4 Pillars
4 Pillars
4 Pillars
Quality if physical or non physical characteristics that constitutes that basic nature of a thing or is one of
its distinguishing features. Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer, present and future.
TQM is "a system of continuous improvement employing participative management and centered on the
needs of customers" (Jurow & Barnard, 1993). Key components of TQM are employee involvement and
training, problem solving teams, statistical methods, long-term goals and thinking, and recognition that
the system, not people, produces inefficiencies. Libraries can benefit from TQM in three ways: breaking
down interdepartmental barriers; redefining the beneficiaries of library services as internal customers
(staff) and external customers (patrons); and reaching a state of continuous improvement (Jurow &
Barnard, 1993).
A library should be focusing on providing the best services possible, and be willing to change to serve its
customers. To determine if changes need to be made, a librarian might ask: What do the customers
come in for? How can I look at the efficiency of my library? How do we serve the current users that exist
today? First learn about the customer, then solve the problems. An American, W.Edwards Deming,
developed the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) after World War II for improving the
production quality of goods and services. The concept of TQM is applicable to academics. Many
educators believe that the Deming's concept of TQM provides guiding principles for
needededucational reform. In his article, "The Quality Revolution in Education," John Jay Bonstingl
outlines the TQM principles he believes are most salient to education reform. He calls them the "Four
Pillars of Total Quality Management."
According to this principle, an organization must focus, first and foremost, on its suppliers and
customers. In a TQM organization, everyone is both a customer and supplier; this confusing concept
emphasizes "the systematic nature of the work in which all are involved". In other words, teamwork and
collaboration are essential. Traditionally, education has been prone to individual and departmental
isolation. The very application of the first pillar of TQM to education emphasizes the synergistic
relationship between the "suppliers" and "customers".
The product of the successful work together is the development of the student's capabilities, interests,
and character. In one sense, the user is the customer for the library, as the recipient of educational
services provided for the student's growth and improvement. Viewed in this way, the library is the
suppliers of effective learning tools, environments, and systems to the users, who is the customer for
library. The library staff must educate the users regarding how to access the resources in the library for
the users s by teaching them.
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The second pillar of TQM applied to education is the total dedication to continuous improvement,
personally and collectively. Within a Total Quality library setting, administrators work collaboratively with
their users. The foundations for this system were fear, intimidation, and an adversarial approach to
problem-solving. Today it is in our best interest to encourage everyone's potential by dedicating
ourselves to the continual improvement of our own abilities and those of the people with whom we work
and live. Total Quality is, essentially, a win-win approach which works to everyone's ultimate advantage.
According to Deming, no human being should ever evaluate another human being. Therefore, TQM
emphasizes self-evaluation as part of a continuous improvement process.
The third pillar of TQM as applied in academics is the recognition of the organization as a system and the
work done within the organization is an ongoing process. Quality speaks to working on the system,
which will identify and eliminate the flawed processes. Since systems have made up of processes, the
improvements made in the quality of those processes largely determine the quality of the resulting
The fourth TQM principle applied to education is that the success of TQM is the responsibility of top
management. The librarians must establish the context in which users can have benefit by providing
best services through the continuous efforts and improvement in the services. According to the practical
evidences, the TQM principles help the library in following clauses:
1) Redefine the role, purpose and responsibilities of libraryschools.
2) Improve library as a best user center for a best "way of life."
3) Plan comprehensive leadership training for users at all levels.
4) Create staff development programmes.
5) Use research and practice-based information to guide both policy and practice.
In order to achieve the above as opportunities to the academic scenario, in addition to patience,
participatory management among well-trained and educated partners is crucial to the success of TQM in
libraries, everyone involved must understand and believe in principles. Some personnel who are
committed to the principles can facilitate success with TQM. Their vision and skills in leadership,
management, interpersonal communication, problem solving and creative cooperation are important
qualities for successful implementation of TQM.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/education-articles/total-quality-management-in-libraries-
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