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Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal: Laboratory Manual Computer Engineering

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Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal

Programming Lab-III

Embedded Operating system

Laboratory Manual

Computer Engineering

Programming Lab-III
Embedded Operating

Laboratory Manual
Table of Contents

Sr . No. Topic Page. No.

1. Vision, Mission 5

2. How to Use This Manual 6

3. PEOs and Pos 9

4. Course Objective 13

5. Laboratory Objective 15

6. Experiment Learning Outcome (ELO) 17

7. Lab Plan 19
Group A
Develop an application using Beeglebone Black/ ARM Cortex A5 20
1. development board to simulate the operations of LIFT.

Develop an application using Beeglebone Black/ ARM Cortex A5 29

2. development board to simulate the working of signal lights

Group B
1. Write an application to and demonstrate the change in BeagleBoard/ 40
ARM Cortex A5 /Microprocessor /CPU frequency or square wave
of programmable frequency.
2. Develop a network based application by setting IP address on 47
BeagleBoard/ ARM Cortex A5
Group C
1. Develop Robotics (stepper motor) Application using Beagle Board. 53
References 58


To produce globally competitive professionals and socially sensitive computer engineers

enriched with knowledge and power of innovation.

To impart quality education to the students at all levels that meets the changing needs of the

To provide state-of-art facilities and resources to solve real-world complex problems and for
discovery of new knowledge through innovative research that encourages entrepreneurship
and economic development to benefit our global society.

To promote active learning, critical thinking, engineering judgment and, professional

capabilities of students coupled with business and also educate and follow ethical, social and
environmentally responsible engineering practice.

How to Use This Manual

This Manual assumes that the facilitators are aware of Collaborative Learning Methodologies.
This Manual will only provide them tool they may need to facilitate the session on
Computer Organization module in collaborative learning environment.
The Facilitator is expected to refer this Manual before the session.

Applying Problem Design & Investigation
Knowledge Analysis Development of problems
(PO:a) (PO:b) (PO:c) (PO:d)

Modern Engineer & Environment Ethics
Tool Society Sustainability (PO:i)
Usage (PO:f) (PO:h)

Individual Communication Project Life Long
& Team (PO:k) Management Learning
work & Finance (PO:l)
(PO:g) (PO:j)

Disk Approach- Digital Blooms Taxonomy

This Manual uses icons as visual cues to the interactivities during the session.

Icons Graduate Attributes

Applying Knowledge

Problem Analysis

Design and Development

Investigation of Problem

Modern Tool Usage

Engineer and Society

Environment Sustainability


Individual and Teamwork


Project Management and Finance

Lifelong Learning

Blooms Taxonomy







 This icon is used to indicate instructions for faculties.

 This icon is used to indicate a statement to be made by faculty.

 This icon is used to indicate a list of additional resources.

 This icon indicates an activity to be conducted.

 This icon indicates questions to be asked by faculty.

Program Educational Objectives: -

PEO I To prepare graduate for productive engineering career in industry and also to pursue
higher studies and research.

PEO II The graduate of program will have solid foundation in Computer Engineering.

PEO III The graduate of program will have exposure to cutting edge technology, adequate
training and opportunities to work as team with effective communication skills and

leadership qualities.
PEO IV The graduate of program will have skills to identify, analyze, design, implement
and manage the software projects using modern tools for benefit our global society
and promote them to disseminate it.

PEO V The graduate of program will able to keep pace with continuous upgrading
technology as well as aware of social, environmental issues and professional ethics
and codes of professional practices.

Program Outcomes: -

a An ability to apply knowledge of computing, mathematics, science and engineering

fundamentals appropriate to Computer Engineering
a1 Knowledge of basic science
a2 Fundamental knowledge of Computer Engineering
b An ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirement
appropriate to the solution in Computer Engineering domain
b1 identify the problem and requirements
b2 define and analyze the problem requirements
c An ability to design, implement and evaluate a system, process, component and
program to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
c1 design the computer system
c2 implement the computer system
c3 evaluate the computer system
d An ability to investigate, formulates, analyze and provide appropriate solution to
the complex engineering problems
d1 investigate and formulate the complex problem
d2 analyze and solve
e An ability to use modern engineering tools, technologies, technique and skills
necessary for engineering practices as a Computer Engineering
e1 modern engineering tools
e2 modern engineering technologies, technique and skills
f Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge of Computer field to assess
societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice
f1 Apply knowledge of computer to societal and cultural issues
f2 professional engineering practice
g An ability to function effectively as an individual or as a team member to
accomplish the goal
g1 function effectively as an individual
g2 work in a team
h An ability to understand the environmental issues and provide the sustainable
h1 environmental issues
h2 contemporary solutions
i An ability to understand professional, financial, ethical, legal, security, and social
issues and responsibility
i1 professional, financial, and security
i2 ethical, legal and social issues
j An ability to apply knowledge of project management and finance
j1 project management
j2 Finance
k An ability to communicate effectively with engineering community at different
k1 verbal communication
k2 nonverbal communication
l An ability to keep abreast with contemporary technologies through lifelong
l1 contemporary technologies
l2 lifelong learning

PO to PEO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -

PO/GA PEO: 1 PEO: 2 PEO: 3 PEO: 4 PEO: 5

a  

b   

c   

d  

e    

f  

h  

i 

g  

k  

j 

l   

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Describe concepts of real time operating system and its tasks
CO2: Develop an application using Beagle bone-Black and ARM .

CO3: Recognize need of Linux, Linux kernel in embedded operating system and analyze

embedded Linux system initialization.

CO4: Explain boot loader, MTD file system, embedded development environment and

demonstrate device driver and file system commands.

CO5: Resolve problems in embedded Linux and develop an application by interfacing stepper

motor with embedded system.

CO6: Illustrate embedded android system and point out various embedded android applications.

CO to PO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -

e   a b c d e f g h i j k l
  a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 c3 d1 d2 e1 e2 f1 f2 g1 g2 h1 h2 i1 i2 j1 j2 k1 k2 l1 l2


CO1                                          
                        
CO2                                      
                    

CO3                                         

CO4                                          
CO5                                     

CO 6           

Laboratory Objectives: -

LO1: Develop applications on Beaglebone Black board with ARM Cortex Processor

LO2: Write Embedded Operating System Programs.

LO3: Demonstrate various peripherals interfacing with Beaglebone Black Board ARM Cortex


LO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -

Bloom Level CO: 1 CO: 2 CO: 3 CO: 4 CO: 5 CO: 6

LO: 1   

LO: 2
    

LO: 3    

Experiment Learning Outcome: -

ELO1: Explain and formulate Lift operations using Beaglebone Black/ ARM Cortex

development board.
ELO2: Design and Demostrate Traffic Signal controlling system using Beaglebone Black/ARM

cortex processor.

ELO3: Explain and design the Square wave of programmable frequency on BeagleBoard Black.

ELO4: Develop a network based application using IP address of Beagle board /ARM Cortex


ELO 5: Construct a robotics application using stepper motor interfacing with Beagle board /ARM

Cortex Processor.

ELO to LO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -

Bloom Level LO: 1 LO: 2 LO: 3

ELO: 1   

ELO: 2   

ELO: 3   

ELO: 4  

ELO: 5   



Simulation of LIFT Operation

Session Plan
Time Content Learning Aid / Faculty Approach Typical Skill / Competency
Methodology Student Developed.
( min)

10 Relevance and Chalk & Talk Introduces, Explains Listens, Knowledge,

significance of Participates, intrapersonal
Problem Discusses

15 Explanation of Chalk & Introduces, Listens, Knowledge,

Problem Talk,Hardware Facilitates, Explains intrapersonal,
statement Model Application

15 Concept of Demonstration, Explains, Facilitates, Listens, Knowledge,

Beaglebone Hardware Model Monitors intrapersonal,
Black/ ARM
Cortex ,1+3 Discusses
60 Implementation N/A Guides, Facilitates Participates, Comprehension,
of problem Discusses
Monitors Hands on experiment

10 Assessment N/A Monitors Participates, Knowledge,

Discusses Application

10 Conclusions Keywords Lists, Facilitates Listens, Knowledge,

Participates, intrapersonal,
Discusses Comprehension

TITLE: Simulation of LIFT Operation.

1. Use Beaglebone Black/ ARM Cortex, 1+3 elevator simulator.

Develop an application using Beeglebone Black/ ARM Cortex A5 development board to
simulate the operations of LIFT.

SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Linux Operating Systems, GCC Compiler.

HARDWARE REQUIRED: Beeglebone Black/ ARM Cortex Processor, Lift 1+3 elevator
simulator, interfacing cables

INPUT: Input data as user defined values. (Lift Floor number)

OUTPUT: It will show the Lift operations on 1+3 elevator simulator.

MATHEMATICAL MODEL (State Transition Diagram)

Let S be a set such that

S={s, e, i, o, f, DD, NDD, success, failure}

s=initial state

e = end state

i= input of the system.

o=output of the system.

f= functions

DD-deterministic data it helps identifying the load store functions or assignment functions.

NDD- Non deterministic data of the system S to be solved.

Success-desired outcome generated.

Failure-Desired outcome not generated or forced exit due to system error.

States: S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

S0: initial State (Power supply)

S1: Elevator

S2: Beagle Board Black

S3: Final State (Ground floor state)

S4: Final State (First floor state)

S5: Final State (Second floor)

S6: Final State (Third floor)

Beeglebone Black/ ARM Cortex development board
The BeagleBoard is a low-power open-source hardware single-board computer produced
by Texas Instruments in association with Digi-Key and Newark element14. The BeagleBoard
was also designed with open source software development in mind, and as a way of
demonstrating the Texas Instrument's OMAP3530 system-on-a-chip. The board was developed
by a small team of engineers as an educational board that could be used in colleges around the
world to teach open source hardware and software capabilities.

LIFT Operation Simulation

On the left side of the screen switches appear and on the right side of the screen there are LEDs.
The lift facility has a total of the inputs. The contactors are designated and the light indicators.
By clicking on the switch the corresponding actuator is activated. There are also contactors for
the lift motor, which moves the cage up and down of the various floors. The light indicators are
located within the cage in the floor select buttons and directly to the right of the buttons to
indicate the last floor arrived at. The switch numbers are identical to the input numbers of the PC
adapter. The sensor or switch statuses of the facility are indicated via LEDs on the right side. All

facility outputs are generally designated with switches and are set when the operating elements
are activated using when the lift cage activates a floor limit switch.

Floor Selection of the Lift

There are two operating elements for the selection of the desired floor. One operating element is
the lift call button on the destination floor and the second is the floor selection button inside the
cabin. If one of the buttons is activated, the floor selection is stored.
Determining the Up/Down Direction of the Lift

The up/down direction of the cage is dependent on the current position of the lift and the
requested destinations. The lift destinations are stored. For the position it suffices to know
whether the cage was last on the ground floor or on the second floor. The cage goes down if
someone wants to reach the ground floor, but has not yet reached it or when the cage was on the
second floor and the destination selected was the 1 st floor. When travelling down, lift up
operation must still be inhibited so that the cage does not continuously change directions. This
results in a control whereby the previous direction, even with a stopover, still has the first
priority; prior instructions are treated with preference. The lift up direction becomes active when
someone requests the 2nd floor as destination, but has not yet arrived there or when the lift was
down on the ground floor and the 1st floor was selected as the destination.

If an operating element is activated for floor selection, the appropriate signal indicators are
switched on until the destination floor is reached.

Hence, we have successfully simulated Lift operations using Beeglebone Black/ ARM Cortex
development board.


Upon completion Students will be able to:

ELO: Explain and formulate Lift operations using Beaglebone Black/ ARM Cortex development



1. Difference between RISC and CISC processor.

2. List various advanced features of ARM processor.
3. List and explain various operating modes of ARM processor.
4. Explain in short Register set of ARM processor.
5. Define Interrupt vector table.
6. Give list of interrupt vector table.
7. Explain in short Instruction set of ARM processor
8. What is Conditional execution in ARM processor

9. Define and Explain ARM assembly language program.
10. Give list of arithmetic instruction of ARM.
11. What is the use of TST instruction?
12. What is the use of TEQ instruction?
13. Write the general form of source lines in assembly language.
14. How is the literal pool accessed?
15. Write the syntax for load and store instructions.
16. Give list load and store instructions.
17. What is the maximum size of constant that can be used in immediate mode.
18. Explain read only and read write memory.
19. Write syntax LDM and STM instruction.
20. Explain ARM 9.


Simulating Traffic Lights Control

Session Plan:
Time Content Learning Aid / Faculty Approach Typical Skill / Competency
Methodology Student Developed.
( min) Activity

10 Relevance and Chalk & Talk , Introduces, Explains Listens, Knowledge,

significance of Participates, intrapersonal
Problem Discusses

15 Explanation of Chalk & Talk , Introduces, Listens, Knowledge,

Problem Hardware Model Facilitates, Explains intrapersonal,
statement Participates, Application

15 Concept of Demonstration, Explains, Facilitates, Listens, Knowledge,

Traffic Signal Monitors intrapersonal,
System and its Hardware Model Participates,
simulation interpersonal

60 Implementation N/A Guides, Facilitates Participates, Comprehension,

of problem Discusses
statement Monitors Hands on experiment

10 Assessment N/A Monitors Participates, Knowledge,

Discusses Application

10 Conclusions Keywords Lists, Facilitates Listens, Knowledge,

Participates, intrapersonal,
Discusses Comprehension

TITLE: Simulating Traffic Lights Control


To simulate the working of Traffic Signal System using Beaglebone Black board.


Develop an application using beaglebone black ARM Cortex development board to simulate
working of Signal lights.

SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Emmeded Linux Operating Systems, GCC Compiler

HARDWARE REQUIRED: Beaglebone black bone board with ARM cortex processor, Traffic
light simulator, interfacing cables.

INPUT: Input data as user defined values.

OUTPUT: Traffic signal control system thru programmable delay

MATHEMATICAL MODEL (State Transition Diagram):

A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language.
The process of developing a mathematical model is termed mathematical modeling of system

Let S be a set such that

S={s, e, i, o, f, DD, NDD, success, failure}

s=initial state

e = end state

i= input of the system.

o=output of the system.

f= functions

DD-deterministic data it helps identifying the load store functions or assignment functions.

NDD- Non deterministic data of the system S to be solved.

Success-desired outcome generated.

States: S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

S0: initial State (Power supply)

S1: Monitor Display editor (Write and Design application using gedit)

S2: Beagle Board Black

S3: Traffic controller kit

S4: Final State (Red signal)

S5: Final State (Yellow signal)

S6: Final State (Green signal)

DD=Deterministic Data it helps identifying the load store functions or assignment functions. As
we are trying to simulate the Traffic control system, our LED’s will in DD state if they are in ON
state when system is working properly and traffic is not deadlocked.


True / pedestrain
None Working


NDD=It is Non deterministic data of the system S to be solved. Here only Non deterministic
state is pedestrian walk as shown in fig.

Success-If Simulator works successfully to simulate proper working of Traffic Signal System

Failure-Desired outcome not generated or forced exit due to system error.


The BeagleBone is a 1GHz credit card sized computer that runs Linux operating system and has
extensive input/output capabilities to control and measure the world around it. The performance
is comparable to a 'smart phone'. Using a 32-bit ARM processor, the BeagleBone Black can
serve webpages interact with a cell-phone, control motors and act as the brains of a robot

Initially intended for academic use, the BeagleBone computer has gain popularity with the maker
movement, tinkerer and the interested. The powerful computer is used in new applications for
industrial, automation, education, and arts and imaginative and evens some quirky projects. The
low cost provides easy accessibility to extensive technology. All this fits in a small Altoid mint
The BeagleBone Black Can Be Programmed In Many Ways. This is a great way to learn.
 BoneScript (JavaScript)
 Python
 Perl
 C/C++
 Bash

The first time you plug in the BeagleBone it will appear as a 'USB thumb drive' with the required
drivers in the Driver folder (Windows, Mac OSX and Linux versions). (Takes about 20 seconds)

There Are Many Ways To Connect To The BeagleBone:

 Serial port (J1)
 ssh (using USB cable)
 Stand Alone -keyboard + display
 VNC - Virtual Network Connection
 WebBrowser (Cloud9)

Advantages of BeagleBone Black

 A low-cost but fully capable platform - BBB offers an incredible value for developers of
all ability levels
 Small and power efficient - advanced 1GHz, ARMv7-based processor with low power
needs in a compact package
 System-on-a-chip (SOC) capabilities - all standard computing functions built-in
 Simple set-up - included mini-USB cable
 Wide range of IO options - 2x 46 pin headers allow for a wide range of connectivity
 New REV C version - flash memory doubled to 4GB, Debian version of Linux onboard
 Embest commercial BB clone - makes larger scale embedded projects a reality

History of BeagleBone Black:
BeagleBone Black is the latest generation of low-power, single-board, highly-capable open-
source hardware based on the ultra-efficient ARM processing platform. Produced by Circuitco
and backed by Texas Instruments, BeagleBone Black was designed to be a community-
supported, maker-centric technology. However, this small size, low cost form factor has shown
the potential to cross over into the commercial space as companies like Element 14’s Embest
begin ramping up production of their own, BeagleBone Certified, version of the board. Rev C of
the BeagleBone Black, with double the flash memory and Debian Linux onboard, will launch in
May. Logic Supply engineers are hard at work exploring the potential of this exciting innovation
by focusing on software development as well as enclosure, cape and board design for
BeagleBone Black and other emerging ARM-based form factors.

Traffic Light Controller Interface Kit

 4 junction Road, 4 set of Red, Green and Yellow LEDs
 Pedestrian Crossings bi-colour LEDs
 Control switch to control day and night operations
 Closed wooden cabinet

Traffic Light Controller Interface Kit

Traffic Light Control
Traffic lights, which may also be known as stoplights, traffic lamps, traffic signals, signal lights,
robots or semaphore, are signaling devices positioned at road intersections, pedestrian crossings
and other locations to control competing flows of traffic.

About the colors of Traffic Light Control

Traffic lights alternate the right of way of road users by displaying lights of a standard color (red,
yellow/amber, and green), using a universal color code (and a precise sequence to enable
comprehension by those who are color blind).

In the typical sequence of colored lights:

 Illumination of the green light allows traffic to proceed in the direction denoted,
 Illumination of the yellow/amber light denoting, if safe to do so, prepare to stop short of
the intersection, and
 Illumination of the red signal prohibits any traffic from proceeding.

Usually, the red light contains some orange in its hue, and the green light contains some blue, for
the benefit of people with red-green color blindness, and "green" lights in many areas are in fact
blue lenses on a yellow light (which together appear green).

Interfacing Traffic Light with LPC2148

The Traffic light controller section consists of 12 Nos. point leds are arranged by 4Lanes in
LPC2148 Primer Board. Each lane has Go(Green), Listen(Yellow) and Stop(Red) LED is being


In this experiment we have studied simulation of traffic control system using ARM cortex
processer with Beaglebone black borad interface


Upon completion Students will be able to:

ELO: Design and Demostrate Traffic Signal controlling system using Beaglebone Black/ARM

cortex processor.


1. What is traffic simulation?

2. What power peripheral is required for Beegalblack bone?
3. What is role of ARM cortex A5 processor?
4. How ARM cortex A5 processor sense the traffic
5. Give Specification for ARM cortex A5 processor
6. How do we interface beegalbone black with LED’s
7. Give specification of Beegal black bone board
8. List out all features of ARM Cortex A5
9. List out all applications of beegal Black bone borad
10. State and explain purpose of Traffic signal system.
11. What are chaalenges to develop signal timing policies
12. What data should be collected to develop a signal timing
13. What should be measured after implementation
14. What should be monitored as a part of maintanince while developing traffic signal simulator
15. What performance measure should be tested?
16. What measures will be used to determine the timing plan is effective.
17. How to frequently will be signal timing plan be reviewd and updated
18. Draw Pin configuration for ARM cortex processor
19. List out Hardware requirement for simulating traffic signal system.
20. Demonstate accuracy of model simulated against existing situation



Square wave of programmable frequency

Session Plan
Time Content Learning Aid / Faculty Approach Typical Skill / Competency
Methodology Student Developed.
( min)

10 Relevance and Chalk & Talk , Introduces, Explains Listens, Knowledge,

significance of Presentation Participates, intrapersonal
Problem Discusses

15 Explanation of Chalk & Talk , Introduces, Listens, Knowledge,

Problem Presentation Facilitates, Explains intrapersonal,
statement Application

15 Concept of Demonstration, Explains, Facilitates, Listens, Knowledge,

Microprocessor Presentation Monitors intrapersonal,
CPU frequency

60 Implementation N/A Guides, Facilitates Participates, Comprehension,

of problem Discusses
Monitors Hands on experiment

10 Assessment N/A Monitors Participates, Knowledge,

Discusses Application

10 Conclusions Keywords Lists, Facilitates Listens, Knowledge,

Participates, intrapersonal,

Discusses Comprehension

TITLE: Square wave of programmable frequency

To Study change in BeagleBoard/ ARM Cortex A5 /Microprocessor /CPU frequency.

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Write an application to and demonstrate the change in

BeagleBoard/ ARM Cortex A5 /Microprocessor /CPU frequency or square wave of

programmable frequency.

SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Embedded Linux Operating Systems, geditor and GCC,

HARDWARE REQUIRED: BeagleBoard, ARM Cortex A5, DC Motor Interfacing cables and

INPUT: AC Signal Sine wave.

OUTPUT: Square wave on CRO based on frequency of DC motor.

MATHEMATICAL MODEL (State Transition Diagram)

Let S be a set such that

S={s, e, i, o, f, DD, NDD, success, failure}

s=initial state

e = end state

i= input of the system.

o=output of the system.

f= functions
DD-deterministic data it helps identifying the load store functions or assignment functions.

NDD- Non deterministic data of the system S to be solved.

Success-desired outcome generated.

Failure-Desired outcome not generated or forced exit due to system error.

States: S0 S1 S2 S3 S4

S0: initial State (Power supply)

S1: Monitor Display editor (Write and Design application using gedit)

S2: Beagle Board Black

S3: DC Motor

S4: Final State (Square wave o/p on CRO)


What is BeagleBone Black?

BeagleBone Black is a low-cost, community-supported development platform for developers and

hobbyists. Boot Linux in under 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 minutes
with just a single USB cable.

Processor: AM335x 1GHz ARM® Cortex-A8

 512MB DDR3 RAM

 4GB 8-bit eMMC on-board flash storage

 3D graphics accelerator

 NEON floating-point accelerator

 2x PRU 32-bit microcontrollers


 USB client for power & communications

 USB host

 Ethernet


 2x 46 pin headers

Software Compatibility

 Debian
 Android

 Ubuntu

 Cloud9 IDE on Node.js w/ BoneScript library

 plus much more

FREQUENCY: Frequency describes the number of waves that pass a fixed place in a given
amount of time
Example: if the time it takes for a wave to pass is is 1/2 second, the frequency is 2 per second. If
it takes 1/100 of an hour, the frequency is 100 per hour.
Usually frequency is measured in the hertz unit, named in honor of the 19th-century German
physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.


1. Set up the connection as shown in block diagram.

2. Give +5V AC supply to BeagleBoard Black.
3. Interface the peripheral devices with the BeagleBoard Black like Monitor, DC
Motor as shown in block diagram.
4. Write and Design an application program in gedit to generate a Square wave.
5. Compile application program using gcc compiler.
6. Provide power supply to CRO and interface CRO with the DC MOTOR.
7. Finally we can see Square waves are generated on CRO.


Hence, we have successfully studied concept of frequency and generation of square wave of
programmable frequency.


Upon completion Students will be able to:

ELO: Explain and design the Square wave of programmable frequency on BeagleBoard Black.

1. What is beagleboard black?
2. What are the features of beagle board balck?
3. What is the process to update the SW in the board?
4. How can boot from the microSD instead of the eMMC?
5. Explain the Device Tree?
6. Where can find Android for the BeagleBone Black?
7. How do get the BeagleBone Black Drivers to work on my Windows 8 computer?
8. What is the polarity of the DC power jack?
9. Define frequency?
10. What is the unit of frequency?
11. Draw diagram for different type of general frequency?
12. Define Amplitude?
13. Define Wavelength?
14. What is DC motor?
15. Explain working of DC Motor?
16. Write difference between AC and DC?
17. What is CRO?
18. List different types of embedded linux operating system?


Network Based Application Using IP Address of Beagle

Black Bone

Session Plan
Time Content Learning Aid / Faculty Approach Typical Skill / Competency
( min) Methodology Student Developed.

10 Relevance and Chalk & Talk Introduces, Listens, Knowledge,

significance of Explains Participates, intrapersonal
Problem Discusses

15 Explanation of Chalk & Talk , Introduces, Listens, Knowledge,

Problem Facilitates, intrapersonal,
statement Hardware Model Explains Participates, Application

15 How to set static Demonstration, Explains, Listens, Knowledge,

IP address of Video, Hardware Facilitates, intrapersonal,
BEAGLE Model Monitors Participates,
BLACK BONE interpersonal

60 Develop N/A Guides, Facilitates Participates, Comprehension,

network based Discusses
application like Monitors Hands on
File transfer, experiment
Chat application

10 Assessment N/A Monitors Participates, Knowledge,

Discusses Application

10 Conclusions Keywords Lists, Facilitates Listens, Knowledge,

Participates, intrapersonal,
Discusses Comprehension

TITLE: Network Based Application Using IP Address of Beagle Black Bone.

1. To create any network application using IP address of Beagle Black Bone.
Develop a network based application by setting IP address on BeagleBoard/ ARM Cortex A5.

SOFTWARE REQ UIRED: Embedded Linux Operating Systems, GCC Compiler

HARDWARE REQUIRED: Beagle black bone board with ARM Cortex Processor & cables
for interfacing.

INPUT: Input will be setting static IP address of BEAGLE BLACK BONE and Linux System

OUTPUT: Develop application like file transfer and chatting etc.

MATHEMATICAL MODEL (State Transition Diagram)

Let S be a set such that

S={s, e, i, o, f, DD, NDD, success, failure}

s=initial state

e = end state

i= input of the system.

o=output of the system.

f= functions

DD-deterministic data it helps identifying the load store functions or assignment functions.

NDD- Non deterministic data of the system S to be solved.

Success-desired outcome generated.

By default, the IP address of the Beaglebone Black is set dynamically using the DHCP server on
your network. That is very useful; however, if we wish to map the Beaglebone to an external port
(virtual server) on your network, or you wish to force your Beaglebone to have a specific
identifiable location in your home you need to change our IP address to be static. The static
address of BEAGLE BLACK BONE and Linux system should be same so it is useful to

communicate between them.

For Communication following steps should follow,

Step 1 – Setting the Name server

The first thing we need to do is set the nameserver(s) manually, as once you go through step 2,
removing dhcp support, this setting will likely be lost. If you wish to use the nameserver that you
currently have as above ( in my case), simply call the script set-nameservers (note: is the Google Public DNS – always a useful backup DNS if your local DNS fails):
Step 2- Changing the Network Settings

To change adapter settings to use a static IP address, so using the set-ipv4-method  script in


Connman Command:-
It provides a daemon for managing internet connections within embedded devices running the
Linux operating system. The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few
resources as possible, so it can be easily integrated. It is a fully modular system that can be
extended, through plug-ins, to support all kinds of wired or wireless technologies. Also,
configuration methods, like DHCP and domain name resolving, are implemented using plug-ins.
The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption and modification for various use cases.

Hence, we develop network application like chat,file transfer using static IP address of


Upon completion Students will be able to:

ELO: Develop a network based application using IP address of Beagle board /ARM Cortex



1.What is default static IP address of Beagle Black Bone?

2.How to change IP address of Beagle Black Bone?
3.Explain the command Connman
4.Enlist the steps to set IP address of Beagle Black Bone.
5.How network based application like CHAT works on Linux operating System.
6. How network based application like File transfer works on Linux operating System.
7.Explain different types of Communication.
8.Enlist the protocols used for Communication Purpose.
9.Enlist different commands which are used to execute program with Beagle Black Bone.
10.Explain the different applications of Beagle Black Bone.



Robotic Application using Embedded System

Session Plan
Time Content Learning Aid / Faculty Approach Typical Skill / Competency
Methodology Student Developed.
( min) Activity

10 Relevance and Chalk & Talk Introduces, Explains Listens, Knowledge,

significance of Participates, intrapersonal
Problem Discusses

15 Explanation of Chalk & Talk , Introduces, Listens, Knowledge,

Problem Facilitates, Explains intrapersonal,
statement Hardware Model Participates,


15 Use of Stepper Demonstration, Explains, Facilitates, Listens, Knowledge,

Motor in Robotic Video, Hardware Monitors intrapersonal,
Arm Model Participates,

60 Implementation N/A Guides, Facilitates Participates, Comprehension,

of problem Discusses
statement Monitors Hands on experiment

10 Assessment N/A Monitors Participates, Knowledge,

Discusses Application

10 Conclusions Keywords Lists, Facilitates Listens, Knowledge,

Participates, intrapersonal,
Discusses Comprehension

TITLE: Robotic Application using Embedded System

1. To demonstrate movement of Robotic arm using stepper motor.

Develop Robotic (stepper motor) Application using Beagleblack bone Board.

SOFTWARE REQ UIRED: Embedded Linux Operating Systems, GCC Compiler

HARDWARE REQUIRED: Beagle black bone board with ARM Cortex Processor, Robotic
Arm (stepper motor) and cables for interfacing.

INPUT: Input data as default values and user defined values.

OUTPUT: It will rotate Robotic Arm in clockwise/anticlockwise direction.

MATHEMATICAL MODEL (State Transition Diagram)
Let S be a set such that

S={s, e, i, o, f, DD, NDD, success, failure}

s=initial state

e = end state

i= input of the system.

o=output of the system.

f= functions

DD-deterministic data it helps identifying the load store functions or assignment functions.

NDD- Non deterministic data of the system S to be solved.

Success-desired outcome generated.

States: S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

S0: initial State (Power supply)

S1: Monitor Display editor (Write and Design application using gedit)

S2: Beagle Board Black

S3: stepper Motor

S4: Final State (clockwise Rotation)

S5: Final State (Anticlockwise Rotation

A step motor can be viewed as a synchronous AC motor with the number of poles (on both rotor
and stator) increased, taking care that they have no common denominator. Additionally, soft
magnetic material with many teeth on the rotor and stator cheaply multiplies the number of poles
(reluctance motor). Modern steppers are of hybrid design, having both permanent magnets and
soft iron cores.
A stepper motor is made up of a rotor, which is normally a permanent magnet and it is, as the
name suggests the rotating component of the motor. A stator is another part which is in the form
of winding. In the diagram below, the center is the rotor which is surrounded by the stator
winding. This is called as four phase winding.

Unipolar vs Bipolar
Unipolar motors use 6 wires and require a unipolar driver. In addition to the A and B phases,
there are two extra wires called the common wires, Current always flows in one direction: from
the phases, through the common wires. In addition, only one portion of the motor is energized at
a time. Bipolar motors use 4 wires and require a bipolar drive. Common wires are not used.
Current can flow in two directions. In addition, two phases can be energized at one time.

Working of Stepper Motor

The centre tap on the stator winding allows the current in the coil to change direction when the
winding are grounded. The magnetic property of the stator changes and it will selectively attract
and repel the rotor, thereby resulting in a stepping motion for the motor.

Stepping Sequence
In order to get correct motion of the motor, a stepping sequence has to be followed. This
stepping sequence gives the voltage that must be applied to the stator phase. Normally a 4 step
sequence is followed.

When the sequence is followed from step 1 to 4, we get a clock wise rotation and when it is
followed from step 4 to 1, we get a counter clockwise rotation.

Step No A A B B
1 1 0 0 1
2 1 1 0 0
3 0 1 1 0
4 0 0 1 1

Interfacing Diagram

The diagram shows the interfacing of stepper motor to a micro-controller. This is general
diagram and can be applied to any micro-controller family like ARM, PIC micro-controller,
AVR or 8051 micro-controller.

Since, the micro-controller cannot provide enough current to run the motor, a driver like a
ULN2003 is used to drive the motor. Similarly, individual transistors or any other driver IC can
also be used to drive the motor. See to it that if required, the external pull up resistors is
connected to pins depending on the micro-controller you use. The motor must never be directly
connected to the controller pins. The motor Voltage depends on the size of the motor.
A typical 4 phase uni-polar stepper motor has 5 terminals. 4 phase terminals and one common
terminal of the center tap that is connected to ground.

The programming algorithm for continuous rotation in clockwise mode is given below-

1) Initialize the port pins used for the motor as outputs

2) Write a common delay program of say 500 ms
3) Output first sequence on the pins
4) Call delay function
5) Output second sequence on the pins
6) Call delay function
7) Output third sequence on the pins
8) Call delay function
9) Output fourth sequence on the pins
10) Call delay function
11) Go to step 3

Hence, we have successfully developed and demonstrated Robotic Arm application using
stepper motor with Beagleblack bone board.


Upon completion Students will be able to:

ELO: Construct a robotics application using stepper motor interfacing with Beagle board /ARM

Cortex Processor.


1. What is stepper motor?

2. Which are the various types of stepper motor?
3. What is difference between stepper motor and regular motor?
4. What is difference between stepper motor and servo motor?
5. What do you mean by unipolar stepper motor?
6. What do you mean by bipolar stepper motor?
7. What is Permanent magnet stepper?

8. What is Hybrid synchronous stepper?

9. What is Variable reluctance stepper?

10. What is Lavet type stepping motor?

11. What is the use of Stepper motor controllers?

12. Explain concept of fullstepping.
13. Explain concept of microstepping.
14. Explain concept of halfstepping.
15. What is robotics?
16. What is the definition of a 'robot'?
17. When did robots, as we know them today, come into existence?
18. Which are the various applications of Robotics?
19. How many stepper motors are required in Robotic Arm?
20. Can Robotic arm work in water or ice?

T1: Lyla B. Das, “Embedded Systems: An Integrated Approach” Pearson, ISBN:978-81-317-
T2: Christopher Hallinan, “Embedded Linux Primer”, Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: 0-13-167984-8,
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-167984-9

R1: Peter Barry, Patric Crowley, “Modern Embedded Computing, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-93- 81269-77-0
R2: Karim Yaghmour, “Embedded Android”, O'Reilly, ISBN: 978-1-449-30829-2, Pdf


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