII herbicides. In contrast, the tolerant taxa Navicula cryptotenella and

Achnanthidium minutissimum were relatively unaffected by herbicide exposure at any
concentration used.

Our results demonstrate that the highest herbicide concentrations detected in the study
region are likely to have adverse impacts on benthic diatoms. The ECx values
calculated in the current study show that the most sensitive taxon; G. spp. (EC10 ≤ 5 μg
L-1 for all eight herbicides) could be affected by elevated concentrations of herbicides
detected in polluted rivers of the study region (O’Brien et al., 2016). Peak
concentrations of atrazine recorded during flooding events in the GBR catchment area
often exceed 10 μg L-1 and reach up to 27 μg L-1, whilst peak concentrations of diuron
reached 8.5 μg L-1 and 2,4-D peaked at 9.5 μg L-1 (Davis et al., 2013). In a single
flooding event the mixture of PSII herbicides in river water at the most polluted sites
can result in much higher mixture toxicities; with calculated atrazine equivalent
concentrations up to 807 μg L-1 (Smith et al., 2012). The EC50 values calculated in the
current study ranged from 44 μg L-1 to >500 μg L-1 which is quite high for the most
sensitive freshwater benthic diatom taxa compared to that of other studies (Larras et al.,
2012; Magnusson et al., 2010; Roubeix et al., 2011b), although these studies used other
end-points and exposure durations making comparisons problematic.

Our results are similar to that of other studies on diatoms with herbicide sensitivity
varying greatly between individual diatom taxa, and the consistency of these results
between herbicides emphasises their suitability as ecological indicators of herbicide
toxicity in rivers (Larras et al., 2012; Roubeix et al., 2011b). Larras et al. (2012)
conducted a study on 11 benthic diatom species and found that relative sensitivity was
similar between the PSII herbicides diuron, terbutryn, isoproturon and atrazine, but
differed for metolachlor, an inhibitor of long chain fatty acids. Species sensitivity
distributions (SSD) showed that the motile diatom species, such as Craticula accomoda,
Eolimna minima, Mayamaea fossalis and Nitzschia palea were most tolerant regardless
of herbicide type (Larras et al., 2012). This may suggest a general trend in diatom
sensitivity exists, perhaps related to phylogeny (Larras et al., 2014a). However, the
Gomphonema taxa in the current study showed different sensitivities; Gomphonema
spp. was relatively more sensitive than Gomphonema gracile to all herbicides tested.
We note that Gomphonema spp. consisted of G. parvulum and G. minutum, in similar
proportions (Supplementary Table S1). Other studies have reported that G. parvulum is

a relatively tolerant taxon (Larras et al., 2012; Pérès et al., 1996). Therefore, it is
possible that the contribution of G. minutum to Gomphonema spp. in the current study is
resulting in a more sensitive taxon than if we had been able to assess the health of G.
parvulum and G. minutum separately. This raises the question whether genus level
identification of diatom taxa would reduce the diagnostic capabilities of a diatom-based
index for herbicide pollution. In the case of the community we studied, it would not
significantly alter the relative sensitivity of the taxa within the community as the
relative sensitivities of both Gomphonema spp. and G. gracile within this community
were both more sensitive relative to the most tolerant taxon in the study, Navicula
cryptotenella. Nevertheless, the intra-genus variation highlights the possibility that,
depending on the dominant species present within the benthic community, the relative
ranking of diatoms classified at the genus level could differ. This highlights the need for
sensitivity data to be determined for a wide range of benthic diatom taxa that can lead to
a better understanding of their relative sensitivities in natural communities (Roubeix et
al., 2011b).

Some studies have highlighted the relationship between trophic mode of diatoms and
tolerance to PSII herbicides (Debenest et al., 2009; Larras et al., 2012; Pérès et al.,
1996). These studies suggest that the capability of some species of diatoms to obtain
energy from alternate sources by switching their trophic mode from autotroph to
heterotroph, allows them to cope with reduced photosynthetic efficiency, thereby
making them more tolerant to PSII inhibitors. Heterotrophy is common in many
Navicula species and they are one of the most herbicide tolerant taxa in the current
study and also in others (Guasch et al., 1998; Larras et al., 2012; Ricart et al., 2009;
Schmitt-Jansen and Altenburger, 2005). However, the heterotrophic capabilities of
diatoms vary greatly between taxa and biological data on this trait are limited (Hellebust
and Lewin, 1977). More information would be needed for both heterotrophy traits and
sensitivity in order to establish whether heterotrophy can be used to infer herbicide
tolerance in benthic diatom taxa.

In conclusion, herbicide mode of action did not alter the response of benthic diatoms at
the community level. We observed a trend in relative herbicide sensitivity of the diatom
taxa that was similar across herbicides with differing modes of action. The herbicidal
mode of action did not change which benthic diatom taxa were most sensitive, but did

alter the sensitivity of one taxon in this study, G. gracile. The taxa most sensitive to
herbicide toxicity were Gomphonema spp. and Encyonema gracilis, whilst the most
tolerant was Navicula cryptotenella. The current study tested diatoms collected in situ to
investigate the response of benthic diatoms to herbicides within an actual riverine
community. The response of benthic diatoms to herbicide toxicity in the field could also
be influenced by environmental factors such as light (Wood et al., 2016a), temperature
(Larras et al., 2013a), flow regime (Villeneuve et al., 2011) and nutrient inputs (Guasch
et al., 1998; Morin et al., 2015) and warrants further investigation. The sensitivity data
produced is highly relevant to understanding the response of diatoms to herbicide
exposure in the field and enhances knowledge of how individual diatom taxa respond to
herbicides within complex biofilm communities. This data could contribute to the
development of a diatom based biomonitoring index similar to the SPEAR index (Liess
and Ohe, 2005) which uses macroinvertebrates as indicators of pesticide toxicity by
calculating changes in the proportion of sensitive taxa in the community. The
consistency of the results across the herbicides tested in the current study shows that
freshwater benthic diatoms are a promising bioindicator for herbicide toxicity in rivers,
including herbicides of differing modes of action.

Supplementary data

Supplementary data for Chapter 3 in available in Appendix B.

Chapter 4 The influence of reduced light intensity on the response
of benthic diatoms to herbicide exposure

Manuscript published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

15 June 2016

Turbid conditions in Barratta Creek, QLD, Australia.

4.1 Abstract

Herbicide pollution events in aquatic ecosystems often co-occur with increased turbidity
and reduced light intensity. It is therefore important to determine whether reduced light
intensity can influence herbicide toxicity, especially to primary producers such as
benthic diatoms. Benthic diatoms collected from four rivers were exposed to herbicides
in 48 h rapid toxicity tests under high light (100 μmol m-2 s-1) and low light (20 μmol m-
s-1) intensities. The effects of two herbicides (atrazine and glyphosate) were assessed
on 26 freshwater benthic diatom taxa. There was no significant interaction of light and
herbicide effects at the community level or on the majority (22 of 26) of benthic diatom
taxa. This indicates that low light levels will likely have only a minor influence on the
response of benthic diatoms to herbicides.

4.2 Introduction

Benthic diatoms are key primary producers in aquatic ecosystems and are ecologically
important as the base of the food web (Roubeix et al., 2011a). Herbicide pollution is
frequently detected in rivers, estuaries and in coastal plumes as a result of diffuse
agricultural run-off (Davis et al., 2013) including waterways draining into the Great
Barrier Reef (Lewis et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2012). Phototrophic organisms such as
freshwater benthic diatoms can be sensitive to herbicides, showing reduced growth and
altered community structure in response to herbicide exposure (Debenest et al., 2009;
Guasch et al., 1998; Roubeix et al., 2010). Monitoring the changes in the benthic diatom
community may be a way to assess the ecological effects of herbicides in aquatic
ecosystems as benthic diatoms are quick to respond to changes in environmental
conditions (Rimet and Bouchez, 2011). Identifying which species are at risk of
herbicide toxicity is an important step towards linking community compositional
changes to herbicide impacts in the field (Larras et al., 2014a). In order to predict how
the benthic diatom community will respond to herbicide pollution events, more
information on the sensitivity of individual benthic diatom species to herbicides is
required (Roubeix et al., 2011b). Additionally, there are numerous environmental
factors that have the potential to alter the response of benthic diatoms to herbicide
exposure, for example temperature (Larras et al., 2013a), grazing pressure (Muñoz et
al., 2001), nutrients and light (Guasch et al., 1998; Guasch and Sabater, 1998).

Agricultural run-off is associated not only with herbicide delivery to rivers but also
increased turbidity, therefore peak herbicide concentrations could co-occur with
reduced light intensities (Dorigo et al., 2004; Kroon et al., 2012; Oliver et al., 2010). It
is therefore important to understand the combined effects of low light intensities and
herbicide exposure to freshwater benthic diatoms. Light is a major determinant of
primary production and benthic community composition (Lange et al., 2011).
Photoinhibition under high light intensity or growth limitation under low light intensity
can be a stressor that may influence the subsequent ability of benthic diatoms to tolerate
additional stress events such as herbicide exposure (Bonnineau et al., 2012). Moreover,
many common agricultural herbicides are photosystem II (PSII) inhibiting, which act by
halting photosynthetic reactions (Rutherford and Krieger-Liszkay, 2001). Since the
mode of action of PSII herbicides is light dependent, low light conditions during

exposure may decrease the sensitivity of phototrophs (Brain et al., 2012b). Studies are
needed to elucidate the influence of light and herbicide effects, their potential
interactive effects and to determine whether these may alter the sensitivity of individual
taxa within the benthic diatom community.

In this study natural benthic diatom assemblages collected from four rivers were
exposed to two commonly used herbicides (atrazine and glyphosate) in 48 h rapid
toxicity tests, under two experimental light intensities; high light (100 μmol m-2 s-1) and
low light (20 μmol m-2 s-1). The two herbicides have different modes of action; atrazine
is a PSII inhibitor and glyphosate inhibits EPSP synthase. The purpose of this study was
to determine 1) if there was an interaction between herbicide effects and light intensity
on diatom cell health in a range of freshwater benthic taxa, 2) whether relative herbicide
sensitivity of the diatom taxa within the exposed communities is altered when exposed
under different light intensities, 3) whether interactions differed between herbicides
with different modes of action, and 4) if there was an interaction between light and
herbicide effects at the community level. We hypothesized that there would be an
interaction between light intensity and herbicide effects for the PSII inhibitor, atrazine,
but not the non-PSII inhibitor, glyphosate.

4.3 Materials and Methods

4.3.1 Study sites and benthic diatom collection

Natural benthic diatom communities were collected from four rivers that drain into the
Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA); Alligator Creek (19°25.777’S,
146°56.599’E), Barratta Creek (19°42.416’S, 147°08.850’E), Liverpool Creek
(17°43.432’S, 145°55.999’E) and Gowrie Creek (18°26.856’S, 145°50.873’E). These
sites represent a continuum of herbicide exposure from minimal (Alligator), to moderate
(Liverpool and Gowrie), to high (Barratta) (Davis et al., 2012; Davis et al., 2013; Kroon
et al., 2012; Lewis et al., 2009), so as to include diatom communities with different
levels of prior herbicide exposure. Collections occurred between 24th October and 5th
November 2012. The sites are very similar in light conditions (Supplementary Table
S1) and at all sites the water was clear at the time of diatom collection. Benthic diatoms
were obtained by scrubbing rocky substrates with soft bristled brushes into a composite
site sample from a 20m reach of river bed, as per Wood et al. (2014). Samples were

stored at a water temperature similar to that of the collection site and transported to the
laboratory for rapid toxicity tests.

4.3.2 Rapid toxicity tests

On arrival at the laboratory, diatoms were acclimatized to controlled laboratory

temperature conditions for one hour (24 ± 2 °C at 20 μmol m-2 s-1 ±10%), after which
the toxicity tests commenced. The experimental details of the rapid toxicity tests are
described in Wood et al. (2014) and thus will be only summarised here. Exposure of diatoms

The benthic diatom communities collected from each site were exposed to herbicides in
separate concurrent rapid toxicity tests. The detached benthic diatoms were
homogenised by gentle shaking and 1 mL was pipetted into 30mL glass test vials and
made up to a final volume of 10 mL with river water spiked with a predetermined
herbicide concentration. In the first set of tests, diatoms from Alligator Creek and
Barratta Creek were exposed to nominal concentrations of 50, 200 and 500 μg L-1 of
either atrazine or glyphosate. In the second set of tests, diatoms from Gowrie Creek and
Liverpool Creek were exposed to only atrazine at nominal concentrations of 20, 50, 200
and 500 μg L-1. These concentrations (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1) were shown to elicit a
response in the sensitive taxa (Wood et al., 2014). We sought to determine the relative
sensitivities of a number of taxa within the benthic community. The fact that some taxa
remained unaffected at the concentrations used, while others were affected at the lowest
concentration tested, shows that the concentrations used were appropriate for this aim.
Additionally, these concentrations are environmentally realistic in creeks flowing
through the region; concentrations of 27 μg L-1 atrazine have been recorded at the
polluted Barratta Creek (Davis et al., 2013) with a mixture toxicity calculated for PSII
herbicides at up to 807 μg L-1 (atrazine equivalent concentration) (Smith et al., 2012).
The diatoms were exposed under two experimental light regimes; low light intensity at
20 μmol m-2 s-1 (±10%) or high light intensity at 100 µmol m-2 s-1 (±10%) for 48 hours
with a 12 hour light:dark cycle. These light intensities were chosen to represent below
(i.e. 20 μmol m-2 s-1) and above or near optimal (i.e. 100 µmol m-2 s-1) light intensities
for most benthic diatom species reported in literature (Admiraal, 1976; Tuji, 2000).
These light intensities were consistent with intensities measured in the field, which

predominantly occurred in partly to fully shaded conditions (Supplemental Data, Table
S1). Peak herbicide concentrations in rivers typically occur following rainfall when
turbidity is elevated and sunlight is reduced due to cloud cover. So the highest observed
light conditions on the day of sampling (fine weather) are unlikely to occur during peak
herbicide exposure in these rivers. Therefore we have tested the diatoms at two light
levels; optimal light levels for benthic diatoms (high light) and at sub-optimal light
levels (low light). The lighting conditions in the laboratory were achieved with lamps
(Pierlite 36W/ 840 4000k) suspended at various heights above the bench to provide the
required light intensity. Light intensity was measured in air just above the test
containers using a PAR meter (LI-190 Quantum Sensor). Preparation of herbicide solutions

Analytical grade atrazine and glyphosate (99% pure) Pestanal brand products were
sourced from Sigma Aldrich. Stock solutions were prepared by dissolving atrazine in 10
mL 99% ethanol. Glyphosate was dissolved in 10 mL river water. Nominal
concentrations (20, 50, 200 and 500 μg L-1) of each herbicide were prepared by diluting
appropriate volumes of stock solution of each herbicide with river water. Three control
treatments (no herbicide) were prepared: (1) a river water control at the start of the test
(0 h); and two at the end of the test period (48 h): (2) a river water only control; (3) and
a carrier control (river water + 0.05% ethanol). The 0 h control treatment was required
to assess the background health of the field collected diatom community (as naturally
there can be many dead or unhealthy cells) and the carrier control was to determine if
the concentration of the carrier used (ethanol) was having an effect (Wood et al., 2014).
In each case the river water used was the water from the study site collected with the
diatoms. This ensured that the measures of diatom sensitivity to the herbicides were for
exposure in environmentally realistic water. The physico-chemical parameters of each
site are reported in Supplemental Data, Table S2. All herbicide and control treatments
were replicated three times and 48 h treatments and controls were placed in each
experimental light intensity (high and low) in an orthogonal design. Test solutions of
each herbicide concentration were sent to Eurofins Agroscience Testing Pty Ltd, a
National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited laboratory, for
chemical analysis (LC–MS/MS) to determine the accuracy of their respective nominal

4.3.3 Preservation, identification and health status of diatoms

Diatoms were preserved with Lugol’s solution at the end of the 48 h exposure period.
Diatoms were identified under an Olympus BX50 light microscope (Olympus) at 400x
magnification to the lowest possible taxonomic level using the keys of Cox (1996), Gell
et al. (1999) and Sonneman et al. (2000). Each identified cell was classified as either
“unhealthy” if the cell was empty or broken or the chloroplasts were abnormal or
otherwise “healthy” if the integrity of the cell wall and its contents are intact (as per
Wood et al. (2014), see Supplemental Data, Table S3 for examples). Diatom cells
smaller than 10 μm in length were excluded from analysis due the difficulty of
identification and health classification. Achnanthidium minutissimum was the only
taxon occurring at > 5% relative abundance that could not be assessed due to its size.
The preservation with Lugol’s solution which permits observations of the cells’ health
typically does not allow for species level identification, although this was possible for
some taxa. So samples from the 0 h control were cleaned and mounted on permanent
slides for identification using an Olympus BH-2 light microscope at 1000x
magnification by Dr Jennie Fluin, University of Adelaide. Genus level identifications
from live material that were confirmed to be monospecific (sp.) were distinguished from
genera that included multiple species that were indistinguishable (spp.). The complete
species list is given in Supplemental Data, Table S4.

4.3.4 Statistical analysis

As no taxon was present at multiple sites in sufficient numbers, the data from each site
were analysed separately. We used a generalized linear model (GLM) to assess the
effects of herbicide concentration and light intensity and also the interaction of these
two factors on cell health on a per taxon basis. The two herbicides (atrazine/glyphosate)
were analysed separately using binary health data (healthy vs. unhealthy) with a logit
link function. Treatments were compared to the control parameter (48 h) corresponding
to the same light intensity and herbicide carrier medium used: glyphosate treatments
(river water only control) and atrazine treatments (river water + 0.05% ethanol control).
Where there was a significant overall concentration response a further GLM analysis
was conducted on each herbicide and light factor individually to determine at which
concentration the effect was significant. The health of the diatom taxa in each of the
control treatments was also compared using GLM to assess their health at the end of the

test period (48 h) and to eliminate solvent effects (carrier control) compared to that of
the controls at the beginning of the test (0 h). GLM analysis and graphs were computed
using the SPSS 18 statistical package.

We have treated the controls separately as we had different controls for atrazine (due to
atrazine requiring a carrier to increase its solubility), whereas glyphosate did not (river
water only). While combining the controls would increase the statistical power of the
tests, it would not account for (any) effect of the carrier. The results were also analysed
with controls combined (river water and ethanol) and this resulted in 3 (not 4) taxa with
significant interactions between light and concentration effects. This was due to a
marginally significant result changing to a non-significant response for Gomphonema
clevei. Regardless of how the controls are treated, it did not change the overall
conclusion. Given that it produces an even more conservative result (in terms that there
were more taxa with interactions), the results are reported with separate control
treatments for glyphosate (river water control) and atrazine (ethanol control).

Community level effects were analysed using PERMANOVA to assess the effect of
herbicide concentration, light intensity and their interaction on the benthic diatom
communities. Community analysis was calculated using untransformed health data
(proportion of cells per taxon), with each study site treated separately and each
herbicide analysed separately. Taxa with <5% relative abundance were excluded from
the analysis. Pairwise PERMANOVA tests were used to test within factors
(concentration) to see which treatments were significantly different. Community
compositional analysis was conducted using the PRIMER 6 software package (Clarke
and Gorley, 2006).

4.4 Results

4.4.1 Measured herbicides in test treatments

The measured concentrations of atrazine in the test solutions were always within 18% of
nominal concentrations (mean of 8.75 %); however, the glyphosate concentrations in
the test solutions were up to 46% greater than that of nominal concentrations (mean of
30.75 %) (see Supplemental Data, Table S5).

4.4.2 Background health among control groups and measured herbicide

concentrations in test solutions

The health of diatoms was consistent between control treatments for most taxa (see
Supplemental Data, Table S6). There were no significant effects of the solvent carrier
on all taxa tested. Higher health status in the control at 48 h compared to that at the
beginning of the test were recorded for Gomphonema gracile, Gomphonema clevei and
Fragillaria sp. (Gowrie Ck and Liverpool Ck). The health of Ulnaria ulna (Barratta Ck)
varied over time and treatment. Some taxa had low percentages of health in all controls
(<30% healthy); viz. Cymbella sp., Cymbella aspera, Encyconema sp., Epithemia
adanata and Ulnaria ulna (Alligator Ck), due to their low health status at the time of
field collection (0 h).

4.4.3 Light and herbicide effects in diatom taxa

The effect of herbicide concentration on cell health was significant (p<0.05) for 15 out
of 26 taxa from the four sites for atrazine, and 7 out of 16 taxa from two sites (Barratta
and Alligator Creeks) for glyphosate (Table 4.1). There was also an effect of light
intensity on the health of cells of Fragillaria sp. (Gowrie Ck), Navicula cf.
cryptotenella (Liverpool Ck) and Navicula cf. radiosa (Liverpool Ck) (Table 4.1). For
the majority of taxa there was no interaction between herbicide concentration and light
intensity on the health of diatoms cells (Table 4.1). This interaction occurred in 4 out of
26 taxa: Ulnaria ulna (Barratta Ck), Gomphonema clevei (Alligator Ck), Fragillaria sp.
(Liverpool Ck), and Navicula cf. cryptotenella (Liverpool Ck). For two of these taxa,
Ulnaria ulna and Gomphonema clevei, herbicide sensitivity was dependent on light
level in atrazine but not in glyphosate exposure. Glyphosate was not tested on taxa from
Gowrie and Liverpool Creek samples (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1 Effect of herbicide concentration, light intensity and their interaction on the cell
health of diatom taxa from each of the communities using GLM analysis.
Atrazine Glyphosate
Light Light
Taxa Conc. Level Interaction Conc. Level Interaction
Alligator Creek:
Adlafia cf. bryophila 0.461 0.925 0.717 0.451 0.994 0.094
Cymbella aspera 0.014 0.474 0.620 0.024 0.999 0.998
Epithemia cf. adanata 0.157 0.358 0.809 0.253 0.646 0.818
Epithemia cf. cistula <0.0001 0.609 0.708 <0.0001 0.512 0.392
Eunotia cf. minor 0.080 0.854 0.408 0.255 0.372 0.438
Gomphonema clevei <0.0001 0.284 0.036 0.001 0.075 0.812
Gomphonema gracile 0.008 0.482 0.594 0.131 0.717 0.376
Gomphonema truncatum <0.0001 0.064 0.650 0.003 0.075 0.346
Navicula cf. cryptotenella 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.858
Ulnaria ulna 0.004 0.122 0.743 <0.0001 0.128 0.213
Barratta Creek:
Mayamaea atomus 0.920 0.272 0.860 1.000 1.000 1.000
Melosira varians 0.007 0.064 0.644 0.498 0.999 0.850
Pleurosira sp. 0.010 0.220 0.751 0.041 0.924 0.088
Navicula cf. cryptocephala 0.984 0.999 0.913 0.979 0.999 0.784
Navicula schroeteri 0.810 0.726 0.754 0.608 0.853 0.895
Navicula cf. subtillissima 0.517 0.800 0.576 0.931 0.293 0.732
Ulnaria ulna <0.0001 0.100 <0.0001 0.001 0.067 0.161
Gowrie Creek:
Cocconeis placentula 0.017 0.605 0.706
Fragillaria sp. <0.0001 0.040 0.451
Gomphonema spp. <0.0001 0.440 0.050
Navicula cf. cryptocephala 0.294 0.999 0.583
Navicula cf. cryptotenella 0.958 0.999 0.884
Nitzschia paleaceae 0.116 0.126 0.135
Ulnaria ulna <0.0001 0.595 0.768
Liverpool Creek:
Cymbella sp. 0.967 0.999 0.990
Encyconema sp. 0.415 0.430 0.712
Fragillaria sp. 0.015 0.999 0.001
Gomphonema cf. minutum 0.173 0.999 0.842
Navicula cf. cryptotenella 0.277 0.001 0.020
Navicula cf. radiosa 0.919 0.034 0.421
Navicula cf.
rhynchocephala 0.999 1.000 0.646
Nitzschia paleaceae 0.990 1.000 1.000
Pinnularia viridus 0.099 1.000 0.756
Ulnaria ulna 0.001 0.570 0.320

The interaction of light and atrazine concentration led to Gomphonema clevei being
more sensitive to atrazine under low light intensity (Figure 4.1a). There was a
significant decline in healthy cells (p<0.05) after exposure to 200 and 500 μg L-1
atrazine under low light intensity; however, under high light intensity its response to
atrazine exposure was not significant (p>0.05) (Figure 4.1a). Conversely, the interaction
of effects on Ulnaria ulna led to greater sensitivity to atrazine under high light intensity,
with a significant decline (p<0.05) in healthy cells at all three concentrations of atrazine
under high light intensity (Figure 4.1b). In contrast, the percentage of healthy cells of
Fragillaria sp. and Navicula cf. cryptotenella increased under low concentrations of
atrazine exposure and high light intensity (Supplemental Data, Figures S7 & S8).
Despite the interaction effects of light intensity and herbicide on Navicula cf.
cryptotenella, there was no significant concentration response at low light intensity
(p>0.05), indicating that this taxon is relatively tolerant to herbicides.

4.4.4 Relative sensitivity of the diatom taxa

Taxa that were sensitive relative to other taxa (hereafter sensitive taxa) showed a
significant concentration response (p<0.05) to herbicide exposure while taxa tolerant
relative to other taxa tested (hereafter tolerant taxa) showed no such response. These
responses are exemplified by Epithemia cf. cistula (Alligator Ck) for the former and
Navicula schroeteri (Barratta Ck) for the latter (Figure 4.2a & b).

The diatom taxa were classified as either sensitive or tolerant based on their responses
to herbicide exposure in the rapid toxicity tests (Table 4.2). Individual responses of the
sensitive taxa can be found in the Supplemental Data, Figures S9-S16 and tolerant taxa
in Supplemental Data, Figures S17-S29. Some taxa could not be classified due to their
low health status in the control or inconsistent trends between treatment concentrations
(Supplemental Data, Figures S30-S36). Of the eight taxa classified as sensitive, six of
them were found at the relatively unpolluted site, Alligator Creek, which represented
67% of the classified taxa present (Table 4.2). Whereas, sites with a history of
agricultural activity and herbicide exposure had lower proportions of sensitive taxa;
Barratta Creek had 50% sensitive taxa, Liverpool had 44% and Gowrie had 43% (Table

Figure 4.1 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for two taxa; A. Gomphonema clevei from
Alligator Ck and B. Ulnaria ulna from Barratta Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or
glyphosate (50, 200 or 500 μg L-1), at low and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100
µmol m-2 s-1), compared to controls (shaded bars). * indicates statistical difference (p<0.05)
compared to controls in GLM analysis. The responses of other taxa are shown in Supplemental
Data, Figures S7-S36.

Figure 4.2 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for two taxa; A. Epithemia cf. cistula from
Alligator Ck and B. Navicula 57chroeterii from Barratta Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either
atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1
and 100 µmol m-2 s-1), compared to controls (shaded bars). * indicates statistical difference
(p<0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis. The responses of other taxa are shown in
Supplemental Data, Figures S7-S36.

Table 4.2 Classification of diatom taxa as sensitive or tolerant based on responses in rapid
toxicity tests to atrazine and glyphosate and occurrence of taxa from counts within control
communities at t=0 (Supplemental Data, Table S4). Sites listed in order of increasing herbicide
exposure of the collection site, from Alligator Creek (minimal), Liverpool and Gowrie Creeks
(moderate) to Barratta Creek (high).

Diatom Taxon Tolerant/ Alligator Liverpool Gowrie Barratta

Sensitive Creek Creek Creek Creek

Adlafia aff. bryophila T x

Cymbella aspera S x

Epithemia adnata T x

Epithemia cistula S x

Gomphonema clevei S x x

Gomphonema gracile S x x

Gomphonema minutum S x x x

Gomphonema parvulum S x x x

Gomphonema truncatum S x

Mayamaea atomus T x x x

Navicula cryptocephala T x x

Navicula cryptotenella T x x x

Navicula schroeterii T x

Navicula subtillissima T x

Navicula aff. rhynchocephala T x

Nitzschia paleaceae T x x

Pinnularia viridis T x

Ulnaria ulna S x x x x

Percentage of sensitive taxa: 67% 44% 43% 50%

Percentage of tolerant taxa: 33% 56% 57% 50%

4.4.5 Community level responses to atrazine and glyphosate exposure

There was no interaction between light and herbicide concentration at the community
level in any of the four benthic diatom communities tested in this study. The Alligator
Creek benthic diatom community was significantly affected by atrazine concentration
(p=0.001), whereas there was no effect of light (p=0.335) and no interaction between
these two parameters (p=0.440). The atrazine concentration effect was significant at all
atrazine concentration treatments compared to that of the controls (p=0.019, 0.001,
0.001 for 50, 200 and 500 μg L-1 respectively). Glyphosate concentration also had a
significant effect on community composition (p=0.002) at 200 μg L-1 (p= 0.007) and
500 μg L-1 (p=0.002). There was no difference between the communities at different
light intensities (p=0.213) and no interaction between light and glyphosate
concentration (p=0.420).

The diatom community from Barratta creek was affected by atrazine concentration at
500 μg L-1 (p=0.007), but not affected by light intensity (p=0.748) and there was no
interaction between these two parameters (p=0.385). The community was not
significantly affected by glyphosate concentration (p=0.123). However, there was an
effect of light intensity at the community level in the glyphosate treatments (p=0.028),
but no interaction between these two parameters (p=0.607).

The diatom community at Gowrie Creek was effected by atrazine concentration

(p=0.005) but not by light intensity (p=0.094) and there was no interaction between
these two parameters (p= 0.376). Atrazine effects were significant at 200 (p= 0.002) and
500 μg L-1 (p=0.004). There were no community level effects at Liverpool Creek due to
light intensity (p=0.084) or atrazine concentration (p=0.131), and there was no
significant interaction between these two parameters (p=0.884).

4.5 Discussion

4.5.1 Light effects and interactions with herbicide effects

For the majority of freshwater benthic diatom taxa in this study (22/26) and for the
entire community, light intensity did not affect herbicide toxicity. In most cases the
health of the diatoms after herbicide exposure was not altered by either high light (100
μmol m-2 s-1) or low light (20 μmol m-2 s-1) intensities. There was a significant
interaction between light intensity and herbicide toxicity in only 4 out of 26 diatom
taxa. Ulnaria ulna (Barratta Ck) was more sensitive to atrazine under high light
intensity, whereas Gomphonema clevei (Alligator Creek) was more sensitive to atrazine
under low light intensity. For Fragillaria sp. (Liverpool Creek) and Navicula cf.
cryptotenella (Liverpool Creek) the interaction of low concentrations of atrazine and
high light intensity was favourable to cell health. However, in no case did sensitive taxa
become tolerant, or vice versa when exposed to herbicides under lowered light intensity.

Light and herbicide interactions in individual taxa were observed only for atrazine the
PSII herbicide, but not glyphosate the EPSP synthase inhibitor. This may be attributed
to the mechanism of toxicity of atrazine, which directly targets the light reactions that
occur during photosynthesis (Brain et al., 2012b; Millie et al., 1992). The toxicity of
PSII herbicides such as atrazine require light (Rutherford and Krieger-Liszkay, 2001)
and it has been shown that atrazine can be less effective under low light intensities
(Brain et al., 2012b). Interestingly, we found that sensitivity to atrazine decreased in
Ulnaria ulna, but increased in Gomphonema clevei under low light intensity. Increased
sensitivity to atrazine under low light intensity was also observed in the marine diatom
Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Mayasich et al., 1986). Deblois et al. (2013) found that the
planktonic diatoms Fragilaria crotonensis and Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima
were more sensitive to atrazine under low light intensity after acclimation to low light
conditions, whereas the opposite trend was observed when acclimated to high light
intensity. Studies on green algae report increasing atrazine sensitivity under high light
intensity exposure (Deblois et al., 2013; Fischer et al., 2010; Mayasich et al., 1986).
The cellular and photoregulatory mechanisms responsible for these different
interactions between taxa are not well understood (Deblois et al., 2013; Fischer et al.,
2010). Indeed, the range of responses highlights the need to investigate interactions of
light intensity and herbicide toxicity at the individual, population and community levels.

4.5.2 Relative sensitivity of the diatom taxa and pollution history of the study

The various diatom taxa within the benthic communities differed in their responses to
herbicide exposure. Sensitive taxa showed significant declines in health, some in a dose
response manner, whilst other taxa were unaffected by herbicide exposure even at the
highest concentration treatment of 500μg L-1. Ten taxa were classified as tolerant to
herbicide exposure, and 8 taxa relatively sensitive to herbicides (Table 4.2). Of these, a
larger proportion of the sensitive taxa were found at the unpolluted Alligator Creek site
(67% sensitive taxa), compared to the other three sites with histories of agricultural
activity and herbicide pollution with lower proportions of sensitive taxa (44 - 50%
sensitive taxa). Liverpool Creek had the lowest proportion of sensitive taxa (44%) and
this community was also unaffected by atrazine exposure. The occurrence of
sensitive/tolerant taxa in field derived communities could be used to indicate herbicide
toxicity, for example in the development of a diatom based index of herbicide toxicity.
Changes in the distribution of particular traits within the community, such as herbicide
sensitivity, could be linked to herbicide impacts at a particular site. This approach is
applied by the SPEcies At Risk (SPEAR) index, which uses macroinvertebrates to
identify pesticide toxicity (mainly insecticides) (Liess and Ohe, 2005). The
development and assessment of a similar index using diatoms as indicators of herbicide
impacts should be the subject of further studies.

4.5.3 Community level responses

The response of diatoms to herbicide exposure at the community level also depended on
prior exposure histories of the sites. The diatom community at the reference site
(Alligator Creek) was the most sensitive to herbicide effects. It was the only site
affected by atrazine at all concentrations tested. There were also significant effects in
the Alligator Creek community at glyphosate concentrations of 200 μg L-1 and 500 μg
L-1. However, the community at the polluted site (Barratta Creek) was only affected by
atrazine at the highest concentration (500 μg L-1) and was not significantly affected by
glyphosate at the concentrations tested. The diatom community at the moderately
impacted Gowrie Creek site was also affected by atrazine concentrations at 200 μg L-1
and 500 μg L-1 and the Liverpool Creek community was not affected by atrazine at the
concentrations tested. The communities at the sites with a history of herbicide

contamination and intense agricultural impacts were more tolerant to herbicide effects.
Prior herbicide exposure can lead to toxicant induced succession (TIS), where exposed
communities exhibit a shift in community composition towards more tolerant taxa
(Blanck, 2002; Schmitt-Jansen and Altenburger, 2005). This can result in communities
becoming more tolerant to subsequent toxicant exposures, or pollution induced
community tolerance (PICT) (Dorigo et al., 2010b; Magnusson et al., 2012). Whilst we
did not aim to investigate TIS or PICT, our findings are consistent with these concepts.

Our results show that there was little effect of reduced light intensity on the toxicity of
these two herbicides. The only effect of light intensity at the community level was at
Barratta Creek, which showed a significant difference between the high and low
intensity light treatments. There were no interactions between light and herbicide effects
at the community level at any of the sites. However, adaptations to environmental
conditions such as light intensity have been found to alter the sensitivity of periphyton
to herbicides resulting in changes in benthic diatom community composition
(Bonnineau et al., 2012; Guasch et al., 1997; Guasch and Sabater, 1998). The ability of
individual diatom taxa to adapt to light availability may influence their response to
herbicide exposure, especially in the case of PSII herbicides which act directly on
photosynthesis (Laviale et al., 2010). Indeed this may give motile benthic diatom taxa,
such as Navicula cryptotenella, a competitive advantage in situations where reduced
light and herbicide stress co-occur. Diatoms that are motile have the capability to avoid
stress and seek more favourable environmental conditions within the biofilm, therefore
light limitation is less of a problem (Passy, 2007). Whereas, the attached diatoms such
as Gomphonema truncatum, may be more impacted by the combined effects of reduced
light and herbicide toxicity. These differences in species traits and sensitivity may be
important in field situations where the additive toxicity of multiple PSII herbicides
results in high atrazine equivalent concentrations (Magnusson et al., 2010) and light
intensity regimes differ to that of a constant laboratory setting (Laviale et al., 2010).

4.6 Conclusions

Our experiments are designed to determine the influence of light intensity on the
relative sensitivity of benthic diatoms, not as a simulation of the influence of multiple
environmental stressors under field conditions. As we are measuring diatoms within
natural benthic communities inter-specific interactions could also indirectly affect the

responses of the diatom taxa. However, since we are measuring changes in the health of
diatom cells it is likely that the measured responses are at least partly the result of
physiological effects. We observed interactions between light and atrazine effects in
only a minority of taxa in this study. Despite the interaction of light and atrazine
exposure in a few taxa, our results indicate that the relative sensitivity of benthic
diatoms is not likely to be altered by reduced light intensity.

Community level responses to these two herbicides (atrazine and glyphosate) with
different modes of action were not light dependent. The toxic effects of the herbicides in
the benthic community differed between sites according to the prior pollution history of
the sites, with the reference site, Alligator Creek, being most sensitive. Our results show
that the influence of reduced light intensity during exposure is unlikely to change the
identification of which taxa are most sensitive to herbicides, nor to alter community
level responses to herbicide exposure. These findings are important for the use of
diatom-based indices of herbicide toxicity in biomonitoring and validate the use of these
experimental light intensities to identify the relative sensitivity of the benthic diatom
taxa within natural communities.

Supplemental data

The supplemental data for Chapter 4 available in Appendix C

Chapter 5 Chronic effects of atrazine exposure and recovery in
freshwater benthic diatoms from two communities with different
pollution histories.

Manuscript accepted for publication in Aquatic Toxicology

16th June 2017

Gomphonema truncatum

5.1 Abstract

Diffuse agricultural runoff into rivers can result in contamination with herbicides for
prolonged periods of time. Chronic exposure to herbicides has the potential to alter
toxic impacts in primary producers such as benthic diatoms. Determining how
individual diatom taxa respond to herbicide exposure over varied exposure durations is
essential for assessing herbicide impacts. This study investigated the responses of
various benthic diatom taxa and effects at the community level over 12 days of atrazine
exposure. Diatom communities were collected from two sites with differing exposure
histories; a relatively unpolluted site (Alligator Creek) and an agricultural stream
(Barratta Creek) known to be polluted by atrazine and other herbicides. Diatom
community composition and the proportion of healthy cells per taxon were assessed at
0, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days of atrazine exposure. Pollution history altered the response of
the diatom community to atrazine exposure. In the Alligator Creek diatom community
there was a shift in composition towards more tolerant taxa and the loss of sensitive
taxa in atrazine exposed treatments. The sensitive taxon (Gomphonema truncatum) was
consistently affected by atrazine toxicity. Conversely, the polluted Barratta Creek
diatom community was not strongly affected by atrazine exposure. Our study shows
that during chronic atrazine exposure some taxa demonstrated the ability to recover
despite initial toxicity response. Recovery could be an important trait for understanding
the ecological effect of herbicide exposure on diatom species in nature and in applied
circumstances such as biomonitoring indices.

5.2 Introduction

The contamination of aquatic ecosystems with herbicides is a major issue of concern in

agricultural regions worldwide. Herbicide pollution in rivers often occurs when high
concentration pulses enter waterways from agricultural runoff coinciding with high
rainfall events (Solomon et al., 1996). However, in the highly polluted Barratta Creek
peak concentrations of atrazine (12.3 μg L-1) occurred during periods of low flow
coinciding with the end of the sugar cane harvesting period and elevated concentrations
of herbicides continued for several continuous months of the year (O’Brien et al., 2016).
Additionally, low-level herbicide concentrations have been detected year round in other
rivers (Shaw et al., 2010; Smith et al., 2012). As a result, freshwater organisms are
likely to be exposed to herbicides under both acute and chronic exposure scenarios
(Dorigo et al., 2004; Smith et al., 2012). Both short and long term herbicide exposure
have the potential to alter the structure and function of primary producers such as
benthic diatom communities (Larras et al., 2012; Magnusson et al., 2008; Magnusson et
al., 2012; Ricart et al., 2009; Rimet and Bouchez, 2011). In order to assess potential
herbicide impacts it is essential to investigate the responses of individual diatom taxa as
well as the community to herbicides over a range of exposure durations.

Exposure to herbicides over different durations will likely alter the potential
physiological and ecological effects to the benthic diatom community (Gustavson et al.,
2003). Under short-term exposure (defined here as ≤ 96 hours) herbicide toxicity has
been shown to alter photosynthesis (Magnusson et al., 2010), growth (Larras et al.,
2012) and cell health (Wood et al., 2014; Wood et al., 2016a; Wood et al., 2016b) of
benthic diatoms. Whereas, longer exposure of diatoms to herbicides can result in
increased herbicide tolerance through physiological acclimation (Roubeix et al., 2011b;
Tiam et al., 2015) and taxa that are initially impaired may have the ability to recover
and subsequently outcompete others that are slower to, or cannot, recover (Carder and
Hoagland, 1998; Magnusson et al., 2008; Magnusson et al., 2012). Alternatively, cells
which do not develop tolerance to herbicide exposure can become affected with
subsequent exposure as stress from the herbicide builds up (Nelson et al., 1999).
Freshwater benthic diatoms have doubling rates of approximately 0.1 – 2.2 d-1
(Admiraal, 1976; Gould and Gallagher, 1990) and longer exposure periods will involve
multi-generational exposure, which can increase toxicity (Kefford et al., 2008; Rose et

al., 2002). Multigenerational exposure can also lead to the selection of better adapted
individuals, resulting in genetic adaptation, which leads to increased tolerance and in
turn resistance (Stachowski-Haberkorn et al., 2013). At the community level, herbicide
exposure can exert a selective pressure that results in the dominance of more tolerant
taxa to the detriment of sensitive taxa (Blanck, 2002). This compositional shift can alter
sensitivity at the community level resulting in increased pollution tolerant communities
(Magnusson et al., 2012; Pesce et al., 2010; Tlili et al., 2011). Establishing how
herbicide exposure duration affects freshwater diatoms and whether the same taxa that
are sensitive to short-term exposure are also similarly affected by longer exposure
durations is critical in understanding the effects of herbicides on the benthic diatom

The current study investigated the response of freshwater benthic diatoms within natural
diatom communities to the photosystem II (PSII) inhibiting herbicide atrazine, over 12
day continuous exposure laboratory experiments. Diatom communities were collected
from two locations with differing pollution histories; Alligator Creek, a relatively
unpolluted reference site, and Barratta Creek, an agriculturally impacted stream known
to be polluted by herbicides, including atrazine and other PSII herbicides (Davis et al.,
2008; O’Brien et al., 2016). Within these benthic communities the number of healthy
diatom cells per taxon was assessed on day 0 (prior to exposure), 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 of
atrazine exposure. The aim was to determine whether exposure duration alters the effect
of atrazine on specific diatom taxa and to identify taxa capable of recovery in the
presence of atrazine. Additionally, we assessed chronic effects at the community level
using changes in species composition and relative abundance.

5.3 Materials and Methods

5.3.1 Study sites and diatom collection

Benthic diatoms were collected from Alligator Creek and Barratta Creek on the 24th of
October 2012. These rivers flow into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP), a
World Heritage listed area. The GBRMP catchment covers 424,000 km2 and includes
35 smaller coastal catchments of which these rivers are included. The collection sites
are located in the dry tropical climatic region approximately 30km (Alligator) and 70km
(Barratta) south west of Townsville, Queensland, Australia.

Alligator Creek originates in Bowling Green Bay National Park and flows through the
Ramsar listed wetland, Bowling Green Bay (ANCA, 2001). Diatom samples were
collected from a sampling site (19°25.777’S, 146°56.599’E) in the upper catchment of
the river at the base of the National Park, with no agricultural activity upstream. The
river is approximately 8 metres wide with mostly large cobbles, boulders and bedrock
substrate. The upstream and surrounding vegetation is dense eucalypt forest and
rainforest. There is only recreational activities upstream of the sampling location,
therefore herbicide impacts at the collection site are considered negligible (Lewis et al.,

Barratta Creek is located in the lower Burdekin River region, an agricultural district
supporting extensive sugarcane farming (Davis et al., 2008). Barratta Creek also drains
into Bowling Green Bay, a wetland listed in Australia’s National Directory of Important
Wetlands and a Ramsar wetland of international significance (ANCA, 2001). The
collection location (19°42.416’S, 147°08.850’E) is situated in the upper Barratta Creek
catchment, with predominantly agricultural land uses upstream (grazing, mixed
horticulture and sugarcane) (Davis et al., 2008). The collection site has a narrow
sparsely vegetated corridor of small eucalypt trees and grasses on either side of the
approximately 5 metre wide river channel comprising a rocky substrate with gravel and
sand embankments. This location is highly impacted by agricultural herbicides such as
atrazine, diuron, hexazinone 2,4-D and MCPA, which are used in the sugarcane
industry (Davis et al., 2008; Davis et al., 2012). Concentrations of the PSII herbicides,
atrazine and diuron exceeded the ecological protection guidelines for several continuous
months of the year, with maximum recorded concentrations of 12.3 μg L-1 atrazine and
12.8 μg L-1 diuron (O’Brien et al., 2016). Mixtures of multiple PSII herbicides are
frequently detected at Barratta Creek and their toxic effects to primary producers such
as benthic diatoms have been shown to be additive (Magnusson et al., 2010). The
mixture toxicity of PSII herbicides has been estimated by calculating the toxic
equivalency quotient (TEQ) which adds the concentrations of PSII inhibitors in a
mixture after applying a toxic equivalency factor (TEF) based on the response of the
freshwater alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa (TEQCP). The estimated toxicity of PSII
herbicide mixtures at Barratta Creek has exceeded the atrazine trigger value for
ecological protection (13 μg L-1) for 30 consecutive days (Smith et al., 2012) with a
maximum TEQCP atrazine equivalent concentration of 807 μg L-1. Therefore, the

potential toxicity of herbicide exposure in Barratta Creek at these high atrazine
equivalent concentrations should be examined.

The benthic diatoms were collected by scrubbing pebbles and cobbles from the bottom
of the riverbed with a soft bristled toothbrush to remove the attached diatoms. Rocky
substrates were sampled from various locations within an approximately 20 m reach of
river including riffles, pools and edge zones. The detached benthic diatoms were
washed into trays and pooled into a composite sample per site. These samples were
stored in the dark and transported directly to the laboratory at the same temperature as
that of the site water. Water quality conditions at the time of diatom collection are
summarised in Supplementary Table S1 and published information is available for
Barratta Creek coinciding with our study from that of O’Brien et al. (2016) and its
previous condition from Davis et al. (2008 and for Alligator Creek (Lewis et al., 2009).

5.3.2 Determination of atrazine concentrations at the sampling locations

Grab water samples were taken at each of the collection sites at the time of diatom
collection. The water was collected into solvent rinsed, 1 L amber glass bottles,
transported on ice and placed in a freezer overnight in the dark at 4°C before being sent
for measurement of atrazine concentrations by liquid chromatography tandem mass
spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) at Eurofins Agroscience Testing Pty Ltd.

Toxicity tests

The collecting, transport and toxicity testing of benthic diatoms followed the method
described in Wood et al. (2014), except that the test used in the current study was over a
longer duration (12 days rather than 2 days). The live benthic diatom samples were
allowed to acclimatise to conditions of the temperature-controlled laboratory for one
hour before commencement of the toxicity tests, which commenced within 3 hours of
diatom collection from the field. Two toxicity tests were conducted simultaneously with
diatoms collected from each site under the same experimental conditions. The toxicity
tests were conducted over 12 days at 24°C under a light intensity of 100 μmol m-2 s-1 on
a 12 h light/dark cycle. For the test treatments 1 mL subsamples of the benthic diatoms
were pipetted into 30 mL test vials with river water from the corresponding site to a
final volume of 10 mL. Herbicide exposure treatments were spiked with atrazine at
predetermined nominal concentrations of 50, 200 and 500 μg L-1. These concentrations

were shown to elicit a response in the sensitive taxa (Wood et al., 2014; Wood et al.,
2016a; Wood et al., 2016b) and despite being higher than the measured peak
concentrations of atrazine recorded at Barratta Creek (12.3 μg L-1), correspond with
estimated mixture toxicities of PSII herbicides frequently detected in the study region
(Smith et al., 2012). Atrazine stock solutions were prepared by dissolving analytical
grade atrazine (Pestanal) in 10 mL 99% ethanol. Two control treatments were prepared
for each site (no atrazine) that is river water controls (using water from the respective
collection sites) and carrier controls with 0.05 % ethanol in site water (final ethanol
concentration equal to the maximum concentration in the atrazine treatments). All
treatments were replicated three times on days 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 of the experiment in an
orthogonal design. An additional control treatment was prepared for each site at 0 h
using river water only to assess the health of the diatoms at the start of the experiment
prior to atrazine exposure. Test solutions of each herbicide concentration were sent to
Eurofins Agroscience Testing Pty Ltd a National Association of Testing Authorities
(NATA) accredited laboratory, for chemical analysis (LC–MS/MS) to determine the
accuracy of their respective nominal concentrations.

5.3.3 Preservation, identification and health classification of diatom cells

At the conclusion of each test period (0, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days) the diatoms in the test
vials were preserved with Lugol’s solution. The diatom cells in these samples were later
counted and identified under an Olympus BX50 (Olympus) light microscope at 400x
magnification to the lowest taxonomic level possible (mostly at species level) using the
taxonomic keys of Cox (1996), Gell et al. (1999) and Sonneman et al. (2000). At least
100 diatom cells per replicate sample were counted (300 cells per treatment). The
diatom cells were also classified as either “healthy” or “unhealthy” by visual inspection
of each cell; intact cells with chloroplasts present were regarded as healthy, whereas
empty, broken, misshapen cells or those with abnormal cell contents were considered
unhealthy (Wood et al., 2014). This method allows the health of cells at the time of
preservation to be assessed; however, it is not always possible to verify species level
identification of diatoms from live material. Consequently, preserved samples from the
day 0 control treatment from both Alligator Creek and Barratta Creek were also
analysed by Dr Jennie Fluin, University of Adelaide to verify the species level
identifications. These samples were cleaned and mounted on permanent slides for

identification using an Olympus BH-2 (Olympus) light microscope at 1000x
magnification. The full taxon list can be found in Supplementary Table S2.

5.3.4 Statistical analysis

The effect of atrazine on the number of healthy cells of the common diatom taxa was
assessed using a generalized linear model (GLM). GLM was calculated on
untransformed binary health data (healthy/unhealthy) using a logit link function. The
proportion of healthy cells in the ethanol controls was compared to that of the river
water controls using GLM to assess carrier effects; where no effect was detected they
were combined for further analysis and if effects were detected then the atrazine
treatments were compared to that of the ethanol controls in order to adjust for the carrier
effects. The control treatments were compared across days (0, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12) to check for
successional effects (changes in proportion of healthy cells overtime) in each taxon.
Atrazine toxicity effects were assessed using GLM on a per taxon basis each day, by
comparing atrazine treated groups (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) to that of the corresponding
control for that day to account for possible successional effects. The results were
represented graphically by calculating the percentage of healthy cells per taxon (number
of healthy cells/total cells counted). The GLMs were analysed in SPSS Statistics 22

Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) based on Bray-Curtis

similarities was used to assess the effect of atrazine concentration through time (2 factor
design) and the interaction of these factors on benthic diatom community composition.
A one factor PERMANOVA test was then performed to determine atrazine
concentration effects in the diatom community on each experimental day (2, 3, 6, 9 and
12). Homogeneity of multivariate dispersion test (PERMDISP) was performed to
determine whether the group dispersion (average distance to the group centroid)
differed across treatments and days. Untransformed relative abundance data for the
common diatom taxa (>5 % in at least one sample) were used for all community level
analysis. SIMPER analysis was used to determine the diatom taxa driving the
differences between the groups. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS)
ordination was performed using group centroids to visualise the trajectory of change
between benthic diatom communities across atrazine concentrations and time. All
multivariate analysis was performed using PRIMER v6 (Clarke and Gorley, 2006).

5.4 Results

5.4.1 Measured atrazine concentrations and control communities

The diatom communities present at the two study sites differed in their species
compositions. The community from Alligator Creek consisted of Gomphonema
truncatum (20%) and Gomphonema gracile (19%), Epithemia cf. cistula (18%) and
Gomphonema clevei (9%); whereas the Barratta Creek Community was dominated by
Ulnaria ulna (43%), followed by Pleurosira sp. (23%), Melosira varians (10%) and
Navicula schroeterii (9.3%) (see Supplementary Table S2 and Figures S2-S3).

The Barratta Creek river water sample had an atrazine concentration of 13 μg L-1, while
that of Alligator Creek water sample was below the detection limit (< 1 μg L-1). The
measured concentrations of atrazine in the Barratta Creek toxicity test treatments were
slightly higher than that of Alligator Creek due to the background levels of atrazine in
the site water; however, measured concentrations were within 18% of nominal
concentrations (mean of 9%) (Supplementary Table S1).

5.4.2 Community level responses to atrazine exposure

The response of the benthic diatom community to atrazine exposure differed through
time and between the two communities (Figure 5.1A & B). The diatom community
composition from Alligator Creek differed significantly between atrazine concentration
treatments (p = 0.001, Pseudo-F = 3.4), through time (p = 0.001, Pseudo-F = 4.8) and
their interaction (p = 0.003, Pseudo-F = 1.8). The multivariate dispersion between
samples differed with time (p = 0.001) but not between concentration treatments (p =
0.63) (Supplementary Figure S4). The change in trajectory of the Alligator Creek
diatom community composition through time and with atrazine exposure is illustrated in
the nMDS plot (Figure 5.1A). Atrazine effects within individual day groups were
significant at the end of the experiment, i.e., on day 12 overall (p = 0.014, Pseudo F =
2.0), and not on the other days (p > 0.05, Supplementary Table S3).

The Barratta Creek community differed significantly with time (p = 0.001, Pseudo-F =
21) and with atrazine concentration (p = 0.026, Pseudo-F = 1.8) and the two factors
showed a significant interaction (p = 0.025, Pseudo-F = 1.4). These results indicate that
time had a much stronger effect on the Barratta Creek benthic diatom community
compared to atrazine concentration (Pseudo-F of 21 versus 1.4). Community

compositional change followed a similar trajectory between the treatments over the 12
day exposure period (Figure 5.1B). The multivariate dispersion differed significantly
between days (p = 0.002) and between concentration treatments (p = 0.036); this can be
seen in the spread of samples in the nMDS plot (Supplementary Figure S1). The effect
of atrazine on the individual days was only slightly significant on day 2 (p = 0.043,
Supplementary Table S3) and not on the other days (p>0.05).

Changes in relative abundance of the dominant diatom taxa at Alligator Creek are
shown in Supplementary Figure S2. SIMPER analysis showed the diatom taxa that
contributed most to the differences between treatments in the Alligator Creek
Community (Supplementary Table S4). Gomphonema truncatum dominated the control
treatment communities increasing in abundance over the course of the experiment to
45% on day 12 (Table S4). Whereas in all atrazine treatments on day 12, Gomphonema
truncatum declined in relative abundance to just 1.7% at 50 μg L-1, 25% at 200 μg L-
and 15% at 500 μg L-1 (Supplementary Table S4). Cymbella aspera also declined in
relative abundance in the higher atrazine concentration treatments, 200 and 500 μg L-1
atrazine to 0.75% and 2.8%, respectively compared to that of the control treatment
(8.3%) on day 12. Navicula cryptotenella increased in relative abundance in atrazine
treatments, from control treatment levels of 7.0% to dominate the highest atrazine
concentration treatment of 500 μg L-1 at 31% on day 12 (Supplementary Table S4).

Within the Barratta Creek community, the relative abundance of Ulnaria ulna declined
in all treatments over the course of the experiment, from 43% on day 0 to 16% on day
12 (Supplementary Figure S3 and Table S5). Navicula cryptocephala was the dominant
taxon by the end of the exposure period, increasing in relative abundance from 4.0% on
day 0, to 23% by day 12 (Supplementary Figure S3 and Table S5). Mayamaea atomus
and Cyclotella sp. were poorly represented on day 0 (both < 2%); however, by day 12
they had increased in relative abundance to 13% and 17%, respectively (Supplementary
Figure S3 and Table S5).


Figure 5.1 nMDS of the community composition of healthy benthic diatoms at a) Alligator
Creek and b) Barratta Creek for each atrazine concentration treatment (50, 200 & 500 μg L-1)
and the control treatment (no atrazine) over the 12 day exposure period. Numbers indicate the
duration (days) since commencement of exposure.

5.4.3 Effect of atrazine toxicity, exposure duration and recovery of diatom taxa

The effect of atrazine exposure varied between the diatom taxa and depended on
exposure duration; these different types of responses are summarised in Table 5.1.
Some diatoms were negatively affected by atrazine exposure whilst others showed no
significant effects. Additionally, several taxa from each of the communities were able to
recover at least partially from atrazine exposure by the end of the experiment (Table

In the Alligator Creek diatom community the most sensitive taxon was Gomphonema
truncatum (Figure 5.2H), which was significantly affected by atrazine exposure over the
12 day period (p<0.05, Supplementary Table S6). There was a significant successional
effect within the control treatment in Gomphonema truncatum (p<0.05, Supplementary
Table S6). The proportion of healthy cells of Gomphonema truncatum declined in
atrazine treatments on days 2, 3 and 6 at 200 μg L-1 and 500 μg L-1 compared to that of
the control treatment (Figure 5.2H). On day 9 the proportion of healthy cells declined at
50 μg L-1 and 500 μg L-1 and its was still negatively affected on day 12 at all atrazine
concentrations (Figure 5.2H). There was no significant difference in the proportion of
healthy Cymbella aspera cells in the control treatment over the course of the experiment
(Figure 5.2B, Supplementary Table S6). Cymbella aspera was negatively affected by
atrazine exposure on days 2 and 6 in the 500 μg L-1 treatment and also affected at
treatments above 200 μg L-1 on day 9; however, on day 12 there was no longer a
significant difference between the control and atrazine treatments. The proportion of
healthy cells of Ulnaria ulna in the control treatment declined throughout the course of
the experiment with a significant successional effect (p<0.05, Supplementary Table S6).
Ulnaria ulna (Figure 5.2K) was significantly affected by atrazine on day 2 at all
concentrations (p<0.05); however, the decline was not significant after day 3 (p>0.05,
Supplementary Table S6). From day 6 the proportion of healthy cells was higher in the
lowest concentration treatments (50 μg L-1) compared to that of the control treatment;
however, these effects were difficult to discern due to very low proportion of healthy
cells in the control treatment (Figure 5.2K).

Table 5.1 Responses of the diatom taxa to atrazine exposure at various exposure durations.

Diatom Taxon Response

Alligator Creek:
Negatively affected initially above 200 μg L-1. Remaining affected at
Gomphonema truncatum
12 days at all concentrations.
No recovery.
Cymbella aspera Negatively affected initially above 200 μg L-1for E. cistula and G.
Epithemia cf. cistula clevei, and at all concentrations for U. ulna. Remaining affected at 9
Gomphonema clevei days for C. aspera.
Ulnaria ulna Recovery in all treatments by day 12.

Gomphonema gracile
Negative effects of atrazine on day 3 of exposure (500 μg L-1), but
Eunotia cf. minor
subsequent recovery in all treatments.

Adlafia cf. bryophila

No significant effect.
Epithemia cf. adanata
Navicula cryptotenella
Nitzschia sigmoidea

Barratta Creek:
Negatively affected initially at all concentrations. Lasting negative
Ulnaria ulna
effects at high concentrations (500 μg L-1).
Recovery in lowest concentration treatment (50 μg L-1.) by day 9.

Melosira varians Negatively affected by high concentration treatments (500 μg L-1) on

Pleurosira sp. days 2 and 3 for M. varians, and on day 3 for Pleurosira.
Recovery in all atrazine treatments by day 12.

Amphora spp.
No significant effect.
Cymbella sp.
Gomphonema spp.
Gyrosigma sp.
Pinnularia sp.
Nitzschia spp.

Cyclotella sp. Negatively affected at 50 μg L-1 on day 3 for Cyclotella, at 500 μg L-1
Mayamaea atomus on day 6 for M. atomus and N. cryptocephala, at 500 μg L-1 on day 9
Navicula cryptocephala for Cyclotella and N. schroeterii and at 50 μg L-1 on day 12 for M.
Navicula schroeterii atomus.
Recovery and positive affects above 200 μg L-1 on day 12.

No negative effects.
Navicula subtillissima
Positive effects at various concentrations after day 9 of exposure.

Many of the sensitive taxa that initially showed a decline in the proportion of healthy
cells from atrazine exposure recovered fully by the end of the experiment (day 12). For
Epithemia cf. cistula the control treatment showed a significant successional effect
(p<0.05, Supplementary Table S6). The health of Epithemia cf. cistula was negatively
affected by atrazine exposure on days 2 and 3 above 200 μg L-1 and also on day 6 (200
μg L-1), but showed no significant negative effects after 9 days of atrazine exposure
(Figure 5.2D). The proportion of healthy cells of Eunotia cf. minor showed no
successional effect in the control treatment (p>0.05, Supplementary table S6) and was
affected by atrazine on day 3 (500 μg L-1); however, no effects of atrazine were
discernable at longer exposure durations due to high standard error of the treatments
(Figure 5.2E). Gomphonema clevei showed a significant successional effect in the
control treatment over the course of the experiment, with a drop in the health of control
treatment on days 9 and 12 (p<0.05, Supplementary Table S3). The proportion of
healthy Gomphonema clevei cells (Figure 5.2F) was significantly lower in atrazine
treatments on day 2 (200 & 500 μg L-1) and on day 3 (500 μg L-1); however, the
negative effects of atrazine were no longer evident after day 6 at all concentrations
tested (Figure 5.2F, Supplementary Table S6). The proportion of healthy Gomphonema
gracile cells declined significantly in the control treatment over the course of the
experiment (p<0.05, Supplementary Table S6). In atrazine treatments, there was lower
proportion of healthy cells of Gomphonema gracile on day 3 (500 μg L-1); however, the
negative effects of atrazine were no longer significant after day 6 and on day 9 atrazine
treatments had higher proportions of healthy cells than that of the control treatment
(Figure 5.2G).

The proportion of healthy cells of some diatom taxa within the Alligator Creek
community was unaffected by atrazine over the duration of the experiment; these were:
Adlafia cf. bryophila, Navicula cryptotenella and Nitzschia sigmoidea (Figures 5.2A, I
and J). Epithemia cf. adanata (Figure 5.2C) was not significantly affected by atrazine
exposure; however, the proportion of healthy cells in the control treatment was low
throughout the experiment making it difficult to determine effects (Figure 5.2C).

Figure 5.2 Changes in the percentage of healthy cells (mean ± SE, n = 3) for the benthic diatom
taxa from Alligator Creek over the 12 day experiment. * indicates statistically significant
difference (p<0.05) from the control treatment for each time period based on GLM analysis on
binary health data. Dotted horizontal line indicates background health of the control treatment at
the start of the experiment (day 0)

Diatoms from Barratta Creek showed varied responses to atrazine exposure with most
taxa showing potential for recovery at longer exposure durations (>6 days). Within the
control treatment there was a successional effect in the proportion of healthy cells of
Ulnaria ulna (p<0.05, Supplementary Table S6). On day 2 of exposure Ulnaria ulna
(Figure 5.3O) had lower proportions of healthy cells all atrazine treatments (50, 200 and
500 μg L-1) compared to that of the control treatment. However, at longer exposures on
days 9 and day 12 the negative effects of atrazine exposure were only significant at the
highest atrazine concentration (500 μg L-1). The proportion of healthy cells of Melosira
varians was consistent in the control treatment across the days (p>0.05, Supplementary
Table S6). Melosira varians was affected at high concentrations of atrazine (500 μg L-1)
on days 2 and 3; however, there was no negative effect of atrazine in any treatment on
day 9 and on day 12 there was increased proportions of healthy cells in the 200 μg L-1
treatment (Figure 5.3H). Pleurosira sp. showed a significant successional effect in the
control treatment over the course of the experiment (p<0.05, Supplementary Table S6).
The proportion of healthy cells of Pleurosira sp. was negatively affected by atrazine
exposure at 500 μg L-1 on day 3, but had recovered by day 12 in all atrazine treatments
(Figure 5.3N).

There was no significant effect of atrazine exposure on Gomphonema spp. (Figure 5.3E)
or Pinnularia sp. (Figure 5.3M) over the course of the experiment and the proportion of
healthy cells in the control treatment was also consistent (p>0.05, Supplementary Table
S6). There were some taxa - Amphora spp. (Figure 5.3B), Cymbella sp. (Figure 5.3D),
Gyrosigma sp. (Figure 5.3F) and Nitzschia spp. (Figure 5.3L) where although there was
no detectable effect of the atrazine treatments, these taxa had very low proportions of
healthy cells in the control treatment making it difficult to detect significant effects
between treatments and the effect of the treatments on these taxa remains uncertain.

Other diatom taxa showed highly varied responses to atrazine exposure depending on
exposure duration. The proportion of healthy cells of Cyclotella sp. increased in the
control treatment over the course of the experiment (p<0.05, Supplementary Table S6).
Cyclotella sp. showed negative effects of atrazine on day 3 at 50 μg L-1 and on day 9 at
500 μg L-1, however there were higher proportions of healthy cells compared to that of
the control treatment in atrazine treatments on day 6 at 50 μg L-1 and on day 12 at 500
μg L-1 (Figure 5.3C). The proportion of healthy Mayamaea atomus cells varied in the

control treatment between the days (p<0.05, Supplementary Table S6) and was
negatively affected by atrazine at 500 μg L-1 on day 6; however, by day 12 it had
recovered to control treatment levels at concentrations above 200 μg L-1 (Figure 5.3G).
Navicula cryptocephala did not show any successional effects in the control treatment
(p>0.05, Supplementary Table S6). Navicula cryptocephala was negatively affected by
atrazine on day 6 at 500 μg L-1, but on day 12 the proportion of healthy cells was
significantly higher at 500 μg L-1 atrazine than that of the control treatment (Figure
5.3I). The proportion of healthy cells of Navicula schroeterii was consistent in the
control treatment throughout the experiment (p>0.05, Supplementary Table S6). There
were negative effects of atrazine exposure in Navicula schroeterii on day 9 at 500 μg L-
; however, on day 12 there was a higher proportion of healthy cells at lower
concentrations and no effect at 500 μg L-1 (Figure 5.3J). Navicula subtillissima showed
consistent proportions of healthy cells in the control treatment throughout the
experiment (p>0.05, Supplementary Table S6). There were no negative effects of
atrazine and the proportion of healthy cells was significantly higher at 500 μg L-1 than
that of the control treatment on day 12 (Figure 5.3K).

Figure 5.3 Changes in the percentage of healthy cells (mean ± SE, n=3) for the benthic diatom
taxa from Barratta Creek over the 12 day experiment. * indicates statistically significant
difference (p<0.05) from the control treatment for each time period based on GLM analysis on
binary health data. Dotted horizontal line indicates background health of the control treatment at
the start of the experiment (day 0).

5.5 Discussion

5.5.1 Effects of atrazine on the diatom communities and the influence of prior

The response of the benthic diatom community to atrazine exposure over the 12 days
differed between the two sites. The diatom community from the impacted Barratta
Creek showed a strong effect of succession over the study period, whereas community
composition was not strongly altered by atrazine exposure. The initial diatom
community at Barratta Creek contained a higher percentage of herbicide tolerant taxa
(50%), compared with the reference site Alligator Creek (33%) (Wood et al., 2016b).
Diatom taxa previously classified as tolerant (Wood et al., 2016b) including Navicula
cryptocephala, Navicula schroeterii, Navicula subtillissima and Mayamaea atomus
were found only in the Barratta Creek diatom community (Supplementary Table S2).
Concentrations of atrazine in the site water (13 μg L-1) at the time of diatom collection
indicate that the Barratta Creek benthic community is highly likely to have been pre-
exposed to herbicides before commencement of the current study. Furthermore, Barratta
Creek is highly polluted by PSII herbicides; mixtures of up to seven PSII inhibiting
herbicides were frequently detected throughout 2011-2012, as well as herbicides with
other modes of action (MCPA), and fungicides and insecticides (O’Brien et al., 2016;
Smith et al., 2012).

Before exposure, the diatom community at Alligator Creek was dominated by

Gomphonema truncatum. This species has been classified as sensitive to herbicides by
Wood et al. (2016b and was not present at the herbicide polluted Barratta Creek
(Supplementary Table S2). The results of the present study are consistent with this
classification, showing a significant decline in the proportion of healthy cells with both
acute and chronic atrazine exposure. Gomphonema truncatum is classified as a meso-
eutrophic species, occupying fresh to brackish waters of pH >7, with high dissolved
oxygen requirements and is tolerant of moderate to high nutrient pollution (Dela-Cruz et
al., 2006; Van Dam et al., 1994). The decline of Gomphonema truncatum might be a
potential indicator of herbicide toxicity in nutrient enriched rivers. In contrast, Navicula
cryptotenella was not negatively affected by atrazine exposure at the concentrations
tested and was dominant in all atrazine treatments by the end of the experiment. These

results are supported by previous studies that found Navicula cryptotenella to be
tolerant to herbicide exposure (Ricart et al., 2009; Wood et al., 2016a; Wood et al.,
2016b). Navicula cryptotenella is generally reported as being tolerant of organic
pollution and is favoured in high nutrient conditions (Lange et al., 2011).

Under chronic exposure to toxicants, such as herbicides, more tolerant taxa are favoured
and are able to persist (Roubeix et al., 2011b). This selection pressure allows tolerant
taxa to outcompete the more sensitive taxa leading to subsequent restructuring of the
community and increased community tolerance, known as pollution induced community
tolerance (PICT) (Blanck, 2002; Dorigo et al., 2004). Increased herbicide tolerance in
periphyton communities subjected to chronic herbicide exposure has been demonstrated
in other studies (Magnusson et al., 2012; Schmitt-Jansen and Altenburger, 2005; Tlili et
al., 2011). However, communities that have already undergone PICT may have lost the
ability to adapt and further herbicide exposure may not induce community
compositional changes (Andrus et al., 2015; Dalton et al., 2015; King et al., 2016; Tlili
et al., 2008). Prior exposure history is an important determinant of response of the
diatom community to herbicide exposure (Kim Tiam et al., 2014). Indeed, the diatom
community collected from the polluted Barratta Creek showed a similar community
structure between atrazine exposed and control treatments at the end of the 12 day
experiment (Figure 5.1B). Our findings suggest that the community at the polluted
Barratta Creek site had already undergone selection and restructuring so that individuals
and species unable to persist under chronic atrazine exposure may have already been
eliminated. This was in contrast to the community at the unpolluted Alligator Creek
site, which demonstrated selection pressure with atrazine exposure resulting in the
decline of species that are relatively more sensitive to atrazine, such as Cymbella aspera
and Gomphonema truncatum.

5.5.2 Exposure duration and recovery of diatoms

The effect of atrazine on the freshwater benthic diatoms in the present study varied
between taxa from the two sites and with exposure duration (Table 1). Many of the taxa
initially affected by atrazine showed the potential for recovery, at least partially over
time. For these taxa, the exposure duration was important in determining their
sensitivity relative to other taxa in the community. For example, in the Barratta Creek
community, Melosira varians was able to recover to similar proportions of healthy cells

as that of the control treatment within 9 days of atrazine exposure. Other studies on
periphyton communities (Gustavson et al., 2003; Lawrence et al., 2015) and single
benthic diatom species (Coquille et al., 2015) have also found that herbicide toxicity
responses were dependent on exposure duration. However, the present study highlights
how these effects vary in different benthic diatom taxa within field collected periphyton
communities. The ability to recover is potentially an important factor shaping the
response of benthic diatoms to chronic herbicide exposure and may be a trait worthy of
consideration in the development of diatom indices of herbicide pollution (Schäfer et
al., 2011a). More studies are needed to establish how the diatom taxa vary in their
ability to recover when exposed to herbicides to better understand community responses
to toxicant exposure in the field.

Some diatom taxa showed positive effects in atrazine treatments compared to that of the
control treatment at various times through the experiment (Table 2). This mostly applied
to diatoms such as Cyclotella sp., Melosira varians, Pleurosira sp., Navicula schroeterii
and Navicula cf. subtillissima from the polluted Barratta Creek site. Clearly these
opportunistic taxa are able to thrive despite exposure to high concentrations of atrazine.
It is possible that with the decline of more sensitive taxa within the community these
taxa are able to benefit from a lack of competition and are advantaged when exposed to
herbicides compared with the control treatment. Mechanisms for recovery and tolerance
in benthic diatoms are not well understood. Some studies have noted hormesis in
response to herbicide exposure (Proia et al., 2011; Roubeix et al., 2011b; Tlili et al.,
2008), otherwise known as the “greening effect”; when algae are able to increase their
concentrations of light harvesting pigments in response to exposure to sub-lethal doses
of herbicides in order to compensate for the inhibition of photosynthesis (Cedergreen et
al., 2007; Ricart et al., 2009). Coquillé et al. (2015) showed that chlorophyll
fluorescence in the diatom Gomphonema gracile was stimulated after exposure to
metolachlor at low concentrations (<10 μg L-1); however, this was inhibited at higher
concentrations. Our results showed that Gomphonema gracile was able to recover from
atrazine effects on day 3 (500 μg L-1), without any significant negative effects after 6
days of continual atrazine exposure. Although our study did not measure fluorescence,
rather the presence of healthy cells containing chloroplasts, it is possible that the
increased proportions of healthy cells seen in herbicide exposed treatments could be

linked to the greening effect in certain taxa (Proia et al., 2011; Roubeix et al., 2011b;
Tlili et al., 2008).

The present study assessed the response of benthic diatoms within natural communities
to atrazine over 12 day continuous exposures. Toxicity response was measured as the
proportion of healthy cells on a per taxon basis. Healthy cells are live and functional at
the time of preservation, whereas unhealthy cells were obviously dead (did not contain
chloroplasts or were broken) or did not have intact chloroplasts and were therefore
unlikely to be viable cells capable of recovery or reproduction. The measure used is
similar to other studies that assess diatom population dynamics using live/dead cell
ratios (Coquille et al., 2015; Tiam et al., 2015). The use of natural field-derived
communities for lab-based experiments has presented some limitations in the present
study. Some diatom taxa in this study had very low levels of health in controls, for eg.,
Amphora spp., reflecting the natural succession of the diatom community from which
they were derived. Diatom health in the control treatment also varied over the 12 day
experiment in some taxa, making it difficult to discern any effect of atrazine exposure.
We consider the sensitivity data produced in the current study to be a direct measure of
species herbicide sensitivity traits. Traits data such as this can be used to assess the
biological condition of rivers (Stevenson, 2014), or as an indication of particular
stressor impacts, i.e. herbicide pollution (Morin et al., 2015; Rimet and Bouchez, 2011).

5.6 Conclusions

Our results indicate that the response of benthic diatom communities to atrazine
exposure varied with exposure duration and concentration and was influenced by the
prior exposure history of the site and their species assemblages. The reference
community (from Alligator Creek) displayed a shift in diatom community composition
towards more tolerant taxa when exposed to atrazine. However, in the polluted Barratta
Creek community, atrazine exposure was not a strong factor in driving community
compositional change over the course of the experiment, suggesting that its prior
exposure to herbicides has already restructured the community through the development
of PICT. The effect of chronic atrazine exposure on several of the benthic diatom taxa
in this study varied with exposure duration. The current study identifies diatom taxa that
were capable of recovery during prolonged atrazine exposure despite their initial
toxicity response.

Supplementary Material

The supplementary material for Chapter 5 is available in Appendix D

Chapter 6 Benthic diatoms as indicators of herbicide toxicity in
rivers - a new SPEcies At Risk (SPEARherbicides) index

Finch Hatton Creek, QLD, Australia.

6.1 Abstract

Benthic diatom communities are used widely as indicators of river health due to their
rapid response to changes in water quality. The ability for diatom based indices to detect
eutrophication has been well established; however, an index designed specifically to
detect herbicide impacts is yet to be established. Herbicide contamination of rivers is
common in agricultural regions and poses a threat to aquatic ecosystems. This study
developed a new biomonitoring index (SPEARherbicides) that uses benthic diatom
communities to detect the toxic impacts of herbicide pollution in rivers. The effect of
diffuse agricultural runoff on benthic diatoms within 14 rivers in the Great Barrier Reef
catchment was assessed including herbicides, nutrients, total suspended solids and
salinity. The SPEARherbicides index showed that the proportion of herbicide sensitive taxa
within the communities declined with increasing herbicide toxicity of the sites. The
impacts of herbicide toxicity on the diatom community were only apparent after the wet
season. SPEARherbicides was also strongly correlated with nutrients (FRP, ammonia,
NOx) as well as TSS and EC. Further research is necessary to elucidate the effects of
herbicides on benthic diatom communities within a multiple stressor environment.

6.2 Introduction

Benthic diatoms are important biological components of freshwater ecosystems and can
be used to assess the ecological health of rivers (Kelly et al., 1998; Van Dam et al.,
1994). The ability to use changes in benthic diatom communities as indicators of
declining water quality and anthropogenic impacts has been well established; for
eutrophication (Bellinger et al., 2006), urbanisation (Newall and Walsh, 2005) and
inorganic pollution (Dela-Cruz et al., 2006). These indices utilise the differing
sensitivities of the diatom taxa (usually to nutrients) to indicate trophic impacts in rivers
(Rimet 2012). However, previous studies have found that diatom indices of trophic
pollution in rivers were not suitable for detecting the impacts of herbicide toxicity
(Blanco and Bécares, 2010; Morin et al., 2009). Therefore, there is a need for a
biomonitoring index that is designed to detect the impacts of herbicides in rivers (Larras
et al., 2017).

Herbicide pollution in rivers is an issue of concern worldwide, especially in agricultural

regions. Herbicides can have impacts on aquatic phototrophic organisms and their
ability to inhibit photosynthesis and growth in benthic diatoms has been demonstrated
(Debenest et al., 2009; Tlili et al., 2011). Exposure of benthic diatom communities to
herbicides can result in the loss of sensitive species, thus altering species composition
(Magnusson et al., 2012; Schmitt-Jansen and Altenburger, 2005). Although most
agricultural herbicides are not designed to affect invertebrates, fish and other aquatic
biota, they may be altered indirectly as a result of impacts on primary producers (Rohr
and Crumrine, 2005). As benthic diatoms are often the dominant primary producers in
shallow streams and rivers (Chessman et al., 2009) and are sensitive to herbicide
exposure (Wood et al., 2016a; Wood et al., 2016b; Wood et al., 2017), they have the
potential to be used as biomonitors of herbicide pollution.

A traits-based approach, such as the SPEcies At Risk (SPEAR) index (Liess and Ohe,
2005), has the potential to be utilised to separate the effects of herbicides on diatom
communities from other stressors. SPEAR has been successfully used with stream
macroinvertebrates affected by stressors such as salinity (Schäfer et al., 2011a) and
pesticides (Beketov et al., 2013; Schäfer et al., 2011b). SPEAR indicates the fraction of
sensitive taxa in a community based on traits that make them at risk from the stressor of
interest, such as their physiological sensitivity to the stressor as determined by toxicity

tests. Changes in the proportion of sensitive taxa (SPEAR taxa) in the community can
then be linked to the impacts of that stressor in the field. The SPEAR approach has the
potential to be adapted to utilise diatoms to detect herbicide impacts.

This study investigates the effect on herbicide toxicity on benthic diatom communities
within rivers of the GBR catchment area. A novel diatom based SPEARherbicides index is
developed that utilises benthic diatoms to assess herbicide impacts in rivers. We have
classified the diatom species as either SPEcies At Risk (SPEAR) from herbicide toxicity
or not at risk (notSPEAR). The new SPEARherbicides index was then tested in 14 river
sites that flow into the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Australia with sampling after the
dry and wet seasons for two successive years. These sampling sites were located in river
reaches that are impacted by varying levels of agricultural intensity, from upstream
catchments devoted to conservation with no agriculture or grazing to high intensity of
crops such as sugarcane. We predict that any effect of herbicides on the diatom
community would be more evident immediately after the wet season (i.e. May 2012 and
April 2013) than before the wet season.

6.3 Methods

6.3.1 Study sites and study design

Benthic diatom communities were collected from 14 sites within the Great Barrier Reef
(GBR) catchment area (Figure 1); see Supplementary Table S1 for latitudes and
longitudes of the sites. These rivers are located across coastal catchment areas in
freshwater reaches (above tidal influence) that drain directly into the GBR Marine Park
Area. Ten sites, marked by red circles in Figure 1, are considered contaminated by
herbicides to various degrees and are part of the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan
(RWQPP) monitoring programme, which measures pesticide, nutrient, suspended solids
attributes and discharge of the rivers (Smith et al., 2012). The remaining four sites,
marked by green triangles in Figure 1, have no agricultural or urban areas present
upstream, but have nature conservation and recreational activities and are thus
extremely unlikely to have any significant pesticide contamination. These four sites are
included as reference sites.

Russell River
North Johnstone River
Bulgan Creek
Tully River
Herbert River
Bluewater Creek
k Burdekin River
Barratta Creek

Pioneer River
Finch Hatton Creek
Sandy Creek

Fitzroy River
Comet River

Burnett River

Figure 6.1 Map of the Great Barrier Reef catchment region and study sites. Green triangles
are the reference sites and red circles are the monitored sites. Catchment regions marked in
different colours.

The climate of the study region is characterised by the summer (monsoonal) wet season,
typically December – March where most of the annual rainfall occurs and this rain is
often intense leading to elevated discharges in the region’s rivers (Waterhouse et al.,
2012). The wet season coincides with peak concentrations of herbicides in most rivers
of the region (Lewis et al., 2009). Our sampling regime was designed to accord with
two successive wet seasons (2011/2012 and 2012/2013). Sites were sampled
immediately before and immediately after these wet seasons i.e. in November 2011,
May 2012, September 2012 and April 2013.

6.3.2 Diatom sampling, preservation and identification

At each study site and sampling occasion natural diatom communities were collected.
Attached benthic diatoms were removed by scrubbing collected substrates with a
toothbrush and scraping with a sharpened knife. Various submerged substrata from the
edge habitat within a 20 m length of river were sampled. Submerged pebbles and
cobbles were the preferred substrates. If rocky substrates were unavailable then leaves
and other submerged objects such as branches were used. The detached benthic material
from various substrates were combined into one composite sample per site in a 20 mL
vial and preserved in 70% ethanol (Chessman et al., 1999a).

The preserved diatom samples were stored for later identification by Dr. Jennie Fluin
from the University of Adelaide, to species level where possible. Diatom samples were
cleaned and mounted on permanent slides for identification using an Olympus BH-2
(Olympus) light microscope at 1000x magnification. Ten transects of the mounted slide
were counted and up to 600 diatom cells were identified per sample.

6.3.3 Environmental data

Water temperature (˚C), dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity (EC) and pH
were recorded in situ at the same time and location as the diatom sample collection
(Table 6.1). Herbicide, nutrient, discharge and total suspended solids (TSS) data across
the 10 monitored sites were provided by the Queensland Department of Science,
Information Technology and Innovation (DSITI) from water quality monitoring data
collected as part of the RWQPP. The selected environmental variables used in this study
are presented in Table 6.1. Discharge data were available for two of the reference sites
(Bluewater Creek and Finch Hatton Creek), which are within 12 km downstream of the

diatom collection sites. Herbicide and nutrient data were not available at the four
reference sites. Herbicide concentrations were assumed to be negligible at all reference
sites based on the absence of agricultural land uses upstream of these sites and prior
sampling did not detect herbicides at these sites; Bulgun Creek (Lewis et al., 2009),
Finch Hatton Creek (Lewis et al., 2009; Mitchell et al., 2005). Likewise anthropogenic
nutrient sources and land use impacts affecting these variables were considered
negligible in the catchments of the reference sites. Therefore, missing data for these
reference sites were assumed to be half the minimum values of the monitored sites.

Water quality data from the RWQPP were collected using both manual grab sampling
techniques and automated samplers. Sampling occurred every few hours to daily
intervals during high flow events and at a reduced frequency (usually monthly) during
low or base-flow conditions. Nutrient concentrations were analysed using Flow
Injection Analysis (colourimetric techniques) at the Science Division Chemistry Centre
(Dutton Park, Queensland), a National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia
(NATA) accredited laboratory. Herbicide concentrations in the water samples were
analysed using solid phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry (LC-MS) at Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services (Coopers
Plains, Queensland), also a NATA accredited laboratory.

In order to summarize the environmental data collected at each site, the mean
concentrations of nutrients (oxidised nitrogen (NOx), ammonia, filterable reactive
phosphorus (FRP)), discharge and TSS were calculated over the 60 days prior to the
diatom sampling using the RWQPP data. Data was also available to calculate averages
over longer time periods (6 months and 12 months), however these variables were
highly correlated with the 60 day values so have not been included in the results.
Analysis using these time frames did not change the conclusions of this study.

Table 6.1 Summary of environmental variables, the limits of reporting and the abbreviation
used in analysis.

Variable LOR Abbreviation Source of data

Herbicides (μg L-1) including:

Atrazine 0.01 ATR RWQPP

Ametryn 0.01 AME RWQPP

Diuron 0.01 DIU RWQPP

Hexazinone 0.01 HEX RWQPP

Prometryn 0.01 PRO RWQPP

Simazine 0.01 SIM RWQPP

Tebuthiuron 0.01 TEB RWQPP

Nutrients (mg L-1)

Ammonia as N 0.002 Ammonia RWQPP

Oxidised Nitrogen 0.001 NOx RWQPP

Filterable Reactive Phosphorus 0.001 FRP RWQPP

Other Water Quality

Discharge (m3 s-1) - Discharge RWQPP

Total Suspended Solids (mg L-1) 1 TSS RWQPP

Electrical Conductivity (μS cm-1 @ - EC RWQPP & in situ


Water Temperature (°C) - Temp in situ

pH - pH in situ

Dissolved Oxygen (mg L-1) - DO in situ

6.3.4 Calculation of SPEARherbicides index

The SPEAR index is a measure of the relative abundance of sensitive taxa in the
community. The SPEARherbicides index is calculated as per the invertebrate SPEAR index
described in Schäfer et al. (2011a):


Where n is the number of diatom taxa in a sample, xi is the abundance of taxon i and y is
1 if the taxon is classified as a SPEcies At Risk (SPEAR), otherwise y is 0.

The SPEAR value can then be converted to a percentage to indicate the proportion of
sensitive taxa in the community.

6.3.5 Diatom sensitivity data

We compiled a list of freshwater benthic diatom taxa and their sensitivities to herbicides
based on their responses in studies from the scientific literature. The literature search
was conducted on the 12th of October 2016 using the ‘Web of Science’ search of all
databases for the term “freshwater diatom herbicide sensitivity”. The search returned 40
journal articles from which the sensitivity data were derived. Articles were excluded if
they 1) had been performed at the community level with no species sensitivity data, 2)
did not contain data for at least three freshwater benthic diatom taxa, 3) were reviews of
the literature or 4) field based studies with no herbicide exposure treatment. We also
excluded publications by the current authors (Wood et al., 2014; Wood et al., 2016a;
Wood et al., 2016b; Wood et al., 2017) as these studies will be used to derive further
sensitivity data in this study. From the remaining nine studies, classifications of
sensitivity for 28 freshwater benthic diatom taxa were obtained (Supplementary Table
S2). Taxa were classified as sensitive or tolerant based on their relative sensitivities to
herbicide exposure compared with the other taxa in the study. In this list there were two
taxa (Eolimna minima and Nitzschia palea) for which different studies gave conflicting
sensitivity assessments; in both cases there was one study in disagreement with at least
two others, so we used the sensitivity classification identified by the majority of studies.

Further sensitivity data for 31 local freshwater diatom taxa were collected from the
rapid toxicity tests performed by Wood et al. (2014; 2016a and b; in press)
(Supplementary Table S3).

6.3.6 Classification of SPEAR taxa

A total of 289 taxa was found in the samples collected from the 16 sites (Supplementary
Table S3). Each taxon was classified as either SPEAR or notSPEAR based on its
sensitivity to herbicides. For 39 taxa, sensitivity data were available for the taxon in
question (Supplementary Table S2 &S3). The sensitivities of the remaining taxa were
extrapolated from the sensitivity data of related taxa in the database. Data were first
extrapolated at the Genus level, then at the Order level. If there were several species
within a Genus with differing sensitivity classifications then the dominant classification
was applied to other species within that Genus. Conflicting classifications at the Order
level did not occur. Where there was no sensitivity data available at the Order level,
they were excluded from the index (this applied to 6% of taxa, which collectively
accounted for 2.7% of individuals observed). The complete taxon list and SPEAR
classification is given in Supplementary Table S4.

In the case of one taxon, Gomphonema parvulum there was conflicting sensitivity data.
Based on acute (≤ 96 h) exposure, Larras et al. (2012) reported G. parvulum as tolerant,
whereas Wood et al. (2016b) reported G. spp. (including G. parvulum and G. minutum)
as sensitive. However, in a recent study by Wood et al. (in press), G. spp. (including G.
parvulum and G. minutum) was shown to be more tolerant to chronic exposures (12 d)
of herbicides and had high potential for recovery from exposure; therefore, we have
classified both these taxa as tolerant in this study.

6.3.7 Calculating the PSII mixture toxicity

The effects of herbicides with similar modes of action in a mixture has been shown to
be additive (Magnusson et al., 2010). In order to estimate the effects of herbicide
mixtures in a given sample the toxic equivalency quotient (TEQ) was calculated. The
concentrations of PSII inhibitors in a sample can be added together after each
component has a toxic equivalency factor (TEF) applied, using the equation derived by
Safe (1998):


Where Ci = the concentration of the individual herbicides and TEFi = the toxic
equivalency factor of the individual herbicides.

The TEF for each herbicide was derived from Ma et al. (2006) for the freshwater
microalgal species, Scenedesmus obliquus (TEQSO). The TEQso values (toxic
equivalent quotient for S. obliquus) were calculated for each site following the method
in Smith et al. (2012), using the RWQPP data for the herbicides - atrazine, diuron,
ametryn, simazine and prometryn. The 95th percentile was then calculated for TEQSO,
across three time frames preceding the diatom samplings (i.e. 60 days, 6 months and 12
months prior).

6.3.8 Statistical analysis

The data set was divided into two groups - end of the dry season (i.e. the November
2011 and September 2012 sampling occasions) and after the wet season (i.e. the May
2012 and April 2013 sampling occasions), hereafter referred to as the dry and wet
season sampling. For each data set (Dry and Wet) linear regression analysis was
conducted to model the relationship between SPEARherbicides and TEQSO (60 days).
Linear regression was also performed to assess the relationship of SPEARherbicides to the
individual environmental variables. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed
to test the significance of the regression slope, as well as to determine whether this was
consistent between the two sampling years.

Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with automatic stepwise model building by

permutation tests was performed to construct a model that best explains the relationship
of the benthic diatom community to the measured environmental variables. Variable
selection was performed on the combined data sets (Dry and Wet data) using all
available predictors; DO (in situ), pH (in situ), EC (in situ), Temperature (in situ),
TEQSO (60 days), Discharge (60 days), TSS (60 days), Ammonia (60 days), NOx (60
days) and FRP (60 days). All environmental variables were checked for normality and
homoscedasticity and were log transformed where appropriate prior to analysis.
Variables that were muticolinear were excluded from the analysis (VIF > 10). The CCA
included only diatom taxa with greater than 5% relative abundance and occurred in at
least two samples. The diatom relative abundance data were root transformed prior to
analysis to down-weight the common taxa. CCA, Regression analysis and ANCOVA
were performed using the statistical software R, using packages - stats (R Core Team.,
2017) and vegan (Jari Oksanen et al., 2017).

6.4 Results

6.4.1 SPEAR index and herbicide toxicity of the sites

The calculated herbicide mixture toxicity (60 day 95th percentile TEQSO) of the
monitored sites reached a maximum of 209 μg L-1 atrazine equivalent concentrations in
the dry season samples and a maximum of 43 μg L-1 in the wet season samples. The
maximum concentrations occurred at Barratta Creek in the dry season and Sandy Creek
in the wet season. The proportion of herbicide sensitive taxa within the diatom
communities declined with increasing herbicide toxicity of the sites in the samples
collected after the wet season rainfall (Table 6.2, Figure 6.2). SPEARherbicides was
significantly negatively correlated with herbicide toxicity of the sites after the wet
season across all the three time scales (Table 6.2, Figure 6.2). However, there was no
significant relationship between SPEARherbicides and the TEQSO of the sites after the dry
season over any of the time frames (Table 6.2, Figure 6.2). There were no differences in
SPEARherbicides between the two sampling years (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2 Results of ANCOVA for relationship of SPEARherbicides to calculated mixture toxicity,
expressed as log TEQSO 95th percentile, after the dry and wet seasons over two sampling years.
Bold type indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
Regression coefficient p value
Season Model Model F TEQSO Year
R2 p value
Dry -0.094 0.905 0.100 0.697 0.823

Wet 0.209 0.023 4.43 0.012 0.180

Figure 6.2 Diatom community characterised as SPEARherbicides (%) against calculated mixture
toxicity expressed as log TEQSO 95th percentiles calculated over 60 days prior to sampling the
dry season and wet season rainfall events. Circles = samples relevant for the 2011/12 wet
season, triangles = 2012/13 wet season.

6.4 Influence of environmental variables on the diatom community

The CCA model constructed from the measured environmental variables that best
described diatom community composition of the sites is shown in Figure 6.3. All
measured environmental variables were considered in the model. The predictors chosen
in the optimal model were TEQ, Ammonia, FRP, TSS, Discharge and Temperature
(Figure 2). The measured environmental variables explained 23% of the variance of
species distributions (total inertia = 6.9). The CCA axes represent 53% and 29% of the
variance, respectively. The reference sites were not closely related to gradients of TEQ,
Ammonia, FRP, TSS, Discharge and Temperature (Figure 6.3A). The diatom species
most related to the highest herbicide contaminated sites were - Epithemia sorex
(ESOR), Diadesmis confervacea (DCOF), Luticola goeppertiana (LGOE), Melosira
spp. (MELO), Nitzschia perminuta (NIPM), Stauroneis anceps (STAN) and Tabularia
fasciculata (TFAS) (Figure 6.3B).

The SPEARherbicides index was not significantly correlated (p > 0.05) with discharge, pH
or temperature in either dry or wet seasons (Table 6.3). SPEARherbicides showed a
significant positive correlation with DO after the wet season (Table 6.3, Figure 6.4A).
SPEARherbicides was negatively correlated with ammonia (Figure 6.4B), NOx (Figure
6.4C), EC (Figure 6.4D) and FRP (Figure 6.4E) after the wet season but not after the
dry season (Table 6.3). There was also a statistically significant negative correlation
between SPEARherbicides and TSS for both dry and wet seasons (Table 6.3, Figure 6.4F).
These results were consistent in both sampling years for all variables (p<0.05).


Figure 6.3 Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) plots of diatom community composition
with points corresponding to a) site or b) diatom species. Blue arrows represent the relationship
of the environmental variables with the diatom community. Diatom species names
corresponding to the unique four letter diatom codes are listed in Supplementary Table S4.

Table 6.3 Results of ANCOVA analysis for relationship of SPEAR to the environmental
variables for dry and wet season data. – indicates that the parameter was incalculable.

Variable Season R2 F p
3 -1
Discharge (m s ) Dry -0.097 0.069 0.763

Wet 0.125 2.85 0.050

pH Dry -0.101 0.035 0.872

Wet 0.0768 1.952 0.123

Temp Dry -0.083 0.198 0.561

Wet -0.008 0.901 0.466

DO Dry -0.095 0.094 0.709

(mg L-1)
Wet 0.247 5.266 0.007

Ammonia Dry -0.077 0.252 0.506

(mg L-1)
Wet 0.294 6.4 0.003

NOx Dry -0.085 0.180 0.581

(mg L-1)
Wet 0.147 3.242 0.035

EC Dry 0.085 1.979 0.063

(μS cm @ 25˚C)
Wet 0.383 9.067 0.001

FRP Dry 0.022 1.237 0.136

(mg L )
Wet 0.447 11.51 <0.001

TSS Dry 0.107 2.264 0.048

(mg L )
Wet 0.219 4.643 0.011


Figure 6.4 Diatom community characterised as SPEARherbicides (%) against the environmental
variables; a) DO, b) Ammonia, c) NOx, d) EC, e) FRP and f) TSS. Circles = samples relevant
for the 2011/12 wet season, triangles = 2012/13 wet season.


Figure 6.4 (Continued)

6.5 Discussion

6.5.1 Influence of environmental variables on diatom community

In the study region of the GBR catchments, agricultural land development has led to
increased loads of suspended sediments, nutrients and herbicides in rivers (Kroon et al.,
2012; Waterhouse et al., 2012). Diatom community composition is influenced by
changes in water quality and by environmental stressors (Lange et al., 2011; Rimet,
2012). At our study sites the main factors influencing the diatom community were
herbicide toxicity (TEQSO), Ammonia, FRP and TSS, reflecting the impacts of
agriculture on the diatom community (Figure 2). Diatom community composition was
significantly influenced by FRP concentrations, which ranged from 0.002 - 0.135 mg L-
. This finding is consistent with other studies that have found diatom community
composition to be influenced by agricultural impacts and changes in nutrient
concentrations (Sonneman et al., 2001; Stevenson et al., 2008).

6.5.2 Effects of herbicide toxicity and SPEARherbicides

SPEARherbicides was significantly negatively correlated with herbicide toxicity (TEQSO)

across the study sites after two wet seasons. This indicates that the relative abundance of
herbicide sensitive diatom species declined with increasing herbicide toxicity. As we
hypothesised, this decline in herbicide sensitive diatom taxa was only observed after the
wet season rains in both years and not after the two dry seasons. The impacts of
herbicide toxicity on the diatom community thus appeared to recover during the dry
season, when herbicide concentrations are generally lower (Davis et al., 2012). Other
studies have also found that the diatom community has the ability to recover after
exposure to herbicides (Dorigo et al., 2010b; Proia et al., 2011). Therefore, timing the
collection of diatom communities immediately after peak herbicide concentrations is
important for the use of SPEARherbicides as a biomonitoring tool.

6.5.3 Occurrence of tolerant taxa

Of the diatom taxa strongly related to the sites at the highest gradient of herbicide
toxicity, most were classified as tolerant for the calculation of the SPEARherbicides index -
Diadesmis confervacea, Epithemia sorex, Luticola goeppertiana, Melosira spp.,
Nitzschia perminuta and Stauroneis anceps. Diadesmis confervacea, Luticola

goeppertiana, Nitzschia perminuta and Stauroneis anceps, are also considered to be
tolerant to organic pollution and indicators of eutrophic conditions (Kelly and Whitton,
1995; Van Dam et al., 1994). However, Epithemia is considered highly sensitive to
elevated nutrient conditions preferring phosphorus concentrations below 0.01 mg L-1
(Kelly et al., 2001) and occurring exclusively at pH > 7 (Van Dam et al., 1994).

6.5.4 Multiple stressor effects

The effect of herbicides on the diatom community has the potential to be altered by
environmental factors such as nutrients, light and temperature (Bonnineau et al., 2012;
Dalton et al., 2015; Larras et al., 2013a; Wood et al., 2016b). The exposure of benthic
communities to herbicides may also be altered by river flow either directly by dilution
or indirectly by changing biofilm structure (Ponsatí et al., 2016). However, seasonal
hydrographical and climatic variations may be more predominant in shaping diatom
communities than exposure to herbicides under field conditions (Andrus et al., 2015). It
is often difficult to distinguish the effects of herbicides from other co-occurring
pollutants, especially nutrients in agricultural regions (Guasch et al., 1998; Larras et al.,
2017; Roubeix et al., 2010). This makes diagnosis of the potentially toxic impacts of
herbicide pollution on aquatic ecosystems problematic (Debenest et al., 2010; Morin et
al., 2009).

SPEARherbicides was negatively correlated with TEQSO; however, it was also negatively
correlated with nutrients (FRP, ammonia, NOx) as well as TSS and EC. It was therefore
difficult to distinguish the effects of herbicide toxicity from other agricultural impacts at
the sites. The SPEARherbicides index was most strongly negatively correlated with FRP,
EC and TEQ after the wet season rains, showing that the effects of these factors are
dependent on seasonal discharge regime. Concentrations of nutrients and EC in rivers
tend to co-increase with increased herbicide loads due to agricultural land practices
(Schäfer et al., 2011a). Salinity has an influence on the diatom species present in the
diatom community, with individual diatom taxa showing affinities for particular ions in
freshwater (Potapova and Charles, 2003; Wilson et al., 1994). Previous studies have
shown that diatom relative abundances shift along conductivity gradients, for example a
study of diatom communities at 1109 sites across the US found that optimal EC for
individual diatom species ranged from 40 to 902 μS cm-1 (Wilson et al., 1994). The
measured EC at our study sites ranged from 47 - 1400 μS cm-1, with the median value

of the sites being 362 μS cm-1. A number of other studies have found EC to be a
dominant covariate influencing diatom community structure (Blinn and Bailey, 2001;
Chessman and Townsend, 2010; Sonneman et al., 2001). However, studies on the
effects of salinity as a single stressor on diatom community composition have reported
effects at EC levels much higher than the ranges observed in the current study (> 2500
μS cm-1) (Cañedo-Argüelles et al., 2017; Rotter et al., 2013).

6.5.5 Suggested future research

Further research is needed to elucidate possible reasons for SPEARherbicides being

correlated with nutrients, EC and herbicides despite it being based on the herbicide
sensitivity of diatom taxa. One possibility is that high nutrient concentrations and/or EC
might be a better indicator of high herbicide stress than the measurements of herbicides
alone. A second explanation is that as elevated nutrient concentrations and EC tend to
co-occur with herbicides, species of diatoms that thrive in elevated nutrient
concentration and/or EC environments have also been exposed to herbicides and thus
have evolved greater tolerance of herbicides than those species that prefer low nutrient
concentration and/or EC environments. Future research should in particular consider the
effect of nutrients, salinity and/or herbicides on diatom communities and whether
diatom species exposed to nutrients, salinity and/or herbicides develop co-tolerance to
these stressors. Mesocosm studies could be used to link changes in herbicide
concentrations with the response of SPEARherbicides and provide further evidence of the
combined effects of herbicides, salinity and nutrients on benthic diatom communities.

6.6 Conclusions

The proportion of sensitive taxa in the benthic diatom community declined with
increasing herbicide toxicity of the sites. Our results demonstrated that SPEARherbicides is
capable of detecting agricultural impacts to rivers, including the effects of herbicide
toxicity, nutrient pollution and increased salinity on benthic diatom communities.
Further research is required to elucidate the specific impact of herbicides on benthic
diatom communities in a multi-stressor context.

Supplementary Material

The supplementary material for Chapter 6 is available in Appendix E

Chapter 7: General Discussion and Conclusions

7.1 Discussion

This thesis presents an investigation into the impacts of herbicides on freshwater

benthic diatoms in rivers of the GBR. An outline of the conceptual framework of my
thesis is depicted in Figure 7.1. Presented in this thesis is a novel method from which
the relative species sensitivities of many benthic diatom taxa within natural
communities can be derived (Chapter 2). Utilising this method a series of specific
scientific questions has been answered; i) is the relative sensitivity of diatoms altered by
exposure to herbicides with differing modes of action (Chapter 3), ii) do benthic
diatoms respond differently to herbicide exposure under reduced light intensity (Chapter
4), does prior pollution of the site influence diatom response to herbicide toxicity
(Chapter 4 & 5) and iii) how does diatom sensitivity to atrazine differ as exposure
period increases from 2 to 12 days at both the species and community levels (Chapter
5). Finally, I describe the effects of herbicide pollution on benthic diatom communities
from rivers within the GBR catchment area (Chapter 6).

Figure 7.1 Conceptual diagram of thesis findings.

7.1.1 Relative sensitivity of diatoms within natural communities

Changes in the proportion of sensitive taxa in the diatom community can give an
indication of the biological condition of a river (Stevenson, 2014). Unfortunately, the
scarcity of information available regarding which diatom taxa are most sensitive to
herbicide pollution has been a limitation to the use of benthic diatoms as indicators of
herbicide impacts (Morin et al., 2009). Benthic diatoms are incredibly diverse and for
any one region there are only a handful of taxa for which relative sensitivity data exist
due to the time and labour intensive nature of single species ecotoxicological studies
(Larras et al., 2014a). The literature on herbicide sensitivity of freshwater benthic
diatom species from tropical regions is even scarcer (Magnusson et al., 2010;
Magnusson et al., 2012). It was therefore necessary to investigate the relative sensitivity
of as many local benthic diatom taxa from the study region as possible. Chapter 2
addresses this issue, providing a new and rapid approach to obtain sensitivity data for
benthic diatoms within field derived natural communities. The results of this chapter
align with that of other studies demonstrating how herbicide sensitivity differs between
taxa (Larras et al., 2012; Roubeix et al., 2011b), highlighting the need for further
sensitivity data to be collected on local diatom species. Additionally, this chapter
provides a method that allows the relative sensitivity of diatoms to be determined from
naturally derived benthic communities, as well as delivering community level data with
ecological relevance.

7.1.2 Increasing environmental relevance of sensitivity data

Advancing the understanding of how benthic diatoms within natural communities

respond to herbicide exposure is a primary goal of my thesis. Furthermore, it was
important to investigate whether the observed differences in relative sensitivity of
diatoms could be altered by exposure to herbicides with differing modes of toxic action.
In the field herbicide exposure most commonly occurs when mixtures of various
chemicals are washed into rivers from adjoining agricultural pastures. This means that
aquatic organisms such as benthic diatoms could be exposed to multiple herbicides
including those with different modes of action. I therefore wanted to determine whether
the results from Chapter 2 would be consistent across as variety of herbicides
commonly detected at field sites in our study region. In Chapter 3 the rapid toxicity
approach developed in Chapter 2 was utilised to assess the relative sensitivity of benthic

diatoms to eight herbicides with differing modes of action. The results of Chapter 3
showed a consistent trend in diatom relative sensitivity across eight common herbicides
with different modes of action. Herbicide mode of action did not alter which diatoms
were most sensitive in the community. Although we have no data on the effect of
simultaneous exposure to herbicide mixtures, other studies have generally found the
effects are additive (Faust et al., 1993; Magnusson et al., 2010), implying that mixtures
of herbicides will not alter the results. This suggests that benthic diatoms can be utilised
as indicators of herbicide impacts across a broad range of common herbicides.

Chapter 4 investigates whether trends in diatom sensitivity are consistent under reduced
light conditions. Peak herbicide concentrations in rivers often co-occur with periods of
increased turbidity and reduced light availability (Kroon et al., 2012). Previous studies
have shown that light could have an interactive effect on herbicide sensitivity in algae
(Bonnineau et al., 2012; Deblois et al., 2013; Guasch and Sabater, 1998); however,
there were no studies assessing the influence of reduced light intensity during exposure
to the relative sensitivity of freshwater benthic diatoms. It was therefore important to
determine whether these factors could interact with the response of benthic diatoms to
herbicide exposure. The interactive effects of reduced light and herbicide exposure on
benthic diatoms were assessed at the species and community levels. My results showed
that for the majority of diatom taxa there was no interaction and relative sensitivity
remained consistent regardless of reduced light conditions during exposure. These
findings indicate that the identification of which taxa are most sensitive to herbicides is
unlikely to be altered by reduced light conditions during exposure.

7.1.3 Chronic exposure and prior pollution history

Some rivers within the GBR study region are highly polluted with agricultural
herbicides, for example Barratta Creek, where concentrations of herbicides are elevated
for several months of the year continuously (O’Brien et al., 2016). Chronic herbicide
pollution can have deleterious impacts on diatom communities, with the potential to
alter community composition as well as photosynthesis (Larras et al., 2012; Magnusson
et al., 2008; Magnusson et al., 2012; Ricart et al., 2009; Rimet and Bouchez, 2011).
Studies assessing diatom sensitivity to herbicides are often conducted under short
duration exposure scenarios (< 96 h) (Larras et al., 2013b), whereas studies at longer
exposure durations often focus on community level effects rather than effects at the

individual level (Gustavson et al., 2003; Tlili et al., 2011). Exposure duration may alter
effects on diatoms at the individual, population and community levels. Investigating
differences in sensitivity over longer exposure durations (> 96 h) is important in order
to better understand how diatoms cope with varied exposure in field situations. The fifth
chapter of my thesis investigates how benthic diatoms respond to herbicide exposure
over varied exposure durations at the individual and community levels. The herbicide
toxicity response of diatoms varied with exposure duration with some taxa
demonstrating the ability to recover from negative impacts. Other studies have
demonstrated the ability for diatoms to recover at the community level (Laviale et al.,
2011; Prosser et al., 2013); however, the results of Chapter 5 highlight the differing
abilities of the individual diatom taxa with regards to recovery during chronic exposure.
These findings are important in the context of assessing the impacts of chronic herbicide
exposure in the field and in applied circumstances such as biomonitoring indices. This
illustrates the importance of diatom species assemblage in the response and recovery of
diatoms to herbicide pollution.

Prior exposure of the diatom community can influence its response to subsequent
exposures. The results of Chapters 4 and 5 found that prior pollution of history of the
collection site had an influence on benthic diatom responses to herbicide exposure. The
diatom community at the polluted Barratta Creek contained a higher proportion of
tolerant taxa compared to that of the reference site. These tolerant taxa were able to
remain healthy and persist despite exposure to high concentrations of atrazine in
toxicity tests (500 ug L-1). Barratta Creek diatom community composition was also less
affected by herbicide exposure over 12 days, whereas the reference community from
Alligator Creek showed changes in community structure as a result of exposure to
atrazine. This is consistent with studies demonstrating toxicant induced succession
(TIS), where exposed communities show a shift in community composition towards
more tolerant taxa (Blanck, 2002; Schmitt-Jansen and Altenburger, 2005); this can
result in higher tolerance to subsequent exposures, known as pollution induced
community tolerance (PICT) (Dorigo et al., 2010b; Magnusson et al., 2012).

7.1.4 Effects of herbicides in field communities within GBR

Declining water quality within the GBR catchment is a consequence of agricultural land
use that has resulted in increased loads of sediments, nutrients and herbicides in rivers

(Kroon et al., 2012). In Chapter 6, a new diatom based SPEARherbicides index is proposed
to monitor the effects of herbicide pollution in rivers. The index revealed how varying
water quality, including herbicides, nutrients and suspended solids, influenced the
benthic diatom community at 14 sites within the GBR catchment area. SPEARherbicides
showed that the proportion of sensitive taxa in the community declined with increasing
toxicity of the sites; however, it was not possible to distinguish from the influence of
other environmental factors as benthic diatom community composition was also
strongly influenced by changes in nutrients (especially FRP), salinity (EC) and by
suspended solids (TSS). Isolating the specific effects of herbicides on benthic diatoms
in this multiple stressor context should be the focus of further research.

7.2 Further research

7.2.1 Diatom sensitivity and traits

The SPEARherbicides index requires traits based data for numerous taxa in order to
classify them as either sensitive (SPEcies At Risk) or tolerant (not SPEcies At Risk) to
herbicides. Chapters 2 to 5 produced sensitivity data for 31 local diatom taxa, a further
28 taxa were classified as either sensitive or tolerant based on a literature search
(Chapter 6). Ideally, there should be herbicide sensitivity data for more taxa, covering
each Genus so that Order level extrapolations of sensitivity are not necessary. It would
also be advantageous to obtain further herbicide sensitivity data for additional diatom
taxa that are not currently available, including rare taxa. In addition, several other traits
were considered for incorporation into the SPEARherbicides index; however, they were
excluded due to scarcity of data; heterotrophic ability (facultative heterotrophy),
motility and recovery (recovery to prolonged exposure). Further studies should
investigate the occurrence of these traits in diatom species in relation to their herbicide

7.2.2 Validating SPEARherbicides in the field

The results of Chapters 2 to 5 demonstrate that benthic diatoms are suitable indicator
organisms for herbicide toxicity; they showed variable responses between taxa and they
responded rapidly to exposure in toxicity tests. However, the results of Chapter 6
indicate that there is still research needed to increase the confidence in the
SPEARherbicides index in detecting the effects of herbicides in the field. Mesocosm

experiments could establish causality between the response of the SPEARherbicides and
herbicide concentrations in field collected diatom communities. Mesocosm experiments
could also establish whether other environmental factors such as FRP and EC also
influence SPEARherbicides.

Chapter 6 found that the relationship between SPEARherbicides and TEQSO differed
between the wet and dry seasons. A seasonal sampling study of the diatom flora at
selected field sites could establish trends in SPEARherbicides and to show how quickly the
diatom community recovers at polluted sites following the ending of significant
herbicide pollution.

Additionally, the effectiveness of the new SPEARherbicides index to regions outside the
GBR catchment area has not been tested and further studies are recommended to
establish the transferability of the index both within Australia and globally.

7.3 Management Implications

The protection of freshwater ecosystems from impacts of herbicide pollution is an

important task for environmental managers. Herbicide pollution is a significant issue
concerning the health and sustainability of the GBR ecosystem (Lewis et al., 2012).
Managing and responding to herbicide pollution is of utmost importance to address
declining water quality within GBR catchments (Brodie et al., 2017; Waterhouse et al.,
2012). The results of this thesis give a better understanding of which diatom species are
tolerant and which are sensitive to herbicide exposure. Benthic diatoms are responsive
to herbicide exposure and could be used as a biomonitoring tool to indicate the
ecological effects of herbicide pollution in rivers. They could be used with other lines of
ecological and ecotoxicological evidence to indicate the status of rivers and streams. In
particular field collected benthic diatom communities could be exposed to river water
samples in laboratory based ecotoxicological bioassays to assess the effects of river
contamination. This could provide additional support in weight of evidence assessments
of the impacts of herbicide pollution in rivers that flow into the GBR.

The research presented in this thesis demonstrates that benthic diatoms are sensitive to
herbicides and changes in diatom community composition can be linked to agricultural
impacts in rivers within GBR catchments. The SPEARherbicides index shows great
potential as a monitoring tool capable of diagnosing the impacts of herbicides in rivers.

SPEARherbicides enables the ecological condition of the river to be assessed from just one
site visit. This would be extremely useful to assess impacts in rivers which are difficult
or costly to access, or where chemical monitoring is not undertaken as a screening tool.
SPEARherbicides could be utilised to complement chemical monitoring programs and add
further valuable information on the biological response of benthic diatom communities
to pollution in rivers.

7.4 Conclusions

The research presented in my thesis contributes to a broader understanding of the effects

of herbicide toxicity on benthic diatoms and the impact of herbicide pollution in rivers.
Freshwater benthic diatoms are responsive to herbicide pollution, with some species
being highly sensitive to exposure. My thesis identifies individual diatom taxa that are
most at risk of herbicide toxicity and also taxa that are tolerant and able to thrive in
highly toxic conditions. Benthic diatom communities exposed to herbicides in rapid
toxicity tests demonstrated a shift in community composition, with sensitive taxa
declining and the most tolerant taxa dominating contaminated treatments. The reported
trend in relative sensitivity of the diatom taxa was consistent between herbicides with
differing modes of action and under reduced light conditions.

Prior pollution at the collection site was influential in determining response of diatom
communities to herbicide exposure, highlighting the importance of diatom community
composition in determining community level effects of herbicides. Benthic diatom
communities within the GBR catchment were affected by herbicide toxicity, showing a
decline in sensitive taxa with increasing contamination of the site. However, the effects
of herbicides on the diatom community were only apparent after the wet season,
suggesting recovery during the dry season. Diatom communities were also influenced
by other environmental variables such as nutrients and salinity. Further research is
needed to clarify the individual effects of herbicides in the presence of multiple

My thesis demonstrates the effects of herbicide toxicity on benthic diatoms within

natural benthic communities. This collection of studies illustrate that benthic diatoms
have great potential to assess the impacts of agricultural pollutants, including herbicides
in rivers of the GBR catchment area.

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Supplementary Material for Chapter 2

Supplementary Table S1 Duplicate water analysis of nominal and measured atrazine

concentrations for each rapid toxicity test treatment, taken at start of experiment.

Nominal concentrations (μg L-1) Measured concentrations (μg L-1)

50 48 & 46
200 180 & 170
500 440 & 420

Supplementary Table S2 Health classification of diatoms

Diatoms from Bluewater Creek


Healthy cell Unhealthy empty cell


Healthy cell Unhealthy cell with Unhealthy empty cell

abnormal chloroplast

Healthy cell Unhealthy empty cell


Unhealthy empty cells


Healthy cell Unhealthy empty cell


Healthy cell

Healthy cell Unhealthy empty cell

Supplementary Table S3 GLM results for background health within test control
treatments; E48 – 48 hour ethanol controls, C48 – 48 hour site water only controls,
compared to site water controls at t = 0.

Genus/ Treatment B Std. Error Wald Chi-Square df Sig.

E48 0.320 0.966 0.110 1 0.740
C48 20.551 25128.089 0.000 1 0.999
E48 -0.032 0.275 0.014 1 0.906
C48 0.347 0.295 1.386 1 0.239
E48 -0.182 0.555 0.108 1 0.743
C48 0.709 0.700 1.026 1 0.311
E48 0.642 0.483 1.767 1 0.184
C48 1.460 0.631 5.354 1 0.021
E48 -0.262 1.333 0.039 1 0.844
C48 -21.873 56188.123 0.000 1 1.000
E48 -0.533 0.452 1.391 1 0.238
C48 -0.405 0.636 0.406 1 0.524
E48 0.179 0.332 0.291 1 0.590
C48 -0.112 0.366 0.094 1 0.759

Supplementary Figure S4 MDS ordination of healthy benthic community
composition in the 48 hour atrazine exposure treatments, from Bluewater Creek diatom
communities (Global R = 0.361, p-value = 0.005). Control treatments: C = Control, E =
Ethanol Control, and atrazine treatments: A1 = 50 μg L-1 , A2 = 200 μg L-1, A3 = 500
μg L-1.

a) b)

Supplementary Figure S5 a) an artificial substrate cage attached to the stream bed, b)

view of the cage with removable glass slides on the detachable cage drawer insert.

Supplementary Material for Chapter 3

Supplementary Table S1 List of benthic diatom species from Bluewater Creek within
control treatments; C0 = river water controls at t = 0. C48 = 48 hour river water
controls. These samples were counted for verification of species identifications and not
used in analysis.

Diatom Taxon CO C48

Achnanthidium minutissimum 179 205
Brachysira vitrea 0 1
Encyonema gracilis 64 41
Eunotia incisa 0 1
Eunotia sp. 1 0
Fragilaria capucina var. capucina 0 8
Fragilaria tenera 16 20
Gomphonema gracile 1 0
Gomphonema minutum 3 9
Gomphonema parvulum 9 3
Navicula cryptotenella 2 0
Urosolenia sp. 2 1
Skelotonema sp. 11 12
Ulnaria ulna 8 1
Unknown sp. 6 3

Supplementary Table S2 Background health within control treatments; E48 = 48 hour
ethanol controls, C48 = 48 hour controls and T0 = controls at t = 0. P values derived
from GLM analysis.

Diatom Taxon Treatment Percent healthy cells P value

Navicula cryptotenella T0 87.5 ± 7.2 0.946
E48 90.7 ± 1.6
C48 100.0
Ulnaria ulna T0 64.2 ± 4.0 0.301
E48 62.7 ± 1.0
C48 70.7 ± 2.0
Gomphonema gracile T0 78.0 ± 3.1 0.145
E48 63.8 ± 3.7
C48 50.8 ± 7.9
Gomphonema spp. T0 62.3 ± 4.6 0.425
E48 55.0 ± 6.9
C48 76.7 ± 5.1
Achnanthidium minutissimum T0 34.8 ± 7.6 0.063
E48 54.6 ± 2.9
C48 74.4 ± 6.7
Eunotia cf. incisa T0 33.3 ± 33.3 0.981
E48 18.1 ± 11.7
C48 0.00
Cymbella sp. T0 60.7 ± 4.8 0.492
E48 47.6 ± 52.9
C48 46.8 ± 7.1
Encyonema gracilis T0 50.5 ± 2.2 0.750
E48 53.1 ± 5.5
C48 46.7 ± 3.7

Supplementary Table S3 Duplicate water analysis of nominal and measured atrazine
concentrations for each rapid toxicity test treatment, taken at start of experiment.

Herbicide Nominal concentrations Measured concentrations

(μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine 50 48 & 46
200 180 & 170
500 440 & 420
Simazine 50 53 & 43
Hexazinone 200 170 & 170
500 420 & 420
Tebuthiuron 200 202 & 193
Diuron 500 330 & 310
MCPA 50 51 & 45
2,4-D 200 170 & 170
500 480 & 480
Glyphosate 50 44 & 53
200 252 & 177

Supplementary Table S4 Results of GLM testing the effects of herbicide
concentration, mode of action (MOA), herbicide type and their interaction on the health
of each benthic diatom taxon. P values derived from GLM analysis.

Diatom Taxon Concentration MOA Herbicide Concentration* Concentration*

(MOA) MOA Herbicide
Navicula <0.001 0.346 0.886 0.731 0.835
Ulnaria ulna <0.001 0.068 0.025 0.772 0.516
Gomphonema 0.004 0.021 0.849 0.495 0.833
Gomphonema <0.001 0.628 0.041 0.928 0.712
Achnanthidium <0.001 0.311 0.647 0.477 0.445
Eunotia cf. 1.000 1.000 0.803 0.998 0.966
Cymbella sp. <0.001 0.367 0.296 0.911 0.959
Encyonema <0.001 0.976 0.268 0.981 0.956

Supplementary Table S5 Effect of herbicide exposure on the health of Gomphonema spp.
Cells. P values derived from GLM analysis comparing treatments overall and at each treatment
level (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) with carrier controls. EC50 & EC10 values calculated using probit
analysis. – not calculable.

Herbicide Concentration P value Percent healthy EC50 EC10

(μg L-1) cells (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine overall 0.004 44 0.1
50 0.013 24 ± 6.1
200 0.010 24 ± 2.0
500 0.001 15 ± 2.8
Simazine overall <0.001 34 (0,77) 3 (0,18)
50 0.005 24 ± 2.1
200 0.000 5.6 ± 5.6
500 0.007 6.7 ± 6.7
Hexazinone overall 0.001 <0.01 <0.01
50 0.001 16 ± 2.3
200 0.001 12 ± 6.3
500 0.003 13 ± 7.9
Tebuthiuron overall 0.024 56 <0.01
50 0.024 29 ± 11
200 0.007 23 ± 7.4
500 0.013 25 ± 2.7
Diuron overall <0.001 3 0.04
50 0.002 12 ± 0.5
200 0.002 3.7 ± 3.7
500 0.002 4.2 ± 4.2
MCPA overall 0.001 0.3 <0.01
50 0.004 15 ± 1.2
200 0.008 12 ± 6.2
500 0.002 11 ± 7.4
2,4-D overall 0.004 55 5
50 0.029 26 ± 6.7
200 0.036 26 ± 15
500 0.002 3.7 ± 3.7
Glyphosate overall 0.005 5.3 <0.01
50 0.006 20 ± 3.8
200 0.018 21 ± 12
500 0.004 15 ± 9.7

Supplementary Table S6 Effect of herbicide exposure on the health of Encyonema gracilis
cells. P values derived from GLM analysis comparing treatments overall and at each treatment
level (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) with carrier controls. EC50 & EC10 values calculated using probit
analysis. – not calculable.

Herbicide Concentration P value Percent EC50 EC10

(μg L-1) healthy cells (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine overall 0.001 240 (82, 1000) 14 (0, 55)
50 0.119 40 ± 2.6
200 0.002 27 ± 0.3
500 <0.001 20 ± 3.3
Simazine overall <0.001 150 (45, 280) 8 (0, 33)
50 0.024 36 ± 2.9
200 <0.001 24 ± 0.7
500 <0.001 15 ± 1.0
Hexazinone overall <0.001 97 (7, 210) 4 (0, 22)
50 0.009 32 ± 1.2
200 <0.001 19 ± 2.9
500 <0.001 14 ± 4.0
Tebuthiuron overall <0.001 120 0.5
50 0.009 31 ± 2.3
200 <0.001 23 ± 4.3
500 <0.001 21 ± 3.1
Diuron overall <0.001 47 0.9
50 0.001 25 ± 4.2
200 <0.001 18 ± 3.7
500 <0.001 11 ± 2.7
MCPA overall <0.001 1200 0.7
50 0.014 33 ± 2.0
200 <0.001 20 ± 1.6
500 <0.001 21 ± 2.2
2,4-D overall <0.001 110 (22, 200) 10 (0.1, 36)
50 0.026 34 ± 1.5
200 <0.001 22 ± 1.8
500 <0.001 11 ± 2.3
Glyphosate overall <0.001 71 0.1
50 0.004 26 ± 4.9
200 0.001 24 ± 3.7
500 <0.001 17 ± 1.6

Supplementary Table S7 Effect of herbicide exposure on the health of Gomphonema gracile
cells. P values derived from GLM analysis comparing treatments overall and at each treatment
level (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) with carrier controls. EC50 & EC10 values calculated using probit
analysis. – not calculable.

Herbicide Concentration P value Percent healthy EC50 EC10

(μg L-1) cells (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine overall 0.040 >500 <0.01
50 0.014 35 ± 5.3
200 0.127 43 ± 0.5
500 0.011 35 ± 7.5
Simazine overall 0.034 290 <0.01
50 0.032 37 ± 12
200 0.008 35 ± 7.6
500 0.039 34 ± 2.9
Hexazinone overall 0.140 >500 9
(b.e. 890)
50 0.240 54 ± 11
200 0.100 39 ± 12
500 0.024 35 ± 2.7
Tebuthiuron overall 0.143 - -
50 0.100 39 ± 7.1
200 0.024 35 ± 3.5
500 0.188 46 ± 13
Diuron overall 0.036 395 11
50 0.536 54 ± 7.1
200 0.011 25 ± 17
500 0.033 35 ± 5.3
MCPA overall 0.580 - -
50 0.434 54 ± 19
200 0.171 46 ± 5.9
500 0.415 54 ± 5.3
2,4-D overall 0.233 >500 260
50 0.281 49 ± 6.8
200 0.945 68 ± 7.8
500 0.082 32 ± 17
Glyphosate overall 0.448 >500 95
50 0.878 63 ± 14
200 0.281 52 ± 7.8
500 0.169 48 ± 9.8

Supplementary Table S8 Effect of herbicide exposure on the health of Cymbella sp. Cells. P
values derived from GLM analysis comparing treatments overall and at each treatment level
(50, 200, 500 μg L-1) with carrier controls. EC50 & EC10 values calculated using probit
analysis. – not calculable.

Herbicide Concentration P Percent healthy EC50 EC10

(μg L-1) value cells (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine overall 0.095 420 75
50 0.995 47 ± 5.7
200 0.193 32 ± 1.1
500 0.027 22 ± 0.9
Simazine overall 0.857 >500 110
50 0.924 45 ± 4.3
200 0.437 37 ± 9.4
500 0.644 39 ± 13
Hexazinone overall 0.062 420 90
50 0.847 49 ± 6.1
200 0.175 33 ± 1.8
500 0.027 20 ± 4.3
Tebuthiuron overall 0.767 >500 140
50 0.937 44 ± 7.6
200 0.593 41 ± 10
500 0.333 36 ± 4.3
Diuron overall 0.102 440 2
50 0.177 31 ± 2.8
200 0.112 29 ± 12
500 0.019 17 ± 10
MCPA overall 0.547 >500 180

50 0.794 49 ± 3.4
200 0.615 39 ± 10
500 0.230 36 ± 10
2,4-D overall 0.354 >500 170
50 0.712 41 ± 6.4
200 0.982 48 ± 8.8
500 0.098 28 ± 9.8
Glyphosate overall 0.331 >500 3
50 0.257 33 ± 5.4
200 0.308 38 ± 6.5
500 0.081 26 ± 1.9

Supplementary Table S9 Effect of herbicide exposure on the health of Ulnaria ulna cells. P
values derived from GLM analysis comparing treatments overall and at each treatment level
(50, 200, 500 μg L-1) with carrier controls. EC50 & EC10 values calculated using probit
analysis. – not calculable.

Herbicide Concentration P value Percent EC50 EC10

(μg L-1) healthy cells (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine overall 0.002 >500 (b.e. 1240) 85 (0, 190)
50 0.434 58 ± 3.2
200 0.059 52 ± 3.0
500 0.000 42 ± 1.7
Simazine overall <0.001 >500 <0.01
50 0.000 41 ± 2.9
200 0.000 39 ± 1.2
500 0.000 40 ± 1.6
Hexazinone overall <0.001 >500 (b.e. 1000) 9 (0, 43)
50 0.027 50 ± 0.9
200 0.000 42 ± 3.6
500 0.000 36 ± 1.9
Tebuthiuron overall <0.001 >500 (b.e. 1400) 1
50 0.002 45 ± 2.4
200 0.000 40 ± 1.0
500 0.000 36 ± 1.1
Diuron overall <0.001 >500 3
50 0.011 49 ± 2.2
200 0.000 38 ± 2.7
500 0.000 38 ± 4.0
MCPA overall 0.002 >500 0.6
50 0.007 48 ± 0.3
200 0.004 47 ± 1.6
500 0.000 42 ± 3.4
2,4-D overall <0.001 >500 (b.e. 570) 15 (0.2, 46)
50 0.020 50 ± 1.0
200 0.000 40 ± 3.2
500 0.000 32 ± 1.7
Glyphosate overall <0.001 >500 (b.e. 830) 0.1
50 0.000 42 ± 2.7
200 0.000 35 ± 4.0
500 0.000 33 ± 6.5

Supplementary Table S10 Effect of herbicide exposure on the health of Eunotia cf. incisa
cells. P values derived from GLM analysis comparing treatments overall and at each treatment
level (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) with carrier controls. EC50 & EC10 values calculated using probit
analysis. – not calculable.

Herbicide Concentration P value Percent healthy EC50 EC10

(μg L-1) cells (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine overall 0.773 - -
50 0.367 13 ± 13
200 0.485 9.5 ± 9.5
500 0.485 9.5 ± 9.5
Simazine overall 0.623 330 77
50 0.866 18 ± 12
200 1.000 30 ±15
500 0.190 8.3 ± 8.3
Hexazinone overall 0.586 460 320
50 0.910 8.3 ± 8.3
200 0.757 13 ± 13
500 0.167 8.3 ± 8.3
Tebuthiuron overall 0.847 - -
50 0.910 11 ± 11
200 0.398 22 ± 22
500 0.766 17 ± 17
Diuron overall 0.919 - -
50 0.497 34 ± 19
200 0.571 28 ± 14
500 0.999 0.0 ± 0.0
MCPA overall 0.799 - -
50 0.325 50 ± 29
200 0.621 14 ± 14
500 0.796 28 ± 15
2,4-D overall 0.771 - -
50 0.292 17 ± 17
200 1.000 0.0 ± 0.0
500 0.883 19 ± 10
Glyphosate overall 0.862 - -
50 - 0.0 ± 0.0
200 0.943 24 ± 14
500 0.591 11 ± 11

Supplementary Table S11 Effect of herbicide exposure on the health of Achnanthidium
minutissimum cells. P values derived from GLM analysis comparing treatments overall and at
each treatment level (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) with carrier controls. EC50 & EC10 values calculated
using probit analysis. – not calculable.

Herbicide Concentration P value Percent healthy EC50 EC10

(μg L-1) cells (±SE%) (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine overall 0.407 >500 330
50 0.437 68 ± 8.8
200 0.429 47 ± 7.6
500 0.500 49 ± 6.1
Simazine overall 0.614 - -
50 0.213 41 ± 4.4
200 0.386 46 ± 2.6
500 0.786 51 ± 5.0
Hexazinone overall 0.472 >500 53
50 0.490 47 ± 6.3
200 0.573 49 ± 5.0
500 0.114 36 ± 2.8
Tebuthiuron overall 0.440 >500 260

50 0.911 55 ± 10
200 0.879 54 ± 6.9
500 0.189 41 ± 1.5
Diuron overall 0.171 >500 56
50 0.911 54 ± 5.3
200 0.114 36 ± 2.2
500 0.074 33 ± 2.3
MCPA overall 0.470 >500 6
50 0.374 45 ± 11
200 0.320 43 ± 3.9
500 0.123 37 ± 6.3
2,4-D overall <0.001 320 (170, 500) 120 (11, 200)
50 0.276 68 ± 2.4
200 0.123 36 ± 7.4
500 0.001 15 ± 3.8
Glyphosate overall 0.394 > 500 210
50 0.672 49 ± 2.7
200 0.569 50 ± 5.8
500 0.092 33 ± 8.5

Supplementary Table S12 Effect of herbicide exposure on the health of Navicula cryptotenella
cells. P values derived from GLM analysis comparing treatments overall and at each treatment
level (50, 200, 500 μg L-1) with carrier controls. EC50 & EC10 values calculated using probit
analysis. – not calculable.

Herbicide Concentration P value Percent EC50 EC10

(μg L-1) healthy cells (μg L-1) (μg L-1)
Atrazine overall 0.825 >500 >500
50 0.808 90 ± 6.2
200 0.905 91 ± 4.6
500 0.403 83 ± 4.8
Simazine overall 0.140 >500 33
50 0.482 86 ± 3.4
200 0.041 72 ± 0.8
500 0.400 87 ± 5.4
Hexazinone overall 0.428 >500 >500
50 0.230 80 ± 7.1
200 0.691 88 ± 2.2
500 0.151 78 ± 2.0
Tebuthiuron overall 0.721 >500 >500
50 0.456 85 ± 3.2
200 0.476 87 ± 6.5
500 0.250 82 ± 4.0
Diuron overall 0.049 >500 (b.e. 1700) >500 (b.e.130)
50 0.841 95 ± 4.8
200 0.040 71 ± 5.0
500 0.055 71 ± 0.5
MCPA overall 0.698 >500 >500
50 0.942 93 ± 3.7
200 0.423 85 ± 4.5
500 0.423 85 ± 3.5
2,4-D overall 0.328 >500 430
50 0.887 92 ± 4.5
200 0.969 91 ± 0.5
500 0.173 78 ± 4.7
Glyphosate overall 0.029 >500 (b.e. 850) 230
50 0.750 91 ± 5.4
200 0.356 83 ± 1.8
500 0.013 63 ± 3.7

Supplementary Table S13 ANOSIM results for community level effects of herbicide
concentration treatment (0, 50, 200, 500 μg L-1) on the benthic diatom community.

Herbicide group Treatments R statistic P value

PSII inhibitors Global 0.264 0.001
0, 50 0.342 0.003
0, 200 0.562 0.001
0, 500 0.692 0.001
50, 200 0.059 0.112
50, 500 0.218 0.008
200, 500 0.005 0.368
Auxinic herbicides Global 0.371 0.001
0, 50 0.383 0.005
0, 200 0.533 0.001
0, 500 0.66 0.002
50, 200 0.113 0.141
50, 500 0.248 0.019
200, 500 0.033 0.277
ESPS inhibitor glyphosate Global 0.588 0.001
0, 50 0.622 0.009
0, 200 0.525 0.009
0, 500 0.852 0.005
50, 200 0.074 0.5
50, 500 0.667 0.1
200, 500 -0.037 0.6

Supplementary Figure S14 nMDS plot showing community level response of benthic diatoms
to herbicides. Control communities are represented by green triangles (0 μg L-1); the herbicide
concentration treatments; 50 μg L-1, 200 μg L-1, 500 μg L-1, are indicated by dark blue triangles,
pale blue squares and red diamonds respectively.

Supplementary Material for Chapter 4

Table S1 Light intensities at the study sites measured in the air at the water surface of
diatom collection locations using PAR meter (LI-190 Quantum Sensor).

Site Shading Light intensity (µmol s-1 m-2)

Alligator Creek Full Shade 78
Partial 382
Direct sunlight 916
Barratta Creek Full Shade 65
Partial 246
Direct sunlight 1832
Gowrie Creek Full Shade 92
Partial 515
Direct sunlight 775
Liverpool Creek Full Shade 176
Partial 560
Direct sunlight 804

Table S2 Physico-chemical parameters at the diatom collection sites at the time of

Site Temperature pH Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity

(°C) (mg/L) (μS/cm)
Alligator Creek 28.3 7.6 8.93 95.2
Barratta Creek 25.0 7.7 4.71 575.3
Gowrie Creek 25.3 7.6 9.14 75.9
Liverpool 27.2 7.5 8.72 47.1

Table S3 List of taxa and health classification of diatoms

Diatoms from Alligator Creek:

Adlafia cf. bryophila

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell

Cymbella aspera

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell Unhealthy cell

Epithemia cf. adanata

Unhealthy cell
Healthy cell

Epithemia cf. cistula

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell

Eunotia cf. minor

Healthy and unhealthy cells

Gomphonema clevei

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell

Gomphonema gracile

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell Unhealthy cell

Gomphonema truncatum

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell

Navicula cf. cryptotenella

Healthy cell

Ulnaria ulna

Healthy cell

Healthy cell

Unhealthy cell

Diatoms from Barratta Creek:
Mayamaea atomus

Healthy cell

Melosira varians

Healthy and unhealthy cells

Pleurosira sp.

Unhealthy cell

Healthy cells

Navicula cf. cryptocephala

Healthy cell

Navicula schroeterii

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell

Navicula cf. subtillissima

Unhealthy cell

Ulnaria ulna

Healthy cells Unhealthy cells

Diatoms from Gowrie Creek

Cocconeis placentula

Healthy cell

Fragillaria sp.

Healthy and unhealthy cells

Gomphonema spp.

Unhealthy cell Healthy cell

Navicula cf. cryptotenella

Unhealthy cell Healthy cell

Nitzchia paleaceae

Healthy cell

Ulnaria ulna

Unhealthy cell Unhealthy cell

Diatoms from Liverpool Creek:
Cymbella sp.

Unhealthy cell Healthy cell

Encyconema sp.

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell

Gomphonema cf. minutum

Healthy cell Unhealthy cell

Navicula cryptotenella

Unhealthy cell
Healthy cell

Navicula cf. radiosa

Unhealthy cell

Navicula cf. rhynchocephala

Unhealthy cell Healthy cell

Nitzschia paleaceae

Unhealthy cell Healthy cell

Pinnularia viridus

Healthy cell

Ulnaria ulna

Unhealthy cell

Table S4 Complete species list and diatom cell count from each collection site within
samples taken at the start of the experiment (0 h).

Alligator Barratta Gowrie Liverpool

Diatom taxon: Creek Creek Creek Creek
Achnanthes exigua 0 0 4 0
Achnanthes oblongella 0 0 4 0
Achnanthidium minutissimum 116 7 49 104
Achnanthidium sp. 0 0 0 3
Adlafia aff. bryophila 19 0 0 0
Amphora aff. coffeaeformis 0 1 0 0
Amphora pediculus 0 2 21 0
Cocconeis placentula 0 2 18 3
Cymbella aspera 2 0 0 0
Diadesmis confervacea 0 0 59 0
Diploneis elliptica 0 2 0 0
Encyonema gracilis 0 0 6 0
Encyonema minuta 17 2 12 86
Eolimna subminuscula 4 0 0 0
Epithemia adnata 3 0 0 0
Epithemia cistula 15 0 0 0
Epithemia sorex 1 0 0 0
Eunotia bilunaris v. mucophila 0 0 0 1
Eunotia sp. 2 0 0 0
Fragilaria capucina var. capucina 11 0 7 14
Gomphonema clevei 101 0 0 1
Gomphonema gracile 9 4 0 0
Gomphonema minutum 0 42 25 53
Gomphonema parvulum 0 15 7 2
Gomphonema sp. 9 0 0 0
Gomphonema truncatum 3 0 0 0
Luticola goeppertiana 0 3 0 0
Mayamaea atomus 0 22 6 2
Melosira varians 0 5 0 0
Navicula cryptocephala 0 2 4 0
Navicula cryptotenella 19 0 7 20
Navicula decussis 0 0 5 4
Navicula schroeterii 0 6 0 0
Navicula subtillissima 0 2 0 0
Navicula viridula 0 0 3 0
Navicula aff. rhynchocephala 0 0 0 2
Nitzschia inconspicua 6 0 0 0
Nitzschia paleaceae 0 0 52 2
Nitzschia sp. 2 0 0 0
Pinnularia viridis 0 0 0 1
Planothidium lanceolatum 0 0 11 4
Pleurosira sp. 0 99 0 0
Surirella sp. 0 0 0 1
Ulnaria ulna 2 115 11 4

Total 341 331 311 307

Table S5 Duplicate water analysis of herbicide concentrations in rapid toxicity test
treatments taken at start of experiment (0 h).

Nominal concentrations (μg Measured concentrations (μg

Herbicide L-1) L-1)
Atrazine 20 19 & 20
50 44 & 41
200 170 & 180
500 450 & 500
Glyphosate 50 73 & 66
200 240 & 250

Table S6 GLM results for background health within test control treatments; 48 h
ethanol controls, 48 h site water only controls, compared to site water controls at 0 h.
Statistical significance at alpha 0.05 is indicated in bold type.

Genus p value
Barratta Creek:
Mayamaea atomus 0.877
Melosira varians 0.897
Pleurosira sp. 0.109
Navicula cf. cryptocephala 0.976
Navicula schroeteri 0.382
Navicula cf. subtillissima 0.720
Ulnaria ulna <0.001
Alligator Creek:
Adlafia aff. bryophila 0.149
Cymbella aspera 0.979
Epithemia cf. adanata 0.963
Epithemia cf. cistula 0.067
Eunotia cf.minor 0.233
Gomphonema clevei 0.011
Gomphonema gracile 0.026
Gomphonema truncatum 0.108
Navicula cf. cryptotenella 0.739
Ulnaria ulna 0.398
Gowrie Creek:
Cocconeis placentula 0.624
Fragillaria sp. <0.001
Gomphonema spp. 0.789
Navicula cf. cryptocephala 0.287
Navicula cf. cryptotenella 1.000
Nitzschia paleaceae 0.949
Ulnaria ulna 0.083
Liverpool Creek:
Cymbella sp. 0.701
Encyconema sp. 0.991
Fragillaria sp. <0.001
Gomphonema cf. minutum 0.199
Navicula cf. cryptotenella 0.459
Navicula cf. radiosa 0.260
Navicula cf. rhynchocephala 0.775
Nitzschia paleaceae 1.000
Pinnularia viridus 0.160
Ulnaria ulna 0.544

Figure S7 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Fragillaria sp. from Liverpool Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S8 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Navicula cf. cryptotenella from
Liverpool Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high
light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S9 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Cymbella aspera from Alligator Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and
high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S10 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Gomphonema gracile from Alligator
Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low
and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S11 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Gomphonema cf. minutum from
Liverpool Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high
light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S12 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Gomphonema spp. from Gowrie Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S13 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Gomphonema truncatum from
Alligator Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg
L-1), at low and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S14 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Ulnaria ulna from Alligator Ck, after
48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high
light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S15 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Ulnaria ulna from Liverpool Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S16 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Ulnaria ulna from Gowrie Ck, after
48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light intensities (20
μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S17 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Adlafia aff. bryophila from Alligator
Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low
and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S18 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Epithemia cf. adanata from Alligator
Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low
and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S19 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Mayamaea atomus from Barratta Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and
high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S20 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Navicula cf. cryptocephala from
Barratta Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-
), at low and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S21 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Navicula cf. cryptocephala from
Gowrie Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high
light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S22 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Navicula cf. cryptotenella from
Alligator Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg
L-1), at low and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S23 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Navicula cf. cryptotenella from
Gowrie Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high
light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S24 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Navicula cf. radiosa from Liverpool
Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S25 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Navicula cf. rhynchocephala from
Liverpool Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high
light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S26 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Navicula cf. subtillissima from
Barratta Ck, after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-
), at low and high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S27 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Nitzschia paleaceae from Liverpool
Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S28 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Nitzschia paleaceae from Gowrie
Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S29 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Pinnularia viridus from Liverpool
Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S30 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Cymbella sp. from Liverpool Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S31 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Encyconema sp. from Liverpool Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S32 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Cocconeis placentula from Gowrie
Ck, after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S33 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Fragillaria sp. from Gowrie Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to atrazine (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and high light
intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S34 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Eunotia cf. minor from Alligator Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and
high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S35 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Melosira varians from Barratta Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and
high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Figure S36 Percentage of healthy diatom cells for Pleurosira sp. from Barratta Ck,
after 48 hr exposure to either atrazine or glyphosate (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1), at low and
high light intensities (20 μmol m-2 s-1 and 100 µmol m-2 s-1).
* indicates statistical difference (p = <0.05) compared to controls in GLM analysis.

Supplementary Material for Chapter 5

Supplementary Table S1 Water quality measurements taken at time of diatom

collection and measured atrazine concentrations in river water and toxicity test

Alligator Creek Barratta Creek

Water temperature (°C) 28.7 25.0
pH 7.55 7.7
Dissolved Oxygen (mg L ) 8.83 5.33
Conductivity (μS cm @ 25 °C) 95.7 557
Light at water surface (μmol m-2 s-1) 78 - 916 65 - 1832
Atrazine in river water (1 μg L-1) < LOR (1 μg L-1) 13
Nominal test treatment 50 μg L-1 44 & 41 51 & 54
Nominal test treatment 200 μg L-1 170 & 180 -
Nominal test treatment 500 μg L-1 450 & 500 -

Supplementary Table S2 Species list and diatom cell count from Barratta and
Alligator Creeks within samples sent for species verification taken at the start of the
experiment (day 0).

Diatom taxon Alligator Creek Barratta Creek

Achnanthidium minutissimum 116 7
Adlafia aff. bryophila 19 0
Amphora aff. coffeaeformis 0 1
Amphora pediculus 0 2
Cocconeis placentula 0 2
Cymbella aspera 2 0
Diploneis elliptica 0 2
Encyonema minuta 17 2
Eolimna subminuscula 4 0
Epithemia adnata 3 0
Epithemia cistula 15 0
Epithemia sorex 1 0
Eunotia sp. 2 0
Fragilaria capucina var. capucina 11 0
Gomphonema clevei 101 0
Gomphonema gracile 9 4
Gomphonema minutum 0 42
Gomphonema parvulum 0 15
Gomphonema sp. 9 0
Gomphonema truncatum 3 0
Luticola goeppertiana 0 3
Mayamaea atomus 0 22
Melosira varians 0 5
Navicula cryptocephala 0 2
Navicula cryptotenella 19 0
Navicula schroeterii 0 6
Navicula subtillissima 0 2
Nitzschia inconspicua 6 0
Nitzschia sp. 2 0
Pleurosira sp. 0 99
Ulnaria ulna 2 115

Total 341 331

Supplementary Table S3 PERMANOVA results for the atrazine concentration effects
on the diatom community on each experimental day (main test) and at each
concentration compared to the control treatment (pair-wise tests). * indicates statistical
significance (p<0.05).
Alligator Creek Concentration p-value Pseudo-F df Unique
Day 2 Main test 0.061 1.72 3 999
50 0.635 - - 84
200 0.039* - - 84
500 0.435 - - 84
Day 3 Main test 0.481 0.97 3 998
50 0.390 - - 84
200 0.160 - - 84
500 0.782 - - 84
Day 6 Main test 0.163 1.42 3 996
50 0.071 - - 56
200 0.192 - - 21
500 0.025* - - 56
Day 9 Main test 0.110 1.68 3 997
50 0.286 - - 21
200 0.331 - - 56
500 0.347 - - 56
Day 12 Main test 0.014* 2.03 3 956
50 0.095 - - 10
200 0.386 - - 10
500 0.092 - - 10
Barratta Creek p-value Pseudo-F df Unique
Day 2 Main test 0.043* 2.02 3 998
50 0.029* - - 84
200 0.299 - - 84
500 0.413 - - 84
Day 3 Main test 0.335 1.21 2 909
50 0.925 - - 84
200 - - - -
500 0.314 - - 28
Day 6 Main test 0.156 1.76 3 956
50 0.841 - - 35
200 0.767 - - 15
500 0.186 - - 5
Day 9 Main test 0.125 1.41 3 995
50 0.665 - - 35
200 0.193 - - 35
500 0.368 - - 35
Day 12 Main test 0.275 1.28 3 998
50 0.733 - - 84
200 0.273 - - 84
500 0.098 - - 84


Supplementary Figure S1 nMDS plot showing differences between samples across
concentration treatments (50, 200 and 500 μg L-1) and through time (days) at A –
Alligator Creek and B – Barratta Creek

Supplementary Figure S2 Relative abundance of the common diatom taxa from
Alligator Creek over the course of the experiment within atrazine treatments: A) 50 μg
L-1, B) 200 μg L-1 and C) 500 μg L-1 and the control treatment (day 0). Diatom taxa
combined in ‘other taxa’ category are Epithemia cf. adanata, Nitzschia cf. sigmoidea
and Pinnularia sp.

Supplementary Figure S3 Relative abundance of the common diatom taxa from
Barratta Creek over the course of the experiment within atrazine treatments: A) 50 μg L-
, B) 200 μg L-1 and C) 500 μg L-1 and the control treatment (day 0). Diatom taxa
combined in ‘other taxa’ category are Gyrosigma sp., Fragilaria sp. Pinnularia sp.
Nitzschia spp. and Navicula cf. subtillisima.

Supplementary Table S4 SIMPER results Alligator Creek – relative abundance (%) of
taxa most contributing to the difference between concentration treatment groups (50,
200 and 500 μg L-1) and the control treatment on each day of exposure (2, 3, 6, 9, 12).
Day 2
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 17.75
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema clevei 15.58 19.51 3.04 1.68 17.10 17.10
Gomphonema 27.45 31.85 2.79 1.32 15.74 32.85
Gomphonema gracile 13.63 15.18 1.77 1.47 9.96 42.81
Eunotia minor 6.32 5.37 1.57 1.28 8.84 51.65
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 24.81
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 27.45 39.85 6.20 1.54 25.00 25.00
Gomphonema clevei 15.58 10.79 3.09 1.26 12.46 37.46
Gomphonema gracile 13.63 9.38 3.01 1.26 12.12 49.58
Epithemia cf. cistula 17.26 13.80 2.29 1.58 9.22 58.80
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 19.68
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema clevei 15.58 16.20 2.77 1.67 14.07 14.07
Adlalfia cf. bryophila 3.77 9.17 2.70 2.30 13.73 27.80
Gomphonema gracile 13.63 12.72 2.66 1.49 13.53 41.33
Gomphonema 27.45 27.85 1.93 1.43 9.82 51.15
Day 3
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 18.73
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 28.54 28.92 3.50 1.56 18.66 18.66
Gomphonema clevei 18.84 24.94 3.13 1.33 16.71 35.37
Epithemia cf. cistula 11.22 8.77 2.36 1.40 12.59 47.96
Gomphonema gracile 18.93 14.73 2.27 1.65 12.13 60.09
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 20.77
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 28.54 22.65 4.88 1.84 23.49 23.49
Gomphonema gracile 18.93 16.22 2.10 1.09 10.11 33.59
Gomphonema clevei 18.84 21.90 2.05 1.06 9.89 43.49
Navicula cryptotenella 5.62 2.97 1.91 1.45 9.21 52.70
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 19.88
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 28.54 30.19 3.09 1.41 15.53 15.53
Gomphonema clevei 18.84 17.41 2.16 1.28 10.85 26.38
Epithemia cf. cistula 11.22 8.15 2.14 1.21 10.77 37.15

Gomphonema gracile 18.93 16.11 2.04 1.35 10.24 47.39
Day 6
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 26.73
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 36.41 24.31 6.52 1.17 24.40 24.40
Navicula cryptotenella 6.14 15.65 4.92 1.72 18.41 42.82
Gomphonema clevei 20.09 14.79 3.23 1.41 12.07 54.88
Epithemia cf. cistula 5.83 7.91 2.04 1.69 7.65 62.53
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 29.23
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 36.41 28.53 6.57 1.34 22.48 22.48
Gomphonema clevei 20.09 12.15 3.97 2.00 13.59 36.07
Adlalfia cf. bryophila 5.13 10.24 2.61 1.33 8.93 45.00
Navicula cryptotenella 6.14 7.98 2.60 1.47 8.90 53.90
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 29.45
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 36.41 24.89 5.76 1.75 19.55 19.55
Navicula cryptotenella 6.14 10.82 3.88 1.29 13.19 32.74
Gomphonema gracile 9.87 13.27 3.30 1.59 11.22 43.96
Ulnaria ulna 4.21 8.80 3.25 1.91 11.03 54.99
Day 9
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 43.25
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 24.58 13.82 10.83 1.28 25.05 25.05
Ulnaria ulna 8.65 26.13 8.74 4.51 20.21 45.26
Gomphonema clevei 17.21 18.25 6.03 2.95 13.94 59.19
Gomphonema gracile 11.90 6.08 5.05 1.98 11.67 70.87
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 43.85
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 24.58 42.68 13.72 1.83 31.28 31.28
Gomphonema clevei 17.21 11.12 5.74 1.37 13.10 44.38
Gomphonema gracile 11.90 8.00 4.95 1.38 11.30 55.68
Epithemia cf. cistula 6.34 11.75 3.72 1.14 8.48 64.16
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 43.87
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 24.58 10.35 11.44 1.14 26.08 26.08
Navicula cryptotenella 8.61 18.62 7.88 1.48 17.96 44.04
Gomphonema clevei 17.21 19.14 6.19 1.66 14.11 58.14
Gomphonema gracile 11.90 11.24 4.53 2.27 10.33 68.48
Day 12
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 61.31
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.

0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 44.60 1.74 21.43 13.44 34.95 34.95
Ulnaria ulna 3.85 24.03 10.09 1.95 16.46 51.41
Gomphonema gracile 1.90 14.95 7.16 1.28 11.67 63.08
Epithemia cf. cistula 8.28 12.06 5.35 1.22 8.72 71.81
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 43.16
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 44.60 24.54 10.35 1.05 23.97 23.97
Gomphonema clevei 12.07 25.41 7.16 1.62 16.59 40.56
Adlalfia cf. bryophila 6.38 15.31 6.74 0.86 15.62 56.18
Cymbella aspera 8.33 0.75 3.95 1.06 9.15 65.34
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 48.75
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Gomphonema 44.60 14.92 14.84 2.54 30.44 30.44
Navicula cryptotenella 7.01 30.51 11.75 0.96 24.10 54.54
Cymbella aspera 8.33 2.76 3.53 1.14 7.24 61.78
Gomphonema clevei 12.07 13.70 3.44 1.45 7.06 68.85

Supplementary Table S5 SIMPER results Barratta Creek – relative abundance (%) of
taxa most contributing to the difference between concentration treatment groups (50,
200 and 500 μg L-1) and the control treatment on each day of exposure (2, 3, 6, 9, 12).
Day 2
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 17.75
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 58.86 45.27 6.79 2.27 29.88 29.88
Pleurosira sp. 16.47 21.90 3.21 1.38 14.10 43.98
Achnanthidium 1.08 6.70 2.81 1.46 12.37 56.35
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 24.81
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 58.86 52.59 4.10 1.52 23.76 23.76
Pleurosira sp. 16.47 12.89 3.13 1.34 18.14 41.90
Navicula cryptocephala 3.23 5.50 1.79 1.18 10.34 52.24
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 19.68
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 58.86 59.15 3.61 1.34 18.91 18.91
Melosira varians 8.20 5.50 3.38 2.01 17.68 36.59
Pleurosira sp. 16.47 13.91 3.15 1.49 16.48 53.07
Day 3
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 18.73
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 49.40 46.52 2.73 1.06 17.29 17.29
Navicula cryptocephala 10.59 12.19 2.21 1.44 13.96 31.25
Melosira varians 3.39 3.66 1.76 1.37 11.11 42.36
Pleurosira sp. 14.75 15.00 1.68 1.41 10.64 52.99
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 19.88
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 49.40 56.93 4.89 1.64 22.75 22.75
Navicula schroeterii 6.18 13.67 4.50 1.33 20.95 43.71
Navicula cryptocephala 10.59 6.94 2.58 1.67 12.01 55.72
Day 6
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 26.73
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 35.53 34.52 4.57 1.13 21.49 21.49
Navicula cryptocephala 17.57 19.76 3.06 1.23 14.37 35.86
Pleurosira sp. 11.70 13.51 2.85 1.79 13.42 49.28
Mayamaea atomus 9.32 11.64 2.54 1.71 11.95 61.23
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 29.23
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Navicula cryptocephala 17.57 11.68 3.92 1.47 16.75 16.75
Pleurosira sp. 11.70 18.57 3.92 1.66 16.73 33.48
Ulnaria ulna 35.53 33.36 3.00 0.97 12.83 46.31
Cyclotella sp. 4.84 9.05 2.85 1.31 12.18 58.48
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 29.45

Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 35.53 62.07 13.27 2.96 34.42 34.42
Navicula cryptocephala17.57 1.72 7.92 2.34 20.56 54.98
Pleurosira sp. 11.70 5.17 3.27 0.98 8.47 63.45
Day 9
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 43.25
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 25.64 26.95 3.52 1.61 17.29 17.29
Mayamaea atomus 10.86 13.45 2.66 2.38 13.09 30.38
Pleurosira sp. 10.56 10.89 2.55 1.67 12.55 42.93
Navicula cryptocephala 27.31 26.81 1.70 1.65 8.36 51.29
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 43.85
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 25.64 18.19 5.02 1.24 17.63 17.63
Navicula cryptocephala 27.31 27.49 4.66 2.16 16.37 34.00
Pleurosira sp. 10.56 16.64 4.09 1.27 14.38 48.38
Mayamaea atomus 10.86 15.45 3.16 3.09 11.11 59.49
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 43.87
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Ulnaria ulna 25.64 19.28 4.02 1.13 14.68 14.68
Navicula cryptocephala 27.31 23.26 3.90 1.98 14.26 28.95
Pleurosira sp. 10.56 7.75 3.37 1.34 12.30 41.25
Melosira varians 3.26 8.03 3.12 1.17 11.39 52.64
Day 12
0 ug/L & 50ug/L Average dissimilarity = 61.31
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 50 ug/L Diss %
Navicula cryptocephala 18.76 24.73 6.80 1.25 21.37 21.37
Cyclotella sp. 17.54 17.79 4.92 1.67 15.46 36.83
Ulnaria ulna 20.12 15.88 4.39 1.30 13.80 50.64
0 ug/L & 200ug/L Average dissimilarity = 43.16
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 200 ug/L Diss %
Navicula cryptocephala 18.76 22.37 5.56 1.44 17.44 17.44
Ulnaria ulna 20.12 13.40 4.51 1.55 14.12 31.56
Cyclotella sp. 17.54 12.51 4.25 2.10 13.32 44.88
Mayamaea atomus 10.75 15.93 3.30 1.42 10.36 55.24
0 ug/L & 500ug/L Average dissimilarity = 48.75
Species Abundance Abundance Av. Diss/SD Contrib% Cum.
0 ug/L 500 ug/L Diss %
Navicula cryptocephala 18.76 30.39 6.58 1.68 19.61 19.61
Ulnaria ulna 20.12 10.18 5.43 1.50 16.19 35.80
Cyclotella sp. 17.54 19.01 4.82 1.40 14.38 50.18

Supplementary Table S6 GLM results showing p-values for successional effects
(across all days), and effect of atrazine concentration at each exposure day.

Taxa Successional Overall concentration effect

Day 2 Day 3 Day 6 Day 9 Day 12
Alligator Creek:
Adlafia cf. bryophila 0.017* 0.878 0.578 0.935 0.141 0.771
Cymbella cf. aspera 0.243 0.044* 0.149 0.002* 0.001* 0.027*
Epithemia cf. adanata 0.542 0.319 0.538 0.837 0.200 0.494
Epithemia cf. cistula <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* 0.015* <0.001* 0.678
Eunotia cf. minor 0.141 0.435 0.152 0.472 0.934 0.101
Gomphonema gracile <0.001* 0.353 0.189 0.727 0.893 0.003*
Gomphonema clevei <0.001* 0.006* 0.001* 0.278 0.001* 0.339
Gomphonema <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001*
Navicula cryptotenella 0.540 0.585 / / / 0.607
Nitzschia sigmoidea 0.940 1.000 0.891 0.980 0.826 0.960
Pinnularia sp. 0.677 - 0.982 1.000 0.522 1.000
Ulnaria ulna 0.028* 0.017* 0.257 0.011* <0.001* <0.001*
Barratta Creek:
Achnanthidium sp. 0.054 0.169 0.463 1.000 0.168 0.065
Amphora spp. 0.379 1.000 1.000 0.982 1.000 0.280
Cyclotella sp. <0.001* - 0.091 0.007* <0.001* 0.002*
Cymbella sp. 0.831 1.000 0.994 1.000 0.996 0.949
Gomphonema spp. 0.205 0.290 0.080 0.145 0.430 0.003*
Gyrosigma sp. 0.639 0.982 0.814 0.268 0.975 0.434
Mayamaea atomus 0.008* 0.766 0.222 0.103 0.003* <0.001*
Melosira varians 0.073 0.050* 0.005* 0.012* 0.162 0.023*
Navicula schroeterii 0.182 0.579 0.477 0.992 0.058 0.047*
Navicula subtillissima 0.449 0.867 0.796 0.874 0.958 0.207
Navicula 0.576 0.867 0.754 0.006* 0.373 0.002*
Nitzschia sp. 0.120 - 0.976 - - 0.852
Pinnularia sp. 0.205 0.965 0.246 0.496 0.869 0.761
Pleurosira sp. 0.045* 0.018* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001*
Ulnaria ulna <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001*
Note: - incalculable taxa absent
/ all cells healthy

Supplementary Material for Chapter 6

Supplementary Table S1 Locations of the study sites

Site Name Catchment Location

Burnett River Burnett -25.04928, 152.09853

Comet River Fitzroy -23.61247, 148.55138

Fitzroy River Fitzroy -23.38111, 150.51691

Sandy Creek Plane -21.28368, 149.01983

Pioneer River Pioneer -21.14407, 149.07528

Finch Hatton Creek Pioneer -21.07681, 148.63589

Burdekin River Burdekin -19.64302, 147.39608

Barratta Creek Haughton -19.70618, 147.14778

Bluewater Creek Black -19.23952, 146.44566

Herbert River Herbert -18.6316, 146.14013

Tully River Tully -17.99361, 145.9411

Bulgan Creek Tully -17.88245, 145.92297

North Johnstone River Johnstone -17.54694, 145.93166

Russell River Mulgrave-Russell -17.448658, 145.852609

Supplementary Table S2 Herbicide sensitivity classification of benthic diatoms from
selected literature
Taxa Classification Citation
Cocconeis placentula Tolerant 1. Debenest et al. 2009
Achnanthidium catenatum Sensitive 2. Larras et al. 2014a
Achnanthidium minutissumum Tolerant 3. Larras et al. 2013
Achnanthidium minutissumum Tolerant 2. Larras et al. 2014a
Achnanthidium minutissumum Tolerant 4. Paule et al. 2015
Craticula accomoda Tolerant 5. Larras et al. 2012
Cyclotella meneghiniana Sensitive 5. Larras et al. 2012
Cyclotella meneghiniana Sensitive 6. Larras et al. 2014b
Diploneis oblongella Sensitive 7. Ricart et al. 2009
Encyonema minutum Sensitive 5. Larras et al. 2012
Encyonema minutum Sensitive 3. Larras et al. 2013
Encyonema silesiacum Sensitive 3. Larras et al. 2013
Eolimna minima Sensitive 1. Debenest et al. 2009
Eolimna minima Tolerant 5. Larras et al. 2012
Eolimna minima Tolerant 8. Tiam et al. 2015
Fistulifera saprophila Tolerant 6. Larras et al. 2014b
Fragilaria capucina var. gracilis Tolerant 9. Rotter et al. 2013
Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae Sensitive 5. Larras et al. 2012
Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae Sensitive 6. Larras et al. 2014b
Fragilaria crotonensis Sensitive 6. Larras et al. 2014b
Gomphomena parvulum Tolerant 5. Larras et al. 2012
Mayamaea fossalis Tolerant 5. Larras et al. 2012
Melosira varians Tolerant 1. Debenest et al. 2009
Navicula atomus var. permitis Tolerant 7. Ricart et al. 2009
Navicula cryptotenella Tolerant 7. Ricart et al. 2009
Navicula gregaria Sensitive 7. Ricart et al. 2009
Navicula menisculus Tolerant 7. Ricart et al. 2009
Nitzschia dissipata Tolerant 1. Debenest et al. 2009
Nitzschia inconspicua Tolerant 7. Ricart et al. 2009
Nitzschia palea Sensitive 1. Debenest et al. 2009
Nitzschia palea Tolerant 5. Larras et al. 2012
Nitzschia palea Tolerant 9. Rotter et al. 2013
Nitzschia palea Tolerant 6. Larras et al. 2014b
Nitzschia palea Tolerant 8. Tiam et al. 2015
Nitzschia paleacea Tolerant 2. Larras et al. 2014a
Planothidium lanceolatum Sensitive 8. Tiam et al. 2015
Sellaphora minima Tolerant 6. Larras et al. 2014b
Tabellaria flocculosa Sensitive 2. Larras et al. 2014a
Ulnaria ulna Sensitive 5. Larras et al. 2012
Ulnaria ulna Sensitive 6. Larras et al. 2014b

Debenest T, Pinelli E, Coste M, Silvestre J, Mazzella N, Madigou C, et al. Sensitivity of freshwater
periphytic diatoms to agricultural herbicides. Aquatic Toxicology 2009; 93: 11-17.
Larras F, Montuelle B, Rimet F, Chèvre N, Bouchez A. Seasonal shift in the sensitivity of a natural
benthic microalgal community to a herbicide mixture: impact on the protective level of thresholds derived
from species sensitivity distributions. Ecotoxicology 2014a: 1-15.
Larras F, Lambert A-S, Pesce S, Rimet F, Bouchez A, Montuelle B. The effect of temperature and a
herbicide mixture on freshwater periphytic algae. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2013; 98:
Paule A, Lamy A, Roubeix V, Delmas F, Rols J. Influence of the natural growth environment on the
sensitivity of phototrophic biofilm to herbicide. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015; 22:
Larras F, Bouchez A, Rimet F, Montuelle B. Using Bioassays and Species Sensitivity Distributions to
Assess Herbicide Toxicity towards Benthic Diatoms. PloS one 2012; 7: 1-9.
Larras F, Keck F, Montuelle B, Rimet F, Bouchez A. Linking Diatom Sensitivity to Herbicides to
Phylogeny: A Step Forward for Biomonitoring? Environmental Science & Technology 2014b; 48: 1921-
Ricart M, Barceló D, Geiszinger A, Guasch H, de Alda ML, Romaní AM, et al. Effects of low
concentrations of the phenylurea herbicide diuron on biofilm algae and bacteria. Chemosphere 2009; 76:
Tiam S, Moisset S, Feurtet-Mazel A, Gonzalez P, Morin S, Delmas F, et al. Genetic and physiological
responses of three freshwater diatoms to realistic diuron exposures. Environmental Science & Pollution
Research 2015; 22: 4046-4055.
Rotter S, Heilmeier H, Altenburger R, Schmitt-Jansen M. Multiple stressors in periphyton – comparison
of observed and predicted tolerance responses to high ionic loads and herbicide exposure. Journal of
Applied Ecology 2013; 50: 1459-1468.

Supplementary Table S3 Herbicide sensitivity classification of benthic diatom taxa
local to the study region; GBR catchment area, Australia.
Taxa Classification Paper
Achnanthidium minutissimum Tolerant Wood et al. 2014
Achnanthidium minutissimum Tolerant Wood et al. 2016a
Adalfia cf. bryophila Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Adlafia aff. Bryophila Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Amphora spp. Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Cyclotella sp. Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Cymbella aspera Sensitive Wood et al. 2017
Cymbella aspera Sensitive Wood et al. 2016b
Cymbella sp. Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Cymbella sp. Sensitive Wood et al. 2016a
Cymbella sp. Sensitive Wood et al. 2014
Encyonema gracilis Sensitive Wood et al. 2016a
Epithemia adnata Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Epithemia cf. adanata Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Epithemia cf. cistula Sensitive Wood et al. 2017
Epithemia cistula Sensitive Wood et al. 2016b
Eunotia cf. incisa Tolerant Wood et al. 2016a
Eunotia cf. minor Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Gomphonema clevei Sensitive Wood et al. 2016b
Gomphonema clevei Sensitive Wood et al. 2017
Gomphonema gracile Sensitive Wood et al. 2016b
Gomphonema gracile Sensitive Wood et al. 2016a
Gomphonema gracile Sensitive Wood et al. 2017
Gomphonema minutum Sensitive Wood et al. 2016b
Gomphonema minutum Sensitive Wood et al. 2016a
Gomphonema parvulum Sensitive Wood et al. 2016a
Gomphonema parvulum Sensitive Wood et al. 2016b
Gomphonema parvulum Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Gomphonema minutum Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Gomphonema truncatum Sensitive Wood et al. 2016b
Gomphonema truncatum Sensitive Wood et al. 2017
Gyrosigma sp. Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Mayamaea atomus Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Mayamaea atomus Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Melosira varians Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Navicula aff. Rhynchocephala Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Navicula cryptocephala Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Navicula cryptocephala Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Navicula cryptotenella Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Navicula cryptotenella Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Navicula cryptotenella Tolerant Wood et al. 2014
Navicula cryptotenella Tolerant Wood et al. 2016a

Navicula schroeterii Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Navicula schroeterii Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Navicula subtillissima Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Navicula subtillissima Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Nitzschia paleaceae Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Nitzschia sigmoidia Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Pinnularia sp. Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Pinnularia viridis Tolerant Wood et al. 2016b
Pleurosira sp. Tolerant Wood et al. 2017
Ulnaria ulna Sensitive Wood et al. 2016b
Ulnaria ulna Sensitive Wood et al. 2016a
Ulnaria ulna Sensitive Wood et al. 2014
Ulnaria ulna Sensitive Wood et al. 2017
Ulnaria ulna Sensitive Wood et al. 2017

Wood, R.J., Mitrovic, S.M., Kefford, B.J., 2014. Determining the relative sensitivity of benthic diatoms
to atrazine using rapid toxicity testing: A novel method. Science of The Total Environment 485–486,
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Toxicology, 109, 200-208.

Supplementary Table S4 Complete species list of benthic diatoms collected during the
field study from 16 rivers within the GBR catchment area and their SPEAR

Species Genus Order SPEAR

Achnanthes exigua Achnanthes Achnanthales 0
Achnanthes impexa Achnanthes Achnanthales 0
Achnanthes nodosa Achnanthes Achnanthales 0
Achnanthes oblongella Achnanthes Achnanthales 0
Achnanthidium minutissimum Achnanthidium Achnanthales 0
Achnanthidium minutissimum var. affine Achnanthidium Achnanthales 0
Achnanthidium sp. Achnanthidium Achnanthales 0
Actinocyclus normanii Actinocyclus Coscinodiscales -
Amphora coffeaeformis Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Amphora coffeaeformis var. borealis Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Amphora delicatissima Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Amphora holsatica Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Amphora montana Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Amphora pediculus Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Amphora sp. Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Amphora thumensis Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Amphora veneta Amphora Thalassiophysales 0
Aulacoseira ambigua Aulacoseira Aulacoseirales -
Aulacoseira crenulata Aulacoseira Aulacoseirales -
Aulacoseira granulata Aulacoseira Aulacoseirales -
Bacillaria paxillifer Bacillaria Bacillariales 0
Brachysira brachysira Brachysira Naviculales 0
Brachysira styriaca Brachysira Naviculales 0
Caloneis aerophila Caloneis Naviculales 0
Caloneis silicula Caloneis Naviculales 0
Cocconeis pediculus Cocconeis Achnanthales 0
Cocconeis placentula Cocconeis Achnanthales 0
Cocconeis placentula var. linearis Cocconeis Achnanthales 0
Cocconeis pseudothumensis Cocconeis Achnanthales 0
Craticula accomoda Craticula Naviculales 0
Craticula cuspidata Craticula Naviculales 0
Craticula halophila Craticula Naviculales 0
Craticula halophiloides Craticula Naviculales 0
Craticula molestiformis Craticula Naviculales 0
Craticula riparia Craticula Naviculales 0

Ctenophora pulchella Ctenophora Fragilariales 1
Cyclostephanos dubius Cyclostephanos Thalassiosirales 0
Cyclostephanos tholiformis Cyclostephanos Thalassiosirales 0
Cyclotella atomus Cyclotella Thalassiosirales 0
Cyclotella comensis Cyclotella Thalassiosirales 0
Cyclotella meneghiniana Cyclotella Thalassiosirales 1
Cyclotella pseudostelligera Cyclotella Thalassiosirales 0
Cyclotella stelligera Cyclotella Thalassiosirales 0
Cymbella affinis Cymbella Cymbellales 1
Cymbella cistula Cymbella Cymbellales 1
Cymbella delicatula Cymbella Cymbellales 1
Cymbella laevis Cymbella Cymbellales 1
Cymbella tumida Cymbella Cymbellales 1
Diadesmis confervacea Diadesmis Naviculales 0
Diadesmis contenta Diadesmis Naviculales 0
Diploneis elliptica Diploneis Naviculales 1
Diploneis ovalis Diploneis Naviculales 1
Diploneis parma Diploneis Naviculales 1
Diploneis smithii Diploneis Naviculales 1
Diploneis subovalis Diploneis Naviculales 1
Encyonema gracilis Encyonema Cymbellales 1
Encyonema mesiana Encyonema Cymbellales 1
Encyonema minutum Encyonema Cymbellales 1
Encyonema silesiacum Encyonema Cymbellales 1
Encyonopsis cesatii Encyonopsis Cymbellales 1
Encyonopsis microcephala Encyonopsis Cymbellales 1
Encyonopsis perborealis Encyonopsis Cymbellales 1
Entomoneis alata Entomoneis Surirellales -
Entomoneis costata Entomoneis Surirellales -
Eolimna minima Eolimna Naviculales 0
Eolimna subminuscula Eolimna Naviculales 0
Epithemia adnata Epithemia Rhopalodiales 0
Epithemia sorex Epithemia Rhopalodiales 0
Eunotia arcus Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia bilunaris var. mucophila Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia exigua Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia faba Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia fallax Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia implicata Eunotia Eunotiales 0

Eunotia incisa Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia minor Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia naeglii Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia muscicola var. tridentula Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia paludosa Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia pectinalis Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia praerupta Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Eunotia sp. Eunotia Eunotiales 0
Fallacia pygmaea Fallacia Naviculales 0
Fallacia tenera Fallacia Naviculales 0
Fragilaria capucina var. capucina Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilaria capucina var. gracilis Fragilaria Fragilariales 0
Fragilaria capucina var. perminuta Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilaria capucina var. rumpens Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilaria crotonensis Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilaria leptostriata Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilaria parasitica Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilaria sp. Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilaria tenera Fragilaria Fragilariales 1
Fragilariforma virescens Fragilariforma Fragilariales 1
Frustulia rhomboides Frustulia Naviculales 0
Frustulia rhomboides var viridula Frustulia Naviculales 0
Frustulia vulgaris Frustulia Naviculales 0
Geissleria decussis Geissleria Naviculales 0
Gomphonema affine Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema angustum Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema angustum var. "subminutum" Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema bohemicum Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema clevei Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema gracile Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema micropus Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema minutum Gomphonema Cymbellales 0
Gomphonema olivaceum Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema parvulum Gomphonema Cymbellales 0
Gomphonema parvulum var. exillissimum Gomphonema Cymbellales 0
Gomphonema productum Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema pseudoaugar Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gomphonema pseudotenellum Gomphonema Cymbellales 1

Gomphonema truncatum Gomphonema Cymbellales 1
Gyrosigma attenuatum Gyrosigma Naviculales 0
Gyrosigma nodiferum Gyrosigma Naviculales 0
Gyrosigma parkerii Gyrosigma Naviculales 0
Gyrosigma spencerii Gyrosigma Naviculales 0
Hantzschia amphioxys Hantzschia Bacillariales 0
Hantzschia distinctepunctata Hantzschia Bacillariales 0
Haslea spicula Haslea Naviculales 0
Hippodonta capitata Hippodonta Naviculales 0
Karayevia clevei Karayevia Achnanthales 0
Karayevia laterostrata Karayevia Achnanthales 0
Kolbesia kolbei Kolbesia Achnanthales 0
Kolbesia ploenensis Kolbesia Achnanthales 0
Lemnicola hungarica Luticola Naviculales 0
Luticola goeppertiana Luticola Naviculales 0
Luticola mutica Luticola Naviculales 0
Mastogloia elliptica Mastogloia Mastogloiales -
Mastogloia smithii Mastogloia Mastogloiales -
Melosira spp. Melosira Melosirales 0
Melosira varians Melosira Melosirales 0
Meridion circulare Meridion Fragilariales 1
Navicella pusilla Navicella Cymbellales 1
Navicula aff subminiscula Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula angusta Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula bremensis Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula capitatoradiata Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula cari Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula cincta Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula constans var. symmetrica Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula cryptocephala Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula cryptotenella Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula difficillima Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula duerrenbergiana Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula gottlandica Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula gregaria Navicula Naviculales 1
Navicula heimansoides Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula kotschyii Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula lanceolata Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula leptostriata Navicula Naviculales 0

Navicula libonensis Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula menisculoides Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula menisculus Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula muraliformis Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula notha Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula peregrina Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula phyllepta Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula pseudokotschyii Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula praeterita Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula radiosa Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula radiosafallax Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula recens Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula rhynchocephala Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula schroeterii Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula soehrensis var. muscicola Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula splendicula Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula subminiscula Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula submuralis Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula subrhynocephala Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula tenelloides Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula tripunctata Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula trivialis Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula vandamii Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula veneta Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula viridula Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula viridula var. germanii Navicula Naviculales 0
Navicula viridula var. rostella Navicula Naviculales 0
Neidium affine Neidium Naviculales 0
Nitzschia accula Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia acicularis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia acidoclinata Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia aff. Tropica Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia agnita Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia amphibia Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia angustatula Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia angustiforaminata Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia braunii Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia capitellata Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia clausii Nitzschia Bacillariales 0

Nitzschia desertorum Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia dissipata Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia diversa Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia dubia Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia elegantula Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia filiformis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia fonticola Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia fossilis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia frustulum Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia frustulum var. bulnhemiana Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia gessneri Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia graciliformis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia gracilis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia inconspicua Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia lacuum Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia liebetruthii Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia linearis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia linearis subtilis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia microcephala Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia obtusa Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia palea Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia palea var. thin variety Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia paleaceae Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia paleaformis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia perminuta Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia pumilla Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia pura Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia recta Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia reversa Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia sigma Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia sigmoidea Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia sinuata var. tabellaria Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia sociabilis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia solita Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia subacicularis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia subcapitata Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia umbonata Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia valdecostata Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Nitzschia valdestriata Nitzschia Bacillariales 0

Nitzschia vermicularis Nitzschia Bacillariales 0
Opephora olsenii Opephora Fragilariales 1
Pinnularia appendiculata Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia borealis Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia braunii Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia gibba Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia intermedia Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia interrupta Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia legumen Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia microstauron Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia obtusa Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia similis Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia spp. Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia subcapitata Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Pinnularia viridula Pinnularia Naviculales 0
Placoneis clementis Navicula Naviculales 0
Placoneis elginensis Placoneis Cymbellales 1
Planothidium delicatulum Planothidium Achnanthales 1
Planothidium frequentissimum Planothidium Achnanthales 1
Planothidium granum Planothidium Achnanthales 1
Planothidium lanceolatum Planothidium Achnanthales 1
Pleurosigma attenuatum Pleurosigma Naviculales 0
Pleurosigma elongatum Pleurosigma Naviculales 0
Psammothidium bioretii Psammothidium Achnanthales 0
Psammothidium saccula Psammothidium Achnanthales 0
Psammothidium scotica Pseudostaurosira Fragilariales 1
Pseudostaurosira brevistriata Pseudostaurosira Fragilariales 1
Pseudostaurosira zeillerii Pseudostaurosira Fragilariales 1
Reimeria sinuata Reimeria Cymbellales 1
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata Rhoicosphenia Cymbellales 1
Rhopalodia brebissonii Rhopalodia Rhopalodiales -
Rhopalodia gibba Rhopalodia Rhopalodiales -
Rhopalodia musculus Rhopalodia Rhopalodiales -
Rossithidium linearis Rossithidium Achnanthales 0
Rossithidium pusilla Rossithidium Achnanthales 0
Sellaphora pupula Sellaphora Naviculales 0
Sellaphora seminulum Sellaphora Naviculales 0
Stauroneis anceps Stauroneis Naviculales 0
Stauroneis kreigerii Stauroneis Naviculales 0

Stauroneis obtusa Stauroneis Naviculales 0
Staurophora wislouchii Staurophora Cymbellales 1
Staurosira construens forma venter Staurosira Fragilariales 1
Staurosira elliptica Staurosira Fragilariales 1
Staurosirella pinnata Staurosirella Fragilariales 1
Stenopterobia curvula Stenopterobia Surirellales -
Surirella angusta Surirella Surirellales -
Surirella biseriata Surirella Surirellales -
Surirella brebissonii Surirella Surirellales -
Surirella elegans Surirella Surirellales -
Surirella linearis Surirella Surirellales -
Surirella ovalis Surirella Surirellales -
Surirella robusta Surirella Surirellales -
Synedra acus Synedra Fragilariales 1
Synedra ulna Synedra Fragilariales 1
Tabularia fasciculata Tabularia Fragilariales 1
Tryblionella apiculata Tryblionella Bacillariales 0
Tryblionella calida Tryblionella Bacillariales 0
Tryblionella debilis Tryblionella Bacillariales 0
Tryblionella hungarica Tryblionella Bacillariales 0

Notes: - excluded do to lack of herbicide sensitivity data


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