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ACCA Manual-S-Brochure-Final-1 PDF

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Verifying ACCA Manual S® Procedures What problems come from the wrong size

Sponsored by the ACCA
Codes Committee
Why is proper equipment selection important? Undersized equipment will not meet the
Verifying Achieving occupant satisfaction is the principal goal customer’s comfort requirements at the design
of any HVAC design. Occupant satisfaction is specifications.
ACCA Manual S® maximized when the heating and cooling equipment Oversized equipment will create other problems:
are the correct type and size to meet the capacity
Procedures requirements from the Manual J load calculation.
 Degraded humidity control in the summer.
 Occupants may suffer the effects of an
For residential equipment selections, ACCA’s increased potential for mold growth. These
Manual S®, is the only procedure recognized by the same conditions also may contribute to
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). If asthma and other respiratory conditions.
the Manual J load calculation is done then the next  The temperature may feel right at the
2800 Shirlington Road step is to select the equipment that will deliver the
Suite 300 thermostat but the temperature in other
necessary heating and cooling. rooms will suffer from the oversized
Arlington, VA 22206
equipment going through short operation
cycles. Short cycles can cause temperature
Phone: 703-575-4477 ACCA’S swings as the equipment over-conditions,
Fax: 703-575-9147 Residential stops, then over-conditions, etc…
 Hot and cold spots between rooms because
Design Manuals the thermostat is satisfied but the room is
ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America)
is dedicated to excellence in the HVACR industry. not.
As the largest HVACR contractor organization,  Oversized equipment generally requires
ACCA is committed to helping its members
succeed. Some of the fundamental ways in which larger ducts, increased electrical circuit
our efforts are seen, are in the technical resources sizing and larger refrigeration tubing. These
and industry standards, that guarantee quality
Load Calculation cause higher installed costs and increased
HVACR design, installation and maintenance. ACCA Manual J operating expenses.
The ACCA Codes Committee was formed to  The equipment starts and stops more
address code issues and in particular, to advise and frequently, this causes excessive wear and
can increase maintenance costs / service
assist ACCA in beneficially representing the
contractors in the code processes that affect the Equipment ACCA calls.
HVAC industry. This document has been written
for code officials, seeking to verify that HVAC
equipment has been selected in order to meet the
Selection Manual S In these unfavorable conditions occupants will
experience discomfort and dissatisfaction.
home’s load requirements.
What are some reasons for oversized
Duct Design equipment?
ACCA Manual D Manufacturers take great care in measuring and
For a more detailed analysis testing how well their equipment performs at
on the design process Includes different operating conditions.
Equipment When contractors use this data to select the
visit for Selection Air Distribution ACCA Manual T equipment they will meet the heating and
Bob’s House Checklist cooling needs of their customers.
Two main reasons for oversized equipment are
& Example either that: (1) a guess was made on the
To order ACCA Manual S equipment’s capacity at the design conditions or
Test, Adjust,
888-290-2220 and Balance ACCA Manual B (2) mistakes were made in the selection process.
Equipment Selection Checklist Equipment Selection using an ExampleChecklist
# Key Item Verify Verification Questions Design Application Data: Equipment Capacity
Winter Design Conditions A furnace was selected for comparing “ heating only ”
The design condi-
tions fall within
Do the design conditions fall within the minimum standards for this A From Manual J8 design and performance. Other types of equipment
region as found in Manual J8 Table 1A or 1B? A Outdoor °F: 27°F may be used.
specifications. Table 1A or 1B
70°F Manual J8 §3-6 defaults Furnace Model Num- FU600300
Design Con- Indoor °F: Fictitious furnace
to 70°F ber:
1 The information B E
ditions Furnace Btu/h Out-
from the Manual J Total Calculated
Was the Total Heat Gain / Loss information used to evaluate equip- 50,981Btu/h Determined by Manual Output BTUH: 52,000Btu/h put: (≤ 140% of cal-
load calculation was Heat Loss J8 load calculation
ment candidates? B culated loss)
transferred accurate-
ly. Summer Design Conditions
A heat pump was selected for comparing cooling and
A From Manual J8
Outdoor°F: 85°F heating design and performance. Other types of
Table 1A or 1B
Does the manufacturer’s performance parameters match the design
The equipment man- parameters used to calculate the home’s heat load (i.e., outdoor dry- 75°F Manual J8 §3-6 defaults equipment may be used.
Indoor °F:
ufacturer’s perfor- bulb, indoor dry-bulb, and indoor wet-bulb)? to 75°F
OEM’s mance parameters Entering Wet
Manual J8 §3-6 defaults
Outdoor Unit Model
2 Performance match the design 63°F to 63°F EWB HP-030 Fictitious heat pump
Bulb (EWB): Number:
Data parameters used to If the performance data parameters are more than 5% greater or less (≈ 75°F / 50% RH)
calculate the heat than the design parameters then did the contractor interpolate the B F
27,543Btu/h Total Cooling Capacity 28,400Btu/h These capacities are
load. equipment manufacturer’s performance parameters to match the de- Total Heat Gain
(≤ 115%) from manufacturer’s
sign parameters used to calculate the heat load? G Determined by
Sensible Heat Sensible Cooling
G performance data at
23,321Btu/h Manual J8 21,600Btu/h the DESIGN CONDI-
Gain Capacity (≈ Sensible Gain) TIONS: 85°F ODT,
Was the Sensible Heat Ratio calculated? (Sensible Load / Total C G load calculation G
Latent Cooling 1,000CFM, and 63°F
Estimated Cooling – Load)? Latent Heat Gain 4,222Btu/h 6,800Btu/h EWB
CFM based on Tem- Capacity (≈ Latent Gain)
perature Difference D Sensible Heat 85% C See formula below
Indoor Unit Model AH-030 Fictitious air handler
Was the SHR used to find the proper air flow? Ratio (SHR) Number:
The actual equipment
D The “TARGET” airflow, Indoor Blower CFM D rated airflow,
Is the total heating capacity of the selected equipment ≤140% of the we look for equipment (CFM in manufactur-
1,116 CFM 1,000 (medium fan speed
designed total heating load? (If not reduce equipment size) E Design Air Flow that operates in this er’s performance data
optimal) should fall
range (+/- 10% ), on at rated capacity-
within target CFM,(+/
medium fan speed medium fan speed):
Equipment - 15%)
Performance Is the total cooling capacity of the selected equipment ≤115% of the Sensible Heat 23,321Btu/h
Equipment selected designed total cooling load ? (If not reduce equipment size) F SHR = 85 This heat pump can
satisfies Total Btus Total Heat Gain 27,543Btu/h H only produce
C Btuh Difference be-
(for cooling the Sen- tween Heat Pump Bal- 20,700Btu/h at design
sible and Latent Does the “Sensible” and/or “Latent” capacities of the selected equip- Sensible Heat Ratio D 30,281 Btu/h conditions. More
ance Point and Total
load) ment meet the load’s requirements? G versus
85% ≈ 19° Design Temp Heat Loss capacity is required.
Temperature Design Value (Air Conditioners do not
have a balance point.)
Recommended Sensible Heat Gain
If a heat pump in a very cold climate (heating is primary concern) SHR CFM=
Temp. Design Design Temp x 1.1
does the total cooling capacity of the selected equipment exceed In this example the
125% of the designed total cooling load? Below 0.80 21°F Auxiliary Heat auxiliary heat is elec-
0.80 – 0.85 19°F 23,321 Btu/h (Circle): 10 KW H tric, the formula for
1,116 CFM= electric heat is KW=
19 x 1.1 Electric Gas Oil
Above 0.85 17°F Btu/h ÷ 3.413
Auxiliary Heat Pump Balance Does the electric auxiliary heat provide the necessary BTUs to
4 makeup difference in capacity from the heat pump’s balance point to
the design load conditions? H
Heat Point
From Manual J8 Tables From Manual J8 Load Calculation From Equip. Performance Data

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