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Morphology (CS 626-449) : by Mugdha Bapat Under The Guidance of Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Morphology (CS 626-449)

By Mugdha Bapat
Under the guidance of
Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya
What is Morphology?
• Study of Words
– Their internal structure
washing wash -ing

– How they are formed?

bat bats rat rats
write writer browse browser

• Morphology tries to formulate rules

Morphology for NLP
• Machine Translation

पुःतक, Noun, Direct Case, Plural

Analyze Generate

िकताब: िकताब, Noun, पुःतके

Direct Case, Plural

• Information Retrieval
– goose and geese are two words referring to the same
root goose
Need of MA and MG
• Why not list all the forms of a word along with
their features?
– Drink:
– drink, V, 1st person
– drink, V, 2nd person
– drink, V, 3rd person, plural
– Drinks: drink, V, 3rd person, singular
– Drank: …
– Drunk: …
– Drinking: …
Need of MA and MG
• Reasons:
– Productivity: going, drinking, running, playing
• Storing every form leads to inefficiency
– Addition of new words
• Verb: To fax. Forms: fax, faxes, faxed, faxing
– Morphological complex languages: Marathi
• दारासमोरयांनी – दार(SG)+समोर+चा(PL)+नी
Meaning: दरवाजेके सामनेवाल ने
• Polymorphemic
• Possible to store all the forms?
• Smallest meaning bearing units constituting a
Morphemes Prefix Suffix
re ation

Stem Affixes

tree, go, fat Prefixes Suffixes

Affixes in
post -
-ed (tossed) Hindi?
Classes of Morphology

• Inflection
• Derivation
• Indicates some grammatical function like
Case लड़का (D) लड़के(O)
Number लड़का (Sg) लड़के(Pl)
Person जाऊँगा (1st) जाओगे(2nd)
Gender जाऊँगा(Masc) जाऊँगी (Fem)
Tense गया(Pas) जाऊँगी (Fem)

• Results in a word of the same class

• Productivity
• Usually, results in a word of a different class
• -able when attached to a verb gives an adjective
• read (V) + -able = readable (Adj)
• Often meaning of the derived word is difficult to
predict exactly
• writer :: writer (one who writes)
• paint :: painter (one who paints)
• cut :: cutter? (an instrument used to cut)
• Less productive
– eatable :: readable :: runnable?
Problems in MA
• Productivity
• False Analysis
• Bound Base Morphemes
• Property of a morphological process to give rise to new
formations on a systematic basis
Transitive Verb Productive
(read) (readable)

Noun (game) -able Productive

• Exceptions
Peaceable Actionable Companionable

Saleable Marriageable Reasonable

Impressionable Fashionable knowledgeable

False analysis

hospitable, sizeable

They don’t have the meaning “to be able”

They can not take the suffix -ity to form a noun

Analyzing them as the words containing suffix

-able leads to false analysis
Bound Base Morphemes
• Occur only in a particular complex word
• Do not have independent existence

base morpheme
(nonexistent) (known)

malleable • -able has the regular meaning

“be able”
• -ity form is possible
feasible • Base words don’t exit
(fease+ible) independently
More on Inflection
Noun inflectional suffixes •Plural marker -s
•Possessive marker ‘s

Verb inflectional suffixes •Third person present singular

•Past tense marker -ed
•Progressive marker -ing
•Past participle markers -en or –ed

Adjective inflectional suffixes •Comparative marker -er

•Superlative marker -est

Inflectional Suffixes in English

Spelling Rules
• Generally words are pluralized by adding –s to
the end
• Words ending in –s, -z, -sh and sometimes –x
require –es
– buses, quizzes, dishes, boxes
• Nouns ending in –y preceded by a consonant
change the –y to -i
– babies, floppies
Verbal Inflection
Morphological Regularly Inflected Verbs Irregularly Inflected Verbs
Form Classes
Stem Jump Parse Fry Sob Eat Bring Cut

-s form Jumps Parses Fries Sobs Eats Brings Cuts

-ing participle Jumping Parsing Frying Sobbing Eating Bringing Cutting

Past form Jumped Parsed Fried Sobbed Ate Brought Cut

–ed participle Jumped Parsed Fried Sobbed Eaten Brought Cut

Forms governed by spelling rules

Idiosyncratic forms
Morphological Parsing
• Finding
– Constituent morphemes
– Features
Input Morphological Parsed Output
cats cat +N +PL
geese goose +N +PL
goose (goose +N +SG) or (goose +V)
gooses goose +V +3G
caught (catch +V +PAST-PART) or (catch +V +PAST)
Lexicon List of stems and suffixes along
with basic information about
Morphotactics A model of morpheme ordering
that explains which classes of
morphemes can follow other
classes of morphemes
Orthographic Rules Spelling rules used to model
the changes that occur in the
work usually when two
morphemes combine
Morphological Recognition
reg-noun irregular-sg-noun irregular-pl-noun plural

Lexicon flower goose geese -s

cat sheep sheep
dog mouse mice
Morphological Recognition: Nouns
reg-noun irregular-sg-noun irregular-pl-noun plural

Lexicon flower goose geese -s

cat sheep sheep
dog mouse mice

reg-noun plural (-s)

q0 q1 q2
FSA Note: Here, we are
ignoring the nouns
irreg-pl-noun which take the suffix
–es for pluralization

Type Properties Examples

adj-root1 Occur with un- and -ly happy, real

Adj-root2 Can’t occur with un- and big, red
Type Properties Examples
adj-root1 Occur with un- and -ly happy, real
Adj-root2 Can’t occur with un- and big, red

un- q1 q2 -est

q0 adj-root1 q5

q3 q4 -er

• “Linguistics, An Introduction to Language and
Communication” by Adrian Akmajian, Richard A.
Demers, Ann K. Farmer and Robert M. Harnish (5th
Introduction to Natural Language Processing,
Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition
by Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin (Second

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