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LT Spice Basic Simulation Exercise

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LTspice Basic Simulation Exercises

Alfred Festus Davidson

December 2, 2017


• Create a new schematic and draw the following

• Add the diode using the diode icon or the shortcut key D. Right click the diode and choose the 1N4148 diode (a
commonly used diode) after clicking Pick New Diode.

• Let us rst get the I-V characteristics of the diode. For this, we need to sweep the voltage source V1 and measure the
current through the diode. Use the DC Sweep option in the simulation command to do this.

• Run the simulation and probe the diode current. We see the expected diode behavior.

• As you can see, diodes have a rectication property, allowing current to ow in only one way. We can exploit this to make
a rectier. Modify the circuit to the one below and run a transient simulation for 100µs

• Probe Vin1 and Vout1. As you can see, the output wave is only generated in the positive cycle. This circuit is called a
half wave rectier. Also note that a part of the voltage drops across the diode, so the output is not exactly equal to the
input in the positive cycle.

• Probe the voltage drop across the diode. Now you can see that the output voltage (green) is the dierence between the
input voltage (in blue) and the diode voltage drop (red).

• Also, probe the diode current and the input voltage. You can see the rectifying action of the diode as it conducts current
only during the positive cycle.

• Now, modify the circuit as follows and run a transient simulation for 100µs

• Probe Vin2 and the voltage drop across the resistor. Now we see that the output is rectied in both the positive and
negative cycles of the input. However, now there are eectively two diodes in the path of current ow during either cycle,
causing a larger voltage drop.

• Probe Vout2+, Vout2- and the voltage across the resistor.

We can see that in both cycles, Vout2+ is always larger than Vout2-, which causes a positive voltage to develop across the
resistor in both cycles.
• Probe the input voltage and current through the diodes and resistor. We can see that in the positive cycle, current ows
through diode D2 and D3, while in the negative cycle, current ows through diode D4 and D5. And in both cases, current
ows only in one way through the resistor, which causes full wave rectication. This circuit is called a full wave rectier.

• Modify the circuit to the one below.

• Use the Add Component dialog box to add the Opamp. Use UniversalOpamp2. Flip and rotate it to get it in the usual

• Run the transient simulation for 100µs and probe the input voltage and voltage across the resistor (R4 ).

We see that the output voltage is full wave rectied and the magnitude of the wave is same as that of the input wave.
• Probe the input voltage and the voltage at the output of the opamp.

We can see that the opamp compensates for the diode voltage drops and hence, we get the proper voltage at the output.
• Plot the input voltage, current through resistors R4 and R3

Through negative feedback, the opamp forces the voltage across R3 to be equal to the input voltage. This causes a current
to ow through R3, which is not rectied. The rectifying nature of the diodes forces this same current to ow through R4, but
only in one direction. Hence this causes the voltage across R4 to be equal to the proper expected rectied input waveform. If
R3 and R4 were dierent, we can also get an amplied/attenuated and rectied version of the input waveform. This circuit is
one implementation of a precision full wave rectier.
• The nal circuit is shown below.

• Note that in the case of the precision rectier we are not interested in rectifying the AC voltage into DC for creating a
DC power supply (here, the power comes from the opamp power supply). We merely want a proper rectied version of the
input signal. However, the half wave and full wave rectiers can be used (with other components) to create a stable DC
power source.

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