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Influence of organizational Climate on Job Performance of teaching

professionals: An empirical study

Article · December 2016


2 1,987

1 author:

Shabir Bhat
Lovely Professional University


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Perceived Job Performance in relation to ICT Orientation, Work Engagement and Occupational Stress: A Study of Public and Private University teachers View project

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Influence of organizational Climate on Job Performance of teaching

professionals: An empirical study

Article · December 2016


1 733

1 author:

Shabir Bhat
Lovely Professional University


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Perceived Job Performance in relation to ICT Orientation, Work Engagement and Occupational Stress: A Study of Public and Private University teachers View project

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International Journal of Education & Management © 2016 Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare
Studies, 2016, 6(4), 445-448 ISSN-p-2231-5632-e-2321-3671

Influence of organizational climate on job performance

of teaching professionals: An empirical study
Shabir Ahmad Bhat and Hilal Bashir
Department of Education, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab

The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference on organizational climate and job performance and examine
the influence of organizational climate on job performance among teaching professionals. The study was
descriptive-correlational in nature. The data was collected using organizational climate scale and job performance
scale through survey method. The sample of the study was 108 teaching professionals selected through convenient
sampling technique. The study revealed that organizational climate doesn't differ significantly on the basis of
gender and locale. Similarly no significant difference was found in job performance on the basis of gender, while on
the other hand a significant difference was found in job performance on the basis of locale of teaching professionals.
Further results revealed a significant positive relationship between organizational climate and job performance of
teaching professionals. Organizational climate significantly predicts job performance. Outcomes of present study
suggested factors enhancing organizational climate should be studied comprehensively, so that climate of various
organizations can be globally renovated.

Keywords: organizational climate, job performance, teaching professionals

Theoretical background directly related with efficiency and effectiveness of employee's

employed in the organization. Job performance is a set of individual
Teaching is said to be a nation building activity and teacher is the
behaviors, there fore job performance of teachers is not influenced
architect of the future (Rao, 2012, p.24). From generations teacher is
by the type of organization (Distance or Conventional), rather
the vital component of educational system who keeps lamp of
factors likes wages and favourable service conditions which not only
civilization at full bloom in order to enlighten the whole world.
effects positively but also enhances teachers Job Performance
Quality of teaching is important fundamental tool in its hands and
(Anietie & Ogundele, 2014). Fundamental skills of teachers like
same depends on various factors like knowledge, teaching
ability to teach, teaching quality, literacy and research ability shows
competency, facilities provided by the college /organization, social
positive correlation and impacts positively on teachers' job
adjustment of the teacher, satisfaction of job, emotional stability etc..
performance (Xu & Ye, 2015).
All of these factors have a great influence on the job performance.
Performance in job is the main factor of a teacher which reflects not An organization is a social entity that has a collective goal and is
only the progress of the individual but of the whole organization. linked to an external environment (Bhat, 2014, pp. 420).
Organization is a miniature society comprising of physical
Job Performance is typically conceptualized as “actions and
(employees) and organizational (rules & regulations) elements
behaviors that are under the control of the individual that contribute
functioning collaboratively to attain goals and objectives of
to the goals of the organization,” (Rotundo & Sackett, 2002, pp. 66.).
particular organization under a sociable climate. Various
Job performance is observed set of human behavior which can be
professional elements of teachers like educational level, position and
measured to assess the achievement level of an individual, it is an
length of time spent in an organization had significant effects on
essential factor for work effectiveness of an individual, therefore
various organizational components like climate and resources
success or failure of an edifice depends upon the job performance of
management of that particular organization (Zhang & Liu, 2010).
its employees (Saetang et al., 2010; Muchinsky, 2003). Trait like
Similarly Luthans et al. (2008) Wahat (2009) publicized that
information seeking induced by the curiosity plays vital role in
supportive climate enhances psychological factors (satisfaction,
improving the job performance both technical and interpersonal
commitment) of employees. On the other hand Jaafari et al. (2012)
(Reio & Wiswell, 2000), while convincing behavior of the higher
reported demographic factors like age, education and employment
ups (directors) promotes job performance of teachers and behaviors
record didn't show any relation with teachers self-efficacy which is
related to punishment and reward effects negatively on teachers job
indirectly affected by the climate of the organization. Bentea (2013)
performance (Chen & Cheng, 2012). In contrary Jamal and Baba,
Climate of an organization is reflected by flexible nature of its
(2001) reported various job performance measures like teaching
employees, depending upon factors like length of service, attitude
hours, number of students and course preparations per semester are
towards change and conservative nature. Employees possessing
not related to global Type-A behavior including competitiveness/
high conservatism reflects negative attitude towards the
hard driving and time pressure. According to Omolayo, and
organizational climate as compared to low conservatism. Open
Oluwafemi, (2012) organizational effectiveness and efficiency is
climate is a vital component of a successful organization depicting a
Correspondence should be sent to Shabir Ahmad Bhat situation where members enjoy extremely high sprit. According to
Department of Education Ghavifekr and Pillai (2016) responsibility and behavior are biggest
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab contributor to job satisfaction and open type of climate. Further
E-mail: organizational climate possesses a significant relation with

organizational citizenship behavior, teachers' job satisfaction and Method

psychological capital mediates the relationship between
organizational climate and organizational citizenship behavior Participants
(Suifan, Ghavifekr, & Pillai, 2016). Therefore organizational Present study is descriptive-correlational in nature. Population of
climate is a multi-dimensional phenomenon and plays pre-dominant present research comprises of teaching professionals in various
roles in attainment of desired educational goals. colleges of Kashmir Valley. Data was collected from 108 college
Objectives of the study teachers employing convenient sampling technique. The sample
constitutes 61 males and 47 females.
● To study the differences in organizational climate and job
performance of male and female Teaching professionals. Instruments
● To study the differences in organizational climate and job Organizational Climate Inventory: Present inventory was
performance of rural and urban Teaching professionals. developed by Somnath Chattopadhyay (2003), consists of 70
● To determine the contribution of organizational climate (Predictor statements. Each statement is to be responded on the five alternative.
variable) to Job performance (criterion variable) of teaching The collected responses were assigned with the numeric values of 1
professionals. to 5 for positive statements and vice versa for negative ones.
Hypotheses of the study Job Performance Scale: this scale was developed by Goodman &
Svyantek (1999). Job performance scale consists of the 25 items
● There is no significant difference in organizational climate of disposed in three dimensions (Altruism, Conscientiousness & Task
male and female teaching professionals. Performance). This scale is administered on the immediate
● There is no significant difference in job performance of male and supervisors to fetch the responses regarding particular employee.
female teaching professionals.
● There is no significant difference in job performance of rural and
Statistical technique
urban teaching professionals. Data collected was rigorously analyzed by the means of SPSS 21,
● There is no significant difference in job performance of rural and employing independent sample t-test and liner regression analysis.
urban teaching professionals.
● There is no significant contribution of Organizational Climate
(Predictor variable) to Job performance (criterion variable) of Hypothesis 1: There is no significant difference in organizational
teaching professionals. climate of male and female teaching professionals.

Table. 1: Summary of results of independent t-test for difference between male and female
teaching professionals on organizational climate.
Variable Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean t-value Sig.
Organizational Male 61 144.213 34.9686 4.4773 0.072 0.150
Climate Female 47 143.702 38.7775 5.6563

The Table 1 reveals a significance value of 0.150, t=0.072 which is and female teaching professionals.
greater than the threshold value of 0.05. Therefore we have failed to Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference in job performance
reject the null hypothesis. Researchers have therefore concluded that of male and female teaching professionals
there is no significant difference in organizational climate of male

Table. 2: Summary of results of independent t-test for difference between male and female
teaching professionals on job performance.
Variable Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean t-value Sig.
Job Male 61 147.918 25.0575 3.2083 0.218 0.909
Performance Female 47 146.872 24.3548 3.5525

The Table 2 reveals a significance value of 0.909, t=0.218 which is male and female teaching professionals don't differ significantly in
greater than the threshold value of 0.05.Therefore we have failed to their job performance.
reject the null hypothesis. Researchers have therefore concluded that
International Journal of Education & Management Studies, 2016, 6(4), 445-448 447

Table. 3: Summary of results of independent t-test for difference between rural and urban
teaching professionals on organizational climate.
Variable Locale N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean t-value Sig.
Organizational Rural 62 151.274 35.1587 4.4652 2.464 0.612
Climate Urban 46 134.174 36.3375 5.3577

The Table 3 reveals a significance value of 0.612, t=2.464 which is there is no significant difference in organizational climate of rural
greater than the threshold value of 0.05. Therefore we have failed to and urban teaching professionals.
reject the null hypothesis. Researchers have therefore concluded that

Table. 4: Summary of results of independent t-test for difference between rural and urban
teaching professionals on job performance.
Variable Locale N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean t-value Sig.
Job Rural 62 152.774 21.5653 2.7388 2.674 0.015
Performance Urban 46 140.304 26.8790 3.9631

The Table 4 reveals a significance value of 0.015, t=2.674 which is Table. 5 (C): Summary of Coefficients of Regression
less than the threshold value of 0.05. Therefore our results don't
Model Unstandardized Standardized T
support the null hypothesis. Researchers have therefore concluded
Coefficients Coefficients
that male and female teaching professionals differ significant in their
job performance. B Std. Error Beta

Model summary for regression (Constant) 58.988 4.038 14.610**

Organizational 00.614 0.027 .910 22.599**
Table 5 (A): Summary of regression analysis of organizational Climate
climate and job performance of teaching professionals.
**Significant at 0.01 level of Significance
Variable R R Square Adjusted R square F value Regression Tables reveals that, B = .614 and t = 22.599 is
Organizational .910 .828 .827 510.732** significant at 0.01 level. Results revealed that organizational climate
Climate plays a vital role in predicting teachers' job performance. The
regression equation formulated from reported constructs is as
**Significant at 0.01 level of Significance
follows: Job performance= 58.988+ (.614) Organizational climate
The above table 5 (A) shows the correlation coefficient of These findings lead to conclude that high organizational climate
organizational climate and job performance of teachers. The leads teachers towards high Job performance. Therefore the third
coefficient of correlation is .910 and its square is .828. Regression hypothesis of the study which was stated that “There is no significant
suggests that organizational climate can explain 82.8% variance of contribution of Organizational Climate (Predictor variable) to Job
the criterion variable (job performance). performance (criterion variable) of teaching professionals” stands
Table 5 (B): Summary of ANOVA for Regression rejected. Meaning thereby, organizational climate is a significant
predictor of Job performance of teaching professionals.
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F
Regression 53817.314 1 53817.314 510.732
Residual 11169.538 106 105.373 Current study has been conducted to investigate the gender
Total 64986.852 107 difference in organizational climate and job performance of teaching
professionals and examine the influence of organizational climate on
**Significant at 0.01 level of significance
job performance of teaching professionals. Historically, Job
It is evident from the above table 5 (B) the obtained F-value is performance is a fundamental element of any organization. Job
statistically significant at 0.01 level which indicates that performance is a set of human behavior which is directly related to
statistically significance of the relationship between organiza- organizational effectiveness and efficacy. From this view, it could be
tional climate and job performance of teachers. The predictive said that organization's success or failure depends on job
variable (organizational climate can predict the criterion variable performance of the individuals in that organization. This view is in
job performance). Therefore, regression analysis is allowed and line with the Muchinisky (2003) who publicized that job
feasible. performance is set of monitored and measured employees' behavior.

Employee behavior is in agreement with the organizational goals organizational climate of teaching professions better. Further it is
and clearly suggesting job performance is supported by the favorable also recommended that higher authorities and managing bodies must
climate of the organization (Adeyemi, 2008). create favorable atmosphere where every employee can adjust
The investigation of difference in organizational climate revealed him/herself. Further administrative bodies should address properly
that there is no significant difference in organizational climate on the the needs and requirements of teaching professionals in-order to
basis of gender and locale among teaching professionals. The reason enhance their job performance so that they can serve the society to
for this type of results is that every organization is controlled by a their best. They should also modify their policies where needed in
predefined set of rules and regulations and possesses similar set of order to solve the discrepancies of employees so their organization
organizational elements like; infrastructure, flexibility, equality in can achieve successful goals.
wages, interpersonal relationships, communication feasible are
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and so on, should be investigated in details which make the 189-202.
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