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Append 1 A

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Appendix 1: List of symbols

Symbol Description
a Acceleration m/s2

a0 Bohr radius m
A Area m2
A* Richardson constant m/s
AC Collector area m2
AE Emitter area m2
b Bimolecular recombination constant m3/s

c Speed of light in vacuum m/s

C Capacitance per unit area F/m2
CD Diffusion capacitance per unit area F/m2
CDS Drain-source capacitance F
CFB Flatband capacitance per unit area of a MOS structure F/m2
CG Gate capacitance F
CGS Gate-source capacitance F

CGD Gate-drain capacitance F

CHF High-frequency capacitance per unit area of a MOS structure F/m2
Cj Junction capacitance per unit area F/m2
CLF Low-frequency (quasi-static) capacitance per unit area of a MOS structure F/m2
CM Miller capacitance F
Cox Oxide capacitance per unit area F/m2

Cs Semiconductor capacitance per unit area F/m2

Dn Electron diffusion constant m2/s
Dp Hole diffusion constant m2/s
E Energy Joule
E Electric field V/m

E0 Lowest energy in a one-dimensional quantum well Joule

Ea Acceptor energy Joule

Ebr Breakdown field V/m

Ec Conduction band energy of a semiconductor Joule

Ed Donor energy Joule
EF Fermi energy (thermal equilibrium) Joule
EF,n Fermi energy in an n-type semiconductor Joule
EF,p Fermi energy in a p-type semiconductor Joule

Eg Energy bandgap of a semiconductor Joule

Ei Intrinsic Fermi energy Joule
En nth quantized energy Joule
Eph Photon energy Joule
Et Trap energy Joule
Ev Valence band energy of a semiconductor Joule

Evacuum Electron energy in vacumm Joule

F(E) Distribution function (probability density function)
fBE(E) Bose-Einstein distribution function
fFD(E) Fermi-Dirac distribution function
fMB(E) Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function
F Force Newton
Fn Quasi-Fermi energy of electrons Joule

Fp Quasi-Fermi energy of holes Joule

gE) Density of states per unit energy and per unit volume m-3J-1
g(E) Density of states in the conduction band per unit energy and per unit volume m-3J-1
g(E) Density of states in the valence band per unit energy and per unit volume m-3J-1
gd Output conductance of a MOSFET S
gm Transconductance of a MOSFET S
G Carrier generation rate m-3s-1
Gn Electron generation rate m-3s-1

Gp Hole generation rate m-3s-1

h Plank's constant Js

h Reduced Plank's (= h /2π) Js

I Current A
IB Base current of a bipolar transistor A
IC Collector current of a bipolar transistor A
ID Drain current of a MOSFET A

IE Emitter current of a bipolar transistor A

IF Forward active current of a bipolar transistor A
ID,sat Drain current of a MOSFET in saturation A
Iph Photo current A
Ir Recombination current A
IR Reverse active current of a bipolar transistor A

Is Saturation current A
Isc Short circuit current of a solar cell A
J Current density A/m2
Jn Electron current density A/m2
Jp Hole current density A/m2
Boltzmann's constant J/K
wavenumber m-1
l Mean free path m
L Length m
LD Debye length m
Ln Electron diffusion length m
Lp Hole diffusion length m
Lx Hole diffusion length m
m Mass kg

m* Effective mass kg
mA Atomic mass kg
m0 Free electron mass kg
me* Effective mass of electrons kg
mh* Effective mass of holes kg
Proton mass kg
Multiplication factor
Electron density m-3
Refractive index
Ideality factor
ni Intrinsic carrier density m-3

n(E) Electron density per unit energy and per unit volume m-3
n0 Electron density in thermal equilibrium m-3
ni Intrinsic carrier density m-3
nn Electron density in an n-type semiconductor m-3
nn0 Thermal equilibrium electron density in an n-type semiconductor m-3
np Electron density in a p-type semiconductor m-3

np0 Thermal equilibrium electron density in a p-type semiconductor m-3

Number of particles
Doping density
Na Acceptor doping density m-3
Na- Ionized acceptor density m-3
NA Avogadro's number
NB Base doping density m-3
Nc Effective density of states in the conduction band m-3
NC Collector doping density m-3

Nd Donor doping density m-3

Nd+ Ionized donor density m-3
NE Emitter doping density m-3
Nss Surface state density m-2
Nt Recombination trap density m-2
Nv Effective density of states in the valence band m-3

Hole density m-3

p Particle momentum kgm/s
Pressure Nm-2
p(E) Hole density per unit energy m-3
p0 Hole density in thermal equilibrium m-3
pn Hole density in an n-type semiconductor m-3

pn0 Thermal equilibrium hole density in an n-type semiconductor m-3

pp Hole density in a p-type semiconductor m-3
pp0 Thermal equilibrium hole density in a p-type semiconductor m-3
q electronic charge C
Heat Joule
Charge C

QB Majority carrier charge density in the base C/m2

Qd Charge density per unit area in the depletion layer of an MOS structure C/m2
Charge density per unit area at threshold in the depletion layer of an MOS
Qd,T C/m2

Qi Interface charge density per unit area C/m2

Qinv Inversion layer charge density per unit area C/m2
QM Charge density per unit area in a metal C/m2
Qn Charge density per unit area in the depletion layer of an n-type region C/m2
Qp Charge density per unit area in the depletion layer of a p-type region C/m2

Qss Surface state charge density per unit area C/m2

re Emitter resistance Ohm

rπ Base resistance Ohm

The Rydberg constant J

Resistance Ohm
Rn Electron recombination rate m-3s-1
Rp Hole recombination rate m-3s-1

Rs Sheet resistance Ohm

s Spin
S Entropy J/K
t Thickness m
tox Oxide thickness m
Temperature Kelvin
Kinetic energy Joule

uω Spectral density Jm-3s-1

U Total energy Joule

UA Auger recombination rate m-3s-1
Ub-b Band-to-band recombination rate m-3s-1
Un Net recombination rate of electrons m-3s-1
Up Net recombination rate of holes m-3s-1
USHR Shockley-Read-Hall recombination rate m-3s-1

v Velocity m/s
vR Richardson velocity m/s
vsat Saturation velocity m/s
vth Thermal velocity m/s
Potential energy Joule
Volume m3

Va Applied voltage V
VA Early voltage V
Vbr Breakdown voltage V
VB Base voltage V
VBE Base-emitter voltage V
VBC Base-collector voltage V

VC Collector voltage V
VCE Collector-emitter voltage V
VD Drain voltage V
VDS Drain-source voltage V
VDS,sat Drain-source saturation voltage V
VE Emitter voltage V

VFB Flatband voltage V

VG Gate voltage V
VGS Gate-source voltage V
Voc Open circuit voltage of a solar cell V
Vt Thermal voltage V
VT Threshold voltage of an MOS structure V

w Depletion layer width m

wB Base width m
wC Collector width m
wE Emitter width m
wn Width of an n-type region m
wp Width of a p-type region m
W Work Joule
x Position m
xd Depletion layer width in an MOS structure m

xd,T Depletion layer width in an MOS structure at threshold m

xj Junction depth m
xn Depletion layer width in an n-type semiconductor m
xp Depletion layer width in a p-type semiconductor m

Absorption coefficient m-1

Transport factor

αF Forward active transport factor

αn Ionization rate coefficient for electrons m-1

αR Reverse active transport factor

αT Base transport factor

β Current gain

γ Body effect parameter V1/2

γE Emitter efficiency

Γn Auger coefficient for electrons m6s-1

Γp Auger coefficient for holes m6s-1

δn Excess electron density m-3

δp Excess hole density m-3

δR Depletion layer recombination factor

∆Qn,B Excess electron charge density in the base C/m2

ε Dielectric constant F/m

ε0 Permittivity of vacuum F/m

εox Dielectric constant of the oxide F/m

εs Dielectric constant of the semiconductor F/m

µ0 Permeability of vacuum H/m

Θ Tunnel probability

λ Wavelength m

µ Electro-chemical potential Joule

µn Electron mobility m2/V-s

µp Hole mobility m2/V-s

ν Frequency Hz

Charge density per unit volume C/m3

Resistivity Ωm

ρox Charge density per unit volume in the oxide C/m3

σ Conductivity Ω −1m-1

τ Scattering time s

τn Electron lifetime s

τp Hole lifetime s

φ Potential V

φB Barrier height V

φF Bulk potential V

φi Built-in potential of a p-n diode or Schottky diode V

φs Potential at the semiconductor surface V

Φ Flux m-2s-1

ΦM Workfunction of the metal V

ΦMS Workfunction difference between the metal and the semiconductor V

ΦS Workfunction of the semiconductor V

χ Electron affinity of the semiconductor V

Ψ Wavefunction
ω Radial frequency rad/s

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