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Adaptation of Tendon Structure and Function in Tendinopathy With Exercise and Its Relationship To Clinical Outcome

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Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2020, 29, 107-115
© 2020 Human Kinetics, Inc. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW

Adaptation of Tendon Structure and Function in Tendinopathy

With Exercise and Its Relationship to Clinical Outcome
Kenneth Färnqvist, Stephen Pearson, and Peter Malliaras

Context: Exercise is seen as the most evidence-based treatment for managing tendinopathy and although the type of exercise used to
manage tendinopathy may induce adaptation in healthy tendons, it is not clear whether these adaptations occur in tendinopathy and
if so whether they are associated with improved clinical outcomes. Objective: The aim of the study was to synthesize available
evidence for adaptation of the Achilles tendon to eccentric exercise and the relationship between adaptation (change in tendon
thickness) and clinical outcomes among people with Achilles tendinopathy. Evidence Acquisition: The search was performed in
September 2018 in several databases. Studies investigating the response (clinical outcome and imaging on ultrasound/magnetic
resonance imaging) of pathological tendons (tendinopathy, tendinosis, and partial rupture) to at least 12 weeks of eccentric exercise
were included. Multiple studies that investigated the same interventions and outcome were pooled and presented in effect size
estimates, mean difference, and 95% confidence intervals if measurement scales were the same, or standard mean difference and
95% confidence intervals if measurements scales were different. Where data could not be pooled the studies were qualitatively
synthesized based on van Tulder et al. Evidence Synthesis: Eight studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were included
in the review. There was strong evidence that Achilles tendon thickness does not decrease in parallel with improved clinical
outcomes. Conclusions: Whether a longer time to follow-up is more important than the intervention (ie, just the time per se) for a
change in tendon thickness remains unknown. Future studies should investigate whether exercise (or other treatments) can be
tailored to optimize tendon adaptation and function, and whether this relates to clinical outcomes.

Keywords: tendon adaptation, tendinitis, tendinosis, physical activity

Tendinopathy is a general term indicating any abnormal state of that bring about large tendon strains (>70% maximal voluntary
a tendon, including pain, dysfunction, and, but not necessarily, contraction or >70% 1 repetition maximum).
pahology.1,2 Pathological tendons are defined as having abnormal The question that now arises is whether a change in tendon
changes on imaging (eg, increased signal intensity on magnetic structure (ie, tendon size) occurs in tendinopathy following exercise
resonance imaging [MRI] or hypoechoic regions in ultrasound) or on interventions and whether these changes are associated with clinical
histological investigations.2 Histological changes that can be seen in symptoms. Exercise is seen as the most common evidence-based
tendinopathy include increased water content, increased amounts of treatment for managing tendinopathy,8 and although the type of
proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans, fascicular disorganization, exercise used to manage tendinopathy may induce adaptation in
neurovascular ingrowth, and changes in cell phenotype.3,4 Patho- healthy tendons, it is not clear whether these adaptations occur in
logical tendons (ie, those with imaging or histological abnormalities) tendinopathy and if so whether they are associated with improved
may not necessarily be painful. Pain-free tendons with pathology are clinical outcomes. A prior systematic review9 did not support a
common and measures of structural changes, at any given time, relationship between observable structural change (MRI and ultra-
cannot be used to determine whether a tendon is perceived painful.5 sound) and improved clinical outcomes when treated by eccentric
Tendon, like muscle, is a plastic tissue that adapts to ensure it exercise, but this was based on imaging (structural changes, eg,
can “cope” with habitual loading. This plasticity may be via echogenicity) outcomes with poor reliability,10 bringing into question
transduction mechanisms, that is, the fibroblasts linking to the the validity of the conclusions. A further systematic review11 con-
extracellular matrix via integrins, which enable the cell to detect cluded that there is moderate evidence for an association between
and adapt to the mechanical loading. Tendon material properties or clinical outcomes and tendon thickness and tendon neovascularization
tendon structure (eg, increased fibril size, additional enzymatically in tendinopathy, but included cointerventions with exercise that may
derived cross-links between fibrils) and tendon morphology or size influence tendon adaptation (eg, injection therapy). Given the uncer-
(eg, increased cross-sectional area [CSA], thickness) may adapt to tainty in the literature and methodological limitations, a review that
load.6 Bohm et al7 recently reviewed studies investigating adaptation focuses on reliable imaging outcomes and exercise interventions
of healthy human tendon to mechanical loading and found consistent without confounding cointerventions is warranted. This will allow
evidence for increased stiffness following high load interventions
athletic trainers and other clinicians to make informed decisions about
the potential mechanisms to target when delivering exercise inter-
ventions for people with Achilles tendinopathy.
Färnqvist is with Haninge Rehab, Handen, Sweden. Pearson is with the Centre for
Health, Sport & Rehabilitation Sciences Research, University of Salford, Manche-
ster, United Kingdom. Malliaras is with the Department of Physiotherapy, School of Objective
Primary Health Care, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science, Monash
University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. Färnqvist ( is cor- The aim of this review is to synthesize current evidence that reports
responding author. a change in tendon structure (change in tendon thickness) in
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108 Färnqvist, Pearson, and Malliaras

Achilles tendinopathy in response to exercise (>12 wk) and Interventions. Studies including exercise as a treatment or reha-
whether this relates to change in clinical outcomes (self-reported bilitation for Achilles tendinopathy were included. The only
pain and function). The focus is on reliable outcomes of a change in additional parameter was that exercise needed to be applied for
tendon structure and studies measuring eccentric exercise from 12 weeks or longer as a shorter intervention does not seem to bring
single-cohort studies as well as those studies comparing eccentric about structural changes in the (healthy) tendon.7 Any exercise
exercise with another intervention or wait and see. This review may frequency, load intensity, time under tension, and rest times were
inform clinical practice and future studies regarding optimal exer- included with the exception of contraction type where only studies
cise interventions to achieve a change in tendon structure. investigating eccentric exercise were included. Studies investigat-
ing other types of exercise (eg, heavy slow resistance [HSR]) were
excluded because of the low number of studies and thus the ability
Evidence Acquisition to systematically review the literature.
Inclusion Criteria. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), con-
Exclusion Criteria. Reviews, case studies, and opinion articles were
trolled trials, cohort studies, and case series were included.
excluded, as were animal and non-English language studies. Studies
Studies investigating reliable measures of a change in tendon
investigating tendon rupture/full thickness tears (eg, postsurgical inter-
structure (outcome) following at least 12 weeks of exercise
vention exercise) as well as those investigating other tendons that were
(interventions) among participants with Achilles tendinopathy
not the Achilles tendon were excluded because their number was too
were included. An additional outcome measure criterion was
low. Studies investigating nonexercise interventions alone (eg, manual
that studies needed to include at least 1 validated outcome
therapy, taping, shockwave) were also excluded. Studies investigating
measure for self-reported pain and/or function (eg, Victorian
shockwave or injections were excluded because they may influence a
Institute of Sport Assessment-Achilles Questionnaire, Numeric
change in tendon structure.15–17 Stretching was not considered an
Rating Scale).
exercise intervention that is able to lead to a change in chronic tendon
Study Type. Randomized controlled trial design (eg, parallel structure7 and studies that investigated only stretching were thus
group, factorial, cross-over), pseudo-randomized trials, and single- excluded. Studies with cointerventions were excluded, as although
cohort studies were included. There were no restrictions based on they were unlikely to influence a change in tendon structure (eg, manual
date of publication. therapy or tape), they could influence the experience of pain. We also
excluded studies investigating biomarkers because although exercise
Population. We included studies investigating participants with increases tendon collagen synthesis,18 this biochemical response may
Achilles tendinopathy of any age, and duration of symptoms of not necessarily translate to tendon material or structural properties.19
at least 3 months. Only studies that clearly defined clinical Studies investigating other types of tendon adaptation (eg, tendon
diagnostic criteria for tendon-related pain (localized [insertion mechanical properties, echo types investigated with ultrasound tissue
or midportion], Achilles tendon pain for >3 months, correspond- characterization) were excluded too because of the low number of
ing tenderness on palpation, thickening of the Achilles tendon 2 to studies and thus the ability to systematically review the literature.
6 cm above the tendon insertion [for midportion only]), and
demonstrated tendon pathology on ultrasound (tendon thickening, Search Strategy. The preferred reporting items for systematic
hypoechoic regions, and/or Doppler signal), MRI (tendon thick- reviews and meta-analyses statement protocol guidelines were
ening and increased signal), or ultrasound tissue characterization followed in this systematic review.20 The search was performed
(increase in abnormal echo types) were included. Studies also in November 2018 in the following databases: MEDLINE,
needed to exclude other potential causes of pain and interventions CINAHL, EBSCO, and Google Scholar. Only terms relating to
that could moderate tendon structure change following exercise the intervention and population were searched. Adding the out-
such as systemic disease (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic come resulted in a very low yield because most studies did not
arthritis, or inflammatory bowel disease), positive neurological mention a change in tendon structure in the title, abstract, or
tests, reproduction of pain from movement of proximal joints keywords. No limits were applied (see Table 1 for MEDLINE
(eg, back movement reproducing leg or foot pain), steroid injec- example and subject headings for CINAHL and EBSCO). Several
tion in the last 3 months, and previous surgery to the affected studies in the field of tendinopathy and the reference lists of final
tendon or joint. yield were screened to identify other eligible studies.
Tendon Structure Outcomes. Includes tendon thickness or CSA Review Process. Two reviewers (KF and PM) screened all titles
measured with ultrasound or MRI. Measures of tendon thickness and after excluding studies both abstracts and titles were screened
and CSA have demonstrated acceptable reliability.12–14 and further studies were excluded. The full text of the remaining

Table 1 Search Terms in Database

Search term Synonyms
Exercise (intervention) Concentric, eccentric, isometric, heavy slow, load, physiotherapy, physical therapy, and strength training
(title and abstract); exercise, exercise therapy, rehabilitation, resistance training (MeSH), concentric contraction,
eccentric contraction, isometric contraction, exercise, physical therapy, resistance training, and rehabilitation (subject
heading CINAHL); and exercise, exercise therapy, rehabilitation, and resistance training (subject heading EBSCO)
AND tendinopathy site Achilles, tendo-Achilles, tricep-surae, triceps, and triceps tendon (title and abstract); Achilles tendon (MeSH)
(population) (subject heading CINAHL); and Achilles tendon (subject heading EBSCO)
AND pathology Paratendinitis, pathological, and partial rupture (title and abstract); pathology, tendinopathy (MeSH) pathology,
(population) tendinopathy, and Achilles tendinopathy (subject heading CINAHL); and tendinopathy (subject heading EBSCO)

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Eccentric Exercise in Achilles Tendinopathy 109

studies was screened. A third reviewer (SP) was also available to outcomes were expressed as mean difference (MD) and 95%
discuss eligibility of studies when this was not clear. confidence intervals if measurement scales were the same, or as
standard mean difference and 95% confidence intervals if measure-
Risk of Bias Assessment. The risk of bias was evaluated by
ments scales were different. Standard mean difference effect sizes
2 independent assessors (KF and PM) and disagreements were
were interpreted as small (0.2), medium (0.5), and large (0.8).28
resolved via consensus and adjudicated by a third author (SP) where
The standard mean difference was adjusted (Hedges’ adjusted g)
necessary. Given that an RCT is the most appropriate design to
for small sample bias.23
answer our question, study quality was assessed using the Physio-
therapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale,21 which has established
reliability and validity.21,22 The advantage of using the PEDro scale
is that it penalizes cohort design studies where confounders such as
Evidence Synthesis
regression to mean and natural recovery may influence outcomes.21 Search Yield. The search results are shown in Figure 1. Eight
The scale has 11 criteria (1 point per criterion) with a maximum studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were included
score of 10 because the first question is not marked. A study with a in the review. Two studies29,30 used the same cohort and investi-
low risk of bias was defined as having ≥6/10 score.21 gated different follow-up times. Data from these studies were
Data Extraction. Data were extracted independently by 2 re-
combined, so overall 8 studies and 7 unique cohorts were included.
viewers (KF and PM), using a recommended form.20 A third Risk of Bias. Four studies had low risk of bias31–34 and 4 had high
reviewer (SP) was available to adjudicate when there was lack of risk of bias29,30,35,36 (see Table 3). The mean risk of bias score
consensus. Data extracted included study design, participant char- was just over 5 out of 10 (5.3) and scores ranged between 2 and 8.
acteristics (including midportion or insertional tendinopathy), path- The most common quality criteria not satisfied was blinding of
ological tendon decrease, intervention, tendon structure outcome, subjects and therapists.
and clinical outcome (eg, Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-
Achilles Questionnaire, Numeric Rating Scale). If there was more
than 1 measurement scale used for the same construct, we included Records identified through
scales that were similar across most studies; otherwise we prioritized database: MEDLINE, Google Scholar,
validated and disease-specific questionnaires. Outcome data were
extracted for dichotomous (proportions and sample size) and con-
tinuous data (follow-up or change scores, SD, and sample size) to
enable calculation of effect sizes (see "Data Synthesis and Analysis" Records after duplicates removed
section below). We extracted data at the follow-up times where (n = 2658)
tendon structure and clinical outcomes were both reported.
Data Synthesis and Analysis. We planned to perform meta-
Titles screened Records excluded
analyses among trials with similar characteristics (exercise inter- (n = 2658) (n = 1377)
ventions and comparator, outcome measures, and populations).23
We planned to use random effects models, as clinical and meth-
odological heterogeneity is likely to exist and may impact model Titles and abstracts Records excluded
findings. Where data could not be pooled, we qualitatively syn- screened (n = 1281) (n = 1192)
thesized findings based on van Tulder et al24 levels of evidence
(Table 2). Although the synthesis according to van Tulder et al24
should be based on RCTs and clinical controlled trials, it has often Full-text articles assessed Full-text articles excluded or
been used for other study designs.9,25,26 Positive change in tendon for eligibility added
thickness was defined as change toward the comparator group. (n = 89)
Pathological Achilles tendons are reported to be thicker,27 so a No treatment/rupture/
nonexercise: 80
positive change is expected to be reduced thickness.
Where there were multiple studies (trials and single-cohort Studies included in Review/case/opinion: 40
studies) that investigated the same interventions and outcome we review
(n = 8) Animal/no English: 0
calculated effect size estimates. Dichotomous outcomes were ex-
pressed as relative risk and 95% confidence intervals. Continuous Added articles from tendon
experts: 0

Added articles from

Cohorts included in
Table 2 Level of Evidence24 qualitative synthesis
reference lists: 3
(n = 7)
Level of
evidence Measures
Strong Consistent findings in multiple high-quality studies
(n > 2) Cohorts included in
Moderate Consistent findings among multiple low-quality quantitative synthesis
studies or 1 high-quality study meta-analysis
(n = 2)
Limited Findings from 1 low-quality study.
Conflicting Inconsistent findings among multiple studies
No evidence No studies found
Figure 1 — Study selection flow chart.

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110 Färnqvist, Pearson, and Malliaras

Favors [eccentric] Active control Std. mean difference Std. mean difference
Study or subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, random, 95% CI IV, random, 95% CI
Beyer31 1 1.06 25 1.7 1.06 22 50.4% –0.65 [–1.24, –0.06]
Norregard32 1.3 0.4 22 0.7 0.3 21 49.6% 1.66 [0.96, 2.36]

Total (95% Cl) 47 43 100.0% 0.50 [–1.77, 2.76]

Heterogeneity: τ 2 = 2.56; χ 2 = 24.39, df = 1 (P < .00001); I2 = 96%
–4 –2 0 2 4
Test for overall effect: Z = .43 (P = .67)
Favors [active control] Favors [eccentric]

Figure 2 — Comparison of thickness outcomes measured by ultrasound between eccentric exercise (Alfredson protocol) and a heavy slow exercise
protocol or stretching. CI, confidence interval; Std., standard.

Table 3 PEDro Scale—Risk of Bias Assessment of Included Studies

Beyer31 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 7
Gärdin29 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes 4
Norregard32 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
Petersen33 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 7
Richards35 Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A No Yes No Yes No No 2
Rompe34 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8
Shalabi30 Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes 3
Tsahie36 Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5
Abbreviations: AC, allocation was concealed; BA, blinding of all assessors; BG, between-group statistical; BS, blinding of all subjects; BT, blinding of all therapists;
EC, eligibility criteria; ITT, intention to treat; KO, key outcome was obtained; MV, measures of variability; RTG, randomly allocated to groups; SB, similar at baseline; TS,
Total score.

Study Characteristics. Characteristics of included studies are improved before the Achilles size reduced.35 Effect sizes were
shown in Table 4. Most studies were RCTs31–34
or prospective calculated and pooled where possible (see Table 5, Figure 2).
cohort studies.29,30,36 There was 1 controlled clinical trial.35 There
were a total of 321 participants (173 men and 148 women) with
mean age of 48 years (ranging from 4232 to 51),30 and mean
duration of symptoms of 14 months. Discussion
Eight studies (7 cohorts) investigated eccentric training.29–36
Eccentric training involves 3 sets of 15 isolated eccentric exercises, The aim of this review was to synthesize current evidence that
both with straight and bent knee, performed twice daily.31 Pain and reports a change in tendon structure (change in tendon thickness) in
discomfort are acceptable, and additional weight is added when Achilles tendinopathy in response to exercise (>12 wk) and
the exercise becomes pain free. All studies executed the Alfredson whether this relates to change in clinical outcomes (self-reported
protocol with exceptions from 2 studies.33,36 In the study by Petersen pain and function). We found that there was strong evidence that
et al,33 the participants did the exercises 3 times per day and in Achilles tendon thickness does not decrease in parallel with
the study by Tsehaie et al36 the participants had a familiarization improved clinical outcomes. After 12 weeks of eccentric exercise
period for 4 weeks before the actual exercise period for 12 weeks only 2 studies31,32 showed effect sizes not crossing zero regarding
started. tendon thickness, but these showed heterogeneous differences
Only 2 studies31,32 qualified for meta-analyses comparing eccen- between groups (compared with HSR31 and stretching32). Further,
tric exercise versus heavy slow exercise31 or stretching32 and the the study by Norregard et al32 was the only study that included
analyses showed an I2 of 96%, so we decided to present the individual participants with insertional tendinopathy, which could have
affected the outcomes. The included cohort studies either reported
results from each study (Table 5) as well as pooled data (Figure 2).
no change in thickness at follow-up29,30,36 or found that symptoms
Tendon Size Changes and Clinical Outcomes Findings with improved before the Achilles size reduced.35
Eccentric Exercise in Achilles Tendinopathy. Thickness, pain, Our findings suggest that the inconsistent changes seen in
and function outcomes: There is strong evidence to refute that tendon thickness could be explained by time rather than eccentric
Achilles tendon thickness decreases (normalization) in parallel exercise. However, in our effect size calculations we found that
with improvement in self-reported pain and function. Four cohorts eccentric exercise was more effective [1.66 (0.96, 2.36)] than
with low risk of bias (all RCTs)31–34 found either no change in stretching in the study by Norregard,32 but the study by Beyer
parallel with improved self-reported clinical outcomes. There were et al31 found no difference between both exercise groups (eccentric
heterogeneous between group differences with benefit of eccentric vs HSR) which suggests that loading maybe of importance.
training compared to stretching (large effect) and inferior change in However, even in the original study by Norregard et al,32 there
thickness of eccentric training compared to heavy slow resistance was no significant difference between groups, but no exact P values
(moderate effect). Three cohorts with high risk of bias (all cohort or effect sizes were presented. The review by Rabello11 concluded
studies) found either no change in tendon thickness29,30,36 in parallel that there is moderate evidence for an association between clinical
with improved self-reported clinical outcomes or that symptoms outcomes and tendon thickness and tendon neovascularization in
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Table 4 Summary of Main Study Characteristics
Author, tendon Study characteristics characteristics Tendon outcome Clinical outcome
Beyer31 RCT Mean age = 48 y Ultrasound Improved VISA-A at 0–52 wk (P < .001).
Midportion Eccentric exercise vs HSR exercise Mean duration = 18 mo ↓ tendon thickness (P < .001) in No difference between groups (P = .62).
for 12 wk 15 women and 32 men eccentric (1 mm) and HSR group Improvement in VAS while running at 0–52 wk
Outcomes at 12 and 52 wk (1.7 mm). No between-group (P < .001) with no difference between groups
Eccentrics: Alfredson protocol, differences at 52 wk (P = .01). (P = .71).
12 wk, 2×/d, 180 reps/d Significant differences not reported for
HSR other outcomes.
12 wk, 3×/wk, increased load over time
as repetitions decreased over time.
Norregaard32 RCT Mean age = 42 y Ultrasound Improvements in symptoms (P = .05) in the
Midportion and insertional Eccentric training vs stretching 22 women and 23 men ↓ tendon thickness (nonsignificant) stretch group at 0–3 wk.
3–4 patients per group had exercisesgastrocnemius for 12 wk Mean duration = 28 mo in the stretch group (0.1 mm) and Improvements in symptoms (P = .01) and pain
insertional Achilles Outcomes after 12, 39, and 52 wk an increase in the eccentric group (P = .05; KOOS) in the stretch group and in pain
tendinopathy Eccentrics: Alfredson protocol, 12 w, (0.6 mm) at 12 wk. in the eccentric group (P = .05) at 0–12 wk.
2×/d, 180 reps/d ↓ tendon thickness (P = .001) in the No difference between groups.
eccentric group (1.3 mm) and the Improvements in symptoms (P = .01) and pain
stretch group (0.7 mm) at 52 wk, no (P = .05; KOOS) in the eccentric group and
between-group difference (P = .05). in symptoms for the stretch group (P = .01)
at 0–52 wk. No difference between groups
Petersen33 RCT Mean age = 43 y Ultrasound Improved AOFAS improved the eccentric group
Midportion Eccentric exercise, eccentric training Mean duration = 7 mo No change in the tendon diameter in at 0–54 wk (P < .001). No difference between
vs Airheel brace or a combination 40 women and 60 men any of the 3 treatment groups (P = .05) groups. Significant differences not reported
of eccentric training and Airheel brace at 12 wk. No thickness measures at for other outcomes.
for 12 wk 54 wk. Improvements in VAS in activities of daily living
Outcomes at 6, 12, and 54 wk in the eccentric group at 0–54 wk (P < .001).
Eccentrics: 12 wk, 3×/d, 270 reps/d No difference between groups.

JSR Vol. 29, No. 1, 2020

Improvements in VAS in activities of daily living
in the eccentric group from 0 to 6 wk (P = .001).
No further decrease in the Airheel-only group
after 6 wk.
Improvements in VAS in activities of daily living
in the eccentric group from 0 to 12 wk (P = .001)
Richards35 CCT Mean age = 47 y Ultrasound and MRI Improved VISA-A at 0–52 wk. Significant
Midportion Eccentric training Mean duration is not ↓ tendon thickness (P = .09) (4.4 mm) differences not reported for other outcomes.
Outcomes at 2, 6, 12, and 52 wk. known at 52 wk. Significant differences not
Eccentrics: Alfredson protocol, 12 wk, 4 women and 5 men reported for other outcomes.
2×/d, 180 reps/d
Rompe34 RCT Mean age = 49 y Ultrasound Improved VISA-A at 0–16 wk (P = .01). No
Midportion Eccentric training vs shockwave No change in tendon thickness difference between treatment groups (P = .26).
therapy or wait and see for 12 wk Mean duration = 11 mo at 16 wk in none of the groups Both intervention groups showed better results
Outcomes at 16 wk 46 women and 29 men (P = .05). than the wait and see group only (P = .001).
Eccentrics: Alfredson protocol, 12 w, Midportion Achilles Improvement in NRS score in load-induced pain
2×/d, 180 reps/d tendinopathy at 0–16 wk
(P = .01). No difference between intervention
groups (P = .49). Both intervention groups
showed better results than the wait and see group
(P = .001).


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112 Färnqvist, Pearson, and Malliaras

resonance imaging; PC, prospective cohort; RCT, randomized controlled trial; VAS, visual analogue score; VISA, Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment; VISA-A, VISA Achilles version; VISA-P, VISA patellar
Abbreviations: AOFAS, American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society; CCT, controlled trial; CSA, cross-sectional area; HSR, heavy slow resistance; KOOS, knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score; MRI, magnetic
tendinopathy, which is the opposite of what we conclude. The

Improved VISA-A score (P = .004) at 24 wk

Improvements in Curwin scale at 0–12 wk difference between this study and the 2 earlier reviews9,11 is the

Improvements in Curwin scale (P < .001)

methodology and we only investigated eccentric exercise (alone
without any cointervention) by itself or compared with another
and function (P = .001) at 4.2 y. intervention where it became clear that the number of studies, and
therefore, the overall evidence, is scarce.

Comparison With Earlier Evidence

In the Drew et al9 systematic review, it was concluded that HSR
Clinical outcome

exercise may be superior to other exercises in relation to tendon

adaptation outcomes. This was based on a report of superior
Doppler signal and tendon thickness outcomes with HSR com-
(P = .01)

pared with eccentric exercise in the Kongsgaard et al37 patellar

tendinopathy study. In Achilles tendinopathy, which was the focus
of this review, a recent study compared HSR versus eccentric
exercise and found no difference in tendon thickness change or
improvements in clinical outcomes between the groups.31 Based on
↓ tendon volume (P = .02) (0.3 cm)

↓ tendon CSA (P = .048) (4.5 mm)

↓ tendon CSA (P = .05) (0.8 mm)

these limited data, there is a lack of evidence (Achilles) that HSR

No change in tendon thickness

No change in tendon thickness

is superior at adapting pathological tendon, but more evidence

is needed before firm conclusions can be made. Theoretically, HSR
may involve heavier load than the Alfredson eccentric program
(up to 6 repetition maximum compared with up to 15 repetition
Tendon outcome

maximum in eccentric exercise). However, there is no way of

at 4.2 y (P = .18)

knowing whether this is the case because adherence and fidelity

of either program are not reported, and the HSR program was
at 12 wk.

at 24 wk.

at 24 wk.

performed double leg and the eccentric program single leg.

(P = .01)


Change in Tendon Structure With Exercise and

Relationship to Clinical Outcome
Mean duration = 12 mo

Mean duration = 9 mo
9 women and 16 men

12 women and 8 men

There was within group clinical benefit in pain and function with

exercise which was not paralleled with change in tendon thickness.

Mean age = 51 y

Mean age = 46 y

Only one study found a between-group difference. Rompe et al34


found that eccentric exercise or shockwave therapy improved

Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Achilles version and
NRS scores more than the wait and see group. However, no
exercise regime seems to be superior regarding clinical outcomes
in both Achilles and patellar tendinopathy patients.38 To the
authors’ knowledge, there is only one study investigating fibril
Eccentrics: Alfredson protocol, 12 w,

morphology and clinical outcomes. This study39 found that fibril

morphology became more normal (increase fibril density and
before 12 wk, 2×/d, 180 reps/d
Eccentrics: Alfredson protocol,
familiarization period for 4 wk
Outcomes at 12 wk and 4.2 y.

decrease mean area) following HSR exercise in patellar tendino-

Eccentric training for 12 wk

Eccentric training for 16 wk

pathy. Although this suggests a relationship between microstruc-

Study characteristics

tural tendon adaptation and clinical outcomes, caution is needed as

the data are from only one study. Given that this is the only study to
Outcomes at 24 wk

investigate tendon microstructure with biopsy, it raises the possi-

2×/d, 180 reps/d

bility that current imaging measures lack sufficient sensitivity to

identify tendon adaptations that may be occurring in tendinopathy.
In support of this, in the same study, the authors reported no change
in tendon CSA, modulus, or stiffness.39 A potential limitation of the


biopsy procedure is that it could have contributed to changes in the

tendon (eg, collagen type III and type I collagen expression).40
Table 4 (continued)

used the same cohort, only

Midportion (these studies

Tendon Thickness
follow-up that differ)
Author, tendon

Unlike healthy tendon where change in thickness or CSA may

indicate increased collagen content, change in pathological tendon

thickness is more likely to indicate change in bound water and



proteoglycan content.41 Tendon thickening and increased proteo-


glycan content are an attempt to reduce permeability and fluid flow

and load on tendon cells.42 Preliminary evidence from the studies
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Eccentric Exercise in Achilles Tendinopathy 113

Table 5 Effect Size Pre–Post Eccentric Intervention on Tendon Thickness

PEDro Length of Thickness in mm (SD) Thickness in mm (SD) Between-group
Study score follow-up at baseline—follow-up at follow-up difference (SMD)
Rompe34 8 16 wk 12.8 (4.1) None None
Tsahie36 5 24 wk 8.9–8.6 Not reported No comparison group
Beyer31 7 52 wk 8.3 (1.06) 7.3 (1.06) −0.65 (−1.24, −0.06)
Norregard32 6 52 wk 7.6 (not reported) 6.3 (0.4) 1.66 (0.96, 2.36)
Richards35 2 52 wk 15 (5.15) 10.6 (4.63) No comparison group
Petersen33 7 54 wk Not reported None None
Shalabi/Gärdin29,30 4 4.2 y 6.7 (2.0) 6.4 (2.0) No comparison group
Abbreviation: SMD, standard mean difference.

included in this review suggests that the Achilles tendon does not isometric interventions over a number of weeks, where the inter-
change in thickness in parallel with improved clinical outcome in ventions with longer duration (≥12 wk) seem to be more efficient to
Achilles tendinopathy. Whether change in thickness is a mecha- stimulate tendon change in several aspects. No study included in
nism for change in pain and the clinical relevance of a few our review investigated eccentric exercise for more than 12 weeks
millimeters’ reduction in thickness are unknown. It is noteworthy and maybe this was the parameter missing for a change in tendon
that some tendons may increase collagen content and size, but thickness. No studies utilizing elastography or more traditional
reduce water content after an exercise intervention so overall their measurement (ie, ultrasound) to investigate change in mechanical
thickness does not change and in this case adaptation may only be properties after exercise were identified. Given the lack of studies,
detected by assessing mechanical properties. A recent study43 no conclusions can be made about the relationship between change
investigating the long-term prognosis (5–15 y follow-up) in plantar in mechanical properties with exercise and improvement in clinical
fascia-related pain found a greater decrease than studies included in outcomes in Achilles tendinopathy. Future studies should investi-
this review (in asymptomatic and symptomatic groups from 6.9 and gate whether pathological tendons respond to different exercise
6.7 mm, respectively, to 4.3 mm in both groups). However, at interventions (eg, applied for a longer period) or whether they have
follow-up, fascia thickness and echogenicity had normalized in limited capacity for improvement in their mechanical properties.
only 24% of the patients in the asymptomatic group and fascia Finally, we acknowledge that stage of pathology as described in the
thickness decreased over time regardless of symptoms and had no continuum model45 may influence tendon adaptation46 and was not
impact on prognosis. defined in studies in this review. However, it is important to note
Tendon thickness has been shown to normalize after nonload there is only prospective evidence for the continuum model
interventions,44 so clearly other mechanisms may explain change in utilizing imaging changes in patella tendons46 alongside a RCT
this outcome. Maybe a longer time to follow-up is more important where participants with Achilles tendinopathy were divided by
than the intervention (ie, just the time per se)? Another example, the pathology (reactive vs. degenerative), to examine the effects of
stage of pathology, may also influence change in tendon thickness supplements and exercise on pathology and patient outcomes.47
but is not considered by any study in this review.45 For example, Whether change in tendon thickness is a mechanism explaining
patellar tendons of volleyball players that were defined as “degen- change in clinical outcome requires further investigation. Future
erative” based on the continuum model45 on gray-scale ultrasound studies should consider longer follow-up times and detailed re-
imaging (hypoechoic regions and poor matrix alignment) were less porting of exercise parameters (eg, load) to further elucidate the
likely to demonstrate change in tendon thickness over the course of relationship between exercise adaptation (not only thickness) of
a competitive season.46 pathological tendon mechanical properties in relation to clinical
reporting outcomes. Considering other tendons (patellar, rotator
Incorporation of Evidence into Clinical Practice cuff, and plantar fascia) and outcomes (tendon structure and
This review found that the clinical outcomes improved with time, mechanical properties), there is no clear evidence that a change
but there is still a great uncertainty whether tendon thickness in tendon structure improves in parallel with improved clinical
changes in parallel with change in symptoms. Recent evidence outcomes due to lack of studies.
suggests that different types of pathology may be less likely to
resolve over time46 and less responsive to exercise interventions,47 Limitations
suggesting that mechanisms for change in patient symptoms
following exercise most likely extend beyond a change in tendon The key disadvantage of this review is there were limited studies
structure. However, there is a possibility that current imaging utilizing eccentric training in Achilles tendinopathy. Thus, the only
methods are not sensitive enough to identify a change in tendon tendon and contraction type investigated in this review were the
structure. What the limited evidence base suggests is that a change Achilles tendon and eccentric exercise. There was also limited
in tendon thickness following exercise seems different in patho- description of load intensity and compliance, so it is not possible to
logical versus healthy tendons. draw firm conclusions regarding the relationship between load and
tendon structure of pathological tendon. It is very possible that
many exercise protocols did not achieve an adequate intensity for a
Recommendations for Future Research
change in tendon structure.7 Further, the results from the single-arm
Bohm et al7 demonstrated in their systematic review that thickness studies should be interpreted with caution because the improve-
of healthy tendon consistently increases following HSR and heavy ment cannot be differentiated from the confounders such as natural
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114 Färnqvist, Pearson, and Malliaras

history,48 and this is reflected in our quality assessment. A further 9. Drew BT, Smith TO, Littlewood C, Sturrock B. Do structural changes
limitation is that the included studies report group averages, not (eg, collagen/matrix) explain the response to therapeutic exercises in
individual data points. For example, individual data points are tendinopathy: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2014;48:966–
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clinical outcome are trending in the same direction or not. Even if a 10. Collinger JL, Gagnon D, Jacobson J, Impink BG, Boninger ML.
study shows that, on group average, tendon thickness is decreasing Reliability of quantitative ultrasound measures of the biceps and
and clinical outcomes are improving, the data do not demonstrate supraspinatus tendons. Acad Radiol. 2009;16(11):1424–1432.
that these processes are occurring in the same individuals. PubMed ID: 19596592 doi:10.1016/j.acra.2009.05.001
11. Rabello LM, van den Akker-Scheek I, Brink MS, Maas M, Diercks
RL, Zwerver J. Association between clinical and imaging outcomes
Conclusions after therapeutic loading exercise in patients diagnosed with Achilles
For Achilles tendinopathy, 12 weeks of eccentric exercise ap- or patellar tendinopathy at short- and long-term follow-up: a system-
pears to result in improved clinical outcomes (self-reported atic review [published online ahead of print June 25, 2018]. Clin J
pain and function) over time, but this often happened in the Sport Med.
absence of reduced tendon thickness. This review has progressed 12. Shalabi A, Movin T, Kristoffersen-Wiberg M, Aspelin P, Svensson L.
current knowledge by identifying this lack of relationship Reliability in the assessment of tendon volume and intratendinous
between a change in tendon structure in pathological tendon and signal of the Achilles tendon on MRI: a methodological description.
clinical outcomes, which is observed in many other areas of Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2005;13:492–498. PubMed
the body. Overall, we conclude that we cannot say with any ID: 16170584 doi:10.1007/s00167-004-0546-0
certainty that pathological Achilles tendon thickness do change 13. Silbernagel KG, Shelley K, Powell S, Varrecchia S. Extended field of
with load. view ultrasound imaging to evaluate Achilles tendon length and
thickness: a reliability and validity study. Muscles Ligaments
Tendons J. 2016;6:104–110. PubMed ID: 27331037 doi:10.32098/
Acknowledgment mltj.01.2016.12
The authors declare no conflict of interest. 14. Mc Auliffe S, Mc Creesh K, Purtill H, O’sullivan K. A systematic
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