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2014 Engineering Captial Markets Day

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Wood Group

Capital Markets Day

October 2012

Energy Supporting Energy

Important notice
This document has been prepared by the Company solely for use at the capital markets day of 1 October. The information in this
document has not been independently verified and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to, and no
reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or opinions contained
herein. None of the Company or any of its affiliates, advisors or representatives shall have any liability whatsoever (in negligence
or otherwise) for any loss whatsoever arising from any use of this document, or its contents, or otherwise arising in connection
with this document.

This document does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to sell, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase any
shares in the Company, nor shall it or any part of it or the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection
with, any contract or commitment or investment decisions relating thereto, nor does it constitute a recommendation regarding the
shares of the Company.

Certain statements in this presentation are forward looking statements. By their nature, forward looking statements involve a
number of risks, uncertainties or assumptions that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed
or implied by the forward looking statements. These risks, uncertainties or assumptions could adversely affect the outcome and
financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Forward looking statements contained in this presentation regarding
past trends or activities should not be taken as representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. You
should not place undue reliance on forward looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this presentation.

The Company is under no obligation to update or keep current the information contained in this presentation, including any
forward looking statements, or to correct any inaccuracies which may become apparent and any opinions expressed in it are
subject to change without notice.
Alan Semple – Chief Financial Officer, John Wood Group PLC

Energy Supporting Energy


 Introductions

 Engineering division overview

 Wood Group Mustang

 Wood Group Kenny

 Q&A

Start time Time Section Presenter
15.00 00.10 Welcome Alan Semple
15.10 00.20 Introduction to Mike
Engineering division Straughen
15.30 00.50 Wood Group Mustang Steve
16.20 00.20 Break
16.40 00.50 Wood Group Kenny Steve
17.30 00.10 Recap and Q&A All
17.40 Drinks reception All

Wood Group organisation
(from 1 November 2012)
Wood Group
Allister Langlands Chairman
Bob Keiller Chief Executive Officer
Alan Semple Chief Financial Officer

Engineering Wood Group PSN Wood Group GTS

Mike Straughen – Chief Executive Robin Watson – Chief Executive Mark Dobler – Chief Executive

 UK
 Wood Group Mustang  Americas  Maintenance
 Wood Group Kenny  International  Power Solutions

Our business1
Wood Group
Revenue Over $6bn
People Over 41,000

Engineering Wood Group PSN Wood Group GTS

 World leader in the delivery of  World’s largest production facilities  World’s leading independent industrial
engineering services to the upstream, support provider gas turbine aftermarket provider
subsea & pipeline and downstream
energy sectors  28,000 employees  3,700 employees

 10,100 employees  c55% of Group revenue  c20% of Group revenue

 c25% of Group revenue  Historic EBITA margin range  Historic EBITA margin range
of 4.0% to 6.2% of 4.7% to 8.0%
 Historic EBITA margin range
of 9.8% to 14.2%  Typical project 3-5 years  Typical project 1-5 years

 Typical project 3-24 months  Predominantly opex driven  Opex and capex driven

 Predominantly capex driven

1 Employee numbers and revenue splits as per interim results to 30 June 2012. Divisional EBITA ranges based on reported high and low %s since 2006.
Core Values

 Safety & Assurance

Safety & assurance is our top priority. We passionately care about the safety of our people and behave as
safety leaders. We are committed to preventing injuries and ill health to our people and everyone we work
 Relationships
Our business depends on healthy relationships with customers, business partners and suppliers.
 Social Responsibility
Being socially responsible is integral to what we do. We aim to make a positive difference to the communities
where we operate and seek ways to assist them.
 People
People are our business. We are professional, high performing team players focused on delivering and
drawing on our global expertise.
 Innovation
Innovation gives us competitive advantage.
 Financial Responsibility
We expect to receive fair reward for our business performance. We are cost aware and carefully manage our
own and our customers’ costs.
 Integrity
We are proud of our reputation, built over many years, which depends on us doing the right thing.

Key objectives for today

 Understand our Engineering business and its drivers

 Identify our positions in long term growth markets

 Outline our competitive advantage and differentiation

 Highlight our future potential and areas of focus

Engineering division
Mike Straughen – Chief Executive, Engineering

Energy Supporting Energy

Engineering – Key facts1
 Independent engineering solutions provider with market leading positions
 Expected to contribute c25% of Group revenue in 2012
 Anticipate annual EBITA growth in 2012 of over 30% (2011: 32.8%)
 Generally work on low risk reimbursable contracting model
 Employ 10,100 worldwide as of June 2012
 Operating in over 20 countries with primary hubs in Aberdeen, Calgary, Houston,
London & Perth

Revenue ($m) EBITA ($m) EBITA % Headcount

1,800 250 15
1,600 10,000

1,400 200
1,200 10
1,000 6,000
600 5 4,000

400 50 2,000
0 0 0 0
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1H
1 Taken from management information and published annual and interim report data

10 Delivering good through cycle growth

Key market sectors and principal competition

Sector Activities Competition

Upstream c40% of  Offshore & onshore upstream facilities – deepwater Worley Parsons
revenue topsides, shallow water jackets and topsides, KBR
onshore production plant, heavy oil SAGD AMEC
production, shale facilities, arctic technology Technip
Bantrel (Bechtel)
Subsea & c40% of  Subsea, pipelines & integrity management – offshore IntecSea (Worley Parsons),
revenue and onshore pipelines, subsea systems, flow Genesis (Technip)
assurance, riser design, integrity analysis, joint Germanischer Lloyd
industry projects management, renewables (wind and Gulf Interstate
CO2 sequestration)

Downstream, c20% of  Downstream, process & industrial – refineries, LNG & Fluor
revenue regasification, petrochemical plants, automotive, Jacobs
process &
industrial & manufacturing plants CB&I inc. Shaw
Foster Wheeler

1 “Upstream” and “Downstream process & industrial” work is conducted by Wood Group Mustang. “Subsea & pipeline” work is conducted by Wood Group Kenny, apart from
onshore pipeline work in the Americas which is conducted by Wood Group Mustang.

11 Delivering world class engineering solutions

Market outlook and growth potential
Market fundamentals driven by supply side challenges, such as depletion and complex or unconventional
reservoirs, coupled with rising long term global energy demand
Upstream  Global offshore market characterised by increasingly complex and
technical challenges, large global projects and deepwater arenas

 Onshore US benefiting from North American shale activity

 Canadian oil sands market continuing to recover

Subsea &  Subsea market has strong sustainable underlying drivers and sector
pipeline spending remains robust

 North America and Canadian oil sands driving opportunities in

gathering, processing and compression for onshore pipeline

Downstream,  Petrochemical production coming back to US markets, with gas as a

process & feedstock
 Global refining market relatively stable with growth potential in Saudi
Arabia, Latin America and China

12 Strong positions in good long term growth markets

What we do
Helping customers achieve predictable outcomes

Market leading positions
Deepwater topsides Subsea solutions

 Differentiated topsides capability  Largest independent subsea & pipelines technology

 ENR ranked us as the no 1 design firm in group of its kind in the world
offshore/underwater facilities  Engineered, managed or appraised more than half of
 Involved in the design of all subsea developments in the main global arenas
 more global deepwater floating platform  Analysed, designed or verified riser systems on over
facilities than any other contractor 90% of floating developments in the UK sector of
 well over half of all Gulf of Mexico North Sea, over 80% in GOM, and over 70% of West
deepwater facilities African deepwater projects
 10% of global deepwater FPSOs
Oil sands (in-situ)
 We are currently engineering the world’s largest
semi-sub production facility (Ichthys)  One of the leading providers of engineering,
procurement and construction management (EPCM)
services for in-situ thermal heavy oil developments in
Automation Downstream

 Control Engineering ranked us as no 1  One of the leaders in the design and engineering of
system integrator giants of the year in 2012 grassroots and revamped fluid catalytic crackers in
North America
Strong long term customer relationships

Revenue by customer type1


38% 5%



Others (Including Pipeline Operators, EPC Contractors)
1 Based on contracting arrangement with immediate customers; source
management information to 30 June 2012

Engineering – key areas of focus

 Maintain a balanced market sector portfolio

 Build out our global footprint and retain a strong position in North America


 Maintain excellence in execution and high customer satisfaction

 Increase activity with NOCs and retain a broad customer base


 Continue to recruit, train, develop and retain the best people

 Make greater use of our global resource pool


 Continue to invest in our systems, software and technical differentiation

 Enhance capability in selected areas: Arctic, renewables and integrity management

Engineering – a global footprint

1,500 People

North America
6,000 People

300 People
Middle East &
700 People
South America
1,100 People

Major hub 500 People

Local office

Headcount based on management information as at June 2012

Key messages for today
 High quality & motivated people – confident in our ability to continue to attract future

 Market leading positions in long term growth areas

 Long term customer relationships with significant repeat business

 Virtuous circle - best people > best projects > best people

 Early involvement allows opportunity to add value

 Broad and expanding geographic footprint

 Largely reimbursable contracting model

 Order book and future prospects remain strong

 Well positioned for future growth

18 Delivering world class engineering solutions

Wood Group Mustang
Steve Knowles – Chief Executive, Wood Group Mustang

Energy Supporting Energy

What we do
Global Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management (EPCM)

Offshore Onshore Thermal Heavy Oil Pipeline Process Plants & Industrial Automation





 1987 - Mustang Engineering founded in Houston, TX

 1990 – First “deepwater” project; deck and facilities design for BP in 314 meters of water

 1992 – Pipeline Business Unit established

 1996 – Process Plants and Automation Business Units established

 1997-2007 - Deepwater program expansion (BP, ExxonMobil, Kerr McGee, Chevron)

 2000 – Mustang Engineering and Alliance acquired by Wood Group (1,400 people in US)

 2001 – Acquisition of Energeticos in Colombia

 2004 – London office established

 2006 – Acquisition of Global Performance (Process & Industrial Business Unit)

 2007 – Acquisition of IMV Projects (Thermal heavy oil)

 2009-10 – Established presence in Angola, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia

 2011 – Acquisition of ISI Solutions

Now a business of circa 7,600 people in 13 countries

Structure & range of services

Offshore Onshore Thermal Heavy Oil

Shallow and Deepwater Expertise Gas Processing
Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
Experience in all facility types Compression Facilities
Wastewater Management
Floating LNG Shale Developments

Process Plants &

Pipeline Industrial Automation & Control
Pipeline Engineering Refining Systems Integration
Right of Way Petrochemicals & Chemicals Distributed Control Systems
Inspection & Survey Industrial Plants Advance Process Controls

Global footprint
• Permanent office
Select project locations


Kazakhstan Russia

UAE China

• • • •

Egypt •

South Korea

Vietnam SE ASIA
•• GoM •
E. Guinea
Angola Mozambique
India • Malaysia


• •
Peru •

Chile Argentina
New Zealand ••
Latin America
EAMIR 1,000 people
North America
Asia Pacific
1,000 people Mexico City, Bogota, 5,400 people
200 people
Woking, Al Khobar, Mendoza, Buenos Aires, Houston, Calgary,
Kuala Lumpur
Luanda, Mumbai Santiago, Lima Greenville, Denver

Global reach, local touch
Market drivers and characteristics
 Large global projects
 Expanding project development in deepwater arenas
 Increasing complexity of projects requiring more engineering

 Impact of shale regions – unprecedented activity level in North America
 IOCs moving into gas gathering, processing, and compression
 Emerging global shale developments

Thermal Heavy Oil

 Oil price is the major driver
 Canadian oil sands market continuing to recover
 Continued investment by IOCs and NOCs

Market drivers and characteristics
 North America shale and Canadian oil sands driving infrastructure
 Economics driving general shift to liquids in North America
 Infrastructure developments continue in Latin America

Process Plants & Industrial

 Expansion in the chemical market in the US due to low cost natural gas price
 US refining stable, regional expansion in select markets
 Emerging opportunity in manufacturing facilities in automotive and aerospace

 Significant global market growth
 Clients focused on efficiency, systems integration, and security
 Market growth in both greenfield and brownfield projects

Wood Group Mustang position

Offshore Onshore Thermal Heavy Oil

Ranked #1 in ENR’s Top Engineers in Leader in compression, Leader in SAGD
Offshore and Underwater Facilities CO2, and EOR
Facilities engineering

Process Plants & Industrial Automation & Control
Ranked #1 in ENR’s Top
Recognised Leader in Ranked #1 by Control Engineering in their
Engineers in Pipelines
FCC projects list of 100 System Integrator Giants

World class project portfolio – excellence in offshore

Our competitive advantage
People Oriented…Project Driven®
 Responsive to client needs

 Broad technical resource capabilities

 Solution independent service provider

 Leverage world class tools into project delivery

Client Satisfaction and Repeat Business

Key clients
Client Offshore Onshore Pipeline Plants & Automation
Heavy Oil
Anadarko X X X
Aramco X X X X
Cenovus X X
Chevron X X X X X X
Conoco Phillips X X X X X
Eastman X X
Ecopetrol X X X X
ExxonMobil X X X X X
Hess X X X
Noble Energy X X
Occidental X X X X
Samsung X
Shell X X X X X X
Statoil X X

Customer analysis1
Business unit split
Top clients by revenue
Second 5 7% Offshore
PP&I 30%
20% 21%
Top 5 55% Onshore
25% Pipeline 7%
22% Heavy Oil

Service split

Other FEED
EPCM 10% 30%

Detailed Engineering

30 1 Based on management information for the six months to June 2012, mix subject to change over time
Key areas of focus
 Maintain customer focus to retain our market leading positions
 Continued focus on safety in design and integrity management
 Excellence in execution and project delivery
 Geographic expansion in response to customer mix shifting towards NOCs, which
means further local staff growth and training
 Enhancing work share capabilities
 Maintaining a low risk, largely reimbursable business model
 Resource recruiting, training and retention

Key takeaways
 Strong position across long-term growth markets

 Sustainable client relationships

 Active deepwater markets

 Positioned well for growth in US and international

shale markets

 Demonstrated employer of choice

 We Deliver!

Wood Group Kenny
Steve Wayman – Chief Executive, Wood Group Kenny

Energy Supporting Energy

What we do
Life Cycle Engineering & Management of Subsea Systems & Associated

All of Facilities (AoF)

Integrity Management
Floating Systems
Buoys, SPMs

Drilling Risers

Subsea (SURF) & SURF &
Systems Flow Pipelines Pipelines Project
Assurance &

34 Experience that Delivers

 1978 - J P Kenny & Partners founded, focused on offshore pipeline design

 1986 - Completed our first subsea facilities project (Oxy Scapa)

 1993 - Acquired by Wood Group with 300 people in 5 locations

 2001 - Organic start up of Wood Group Integrity Management (WGIM)

 2004 - Acquired Multiphase Solutions Inc (Msi)

 2008 - Acquired Marine Computational Systems (MCS)

 2008 - Awarded BP 5 year Subsea Global Agreement (GA)

 2010 - Acquired SgurrEnergy

 2012 - Awarded Shell Enterprise Frame Agreement (EFA) for subsea EPCM services

Now a business unit of c2,500 people in 25 permanent offices

in 16 countries

Structure & range of services

World’s largest independent engineer/manager of subsea & pipeline systems.
Full suite of specialist skills all in‐house: flow assurance, risers, materials

Materials Risers, moorings, Subsea systems Flow assurance, Renewable

engineering, flexibles, floating & pipelines process energy
AoF systems, drilling engineering & optimisation, consultancy
integrity assurance, engineering management on-line systems services &
services & software services & software services & software products

36 Experience that Delivers

Global footprint
900-1,000 people 100-200 people 100-200 people • Permanent office
Aberdeen, London, Galway, Paris, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Select project locations
Glasgow, Newcastle Stavanger, Oslo Beijing

• ••
• • ••
• Barents
• • At. Canada
E. Med. •


Israel •UAE
India •

•GoM Trinidad
Ghana •


Mozambique •• Brazil
S. Africa • •
Queensland •

Africa/M. East Americas
400-500 people
100-200 people India 400-500 people
Perth, Melbourne,
Abu Dhabi, Lagos, Luanda, 100-200 people Houston, Vancouver,
Baku Delhi, Pune, Chennai Maine, Rio

37 International business: 25 permanent offices in 16 countries

Market drivers and characteristics
Subsea market has strong sustainable underlying drivers

 Low incremental cost – Tie-backs or Subsea to Beach


 Speed to market – can be 2 years

 Sophisticated international supply chain with increased


 Increasing equipment & systems reliability

 Equipment standardisation opportunity

38 Experience that Delivers

Market drivers and characteristics
Sector & share -
 Subsea sector spending remains strong
 Wood Group Kenny focused on increased market share
& new services/areas
 Consistently high staff utilisation due to high demand

Emerging opportunities –
 Chinese operators & contractors expanding internationally
needing high end design & project management technical skills
(example Sinopec for Ghana)
 E Africa: Mozambique, Uganda (Onshore), Kenya/Tanzania (Offshore)
 E Mediterranean: Israel & Cyprus big gas finds = Export pipelines
 European Offshore Wind – Oil & Gas skills knowledge transfer
39 Experience that Delivers
Wood Group Kenny position
 Largest subsea engineering specialist by both
headcount & global footprint

 Strong blue-chip client base - several active,

technology-hungry operators, repeat business often
sole sourced

 Reputation & track record for consistent delivery of

complex technical projects in harsh environments

 Resilience through-cycle due to balance of greenfield

& brownfield business

40 Experience that Delivers

World class project portfolio
BP Quad 204
Major WoS
Green &
Shell Linnorm Suncor Terra
Brownfield Chevron
S/S FEED Shtokman 1 Nova Riser
HP/HT Pipeline FEED remediation
GoM detail
Sub Arctic design
GALSI BP Caspian
World’s programme
S/S FEED Shell Sabah
deepest BP GoM
SD2, COP Gumusut Deep Saipem P-55
trunkline Galapagos
Sinopec water S/S Roncador
2,824m Deepwater
Ghana Integrated SCR detail
team S/S FEED
Gas design
Export Anadarko
line PMS Mozambique NWS S/S
PL design projects: Shell
competition Chevron Prelude
Gorgon, FLNG –
BP Angola
Hess Flowline
Bl. 31 PSVM
Equus, design &
41 Experience that Delivers
Our competitive advantage – biggest and best in
our served market
 Independent of all suppliers, construction
contractors & proprietary solutions

 Unique combination of engineer project delivery

(75%) + specialist services (25%)

 High staff: contract ratio, high retention rates,

large number of industry experts on staff

 Strong corporate memory - knowledge sharing,

gold standards, engineering authority network

42 Experience that Delivers

Our competitive advantage – biggest and best in
our served market
 Designed >500,000 km of trunk lines worldwide,
including world’s deepest @2,824m subsea (26 inch
diameter), and world’s longest heated pipeline
(Onshore) >600kms

 Engineered, managed or studied over half of all

subsea systems installed in 4 key global arenas (N
Sea, Gulf of Mexico, NW Shelf, W Africa)

 Analysed, designed or verified riser systems on

>90% of FPSs in UKNS, >80% in GoM, & >70% in
W African deepwater

 Double award winning “Subsea Company of the

Year” in UK (2007) and Australia (2011)
43 Experience that Delivers
Technology leadership & differentiation – unmatched
range of proprietary software & know-how
Software - we develop, sell & apply industry-leading in house software in
 Dynamic riser/mooring & pipe lay analysis
 Real-time process simulation, system modelling, virtual metering & leak detection, on-line
operator training simulators (“Virtuoso” suite)
 Web-based asset integrity data repository & associated suite of expert RBI/FFP Systems

 State of the Art HP/HT & PiPiP (cryogenic) design
 World renowned experts on flexible pipe, cyclonic pipeline stabilisation
 Unique on-line Subsea & Pipeline Technical Training Academy

Research & development

 Currently running 6 JIPs on wide range of topics
 R&D programme with University of Strathclyde on wind turbine condition monitoring & wind
farm performance optimisation
 In-house technology for business: large annual investment programme
 Full time technology development director plus full EA/SME network

44 Experience that Delivers

Customer analysis1
Top clients by revenue Business stream split
3% 3% Offshore pipeline
Top 5 3%
Anadarko 9% 48% Integrity
57% Apache
Onshore pipeline
Chevron 30%

Spread of work by contract model

4% Global agreement/Cost-
46% Reimbursable via
schedule of rates
Lump sum man hours


45 Experience that Delivers

1 Based on management information for the six months to June 2012, mix subject to change over time
Customer trends, priorities, analysis
 More outsourcing by operators. Leading to IOCs engaging in restricted-access global agreements to
secure top suppliers’ resources

 This “locks out” new entrants or marginal players

 Increased vigilance and focus on integrity assurance

 Also, increased focus on process safety & inherent safety in design

 Increased emphasis on training, re-skilling & competency measurement

 Subsea & pipeline FEEDs mainly bid/awarded separately from topside/host FEED (or with options to
combine or separate)

 Market now mainly focused on multiple offshore contracts which need managing/interfacing

46 Experience that Delivers

Key areas of focus
 Retain/attain top three global business position in each of our
chosen sectors

 Stick closely to our niche but fill it beyond pure design. Target
increased revenue from non design-based activities

 Add on complementary adjacent businesses using our proven

model & style = technology-led services

 Maintain low risk, largely reimbursable manhour-based model

 Retain blend of large projects & global agreements providing

volume/bedrock & high utilisation, plus niche consulting &
software at higher margins

 Be responsive to customer mix shifting towards NOCs, which

means further local staff growth & training
47 Experience that Delivers
Key takeaways
 Renowned specialist brand, acknowledged leaders in the subsea field

 Strong positions across long term growth markets

 Highly differentiated model, technology-leaders with pull-through services

 Broad geographic footprint – springboard for continued expansion

 Restricted market access to large/long term work scopes for aspiring entrants

 Biggest and best in our sector

48 Experience that Delivers

Engineering division
Mike Straughen – Chief Executive, Engineering

Energy Supporting Energy

Key messages for today
 High quality & motivated people – confident in our ability to continue to attract future

 Market leading positions in long term growth areas

 Long term customer relationships with significant repeat business

 Virtuous circle - best people > best projects > best people

 Early involvement allows opportunity to add value

 Broad and expanding geographic footprint

 Largely reimbursable contracting model

 Order book and future prospects remain strong

 Well positioned for future growth

50 Delivering world class engineering solutions

Case studies
Client: Samsung Client: Occidental
Location: Australia Location: Texas, USA
Ichthys – will be the world’s
largest semi-submersible central Feed, detailed design and
processing facility. Located procurement for CO2 recovery
northwest coast of Australia in plant in the Permian Basin.
250 meters of water.

Client: Caiman Energy Client: Ecopetrol

Location: Marcellus, USA Location: Colombia
Construction support including a Hydraulic system modeling,
3,400’ directional drill of the Ohio project management,
River. Steep terrain and limited procurement, environmental
space on each side of the river. permitting, GIS, survey, drafting
and construction
management/inspection support.

Case studies
Client: ExxonMobil Client: CCRL
Location: Singapore Location: Saskatchewan,
Largest ExxonMobil Canada
chemical plant in the world.
Main automation contractor, FEED and Detail Design for
upgrade of existing facility, the grass roots of a $1.9
process control and billion refinery expansion
information systems for new project. Expansion includes
facility. Greater than (FCC) complex to increase
450,000 man hours. capacity to 130,000 barrels
per day of crude processing.

Client: ConocoPhillips Client: Noble Energy

Location: Alberta, Canada Location: Offshore Israel
Full-field development for Tamar - Detailed
largest-ever SAGD engineering and design of
earthworks scope and facility topsides and deck
expansion. Performed structure, with total weight
conceptual engineering, of 14,000 st.
FEED, Detailed Engineering,
Constructability Services, and
Procurement Management.

Customer commendations & endorsements
 “We have enjoyed a long relationship with J P Kenny and they have been an important participant in our
project teams. JPK has carried out this work effectively, professionally and with technical excellence.”–
 “WGIM performance was of a high quality standard, specifically the quality of report writing, and support from
Jakarta office which was exceptional.” - Origin Energy
 “Many thanks for your excellent support which has been a major contributor to us reaching a stage whereby
we can commence manufacture with confidence. WGIM personnel go that extra mile.”– Shell
 “Excellent work on Galapagos & NaKika 3. JPK brings in the necessary resources despite a difficult market,
executing in a high quality manner & continually finding improvement opportunities.“ - BP
 “We successfully completed the last remaining task at Lomond last night and the platform has recommenced
production after >2 months downtime. This was a very complex workscope, developed at short notice, with
many challenges along the way. Many thanks to you all at WGIM for making this a safe and successful
operation. A fantastic team effort.” - BG Group
 “The increases in the size, competence/dedication of the JPK teams is particularly appreciated. As are your
efforts to provide additional teams to cope with our concurrent vessel/platform requirements.” - BP
 “May I take the opportunity to thank you all at JPK for your 4 1/2 yr major contribution, which was always
grounded, highly professional and fully engaged.”– Shtokman project

54 Experience that Delivers

Case studies
Client: Reliance Industries Client: Gazprom, Total, Statoil
via Allseas consortium
Location: Offshore E. India Location: Barents Sea, Russia
KG-D6 field 1200m WD. Detail design FEED for a 600 km 44” diameter
of 36 pipelines = 300 kms, 47 PLETs, pipeline & fibre optic cable from
11 subsea structures, 36 umbilicals, 58 Shtokman field to shore near
diverless spools, 5 SSIVs, 29 pipeline Murmansk. Field lies north of the Arctic
anchors, 8.5 million m3 of dredging & circle. Technical challenges included
1mm tonnes of rock dump. floating ice offshore & permafrost
conditions onshore.

Client: Total UK Client: GALSI consortium

Location: N Sea Location: Mediterranean
Developed & implemented new S/S
pipelines & controls integrity Pre-FEED, FEED & survey mgmt
management system (PIMS). of world’s deepest gas trunkline
Documentation including; preparedness (2,824m). Bringing gas from
response, major accident prevention, Algeria, via Sardinia to mainland
emergency response & ESDV Italy. 550 kms x 26/32” offshore +
management procedures, pipeling 300 kms x 48” onshore. Ultra
operating procedures, pipeline RBI heavy wall design to prevent
manual. collapse.

55 Experience that Delivers

Case studies
Client: ConocoPhillips Client: BP
Location: Southern N Sea Location: Angola, W Africa
UK Subsea engineering FEED & tech.
Supply of virtual operator gas Support for 4 fields Plutao, Venus,
pipeline & process simulator for Saturno & Marte (PSVM), Block 31, ultra
production, gathering & deepwater (2,500m). Designed for a
transmission system. Real-time, series of “standardised” and sequential
on-line controls for optimizing field developments with the aim of
gas & liquids productivity. reducing capex/bbl.

Client: Chevron – Gorgon

Client: Cairn
Location: NWS Australia
Location: Rajasthan, India
In Joint-Venture - pre-FEED, FEED
FEED, detail design & technical & EPCM for Subsea facilities &
support to procurement /construction pipelines, incl. Vendor & Inst.
for a waxy crude export pipeline from Contractor mgmt. 180 kms “S2B”
Mangala field. Teams based in Indian from Jansz in 1,350m WD via
project office and on site. At >600 Gorgon to Barrow Is. LNG plant.
kms this 24” oil pipeline + 8” gas line Achieved A$800m budget cost
piggy back is the world’s longest savings through innovations eg
heated pipeline. Now operating for 2 hybrid CRA pipe, pressure
yrs+. protection system, scarp crossing &
pipeline stabilisation.

56 Experience that Delivers

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