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Assessment of Elevated Creatinine

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Pathophysiology of creatinine

Creatinine is an amino acid derivative with a molecular mass of 113 Da. It is a waste product of
creatine and phosphocreatine and is found almost exclusively (90%) in skeletal muscle tissues. The
normal muscle concentration of total creatine is about 125 mmol/kg dry mass. About 2% of the
body's creatine is converted to creatinine every day, resulting in the daily generation of creatinine at
a fairly constant rate (male: 0.18 to 0.22 mmol/kg/day [20 to 25 mg/kg/day], female: 0.13 to 0.18
mmol/kg/day [15 to 20 mg/kg/day]). It is freely filtered through the glomerulus and is also secreted
by the proximal tubules (5% to 10% of the excreted creatinine).

Typically, serum creatinine rises 1 to 2 mg/day in acute kidney injury, but it can exceed 5 mg/day in
patients with severe rhabdomyolysis, due to massive breakdown of skeletal muscle. In patients with
acute and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, 90% of renal function can be lost within weeks to
months owing to glomerular destruction and this manifests as a 'galloping' rise in serum creatinine.

Laboratory measurement of creatinine

Serum creatinine is commonly measured by alkaline picrate, enzymatic, and high-performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. These different methods of measuring serum creatinine
are standardised to the isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS).

 The alkaline picrate (Jaffe) method is subject to interference by glucose, fructose, pyruvate,
acetoacetate, uric acid, ascorbic acid, cephalosporins, 5-aminolevulinic acid, bilirubin, and
exogenous and endogenous substances and proteins (parenteral nutrition). The assay may
overestimate serum creatinine by up to 25%, depending on the severity of renal dysfunction
(the difference between creatinine clearance and GFR expands in patients at lower GFR).
Assay modifications and the use of IDMS to standardise the measurement have not
eliminated this problem. Serum specimens stored at -20°C (-4°F) are adequately stable for
the measurement of creatinine for up to 3 months or 10 freeze-thaw cycles within a 3-month
period. [1]
 Enzymatic creatinine methods have less interference than the alkaline picrate methods, but
they are affected by 5-fluorocytosine, ethamsylate, dopamine, dobutamine, monoclonal IgM,
nitromethane, and other substances. In Japanese children, age, gender, and body length
appear to effect reference serum creatinine levels determined by enzymatic methods. [2] The
enzymatic methods are superior to Jaffe methods. In the compensated Jaffe method, 26.5
micromol/L (0.3 mg/dL) is subtracted from the Jaffe method to match the enzymatic method
results. [3]
 IDMS is the diagnostic standard. IDMS is highly specific and offers the most accurate
results for serum creatinine, but is available only in selected laboratories. Combining HPLC
and IDMS also provides highly accurate results for serum creatinine, but it has limited
availability. HPLC methods have better specificity than the conventional methods and are
less prone to interference, especially if combined with sample deproteinisation. However,
measurement errors can occur owing to systematic bias (a consistent error resulting from
calibration differences between measurement procedures), and owing to random
measurement errors, including intra-laboratory effects, inter-laboratory random variability in
day-to-day calibration, and specimen-specific effects. [4]
 Comparison of the Jaffe versus enzymatic method for creatinine measurement has shown
that the Jaffe method is subject to bias due to interfering agents, and that it results in loss of
analytical specificity. The risk of miscalculation is highest at the 60mL/minute/1.73m^2

decision limit. However, the risk of miscalculation due to bias is less than the risk of
miscalculation due to biological variability. [5]
 Point-of-care testings (POCT) are commonly available in healthcare settings. In critically ill
patients, there may be differences in serum creatinine values (8.7%, CI95%: -7.8% to
+25.1%) between POCT and central laboratory testing-based measurements (Jaffe method)
due to high haemoglobin and lactate levels (higher values with POCT) and high bilirubin,
albumin, and calcium levels (lower values with POCT). Despite the negative bias POCT-
based serum creatinine measurement appears to be sufficiently accurate for clinical use. [6]
 One innovative method of creatinine measurement, especially for screening chronic kidney
disease, is the measurement of creatinine on dry blood spot sample with a sensitivity of 96%
and specificity of 55% according to the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)
equation. [7]

Interfering chromogens can falsely increase the serum creatinine values by 20% or even more in
conditions such as diabetic ketoacidosis. The non-creatinine chromogens do not significantly affect
urine creatinine levels, and have a smaller effect on the total reaction in advanced renal dysfunction
than in normal renal function. [4]

Another issue is renal function monitoring in patients treated with drugs that interfere with secretion
of serum creatinine (e.g., the novel antiretroviral medications). The impact of different creatinine
estimation methods are highlighted by the findings that the Jaffe method results in a higher Model
for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score than by the enzymatic method. This can lead to a
systematic preference in organ allocation in patients requiring liver transplantation. [8]

The recent campaign for standardisation of creatinine measurements has been promoted to allow the
widespread use of formulas for estimating GFR. However, studies on trueness verification and
measurement interferences still show disappointing inter-assay variation of serum creatinine results.
[9] Recent advances in the field are the development of certified reference materials (CRMs) of
creatinine in serum. CRMs are prepared with mixtures of creatinine from healthy and chronic
kidney disease patients, assigned by liquid chromatography-isotope dilution mass spectrometry,
validated by using standard reference material from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, confirmed by an international intercomparison for the determination of creatinine in
human serum. These new CRMs of creatinine in human serum pools are apparently totally native
without additional creatinine spiked for enrichment. These new CRMs may be useful for validating
routine clinical methods for ensuring accuracy, reliability, and comparability of analytical results
from different clinical laboratories; instrument validation; development of secondary reference
materials; and evaluating the accuracy of high-order clinical methods for the determination of
creatinine in human serum. [10]

A unified effort is currently under way to establish measurement traceability to standardise routine
serum creatinine measurements. Also, the calculation of the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease
(MELD) score, which is used to prioritise patients for liver transplantation, may significantly be
influenced by recalibration of creatinine assays.

Estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and creatinine
clearance using serum creatinine
GFR is estimated by measuring the clearance of exogenous filtration markers such as iothalamate,
iohexol, and inulin. However, these methods are expensive and require exposure to radiation and
compliance with strict regulatory guidelines, and thus have limited use in the routine laboratory

On the other hand, creatinine is freely filtered, has minimal tubular secretion and absorption, is
simple and inexpensive to measure from random blood samples, and has relatively good accuracy.
It has therefore become a valuable clinical tool for estimating GFR. A rise in serum creatinine is
used in clinical practice as a marker of reduced GFR. It varies inversely with GFR, but the
relationship is not linear. GFR can be estimated by measuring creatinine clearance using serum
creatinine levels and a timed urine specimen.

The use of serum creatinine as an indirect filtration marker is limited by its biological variability,
bias and non-specificity affecting creatinine measurement, medication effects, nutrition, and by the
alterations in circulating serum creatinine produced by non-renal disease states. The estimation of
GFR by serum creatinine differs between healthy people and patients with CKD because of
differences in GFR range and creatinine production between these two populations. As a result of
these confounding factors, there is a risk of overestimating the GFR, and the magnitude of the
overestimation is not predictable. [11]

The equations for estimation of GFR are mainly used for the systematic staging of CKD and should
not be used in the setting of acute serum creatinine increases. Comparative study of estimated
creatinine clearance in critically-ill patients by Cockcroft-Gault's Simplified MDRD and Chronic
Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equations within the first 24 hours after
ICU admission showed a high degree of variability. Therefore, these equations cannot be
recommended in ICU settings. [12] GFR is estimated mostly from the MDRD GFR equation. It
performs well in populations with a low range of GFR and often out-performs the Cockcroft-Gault
equation. This equation has several limitations, including age, disease state, and considerable
variations in the standardisation of the serum creatinine assays. The MDRD GFR formula generally
offers reliable data for the calculation of drug doses. In peritoneal dialysis patients, creatinine
clearance estimated from the MDRD equations may accurately approximate measured 24-hour
urine and dialysate creatinine clearance; it should not be used to assess small-solute removal or
adequacy in individual patients or to predict outcome in any cohort of patients over narrow ranges
of limited clearance. [13]

The 4-variable
MDRD formulaFrom: Levey AS, Coresh J, Greene T, et al. Expressing the Modification of Diet in
Renal Disease Study equation for estimating glomerular filtration rate with standardised serum
creatinine values. Clin Chem. 2007;53:766-772. Used with permission

The original MDRD equation was developed using the alkaline picrate method and is subject to
error if serum creatinine measurements obtained by other methods are used. For this reason, the
abbreviated MDRD equation has been revised to produce the IDMS-traceable abbreviated MDRD
equation. This equation can be used with different creatinine measurement methods once the
measurements have been recalibrated and standardised to IDMS. It is currently recommended that

those clinical laboratories that have not yet been recalibrated should continue to use the original
MDRD equation, while recalibrated laboratories should use the IDMS-traceable abbreviated
MDRD equation. [4]

IDMS-traceable 4-
variable MDRD equation (MDRD-IDMS)From: Stevens LA, Coresh J, Greene T, et al. Assessing
kidney function: measured and estimated glomerular filtration rate. N Engl J Med. 2006;354:2473-
2483. Bjork J, Back SE, Sterner G, et al. Prediction of relative glomerular filtration rate in adults:
new improved equations based on Swedish caucasians and standardized plasma-creatinine assays.
Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2007;67:678-695. Used with permission

One study has shown that the CKD-EPI equation is more accurate than the MDRD equation for
estimating GFR, especially for values >60 mL/minute/1.73 m^2. [14] However, elderly people and
black people with higher levels of GFR and ethnic minorities other than black people were not well
represented in the study. In one meta-analysis of data from 1.1 million adults comparing the CKD-
EPI with the MDRD equation, 24.4% and 0.6% of participants from general population cohorts
were reclassified to a higher and lower estimated GFR category, respectively, by the CKD-EPI
equation. [15] The prevalence of CKD stages 3 to 5 (estimated GFR <60 mL/minute/1.73 m^2) was
reduced from 8.7% to 6.3%. Thus, the CKD-EPI equation classified fewer individuals as having
CKD compared with the MDRD equation. [15]

expressed as a single equationFrom: Levey AS, Stevens LA, Schmid CH, et al. A new equation to
estimate glomerular filtration rate. Ann Intern Med. 2009;150:604-612. Used with permission
CKD-EPI performs better at GFR >60 mL/minute/1.73m^2.

The Cockcroft-Gault equation is an alternative equation that estimates creatinine clearance, but has
the limitation that the serum measurements on which it was based were not standardised using

Cockcroft-Gault formula, measuring creatinine clearance (CrCl) in mL/s (SI units)From: Jones

GRD, Lim E. The National Kidney Foundation guideline on estimation of the glomerular filtration
rate. Clin Biochem Rev. 2003;24:95-98. Used with permission

The Cockcroft-Gault
formula, measuring creatinine clearance (CrCl) in mL/minuteFrom: Cockcroft DW, Gault MH.
Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine. Nephron. 1976;16:31-41. Used with

Pitfalls in the use of estimated GFR values

Estimated GFRs, commonly referred as eGFRs, are less accurate in both high and low GFR states.
They overestimate GFRs in low GFR states due to increased tubular secretion of creatinine, and are
inaccurate at high GFR states due to the lack of actual eGFR values above 60 mL/minute/1.73 m^2.
A review of the literature suggests that Cockroft-Gault and MDRD formulas correctly assigned
overall only 64% and 62%, respectively, of the subjects to their actual CKD classification's GFR
groups as determined by measured GFR. This suggests that approximately 10 million (38%)
subjects may have been misclassified, on the basis of estimated CKD prevalence of 26.3 million
adults in the US. [16] The predictive value of serum creatinine versus eGFR may not be equivalent
in all clinical situations. In contrast media-induced nephropathy, an increase in serum creatinine, but
not eGFR, was predictive for long-term mortality, with a threshold of 44.2 micromol/L (0.5 mg/dL)
or more indicating worse prognosis. [17] Similarly, haemodilution associated with cardiopulmonary
bypass procedures overestimates GFR based on serum markers. [18] The controversy regarding the
optimal method to estimate GFR for disease detection and monitoring may be addressed by an
ongoing study. [19]

Kinetic estimated GFR (KeGFR)

Estimated GFR (eGFR) is based on the assumption of a steady state creatinine concentration.
However, acute kidney injury is a non-steady state and eGFR in this situation is unreliable.
Retooling the fundamental creatinine clearance equation has now provided the power and versatility
to estimate renal function under non-steady conditions. Kinetic estimated GFR (KeGFR) is derived
from the initial creatinine content, volume of distribution, creatinine production rate, and the
quantitative difference between consecutive plasma creatinines over a given time. For that period,
the deciphered creatinine excretion then yields the creatinine clearance rate. [20]

KeGFR = (Steady state plasma creatinine x Creatinine clearance / Mean plasma creatinine) x (1 –
(24Dplasma creatinine / DTime (h) x max Dplasma creatinine/day)). Serum creatinine level (SCr)
reflects adjusted SCr throughout the manuscript. KeGFR can be calculated by accessing a
demonstration calculator. [KeGFR calculator] (external link)

Another method for calculating KeGFR is through the Jelliffe Creatinine clearance (Cr Cl):

 Cr Cl, Male: (98 - (0.8 * (age - 20))) / SCr in (mg/dL) x Patient's BSA/1.73m^2; and

 Cr Cl, Female: multiply the above result by 0.9. [21]

KeGFR has been shown to improve prediction of dialysis and recovery after renal transplant. [22]

Serum creatinine vs. alternate markers for the assessment of
kidney function
The clinical use of cystatin as an alternate marker for estimating GFR is still limited despite
considerable evidence that it could provide a reliable support for clinical practice. Reasons include a
general diffidence among clinicians, the absence of definitive cut-off values, conflicting results in
clinical studies, no clear evidence on when and how to request the test, the poor commutability of
results, and no accurate examination of costs and of its routine use in a stat laboratory. In a study
investigating kidney function estimating equations in patients with chronic kidney disease, serum
cystatin C-based equations were reliable markers of GFR comparable to creatinine-based formulas.
[23] Cystatin may be useful in those cases where creatinine measurement is not appropriate: for
instance, in those who have liver cirrhosis, are very obese, are malnourished, or have a reduced
muscle mass. Cystatin C is produced at a constant rate in all cells of the body and is excreted by
glomerular filtration followed by catabolisation in the tubular cells. Because production rate of
cystatin C is proportional to body cell mass (BCM), recent studies have suggested that estimated
GFR (mL/min) may be proportional to BCM/cystatin C. [24] In comparison with 7 well-established
GFR prediction methods, the inclusion of BCM was reported to increase the efficacy of GFR
estimation in the paediatric population. [25] In this study, GFR was estimated by using two
prediction models (where SCysC is serum cystatin C level, BSA is body surface area, and SCr is
serum creatinine level):

 BCM model: GFR (mL/min) = 0.542 × (BCM/SCysC)(0.40) × (height × BSA/SCr)(0.65)

 Weight model: GFR (mL/min) = 0.426 × (weight/SCysC)(0.39) × (height ×

Despite the lack of independent validation cohort, the BCM and weight models were comparable
and predicted 98% within ±30% of reference GFR and 66% within ±10%, and 97.5% within ±30%
of reference GFR and 62% within ±10%, respectively. The advantage of the weight model is that it
does not require knowledge of BCM. Although both models predict GFR with higher accuracy than
referent models, endogenous methods are still not sufficiently accurate to replace exogenous
markers when GFR must be determined with high accuracy.

Acute kidney injury (AKI)


 AKI is associated with renal vasoconstriction, reduced GFR, decreased urine output, and
increased serum creatinine. There is considerable debate regarding the magnitude of serum
creatinine increase that constitutes AKI. More than 22 different definitions have been used.
Consensus defines AKI as an abrupt (within 48 hours) reduction in kidney function defined
as an absolute increase in serum creatinine of ≥26.5 micromol/L (≥0.3 mg/dL), an increase
in serum creatinine to 1.5-fold from baseline, which is known or presumed to have occurred
within the prior 7 days, or a reduction in urine output (documented oliguria of <0.5
mL/kg/hour for >6 hours). [26] [27] [28] [29] Stage 1 is defined as an increase in serum
creatinine >26.5 micromol/L (>0.3 mg/dL) or 150% to 200% of baseline values. Stage 2 is
defined as a 200% to 300% (2- to 3-fold) and stage 3 as a more than 300% (3-fold) increase
in serum creatinine from baseline.
 The utility of serum creatinine to detect and assess the severity of AKI is limited. Serum
levels are influenced by a multiplicity of factors, so the absolute level does not reflect the
severity of the underlying kidney damage. Rises in serum creatinine after marked injury take
12 to 24 hours to occur and do not detect early-stage damage. In addition, creatinine kinetic
studies have shown that the time to reach a 50% increase in serum creatinine is directly
related to baseline kidney function and ranges from 4 hours (normal kidney function) to 27
hours (in stage 4 chronic renal failure). An alternative definition of AKI that incorporates
absolute changes in serum creatinine over a 24- to 48-hour period has been proposed. [30]
Adding to this complexity is the new concept of acute kidney disease (AKD), characterised
by renal biopsy findings of diffuse, acute abnormalities. Not all AKD patients have AKI. In
fact, Chu reported that only two-thirds of patients with AKD were diagnosed with the
clinical presentation of AKI. [31]
 Serum creatinine is a useful prognostic indicator. Mild increases in in-hospital serum
creatinine have been associated with short-term mortality, progression to CKD, and
accelerated progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and they present a higher long-
term mortality risk, especially in those with partial renal recovery. [32] [33] [34] They may
also have prognostic significance for estimating the risk of death in many disease states: for
example, an increase of only urea levels and a combination of increased urea and creatinine
levels, but not isolated elevated creatinine, were independent risk factors of death from acute
coronary syndromes. [35]
 The RIFLE (Risks, Injury, Failure, Loss of function and End-stage renal disease)
classification of AKI was published in 2004 by the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)
Group with the aim to standardise the definition and stratification of AKI based on changes
in serum creatinine and urine output. It has 3 severity classes of AKI (risks, injury, and
failure) and 2 outcomes (loss of function and end-stage renal disease). Limitations of RIFLE
include the need for serum creatinine values, inferior prognostic performance to other
methods, and influence of creatinine kinetics, diuretics, and renal replacement therapies.
[36] A modified version of RIFLE, known as the AKIN criteria, was published in 2007. [26]
Baseline serum creatinine is not required, but at least two values of serum creatinine within
a period of 48 hours is required.


 Data on the incidence of AKI vary, depending on the cutoff serum creatinine values, the
period of observation, and the population studied. In patients undergoing general surgery,
and defining AKI as an increase in serum creatinine of at least 177 micromol/L (2 mg/dL) or
requiring dialysis, the incidence of AKI was 1% over a 30-day period, [37] whereas the
incidence was 64.4% in patients with septic shock using the RIFLE criteria, [38] 3.1% in
older Medicare patients using ICD-9-CM codes 584.x as definition of AKI, [39] 5% to 10%
in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, [40] [41] [42] 1% of hospital admissions in the USA,
[43] and 5.7% in the intensive-care setting. [44]

Chronic kidney disease (CKD)


 CKD is defined by two independent criteria: [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50]
o Kidney damage for ≥3 months as defined by structural or functional abnormalities of
the kidney, with or without decreased GFR, manifest by pathological abnormalities,
markers of kidney damage (including abnormalities in the composition of the blood
or urine), or abnormalities in imaging tests
o GFR <60 mL/minute/1.73 m^2 for ≥3 months, with or without kidney damage.

 The presence of CKD is an important prognostic factor for patients admitted to hospital, due
to the associated increased risk of in-hospital AKI. [51]
 The definitions rely on the estimation of GFR from serum creatinine to classify CKD
according to severity of disease and guide treatment. However, there is controversy over
whether estimation of GFR adds useful information to the serum creatinine measurement in
this setting. An increasing portion of serum creatinine is excreted by tubular secretion rather
than by glomerular filtration in advanced CKD, contributing to gross overestimation of
GFR. Extra-renal secretion of serum creatinine is also increased, so the uptake of creatine
generated by bacterial breakdown of creatinine in the gut, normally a negligible source of
creatine, becomes significant.
 Creatinine is secreted through organic cation pathways located in the basolateral side of the
proximal tubules. The secretion of creatinine is not constant, and substantial intra- and inter-
individual variations are present. The proportion of tubular creatinine secretion increases
with worsening renal function, while urine creatinine excretion decreases, and extra-renal
secretion of creatinine increases. Serum creatinine can therefore overestimate GFR in
advanced renal dysfunction.


 According to the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES 1988-
1994 and NHANES 1999-2004), a nationally representative sample of non-institutionalised
adults aged ≥20 years in 1988-1994 (15,488 people) and 1999-2004 (13,233 people), 26.3
million Americans have CKD, and the numbers are increasing, owing to the increasing
prevalence of diabetes and hypertension, and the limited precision of creatinine used for the
estimation of GFR. [52] [53] A study on the estimation of the age-dependent decline of
glomerular filtration rate, from formulae, based on creatinine and cystatin C in the Swedish
general elderly population, highlights the controversy regarding the true epidemiology of
CKD. In Sweden, age-associated decline of renal function was common in the elderly and
increased immensely after 80 years of age. More than 25% of the oldest participants
demonstrated estimated GFR <30 mL/minute/1.73 m^2. Cockroft-Gault and estimated GFR-
cystatin C yielded the highest prevalence of decline, and MDRD the lowest. [54]

Prognostic value of elevated creatinine

Serum creatinine may be regarded as the window into the state of the function and structure of the
kidney. An elevated serum creatinine signifies kidney injury. Studies indicate that elevated serum
creatinine during hospitalisation is an independent risk factor for mortality, progression to CKD,
end-stage renal disease, and reduced long-term survival. Patients with chronically elevated serum
creatinine (i.e., impaired baseline renal function) have a higher risk for acute kidney injury during
hospital stays and are more often dialysis-dependent at hospital discharge than those without. [33]
[34] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] Elevated serum creatinine after endovascular aneurysm repair has been
reported to be a significant and strong predictor of post-operative mortality and complications. [60]
Even minimal changes of serum creatinine predict prognosis, as demonstrated in one prospective
cohort study of 4118 patients undergoing cardiac and thoracic aortic surgery wherein a change in
serum creatinine >0.5mg/dL within 48 hours post-operatively was associated with a 32.5% increase
in 30-day mortality. [61] Chronically elevated serum creatinine signifies decreased GFR and has
been linked to progression of CKD, increased mortality, and post-operative complications following
cardiac surgery. Additionally, mild elevations in serum creatinine increase the risk for short- and
long-term complications; worse patient survival; and progression to CKD regardless of complete,
partial, or non-recovery to baseline levels during hospital stay. [59]

Prognostic value of serum creatinine versus cystatin C
In one study in high-risk adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery, measuring levels of cystatin C
was found to be less sensitive than serum creatinine for the detection of acute kidney injury. [62]
However, in patients with normal or mildly decreased renal function (eGFR >60 mL/minute/1.73
m^2) and coronary artery disease, elevated (upper quartile) cystatin C was associated with a 2-fold
higher risk for cardiovascular death. [63] Serum creatinine did not show any association with
mortality. [63] Investigation of kidney function and mortality in octogenarians in the
Cardiovascular Health Study revealed a U-shaped association between GFR estimated by serum
creatinine and all-cause mortality, whereas the association was linear between those with GFR <60
mL/minute/1.73 m^2 estimated by the cystatin C one-variable equation and all-cause mortality. [64]
In renal transplantation, serum cystatin C outperformed serum creatinine in predicting early graft
function following deceased donor renal transplantation. [65] Cystatin C and serum creatinine were
found to be equally reliable for the estimation of residual renal function in peritoneal dialysis
patients, without the need for 24-hour urine collection. [66] In adult patients with acute kidney
injury, both serum creatinine and cystatin C were comparable in predicting need for dialysis or in-
hospital mortality. [67] Since cystatin C is not affected by dietary protein intake, cystatin C-based
GFR estimates may be more accurate than creatinine-based GFR estimates in patients with reduced
protein intake. [68]

Differential diagnosis

Sort by: common/uncommon or category


 Glomerulonephritis
 Diabetic nephropathy
 Systemic vasculitis
 Nephrotoxic medications/fenofibrate-associated creatinine increase
 Radiocontrast-induced nephropathy (RCIN)
 ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers
 Inhibitors of tubular creatinine secretion
 Shock
 Volume depletion
 Hypertension
 Congestive heart failure
 Renal vein thrombosis
 Pre-eclampsia
 Acute interstitial nephritis
 Acute tubular necrosis
 Cardiac surgery
 Nephrectomy
 Renal transplant rejection
 Biological serum creatinine variation


 Radiotherapy
 Endogenous nephrotoxins
 Renal artery stenosis
 Traumatic renal infarction
 Multiple cholesterol emboli syndrome
 Obstructive uropathy
 Creatine supplementation
 Heredofamilial kidney disease
 Methodological variations of measurement of creatinine
 Assay-interfering substances


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