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Early Rhythm-Control Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation

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Original Article

Early Rhythm-Control Therapy in Patients

with Atrial Fibrillation
P. Kirchhof, A.J. Camm, A. Goette, A. Brandes, L. Eckardt, A. Elvan, T. Fetsch,
I.C. van Gelder, D. Haase, L.M. Haegeli, F. Hamann, H. Heidbüchel,
G. Hindricks, J. Kautzner, K.-H. Kuck, L. Mont, G.A. Ng, J. Rekosz, N. Schoen,
U. Schotten, A. Suling, J. Taggeselle, S. Themistoclakis, E. Vettorazzi, P. Vardas,
K. Wegscheider, S. Willems, H.J.G.M. Crijns, and G. Breithardt,
for the EAST-AFNET 4 Trial Investigators*​​

Despite improvements in the management of atrial fibrillation, patients with this The authors’ full names, academic de-
condition remain at increased risk for cardiovascular complications. It is unclear grees, and affiliations are listed in the Ap-
pendix. Address reprint requests to Dr.
whether early rhythm-control therapy can reduce this risk. Kirchhof at the Department of Cardiolo-
METHODS gy, University Heart and Vascular Center,
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg–Eppendorf
In this international, investigator-initiated, parallel-group, open, blinded-outcome- Hamburg, Martinistraße 52, Gebäude
assessment trial, we randomly assigned patients who had early atrial fibrillation Ost 70, 20246 Hamburg, Germany, or at
(diagnosed ≤1 year before enrollment) and cardiovascular conditions to receive either ­p​.­kirchhof@​­uke​.­de.
early rhythm control or usual care. Early rhythm control included treatment with *A complete list of the EAST-AFNET 4
antiarrhythmic drugs or atrial fibrillation ablation after randomization. Usual care investigators is provided in the Supple-
mentary Appendix, available at
limited rhythm control to the management of atrial fibrillation–related symptoms.
The first primary outcome was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, This article was published on August 29,
2020, at
stroke, or hospitalization with worsening of heart failure or acute coronary syn-
drome; the second primary outcome was the number of nights spent in the hospital DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2019422
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
per year. The primary safety outcome was a composite of death, stroke, or serious
adverse events related to rhythm-control therapy. Secondary outcomes, including
symptoms and left ventricular function, were also evaluated.
In 135 centers, 2789 patients with early atrial fibrillation (median time since di-
agnosis, 36 days) underwent randomization. The trial was stopped for efficacy at
the third interim analysis after a median of 5.1 years of follow-up per patient. A
first-primary-outcome event occurred in 249 of the patients assigned to early rhythm
control (3.9 per 100 person-years) and in 316 patients assigned to usual care (5.0 per
100 person-years) (hazard ratio, 0.79; 96% confidence interval, 0.66 to 0.94; P = 0.005).
The mean (±SD) number of nights spent in the hospital did not differ significantly
between the groups (5.8±21.9 and 5.1±15.5 days per year, respectively; P = 0.23). The
percentage of patients with a primary safety outcome event did not differ signifi-
cantly between the groups; serious adverse events related to rhythm-control ther-
apy occurred in 4.9% of the patients assigned to early rhythm control and 1.4% of
the patients assigned to usual care. Symptoms and left ventricular function at 2 years
did not differ significantly between the groups.
Early rhythm-control therapy was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular
outcomes than usual care among patients with early atrial fibrillation and cardio-
vascular conditions. (Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research
and others; EAST-AFNET 4 ISRCTN number, ISRCTN04708680;
number, NCT01288352; EudraCT number, 2010​-­021258​-­20.)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ven with current guideline-based tee and was conducted in accordance with the
management, patients with atrial fibrilla- Declaration of Helsinki and the International
tion have stroke, acute coronary syndrome, Council for Harmonisation Good Clinical Prac-
heart failure, and cardiovascular death at a rate tice Guidelines. An independent data and safety
of approximately 5% of patients per year,1-4 and monitoring board guided the trial. All serious
35 to 50% of patients with atrial fibrillation who adverse events were adjudicated by an indepen-
receive adequate anticoagulation either receive dent end-point review committee, the members
inpatient therapy or die within 5 years.5,6 These of which were not aware of the treatment-group
complications occur even though most atrial fi- assignments. The trial was planned by the Atrial
brillation–related ischemic strokes can be pre- Fibrillation Network (AFNET) and the European
vented with anticoagulation,3,4 and rate control Heart Rhythm Association. AFNET was respon-
often renders patients asymptomatic.7,8 The risk sible for the conduct of the trial. The protocol was
of cardiovascular complications is increased dur- approved by the ethics review boards of all the
ing the first year after atrial fibrillation is diag- institutions involved. Written informed consent
nosed (a period referred to here as “early atrial was provided by all patients who participated in
fibrillation”).9 Furthermore, rhythm-control ther- the trial.
apy may be more effective when delivered early.10,11 AFNET conducted the trial while being ad-
Previous trials, including one trial involving vised by the trial committees and working with
patients with heart failure, have not shown su- the contract research organization CRI — the
periority of rhythm control with antiarrhythmic Clinical Research Institute. The contract research
drugs over rate control in patients with estab- organization and the study sites used the Marvin
lished atrial fibrillation.7,8,12,13 Small trials have electronic case-report form system (XClinical).
suggested that atrial fibrillation ablation may im- The Institute of Medical Biometry and Epidemi-
prove left ventricular function and may reduce the ology at the University Medical Center Hamburg–
risk of adverse outcomes in patients with atrial Eppendorf served as the core statistical unit. The
fibrillation and heart failure,2,14 and in one trial funders of the trial did not influence the trial
the antiarrhythmic drug dronedarone, as com- design, data collection, analysis, or the decision
pared with placebo, reduced the composite out- to publish. The first author wrote the first draft
come of death and cardiovascular hospitaliza- of the manuscript. All voting members of the
tions.6 Some reports have indicated low rates of executive steering committee (see the Supplemen-
stroke and death associated with rhythm-control tary Appendix, available at vouch for
therapy,5,15 including atrial fibrillation ablation.16-18 the accuracy and completeness of the data and for
The Early Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation for the fidelity of the trial to the protocol.
Stroke Prevention Trial (EAST-AFNET 4) therefore
was designed to test whether a strategy of early Trial Population
rhythm-control therapy that includes atrial fi- We enrolled adults (≥18 years of age) who had
brillation ablation would be associated with bet- early atrial fibrillation (defined as atrial fibrilla-
ter outcomes in patients with early atrial fibril- tion diagnosed ≤12 months before enrollment)
lation than contemporary, evidence-based usual and who were older than 75 years of age, had
care.11 had a previous transient ischemic attack or stroke,
or met two of the following criteria: age greater
than 65 years, female sex, heart failure, hyperten-
Me thods
sion, diabetes mellitus, severe coronary artery dis-
Trial Design and Oversight ease, chronic kidney disease (Modification of Diet
We conducted an international, investigator-ini- in Renal Disease stage 3 or 4 [glomerular filtra-
tiated, parallel-group, randomized, open, blinded- tion rate, 15 to 59 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 of
outcome-assessment trial. The details of the trial body-surface area]), and left ventricular hyper-
design have been published previously.19 The trial trophy (diastolic septal wall width, >15 mm).
protocol and statistical analysis plan are avail-
able with the full text of this article at Trial Intervention
The trial was designed and overseen by an execu- Treatment of cardiovascular conditions, anticoagu-
tive committee supported by a steering commit- lation, and rate control were mandated in all pa-

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Early Rhythm-Control Ther apy

tients, in accordance with guideline recommen- The primary safety outcome was a composite
dations.20-22 Patients were randomly assigned in of death from any cause, stroke, or prespecified
a 1:1 ratio to receive early rhythm control or usual serious adverse events of special interest cap-
care, with randomization stratified according to turing complications of rhythm-control therapy.
site and with variable block lengths used for con- Source data on all potential serious adverse events
cealment of assignments. and adverse events of special interest were cen-
Early rhythm control required antiarrhythmic trally adjudicated by the end-point review com-
drugs or atrial fibrillation ablation, as well as mittee.
cardioversion of persistent atrial fibrillation, to
be initiated early after randomization. Local study Follow-up
teams chose the type of rhythm-control therapy All patients remained in follow-up from ran-
independently to deliver this treatment, using domization until the end of the trial, death, or
protocol guidance based on current guidelines.20-22 withdrawal from the trial. At baseline, a medical
Patients who were randomly assigned to early history; information on clinical characteristics,
rhythm-control therapy were asked to transmit a therapy, and symptom status (EHRA); responses
patient-operated single-lead electrocardiogram on the MoCA, EQ-5D, and SF-12 questionnaires;
(ECG) (Vitaphone) twice per week and when symp- and an ECG and echocardiogram were obtained.
tomatic. All abnormal ECG recordings were A blood specimen was obtained from patients
forwarded to the study site. Documentation of re- who consented to participate in a biomarker sub-
current atrial fibrillation triggered an in-person study. Every 6 months, trial sites mailed question-
visit from the site team to escalate rhythm-con- naires to all patients to obtain information on
trol therapy as clinically indicated. hospitalizations and cardiovascular events. Ques-
Patients who were randomly assigned to usual tionnaires were reviewed at the contract research
care were initially treated with rate-control ther- organization, and source documents for all pos-
apy without rhythm-control therapy. Rhythm-con- sible events were requested from the sites. At
trol therapy was used only to mitigate uncon- 1 and 2 years, an in-person interview, physical
trolled atrial fibrillation–related symptoms during examination, and ECG were performed. The
adequate rate-control therapy (i.e., therapy that MoCA, EQ-5D, SF-12, and echocardiography were
maintained the heart rate within guideline-rec- repeated at 2 years.
ommended targets).
Statistical Analysis
Outcomes and Adverse Events The trial was designed as an event-driven trial.
The first primary outcome was a composite of The first and second primary outcomes were
death from cardiovascular causes, stroke (either tested independently for differences between the
ischemic and hemorrhagic), or hospitalization treatment groups at an overall two-sided type 1
with worsening of heart failure or acute coronary error rate of 4% for the first primary outcome
syndrome, analyzed in a time-to-event analysis. and 1% for the second primary outcome to reach
The second primary outcome was the number of an overall type 1 error rate of 5%. A between-
nights spent in the hospital per year. Secondary group difference of 20% in the annual rate of the
outcomes reported here include each component first primary outcome was deemed a clinically
of the first primary outcome (analyzed in a time- relevant difference. We calculated that 685 events
to-event analysis), rhythm, left ventricular func- would be needed to show a 20% difference in the
tion, quality of life (assessed with the European event rate for the first primary outcome with a
Quality of Life–5 Dimensions [EQ-5D] visual power of 80%.
analogue scale and the 12-Item Short-Form Gen- Under the assumption of an event rate of 8%
eral Health Survey [SF-12]), atrial fibrillation– per year in the control group, a recruitment time
related symptoms (assessed as the European of 48 months, a minimum follow-up time of 24
Heart Rhythm Association [EHRA] score), and months, and a loss-to-follow-up of 5% of the ob-
cognitive function (based on the Montreal Cog- servation time, a sample of 2810 patients was cal-
nitive Assessment [MoCA]) at 2 years. All the culated to be needed. After a prespecified blinded
secondary outcomes are listed in Table S5 in the interim analysis of pooled event data that was
Supplementary Appendix. performed after 42 months of recruitment, fol-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

low-up time was increased to 30 months and the sion 16.1 (StataCorp), and R software, version 3.6.1
recruitment period to 65 months, resulting in a (R Project for Statistical Computing).
modified sample of 2745 patients without modi-
fying the required number of events. Three un- R e sult s
blinded interim analyses for early determination
of significance were conducted by the data and Trial Participants
safety monitoring board when 25%, 50%, and A total of 2789 patients underwent randomiza-
75% of the required events of the first primary tion across 135 sites in 11 European countries
outcome had occurred. between July 28, 2011, and December 30, 2016.
The analyses of the primary outcomes includ- The primary intention-to-treat population con-
ed all patients who underwent randomization and sisted of all 2789 patients — 1395 assigned to
at least one follow-up assessment. The analysis early rhythm control and 1394 assigned to usual
of the first primary outcome was a comparison care (Fig. 1). Most patients received guideline-
of end-point review committee–adjudicated events recommended anticoagulation and therapy for
between the treatment groups. The analysis fol- cardiovascular conditions (Table 1). Patients
lowed a group-sequential design with three in- were enrolled a median of 36 days (interquartile
terim analyses with O’Brien–Fleming stopping range, 6 to 112) after the first diagnosis of atrial
boundaries and two-sided log-rank tests com- fibrillation. Demographic and clinical character-
paring early rhythm control with usual care. istics were generally well balanced between the
Deaths from noncardiovascular causes were treat- groups, although the use of digitalis glycosides
ed as censored. Additional events at the termina- and beta-blockers was slightly more common
tion of the trial were included with the use of the (probably because of the group assignment), and
inverse normal method.23 As the primary result of statin use slightly less common, among the pa-
the trial, the two-sided P value based on Tsiatis, tients assigned to usual care (Table 1, Fig. 1, and
Rosner, and Mehta stagewise ordering, accom- Table S3).
panied by the corresponding median unbiased
estimate of the hazard ratio and 96% confidence Intervention
interval, is given.24 Almost all patients (1323 [94.8%]) who were ran-
The second primary outcome was calculated domly assigned to early rhythm control received
as the observed sum of nights in the hospital an antiarrhythmic drug or underwent atrial fibril-
divided by the individual follow-up time (in days; lation ablation (Fig. 1), which replicated clinical
in the case of a follow-up time of 0 days, 0.01 practice patterns.25 Among the 1395 patients,
days of follow-up was assumed) and reported as 216 (15.4%) had a triggered visit to adapt rhythm-
annualized rates. The difference between the control therapy. At 2 years, 908 of 1395 patients
treatment groups was estimated as the arithme- (65.1%) were still receiving rhythm-control ther-
tic mean and t-based 99% confidence interval. apy (Fig. 1).
For the primary analysis of the second primary Usual care consisted of treatment with rate-
outcome, a mixed negative binomial regression control therapy without rhythm-control therapy
model was used. Explanations of the sensitivity throughout follow-up in the majority of patients
analyses and analyses of secondary outcomes assigned to this group. Initially, 1335 (95.8%) of
and further statistical details are provided in the the 1394 patients in this group had their condi-
Supplementary Appendix. tion managed without rhythm-control therapy; at
We used a multiple-imputation procedure with 2 years, 1191 of the 1394 patients (85.4%) were
60 imputations to replace missing values for con- still not receiving rhythm-control therapy (Fig. 1).
tinuous outcomes and covariates defined for ad- Sinus rhythm was found more often in pa-
justment. With the exception of the primary analy- tients who had been randomly assigned to receive
sis, estimates are reported with two-sided 95% early rhythm control (84.9% at 1 year, 82.1% at 2
confidence intervals throughout (see the statistical years) than in patients assigned to receive usual
analysis plan in the protocol). These confidence care (65.5% at 1 year, 60.5% at 2 years) (Table 2;
intervals have not been adjusted for multiplicity imputed estimates are provided in Fig. S3). At
and cannot be used to infer treatment effects. All 2 years, 1020 of 1159 patients (88.0%) assigned
analyses were conducted with Stata software, ver- to early rhythm control and 1065 of 1171 patients

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Early Rhythm-Control Ther apy

(90.9%) assigned to usual care were still taking years per patient. A first-primary-outcome event
oral anticoagulants. occurred in 249 patients assigned to receive early
rhythm control (3.9 per 100 person-years) and in
Primary Outcomes 316 patients assigned to receive usual care (5.0 per
The trial was stopped for efficacy at the third 100 person-years) (Table 2). When the results were
interim analysis after a median follow-up of 5.1 adjusted for the group-sequential design of the

2810 Patients were assessed for eligibility

21 Did not meet inclusion


2789 Underwent randomization

at 135 sites in 11 countries

1395 Were assigned to early

1394 Were assigned to usual care
rhythm control

1395 Were included in primary analysis 1394 Were included in primary analysis

Rhythm Control Chosen by Site

Initial 2 Yr Initial 2 Yr
100 72 (5.2%) 100 100 100
106 (7.6%)
97 (7.0%) 487 (34.9%)
80 80 80 80
501 (35.9%) (3.2%) Other antiarrhythmic
60 60 53 (3.8%) 60 60


1191 (85.4%) drug

1335 (95.8%)
293 (21.0%) Propafenone
40 40 40 40
274 (19.6%) Flecainide
164 (11.8%)
83 (5.9%) (2.9%)
20 233 (16.7%)
20 20 20
39 Dronedarone
270 (19.4%) 28 (2.8%)
112 (8.0%) (2.0%) 97 (7.0%) AF ablation
0 0 0 0

Total follow-up yr lost: 681/7596 (9.0%) Total follow-up yr lost: 491/7479 (6.6%)
524 (6.9%) Follow-up yr lost because 339 (4.5%) Follow-up yr lost because
123 Withdrew 83 Withdrew
157 (2.1%) Follow-up yr lost because 152 (2.0%) Follow-up yr lost because
102 Were lost to follow-up 106 Were lost to follow-up

Figure 1. Screening, Randomization, Treatment, and Follow-up.

Most of the patients assigned to early rhythm-control therapy were initially treated with antiarrhythmic drugs, often
flecainide. After 2 years of follow-up, 908 of the patients (65.1%) who had been randomly assigned to early rhythm-
control therapy were still receiving active rhythm-control therapy (270 patients treated with atrial fibrillation [AF] ab-
lation and 638 treated with antiarrhythmic drugs), and only 203 patients (14.6%) who had been randomly assigned
to usual care were receiving rhythm-control therapy (97 treated with AF ablation and 106 treated with antiarrhythmic
drugs). All patients who underwent randomization were included in the primary analysis.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients at Baseline.*

Early Rhythm Control Usual Care

Characteristic (N = 1395) (N = 1394)

Age — yr 70.2±8.4 70.4±8.2

Female sex — no. (%) 645 (46.2) 648 (46.5)
Body-mass index† 29.2±5.4 29.3±5.4
Type of atrial fibrillation — no./total no. (%)
First episode 528/1391 (38.0) 520/1394 (37.3)
Paroxysmal 501/1391 (36.0) 493/1394 (35.4)
Persistent 362/1391 (26.0) 381/1394 (27.3)
Sinus rhythm at baseline — no./total no. (%) 762/1389 (54.9) 743/1393 (53.3)
Median days since atrial fibrillation diagnosis (IQR)‡ 36.0 (6.0–114.0) 36.0 (6.0–112.0)
Absence of atrial fibrillation symptoms — no./total no. (%)§ 395/1305 (30.3) 406/1328 (30.6)
Previous cardioversion — no./total no. (%) 546/1364 (40.0) 543/1389 (39.1)
Concomitant cardiovascular conditions
Previous stroke or transient ischemic attack — no. (%) 175 (12.5) 153 (11.0)
At least mild cognitive impairment — no./total no. (%)¶ 582/1326 (43.9) 584/1341 (43.5)
Arterial hypertension — no. (%) 1230 (88.2) 1220 (87.5)
Blood pressure — mm Hg‖
Systolic 136.5±19.4 137.5±19.3
Diastolic 80.9±12.1 81.3±12.0
Stable heart failure — no. (%)** 396 (28.4) 402 (28.8)
CHA2DS2-VASc score†† 3.4±1.3 3.3±1.3
Valvular heart disease — no./total no. (%) 609/1389 (43.8) 642/1391 (46.2)
Chronic kidney disease of MDRD stage 3 or 4 — no. (%)‡‡ 172 (12.3) 179 (12.8)
Medication at discharge — no./total no. (%)§§
Oral anticoagulation with NOAC or VKA 1267/1389 (91.2) 1250/1393 (89.7)
Digoxin or digitoxin 46/1389 (3.3) 85/1393 (6.1)
Beta-blocker 1058/1389 (76.2) 1191/1393 (85.5)
ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blocker 953/1389 (68.6) 979/1393 (70.3)
Mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist 90/1389 (6.5) 92/1393 (6.6)
Diuretic 559/1389 (40.2) 561/1393 (40.3)
Statin 628/1389 (45.2) 568/1393 (40.8)
Platelet inhibitor 229/1389 (16.5) 226/1393 (16.2)

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. Definitions of clinical measures are provided in Table S1. ACE denotes angiotensin-converting en-
zyme, IQR interquartile range, NOAC non–vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant, and VKA vitamin K antagonist.
† The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. Data were missing for 7 patients assigned
to early rhythm control and for 6 patients assigned to usual care.
‡ Data on median days since atrial fibrillation diagnosis were missing for 2 patients assigned to early rhythm control and for 1 patient as-
signed to usual care.
§ The absence of symptoms was defined as a European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) score of I. The EHRA score categorizes symp-
toms related to atrial fibrillation into four classes from I (asymptomatic) to IV (severe symptoms at rest).
¶ At least mild cognitive impairment was defined as a Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score of less than 26. The MoCA score pro-
vides an overall assessment of cognitive function. Scores range from 0 to 30, with lower scores indicating worse cognitive function.
‖ Data on blood pressure were missing for 9 patients assigned to early rhythm control and 4 patients assigned to usual care.
** Stable heart failure was defined as New York Heart Association stage II or a left ventricular ejection fraction of less than 50%.
†† CHA2DS2-VASc scores (an assessment of the risk of stroke among patients with atrial fibrillation) range from 0 to 9, with higher scores
indicating a higher risk of stroke.
‡‡ A Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) stage of 3 or 4 indicates a glomerular filtration rate of 15 to 59 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 of
body-surface area.
§§ Because of the high proportion of patients with atrial fibrillation that was first diagnosed at enrollment, important therapies were initiated
between enrollment and discharge from the baseline visit. Therefore, medication at discharge from the baseline visit is shown.

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Early Rhythm-Control Ther apy

Table 2. Efficacy Outcomes.*

Outcome Early Rhythm Control Usual Care Treatment Effect

First primary outcome — events/person-yr (incidence/ 249/6399 (3.9) 316/6332 (5.0) 0.79 (0.66 to 0.94)†
100 person-yr)
Components of first primary outcome — events/person-yr
(incidence/100 person-yr)
Death from cardiovascular causes 67/6915 (1.0) 94/6988 (1.3) 0.72 (0.52 to 0.98)‡
Stroke 40/6813 (0.6) 62/6856 (0.9) 0.65 (0.44 to 0.97)‡
Hospitalization with worsening of heart failure 139/6620 (2.1) 169/6558 (2.6) 0.81 (0.65 to 1.02)‡
Hospitalization with acute coronary syndrome 53/6762 (0.8) 65/6816 (1.0) 0.83 (0.58 to 1.19)‡
Second primary outcome — nights spent in hospital/yr 5.8±21.9 5.1±15.5 1.08 (0.92 to 1.28)§
Key secondary outcomes at 2 yr
Change in left ventricular ejection fraction — % 1.5±9.8 0.8±9.8 0.23 (−0.46 to −0.91)¶
Change in EQ-5D score‖ −1.0±21.4 −2.7±22.3 1.07 (−0.68 to 2.82)¶
Change in SF-12 Mental Score** 0.7±10.6 1.6±10.1 −1.20 (−2.04 to −0.37)¶
Change in SF-12 Physical Score** 0.3±8.5 0.1±8.2 0.33 (−0.39 to 1.06)¶
Change in MoCA score 0.1±3.3 0.1±3.2 −0.14 (−0.39 to 0.12)¶
Sinus rhythm — no. of patients with feature/total no. (%) 921/1122 (82.1) 687/1135 (60.5) 3.13 (2.55 to 3.84)††
Asymptomatic — no. of patients with feature/total no. (%)‡‡ 861/1159 (74.3) 850/1171 (72.6) 1.14 (0.93 to 1.40)††

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. Data in columns 2 and 3 are observed data, and data in column 4 are model-based effect estimates.
There were no significant differences in the key secondary outcomes between the treatment groups, with two exceptions: more patients
assigned to early rhythm control were in sinus rhythm at 2 years, and a slightly greater improvement in the 12-Item Short-Form Health
Survey (SF-12) mental score at 2 years was found in the group assigned to usual care. All 95% confidence intervals for secondary end
points were not adjusted for multiplicity and should not be used to infer definitive treatment effects. The results for additional secondary
outcomes are provided in the Supplementary Appendix.
† The treatment effect is expressed as the median unbiased estimate of the hazard ratio and 96% confidence interval, which were calculated
on the basis of Tsiatis, Rosner, and Mehta stagewise ordering that adjusts for the group-sequential design.24 P = 0.005 for the between-
group comparison.
‡ The treatment effect is expressed as the hazard ratio and 95% confidence interval, which were calculated with a Cox regression with treat-
ment group as the fixed factor and site as the shared frailty term.
§ The treatment effect is expressed as the incidence rate ratio and 99% confidence interval, which were calculated with a mixed negative bi-
nomial model with treatment group as the fixed factor, the log of follow-up time as the offset, and site as a random effect. P = 0.23 for the
between-group comparison.
¶ The treatment effect is expressed as the adjusted mean difference and 95% confidence interval, which were calculated with a mixed linear
model with the corresponding baseline measurement and treatment group as the fixed effects and site as a random effect, analyzed after
multiple imputation of missing values in survivors.
‖ The European Quality of Life–5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) assesses state of health on visual analogue scale from 0 (very bad health) to 100
(perfect health); values were defined as 0 for nonsurvivors.
** Scores on the SF-12 range from 0 to 100, with lower scores indicating worse functioning.
†† The treatment effect is expressed as the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval, which were calculated with a mixed logistic regression
including treatment group and the corresponding baseline assessment as fixed factors and site as a random effect, analyzed after multiple
imputation of missing values in survivors.
‡‡ The absence of symptoms was defined as an EHRA score of I.

trial, a first-primary-outcome event was found stable after adjustment for relevant covariates
to have occurred less often in patients assigned (hazard ratio, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.66 to 0.92; P = 0.004)
to early rhythm control than in patients as- (Fig. S1), and the effect was consistent across
signed to usual care (hazard ratio, 0.79; 96% subgroups (Fig. S5). There was no significant
confidence interval [CI], 0.66 to 0.94; P = 0.005) difference in the mean (±SD) number of nights
(Fig. 2). The effects of early rhythm control on spent in the hospital between the treatment
individual components of the first primary out- groups (early rhythm control, 5.8±21.9 days per
come were consistent with the overall result year; usual care, 5.1±15.5 days per year; P = 0.23)
(Table 2 and Fig. S4). The effect of early rhythm (Table 2).
control on the first primary outcome remained The numbers of patients with a primary-safety-

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90 In this multicenter randomized trial, a strategy of

80 initiating rhythm-control therapy in all patients
with early atrial fibrillation and concomitant
Cumulative Incidence (%)

cardiovascular conditions was associated with a
60 lower risk of death from cardiovascular causes,
50 stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure or acute
40 coronary syndrome than usual care over a follow-
up time of more than 5 years (absolute difference
30 Usual care
in risk, 1.1 events per 100 person-years).
Early rhythm control did not affect the num-
Early rhythm control
10 ber of nights spent in the hospital. The absence
0 of an appreciable difference in hospital nights is
0 2 4 6 8 reassuring in view of the excess hospitalizations
Years since Randomization associated with rhythm-control therapy reported
No. at Risk in two previous large trials.8,13
Usual care 1394 1169 888 405 34
Early rhythm control 1395 1193 913 404 26
Most patients (>70%) were asymptomatic at
1 and 2 years in both treatment groups, and the
Figure 2. Aalen–Johansen Cumulative-Incidence Curves for the First magnitude of change in left ventricular function
Primary Outcome. did not differ between the groups at 2 years,
The first primary outcome was a composite of death from cardiovascular which indicates that both rate control and rhythm
causes, stroke, or hospitalization with worsening of heart failure or acute control can control symptoms and maintain car-
coronary syndrome.
diac function in patients with early atrial fibril-
lation. The effects of an early rhythm-control
strategy on the primary outcome appeared to be
generally consistent across predefined subgroups,
outcome event did not differ significantly be- including asymptomatic patients, patients with
tween the treatment groups (early rhythm con- obesity, and patients with or without heart failure.
trol, 231 patients; usual care, 223 patients) (Table 3 Previous studies comparing rate-control and
and Table S4). Mortality was similar in the two rhythm-control strategies did not show better
treatment groups, and stroke occurred less fre- outcomes with rhythm control than with rate
quently among patients assigned to early rhythm control.7,8,12,13 In contrast to those trials, our trial
control than among those assigned to usual care. included atrial fibrillation ablation, a powerful
Serious adverse events related to rhythm-control rhythm-control therapy5,26 that works synergisti-
therapy were more common in the group assigned cally with antiarrhythmic drugs.27,28 It is conceiv-
to early rhythm control but were infrequent; dur- able that atrial fibrillation ablation contributed
ing the 5-year follow-up period, such events oc- to the superiority of early rhythm control in our
curred in 68 patients (4.9%) assigned to early trial. Also, unlike patients in previous tri-
rhythm control and 19 patients (1.4%) assigned als,7,8,12,13 most patients in both treatment groups
to usual care (Table 3 and Table S4). in our trial continued to receive anticoagulation,
rate control, and treatment of concomitant cardio-
Secondary Outcomes vascular conditions, maintaining their protective
Left ventricular function and cognitive function effects.
were stable at 2 years, with no evidence of sig- Whereas previous trials have evaluated rhythm
nificant differences between the treatment control in patients with established, long-stand-
groups (Table 2). Most patients in both groups ing atrial fibrillation,7,8,12,13 we enrolled patients
were free from atrial fibrillation–related symp- with early atrial fibrillation and initiated rhythm-
toms at 2 years, and the change from baseline in control therapy shortly after the diagnosis of
atrial fibrillation–related symptoms (EHRA score) atrial fibrillation. Furthermore, 54% of the pa-
and quality of life (EQ-5D score) did not differ tients were in sinus rhythm at enrollment. In one
significantly between the groups (Table 2). large previous trial, rhythm-control therapy with

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Early Rhythm-Control Ther apy

Table 3. Safety Outcomes.*

Early Rhythm Control Usual Care

Outcome (N = 1395) (N = 1394)

number (percent)
Primary composite safety outcome 231 (16.6) 223 (16.0)
Stroke 40 (2.9) 62 (4.4)
Death 138 (9.9) 164 (11.8)
Serious adverse event of special interest related to rhythm-control therapy 68 (4.9) 19 (1.4)
Serious adverse event related to antiarrhythmic drug therapy
Nonfatal cardiac arrest 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Toxic effects of atrial fibrillation–related drug therapy 10 (0.7) 3 (0.2)
Drug-induced bradycardia 14 (1.0) 5 (0.4)
Atrioventricular block 2 (0.1) 0
Torsades de pointes tachycardia 1 (0.1) 0
Serious adverse event related to atrial fibrillation ablation
Pericardial tamponade 3 (0.2) 0
Major bleeding related to atrial fibrillation ablation 6 (0.4) 0
Nonmajor bleeding related to atrial fibrillation ablation 1 (0.1) 2 (0.1)
Other serious adverse event of special interest related to rhythm-control therapy
Blood pressure–related event† 1 (0.1) 0
Hospitalization for atrial fibrillation 11 (0.8) 3 (0.2)
Other cardiovascular event 5 (0.4) 1 (0.1)
Other event 1 (0.1) 3 (0.2)
Syncope 4 (0.3) 1 (0.1)
Hospitalization for worsening of heart failure with decompensated heart failure 3 (0.2) 0
Implantation of a pacemaker, defibrillator, cardiac resynchronization device, or any 8 (0.6) 4 (0.3)
other cardiac device

* Patients could have had more than one event, and therefore the total sum of events is higher than the number of patients with events. For
dichotomous outcomes, mixed logistic-regression models with a random effect for site were used for comparison of random groups. Stroke
was significantly less frequent (P = 0.03) and serious adverse events of special interest significantly more frequent (P<0.001) in the group as-
signed to early rhythm control; the other safety outcomes did not differ significantly between the groups.
† Blood pressure–related events included hypotension and hypertension (excluding syncope).

the antiarrhythmic drug dronedarone was found dence, suggest that the early initiation of rhythm-
to reduce the risk of death or hospitalization for control therapy probably contributed to the clini-
cardiovascular causes6 and, in a post hoc analy- cal superiority of this strategy.
sis, was found to reduce the risk of stroke.29 The Early rhythm-control therapy used in the
majority of patients in that trial had had atrial present trial included all major antiarrhythmic
fibrillation for less than 1 year (68% of the 2859 drugs and atrial fibrillation ablation, and there
patients in whom the duration of atrial fibrilla- were no significant differences between the treat-
tion was known), and 75% of the patients were ment groups with respect to the primary safety
in sinus rhythm at enrollment. Almost no pa- outcome. Early rhythm control was associated
tients were in sinus rhythm at the time of enroll- with more adverse events related to rhythm-con-
ment in another trial, in which harm was shown trol therapy than was usual care, but such events
when dronedarone was tested in patients with were uncommon, similar to the results of other
chronic atrial fibrillation (most of whom had recent trials comparing rhythm-control therapies
had atrial fibrillation for >2 years at enrollment).30 in patients with atrial fibrillation.5,26 Early initia-
Our results, together with other published evi- tion of rhythm-control therapy, guidance on the

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safe use of antiarrhythmic drugs,20-22 and the associated with less frequent cardiovascular events
availability of atrial fibrillation ablation may have than usual care in patients with early atrial fi-
contributed to the low incidence of adverse events brillation and cardiovascular conditions without
associated with rhythm-control therapy, as com- affecting the number of nights spent in the hos-
pared with previous trials.7,8,12,13 pital. As expected, the early rhythm-control strat-
Some limitations of our trial should be noted. egy was associated with more adverse events re-
We compared two treatment strategies that ne- lated to rhythm-control therapy, but the incidence
cessitated an open trial design. Blinded, central of the overall safety outcome events was similar
assessment of primary outcomes was used to in the two groups. These results are relevant to
minimize bias. The trial was not primarily de- decisions regarding rhythm-control therapy in pa-
signed to assess the safety and effectiveness of tients with early atrial fibrillation.
specific components of early rhythm control. We
enrolled only patients with early atrial fibrilla- Supported by a grant from the German Ministry of Educa-
tion and Research (01 GI 0204), the German Center for Car-
tion, and thus the results may not be generaliz- diovascular Research (DZHK), the Atrial Fibrillation Network
able to patients in whom rhythm-control therapy (AFNET), the European Heart Rhythm Association, St. Jude
that includes atrial fibrillation ablation is initi- Medical–Abbott, Sanofi, the German Heart Foundation, the
European Union (grant agreement 633196 [CATCH ME], to
ated later. Further analysis is needed of the costs Dr. Kirchhof and AFNET and grant agreement EU IMI 116074
of early rhythm control. All enrolled patients were [BigData@Heart], to Dr. Kirchhof), the British Heart Foun-
deemed eligible for either rate-control or rhythm- dation (FS/13/43/30324, PG/17/30/32961, PG/20/22/35093, and
AA/18/2/34218, to Dr. Kirchhof), and the Leducq Foundation
control therapy, which probably excluded the most (to Dr. Kirchhof).
symptomatic patients. We did not collect detailed Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
information on recurrent atrial fibrillation in the full text of this article at
A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available
both groups, and therefore our data on percent- with the full text of this article at
ages of patients with sinus rhythm are not com- We thank all the patients who agreed to participate in the
parable to data on recurrent atrial fibrillation trial, and especially those who stayed in the trial for many years;
all local study teams; the dedicated staff at AFNET and CRI —
from other rhythm-control trials.5,11,26 the Clinical Research Institute; and all committee members (see
Early initiation of rhythm-control therapy was the Supplementary Appendix).

The authors’ full names and academic degrees are as follows: Paulus Kirchhof, M.D., A. John Camm, M.D., Andreas Goette, M.D., Axel
Brandes, M.D., Lars Eckardt, M.D., Arif Elvan, M.D., Thomas Fetsch, M.D., Isabelle C. van Gelder, M.D., Doreen Haase, Ph.D., Lau-
rent M. Haegeli, M.D., Frank Hamann, M.D., Hein Heidbüchel, M.D., Ph.D., Gerhard Hindricks, M.D., Josef Kautzner, M.D., Karl‑Heinz
Kuck, M.D., Lluis Mont, M.D., G. Andre Ng, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D., Jerzy Rekosz, M.D., Norbert Schoen, M.D., Ulrich Schotten, M.D.,
Ph.D., Anna Suling, Ph.D., Jens Taggeselle, M.D., Sakis Themistoclakis, M.D., Eik Vettorazzi, M.Sc., Panos Vardas, M.D., Ph.D., Karl
Wegscheider, Ph.D., Stephan Willems, M.D., Harry J.G.M. Crijns, M.D., Ph.D., and Günter Breithardt, M.D.
The authors’ affiliations are as follows: the Department of Cardiology, University Heart and Vascular Center (P.K.), and Institute of
Medical Biometry and Epidemiology (A.S., E.V., K.W.), University Medical Center Hamburg–Eppendorf, LANS Cardio (K.-H.K.), and
the Department of Cardiology, Asklepios Klinik St. Georg (S.W.), Hamburg, Atrial Fibrillation Network (AFNET) (P.K., A.G., L.E., T.F.,
D.H., K.-H.K., N.S., U.S., J.T., K.W., S.W., G.B.) and the Department of Cardiology II (Electrophysiology), University Hospital Münster
(L.E., G.B.), Münster, the German Center of Cardiovascular Research, Partner Site Hamburg/Lübeck/Kiel (P.K., K.W., S.W.), St. Vincenz
Hospital, Paderborn (A.G.), the Working Group of Molecular Electrophysiology, University Hospital Magdeburg, Magdeburg (A.G.), the
Clinical Research Institute, Munich (T.F.), Hospital Konstanz, Konstanz (F.H.), the Department of Cardiology and Electrophysiology,
University Heart Center–Helios, and Leipzig Heart Institute, Leipzig (G.H.), University Heart Center Schleswig–Holstein, Campus Lü-
beck, Lübeck (K.-H.K.), Cardiology Practice Schön, Mühldorf (N.S.), and Cardiology Practice Taggeselle, Markkleeberg (J.T.) — all in
Germany; the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham (P.K.), the Cardiology Clinical Academic
Group, Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute, St. George’s University of London, London (A.J.C.), and the Department of
Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, National Institute for Health Research Leicester Biomedical Research Centre, Glenfield
Hospital, Leicester (G.A.N.) — all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital, and Department
of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense (A.B.); Isala Hospital and Diagram B.V., Zwolle (A.E.), the University of
Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen (I.C.G.), and the Department of Physiology, Cardiovascular Research
Institute Maastricht (U.S.), and the Department of Cardiology, Maastricht University Medical Center and Cardiovascular Research Insti-
tute Maastricht (H.J.G.M.C.), Maastricht — all in the Netherlands; University Hospital Zurich, Zurich (L.M.H.), and the Division of
Cardiology, Medical University Department, Kantonsspital Aarau, Aarau (L.M.H.) — both in Switzerland; University Hospital Antwerp
and Antwerp University, Antwerp, Belgium (H.H.); the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic (J.K.);
the Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona and Institut de Recerca Biomèdica, August Pi-Sunyer, Barcelona (L.M.), and Centro Inves-
tigación Biomedica en Red Cardiovascular, Madrid (L.M.); Department of Cardiology, Hospital Wojewódzka Stacja Pogotowia Ra-
tunkowego i Transportu Sanitarnego (WSRiTS) Meditrans, Warsaw, Poland (J.R.); the Department of Cardiology, Ospedale dell’Angelo,
Venice, Italy (S.T.); and Heart Sector, Hygeia Hospitals Group, Athens (P.V.).

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