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Chamber of Commerce

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 means the whole system of an economy that constitutes an environment for
business. The system includes legal, economic, political, social, cultural, and technological
systems that are in operation in any country. Thus, commerce is a system or an environment
that affects the business prospects of an economy or a nation-state. We can also define it as a
second component of business which includes all activities, functions and institutions
involved in transferring goods from producers to consumers.



A chamber of commerce is basically a Non-Governmental and independent body. It is no

profit no loss organization making (also referred to in some circles as a board of trade) a form
of business network e .g A local organization of businesses whose goal is to further the
interests of businesses. A chamber¶s business is to know your business. It works as a bridge
between government and businesses.

Business owners in towns and cities form these local societies to advocate on behalf of the
business community. Local businesses are members, and they elect a board of directors or
executive council to set policy for the chamber. The board or council then hires a President,
CEO or Executive Director, plus staffing appropriate to size, to run the organization.


It is the key objective to create an environment throughout the business community and; an
environment that provides security and opportunity for all.

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This will be achieved by fostering the development of a sense of community involving the
residents, businesses and local government, working together to fulfill a unified vision for the


"To advance human progress through an economic, political and social system based on
individual freedom, incentive, initiative, opportunity, and responsibility."

To promote, develop and enhance commerce in so doing, to foster the particular identity of
each of those areas.


The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry is the Apex body
representing Country¶s Trade & Industry and Chief Spokesman of the Private Sector. We can
say that FPCCI is the voice of Business community.

After four decades of µbusiness as usual¶ the Trade and Industry of Pakistan is faced with
intense competition and de-regulated global environment. The need for attaining and
retaining competitive advantage in business performance is more than ever before. The new
operational realities require FPCCI to formulate a new strategic thrust in its Management and


As apex body, FPCCI shall endeavor to provide effective and efficient leadership and
direction to trade & industry in Pakistan for optimum promotion of trade, industry,
professionalism and good corporate governance.

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To provide dynamic leadership to Pakistan¶s trade & industry. To provide facilitation for
growth & development of trade & industry through provision of relevant & timely
information, knowledge, expertise & operating environment and to promote professionalism,
good corporate governance & business ethics.

Under the mission and vision statement of FPCCI we can say that FPCCI is serving the
economy of Pakistan.


1.? Government interface for formulation & implementation of business oriented policies
and operating systems.
2.? Efficiently redress business problems.
3.? Promotion of all sectors of trade & industry.
4.? Promotion of country¶s international trade.
5.? Promotion of professionalism, good corporate Governance and business ethics.
6.? Making positive contribution towards development of society.


1. Research & development

2. Accounts & corporate affairs

3. Human resource management

4. Administration

5. Communication

6. Event management

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]. Public relations & protocol

8. Record management

9. Regional offices management

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I#$ %&'  
( shall mean a year commencing from 1st of January and ending on the
31st of December.

Ii). %

( shall mean duly elected Office Bearers of the FPCCI.

Iii#$ % *'  ( shall mean office of the FPCCI setup in the Capital territory of

Iv). The %+ &,   ( means the body comprising the representatives nominated
by the Member Trade Bodies, to manage the affairs of the FPCCI.

V). The % )
 ( shall mean the Government of Pakistan.

Vi). %'  
( shall mean a year commencing from 1st of July and ending on 30th

Viii). % 
 ).( shall mean and include Chambers, Women Chambers, Chambers of
Small Traders, Association of specific Trade / Industry, or Service and or any combination
thereof, Which are eligible to become Member of the FPCCI.

.X). % 

) ) ( means, all Trade Organizations who have obtained affiliation
/Membership of the FPCCI, in terms of Trade Ordinance.


( shall mean the President and Vice Presidents duly elected under the

Applicable laws.

Xiii). The term % *

 , ( used in these Articles for the purpose of election to various

Bodies, committees or organs of the FPCCI.

Xiv). %
) ( means the Trade Organizations Ordinance, 200] (Ordinance
No.XXXI of 200]) for the time being in force.

Xv). %  
) ( means the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (Ordinance No. XLVII of
1984) for The time being in force.

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Xvi). %
) &' ( means the Trade Organizations Rules, 200], made-under the provision
of the Trade Ordinance.

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1)? Office Bearers

2)? Executive Committee
3)? Immediate Past President
4)? Chief Coordinator (Standing Committee's)


The Membership of the Chamber shall comprise of two categories of members, namely:

 of the Chamber which are either a Body Corporate or a Multinational
Corporation having its Head Office or Branch Office in Pakistan or a Sales Tax Registered
Business concern.

 of the Chamber which are not a Body Corporate or a Multinational or a
Sales Tax Registered Business concern.

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The aim of the Chamber, which is non-political, is to unite the members in their common
approach and for this purpose the objects of the Chamber are:

Ú? To promote and protect the economic interest of the country is general and of those
engaged in trade, commerce and industry.
Ú? To promote cordial and mutually helpful relations between those engaged in trade,
commerce and industry:
Ú? To consider all questions connected with trade, commerce and industry:
Ú? To obtain the removal, as far as the Chamber can, of all acknowledged grievances
affecting merchants and/ or industrialist or mercantile and/or industrial interest in
Ú? To promote or oppose legislative and other measures affecting trade, commerce and
Ú? To adjust controversies between the members of the Chamber.
Ú? To encourage decision of dispute by arbitration and to arbitrate between parties
willing to refer to, and abide by, the decision of the Chamber or Committee, or
persons constituted or appointed in that behalf by the Chamber specially, or under
bye-laws framed by the Chamber.
Ú? To arbitrate in the settlement of disputes arising out of commercial transactions
between parties willing or agreeing to abide by the judgment and decisions of the
Ú? To established just and equitable principles in trade, commerce & industry.
Ú? To form a code or codes of practice to simplify and facilitate transaction of business.
Ú? To maintain uniformity in rules, regulation and usage of trade.
Ú? To sell, improve, mange, develop, exchange, lease or let, sublet, mortgage, dispose of,
turn to account or otherwise deal with, all or any part of the property of the Chamber.
Ú? To construct upon any premises acquired for the purposes for the Chamber any
building or buildings of the purposes of the Chamber and to alter, and to or remove
any of the Chamber.
Ú? To run sections or departments including those relating to exports, imports, statistics,
publicity and publications as may be deter mined from time to time.
Ú? To arrange international Exhibitions in Pakistan or abroad and / or to participate in
International Exhibitions or Forum in accordance with the aims and objectives of the
Ú? To borrow or raise any moneys required for the purpose of the Chamber upon such
terms and in such manner and on such securities as may by determined, and in
particular by the issue of debentures, Sukook or musharika term finance certificates or
any other bonds charged upon all or any of the property of the Chamber.
Ú? To establish and support, or aid the establishment and support, and support of funds,
Trust and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the
Chamber or the dependents or connections of such persons and to grant pensions and

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Ú? To subscribe to, and become and continue to remain a member of, the Federation of
Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry and co-operate with it and with any other
organization of trade, commerce & industry, whose objects are altogether or in part
similar to those of this Chamber and to procure from and communicate to any such
body such information as may be likely to forward the cause of this Chamber.
Ú? To obtain representation on councils, commission, boards, committees and other
Government or Municipal bodies whose objects may be synonymous with those this
Chamber or when such representation may be advisable in the interests of the
Ú? To do all such other things as may be conducive to the extension of trade, commerce
or manufactures, or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
Ú? To collect and circulate among member¶s statistics and other information relating to
trade, commerce and industry.
Ú? To undertake all measures necessary, allowed under any law for the time being
enforce for running the affairs of the Chamber smoothly and in a financially
feasible/viable manner.

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Because chamber of commerce provide many benefits to their members. These benefits are:

Ú? Involvement in Chamber's activities provides access to top business leaders and

Government ministers and officials.
Ú? The chamber of commerce is regularly consulted by the Government on issues related
to the business community. This provides opportunities for member¶s views and
concerns to be heard.
Ú? Certificates of Origin and other shipping documents are endorsed by the Chamber and
recognized worldwide.
Ú? Chamber helps in the issuance of Certificate of Origin for the export cargoes and
attestation of commercial documents.
Ú? Chamber helps in the Visa recommendation Letter which is basic requirement of
foreign embassies is being issued to the members intending to visit overseas for
business purpose.
Ú? Regular notices are circulated on business opportunities available -
importers/exporters wanted, tender notices, etc.
Ú? The Chamber's Secretariat provides an intensive business information service and
direct consultancy is available on most issues. The Secretariat also provides regular
circulars on up-to-date business information and Government policies.
Ú? The Chamber's Standing Committees actively monitor and pursue issues concerning
trade issues, the environment, expatriate employment, manpower, foreign investment
regulations, tourism, taxation, infrastructure requirements
Ú? Members get priority access to the library. The Chamber has a wide collection of
reference books and trade directories.

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Ú? The Members' Use Members' programe encourages members to use goods and
services of members' organizations.
Ú? A high percentage of members involve themselves in Chamber activities, which
provide chief executives and senior management with access to the latest business
Ú? The Chamber serves as a link to other local and international business groups such as
the Single-Nation Business Groups, European Community Business Associations,
Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and ASEAN Chambers of
Commerce and Industries.
Ú? Members get preferential prices for the purchase of Chamber's publications and
endorsement of trade documents.
Ú? The Corporate Services Unit in Chamber's develops marketing programs with its
members in the services industries. This unit takes a pro-active approach to create
value-added products and services through working closely with its members.
Ú? Chamber steers the business in right direction.

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As a member of Chamber's, you will be connected to a dynamic network of business leaders

from multinational corporations, government-linked companies, small and medium-sized
enterprises who are involved in a diverse range of businesses.

All of the Chamber¶s activities are organized to enable members to connect and interact.

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You will have a powerful advocate to voice your interests to the government; and to assist
you in your dealings with various authorities.

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You have access to a centre of information and knowledge. The Chamber provides advice on
business issues, or explains bureaucratic procedures and new regulations, and provides in-
depth trade & investment information and advice.

Significantly, the Chamber¶s intimate access to industry leaders, policymakers and legislators
means members are among the best informed people in the business community.

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Every member shall have the following duties and obligations:

1.? To make every effort to carry out the aims and objectives of the Chamber as set forth
in the Memorandum of Chamber.
2.? To carry out and abide by the rules and regulations of the Chamber as laid down in
these Articles or in the bye-laws framed there-under from time to time.
3.? Submit as far as possible all complaints, appeals, etc. In writing to the Secretary
4.? To bring to the notice of the Executive Committee any matter likely to cause any loss
or harm to the interest of the Chamber or its Members in whatever manner.
5.? To pay the Membership fee of the Chamber regularly.
6.? To accept and abide by the decision of the Executive Committee provided the
decisions are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Memorandum or the Articles
of Chamber or the Trade Ordinance, or any rules, regulations, instructions or
directions issued there under.
].? To convey to the Executive Committee all information that may be considered
necessary for promoting the aims and objects of the Chamber.
8.? To take part in the deliberations of the meetings of the Chamber which he is entitled
to attend and to abide by the rules framed for the conduct of the business of the
meetings from time to time.
9.? To assist and cooperate with the Executive Committee in the field of trade, commerce
and industry with specific reference to the trade or industry the Chamber is concerned.

The proceedings of the Chamber will be treated by members as strictly confidential and will
not be discussed in public. Only the Chairman (or his duly authorized nominee) will be
entitled to make a public statement on behalf of the Chamber but only with the approval of
the Executive Committee of the Chamber. If any member has failed to observe the rule

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requiring proceedings of the Chamber to be treated as confidential the Chamber may in
writing call upon such member to resign from the Chamber.

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The Gujrat Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GTCCI) is a corporate body licensed by the
Government of Pakistan under the Trade Organization Ordinance 1961 (Revised 200]).

The Gujrat Chamber of Commerce & Industry was established in 1993. It is working under
the Directorate of Trade Organization, Ministry of Commerce, and Government of Pakistan.
The Gujrat Chamber of Commerce & Industry is affiliated with the Federation of Pakistan
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI).

The Gujrat Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GTCCI) which is enjoys the status of apex
body of trade and industry has a significant and most distinguished role in the economic
development of the city in particular and country at large. It has about 2500 members on its
fold comprising Corporate & Associate Classes. This Chamber is being managed by 32
Members of Executive Committee headed by the President, Senior Vice President and Vice
President as office bearers & administration is looked after by an executive head known as
Secretary General.


After seeking the aims and objectives of Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Chamber
bodies working in different regions of Pakistan we can conclude that chamber¶s are providing
dynamic leadership to Pakistan¶s trade & industry. Chamber of commerce is also working for
facilitation, growth & development of trade & industry through provision of relevant &
timely information, knowledge, expertise & operating environment. Chamber of commerce is
also promoting professionalism, good corporate governance & business ethics.

According to our point of view to increase and make our business more effective and
efficient in achieving their goals every business should also take the membership of chamber
of commerce. Because chamber¶s working for facilitation, growth & development of trade &
industry through provision of relevant & timely information, knowledge, expertise &
operating environment. Chamber of commerce is also promoting professionalism, good
corporate governance & business ethics.

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