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Overdose & Poisoning

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Poisoning & Overdose

Dr Rephaim T. Mpofu

Department of Family Medicine

Presentation Roadmap




How to approach the Poisoned Patient
– History & Examination
– Investigation
– Management

Specific poisons


Call a friend

Acute poisoning is a cause of both morbidity and mortality
in many parts of the world

The toxic agents associated vary from place to place, and
over time, due to the availability and use of various
chemicals and other poisoning agents.

Multiple drug ingestion is common

The majority of patients will have taken a non life
threatening dose and will only require supportive care and
a psychosocial assessment,

However there is the potential for significant morbidity and
mortality to occur. It is important to perform a full risk
assessment of all poisoned patients.

Parasuicide - any non-fatal, self-injurious behaviour
with a clear intent to cause bodily harm or death.
– Thus parasuicide includes both lethal suicide
attempts and more habitual or low-lethality
behaviours such as cutting or other self-mutilation

Suicide – fatal, wilful, self inflicted life threatening act
without apparent desire to live.
– Lethality and intent must both be present

Poisoning - occurs when any substance interferes
with normal body functions after it is swallowed,
inhaled, injected, or absorbed.

In many parts of the world, acute Poisoning is
one of the most common reasons for acute
admission to a medical ward

In South Africa, reports suggest that acute
poisoning is responsible for up to 17% of total
ward admissions in children

Children under 10 years of age statistically
account for 80% of all victims of poisoning, and
the large majority of these are accidental

In other developing nations with poor
resources, acute poisoning is also a cause for

A study conducted in Bangladesh demonstrated
that 14% of deaths among 10-50 year old
females were due to poisoning, the majority
being intentional
Sub-Saharan Africa Statistics

A systematic review of recent studies of
poisoning and overdose in developing countries
found that:
– Poisoning is a common form of self harm in developing
– In rural areas, pesticide use is more common, however
medicine or household product use (corrosives included) are
more common in urban areas
– Whilst anti-TB medication overdose was largely reported, it
did not have a high mortality rate
– Traditional medicines accounted for 16% of admissions, and
had a mortality rate of 15%, however none of them were due
to deliberate self-harm (50% of these cases were children
under 10 years of age)
– Household products were found to play a large role
in the epidemiology of poisoning, and mortality was
largely related to respiratory complications such as
aspiration. Kerosene products were the most
prevalent, followed by rodenticides
– CNS-acting medication were found to be the most
common drug to use for self harm, e.g.
benzodiazepines, barbiturates, antidepressants
– Other medication used commonly include
analgesics (paracetamol, salicylates), chloroquine
(especially malaria prevalent regions), and
Epidemiology in South Africa

A profile of acute poisoning at Selected
Hospitals in SA (2005) by N Malangu & GA
Ogunbanjo found:
– Median age of admitted patients: 17.6 years
– Gender: 58% females, 42% males
– 90% black Africans (?sample collection bias)
– 59% of admissions were accidental
Epidemiology in South Africa
– Order of involved agents in descending order:

Household chemicals: (46%)

Modern medicines (18%)

Animal/insect bites (16%)

Agrochemicals (10%)

Food poisoning (5.4%)

Drugs of abuse (3.3%)

Traditional Medicines (2.4%)

Plants (0.2%)
How to approach the poisoned

Don’t panic!

– Take as good a History as you can – Most patient's will
still be able to give a decent history. Collateral history
can also be obtained
– Look for circumstantial evidence, e.g. open bottles,
missing medication, suicide letter, etc.
– If present, attempt to identify the medication, ask for
assistance if necessary
– Risk of adverse effect is determined by lethality and
dose of the drug. Important questions: Agent, dose,
Time since ingestion, Current clinical features, Patient

Previous psychiatric History – Including
previous attempts of self-harm

Concomitant medical conditions

Family history – Gives a clue of other
medication lying around in the house

Social/Individual History – Glean as much
information as possible without impacting
negatively on management

ABCD – Fast, primary survey to assess whether intervention is

Observe patient and personal safety: Remove patient from the
source of poison if applicable
– Wash skin with running water for at least 20 minutes if skin contact

Level of consciousness – Glasgow Coma Scale or AVPU scale
can be used to assess consciousness

Vital signs: Pulse, Respiratory rate, Temperature, Blood
pressure, HGT

Pupil size and reaction to light

Exclude a possible head injury that might complicate

Use all your senses available to you, e.g. smell of alcohol
Toxidromes - Anticholinergic
Toxidromes – Cholinergic

Primary, “Emergency” Management – Support
vital functions

Maintenance Management – Long term
Primary Management - Airway

A – Establish and maintain a clear airway
– Severe toxicity usually involves loss of protective
– Anticipate vomiting: Have equipment
available/protect airway/position patient
Primary Management - Breathing

B – Ensure adequate ventilation and oxygenation
– Oxygenation and ventilation may need to be maintained
artificially if ventilatory failure occurs
– Possible causes of respiratory failure:

Muscle paralysis - botulinism, tetanus, neuromuscular
blockers, organophosphates, etc.

Central nervous depression – organophosphates,
alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, TCA

Mechanical obstruction – Vomitus, other foreign bodies

Pulmonary oedema – salicylates, opiates,
organophosphates, ethylene glycol, organ failure

Hypoxia – methyl alcohol, carbon monoxide, V/Q
Primary Management - Circulation

C – Support the circulation
– Arrhythmias may be present and require treatment
– Tachycardias – sympathomimetics, amphetamines,
antidepressants, Fever, Anaemia, hypovolaemia,
Cardiogenic insufficiency
– Hypotension – antihypertensives, fluid loss or vasodilation
(caffeine, B2-agonists, nitrites)
– Hypertension – sympathomimetics, amphetamines,
hyperthermia (endogenous or exogenous)
– Temperature abnormalities – altered BMR, amphetamines,

Primary Management – Glucose

Don’t Ever Forget Glucose!
– Hyperglycaemia - salbutamol, salicylates, theophylline, infection
– Hypoglycaemia - Alcohol, anti-DM, insulin, Liver failure
How to get rid of the toxin?
1) Reduction of poison absorption
2) Increasing poison elimination
3) Antidotes
Reduction of Poison absorption

Remove patient from toxin exposure

Decontaminate skin with soap and running

Gut decontamination
– Gastric lavage
– Ipecachuanha
– Single dose activated charcoal
– Cathartics – emesis inducing drug
– Whole bowel irrigation
Gastric Lavage

1. Prepare equipment, including measuring tube length
2. Position patient in Left decubitus position, head 20º
3. Lubricate tube and pass it down the oesophagus
4. Confirm tube position
5. Administer 200ml of tap water into the stomach, aspirate,
decant, and repeat

Contraindications: a) Lack of airway protection, b) Small
children, c) Corrosive ingestion

Not routinely recommended according to recent

Beware of electrolyte disturbances
Activated Charcoal

Definition: a form of carbon processed to have small,
low-volume pores that increase the surface area
available for adsorption or chemical reactions

Can be used as a Single or multi dose

Dose: 1g/kg body weight (usually 50g given)
– Note: no maximum dosage, although larger doses may
increase risk of vomiting & aspiration
Activated Charcoal

Good drugs: aspirin, carbamazepine, digoxin,
barbiturates, phenytoin, paracetamol

Bad drugs: petroleum products, strong acids, alkalis,
ethanol, ethylene glycol, iron, lithium, mercury,

Greatest effect of single dose administration is within 1
hour. Should not be routine

Absolute contraindication: Corrosive substances

Do not give if airway is not protected
McDonald’s Activated
Charcoal burger

Look good?
Decreased Drug absorption

Cathartics – Sole administration of a cathartic,
e.g. sorbitol, magnesium citrate, has no role in
Mx of the poisoned patient
– May be used in conjunction with activated charcoal,
but evidence is lacking

Whole bowel irrigation – Introduce 1500-
2000ml/h PGE in an adult
– Not recommended for routine use as there is poor
Increasing poison elimination

Urine alkalinazation
– Increase drug elimination by alkalinizing urine
– Practically used in the event of salicylate or chlorophenoxy
– Urine PH is increased to approx. 7.5 with IV HCO3 to
achieve effect

Multiple dose activated charcoal
– Studies demonstrate that it increases elimination
significantly, however it has not been shown to reduce M&M
– Regimen: 50-100g initially, followed by 50g 4 hourly or 25g 2
hourly until charcoal appears in faeces or recovery occurs
Increasing Poison elimination

– Used in acute renal failure, or in the presence of life
threatening amounts of toxin
– Not used routinely
– Not useful in drugs with a large volume of distribution, e.g.

Anticoagulants – Vitamin K

Benzodiazepines – Flumazenil

B-blockers – Atropine

Carbon Monoxide – Oxygen

Digoxin – Digoxin-specific antibody fragments

Ethylene glycol – Ethanol/fomepizole

Iron Salts – Desferrioxamine

Opioids – Naloxone

Organophosphates – Atropine

Paracetamol – N-acetylcysteine

Full blood Count

Renal Function tests

Liver function Tests

Urine Toxicology

Arterial blood gas


Chest X-ray
Toxicology Level testing

Agents where emergency measurement of
blood concentrations is appropriate:
– Aspirin (salicylate)
– Digoxin
– Ethanol
– Ethylene glycol
– Iron
– Lithium
– Methanol
– Paracetamol
– Theophylline
– Antiepileptic agents (carbamazepine, epilim, phenytoin)
Urine Toxicology Testing
Arterial Blood Gas
Anion Gap

The anion gap is the difference between primary
measured cations (sodium Na+ and potassium K+)
and the primary measured anions (chloride Cl- and
bicarbonate HCO3-) in serum.

This test is most commonly performed in patients who
present with altered mental status, unknown
exposures, acute renal failure, and acute illnesses.

Ag. Gap = ([Na+] + [K+]) − ([Cl-] + [HCO3−])

Reference range – 3-11 mEq/l

Poisoning with most medications will have an
increased anion gap

ECG is a rapidly available clinical tool that can
help clinicians manage poisoned patients.

Specific myocardial effects of cardiotoxic drugs
have well-described ECG manifestations that
can aid in the diagnosis and management of
such patients (an understanding of ECG
interpretation and characteristics of
cardiotoxicity will guide you greatly)

Common ECG findings:
– Tachycardia/Bradycardia
– Right axis deviation
– Prolonged PR/QT intervals
– Widened QRS intervals
– Heart block due to AV node conduction delays
– ST Elevation/depression
– T wave abnormalities
Specific Poisons

Too many for this presentation!

Specific mention:
– Aspirin
– Paracetamol
– Paraffin
– Rodenticides

Mortality risk increases significantly after 10g salicylate

Aspirin metabolism stimulates the respiratory centre →
respiratory alkalosis → compensation → metabolic

They also affect Krebs cycle and increase acidosis

– Glucose
– Activated charcoal
– Vitamin K – overdose has a similar effect to warfarin
– Increase pH to 7.4 with sodium bicarbonate
– Urine alkalinization
– Haemodialysis if initial management fails

Most common form of
overdose in UK

NAPQI - metabolite
that accumulates
once glutathione
stores are depleted
Paracetamol Normogram
Petroleum Products (Paraffin)

Poor systemic absorption but high risk of chemical
pneumonitis in the event of aspiration

Features usually appear within hours but may take
days to develop:
– Dyspnoea and Tachypnoea
– Fever
– Crepitations
– Rhonchi
– Signs of pulmonary oedema

N.B. Milk and activated charcoal are contraindicated
Chemical Pneumonitis

Three common mechanisms of action:
– Anticoagulation – vitamin K epoxide inhibition
– Metal phosphides – toxic phosphine gas
– Hypercalcaemia –

– CMP, Clotting profile, Vitamin K levels
– Give Vitamin K (may require extended Rx if on
– Activated Charcoal
Maintenance Management

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Management

Continued supportive care

Suicide Risk assessment

Psychological Intervention
Suicide Risk Assessment
How to Call a friend

Poison Information Centre
– Tygerberg Hospital – (021) 931-6129
– Red Cross Children's Hospital – (021) 689-5227
– Universitas Hospital – (082) 491-0160


Available upon request

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