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52 People V Magbitang

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G.R. No. 175592, June 14, 2016


MAGBITANG, Accused-Appellant.



Every child of sound mind with the capacity to perceive and make known his perception
can be believed in the absence of any showing of an improper motive to testify.

The Case

We resolve the appeal of accused Edison C. Magbitang of the July 21, 2006
decision,1 whereby the Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed his conviction for the composite
crime of rape with homicide.


Magbitang was charged with rape with homicide under the information filed by the
Provincial Prosecutor of Nueva Ecija on February 22, 1999 in the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) in Guimba, Nueva Ecija, alleging as follows:

That on or about the 25th day of December 1998, in the Municipality of Guimba,

Province of Nueva Ecija, Republic of the Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, with lewd design, and taking advantage of
the tender age of one [AAA], a seven year old girl, and by means of force and
intimidation, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously have carnal
knowledge of the latter against her will and without her consent and after having
satisfied his bestial lust, the accused, with intent to kill, did then and there willfully,
unlawfully and feloniously strangle the neck and choke the child victim to death, to the
damage and prejudice of her family and heirs, in such amount as may be awarded to
them under the Civil Code of the Philippines.

CONTRARY TO LAW.2 ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

Evidence for the State shows that at around 5 p.m. of December 25, 1998, 7-year old
AAA3 asked permission from her mother, BBB, to go to a nearby store. BBB allowed her
daughter to leave the house, but the child did not return home. Later that evening, the
child's lifeless body was found by the riverbank. The post-mortem examination of her
cadaver revealed that she had succumbed to asphyxiation, and that there were
"incidental findings compatible to rape."4 The lone witness to what had befallen AAA
was 6-year old CCC, who recalled in court that he and AAA had been playing when
Magbitang approached AAA; and that Magbitang brought AAA to his house. CCC
testified on re-direct examination that he had witnessed Magbitang raping AAA
(inasawa), as well as burning her face with a cigarette (sininit-sinit).5
Magbitang, denying the accusation, claimed that he had attended a baptismal party on
December 25, 1998, and had been in the party from 4:00 5:00 p.m.; that from
the party he had gone looking for his nephew to have the latter tend to his watermelon
farm; that he had returned home by around 6 p.m.; that at around 7:30 p.m., he had
gone to his farm to check on his nephew; and that he and his wife had remained in the
farm until 4 a.m. of the following day.6

Ruling of the RTC

In its decision rendered on April 22, 2003,7 the RTC found Magbitang guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of rape with homicide, disposing as follows:

WHEREFORE, finding the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged,
this court hereby sentences him to death and to pay the heirs of [AAA], the following

1. P100,000.00 in actual damages for the death of Rachelle Mendoza, and

2. P50,000.00 in moral damages.


The RTC held that CCC had the capacity to observe, recollect and communicate what he
had witnessed; hence, he was entitled to credence. It ruled that sufficient
circumstantial evidence pointing to Magbitang as the author of the rape with homicide
existed in the records considering his being the last person seen with AAA; that he had
admitted leaving the drinking session at the party around 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m.,
thereby substantiating CCC's testimony; and that AAA's lifeless body had been found at
the back of his house.

Ruling of the CA

On appeal, the CA affirmed the conviction. It agreed with the RTC that CCC was a
competent witness despite his tender age because he showed his capacity to observe,
recollect and communicate whatever he had witnessed; that CCC, being only a child,
was not expected to give the exact details of the incident he had witnessed; that CCC
was able to positively identify Magbitang during the trial as the culprit;9 and that the
evidence adduced by the Defense consisted only of the uncorroborated and self-serving
testimony by Magbitang.


In this appeal, Magbitang contends that the CA committed the following reversible
errors, to wit:







Ruling of the Court

We sustain the conviction but modify the penalty.

To start with, the Court generally defers to the factual findings of the trial court by
virtue of the latter's better position to observe and determine matters of credibility of
the witnesses, having heard the witnesses and observed their deportment during
trial.11 This deference becomes firmer when the factual findings of the trial court were
affirmed by the intermediate reviewing court. The Court does not disturb such factual
findings unless the consideration of certain facts of substance and value that were
plainly overlooked or misappreciated by the lower courts could affect the outcome of
the case.12

A review of the records persuades the Court to declare that the RTC and the CA
correctly appreciated the evidence adduced herein. Hence, their factual findings are

Secondly, Magbitang's contention that CCC, being a child of tender age, was not a
competent witness because his testimony was filled with inconsistencies and suffered
from improbabilities was unfounded.

Under the Rules of Court, a child may be a competent witness, unless the trial court
determines upon proper showing that the child's mental maturity is such as to render
him incapable of perceiving the facts respecting which he is to be examined and of
relating the facts truthfully.13 The testimony of the child of sound mind with the capacity
to perceive and make known the perception can be believed in the absence of any
showing of an improper motive to testify.14 Once it is established that the child fully
understands the character and nature of an oath, the testimony is given full
credence.15 In the case of CCC, the Defense did not persuasively discredit his
worthiness and competence as a witness. As such, the Court considers the reliance by
the trial court on his recollection fully justified.

And, thirdly, we dismiss the argument of Magbitang that the trial court erroneously
relied on circumstantial evidence to establish his criminal responsibility for the rape with
homicide. The evidence of guilt against him consisted in both direct and circumstantial
evidence. The direct evidence was supplied by CCC's testimony, while the
circumstantial evidence corroborated CCC's testimony. Such evidence, combined,
unerringly pointed to Magbitang, and to no other, as the culprit.

In this connection, it is worth reminding that circumstantial evidence is not necessarily

weaker in persuasive quality than direct evidence. As the Court said in People v.

We have often conceded the difficulty of proving the commission of rape when only the
victim is left to testify on the circumstances of its commission. The difficulty heightens
and complicates when the crime is rape with homicide, because there may usually be
no living witnesses if the rape victim is herself killed. Yet, the situation is not always
hopeless for the State, for the Rules of Court also allows circumstantial evidence to
establish the commission of the crime as well as the identity of the culprit. Direct
evidence proves a fact in issue directly without any reasoning or inferences being drawn
on the part of the factfinder; in contrast, circumstantial evidence indirectly proves a fact
in issue, such that the factfinder must draw an inference or reason from circumstantial
evidence.17 To be clear, then, circumstantial evidence may be resorted to when to insist
on direct testimony would ultimately lead to setting a felon free.18

The Rules of Court makes no distinction between direct evidence of a fact and evidence
of circumstances from which the existence of a fact may be inferred; hence, no greater
degree of certainty is required when the evidence is circumstantial than when it is
direct. In either case, the trier of fact must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of
the guilt of the accused.19 Nor has the quantity of circumstances sufficient to convict an
accused been fixed as to be reduced into some definite standard to be followed in every
instance. Thus, the Court said in People v. Modesto;20

The standard postulated by this Court in the appreciation of circumstantial evidence is

well set out in the following passage from People vs. Ludday:21 "No general rule can be
laid down as to the quantity of circumstantial evidence which in any case will suffice. All
the circumstances proved must be consistent with each other, consistent with the
hypothesis that the accused is guilty, and at the same time inconsistent with the
hypothesis that he is innocent, and with every other rational hypothesis except that of

Notwithstanding our concurrence with the findings of the RTC and the CA, we reduce
the penalty of death to reclusion perpetua in view of the intervening enactment of
Republic Act No. 9346,22 but without eligibility for parole of Magbitang.23

Conformably with the ruling in People v. Jugueta,24 which the Court recently

promulgated in order to lay to rest the inconsistencies in the fixing of damages as part
of the civil liabilities in crimes, we modify the awards by imposing civil indemnity of
P100,000.00; moral damages of P100,000.00; and exemplary damages of P100,000.00
because the penalty of death, although proper, had to be reduced to reclusion
perpetua in deference to the application of Republic Act No. 9346.25 In addition,
although we delete the actual damages for failure to prove them, the heirs of AAA were
entitled to temperate damages of P50,000.00.

Lastly, interest at the rate of 6%  per annum shall be charged on all the damages herein
awarded reckoned from the finality of this decision.26

WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the conviction of EDISON C. MAGBITANG for rape

with homicide; REDUCES his penalty from death to reclusion perpetua, without
eligibility for parole pursuant to Republic Act No. 9346; DELETES the award of actual
damages; GRANTS to the heirs of AAA temperate damages of P50,000.00, exemplary
damages of P100,000.00, civil indemnity of PI00,000.00, and moral damages of
P100,000.00; IMPOSES interest of 6% per annum on all the damages herein awarded
reckoned from the finality of this decision; and ORDERS the appellant to pay the costs
of suit.

SO ORDERED. cralawlawlibrary

Sereno, C.J., Carpio, Velasco, Jr., Leonardo-De Castro, Perez, Mendoza Reyes, Leonen,
and Caguioa, JJ., concur.
Brion, Peralta,  and Jardeleza, JJ., on official leave.
Del Castillo, J., on wellness leave.
Perlas-Bernabe, J., no part due to prior participation in the Court of Appeals.


 Rollo, pp. 3-21; penned by Associate Justice Hakim S. Abdulwahid (retired), with
Associate Justice Andres B. Reyes, Jr. (now Presiding Justice) and Associate Justice
Estela M. Perlas-Bernabe (now a Member of the Court) concurring.

 Records, p. 1.

 Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children
Act of 2004), and its implementing rules, the real names of the victims, as well those of
their immediate family or household members, are withheld, and fictitious initials are
instead used to represent them, to protect their privacy. See People v.
Cabalquinto, G.R. No. 167693, September 19, 2006, 502 SCRA 419,

 Exhibit "A," RTC records, p. 6.

 TSN, February 6, 2002, p. 3.

 TSN, April 24, 2002, pp. 2-6

 CA rollo, pp. 24-27; penned by Judge Ismael P. Casabar..

 Id. at 27

Rollo, pp. 16-19.

 CA rollo, p. 42.

People v. Ending, G.R. No. 183827, November 12, 2012, 685 SCRA 180, 190.

People v. Mangune, G.R. No. 1 86463, November 14, 2012, 685 SCRA 578, 588-589.

 Section 21(b), Rule 130, Rules of Court.

 People v. Gacho, G.R. No. 60990, 23 September 1983, 124 SCRA 677.

 G.R. No. 184926, April 11, 2012, 669 SCRA 365, 384.

 Id., citing People v. Ramos, G.R. No. 104497, January 18, 1995, 240 SCRA 191,
198; citing Gardner,  Criminal Evidence, Principles, Cases and Readings, West Publishing
Co., 1978 ed., p. 124.

 Id., citing Amora v. People, G.R. No. 154466, January 28, 2008, 542 SCRA 485, 491.

 Id., citing People v. Ramos, supra, note 14; citing Robinson v. State, 18 Md. App.
678, 308 A2d 734 (1973).

 No. L-25484, September 21,1968, 25 SCRA 36, 41.

 61 Phil. 216, 221-222(1935).

  An Act Prohibiting the Imposition of Death Penalty in the Philippines (repealing
Republic Act 8177 otherwise known as the Act Designating Death by Lethal Injection,
Republic Act 7659 otherwise known as the Death Penalty Law and All Other Laws,
Executive Orders and Decrees).

 Section 3, R.A. No. 9346.

People v. Jugueta, G.R. No. 202124, April 5, 2016. cralawred

 See  People v. Notarion, G.R. No. 181493, August 28, 2008, 563 SCRA 618, 63 1.

People v. Combate, G.R. No. 189301, December 15, 2010, 638 SCRA 797, 824; Naca

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